arts festival for democracy in chile organised...

ARTS FESTIVAL FOR DEMOCRACY IN CHILE organised by ARTISTS FOR DEMOCRACY at the Royal College of Art, London 14 October - 30 October 1974 open daily (except Sunday) 10 am to 9 pm Señora Salvador Allende speaking before a mass rally in support of Chilean resistance , Trafalgar Square. London. 15 September 1974. Organised by the British Joint Labour Movement and the Chile Solidarity Ca mpaign. In tbe foreground are trade union banners a nd in the background Chile Vencern banner by John Dugger of AFD

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    organised by


    at the Royal College of Art, London

    14 October - 30 October 1974

    open daily (except Sunday) 10 am to 9 pm

    Señora Salvador Allende speaking before a mass rally in support of Chilean resistance , Trafalgar Square. London. 15 September 1974. Organised by the British Joint Labour Movement and the Chile Solidarity Ca mpaign. In tbe foreground are trade union banners and in the background Chile Vencern banner by John Dugger of AFD






    Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial y/o total. Conforme a la ley

    Nº 17.336 sobre Propiedad Intelectual de Chile.


    Señora Horlcnsia Bussi de Allende, J udilh Hart MP, Professsor Alvaro Bunster, Harald Edelstam, Leo Abse MP, J oan Lestor MP, Professor Maurice Wilkins FRS. Sir Roland Penrose, Joris lvens, Mary McCarlhy, Constance Cummings, Joseph Losey, Peler Townsend, Edward Wright, David Sylvester, George Melly, Chile Solidarity Campaign, National Union of Sludcnts.


    Adamus, AGOR-MMBA , Aijalaksoo , Albrecht D .. Allcy , Amiard , Alelier Lautaro . Ballet Popular Chilena, Bannerjec , Barker, Beke , Berlholo , Peter Blaekman , P. Scotl Blackman, Boekman, Bollar , Braden , Brell , Bruce , Calles , Caraballo. Caro , Castillo , Castro, Chen , Chissano , Christo , Cinema Action, Ciotli, Clark. Clegg , Tom Cohen , Cookc, Corlázar , Coxhead , Cummings, Libba Davies. M. Davies. del Renzio , Dewata , Donagh. Dorfman , Dugger , Eathcrley, Elias , Ellin. el Razza7 . Farley , Fireslone, Hervé Fischer , Fisher , Folklore Chilena , Forest , Fraire , Erie Fried , Getino , Gincr , Ginsberg , Glusbcrg, Godard, Gonzalcz , Graham, Grigg, Grogan , Guerrilla Arl Aclion Group , Grupo de Teatro Laularo des Volkthcalers Rostock (DDR). Grnpo de Trece CAYC , Gustavsson. Harte!. Vic Heath . Hendricks. Debbi Hess, Hiller, Hoekney, Houédard tdsh), Howell, Hunler-Henderson, Huntley, Husband , Hussein , Imrnendorf , lvens , Jayasuriya. Jones , Keane. Kennedy , Kessel , Kitaj, Kim, Knox , Kwate , Langc , Lansley. Larscn , Lec , Lek. Lcggell. Lijn , Liss , Litten , Lewis , Lewitt , Limilcd Dance Company, Lundstrom, Donnic MacRitchie. Lynn MacRitcbie , McCarthy , Manriqucz , Markcr , Masoero, Massip , Matsinhe, N. May , Pepe Maya, Medalla, Miles. Adrian Mitchell. Mumprecht, Muel, Hayden M urphy. Namboodiri , Nayar , Neizvelzny , Nerkner , Nighlingalc, Ogaz. Claes Oldenburg. Meret Oppcnhcin1. Padín. Pcarce , Pechter , Pcnn , Pipsi. Ponte , Potter, Prado de Caravalho. Janicc Punchard. Puppcl Trce , Pusey. Pyc, Qabb'im, Qoakka, Rabbit Prcss, Rajcndra , Rccdy , Redfcrn , Red Slar Puppct Thealrc , Rickword , Rodríguez , Roberls. Robichct. Rosen. Andrcw Salkey. Sall. Sanjincs. Sehwarlz. Scolt. Scmbcnc , Sharkcy , Sky Jackcr , John Smith . Pi ppa Smith , Petcr Smilh. M. Snow, Solanas. Sosa, Sprung , Staeck , Sylvia Slcvcns, Stoekholm Acadcmy of Art Film Collectivc , Stojevic. Strausbcrg, Strauss. Sung Wcn-Shih, Tcrra, Third World Troubadours , Tobas . Toche , Toz zi. Pedro Uharl , UHURU Arls Group. Ultvcdl, U M:wng , van Geluwe , Vicuña , Vida! , Walcy, Wicland, Woolston , Wrighl, Xhan Duc, Yhap, Zabala , Zaratc, Zorilla , Amara! ; Aristia, Ariztizabal. Azocar . BBKA-Dutch Art Workers Lcaguc , Batti Mamzcllc, Boshick. Bowcn , Caboo , Campbcll , Mario Castro. Centro Documentazionc Cinema e Lolla di Classc , Chabot. Cucco, Cliff. Couzzyn, Cruz-Diez. Dooley , Domingucz. Fcrrcira . Flcury. Forgas , Fromangcr , Gray. Grupo de la Joven Pintura , Grupo Malassi , Punila Gup!a. Hammond , Hiddcn , Jarrcl!. Kiki. Kyrlitsias. Latil , Le Pare , Leverctl , Martín. Martinoyo , Mcsac , Miguel , More! , Morteyrol , Parre , Percival. Percz Roma. Phillips. Pignon. Polychronopoulos, Rumers. Tak ako Saito , Searle , Dorothee Selz, Salona , Sotelo , J. R. Soto, T. Thomas , Tisserand , Valcntiner, Vigo , Vylbrief Zamora. Zanarlu , and many others.

    Picase 110/e: this lisl is ncccssarily incomplete as it was compilcd thrcc weeks beforc the festival opening . A complete list of parlicipanls will be included in THE BOOK OF THE CHILE FESTIVAL which ARTISTS FOR DEMOCRACY will publish shorlly aftcr the festival cnds. Thc book will cost f5 per copy (plus a small charge for packing & postage). H you wish to buy a copy of THE BOOK OF THE CHILE FESTLVAL , picase write to: BM-ARTISTS FOR DEMOCRACY, David Medalla , London WCLV 6XX and send us your cheque or postal money order for f5 .25p.

    David Medalla , chairman ,

    Cecilia Vicuña and John Duggcr , festival coordinators ,

    Guy Brett , secretary , and ali thc members of


    warmly invite

    and friends

    !o lhc opening night of lhe


    011 Monda y J 4 October 1974 al 6.30 pm

    at The Hall of thc Royal Collcge of Art , Kensinglon Gore, London SW7 2EU

    RSV P B M-Arlisls for Dcmocracy , London WCl V 6XX


    l111•ocatio11 011 conga drwns by Caboo of Trinidad

    l. Mavis Penn will introduce David Medalla who will speak on behal( o( Artists Cor

    Democracy .

    2. Colin Grigg will introduce Cecilia Vicuña who will read a declaration by Chilean

    cultural workcrs.

    3. Guy Brell will introduce Professor Alvaro Bunstcr who will speak on behalf o( the

    London Corrnnittee for Human Rights in Chile.

    4. Steve Sprung will introduce Brian Nicholson , chairman of the Chile Solidarity Campaign,

    who will speak on the British working people's solidarity with the Chilean people.

    5. Ann Hodges will introduce Peter Blackman who will read sclections from his poem

    Song for Ali Men.

    6. Rob Hunter-Henderson will introduce Conslancc Cummings who will read two poems

    from Ca1110 general by Pablo Neruda: 'Los 111.11er1os de la plaza' ('Thc Dead in the

    Squarc') and 'El pueblo victoriosu' ('Thc peoplc victorious') , and a poem by Víctor Jara:

    Te rec11erdo, A manda ('I rcmembcr you. Amanda').

    7. Tina Keanc will introduce a performance o( Víctor Jara 's Te rec11erdu, A 111a11da

    by the Red Star Shadow Puppcl Theatrc. Director: Jun Tcrra.

    8. Lynn MacRitchie , John Duggcr and Catharine Waley will announcc the evenls in the

    festival and will rcad mcssages of support and solidarity with lhe Chilean pcople in

    their hcroic fight againsl fascism .

    9. Pippa Smith will introduce Libba Davies who will read lhrce poems by Violeta Parra :

    La carta (The lettcr '), Me g11s1a11 los es111dia111es ('1 likc thc students'), and

    Gracias a la vida (Thanks !o lifc ').

    10. Sylvia Stevens will introduce a performance of Violeta Parra 's Gracias a la vida

    ('Thanks to lifc') by Martha Grogan (danccr). Peter Smith (guitar) , and Simon Steyne

    (flute) .

    11. Jonathan Miles will introduce 7-year -old Accabre Huntle y who will read her poems in

    support of thc Chilean rcsistancc .

    12. Steve Pusey will introduce 75-ycar-old Andrcw Kim who will per[orm rhythmic

    movements with illuminatecl Chinc sc clubs to thc song Todos junios ('Ali logether')

    composed and sung by Los Jaivas musical group of Chile.

    13. Mass-singing by Arlists for Dcmocracy and thc audiencc of thc Chilcan revolution~ry

    song El p11eblo unido jamas sera 1•e11cidu: The people unitcd can ncver be defeated '.

    14. Mitch Davies will introduce the film Chilea11 Scplembcr made in 1973-74 by the

    French film-makers Bruno Muel and Thco Robichel.

  • I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other Chileans will overcome these dark and bitter moments when treachery reigns. Y 011 m11st know that

    sooner rather than later, there will again open 11p broad avenues of poplars along which worthy men and women will walk to build a new society.

    Long live Chile' Long live the people! Long live the workers! President Salvador Allende of Chile

    l l Scptcmbcr l 973

    By yo11r ex(1!nple we shall grow. We shall he a 11111ltit11de 11pon this earth. 011r energy will he an ocean's infinity.

    Today's prisons will be tomorrow's victory. Pablo Neruda

    Cultural Fro,ll of tire Popular U11ity Govemme11t

    oil on canvas. May 1973. by Cecilia Vicuña.


    Tuesday 15 October at 7 pm: thc Chilcan writer Aricl Dorfman will speak at a Symposium on Cultural lmperialism and Latin American art and culture.

    Friday 18 October at 7 pm: Symposium on Art and Culture in Asia. In the cha ir: Lek of Kampuchea and J un Terra of the Philippines.

    Friday 25 October at 7 pm: Symposium on Art and Culture in Africa and the Black culture of thc Caribbcan. In the chair: Lcstcr Lewis.

    Saturday 26 October is Poctry Day. Saturdays are also children's days. Monday 21 October at 6.30 prn: Syrnposiurn on Third World culture will be held al the Architectural Association. 34-36 Bedford Square , London WCI. as part of the Arts Festival for Dernocracy in Chile organised by Artists for Democracy.

    The auction sale of art works in thc cxhibition will be held on Wednesday 30 October 1974 al 8 pm, inside The Hall of the

    Royal Collegc of Arl, Kensington Gore, SW7 2EU.

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