artificial intelligence science fiction or science fact

Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Science Fact? Can Machines be Conscious? sented by D. Marie Clayton 9, 2012

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  • 1. Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Science Fact? Can Machines be Conscious? Presented by D. Marie Clayton May 9, 2012

2. Can Machines Be Conscious? Can machines think? Can they be conscious and sentient in the sense of human intelligence? Lets define intelligence - Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and even some machines. 2 3. Artificial Intelligence: What It Is Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines and computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. 3 4. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence and its advancements The field of AI research was founded at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956. The attendees, including John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, became the leaders of AI research for many decades. They and their students wrote programs that were, to most people, simply astonishing: Computers were solving word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and speaking English. Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 2 of 32 4/2/2012 4 5. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence and Its Advancements 5 Video games use it and artificial intelligence is also part of medical equipment and it is also used to help disabled and non-disabled people function with tools such as voice dictation (i.e. Dragon). Source: 6. Artificial Intelligence in Science Fiction The theory of artificial intelligence has long been a staple of novels, television series and films. In many of them, humans have created these sentient humanoids who suddenly decide they no longer have any use for their creators and seek to destroy them. Theres gratitude for you! 6 7. Books 7 8. Movies 8 9. Bicentennial Man Movie Trailer 9 10. Television Series 10 11. A computer has beaten a human world chess champion Airline reservation kiosks Appliances ATMs Autopilot in airplanes Cell phone apps, etc. High-tech computer animation used in movies and video games New computers/cell phones coming out Robotic vacuum cleaners (i.e. Roomba) Security systems The conversion from analog to digital TV Video games 11 Artificial Intelligence in Science Fact 12. 12 Conclusion In order to answer the question whether or not machines can someday be designed with true intelligence, one must consider the following: It is of the essence of conscience that speaks to us of the rightness and wrongness of our actions, that it passes judgment on our actions, and advising us whether they attain or fall short of their purpose. One form of conscience, the conscious, we all recognize. It is a judgment made by our practical intellect, telling us whether an action we are about to do is in harmony with the total being of our person, i.e., with our commitments, convictions, and destiny and therefore good, in which case the conscience commands that the act be done. If not, conscience warns us that the action is bad and therefore to be avoided. Just what is meant by an unconscious conscience? Is such a thing possible? If unconscious were used in the sense of entirely non-cognitive, i.e., not available to man's powers of perception and interpretation, it would certainly have no meaning. For a judgment that could not be recognized would be useless. Computers, regardless of how smart they are, cannot perceive any of these things. They simply cannot make judgment calls. 13. Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Science Fact? Can Machines be Conscious? Presented by D. Marie Clayton May 9, 2012