articulate storyline tips in 140 characters or less


Upload: artisanelrng

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less



Page 2: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

We asked the #elearning

community to share their best

articulate storyline tips in 140

characters or less with


Here are some of our favorites…

Page 3: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less


If something isn’t working

in your project, check your

triggers #storyline140

Page 4: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Click off the stage to deselect

all objects when creating slide

based triggers #storyline140


Page 5: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Use button sets. Love button sets.

Live button sets. #storyline140


Page 6: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Get course duration: publish >

click the vertical dots next to

the course title. #storyline140


Page 7: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Can’t apply states to a grouped

object? Ungroup object, cut and

paste all elements except base

objects into the normal state.



Page 8: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

#elearning tip. Auto generate

lorem ipsum. Insert text > type

=lorem() > tap enter key. There

ya go! #storyline140


Page 9: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

The format painter is your

friend. Use it to improve

efficiency. #storyline140


Page 10: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Think mobile when creating a

‘hover state’ and add a duplicate

‘down state’. #storyline140


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I love this one!



Page 12: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

#storyline140 tip: Quickly link

scenes by clicking on the link

icon at the bottom of a slide in

story view.


Page 13: Articulate Storyline Tips in 140 Characters or Less

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storyline tips with us

on twitter by using
