article v convention / why not? here's why not

Article V Convention “AKA” “Convention of the States” “AKA” Con-Con-Con Madison’s Warning 2 November 1788 “Any thing changed is no longer the same”

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Constitutional education-- American Government-- The rational reasoning and rebuttal to the Article V Convention. James Madison letter voicing his deep concern.


Page 1: Article v convention / Why not? here's why not

Article V Convention “AKA”

“Convention of the States” “AKA”

Con-Con-Con !

Madison’s Warning2 November 1788


“Any thing changed is no longer the same”


Page 2: Article v convention / Why not? here's why not

Q: Does our Constitution already provide for controlling federal malfeasance?

A: Yes. It lists the purposes for which Congress is responsible. Jurisdiction is limited by the “enumerated powers” listed in the Constitution:

• If it’s on the list: With powers delegated to Congress or the President, Congress may lawfully appropriate funds for listed powers. Read the

Constitution and highlight the few basic delegated powers – then you will know

what Congress may lawfully appropriate funding for. • If it’s not on the list: Congress may not lawfully create agencies, programs or spend money on it. Editors Note: The “Change within the Form” or “Hegelian Dialect” process is at work here. The Constitution is not in crisis. society has been corrupted to provide opportunity for “traitorous and fictitious” solutions by use of willing dupes, as well as the manner of man that lurks within our halls of government. many corrupt “change agent” groups slouch outside Government. Stories abound of societally manipulative people who have had damaging effect on civil society while espousing “the Common Good.” Past experience illustrates well the attempts to weaken the Constitution. Vigilance is our best ally. Many on the Change agent list are suspect hidden agenda operations. Review the Biographical information from many sites to arrive at your own conclusion.

Page 3: Article v convention / Why not? here's why not

Q: What is the connection between the Standing

Constitution and the dangers of a “Con”-“Con”

the Father of the U.S. Constitution, James Madison, wrote this warning on November 2, 1788, against calling another general

constitutional convention. Quoting: !

"If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the

Constitution, it would:

naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress appointed to

administer and support as well as to amend the system;

it would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind;

an election into it would be courted by the most violent partisans on both sides;

it would probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters;

would be the very focus of that “flame” which has already too “much heated men” of all parties;


Page 4: Article v convention / Why not? here's why not

Q: What is the connection between the Standing

Constitution and the dangers of a “Con”-“Con” the Father of the U.S. Constitution, Cont.

!James Madison, wrote this warning on November 2, 1788, against calling another general

constitutional convention. Quoting continued: !

A Convention: would no doubt contain “individuals of insidious views”, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of “sapping the very foundations of the fabric”.

!"Under all these circumstances it seems scarcely to be presumable that the deliberations of the

body could be “conducted in harmony”, or “terminate in the general good”. !Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention which

assembled under every propitious circumstance, I should tremble for the result of a Second, meeting, in the present temper of America, and under all the disadvantages I have mentioned.”

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Q: What is the connection between the Standing

Constitution and the dangers of a “Con”-“Con”!

Madison’s Warnings Examined by point

!“Con”-“Con” Would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than

the Congress appointed to administer and support as well as to amend the

system; !A.that's exactly what the Con Con advocates want: a convention to do what Congress won't do. In many cases also what Congress should not do. Amendments,Well intended, but ill-written, or worse, manipulated by nefarious parties have alone created incalculable Damage to Constitutional Government. The 17th Amendment is a classic example. we determine to be steadfast in rebutting the false calls for a

“CON” - “CON- “CON”

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Madison’s Warnings Examined By Point Cont.


It would consequently give “greater agitation to the public mind”; A. Indeed, a Con Con would invariably attract dozens of groups

agitating for various changes, creating a bigger media event even than a presidential election and dominated by Mainstream Media and theatrical demonstrators.

! Election to it would be “courted by the most violent partisans on both sides”

B. .Although congress would be in charge of the numbers and apportionment of Con Con delegates, their election would surely attract "violent partisans on both sides" of many issues.


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Madison’s Warnings Examined By PointCont.

!it would probably consist of the “most heterogeneous” characters;

Note: heterogenous Defined: Collection of: Mixed, Disparate, Multifarious, mixed, motley.

!A.The Con Con would invariably consist of the most heterogeneous

characters . . . “heated men of all parties." Think big: a repeat performance of “Occupy Movement” "Organizing for America,” “Communist Party USA”, “Anti-private Property rights”, “anti religious rights”, “1968 Democratic Convention”, “Use of politically Correct Doctrine”, “The De-Population movement”, “Socialists,” “Communists”.Well, you get endless opportunities.

!“radical interests of any and every kind”

The list of agitators and clowns grows becoming a warning sign in an of itself

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Q: What is the connection between the Standing

Constitution and the dangers of a “Con”-“Con”

Madison’s Warnings Examined By Point Cont.

would be the “very focus” of “that flame” which has “already too much heated

men of all parties;”This Sentence by Madison is so clear as to need no

explanation for we have seen duels, lynchings, slander, corruption, none of which would be solved by “Change within the Form.” for none of these crises was caused by the Constitution, but by the flawed common member of the

political organization.

Editors note: In summation, the key point Madison was making, with the experience to back it up was:

The amendment process Amends-- On the other hand, a Constitutional Convention, removing, or worse, changing the Constitutions construct

would in any case, open “without Crises” Pandora’s Box. The possibilities for the realization of Madison’s fears would truly be

Prophetic words For The United States to dies by.

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!The Perfect Example

Of Constitution not the problem, “Con Coning” it is

The framers of the Constitution, and Bill of Rights, were unique in the History of the world, and

had all seen Repression of many kinds.Their understanding of other countries benefits and

failings manifested in the Documents of our Countries founding.

Attempts to weaken these most valuable documents began not long after the ink dried. In discussing one devastating example: 17th Amendment -1913

When Senators from the States became elected by popular vote, instead of being chosen and controlled by the States various Legislatures, the floodgates opened to what we have today in our present Government operations. Accountability was lost: Result, is graft, lobbying, no state control of decisions. This was a planned result. That single step-fix a non-crisis - deceived were the public, but well understood by the political manipulators, was a Devastating step. This process is today called: Hegelian Dialect:.Prepare end goal—create crisis-elevate crisis-propose prepared solution - implement prepared solution - repeat— In the 17th Amendment case, a procedural problem, not a crisis, allowed the change agents use of the Dialect to accomplish destruction of 1/3 of States powers of control over the Federal Government..

On the other hand removing unconstitutional items simply does not even take

amendments, but resolve and understanding of Nullification-10th Amendment

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Q: Would a BBA fix the Constitution? ( Balanced Budget Amendment )

A: None address the cause of the problem: Congress spends where they have no constitutional authority

to spend.The BBAs don’t eliminate the unconstitutional spending; and they place no limits on the amount of the unconstitutional spending

Q: Is a BBA harmful? !A: Yes. All versions of the BBA legalize spending which is now illegal and unconstitutional as outside the

scope of powers delegated to Congress or the President. !Q: Would a BBA fundamentally transform our Constitution? !A: Yes. All versions of the BBA amend out the enumerated powers limitations on the federal government and transform the federal government into one of general & unlimited powers where the feds may spend

money on whatever they want as long as they don’t exceed the spending limits “imposed” by the BBA. !Q: So a BBA changes the constitutional criterion for spending?

! A: Yes! All versions of the BBA ( balanced Budget Amendment ) change the criterion from: • WHAT Congress spends money on (it must be an enumerated power), to • A LIMIT on total spending, where Congress can spend the money on whatever they want. !

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Q: WHAT IS THE “HIDDEN PURPOSE” OF VERSIONS OF THE BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT?A: The sole purpose is to remove the enumerated powers limitations on the

federal government and give it general & unlimited powers. Remember the all important “we have a crisis to fix“ Government mantra. Total mis-information.

For more information on various versions of the BBA see:

1- Balancing the Budget? Or Adding A National Sales Tax To The Income Tax?

2- Why the balanced budget amendment is a hoax and a deadly trap

3- Why the balanced budget amendment is the worst idea ever

These three cogent dissertations are on

PubliusHuldah site.

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Conclusions to draw from this discussion concerning attempts to amend, or Force an Article V Convention

upon the Citizens of This Republic. 1. In educating oneself, the best method is to investigate the groups and or person

clambering for something. This is relevant to anything political, current, or historical. The

larger the list, the stronger the necessity of in depth investigation of the promoters.

2. In the case of the Constitution it should be readily apparent that the Constitution itself is not the enemy, not living, and not the problem we are faced with. Political manipulation

through “Political Correctness”, or viewing history with current events mentality is. Some

political factions are in essence “religions” wear no uniform, but are relentless in altering

history to create a corrupt worldview. When the altered reality is in place, the crisis appears

3. The discussion of “Change within the Form” is relevant here precisely because in order to

force the Article V Convention, or amend the Constitution, there has to be a formulated

crisis. The solution is simple, but being maligned, to create the illusion of crisis.

4. The Constitution was so well conceived, and so well understood by use of “The Federalist papers,” that it has withstood many attacks. The way to preserve the Constitution is to

study the words ( with a Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary ). In that study you will find the

10th amendment ( more commonly ) Nullification. Use it to fix a political problem created

by greed, power mongering, arrogance, and most of all “ money.” It’s the money honey.