article marketing strategy-how to approach article marketing in 2013 and beyond

Article marketing strategy-How to approach article marketing in 2013 and beyond A solid Article marketing Strategy is as important today as it was 5 years ago. 2012 was a hectic year for website owners. Many websites that were on the first page of Google were not there anymore after the updates. Google is putting more emphasis on Unique and personal content that is liked by many other users. What does this mean? This means that the content you produce has to be unique and when it is interesting for others it will be shared by them. Lets dissect this and add a very important aspect to this whole. The first thing you should do when you write an article is do keyword research. Online marketing, without proper keyword research is a recipe for failure. Keyword research can be as simple as using the Google keyword tool to using software like keyword samurai and keywordcanine. Of course there are many more methods to do keyword research. You keyword should have a reasonable search volume. For some people, reasonable search volume is 100.000 searches per month for others it can be 200 searches per month. It all depends on the market you want to target and the budget and time that is at your disposal.

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Article marketing strategy-How to approach article marketing in 2013 and beyond

Article marketing strategy-How to approach article marketing in 2013 and beyond

A solid Article marketing Strategy is as important today as it was 5 years ago.

2012 was a hectic year for website owners. Many websites that were on the first page of Google were not there anymore after the updates. Google is putting more emphasis on Unique and personal content that is liked by many other users.

What does this mean? This means that the content you produce has to be unique and when it is interesting for others it will be shared by them.

Lets dissect this and add a very important aspect to this whole.

The first thing you should do when you write an article is do keyword research. Online marketing, without proper keyword research is a recipe for failure.

Keyword research can be as simple as using the Google keyword tool to using software like keyword samurai and keywordcanine. Of course there are many more methods to do keyword research.

You keyword should have a reasonable search volume. For some people, reasonable search volume is 100.000 searches per month for others it can be 200 searches per month. It all depends on the market you want to target and the budget and time that is at your disposal.

Write about something that you are passionate about. When you do that, you will not have to think about it. It will be personal content that is unique and not rewritten.

When you have written the content share it where ever you can, preferably on social media. Share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Do not be ashamed to ask that they share it or retweet it. You will see that many of your friends will share it on their own timeline if you ask them politely.

This is what Google is looking for now in 2013… Social signals.

Page 2: Article marketing strategy-How to approach article marketing in 2013 and beyond

This will have the following effect. Your content will be shared and if it is really interesting, it will go viral. Because of the viral nature of social media, it will get many back links from the social media platforms every time it is shared and re-tweeted. This is exactly what Google wants to see and this should be your Article marketing strategy.

Google wants to show content on the first page of Google that is relevant to the search. That is covered by Keyword research.

Google wants to show content that is Unique. It is written by you, because you have a passion for your subject, it will be unique and not a copy of any other article online.

Google will also show your article in the search results, because many people have endorsed it and shared among them.

As you can see, setting up and following an article marketing strategy is not difficult. Just do the keyword research and write the article. Include your keyword in the title, in the H1 tag and in the article a couple of times and you are good to go. Google will do the rest and deliver you the traffic.

I have added a lot more content on my site since publishing this article. Visit my site for refreshing ideas to promote your website and business online.

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