around point cook 74

1 Issue 74, March 2016 continued page 3 The Around Point Cook Community Newspaper is distributed in Point Cook Please redistribute rather than discard this paper - give it to your friends, family or neighbours! FIND US ON 10 18 32 page MUCH TO DO IN MARCH EVERYONE BELONGS AT GATEWAY COMMUNITY SERVICES page page People around the world are looking at breathtaking photos taken by Leah Robinson, owner of ‘Leah Robinson Photography’. A Point Cook mother of three, Leah was recently ranked top 10 best children’s photographer in the world. Yes, in the WORLD! This ranking was based on her experience, creativity and unique ability to capture stunning photographs. Leah is an award-winning photographer who specializes in capturing families, children and wedding photographs. She focuses on those special moments that deserve to be immortalized. Waiting for the right moment to capture is highly responsible for helping Leah to create amazing photographs, especially while photographing young children. Leah is also co owner of ‘Horizons Within’, which see’s her traveling the world, teaching and mentoring other photographers the skills to awaken their inner creativity. The very humble, and down to earth Leah, took some time out to share with us a brief insight into her career; how it began, and what she loves most about photography. “I was always the friend or family member taking photos. I had an old Kodak; I was forever getting mum to take me to the chemist to have the film developed, and at one time, I had a polaroid that mysteriously disappeared, not in any way connected to the cost of the film and how fast I got through it. ;) “When my daughter was born, hubby bought me a DSLR, and my hobby became an obsession. I was LITERALLY obsessed with all things photography. I couldn't get enough information, couldn't shoot enough images, and couldn’t study light enough. I would sit up until all hours of the night researching, watching videos, scouring forums, chatting to other like-minded people from all over the world. “The transition from full time nursing, to stay at home mum was a tough one, because while I wanted to be at home with the kids, I also felt it wasn't quite POINT COOK PHOTOGRAPHER RANKED TOP 10 IN THE WORLD! POSITIVE BODY TALK Janine Miller

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Community Newspaper Issue 74, March 2016


Page 1: Around Point Cook 74


Issue 74, March 2016

continued page 3

The Around Point Cook Community Newspaper is distributed in Point Cook

Please redistribute rather than discard this paper - give it to your friends, family or neighbours!


10 18 32 page MUCH TO DO


page page

People around the world are looking at breathtaking photos taken by Leah Robinson, owner of ‘Leah Robinson Photography’. A Point Cook mother of three, Leah was recently ranked top 10 best children’s photographer in the world. Yes, in the WORLD! This ranking was based on her experience, creativity and unique ability to capture stunning photographs.

Leah is an award-winning photographer who specializes in capturing families, children and wedding photographs. She focuses on those special moments that deserve to be immortalized. Waiting for the right moment to capture is highly responsible for helping Leah to create amazing photographs, especially while photographing young children.

Leah is also co owner of ‘Horizons Within’, which see’s her traveling the world, teaching and mentoring other photographers the skills to awaken their inner creativity.

The very humble, and down to earth Leah, took some time out to share with us a brief insight into her

career; how it began, and what she loves most about photography.

“I was always the friend or family member taking photos. I had an old Kodak; I was forever getting mum to take me to the chemist to have the film developed, and at one time, I had a polaroid that mysteriously disappeared, not in any way connected to the cost of the film and how fast I got through it. ;)

“When my daughter was born, hubby bought me a DSLR, and my hobby became an obsession. I was LITERALLY obsessed with all things photography. I couldn't get enough information, couldn't shoot enough images, and couldn’t study light enough. I would sit up until all hours of the night researching, watching videos, scouring forums, chatting to other like-minded people from all over the world.

“The transition from full time nursing, to stay at home mum was a tough one, because while I wanted to be at home with the kids, I also felt it wasn't quite



Janine Miller

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ABN 78 809 543 573

Advertising: [email protected] Contributions: [email protected]

Will: 0449 834 359Louise: 0403 191 084 Email: [email protected]


International Women’s Day is coming up on March 8th and it is a wonderful excuse to celebrate the women in our lives. For over 100 years we have been honouring the amazing women who have shaped our world, and collectively battling against violence, discrimination and inequality for women the world over. 2016 sees the UN calling for gender equality with their Planet 50-50 by 2030 campaign.

Closer to home you can attend the inaugural Soroptimist International of Wyndham’s International Women’s Day event at Chirnside’s by the River, in Werribee. The keynote speaker for the event will be Sheila Byard. As the President of the National Council of Women of Victoria, Sheila is certain to offer plenty of inspiration to those who are in attendance on the night. If you are interested in checking this event out, contact Margie at

[email protected], or on 0419 659 530, or Karen on 5256 3570.

As a woman I always feel such a deep sense of pride when I think about the amazing things my gender is capable of. Men and women are such different creatures on so many levels, yet there is much to be achieved if we can simply work together - that is why equality is such an important thing to fight for.

As a mother, my greatest responsibility is to raise my daughter with a strong sense of identity. She should be proud, smart, kind, strong and equal to all – that is something we should each strive for, regardless of our gender.

Have a great month and enjoy this month’s paper!

Thanks in advance,

Melissa Longo

PUDDLING WITH THE PUBLISHERHelp! Help! I need help!I’ve got a Facebook site that’s growing and I’m finding I’m not giving it the attention it deserves, nor do I know enough about it to help the paper increase its readership.Should it interest you, or a friend that would like to earn some part time money, would like access to our large free software bank, gifts for your readers and you too, together with expenses like internet charges, lunch with a ‘Friend’, petrol, even unknown benefits that regularly become available and are rewarding, we would love to hear from you!Age is of no consequence – young, or at the other end of life is immaterial – you will work from home – we will cover all your expenses, and if you want to

turn it into a home business, doing Facebook for the thousands of business people like me, who don’t want to do it themselves, your advertising and editorial matter will be free – in fact we’d enjoy a column from you about building a great Facebook marketing site – believe me, it’s needed and may become your niche!Bill McPherson [email protected] – ‘Facebook site ‘ in the Subject line please

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enough. So when the photography obsession kicked in, and I realised that I was actually really quite good at it, it seemed like a natural progression to make it my career path - although that didn't happen immediately.

“Growing up in Ararat, country Victoria, I always wished I was ‘creative’ and part of me felt like it was there somewhere. My dad painted, and my sister was an illustrator, and I just felt like there was something that I should be good at in that vein, although I couldn't pinpoint what. My dad painted landscapes, and this, coupled with growing up on land, meant that environmental portraiture made complete sense to me.

“I love photographing families and children the most. Capturing strong emotional connections is paramount to me in my work, and is what I strive for, whether it is between a family, or a child and my lens - I am not satisfied with anything less. Introduce beautiful light and gorgeous surroundings, and I am in heaven.

“When I woke up to the notification of being voted #10 children's photographer in the world, I was in shock. I had no idea what it was, or where the list came from, and as I opened the link, I couldn't believe my name was listed amongst these photographers I admired so much. Elena Shumilova, a Russian photographer, and Magdalena Berny, from Poland, are two women who's work I adore so much - and there is my name on a list with them. It felt quite surreal. And Anne Geddes - I used to have a poster of one of her iconic images hanging in my room, and here I am listed with her amongst the most recognised child photographers in the world. It was a very proud moment.”

To connect with Leah, and see more of her exquisite photography, visit Leah Robinson Photography

Facebook page: or email: [email protected]

Leah Robinson Photography, Bespoke photography, turning your memories into art.

(Top 10 best child photographers in the world:


Advertise with Around Point Cook/Altona community newspapers


WillM: 0449 834 359

E: [email protected]

LouiseM: 0403 191 084

E: [email protected]


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WAITANGI DAYWaitangi Day was celebrated in New Zealand on the 6th February. The day commemorates the Treaty of Waitangi, the founding document of New Zealand, which was signed on that date in 1840, by representatives of

the British Crown and Maori chiefs.

Sunday 7th February this year saw hundreds of people gather in Logan Park, Altona, to celebrate Waitangi Day with family and whanau (family in Maori). There was entertainment ranging from the traditional Maori performances, to the crowd being treated to a great dance troupe, Raw and Rugged, which readers may have seen on Australia's Got Talent recently.

Of course no gathering is complete without food and about three hundred people bought tickets, for a traditional Maori hangi. This is where various meats and vegetables are prepared and placed in containers, on top of heated stones, covered with cloth, then a layer of earth, and cooked for several hours, which gives

it a very distinctive flavour. This year the hangi was prepared offsite and transported to the celebration, in individual portions in containers.

Also on offer were an amazing selection of pies, ranging from smoked fish, to pork and watercress and a hangi pie! Yes, I had to buy three and yes I even shared! These were baked by Ka Pies, the name being a play on words, from the Maori word 'kapai', which means good. Kaiopua Outrigger Club was fundraising with a sausage sizzle and Bill, the club president, enthusiastically explained the club location, which is down at the Altona yacht club. Members range in age from juniors to seniors and he said to feel free to head along and have a go.

Present also were volunteer members of the Victorian Maori Wardens, who look after the welfare of patrons at events they are invited to, in a non threatening manner. One of the wardens named Tira said for those interested in their services, to please go to their Facebook page for more information.

So next year keep a look out for the location of another Waitangi Day in the west, and join in for a relaxed family day out. It'll be kapai!

Deborah Drew.

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In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you - Buddha

In order to do the above successfully, one of the most powerful tools would be your value systems.

Your value systems guide you through various ups and downs in life, also helping to keep you in check.

When asked simply, ‘how would you like to be described as a person?’ individuals come up with some common responses such as - honest, loving, supportive, hardworking etc.

These descriptive words are your values.

Even more important than recognising your values, is how you live by them - what you are willing to undertake (despite the consequences) or willing to let go of, so that in the end you know you were always true to your values.

Let’s do an exercise –

Imagine your most important people, including your parents and grandparents, attending your 80th birthday celebration, just imagine.

If all of these people were asked to describe what type of child, grandchild, partner, parent, friend, sibling, employee etc. you were to them - what would you want them to say?

Now get a decent sized paper and a pen out and jot down these headings - Parenting, Intimate Relationships, Family, Social Relationships, Work life, Leisure, Health, Community and Spirituality.

Feel free to add more areas of your life, if you need to and then write down how you would like to contribute to all these important areas of your life.

Stick this paper up where it is visible most times of the day and let it be a reminder of what you have chosen your values to be.

Neha DaveRegistered Psychologist,

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Once again, Altona City Theatre (ACT) is set to enchant family members of all ages, with Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll’s nineteenth century story of childhood curiosity, as it meets with unexpected events in a topsy-turvy world of talking animals and tea parties.

ACT brings it home to Altona with its usual great musical choices, choreography and fantabulous characters, set to fill seats with wide eyes and tapping toes.

Altona City Theatre has been entertaining the community since 1972.

The long list of shows includes Oliver, Guys and Dolls, Sweet Charity, Chicago, Rent and recently The Wedding Singer.

“With over eighty auditionees late last year, we have an amazing forty-member cast, who have picked up everything so quickly,” said Co-Producer Mark Crick,

an Audio Technician in his day job, who himself has been with ACT for thirteen years. Rehearsals started last year, with the cast giving up an average of two nights and weekends to make a truly magical show.

Crick said the show is the sum of more than one hundred and fifty hours of cast rehearsal, plus countless hours from production team members, plotting dances, arranging songs, blocking scenes, ensuring flyers are out, selling tickets, building and painting the set, rigging lights and setting up, designing sound and more.

“My favorite part is seeing the kids in the foyer, react to the characters coming out after the matinees,” Crick said.

“Hearing the kid’s involvement in the audience - seeing the whole show come together from auditions to the first read through, to final dress rehearsal - I just love the magic of it all.”

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Alice in Wonderland runs each weekend until March 19. Checkout for bookings or call (or SMS) 0425 705 550. All Tickets are $7, with the opportunity to meet the cast after every matinee show.

Petronella Boonen

Photos by Olivia Kowalcyk


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Leading Melbourne Naturopath and Nutritionist, Caterina Morrison chats on 7 ways to easily boost your energy levels

1 Eat iron-rich foods

Iron is necessary for the production of energy from

glucose, which is the main fuel for both the brain and the body.

Iron-rich foods include lean meats, eggs, wholegrain breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds, peas, molasses, apricots and green leafy vegetables.

2 Boost your B vitamins

They play a crucial role in fuelling the body with carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

The best vitamin B-rich foods include wholegrain cereals, meat, poultry, salmon, eggs, milk and green leafy vegetables.

You may also need to take an activated B-complex multivitamin daily.

3 Up your magnesium intake

Considered the anti-stress nutrient and occurs

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abundantly in natural, unprocessed foods.

The best dietary sources include tofu, legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and green leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Avoid overcooking to minimise magnesium loss.

4 Choose complex carbs

These will help keep blood-sugar and energy levels stable.

Good choices include wholegrain breads and pasta, whole oats and muesli, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and root vegetables such as beetroot, pumpkin and sweet potato.

5 Get enough sleep

You need Eight hours of sleep optimal for good health and vitality.

Sleep is when cells produce and release proteins essential for growth and tissue repair.

Lack of sleep can cause poor concentration, mood

swings and weaken immune function.

6 Take spirulina

These freshwater algae are rich in vitamins B, C and D, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and beta-carotene, for strong immune function.

Add one to two teaspoons to juice, water or smoothies. Take 10g to 20g a day for maintenance, available in tablet, capsule or powder form.

7 Cut back on caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the production of stress hormones, which gives you a temporary boost in energy but can also contribute to anxiety, irritability, muscle tension, weakened immunity and insomnia.

Try alternatives such as dandelion root coffee or herbal teas.

For more health tips, visit her Facebook page:

Caterina Morrison, Naturopath, Health and Wellbeing Expert

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Gateway Community Services is holding a special 3-course luncheon, with cultural entertainment and guest speakers, at South Kingsville Community Centre, on Wednesday 16th March to celebrate Cultural Diversity Week 12-20th March.

At the luncheon there will be guest speakers and singers/performers that reflect the culturally rich and diverse traditions of its members. The purpose of the event is to build tolerance and harmony.

Gateway Community Services has a long tradition of providing community luncheons with entertainment, opportunities for corporate volunteers and for engaging diverse community partners to deliver community wellbeing programs.

This particular celebration for Cultural Diversity Week continues to grow, due to the interest in diverse cultures and in sharing all traditions.

Amongst Gateway’s 400 members, 65% are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and this figure is similar for the demographics of the 100 volunteers who support Gateway’s programs.

Gateway Community Services Manager, William Kelly said, “Gateway’s commitment to diversity includes members of the GLTBI (gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and intersex) community who can be marginalised by prejudice, and experience poorer health outcomes.”

William explains that this celebration is not just a one-off festivity, but also an opportunity to strengthen our

existing harmony and build even more respect and stronger relationships.

Cultural celebrations are an important part of the programming for Gateway Community Services.

The sharing of common histories, cultural traditions and significant events, is a way to bring attention to where we have come from, where we are now, and importantly, that everyone belongs.

Gateway Community Services is a non-for-profit organisation operating in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

Gateway provide an extensive range of community programs and opportunities, including social & lifestyle groups, volunteering opportunities, disability services, support for carers, a community register, emergency food relief, a learning centre and community transport.

Gateway is often looking for volunteers, as well as members, to join the growing selection of programs.

To enquire about Gateway’s programs and services, call 9399 3511, or go to or check out what’s happening on

By Lisa Field

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What do I love? Junk mail. Living in the sticks means we don't get it anymore, but rubbish still finds its way into our post office box.

Letters from banks offering platinum credit cards and carpet cleaning flyers are common. What I really love, is that most of the annoying correspondence comes with a truly thoughtful gesture.

A reply paid envelope. More rubbish to recycle, you may say. Think again.

Picture this. It's Friday evening and this week we've completed nine loads of washing, sixteen lunches and five noisy breakfasts.

There were four extra supermarket trips and one doctor’s visit, permission forms signed, mowers serviced and prescriptions collected.

I have ruined dinner, lost my sunglasses and a lady backed into my car at Coles. It's been a little busy.

But as I check my diary I spot a pile of papers, and three reply paid envelopes. Nice.

I remember opening the mail wondering why I was bothering. Now I know why.

I spend ten minutes tidying up, while the children bring me stray notes and papers.

I collect an assortment of things, stuffing them into the envelopes, including catalogues, discount petrol vouchers and last week's shopping list.

I find a parking receipt, a noodle menu, two religious Christmas cards and a passport application form. Chuckling, I add three bread ties, some festive confetti and we are done.

Smiling, I seal up the envelopes thinking of the joy I will give the person who receives these beautiful gifts. The same joy I felt when I opened them at my end. But my joy is two-fold.

Not only have I spread the love of sharing useless junk with someone else, my house is now clear of unwanted paper clutter.

You should try it sometime. Now, if only I could mail the children.

Dee Simpson

You can also find me at

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In her presentation, ‘Expanding the Notion of Health and Safety’, held at WorkSafe's Health and Safety Week last year, Ms. Sapna Mahajan, Director of Workplace Mental Health, at the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) described the challenge of introducing a national standard for mental health in the workplace.Mahajan noted that mental health, or illness is commonly not seen or handled in the same way as physical health or illness. The challenge was to expand the definition of health and safety in the workplace, to include mental wellbeing.The peak age group for mental illness is between 20-50 years of age, when employees are in their prime working years.

“In Canada, we spend about sixty percent of our working hours in the workplace,” she said. “And with technology advancements, that line between work and home gets more and more blurry. “We are spending so much time at work that whatever happens in the workplace, can have a positive or negative effect on people and that can really trickle down into our families and into society at large.”The statistics presented also demonstrated a strong economic case for action - one in three workplace disability claims and around 70 percent of the total costs in Canada, are attributed to mental illness. Their studies have shown that with the right tools in place, around 10 to 25 percent of those costs could be avoided.Similarly, the Australian Commonwealth Government Initiative, Heads up, calculates poor mental health is likely to affect one in five Australian employees.Heads up identifies that for every $1 invested in mental health initiatives, there’s an average return of $2.30.Mahajan said it was about preventing harm and maintaining wellbeing. She compared action for mental health in the workplace health and safety environment, with action taken for someone with a physical injury such as a broken leg.“Really it’s about preventing everybody from breaking their leg,” she said.

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The presentation is currently online at

health-and-safety-in-the-workplace and provides practical points for taking action in your own


This could begin with taking a temperature check of your workplace, training, changing your OHS policy and small actions, as simple as having mental health-focused conversations at meetings. “The bottom line is that there is no health, without mental health,” Mahajan added. “Investment in workplace mental health leads to better health, happier workplaces, enhanced productivity and financial performance.”

Petronella Boonen

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Young Driver Safety

Great news for safe drivers: as of February, young drivers who complete both their red and green probationary periods, with no traffic offences, or loss of demerit points will be rewarded for their safe

driving practices, with a free three-year licence.

The licence, worth $76, will be awarded to drivers when they receive their full licence for the first time.

As well as having a good driving record, drivers must

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be issued a probationary licence before the age of 21 to be eligible for the scheme.

The program is part of the Andrews Government’s Young Driver Safety Package, a suite of initiatives targeted at improving the safety of vulnerable road users. So stay safe out on the roads!

Active April 2016

Premier’s Active April is back. Join thousands of other Victorians and commit to 30 minutes of exercise per day, throughout the month of April.

All participants receive some great vouchers and discounts, as well as a chance to win tickets to the 2017 Australian Open.

Register at

Design a Tote

What makes you proud of your community?

I’m looking for budding artists of all ages, to submit

designs and drawings that represent Altona District and Melbourne’s West.

The winning design will get printed on a tote bag that will be distributed in the electorate.

Email your designs and questions to [email protected]

Submissions close March 31st, and the winner will receive a $50 book voucher.

Let’s show the world what’s so great about living in the West!

Contact Me

If you have any questions about these or any other matters, please contact me on (03) 9395 0221, or email me at [email protected].

Visit my website for updates and news throughout the month.

Jill Hennessy

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MUCH TO DO IN MARCH!Once again Wyndham is putting its best foot forward, showing exactly why it really is the place to be this March for top-notch entertainment.

It all kicks off at Werribee Park on Sunday 6th of March, with Melbourne’s premiere cheese and cider festival,

Fromage a Trois. I was lucky enough to attend last year’s event and it is absolutely worth putting into your calendar. Running from 10:30 am until 6:30 pm, with over 60 exhibitors, showing off all things cheese and cider related, it is the perfect opportunity to grab your mates, your picnic rug and embrace the chilled vibe of the event.

If kicking back is not your thing, then perhaps you

prefer a bit of sporting action…

On Saturday 12th of March, Cultural Diversity Week will begin with the Wyndham Cultural Diversity Cup, down at Galvin Park. Running from 8am until 4pm, all are welcome to watch a friendly soccer tournament, whilst also enjoying plenty of free entertainment. The day is sponsored by Victoria Police, SBS, Channel 31 and the Werribee Community Education Centre and will also boast a celebrity match, which is bound to attract a crowd.

Weerama is back, for its 38th year! Spread out over 3 days, running from the 18th to the 20th of March, festival highlights will include an outdoor pop up cinema at Arndell Park Community Centre and the reserve in Truganina on the Friday night, entertainment, rides, stalls, the W Factor talent competition and more, ending with fireworks, running from 12pm to 9:30pm on the Saturday at Presidents Park, as well as the annual parade down Watton Street on the Sunday morning at 10 am. Wyndham’s own Moomba is a great opportunity to

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get out into the community, so be sure to show your support.

The Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt is on again and bound to draw its usual crowd! Happening on Friday the 25th of March, at Werribee Park, the day always sells out fast, so get your tickets ASAP – they can be purchased through Ticketek, ( It is an absolutely mad day, filled with chocolatey goodness – the perfect way to kick off the Easter festivities.

Holi is also coming up with a couple of different events popping up throughout Wyndham to help celebrate the beautiful colours that help make this cultural holiday so special. The Werribee Racecourse plays host to the Festival of Colours on Saturday the 19th of March. Gates open at 11am and tickets are $5, (kids under 12 are free). Prepare to leave a lot more rainbowy than you arrived – be sure to wear clothes to accommodate the fun of the event.

Presidents Park will take their turn at this special festival on Saturday, 26th March. Running from 11am until 9pm, the main objective of this event is to spread the message of peace and harmony,

celebrated through the vibrant colors of the festival, and to present an exquisite picture of multi-cultural Australia. With free entry, it is another chance to immerse ourselves in another culture, whilst enriching and diversifying our own.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg…. hop onto the Experience Wyndham website, ( – you will be surprised by the wide variety of entertainment that is available right here in our very own backyard!

Melissa Longo

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THIS MONTH IN 1914The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 14th March 1914


The Minister of Defence (Senator Millen) is quite satisfied with his six minute flight on Wednesday at Point Cook, in the Bristol biplane handled by Lieutenant Harrison.

His daughter, Miss Millen, followed her father’s example, and on being assisted to the ground, described the experience as delightful - quite beyond her expectations.

As a machine in which learners are instructed, he is convinced as to its usefulness, but this machine is the only one possessed by the department, amiable for instructional purposes.

The Minister is pledged to go slow in army expenditure, and he is faced with the possibility of the new machine being wrecked by a beginner in his

first flight. Senator Millen thinks that there should always be a machine in reserve, so that the work will not be hung up, but he does not go to the length of saying another Bristol biplane will be obtained.

The two military British experimental biplanes that are now being assembled at Point Cook, are for the use of the advanced pupils, so that unless the flying school, which is about to be started as soon as the aerodrome is erected, has two learners machines, the work of instructing officers will be hampered.

The Minister has set his face against any large scheme of aviation, and he has sent back to the two instructors the scheme which they drew up for the working of the corps.

Their proposals were regarded by him as far too ambitious for such a young nation. Hydro aeroplanes and more military aeroplanes were suggested, and a large staff of officers and mechanics. For the time being, at any rate, there will be no hydro aeroplanes. The Minister is not convinced that they are necessary in Australia just yet.

A number of young officers of the permanent staff are to be instructed in flying at an early date, and then a school will be begun for members of the militia force, who are desirous of joining and have the time to devote to this new branch of the army. The course will probably not be shorter than three months, and only men under the age of 25 will be admitted as officers for military instruction.

Greg Milne

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Point Cook Community Garden/Kitchen Swap

4th Sunday of the month at Kingsford

Park (Kingsford Dve) Point Cook from


Come and swap your excess plants, seeds,

flowers, fruit, vegetables, garden

items or home baking, magazines and


Enquiries : [email protected] or

[email protected]

Volunteers for Emergency relief neededLaverton Community Centre need Volunteers forEmergency relief will be trained.

Must be able to use computer.Please contact. Ellen Volunteer Coordinator PH: 8368 0172

Community Board


The Laverton Community Choir invites you to attend a rehearsal as a guest before you

decide if you would like to join.

Experienced conductor, different and fun musical arrangements. No experience is

necessary just a love of singing. The choir rehearses every Thursday

7pm – 9pm at P-12 College, Bladin Street, Laverton.

Contact Ann on 0401 411 297 or Caroline 0449 507 873COMMUNITY








PHONE NO: 9398 5207

Featherbrook Walking Group

Make new friends and improve your fitness by joining the Featherbrook Walking Group for a 45 minute stroll every Wednesday at 10am. Meet at

Featherbrook Community Centre, 33-35 Windorah Drive Point Cook. It’s free to join in and mums with prams are welcome. For more information call the

community centre on 8353 4000.For more information phone Wyndham City’s

Healthy Communities Team on 9742 0777, visit or like our Healthy and

Active in Wyndham page on Facebook.


VIEW (Voice, Interests, Education for Women) provides a low cost social

outlet for women. Meets first Wed of every month 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start. Featherbrook Community Centre, 33-35 Windorah Drive Point Cook. Light

supper provided. New members always welcome. Come and make new friends

and enjoy social outings. Contact Catherine on 0407726852 for details

or just come along.

LEARN MALTESEThe Maltese Language Teachers Associations of Victoria are organising Maltese language classes at different levels in Werribee, Sydenham and Mill Park. Interested? Registrations for Terms 3 & 4 adult classes are now open. Hurry, limited seats available. For more information email [email protected] or call Mark on 0400307945

Hobsons Bay Mens Shed Gen Y Support Groupwish to contact Gen Y persons seeking employment without success with a view to assisting reducing the current high level of 25.2% - email [email protected] with ‘Gen Y interest’ in the subject line for details

Wyndham Scottish Social Dance

Featherbrook Community Centre

33-35 Windorah Drive, Point Cook

7:30 pm until 9:30 pm Every 2nd and 4th

Friday of the Month

Come along and have fun, meet new friends.

Healthy exercise for mind and body.

You need soft shoes. No rubber ridged soles.

No partner necessary.

We do Celidh dance which is a mixture of

Waltz, Set and Barn dances.

For information phone Deryck 0415 250 284

or Alison 0413 295 133

Sponsored by the Bendigo Bank.

Wyndham Little


Children learn through play.

Borrow different toys every 2 weeks.

For children aged 0 - 5 years.

New members welcome.Open hours:

Point Cook Community Centre:

Tue 9.30-11 Fri 12-1.30 Sat 9.30-11.30

Wyndham Park Community Centre:

Mon & Fri 9.30-11, Sat 10-11.30.

For more info:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 8353 1196 / 9741 1366

Point Cook WalkingGroup

Women and Men of all Ages Welcome.

• Discover Point Cook

• Meet New Friends

• Keep Fit and Healthy

• Friendly and Relaxed

Every week day at 9.00am

Leaving from Point Cook Town Centre at the Dry

Cleaners- Coles Precinct EVERY week day

at 9.00am

9395 1953


I am a volunteer at Jamieson Way

Community Centre.

To organize an appointment, to understand

how to play Petanque:

- Contact: [email protected]

- On the second Tuesday of each month at 10am

- At the Jamieson Way Community Centre

For more information call the Community

Centre on 9395 7922.

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Help support you local community

group and join as a member at

Community Board





****New Venue!!!****Laverton Community Hub

95-105 Railway Ave, LavertonEmail: toastmasterspointcook@ for more info

The Probus Club of Laverton meets

on the 4th Monday of each month at

The Hub, Laverton, at 10am. Probus is

an organisation for retired and semi-

retired people, who get together for a

'cuppa' and listen to a guest speaker. Meetings are over by noon.

If you are interested and free on 22nd February contact Jan or Tom on


CHINESEFor all ages interested in Saturday

Chinese (Mandarin) classes at Suzanne Cory High School

conducted by Victorian School of Languages (governm

ent funded), express your interest

contact Marjory Palmer 03-5277 9833/email marjoryp@

Ex Service men/women

The VVAA Melb West Sub Branch has moved. We now oper

ate from "The Lodge"Altona RSL on Mondays and

Tuesdays.For pensions and welfare enquiries call 9398 2865 or leave a message

at Werribee/Altona RSL


Come and join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm, at D'Olive, Point Cook Road. Open to all women. Our main aims are friendship, social issues and community service. We have some great guest speakers and involve ourselves in the local and wider communities.

We do also make our famed scones, jams, cakes, and all sorts of crafts, that we normally sell to fundraise for worthy charities.Please ring: Chris 0424014757Karen 0411035217


A contemporary Christian Church Meets Sundays 9:00 & 11:00 am

Point Cook Senior Secondary School Cnr Boardwalk Blvd & Bergamot Drive,

Point Cook Youth Group meets Fridays during term 7-9:15pm at the same venue

More info call 0425 722 868

Community Café Weekly


Laverton Community Centre

The Laverton Hub

95-105 Railway AveLaverton

FridayAltona Meadows

Community Centre

28 Trafalgar

Altona Meadows

Booking Essential8368 0177

Point Cook Adventist Community ChurchPoint Cook Community Centre1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook.An inter-generational and multi-cultural community church. Everyone is welcome!Worship Service every Saturday at 3:30 pm.Pastors Nick & Danijela Trajkov – 83619070

Are you interested in:• Meeting People• Crafts ( Thursdays 1-3pm)• Playing Cards or Board Games (Mondays 1-4pm)• Train TripsJoin the Point Cook Social Seniors Group at Janieson Way Community Centre, 59 Jamieson Way, Point Cook (Mondays 1-4pm)Contacts:Bev: 9395 1953 or 0417 324 489Maree: 9395 4120 or 0408 526 897

Seniors – Point Cook

Werribee and Districts Cancer Support GroupWe are a positive, uplifting, supportive group for all cancer patients, carers, family and friends. All welcome for a cuppa and chat on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Wayaperri House, 106 Duncans Road, Werribee. Monthly meetings occasionally include guest speakers, or are held over dinner and creative and therapeutic activities can be arranged upon interest shown.Contact Steve Marburg (Convenor) on 0418 587 086 or by email on [email protected] or by post at PO Box 4405 Hoppers Crossing 3029or you can contact Koula on 9734 6498. THE PROBUS CLUB - LAVERTON




25th March 2016

We are asking for your help once again.

We need people on the day to turn up to assist

brigade members in door knocking and collecting at

intersections, to raise funds for this worthy cause.

If you would like to be involved in this large fun time

event, please email your information: Name, email

address and contact phone number to

[email protected] or for further

information call Angela Heywood on: 0413065177 .

For the past several years the Point Cook

CFA have held this fundraiser with great

results, thanks to the help of our generous

and helpful community.

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REMEMBERING XAVIERMy first teaching job was in a small Catholic secondary school with about 100 pupils and half a dozen teachers.

Three belonged to an Order of teaching Brothers and two of those were past the normal retirement age.

This was at a time when Brothers were given a new name when they joined their Order.

So there were names like Brother Polycarp or Boniface or Cajetan; the students saw it as their duty to miniaturise these names in some way that might hint at physical handicap, or moral decadence - this was in an innocent age when such a suggestion was material for laughter.

The youngest of the three Brothers at our school was often absent, as he went around the country trying to persuade boys to join the Order.

The second was the deputy; he was quite deaf and you always knew he was in class because you could

hear the racket.

The Head was Br Xavier, a name that proved too difficult to turn into something amusing or scurrilous, so he was just known as The Grinder, a nickname that owed more to his teaching style than to his dentition.

The nickname also suited his outwardly sour disposition, the result, I suspect, of having spent a lifetime teaching Latin to sons of shopkeepers and small farmers.

He could work himself into a hurricane of fury without any loss of dignity, and was as likely to vent upon teacher as student; he was particularly harsh on any form of ignorance hiding behind current trendiness.

Silence was best, but if you had something to say to him, it helped if you wrote it out beforehand.

As a mathematics teacher, I escaped his tantrums: if



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Virgil is your hero, you can hardly pick on someone teaching Euclid.

A staff member summed up the three Brothers thus: “One won’t hear, one can’t hear and one is never here.”

The truth was, however, that Xavier won our respect and something approaching the affection of the students who understood that he was without favourites in those who earned his displeasure.

He was also, by the standards of those times, quite counter-cultural because he forbade any form of corporal punishment in the school, running the place entirely by force of his will.

I was at that school for only a year, moving on when it merged with a bigger one run by nuns.

Xavier was the deputy to the new Head, a nun named Mother Pacomius – I hope you don’t think I’m making this up.

She had done post-graduate study in America and was full of talk of Piaget and his developmental


One of the first things she did was to remove Latin from the curriculum. Xavier retired soon after and died only a few years later.

He may never have heard of Piaget, but in one thing he was ahead of his time: after he retired, I was told that some teachers went back to using the cane.

May the earth lie light upon you, Xavier.

Frank O’Shea

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By any measure, Man is the most rapacious predator ever to walk the Earth.

Animal extinctions due to human action are clear evidence of that. I refer to over-hunting, clearance of habitat and deliberate eradication.

Other predators hunt to eat, not for sport; and they don’t collect trophies.

Such extinctions are numerous. Here are some examples:

The Aurochs was a large breed of wild European cattle – 2.13 metres high at the shoulder. Hunting these and other large beasts was a favourite sport of Central and East European aristocracy.

The last Aurochs died of natural causes on a game reserve in Poland in 1627. Hitler’s genetics experts had plans to bring them back, an idea still under active consideration.

The Woolly Mammoth died out about 4000 years ago. It was hunted for its meat, while its bones were used as building materials, and its ivory to make weapons and tools.

Steller’s Sea Cow is a sad tale of extreme stupidity and disrespect for Nature’s gifts and bounty. This slow-moving herbivore, related to the dugong, was the largest mammal, other than the great whales, to exist in historic times.

It was abundant throughout the North Pacific. In the late 18th century, within 27 years of its being first sighted by Europeans, it had been hunted to extinction.

What was done to the Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine, was both a crime against Nature and a blot on our national escutcheon. As with the Aurochs, there are those who so regret its passing, and the manner thereof, that bringing it back from the dead, using recovered DNA, has been contemplated.


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This animal was a doglike marsupial carnivore which roamed Tasmania at the time of white settlement in 1803.

It was hunted to extinction because of its perceived threat to pastoral interests. A bounty scheme hastened its demise. The last one died in Hobart Zoo in 1936.

The Dodo, flightless bird about 1-metre-high and weighing 22 kilos, was native to Mauritius. It was first sighted by Dutch sailors in 1598.

It was not a shy creature. Its lack of fear of humans and their dogs probably hastened its passing.

It was intensely hunted. The last sighting was in 1692. “Dead as a dodo” is a part of our language.

Moas were large ground-dwelling birds found in New Zealand. There were 9 species when the Maoris arrived between 1250 and 1300.

The two largest were 3.6 metres tall, neck fully stretched, and weighed 230 kilos. Largely because of over-hunting, the Moa was extinct by about 1400.

The flightless Elephant Bird of Madagascar became extinct in the 17th or 18th century.

The largest bird known, it was more than 3 metres tall and weighed 400 kilos. Its eggs, 160 times the size of a chicken’s egg, were eagerly sought, as one of them could feed a family.

Loss of habitat and over-hunting are thought to have led to its extinction.

Such extinctions were both crimes against Nature and acts of stupidity.

Failure to conserve adequate numbers for breeding, deprived Mankind of a food source and future generations of the pleasure of seeing these creatures.

Predations continue with whaling for pseudo-scientific research, overfishing, and culling of sharks, emus and kangaroos, when deemed to be pests.

It was Mark Twain who remarked that, of all animals, it is only Man that blushes or needs to.

Jack Nystrom

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Can you believe it’s already March?

How are you going with your new year resolutions so far?

It seems so long ago we ripped open the pressies, clinked glasses, and devoured our merry way into 2016.

With the festive season now behind us, many of us Aussies are gearing up for a stellar 2016, with grand visions to lose weight, save for that dream holiday, and buy an investment property, or sell to upgrade to a bigger home.

A New Year’s resolution survey found that 46% of Aussies deserve a pat on the back for saving a deposit to buy a property.

But it seems temptation for more immediate fulfilment was too great for 15% of Aussies, who diverted their property funds elsewhere…

So how can you tackle your biggest property resolutions head on, before your hard earned deposit falls by the wayside?

Here’s a quick guide for saving to buy a property.

Selling to upgrade to a bigger home

1. Expect and plan for change

Interest rates have been very low for quite a while now and it is not uncommon for people to become apathetic.

The reality is that interest rates can’t go much lower and it is only a matter of time before they start to rise.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking ‘we can afford that bigger house in that better suburb’, if nothing else has changed in your circumstances except low interest rates.


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Do your calculations based on interest rates being 4% or 5% higher than what you are paying.

2. Get your reinforcements ready

Build a strong reserve of assets, which is a good way to absorb interest rate hikes.

For example, if you have a well-diversified investment property portfolio, you can manipulate those assets at times of need, so that you are not forced into having to sell your home.

So it may be best to start building the asset base, before looking to upgrade the family home.

3. Protect your new asset

Strongly consider getting Title Insurance when you purchase your next property, particularly if:

• You are unsure that an addition that has been made to the property (such as a pergola or ‘lean-to’ room) has been approved by council.

• If the boundaries of the title are unclear.

These can be expensive to correct if you have to, and aren’t protected.

I hope this has given you some useful ideas you can start to action, within the crucial first three months of the year (resolutions are made or broken during this time).

Next month, be sure to look out for Part 2 of the guide: A guide to tackling your biggest property resolutions in 2016.

We’ll give you some tips on how to buy an investment property sooner than you imagined possible.

March Offer

Contact your friendly local Property Investment Advisor Nick Holden, for a no-obligation,

free 1 hour consultation about your property resolutions.

Email: [email protected] or Phone: 1300 82 83 08.

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POSITIVE BODY TALKIn this article, Ramona Borg, owner and founder of InSight Style, shares her thoughts on the language you use to describe your body and how becoming aware of your inner voice is the first step to changing it.

How often do you tell yourself, “I look [insert word]”, where the word is something uncomplimentary like ‘fat’, ‘ugly’ or ‘old’?

For many of us, this is an automatic daily occurrence. It’s become normal to deride our bodies not only to ourselves, but in front of others too.

Your internal and external dialogue about your body has a big impact on how you feel about it.

If you say negative things, either to yourself or others about your appearance, it will have a negative effect on your body image.

Before you can love your body, you must begin to talk about it in a kinder, healthier way.

Follow these few tips to help clean up your body talk once and for all!

Become aware of your body talk...

Over the next week, tune into the language that you use to describe your body. This may be your ‘inner voice’, or how you speak about your body to others.

What kinds of things are you saying? Is there any particular part of your appearance that you focus on? How often are you talking to yourself or others about your body? Are you being positive or negative about your body?

Would I speak to a friend that way?

Becoming aware of the way you talk about your body is the first step to making changes.

You may be surprised at how many times in one week you’ve put your body down, either to yourself or in front of others.

With this greater awareness, next time you say something negative about your body, ask yourself, would I say the same thing to a friend?

It’s very unlikely that you’d tell a friend they are ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’, so what makes it acceptable to do this to yourself?

Change the negative soundtrack...

Gradually begin to banish the negative body language from your vocabulary, either when speaking to yourself, or when talking to friends or family.

Whatever we verbalise can be internalised, so take a stand against body talk that is unkind, either to yourself or others.

Stop the judgements...

Look in any gossip magazine and you’re likely to find stories about how a celebrity is overweight, underweight or how they got their beautiful body.

Such magazines are constantly passing judgements on women, based on their appearance. When you read these kinds of articles, you buy into the judgements and are more likely to judge your own worth, by size or shape.

When you stop judging others by their appearance, you’re more likely to be accepting of your own body.

Change the dialogue about your body and change the relationship that you have with it.

Ramona xx

Personal Stylist -

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This month’s photos remind us that Wyndham really is such a gorgeous place for nature watchers. Images of the Werribee River and the Cheetham Wetlands wonderfully capture the natural wonder available right outside our doorsteps. A tempting photo of dinner from Cyclo de Saigon should be enough to have readers heading down to Main Street in Point Cook. Thanks again to now regular contributor, Lisa N Edwards! Send your pics to me at [email protected] or use #around pointcook or #aroundhoppers on Instagram.

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Burnout is more than just another buzzword for being stressed. 'Burnout' has been called an erosion of the mind, spirit and emotions - and it is becoming increasingly common.

Are you at risk?

What are the warning signs?

And how can you stop it?

In the USA, absenteeism, low productivity and job turnover related to the syndrome, have been estimated to cost industry around $160 billion annually. Burnout related absenteeism is on the increase in Australia and other Western countries.

Burnout doesn't appear suddenly, it builds up over time - and it doesn't just disappear after a good night’s sleep


There are no simple solutions to burnout. However, there are several critical warning signs which you can recognise, and to take steps to fight it.

* Anxiety in the form of a vague, urgent feeling of

unease or dread.

* Loss of ability to motivate yourself. Getting out of bed to go to work constitutes a major effort.

* Fatigue, especially waking unrefreshed after a full night’s sleep.

* Sleeplessness: either difficulty in falling asleep or waking too early in the morning.

* Irritability.

* Inability, or reduced ability, to concentrate.

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* Decline in performance.

* Loss of confidence.

* Lack of enthusiasm.

* Negative, cynical outlook replacing former optimism.

* Loss of appetite.

* Over-eating, particularly with cravings for sweets.

* Impaired libido.

* Non-specific, vague aches and pains, especially in the head, jaw, neck, shoulders and lower back.

* Increased emotionalism: crying excessively and with little prompting, flaring angrily at a provocation that, previously, you wouldn't have even noticed.

* Avoidance of sensory stimulation: noise, bright lights, music, tight clothing, touching may all suddenly become intolerable.

* Falling prey to every cold or 'bug' that does the rounds.


In essence, you have to slow down and shed some of the load - unpalatable as this decision may be - you have to place a higher value on your personal needs.

Don't be afraid to speak to a doctor or therapist who will advise you on a course of action to help you.

Regular vigorous exercise can help to devour all those chemicals released during the fight or flight reflex.

Meditation, prayer, yoga and Pilates are unsurpassed for calming the mind.

Make a sincere attempt to say 'enough is enough'.

Don't work seven days a week. You need one day off to replenish your reserves.

Allow time to play. Have a massage. Go to a show, movie or art gallery and have dinner at your favourite restaurant.

If you work in an office, try and do something physical over the weekend. Go to the park and have a picnic, cycle on a scenic trail or just read a good book.

Most of all create a network of like-minded friends with whom you can talk to. Research has shown that sharing problems with others is extremely beneficial.

Yours in good health,

Cherie de Haas

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Obesity is a serious problem for people throughout the developed world, but it has also become a serious health concern for our pets.

The Australian Veterinarian Association claim that 45% of dogs and 40% of cats are overweight, or obese in Australia, with the numbers increasing more each year.

Animals are adversely affected by obesity in that, just like us, their quality of life deteriorates, due to related health problems.

They are more likely to suffer from a variety of illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, respiratory problems, cancer, arthritis, skin issues, reproductive issues and premature ageing.

Some contributing factors of obesity we may have little control over, include breed, sex, genetics, and age.

However, there are things in our pets lives that we can control, such as diet and exercise.

Consider dietary changes, by selecting foods which are low in fat and contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to maximise their health.

Try to remove processed foods, and work towards incorporating a healthy raw food diet in controlled amounts. Exercise is extremely beneficial, take your dogs for regular walks - if possible take them to an off leash park where they are able to run around.

Aim to take your dogs for daily walks, of between 20-60 minutes for best results.

For cat owners, consider a scratching post and toys, such as balls, catnip toys, laser pointers, rod sticks or wands with feathers etc.

Aim to play with them a few times a day for 10-15 minutes each time.

To check if your pet is obese or overweight, you should be able to easily see and feel your pet’s ribs and waist without excess fat covering.

If you are unsure if your pet is a healthy weight, it is recommended that you contact your local veterinarian for a thorough examination.

A fit and lean animal is likely to have a much higher quality of life, live longer, and have significantly less health problems.

Cindy Bremner

Natural Pawfection- Animal Naturopath


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Mum’s and birth companions are learning a new approach to child birth with an increasing number of women now using hypnosis during the birth of their babies.

Janine Fowler a Certified Practitioner with Hypnobirthing Australia says ‘Just as an athlete prepares their mind and body for an important sporting event, this program also gives mothers and their birth partners a range of tools to prepare for and use during their very special event.

The program is packed full of resources to prepare yourself to relax physically and prepare mentally to trust your body’s ability to birth calmly no matter what turn your birth takes’. More and more women are gaining access to this concept with close to 100 practitioners conducting classes all throughout Australia and New Zealand.

The program is the fastest growing birthing course in the country.

So many women experience fear and anxiety during their pregnancy and leading up to the birth of their child. This course allows women to release any fears and gives them a wide range of skills to experience a calm beautiful birth.

The good news is we now have access to this wonderful program with our own Certified Practitioner here in the Western Suburbs. Janine Fowler, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor is now running monthly group classes at the new Saltwater Coast Community Centre and private sessions are also available.

A wealth of knowledge on the program including many beautiful birth stories can be found at

Alternatively Janine can be contacted on 0414 270 633 to discuss the program and class availability.

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©Glow Images. Model used for illustrative purpose.

In the whirlwind-of-life that we call our daily routine, every minute seems to be accounted for.

There’s the family to attend to, trips to the supermarket, household chores, work commitments, and yes, emails and Facebook posts to catch up with.

How does one cope with the hectic pace of life and stay mentally on top?

One way, is to make time to nourish yourself at home and work.

What’s more, it’s good for your health.


Recently I witnessed the benefits of undertaking “nourishing” action.

In my garden a number of beautiful rose bushes planted by a previous home-owner, suddenly started failing.

A friend inquired if I was regularly nourishing the roses with proper food and water?

I hadn’t been doing so. When I did, they revived immediately and have bloomed more profusely than ever.

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In the comfort of our home, we may have appropriate food and water each day for our bodily needs. But what about our thinking?

It also requires attention. Old, worn-out, negative thoughts need to be over-hauled and refreshed, and our thinking capacity nourished with fresh, robust, constructive ideas.

Such mental nourishing leads to a healthier state of mind. We’re able to relax more, sleep better, and respond to challenges from a position of strength.


- Before you leap out of bed in the morning, take a moment to nurture your inner self. Affirm that you are loved, lovable and loving. You are a special person. You can accomplish much good.

- Cherish yourself by remembering that an ever-present Love is constantly watching over you, guiding you through each day, and keeping you safe. – Bible Psalm 121

- If you’re thirsty for caring or companionship, drink-in thoughts of hope and encouragement. Happiness and contentment are within your reach.

- When feeling under pressure at work, do what a friend of mine does. Take a mental pause and feed your thinking with “beautiful images of thought”. Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health p. 248

- Use the gentle imagery of the beautiful 23rd Psalm, and picture yourself in a peaceful green meadow, resting beside a calm stream. This comforting, tranquil thought-image, will soon refresh and restore your peace of mind.

- If you’re someone who likes to pray, or meditate, feed your thinking with gratitude for the good that is already in your life. Gratitude definitely gives you a boost. It nourishes your thinking, puts a spring-in-your-step, and is good for your health.

Health writer, Beverly Goldsmith, is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing.

Twitter: @GoldsmithBev

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Flick Chic Reviews… DEADPOOLFrom the opening credits, to the obligatory end of credits Marvel movie morsel, Deadpool is one thing, above all else…FUN!

If endless, choreographed violence and whip-fast, inappropriate language-riddled scripting is not your cup of tea, then perhaps this film is not for you, but if

you like your Ryan Reynolds dirty, then strap yourself in for 108 minutes of awesome.

Deadpool is not your regular Marvel superhero film and it knows it. In fact, the film makers have taken the very clever approach of

exploiting this fact every chance they get.

With the main character continually speaking directly to the viewer, we are able to get a little one on one time with this

anti-hero and the film is all the better for it. The origin story of Deadpool introduces us to Wade Wilson, somewhere in the middle

of his madcap adventures, and then backtracks where necessary, to make sure we are all caught up. Reynolds was born to play Deadpool

and is exactly the right level of likeable/crazy to have the viewer right in his corner from the start.

Some Xmen cameos keep Wilson on the right side of good, in his battle against evil and the obligatory love interest, comical sidekick and British bad guy are all along for the ride.

A great sound track that includes everything from Wham to Salt‘n’Pepa, keeps the movie chugging along, whilst reminding us exactly which generation Deadpool is from.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this break from the regular Marvel formula. Deadpool is a stand alone standout that I would happily see turned into a franchise.

Bring on Deadpool 2!!

Melissa Longo

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Laugh Out Loud


A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office. "Is it true," she wanted to know, "that the

medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?"

"'Yes, I'm afraid so,"' the doctor told her.

There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, "I'm wondering, then, just how

serious is my condition because this prescription is marked 'NO REFILLS'.."


An older gentleman was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a renowned surgeon, perform the operation. As he was about to get the anaesthesia, he asked to speak

to his son.

"Yes, Dad , what is it?"

"Don't be nervous, son; do your best, and just remember, if it doesn't go well, if something happens

to me, your mother is going to come and live with you and your wife...."


Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about

it. This is so true.

I love to hear them say "you don't look that old."


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NOWHERE“Flattery will get you Nowhere”,Is what I have often been told;

But if you want to get Somewhere,You have to do things that are bold.

Somewhere, in the words of a song,Is a beautiful place to go,

But the road can be hard and long,Unless you just go with the flow.

.Though Somewhere is where you’re headed,

When you set out on life’s journey,Is Nowhere a place to be dreaded?

I ask you, “How bad can it be?”

A long way off the beaten trackIs a place that’s Nowhere’s middle.

Now if you can’t find your way back,You could be in lots of trouble.

If Nowhere is where you’re getting,When Somewhere’s your destination,

You’ll find that’s very frustrating,And the cause of aggravation.

You could be going Nowhere fast,Heading Somewhere in a strong gale;

But shorten sail or lose your mast:This could cost you more than a sail.

If you are going Anywhere,Plan with care the route you will take,

For Nowhere is the place whereYou might finish up by mistake.

Where is this place that’s called Nowhere?Is it right here in Australia?

You will know if you end up there:It’s a metaphor for failure.

Jack Nystrom

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Calling on Point Cook Schools and Parents to share photos, art, stories, writing for this page.

Email your contributions to [email protected] or post to the PO Box 1145 Altona Meadows 3028

Point Cook Kids

Every year, Altona puts on a spread of activities for Australia Day. This year, one act clearly stole the limelight. Playing together in a band under the name Cadillac Drifters, Shane Magro, 14 (vocals and guitar), Samuel Curie, 13 (drums), and Warren Rozario, 14 (bass), rocked Altona. By the end of their set, the audience had grown from a few people, to hundreds of listeners who boogied, sang and clapped along on Logan Reserve. There even were the obligatory gooey-eyed teenage girls at the front of the stage!

What’s special about these local teens is that, beyond playing with the assurance of seasoned musicians, they are passionate about 50s, 60s and 70s music, a passion that they happily credit to their parents and grandparents. Seeking to be fully involved in this style of music, they play at various functions, including classic car shows, where they fit right in

with their rock and rockabilly essence.

All three teens, who are local to Hobsons Bay/Wyndham, are in Year 8 at St Paul’s Emanuel College in Altona North where they met about 18 months ago and formed their band. Asked about their long-term dream, they admit that “we love music and we want to do this for the rest of our lives”. For now, the lads are happy to play covers, as they relish being on stage.

Shane secured the booking for Australia Day, another sign of the band’s commitment, and they are quick to highlight that, for now at least, they play at events for free. So if you have an event that requires music, think of booking these guys. Besides giving local teens a hand, you will not be disappointed! For more information, go to

Fabienne Chevalier

Local teens rock Altona on Australia Day

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44 Please redistribute rather than discard.


In November last year a famous landmark on the Princes Fwy towards Geelong upped and disappeared. People were concerned, emails were written, phones were called and questions were tweeted. Where had the big blue jumbo gone?The consternation was understandable. That old Boeing 747-338 had a history as bright and exciting as its one-time Nalanji Dreaming livery, and many people had, over its many years of flight formed nostalgic relationships with it.The jumbo came off the production line at Seattle (Everett) in 1984 and was registered to Qantas. It flew all over the world and had several names over its time: City of Sydney, City of Warrnambool and then Nalanji Dreaming after Balarinji created its stunning Aboriginal livery in 1995. It finished flying in 2008, was painted blue and red, and has lived at Avalon Airport ever since.

These days the plane is used often – along with Avalon’s hangars – in training as well as film and television work. One of the most joyful functions to date has been helping children with special needs overcome intense fear of flying.So back to its disappearance.Facilities Manager, Dave Moreland and his small team of maintenance staff and contractors worked tirelessly over those several months in a hangar to bring about the plane’s reincarnation. 375 litres of paint was used to smooth out the skin, and the logo and its mirror image were created and placed painstakingly on either side of the tail. The logos are 11m long and made up of several separate pieces each. The new name, and the name of its home - Avalon Airport – is bold in black. The excitement from the community after it was rolled back outside in February has been palpable. Interest has been piqued, memories stirred, and people are thrilled that care has been taken and respect has been shown.Dave hasn’t finished yet. Some of the exterior and cockpit lights are now working, but there’s more to be done. Dave plans on the tyres being replaced and replica engines added… and then there’s the interior to start on!To keep up to date with all of Avalon Airport’s news and images follow along on social media on Facebook, Twitter (@AvalonAirportAU) and Instagram (@avalonairport).