aromatherapy a to z of essential...

•FENNEL, SWEET Digestive, detoxifying - Helps digestion, relieves constipation & flatulence, soothes abdominal cramps. FRANKINCENSE Skin care, respiratory problems - Regenerative oil Useful for healing scars, delays aging. •GERANIUM Versatile all rounder - Controls sebum production in oily skin, regenerative, hormone balancing, soothing, relaxing, uplifting. •GINGER Warming, analgesic, digestive - Helps in indigestion, nausea, muscle/ ligament sprains. •GRAPEFRUIT Decongestant, Anti cellulite - Stimulant, Muscle Fatigue, controls cellulite. •JASMINE Intoxicating, Aphrodisiac - Natural aphrodisiac, decongestant, stimulant. •JATAMANSI Calming, Sedative, healing - Relaxing, grounding oil, energizes Muladhar charka, Balances Ajna & Sahasrara Chakra. •JUNIPERBERRY Astringent, diuretic - Digestive, antiseptic, diuretic, astringent, detoxifying, decongestant. •LAVENDER First-aid, Most versatile, All rounder, - Regenerative, healing, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti allergic, calming, soothing, can be used directly on skin, best for cut, burns, bumps, insect bite, sprains. •LEMON Uplifting, cleansing, astringent - Skin, Hair Care, cleanses controls excessive sebum, dandruff. •LEMONGRASS Anti depressant, Detoxifying, - Detoxifies, Reduces Fever, Insect Repellant •LIME Lymphatic Stimulant, Uplifting - Poor Circulation, Cellulite, Anti depressant. •MANDARIN Refreshing , Calming - Relieves nervous tension, Relaxes, helps in fluid retention & cellulite. •MARJORAM, Sweet Sedative, Analgesic - Relives nervous tension, Abdominal cramps, PMS •MYRRH Skin Care - Eczema, Psoriasis, Athletes foot, Natural Sedative. •NEROLI Stress Relief, Skin Care - Uplifting, relieves stress, good for mature skin •NUTMEG Analgesic - Increases circulation, Relives pain aids digestion •ORANGE, Sweet Antidepressant, cleansing - Relieves anxiety & depression, Cleanses A TO Z OF ESSENTIAL OILS [F.M'sGUIDETOSAFETY&USAGE] •ANISEED Antispasmodic - Digestive -aids digestion & relieves muscular spasms, Energizes Manipura Chakra. •BASIL Mental Fatigue - Relieves mental fatigue, depression and migraine, also helpful for muscular aches & pains. Energizes Anahat, Vishhudha, & Ajna Chakra. •BAY Scalp stimulant - Nourishes Scalp, controls dandruff, Useful for crown Chakra, •BENZOIN Expectorant - Good for dry skin, eczema, psoriasis & rashes. •BERGAMOT Uplifting - Relieves anxiety & depression, helps sore throat. •BLACK PEPPER Stimulant - Aids digestion, controls flatulence, improves circulation. Energizes Manipura Chakra. •CARROT SEED skin care/Digestion - Good for dry mature skin & digestive problems. •CEDARWOOD Hair & Skin Care - Controls hair loss/ dandruff, astringent •CHAMOMILE-BLUE Anti-inflammatory - Soothes skin /muscles inflammations & irritation. •CHAMOMILE-Roman Soothing, Relaxing, Analgesic - Soothing, Relaxing, Hormonal and analgesic, soothes nappy rashes. Balances Swathisthan /Manipura Chakra. •CLARY SAGE Hormone Balancing, Sedative - Controls hormonal imbalances, PMS, calming, sedative •CLOVE BUD Antiseptic, Analgesic, Bactericidal - Relieves tooth / Musc ular ache & gum infections. •CORIANDER Antiseptic, Analgesic - Reduces muscular aches, fatigue, controls cystitis, improves circulation. Energizes Swathisthan charka. •CYPRESS Styptic, Astringent - Tightens muscles /veins, control blood loss, hemorrhage etc. Reduces cellulite. •DILLSEED Helps Digestion - Controls children's colic, flatulence, constipation. •EUCALYPTUS Analgesic, expectorant, decongestant - Relieves respiratory tract & nasal congestion, antiviral, helps in flu symptoms. Geranium 5 Drops Rosemary 5 Drops Cedarwood 4 Drops Lemon 5 Drops Sandal 3 Drops Geranium 5 Drops Use FM's Carrier Oil of your choice 50 ml. AROMATHERAPY VAPORIZERS- Most suitable to fragrance, disinfect and create a mood. Use 4-7 drops of an essential oil or a blend. Alternatively place a bowl of hot water on top of the radiator, or cotton wool behind the radiator, containing a few drops of essential oil. For the best results use an FMs Aromizers (Aromatherapy burner). COMPRESS- Compresses are most suited for a variety of first aid cases. For a hot compress, we use a few drops of essential oil in warm water, dip a small towel / cloth and apply to affected area, most suitable for abscesses, muscular aches & pains. In cold compress, we take chilled water or ice, add essential oils, use for inflammation, bumps, bruises, headaches, migraines and sprains. INHALATIONS- Use 2-4 drops of essential oil added to a bowl of steaming water, pull towel over head and breathe in keeping eyes closed, 1-3 minutes will be sufficient. Alternatively, to cleanse the skin, use the same method as a facial steamer. (Inhalations, with steam, are not recommended for asthma sufferers). SKIN CARE- Essential oils can be used to help a wide range of skin conditions, moisturize, balance sebum and generally promote healthy skin. Add, the appropriate essential oils of your choice to FMs special base oils (3-5 drops of essential oil to 10ml of base).The following list will enable you to choose correct oils for various skin conditions. DRY SKIN Cedarwood, Clary sage, Carrot, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Patchauli, Rose otto, Sandalwood, Vertiver and Ylang ylang. OILY SKIN Chamomile, Clary sage, Geranium, Juniper berry, Lavender, Lemon, Petitgrain, Rosemary, Neroli, Cypress, Tea tree. SENSITIVE SKIN Chamomile Roman, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood. MATURE SKIN Clary sage, Carrot, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Palmarosa, Rose, Sandalwood, Vertivert. ACNEIC SKIN Chamomile German, Cedarwood, Juniper berry, Clary sage, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Palmarosa, Tea tree, Frankincense, Cypress. HAIR CARE- Essential oils are very useful in hair care and dandruff control. Following list of oils will work as a guide in choosing correct oils for your hair AROMATHERAPY PanaceaForModernAilments AROMATHERAPY :- As the name suggests is a therapeutic treatment with aromatic essential oil. It's a form of complementary medicine. Like Herbalism or Ayurveda, Aromatherapy draws on healing properties of the plant world. Herein instead of using the whole or a part of the plant, it uses only its essential oils-the life force or the pranas. ESSENTIAL OILS are highly concentrated essences extracted from aromatic plants, which contain various therapeutic properties.,extracted, usually by distillation, from fruits, flowers, herbs, trees, and spices. Each essential oil, with its complex chemical structure, provides the body with unique healing properties. These in turn both balance and enhance the body's own restorative processes. HOW TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS There are various ways in which essential oils can be used effectively. Generally it is recommended to use a combination of 2 to 5 essential oils, since essential oils are synergists and enhance certain attributes of each other when used in combinations. BATHS:- To relax, invigorates or simply soothes body and mind. Add 3-7 drops of essential oil to the bath water, stir water to disperse the oil. Relax and soak for at least 10 minutes. Essential oils can also be mixed in a tea spoon of vegetable oil [almond or olive] before adding to bath, though vegetable oil may make the bath room and bucket/tub slippery and greasy yet it helps to moisturize the skin and ensure an even distribution of essential oils, which is important for babies and young children. Sample Blends- STIMULATING BATH OIL RELAXING BATH OIL Rosemary 2 Ml. Lavender 2 Ml Lemon Grass 2 Ml. Geranium 2 Ml. Petitgrain 2 Ml. Sandalwood 2 Ml. Basil 2 Ml. Patchauli 2 Ml. Geraium 2 Ml. Frankincense 2 Ml. MASSAGE- A therapeutic and pleasurable treatment to help many conditions. The most effective and relaxing way to benefit from the use of essential oils. Enjoy the luxury of a full body massage, or simply rub into a localized area. Never use undiluted essential oils, use FMs' massage base oil (for oily/dry skin) - 20 to 30 drops of essential oil in 50 ml. Sample Blends- SOOTHING BLEND INVIGORATING BLEND Lavender 8 Drops Juniper 5 Drops formulations, you can also use FM's herbal Extracts with base oils. GENERAL HAIR CARE Cedarwood, Clary Sage, , Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Patchauli, Rosemary, Bay, Cade, Basil, Curry leaf, Ylang-Ylang. DRY HAIR Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Patchauli, Sandalwood, Vertiver, Ylang-Ylang. OILY HAIR Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemon, Lavender, Palmarosa, Rosemary, Juniper berry, Bay, Cade, Basil. DANDRUFF Cedarwood, Cade, Camphor, Clary sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Juniperberry, Lavender, Lemon, Palmarosa, Patchauli, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme, Basil, Sage. PERFUMES:- Many essential oils like Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood are beautiful perfumes in their own right and blends of essential oils can create even more exotic fragrances. Develop your own individual perfume using 15 drops of essential oil in 25ml of either highest proof vodka or jojoba oil. As with any perfume use sparingly on the skin. STORAGE- To sustain the potency and quality of your essential oils store in a cool place away from direct sunlight and replace caps immediately after use. SAFETY Essential oils are safe to use as long as certain precautions are taken. Please read the precautions about each oil being used by you and note the following. * Never take essential oils internally. * It is recommended that those with sensitive skin or prone to allergic reactions should try a patch test first. * Whether using an individual oil or a blend, the total amount of essential oil used should never exceed recommended levels (see how to use essential oils). * Keep out of reach of children. * Only gentlest essential oils in extremely low dilutions should be used with the young children, pregnant women, old and frail. * Never use essential oils undiluted on skin, unless oil description allows you to, or for first aid. * Avoid the eye area. •OUDH (Agarwood) Balancing - Balances mind, body, spirit, Ajna Chakra, Aphrodisiac •PALMAROSA Bactericidal, Regenerative - Helps healing of wounds/ scars, antiseptic, bactericidal. •PATCHAULI Skin Care, aphrodisiac - Helps in skin care & healing, balances mind & body, Muladhar & Swadhisthan Chakras •PEPPERMINT Respiratory conditions - Uplifting, clears mental fatigue, headaches, migraines, controls hot flushes, heartburns & digestive problems. •PETITGRAIN Oily skin conditions, uplifting - Mild astringent, helpful for oily skin care, relieves mental exhaustion & stress. •PINE Analgesic, expectorant, deodorant - Controls excessive perspiration. •ROSE OTTO Skin Care, Stress Management - Dry/ mature skin, thread veins, give a feeling of well being in stress related conditions. •ROSEMARY Mental Stimulant, Hair Care - Prevents dandruff & hair loss, relieves mental fatigue, increases concentration, alleviates low blood pressure. •ROSEWOOD Skin Care, Relaxing - Increases cellular regeneration in dry skin, •SAGE Uplifting, Cleansing, Skin Care - Helps relieve Eczema, alopecia, ulcers, alleviates low blood pressure. •SANDALWOOD Moisturizing,,Relaxing,Meditation aid - Moisturizes dry & mature skin, Relaxing, sedative, Meditation aid. •SPEARMINT Cooling, Digestive - Cooling, soothing digestive, prevents nausea, relieves mental fatigue. •TEA TREE Antifungal, Antiseptic - Best antiseptic, kills bacteria on contact, heals, fungicidal, treats candida, vaginitis, Herpes, Dandruff. •THYME Bactericidal, Analgesic, Digestive - Heal wounds, helps digestion, relieves aches & pains. •VALERIAN ROOT Calming , Sedative - Relieves anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension, indigestion. •VERTIVER Relaxing, Traquilizing, Moisturizing - Soothes mind, Moisturizes dry skin. •WINTERGREEN Analgesic, anti rheumatic - Relieves muscular & joint pains, Gout & arthritis. •YLANG YLANG Calming, aphrodisiac - Calming, relaxing oil, controls high BP , promotes hair growth. FM's ESSENTIAL BLENDS For HEALTH & WELLNESS At FM's Dr. Ratan has created various blends using his experience and expertise for Health ( Mental / Emotional & Physical) & Wellness, Try some of them mentioned hereunder- 1. FM's - Cicatrissant, healing , antiseptic Anti infectious & HEALER rejuvenating oils blend. for healing of sores, ulcers, insect bite, cut & burn wounds, Herpes etc. 2. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend for complete oral dental ORAL CARE care specially Plaque Control & Mouth ulcers. 3. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend to AROMA-DIGEST & COLIC AID relieve Children's Colic, heart burns, flatulence & ease digestion. 4. FM's - Provides relief in Head aches & HEAD & MIGRAINES RELIEF Migraines. 5. FM's Dries up acne, control secondary PIMPLES TREATMENT - infection and acne scars, also useful as a first aid for cuts, burns & insect bites. 6. FM's - Relief From Chilblains, Warming Natural Essential Oils WARM UP blend clears that chill & numbness in extremities due to cold, improves body circulation & health. 7. FM's - Helps you let go of past. Natural Essential Oils blend for LET GO calming and soothing mind / nerves, takes the mind off from past. 8. FM's - Aromatic love potion for men & women, Sensual and LIBIDO MAX arousing oils blend also improves body circulation and sex drive. 9. FM's Lifts Mood relieves Depression Uplifting Essential oils UPLIFT - blend to clear Gloomy feeling of depression by uplifting mood. 10. FM's Clears negative energy, promotes peace VAASTU CLEANSER - prosperity & good Health. 11. FM's Natural Essential Oils blend relieves insomnia, SWEET DREAMS - promotes sleep, relieves anxiety & tensions. 12. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend relieves Stress, RELAXING BLEND Anxiety, Hypertension, Relaxes Mind & Body. 13. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend Relieves Nasal/ Sinus SINU-RELIEF Blockage, Eases Breathing. Relieves Headaches & associated Pains, Helps you to fight Flu & its effects. 14. FM's Tranquilizing Natural Essential Oils blend Meditation Aid, PEACE - Relieves Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Relaxes Mind & Body 15. FM's - Sensual, Phyto- pheromonic essential oils SENSUAL BLEND (Blended by Dr. Ratan on principles of Ayurveda & Spirituality) Enjoy the vitality, Health and Body Ecstasy with FM’S CHAKRA ANOINTMENTS for balance of mind, Body and spirit. 10 Ml. Bottles - Available as Chakra Anointment Kits or Separately for each Chakra. Also Available - Crystal Chakra Healing wands and Massage wands. For further details on Chakra Therapy or Trade Inquiries CONTACT : FM’s Aromatherapy, Mumbai, India. FM's CHAKRA ANOINTMENTS blend, promotes love, enhances desire. 16. - Refreshing Natural Essential Oils blend, Lifts STIMULATING BLEND Mood Relieves Depression, Mental Fatigue and Clears Dullness of Mind & Body. FM's FORMULATIONS For SKIN, HAIR & HEALTH CARE DIVINE DROPS - ( Neat Essential Oils Blends) for Bath, Massage Vaporization RELIEF - Massage Oil For Pain Relief SCALP TONE - Hair Treatment / TONIC Controls Hair loss & Dandruff, Enhances Memory BODY TONE - Skin Rejuvenating & Nourishing Body Massage Oil SKIN TONE - Age Defying, rejuvenating Face Massage Oil FM’S HERBAL HAIR OIL - Nourishes Scalp and Promotes Hair growth ACNEROL - Pimples Treatment CLEAR SKIN LOTION - Clears Acne marks and other scars. SLIMMER (SLIMMING MASSAGE OIL) - Fat Burning / Detoxifying Massage Oil Clears, Cellulite. Tones Muscles. BUST TONE - Bust developer / Toner FM’S BATH SALTS - Combination of Natural Salt and Minerals with Essential Oils. Improves Skin, Immunity, promotes health. FM’S FACIAL CARE KIT Contains - Aquous Cleanser cum Toner, Oil F.M'S MIND-BODY CLINIC & WELLNESS CENTERS FOR HOLISTIC HEALTH The therapeutic scope of aroma therapy as a complementary medicine is being recognized all over the world , the efficacy of aroma therapy for treatment and control of psychosomatic disorders has been proved beyond doubt, besides a lot of people suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. could find solace in aroma therapy treatments. At FM's MIND BODY CENTERS, a qualified Dr. Minoo Ratan psychotherapist & healer uses Aroma therapy, Chakra Therapy, Panic Healing, Spiritual Healing etc. for treatment of Psychosomatic problems and health related conditions. The clinic is located in Mumbai, India at- 602, Doctor House, Peddar Road, MUMBAI 400 026, For Appointments call + 91-22 - 65648021/22, 65256032 or +9820428724 FM's TRAINING WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS Conducted By Dr. RAVI RATAN & Dr. MINOO RATAN on various Health Related subjects- • Basic & advance - Aroma therapy Aroma therapy massages & body work Chakra therapy - basic & advance Stress management & holistic health The ultimate orgasm - spirituality & sex Yoga , meditation & breath work Yoga Nidra - basic & advance with chakra workout Crystal Healing - basic & advance with Healing practices Retreat Workshops for Companies and individual Groups undertaken. SAHASRARA AJNA VISHUDDHI ANAHATA MANIPURA SWADHISTHAN MULADHARA DISCOVER THE ENCHANTING WORLD OF ESSENTIAL OILS Fm's Fm's for Mind, Body & Spirit ROMATHERAPY A For Further details, catalog or order write to F.M's Aromatherapy, C-126, Antophill Warehousing Complex, VIT College Road, Wadala East, MUMBAI - 400 037 Ph.: 91-22- 24123678 / 9223280529 Email- [email protected] [email protected] Website- Products and health services available at F.M’s Mind Body Center 6 th , Flr. Doctor House, opp. Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road, Mumbai-400 026. Ph.: 9820428724 / 65648021/22

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Post on 21-Aug-2018




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Page 1: AROMATHERAPY A TO Z OF ESSENTIAL · •GINGER Warming, analgesic ... Insect Repellant •LIME Lymphatic Stimulant,

•FENNEL, SWEET Digestive, detoxifying - Helps digestion, relieves constipation & flatulence, soothes abdominal cramps.

FRANKINCENSE Skin care, respiratory problems - Regenerative oil Useful for healing scars, delays aging.

•GERANIUM Versatile all rounder - Controls sebum production in oily skin, regenerative, hormone balancing, soothing, relaxing, uplifting.

•GINGER Warming, analgesic, digestive - Helps in indigestion, nausea, muscle/ ligament sprains.

•GRAPEFRUIT Decongestant, Anti cellulite - Stimulant, Muscle Fatigue, controls cellulite.

•JASMINE Intoxicating, Aphrodisiac - Natural aphrodisiac, decongestant, stimulant.

•JATAMANSI Calming, Sedative, healing - Relaxing, grounding oil, energizes Muladhar charka, Balances Ajna & Sahasrara Chakra.

•JUNIPERBERRY Astringent, diuretic - Digestive, antiseptic, diuretic, astringent, detoxifying, decongestant.

•LAVENDER First-aid, Most versatile, All rounder, - Regenerative, healing, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti allergic, calming, soothing, can be used directly on skin, best for cut, burns, bumps, insect bite, sprains.

•LEMON Uplifting, cleansing, astringent - Skin, Hair Care, cleanses controls excessive sebum, dandruff.

•LEMONGRASS Anti depressant, Detoxifying, - Detoxifies, Reduces Fever, Insect Repellant

•LIME Lymphatic Stimulant, Uplifting - Poor Circulation, Cellulite, Anti depressant.

•MANDARIN Refreshing , Calming - Relieves nervous tension, Relaxes, helps in fluid retention & cellulite.

•MARJORAM, Sweet Sedative, Analgesic - Relives nervous tension, Abdominal cramps, PMS

•MYRRH Skin Care - Eczema, Psoriasis, Athletes foot, Natural Sedative.

•NEROLI Stress Relief, Skin Care - Uplifting, relieves stress, good for mature skin

•NUTMEG Analgesic - Increases circulation, Relives pain aids digestion

•ORANGE, Sweet Antidepressant, cleansing - Relieves anxiety & depression, Cleanses


•ANISEED Antispasmodic - Digestive -aids digestion & relieves muscular spasms, Energizes Manipura Chakra.

•BASIL Mental Fatigue - Relieves mental fatigue, depression and migraine, also helpful for muscular aches & pains. Energizes Anahat, Vishhudha, & Ajna Chakra.

•BAY Scalp stimulant - Nourishes Scalp, controls dandruff, Useful for crown Chakra,

•BENZOIN Expectorant - Good for dry skin, eczema, psoriasis & rashes.

•BERGAMOT Uplifting - Relieves anxiety & depression, helps sore throat.

•BLACK PEPPER Stimulant - Aids digestion, controls flatulence, improves circulation. Energizes Manipura Chakra.

•CARROT SEED skin care/Digestion - Good for dry mature skin & digestive problems.

•CEDARWOOD Hair & Skin Care - Controls hair loss/ dandruff, astringent

•CHAMOMILE-BLUE Anti-inflammatory - Soothes skin /muscles inflammations & irritation.

•CHAMOMILE-Roman Soothing, Relaxing, Analgesic - Soothing, Relaxing, Hormonal and analgesic, soothes nappy rashes. Balances Swathisthan /Manipura Chakra.

•CLARY SAGE Hormone Balancing, Sedative - Controls hormonal imbalances, PMS, calming, sedative

•CLOVE BUD Antiseptic, Analgesic, Bactericidal - Relieves tooth / Musc ular ache & gum infections.

•CORIANDER Antiseptic, Analgesic - Reduces muscular aches, fatigue, controls cystitis, improves circulation. Energizes Swathisthan charka.

•CYPRESS Styptic, Astringent - Tightens muscles /veins, control blood loss, hemorrhage etc. Reduces cellulite.

•DILLSEED Helps Digestion - Controls children's colic, flatulence, constipation.

•EUCALYPTUS Analgesic, expectorant, decongestant - Relieves respiratory tract & nasal congestion, antiviral, helps in flu symptoms.

Geranium 5 Drops Rosemary 5 Drops

Cedarwood 4 Drops Lemon 5 Drops

Sandal 3 Drops Geranium 5 Drops

Use FM's Carrier Oil of your choice 50 ml.

AROMATHERAPY VAPORIZERS- Most suitable to fragrance, disinfect and

create a mood. Use 4-7 drops of an essential oil or a blend. Alternatively place

a bowl of hot water on top of the radiator, or cotton wool behind the radiator,

containing a few drops of essential oil. For the best results use an FMs

Aromizers (Aromatherapy burner).

COMPRESS- Compresses are most suited for a variety of first aid cases. For

a hot compress, we use a few drops of essential oil in warm water, dip a small

towel / cloth and apply to affected area, most suitable for abscesses,

muscular aches & pains. In cold compress, we take chilled water or ice, add

essential oils, use for inflammation, bumps, bruises, headaches, migraines

and sprains.

INHALATIONS- Use 2-4 drops of essential oil added to a bowl of steaming

water, pull towel over head and breathe in keeping eyes closed, 1-3 minutes

will be sufficient. Alternatively, to cleanse the skin, use the same method as a

facial steamer. (Inhalations, with steam, are not recommended for asthma


SKIN CARE- Essential oils can be used to help a wide range of skin

conditions, moisturize, balance sebum and generally promote healthy skin.

Add, the appropriate essential oils of your choice to FMs special base oils (3-5

drops of essential oil to 10ml of base).The following list will enable you to

choose correct oils for various skin conditions.


Cedarwood, Clary sage, Carrot, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender,

Patchauli, Rose otto, Sandalwood, Vertiver and Ylang ylang.


Chamomile, Clary sage, Geranium, Juniper berry, Lavender, Lemon,

Petitgrain, Rosemary, Neroli, Cypress, Tea tree.


Chamomile Roman, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Rose,



Clary sage, Carrot, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli,

Palmarosa, Rose, Sandalwood, Vertivert.


Chamomile German, Cedarwood, Juniper berry, Clary sage, Geranium,

Lavender, Lemon, Palmarosa, Tea tree, Frankincense, Cypress.

HAIR CARE- Essential oils are very useful in hair care and dandruff control.

Following list of oils will work as a guide in choosing correct oils for your hair


AROMATHERAPY :- As the name suggests is a therapeutic treatment with

aromatic essential oil. It's a form of complementary medicine. Like Herbalism

or Ayurveda, Aromatherapy draws on healing properties of the plant world.

Herein instead of using the whole or a part of the plant, it uses only its

essential oils-the life force or the pranas.

ESSENTIAL OILS are highly concentrated essences extracted from aromatic

plants, which contain various therapeutic properties.,extracted, usually by

distillation, from fruits, flowers, herbs, trees, and spices. Each essential oil,

with its complex chemical structure, provides the body with unique healing

properties. These in turn both balance and enhance the body's own

restorative processes.


There are various ways in which essential oils can be used effectively.

Generally it is recommended to use a combination of 2 to 5 essential oils,

since essential oils are synergists and enhance certain attributes of each

other when used in combinations.

BATHS:- To relax, invigorates or simply soothes body and mind. Add 3-7

drops of essential oil to the bath water, stir water to disperse the oil. Relax and

soak for at least 10 minutes. Essential oils can also be mixed in a tea spoon of

vegetable oil [almond or olive] before adding to bath, though vegetable oil

may make the bath room and bucket/tub slippery and greasy yet it helps to

moisturize the skin and ensure an even distribution of essential oils, which is

important for babies and young children.

Sample Blends-


Rosemary 2 Ml. Lavender 2 Ml

Lemon Grass 2 Ml. Geranium 2 Ml.

Petitgrain 2 Ml. Sandalwood 2 Ml.

Basil 2 Ml. Patchauli 2 Ml.

Geraium 2 Ml. Frankincense 2 Ml.

MASSAGE- A therapeutic and pleasurable treatment to help many

conditions. The most effective and relaxing way to benefit from the use of

essential oils. Enjoy the luxury of a full body massage, or simply rub into a

localized area. Never use undiluted essential oils, use FMs' massage base oil

(for oily/dry skin) - 20 to 30 drops of essential oil in 50 ml.

Sample Blends-


Lavender 8 Drops Juniper 5 Drops

formulations, you can also use FM's herbal Extracts with base oils.


Cedarwood, Clary Sage, , Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Patchauli,

Rosemary, Bay, Cade, Basil, Curry leaf, Ylang-Ylang.


Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Patchauli, Sandalwood,

Vertiver, Ylang-Ylang.


Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemon, Lavender,

Palmarosa, Rosemary, Juniper berry, Bay, Cade, Basil.


Cedarwood, Cade, Camphor, Clary sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium,

Juniperberry, Lavender, Lemon, Palmarosa, Patchauli, Rosemary, Tea

Tree, Thyme, Basil, Sage.

PERFUMES:- Many essential oils like Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood are

beautiful perfumes in their own right and blends of essential oils can create

even more exotic fragrances. Develop your own individual perfume using 15

drops of essential oil in 25ml of either highest proof vodka or jojoba oil. As with

any perfume use sparingly on the skin.

STORAGE- To sustain the potency and quality of your essential oils store in a

cool place away from direct sunlight and replace caps immediately after use.

SAFETYEssential oils are safe to use as long as certain precautions are taken. Please

read the precautions about each oil being used by you and note the following.

* Never take essential oils internally.

* It is recommended that those with sensitive skin or prone to allergic

reactions should try a patch test first.

* Whether using an individual oil or a blend, the total amount of essential oil

used should never exceed recommended levels (see how to use essential


* Keep out of reach of children.

* Only gentlest essential oils in extremely low dilutions should be used with

the young children, pregnant women, old and frail.

* Never use essential oils undiluted on skin, unless oil description allows

you to, or for first aid.

* Avoid the eye area.

•OUDH (Agarwood) Balancing - Balances mind, body, spirit, Ajna Chakra, Aphrodisiac

•PALMAROSA Bactericidal, Regenerative - Helps healing of wounds/ scars, antiseptic, bactericidal.

•PATCHAULI Skin Care, aphrodisiac - Helps in skin care & healing, balances mind & body, Muladhar & Swadhisthan Chakras

•PEPPERMINT Respiratory conditions - Uplifting, clears mental fatigue, headaches, migraines, controls hot flushes, heartburns & digestive problems.

•PETITGRAIN Oily skin conditions, uplifting - Mild astringent, helpful for oily skin care, relieves mental exhaustion & stress.

•PINE Analgesic, expectorant, deodorant - Controls excessive perspiration.

•ROSE OTTO Skin Care, Stress Management - Dry/ mature skin, thread veins, give a feeling of well being in stress related conditions.

•ROSEMARY Mental Stimulant, Hair Care - Prevents dandruff & hair loss, relieves mental fatigue, increases concentration, alleviates low blood pressure.

•ROSEWOOD Skin Care, Relaxing - Increases cellular regeneration in dry skin,

•SAGE Uplifting, Cleansing, Skin Care - Helps relieve Eczema, alopecia, ulcers, alleviates low blood pressure.

•SANDALWOOD Moisturizing,,Relaxing,Meditation aid - Moisturizes dry & mature skin, Relaxing, sedative, Meditation aid.

•SPEARMINT Cooling, Digestive - Cooling, soothing digestive, prevents nausea, relieves mental fatigue.

•TEA TREE Antifungal, Antiseptic - Best antiseptic, kills bacteria on contact, heals, fungicidal, treats candida, vaginitis, Herpes, Dandruff.

•THYME Bactericidal, Analgesic, Digestive - Heal wounds, helps digestion, relieves aches & pains.

•VALERIAN ROOT Calming , Sedative - Relieves anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension, indigestion.

•VERTIVER Relaxing, Traquilizing, Moisturizing - Soothes mind, Moisturizes dry skin.

•WINTERGREEN Analgesic, anti rheumatic - Relieves muscular & joint pains, Gout & arthritis.

•YLANG YLANG Calming, aphrodisiac - Calming, relaxing oil, controls high BP , promotes hair growth.


At FM's Dr. Ratan has created various blends using his experience and expertise for Health ( Mental / Emotional & Physical) & Wellness, Try some of them mentioned hereunder-

1. FM's - Cicatrissant, healing , antiseptic Anti infectious & HEALER

rejuvenating oils blend. for healing of sores, ulcers, insect bite, cut &

burn wounds, Herpes etc.

2. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend for complete oral dental ORAL CARE

care specially Plaque Control & Mouth ulcers.

3. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend to AROMA-DIGEST & COLIC AID

relieve Children's Colic, heart burns, flatulence & ease digestion.

4. FM's - Provides relief in Head aches & HEAD & MIGRAINES RELIEF


5. FM's Dries up acne, control secondary PIMPLES TREATMENT -

infection and acne scars, also useful as a first aid for cuts, burns & insect


6. FM's - Relief From Chilblains, Warming Natural Essential Oils WARM UP

blend clears that chill & numbness in extremities due to cold, improves

body circulation & health.

7. FM's - Helps you let go of past. Natural Essential Oils blend for LET GO

calming and soothing mind / nerves, takes the mind off from past.

8. FM's - Aromatic love potion for men & women, Sensual and LIBIDO MAX

arousing oils blend also improves body circulation and sex drive.

9. FM's Lifts Mood relieves Depression Uplifting Essential oils UPLIFT -

blend to clear Gloomy feeling of depression by uplifting mood.

10. FM's Clears negative energy, promotes peace VAASTU CLEANSER -

prosperity & good Health.

11. FM's Natural Essential Oils blend relieves insomnia, SWEET DREAMS -

promotes sleep, relieves anxiety & tensions.

12. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend relieves Stress, RELAXING BLEND

Anxiety, Hypertension, Relaxes Mind & Body.

13. FM's - Natural Essential Oils blend Relieves Nasal/ Sinus SINU-RELIEF

Blockage, Eases Breathing. Relieves Headaches & associated Pains,

Helps you to fight Flu & its effects.

14. FM's Tranquilizing Natural Essential Oils blend Meditation Aid, PEACE -

Relieves Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Relaxes Mind & Body

15. FM's - Sensual, Phyto- pheromonic essential oils SENSUAL BLEND

(Blended by Dr. Ratan on principles of Ayurveda & Spirituality)

Enjoy the vitality, Health and Body Ecstasy with


for balance of mind, Body and spirit.

10 Ml. Bottles - Available as Chakra Anointment Kits

or Separately for each Chakra.

Also Available - Crystal Chakra Healing wands and Massage wands.

For further details on Chakra Therapy or Trade Inquiries

CONTACT : FM’s Aromatherapy, Mumbai, India.


blend, promotes love, enhances desire.

16. - Refreshing Natural Essential Oils blend, Lifts STIMULATING BLEND

Mood Relieves Depression, Mental Fatigue and Clears Dullness of Mind

& Body.



DIVINE DROPS - ( Neat Essential Oils Blends) for Bath, Massage


RELIEF - Massage Oil For Pain Relief

SCALP TONE - Hair Treatment / TONIC Controls Hair loss & Dandruff,

Enhances Memory

BODY TONE - Skin Rejuvenating & Nourishing Body Massage Oil

SKIN TONE - Age Defying, rejuvenating Face Massage Oil

FM’S HERBAL HAIR OIL - Nourishes Scalp and Promotes Hair growth

ACNEROL - Pimples Treatment

CLEAR SKIN LOTION - Clears Acne marks and other scars.

SLIMMER (SLIMMING MASSAGE OIL) - Fat Burning / Detoxifying

Massage Oil Clears, Cellulite. Tones Muscles.

BUST TONE - Bust developer / Toner

FM’S BATH SALTS - Combination of Natural Salt and Minerals with

Essential Oils. Improves Skin, Immunity, promotes health.

FM’S FACIAL CARE KIT Contains - Aquous Cleanser cum Toner, Oil


The therapeutic scope of aroma therapy as a complementary medicine is

being recognized all over the world , the efficacy of aroma therapy for

treatment and control of psychosomatic disorders has been proved beyond

doubt, besides a lot of people suffering from stress, anxiety, depression,

insomnia etc. could find solace in aroma therapy treatments.

At FM's MIND BODY CENTERS, a qualified Dr. Minoo Ratan

psychotherapist & healer uses Aroma therapy, Chakra Therapy, Panic

Healing, Spiritual Healing etc. for treatment of Psychosomatic problems and

health related conditions.

The clinic is located in Mumbai, India at- 602, Doctor House, Peddar Road,

MUMBAI 400 026, For Appointments call + 91-22 - 65648021/22,

65256032 or +9820428724



on various Health Related subjects-

• Basic & advance - Aroma therapy

• Aroma therapy massages & body work

• Chakra therapy - basic & advance

• Stress management & holistic health

• The ultimate orgasm - spirituality & sex

• Yoga , meditation & breath work

• Yoga Nidra - basic & advance with chakra workout

• Crystal Healing - basic & advance with Healing practices

Retreat Workshops for Companies and individual Groups undertaken.











for Mind, Body & Spirit


For Further details, catalog or order write to F.M's Aromatherapy,

C-126, Antophill Warehousing Complex, VIT College Road,Wadala East, MUMBAI - 400 037

Ph.: 91-22- 24123678 / 9223280529Email- [email protected] [email protected]


Products and health services available at F.M’s Mind Body Center

6 th , Flr. Doctor House, opp. Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road, Mumbai-400 026.

Ph.: 9820428724 / 65648021/22