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  • 8/14/2019 ARM Lecture 3


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    The Literature Review

    Lecture - 3

    Advanced Research Methods (ARM)

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    Recap Company LogoCompany Logo

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    Is it a good research question?

    What causes job turnover? Company Logo

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    What is relationship between job satisfactionand job turnover among administrative staff andteachers?

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    The Research Relationships








    pay-off = f(+impressiveness, -credibility)





    utility(hill of happiness)

  • 8/14/2019 ARM Lecture 3


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    What is LiteratureReview? Company LogoCompany Logo

  • 8/14/2019 ARM Lecture 3


    What is a Literature Review?

    According to Creswell (2005), a review of theliterature is a written summary of journalarticles, books and other documents that

    describes the past and current state ofinformation, organizes the literature into topicsand documents a need for a proposed study.(pp. 79)

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

    Quantitative and Qualitative Research

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    A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources

    (e.g. dissertations, conference proceedings) relevantto a particular issue, area of research, or theory. provides a short description and critical evaluation

    of work critical to the topic. offers an overview of significant literature

    published on a topic.

    (Lyons, 2005)

    Definitions of a Literature Review

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    Well-written analytical narrative that brings areader up-to-date on what is known on a giventopic, but also provide fresh insights that

    advance knowledge Resolve conflicts between studies

    Identify new ways to interpret research results

    Creating a path for future research

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    How many articles?

    The LR should be exhaustive and as current aspossible.

    How many articles?

    There is no set number. As long as thesearch is exhaustive and focused on theresearch topic, the review will be


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    How far back should one search?

    A reasonable and widely accepted timeframeincludes research conducted during the past10 years.

    Important studies (i.e., studies that had asignificant impact on the field of study) shouldalso be mentioned even if these go beyond the

    mentioned timeframe.

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    What is not LR

    The LR is a summary of research: BUT it is not alist of found research

    The LR should be organized: A coherent and articulate account of past and currentresearch findings

    The reviewer is a guide and should be able to providereaders with an in-depth and current status ofresearch in a given area.

    Suggestion: read 2 or 3 LRs in order to becomefamiliar with summary styles

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    What should LR do?

    The LR should document the need for aproposed study:

    Studies should not duplicate research that has been

    already done. Even in cases when research is duplicated (replicated

    is the appropriate term), one is responsible fordocumenting the need for replication, e.g., need toexplore the same methodology with a different groupor population, or need to change methodology withthe same group.

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    What is Preliminary LiteratureReview

    This succinct review of current literature should: Provide further contextual background

    Reveal issues related to your study

    Describe similar problems in other organizations Provide significance to your approach to the study

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    Reasons for ConductingLiterature Review

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    Harlen and Schlapps (1998) say

    a review of literature provides the contextwithin which to interpret and report findings ofthe new study when it is undertaken, allowing

    their relationship to previous knowledge to beexplored and possible future directions for thestudy to be suggested. (p. 1)

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    the literature review is often expected to leadto an establishment of a theoretical frameworkfor the study (Schumacher and McMillan, 1993).

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    1. For a review paper

    2. For the introduction (and discussion) of a

    research paper, masters thesis or dissertation

    3. To embark on a new area of research

    4. For a research proposal

    (Burge, 2005)

    Reasons for Conducting Literature Reviews

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    Determine if proposed research is actually needed.

    Even if similar research published, researchers might

    suggest a need for similar studies or replication.

    Narrow down a problem.

    It can be overwhelming getting into the literature of a

    field of study. A literature review can help you

    understand where you need to focus your efforts.

    Generate hypotheses or questions for further studies.

    (Mauch & Birch, 2003)

    Conducting a literature review

    will help you:

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    Background knowledge of the field of inquiryFactsEminent scholars

    Parameters of the field The most important ideas, theories, questions

    and hypotheses.

    Knowledge of the methodologies common to thefield and a feeling for their usefulness and

    appropriateness in various settings.

    (Mauch & Birch, 2003)

    Conducting a literature review

    will give you:

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    Taxonomy of Literature

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    Classification # 1

    Everyday knowledge: Newspapers, weekly


    Professional KnowledgeScientific Knowledge

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    Classification # 2

    Primary publications: Scientific journals,

    books, theses/dissertations and internal reports

    Secondary publications: handbooks,bibliographies, review articles

    Tertiary Publications: Summaries of

    handbooks, bibliographies and reviews

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  • 8/14/2019 ARM Lecture 3


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    Research Tips


    How To Write A Literature Review

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    Meta Analysis

    a meta-analysis combines the results of severalstudies that address a set of related researchhypotheses.

    The first meta-analysis was performed by KarlPearson in 1904, in an attempt to overcome theproblem of reduced statistical power in studies

    with small sample sizes

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    Creswells 5 steps to Conduct aLiterature Review

    Step 1: Identify Key Terms or Descriptors Extract key words from your title (remember,

    you may decide to change the title later)

    Use some of the words other authors reported inthe literature

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Use the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors tolook for terms that match your topic: go towww.eric.ed.govand in Search selectDescriptors (from Thesaurus)

    Scan both electronic and library journals fromthe past 10 years and look for key terms in thearticles

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research
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    Step 2: Locate Literature Use academic libraries, do not limit your

    search to an electronic search of articles

    Use all sources: primary, and secondarysources. A primary source is researchreported by the researcher that conducted thestudy. A secondary source is research that

    summarizes or reports findings that comefrom primary sources

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative andCreswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative ResearchQualitative Research

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    It is best to report mostly primary sources(p. 82)

    Search different types of literature:summaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries and

    glossaries of terms, handbooks, statisticalindexes, reviews and syntheses, books,journals, indexed publications, electronicsources, abstract series, and databases

    PsychINFO, Emerald

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Step 3: Critically Evaluate and SelectLiterature

    Rely on journal articles published in nationaljournals

    Prioritize your search: first look for refereedjournal articles, then, non-refereed articles, thenbooks, then conference papers, dissertations and

    theses and then papers posted to websites

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Look for research articles and avoid as muchas possible opinion pieces

    Blend qualitative and quantitative research inyour review

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Step 4: Organize the Literature Create a file or abstract system to keep track of

    what you read. Each article you read should be

    summarized in one page containingTitle (use APA to type the title so that you can latercopy-paste this into the References section of yourpaper)

    Source: journal article, book, glossary, etc.

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Research problem: one or two lines will suffice

    Research Questions or Hypotheses

    Data collection procedure (a description of sample

    characteristics can be very handy as well)

    Results or findings of the study

    Sort these abstracts into groups of related topics orareas which can then become the different sections of

    your review

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Step 5: Write a Literature Review Types of Reviews:

    Thematic Review: a theme is identified and studiesfound under this theme are described. Major ideasand findings are reported rather than details.

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    Study-by-study Review: a detailed summary ofeach study under a broad theme is provided. Linksummaries (or abstracts) using transitional

    sentences. Must be organized and flow coherentlyunder various subheadings. Avoid stringquotations (i.e., lengthy chunks of text directlyquoted from a source)

    Creswell, J.W. (2005) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

    Qualitative Research

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    How to Carryout LiteratureSearch?

    McMillan (1993) presents the idea by asking thefollowing questions: Has the problem been studied


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    Literature Search

    Perform a preliminary search of the literature.

    Search lit to see what other work in the area of interesthas already been published.

    Gives a preview of the number of articles available on the topic. If your topic is already written about, select a slightly different topic

    or modify the focus of the objective.

    Recent journal issues in areas central to the topic mayprovide leads to content that should be in the review.

    Develop a list of subject headings that relate to themesof interest

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    Search across multiple databases and informationresources.

    Read the literature throughout the search process. What you read will guide your subsequent searches and refine

    your topic.

    Your search should help refine the topic and objective of

    the overview being written.

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    Summarize individual studies or articles Use as much or as little detail as each merits

    according to its comparative importance in the

    literature Length denotes significance. Dont need to provide a lot of detail about the

    procedures used in other studies.

    Most literature reviews only describe the main

    findings, relevant methodological issues, and/or

    major conclusions of other research.

    Construct The Literature Review

    (University of Wisconsin, 2006)

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    Discuss major areas of agreement ordisagreement

    Tie the study into the current body of lit, make

    logical interpretations from the lit reviewed. If there is no discussion of the relevance of

    the overview to other work in the field, or if

    there is no interpretation of the literature, itmay signal the author has not thoroughlyinvestigated the topic. Company Logo

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    Guidelines on Style,

    Mechanics, and LanguageUsage

    G id li S l M h i d

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    Guidelines on Style, Mechanics, andLanguage Usage

    Does your draft follow the logic or idea that ispresented in your intro and title?

    Avoid overusing direct quotations, especially

    long ones Check style manual for correct use of citations

    (Doe, 2005); Doe (2005); (Doe & Smith, 2005); Doe

    and Smith (2005); (Black, 2005; Brown, 2006;Yellow, 2007)

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    Avoid using synonyms for recurring words This is not creative writing and stay consistent with


    Spell out all acronyms when first using them Traditional - American Psychological Association

    (APA) Non-traditional - Collective Efficacy (CE)

    Coined terms should be set off by quotes e.g.seth culture

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    Avoid the following: Slang cool

    Colloquialisms (colloquialism) thing >>

    "gonna" or "wanna Idioms rise to the pinnacle >> to become


    Use great care to avoid Plagiarism

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    Please Read an Research Paper. Then answerthe following questions.

    A. Have the reviewers clearly identified the topic ofreview? Have they indicated its delimitations?

    Does it deal only with certain aspects of theproblemB. Have the reviewers writing a cohesive essay that

    guides you thorough the literature from subtopicsto subtopic? Explain.

    C. Have the reviewers interpreted and critique theliterature, or have they merely summarized it?D. Overall, do you think the reviewers make an

    important contribution to knowledge throughtheir synthesis of the literature? Explain.

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    Processing of LiteratureReview Company LogoCompany Logo

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    Processing the Literature

    Briefly and accurately summarize the essence ofthe findings

    Provide an overview of various authors

    standpoints and the results of empirical research Discuss findings critically and compare them in

    terms of their agreements and disagreements

    Indicate to what extent the literature summary iscomplete

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    Introduction to the lit review Content - what is covered Structure - how it is organized Boundaries - what is outside of its scope

    Body of the Lit ReviewSECTION 1

    The most important topic or a key concept discussed and evaluated summarized and related to your research


    ConclusionFrom each of the section summaries, highlight the most relevant points relate these back to the need for research reiterate what these mean for the research


    Organization of the Review


    The next most important

    topic or a key concept

    discussed and evaluated summarized and related to

    your research project

    ADDITIONAL SECTIONS Follow the same pattern

    (Golden-Biddle & Locke, 1997)

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    Formulate a problem - which topic or field is being

    examined and what are its component issues?

    Search the literature for materials relevant to the

    subject being explored.

    searching the literature involves reading andrefining your problem

    Evaluate the data - determine which literature makes a

    significant contribution to the understanding of the topic

    Analyze and interpret - discuss the findings and

    conclusions of pertinent literature

    Format and create bibliography

    (Lyons, 2005)

    Outline of Review Process

    What needs to be included in the

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    What needs to be included in theLiterature review.

    Provides contextual background Reveals related issues Reviews similar problems elsewhere

    Provides significance to your approach to thestudy Includes major/seminar research articles

    pertaining to study

    Written in an integrated manner Uses peer-reviewed research Includes a Reference section

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    Tips for Conducting LR

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    Structural corroboration/validation (Eisner,1991),

    trustworthiness (Glesne and Peshkin, 1992)

    Adequacy (Connelly and Clandinin, 1990) and

    credibility (Guba and Lincoln, 1989; Kincheloe,1991) Company Logo

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    Two sins

    Two sins authors may commit when citingpublished sources are those of (a) overloading their review of the literature

    (b) failing to keep complete, accuratebibliographic information, and thenattempting to fill in missing information by

    guess.perhaps many - hate to leave out any item that

    they unearthed during their search. feel it a

    shame to omit any reference that took them

    hours to locate and digest.

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    How To Read the Material

    Reading for the big pictureRead the easier works first

    Skim the document and identify major concepts

    After you have a broad understanding of the

    10 to 15 papers, you can start to see


    Groups of scientists argue or disagree with other groups. Forexample, Some researchers think x causes y, others that x is only amoderating variable

    (Carroll, 2006)

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    Narrow your focus

    Start from new material to old, general to specific starting with general topic will provide leads to specific areas of interest and help develop

    understanding for the interrelationships of research

    Note quality of journal, output of author

    As you read and become more informed on the topic, you will probably need togo back and do more focused searches

    Think, analyze, and weed out

    Arrange to spend some review time with an experienced researcher in the fieldof study to get feedback and to talk through any problems encountered

    (Mauch & Birch, 1993)

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    Read the Material Closer

    Step 1: read the abstract Decide whether to read the article in detail

    Step 2: read introduction It explains why the study is important

    It provides review and evaluation of relevant literature

    Step 3: read Method with a close, critical eye Focus on participants, measures, procedures

    Step 4: Evaluate results Do the conclusions seem logical

    Can you detect any bias on the part of the researcher?

    Step 5: Take discussion with a grain of salt (suspicious) Edges are smoothed out

    Pay attention to limitations

    (Carroll, 2006)

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    Be accurate and thorough

    Your review acts as a guide of your topic for others.

    Take care to make your review: Accurate: e.g., Citations correct, findings

    attributed to authors correct. Make sure someone can track down

    the article and that you have provided

    a reliable representation

    Complete: i.e., include all important papers(not every paper written on the topic).


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    Other suggestions

    Begin with tertiary and secondary literature in orderto acquire a broad overview of the research field andto ascertain important authors and historical

    controversies in this field Then start searching for primary publications

    Map out terminology concerning the topic

    Search for the abstracts

    Snowball method

    Maintain a complete reference list. Use softwareslike Perrla, Endnote, Squarenote Company Logo

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    i k

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    Common mistakes

    Literature reviewed lacks focus

    Presentation of only summaries of the literature

    Literature loosely integrated with design of thestudy

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    R f

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    Asian Institute of Technology. Writing up research: Using the literature. Retrieved 1/22/2009,2009, from

    Burge, C., 7.16 Experimental Molecular Biology: Biotechnology II, Spring 2005. (MassachusettsInstitute of Technology: MIT OpenCouseWare), Retrieved 12/15/2008, from Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

    Carrol, J., 15.301 Managerial Psychology, Fall 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT

    OpenCouseWare). Retrieved 12/15/2008, from License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

    Golden-Biddle, K, & Locke, K (1997). Composing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Green, B. N., Johnson, C. D., & Adams, A. (2006). Writing narrative literature reviews for peer-reviewed journals: Secrets of the trade. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 5(3), 101-117.

    Lyons, K. (2005). UCSC library - how to write a literature review. Retrieved 1/22/2009, 2009,from

    Mauch, J. E., & Birch, J. W. (1993). Guide to the successful thesis and dissertation : A handbook for

    students and faculty (3rd , rev. and expand ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker. University of Wisconsin. (2006). UW-madison writing center writer's handbook. Retrieved

    1/22/2009, 2009, from

    S d R di
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    Suggested Reading

    Fink, A. (1998). Conducting Research LiteratureReviews. London: Sage Publications.

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