arise magazine -the next chapter


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April Special Edition 2015


Page 1: Arise Magazine -The Next Chapter
Page 2: Arise Magazine -The Next Chapter

Page 3: Editors Welcome.

Page 4 - 5: The Showers.

Page 6 - 7: Yemzi Photography.

Page 8: Yemzi Drops Soulful


Page 9: Poet’s Corner.

Page 10 - 11: Writing Your Next


Page 12: Yemzi Photography.

Page 13: My Testimony.

Page 14 -15: Get To Know Team

Arise Magazine.

Page 16: Monthly Word.

Page 17: The Next Chapter In

The Eyes Of Ella Alalade.

Page 18: Classic & Mr & Mrs


Page 19: Young Gifted Initiative.

Page 20 - 21: The Journey To

Success With Natalie Phillips.

Page 22: Yemzi Photography.

Page 23: Poet’s Corner.

Page 24 - 25: Keep On Pushing.

Page 26 - 27: Catching Up With


Page 28 - 29: Meet A Team


Page 30 - 31: Miss Congo UK

2014/15 Joice Etutu.

Page 32: Kende.

Page 33: Hyphon.

Page 34: Living Life TV.

Page 35: All About Christ.

Page 36: Upcoming events.

David Wure - EditorNatalie Casey - Magazine Overseer

Oshane Woodhouse - Magazine / Web Designer

Dekkel Simmons - Magazine Designer



Grace Alalade - Magazine Reviewer

Laura Henry - Web Designer



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Samuel Anderson-Burrell - Digital Editor

Amifel Cliff-Eribo - Videographer


Temmy Odumosu - Sub Editor

Shanize Bonner - Sub Editor


In this life we are presented with trials and tribulations; we experience jubilation and elation but most common-ly experience anxiety and concern because we do not

know what the future holds.

Some of us are not aware of what the next chapter in our lives will be or how it will unfold; nonetheless something that I would advise you to do is “Let God Write Your Story.” There are times when we may feel that we have the ability to write our own story and create our own path, however as soon as things go wrong, we quickly hand over the pen back to God and ask Him to be our editor. What we must remember is that at all times we have to let go and permit God to write our story, He is our editor, He is our healer and He is our creator. Faith in the Lord will allow him to manifest in our lives and put us in positions in which his goodness, favour and bless-

ings pour out an overflow.

None of us wholesomely know what will unfold in the next chapter of our lives, nevertheless if we build a strong relationship with God and build a personal con-nection with him, He will show and reveal to us what he has in store in our next chapter. God opens gates for us to walk through and makes cloudy situations clear, what we must remember is that if we have a strong enough bond with him our next chapter which has already been

written will be envisioned.

Hebrews 12: 1-2 states “Therefore, since we are sur-rounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, “2” looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the

right hand of the throne of God.”

In this issue we look at what the next chapter holds. We ask others what they see God doing for them and where they see Him taking them. God has created a path in which he orders us to walk through, however at times we lose our way and bearings which ultimately leaves us derailed or stranded, but what is so special about serving God is that he can bring you back on track. God has a purpose for us all and I would like to challenge you all that if you are unaware of what God wants you to do next, spend some time and seek him; ask for guid-ance and he will surely direct you into your next chapter.

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© ramonespelt - #71967345

The Showers are a new family gospel group that consist of 10 siblings. 6 girls and 4 boys and they started sing-ing together in the church. Their father

asked the Lord to bless him and his wife with a child that can sing, but as God always works in mysterious ways, he provided them with 10 children who can really sing. The group have been singing on the national level for 4 years now but they have al-ways been in the church sing-ing. The award winning group have always been together and stayed connected after growing up in a 4 bedroom house; the 10 siblings had a hard time getting ready for church and also had to make sure they woke up early in order to use the bathroom before the other

sibling gets the space before. Their debut album “Hear my prayer” was released in 2009 and since then The Showers have blown on a global scale. The inspiration behind the album came from the eldest son, Bobby, who

is now a Pastor as well as a group mem-ber. He wanted to take their music to an-other level and not just keep it in church but let the whole world hear their sound. “Growing up our parents always sur-rounded us with national recording artists and always had that vision of us becoming national gospel record-ing artists.” The showers look up to their parents seeing as they installed that belief in them that they can perform and reach

out to souls on a national level. They see them as perfect role models and have been taught how to serve God in a professional yet passionate and true manner. The Show-ers believe that you need to have a passion for what


© ramonespelt - #71967345


Page 5: Arise Magazine -The Next Chapter

you do. You must have a purpose and in order to reach the level in which you aspire to you have to let God take full con-trol. At times, doing your research helps but the main thing in order to succeed and walk in your calling is to have Christ in you. “We have just completed

our newest CD and the release date is fast ap-proaching, so I would say

that the next chapter for The

Showers is to spread the word of God and to also spread the word of our music. We have so many inspirational songs that say I am going through something right now but I have that faith to believe

again. Songs such as Immedi-ately, Outpour and “Jesus you died” are all centred on Jesus who is the foundation.


The Showers also talked about how to combat pressures and rejection by stating that there will always be peer pressure but you must have a relationship with Jesus and want to be able to

be strong enough to overcome situ-ations so that you know when to say yes and when to say no to certain situations.“Our aim is to be examples for the next generation, because you do not know how long you will be on this earth for.” The group have a col-lective say in choosing which songs to sing at particular events. They try and cater to all types of audience and minister to everyone depending on the message and what the congregation require. Where do you see The Showers in 5 years time?“I see us spread-ing the word internationally. There is a message in all our songs that can touch the lives of all ages because we just love the Lord and want them to hear our music.”Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows?“We all have different personalities.”The Showers family tree -

Regina: She is the researcher and backbone to everything we have going on. Bobby: He’s a preacher and not that involved with the group anymore but he has a different calling in which he is currently fulfilling seeing as he is

leading a flock and has his own person-ality. Angela: She is a teacher and kind of hard to deal with some times. Tim: He is a behind the scenes type of person. He is very observant but helps with the sound system.Titus: He is the fifth child, very humours, friendly and his personality is out of this world. Most importantly he is the lead singer for most of our songs. Tif-fany: She is regarded as the clown of the group. She is her own person and gives

us all of the latest information on what’s going on, pretty much our reporter. Ciara: She is the lead singer in our hit song “Better” and is the real diva in our family. Tabitha: She loves singing and sings soprano in the group. Melo-dy: Very quiet but a great background singer and lead as well. Thaddeus: He is the baby of the group and is spoilt.




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Website: Yemzi.comFacebook: YemziTwitter: YemziLdnGoogle+: YemziPinterest: Yemzi


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Yemzi Drops Soulful



Website: Yemzi.comFacebook: YemziTwitter: YemziLdnGoogle+: YemziPinterest: Yemzi


Page 9: Arise Magazine -The Next Chapter

Shantel Cherebin

As for God His way is perfect, the word of the Lord proves true ,He is the shield, to all who take refuge in you In my distress He heard my cry, From His temple, the Lord the Most High, Descended from heaven, he sent arrows to scatter my enemy, God, the great deliverer saved me from calamity. My fear was great and foes were too strong for me, His statues I have not set aside,You repay righteousness and those who are pure in your sight, You save the humble and those that bless your name, Who else but God that surrounds me with strength, And makes my way without blame, Lord our lives are never out of Your gaze,

Your love has no limits and it delivers us from shame, You are our Father God worthy of all praise.

Inspired by Psalm 18 Kirstin Lewis

Lord I will listen when you command me to: Go, Move, Arise, Run, Walk, Stand Still, Wake up, Turn Left, Turn Right, Move Forward, Move ahead, Reverse, change direction, Stop!Father you train us to be obedientYou teach us to listen to your instructionsYou take us on a journey under your strength Giving us the grace removing the spirit of corruption. Psalm 119:105:

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”Lord your voice awakens our hearts and shifts our soulWhen you take us into a new chapterYour sweet righteousness takes full controlFather your promises is always true and your favour never turn dryYou keep us under your comforting wingsProtecting our future as we soar to touch the skySweet Father your instructions are to protect us and keep us on the right laneAs we step into your next chapter your blood and grace always re-main the same.

So when God instructs our lives to: Go, Move, Arise, Run, Walk, Stand Still, Wake up, Turn Left, Turn Right, Move Forward, Move ahead, Reverse, change direction, Stop!We shall all obey Him and remember: “Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and his statutes, and His judgments, and His commandments, always.” Deuteronomy 11:1

Your Divine Instructions



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CHAPTER-Writing Your Next

Don’t lose heart; there is still time to write your next chapter for the life you want to live, says Frances Mensah Williams.

As we march towards the middle of what was only recently a brand new year, are you wondering what happened to your good intentions and resolutions? Did you promise yourself that you were going to change something about your life and now find that you haven’t been able

to keep to your goal? Did you plan to seek out new opportunities that are out there, elevate yourself or change and move into a more successful and innova-tive path?If that’s the case, you are not alone. Because change is not easy and much as we say we want change, how many of us are really prepared to change what we do in order to get the change we say we are seeking?However, just be-cause attaining a goal isn’t easy, it’s no reason to give up on it. There’s a differ-ence between something that is a challenge and something that is impossible. The impossible, we can all agree, isn’t a particularly achievable goal – I know that no matter what I do, I will not become a Nobel Prize winning physicist. But challenging goals are achievable if we make up our minds to do what it takes. The emphasis here is on action – on DO-ing.Successful people are the ones who actually DO what other people only think about, as one motivational author once said. If we really want to change the output, we have to change the input. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is, we all know, the path to madness.‘Be the change you want to see’, said Mahatma Gandhi, and the truth is whether it’s about losing weight or gaining skills, we pretty much all know what we need to do to be able to write our own next chapter. So where’s the problem?


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well, much as we know

what it takes to make

change happen success-

fully, something gets in

the way of putting this

knowledge into practice.

As human beings in an

age of quick fixes, we

want results now and not

as the result of painstak-

ing hard work. We lose

confidence and disregard

our own wisdom; per-

haps because we hold

some sort of limitation in

our mind about what we

can achieve, or per-

haps because we blame

pressures such as time,

money or other people.

So the problem is how to

deal with the big gap be-

tween what we know and

what we actually do to

make change happen. To

be able to write our own

next chapter, we have to

be ready to do the work

that will be involved. This

means first of all under-

standing our real motiva-

tion for change. What is the

next chapter we want for

our lives? Is it something

we want for ourselves or

is it being imposed/sug-

gested/demanded of us? If

we accept that we want to

achieve this goal for our-

selves, we have to have

a clear vision of what we

are seeking as a realistic

outcome and then convey

that vision to those around

us to gain their support.

We need to make sure

that we have the capac-

ity to make the neces-

sary changes that will

take us to where we

want to go; that we have

identified what we need,

be it time, money or peo-

ple, and are committed to

finding these. Finally, it’s

all in the doing - taking ac-


If you really want this year

to be the one where you

get to write your own next

chapter, you can. But pre-

pared to accept that to re-

ally elevate yourself, it will

take work. Change that

lasts is one where our ex-

pectations are realistic and

where progress is gradual

rather than radical. Going

through the


may raise

fears within

us that we

didn’t even

know were

there and it could even

feel like loss as our old

familiar routine gradually

transforms into a new pat-

tern of action and achieve-


A new chapter could be

yours for the writing if you

are ready to do what it

takes. And when the go-

ing gets tough, take heart

from the saying “If nothing

ever changed, there’d be

no butterflies.”

“Be the change you want to see.”

“Its all in the

doing - taking

Frances Mensah Williams is an author and the Chief Executive of Interims for Develop-ment, a Human Resources and Training consultancy and Editor of ReConnect ( an online careers and jobs publication for African profes-sionals around the world. She is the author of ‘I Want to Work in Africa: How to Move Your Career to the World’s Most Exciting Continent’ ( and ‘Everyday Heroes: Learning from the Careers of Successful Black Professionals’ ( Her new novel ‘Pasta to Pigfoot’ will be published in May 2015.


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Website: Yemzi.comFacebook: YemziTwitter: YemziLdnGoogle+: YemziPinterest: Yemzi



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I never really thought too much of myself in sec-ondary school, I was pretty much that typical teenage girl with all the insecurities, never believing I was good enough. But one day, in one of the most stressful two years of my life, I decided to give it all to God and my life changed for the better.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT

If being the first born daughter in an African household wasn’t enough pressure, I was first in line to go to uni-versity and the expectations were high. I remember being so down that I decided to go on the Bible App and read a plan on Faith and people in the Bible who showed a serious load of it just to give me the courage and strength to complete all my exams.

My confidence in myself and my ability was so low and I did not believe that I was going to get into my first choice university as the grades were way out of my reach. I had plan B through to Z ready for when I believed I was going to fall short. However one night I decided to pray and give all my cares, worries and burdens to God.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a FU-TURE and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

I realised that there was no need to be scared be-cause I could not fail as that was not His plan for my life. So I stopped worrying and believed that whatever happened was what God intended and to my surprise I got into that university that I believed was out of reach, not through my own strength, but for God’s Glory.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV

And now I know why He did it… because if I didn’t get into this university I wouldn’t be where I am to-day. I wouldn’t have met the likeminded Christian youth who have encouraged me to pursue my God given purpose. I wouldn’t have had the courage to start up a Christian radio show at university or to become part of a Christian Youth Magazine and to be giving you this testimony now.

So I just want to encourage you all to not see your-self through your own strength but to give your life completely to God and let Him complete the perfect fulfilled life he has destined for you.

Greater is He that is within me.

John 4:4 KJV



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Get To Know Team Arise Magazine

Arise Magazine has now expanded to a team of 20 of-

ficial members who all contribute in their own way. Eve-

ryone’s input at Arise magazine is extremely valuable

and taken on board as there is unity and love within the

camp. The team ranges from individuals as young as

13 to as old as 31. Most importantly Arise magazine is

designed to spread the good word and to also encour-

age, empower and appreciate young people.


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Did you know? Arise Magazine was formerly called Uzziah Magazine

Arise Magazine have interviewed numerous inspiring individuals who cover all parts of ministry; from preachers, musicians, sing-

ers, youth workers, corporate executives, ministers, evangelists, students, competition winners, organisations and much more.

Despite meeting with highly valued individuals Arise magazine remembers the cause of being a Christian publication. We look to

spread the word of God in a way it can relate to other young people.

Here are a few questions and answers about the team:

Q: Who is the newest member of the team?

A: Shanise Bonner – Third year Student at Southampton Solent University studying Journalism.

Q: Who was the first person Arise interviewed?

A: Michael Bolt – National praise and worship leader and psalmist.

Q: How many separate issues have been published?

A: Three, this will be the fourth.

Did you know? Arise magazine has six different interviewers

Q: Who is the biggest moaner in the group?

A: David Wurie - our editor is always complaining, I suppose he just wants the work done properly

Q: Who is the hardest worker in the group?

A: Oshane Woodhouse – he designed February’s issue of the magazine and has also revamped the whole website.

Q: Who has done the most interviews?

A: Natalie Cassey and Shantel Cherebin – I suppose it’s because they both love chatting.

Did you know? Author, Frances Williams submits an article each issue in enable to assist the writing team.

Q: Who is the funniest? Either Dekkel Simmons or Oshane Woodhouse – Dekkel is just naturally funny he doesn’t have to tell

a joke to make you laugh, Oshane on the other hand is more of a stand up comedian, but they are both very funny guys!

Q: Who is the quitest?

A: Kirstin Lewis – she is very quietly spoken and a woman of few words, unless she’s talking about her favourite team Arsenal.

Q: Who is the loudest?

A: Samuel Alalade – He is full of energy and once he has sweets in his system there is no keeping him quiet

Q: Who conducted the longest interview?

A: Kaydene Peart – When she interviewed Media guru Annika Allen, the interview went on for over 15 minutes.

Q: How do you decide what goes in the next issues?

A: we all tend to meet up and plan each issue, so we collaborate and bring our ideas together, but before that’s done we always

have a debrief from the previous issue and highlight the positives and negatives in which we also look to work upon and improve

for future issues.




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MONTHLY from you ?

What God wants

Isaiah 55:11, Matthew 24:35, Romans 4:20, Romans4:3

What God wants you to do is to apply the word of God to your life daily; when you do so you will bind the plans of the enemy for your

life because there’s power in the word of God. The word of God is your shield and buckler; the word is the truth and it never lies. God wants us all to know that the word works all the time so what he wants you to do

is to apply the words to your life. Read Romans 4:3

If the word can work for me and deliver me it can do the same for you, we’ve seen this over and over. People get deliverance and freed by

using just a few words ‘in the name of Jesus’, ‘the blood of Jesus’ or just the name ‘Jesus’ itself this is another reason why prayer is important; it helps you when you’re worn down and stressed or even when you’re confused. It’s another way of fighting your enemy instead of fighting physically or verbally instead you go somewhere in private and pray

that’s fighting spiritually.God expects these simple things from us but we sometimes struggle to do it.

Prayer Say: “ Lord encourage me God, help me to make you to my dwelling

place and help me to have health and strength. Allow me to also have confidence and boldness in you oh God and not to be discouraged,


Chenell Mitchell



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What is the next chapter in your life? For many different people, their next chapter or pathway can be moving on from an event that may be life changing. The next chapter can be going to uni-

versity that may be far away from home for a student. This means going through the process of applying to different universities according to the grades. Therefore the next chapter may not be too expectant and hopeful; in the case approaching it may feel cautious. However, this means to approach God about the next chapter that you will meet so that He can guide you onto your next chapter. In the Bible, in the book of Proverbs 3, it says ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart; on your own

intelligence do not rely’. It means whatever situation that you will face; trust in the Lord so that you go onto the next chapter, spiritually ready. A next chapter means to start a new thing, with God, this means spiritually, “stepping up”. In today’s age, it is hard for young people, to admit difficulties with approaching the next chapter hopefully, therefore the faith in them may be hard to have. So the verse in Proverbs 3, means to be ready for whatever hits you.


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The Mr & Mrs ACS UK team put on a cul-tural show this month which again was a huge success. The show is an annual competition taking candidates who represent their universities across the UK. The or-ganisers of the group consist of students and recent graduates who look to inspire other young students to showcase their talents.The Cultural show consists of candidates celebrating and embracing their cul-ture, performing in dance, playing musical instru-ments, spoken word and much more. The candidates were full of energy, charismatic and had great chemistry. They all bonded well with each other and when Arise Magazine had a chance to catch up with them we saw the unity and genu-ine group friendship that they had. In the lead up to the show the organisers made sure they put God at the centre as they hoped for another flourishing event. This year’s show was held at The Tabernacle in Notting Hill and for a consecutive year the show was well at-tended. This year’s winners May and Ben felt blessed after winning the competition and we will be able to hear more from them as we catch up with the pair in our next issue.

Who is Classic?Classic is a 23 year rapper from South London. He currently attends World Wide Mission Fellowship and has started rapping since the age of 9. Classic believes that in order to be a role model you need to have Jesus. Classic continues to work on his career fi-nance and also his gospel rap music career. Recently he has also been spending a lot of quiet time with God, in order

to reflect and gain a closer and stronger relationship with God.What’s the next chapter for Classic?“Only God truly knows the answer to this question. I take each day as it comes al-lowing God to take control.” Where can we access your music? “Amazing Grace Vol.1 has not been released yet, but should be out by the end of June. However, some of my music can be found on Soundcloud - .”

Make sure we look out for Classic as he is an upcoming gospel artist who loves to spread the word of God though rap. He is a young, talented and gifted individual who has the potential and ability to reach out to many through his good music.

Classic & Mr&Mrs ACS



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Twitter: @yg_initiativeInstagram: @yginitiative Akindayini.A

Young Gifted Initiative

“A platform designed to Inspire, Develop and Educate our Youth to Value their Self- Worth and Achieve Greatness”

Our Purpose Young Gifted Initiative – YGI is a Youth Initiative founded by Adebisi Akindayini, a 21 year old Psychology Un-dergraduate who is currently Miss Nigeria UK.As a young person herself Adebisi realized that the Youth of today suffered from lack of focus, self- motivation and self-identity. She saw that the youth tend to live for today instead of thinking about tomorrow, what the future holds and how to invest their time in order to benefit their lives. With this, Adebisi aimed to create a platform that could fill this void with the youth and provide them with opportuni-ties to better themselvesThe YGI passion is centered on the enhancement of young people’s lives. They believe that young people will do bet-ter providing that they have the right source of inspiration which they aim to provide. YGI will unite the youth, occupy their time, motivate them, instill positivity and promote the importance of self-identity.YGI is aimed at young people from ages11-25 which is split into 4 segments and tailors their services to fit each age group.A number of events have been organized for this year in-cluding Debates, Open Mic Nights, Motivation Evenings, Networking Sessions and After Care Opportunities. YGI aims to see a change in the social construct in the minds of our youth, be a point of contact in their time of need and create a safe place for the youth to have a voice. Young Gifted Initiative is a Youth Initiative founded by one of the Youth in order to better the Youth for generations to

have a voice. Young Gifted Initiative is a Youth Initiative founded by one of the Youth in order to better the Youth for genera-tions to come.

The launch will occur in June.The Youth are the Future. We need to invest in them.


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Natalie Phillips

We catch up with the award-winning art-ist Natalie Phillips as she talks to us about

her inspiring journey so far. The solo artist began singing in church at five years old to then performing with choirs at the age of 12. Since then, Natalie has expanded her vocal range by performing and ministering in various venues around the UK. We discuss how she made it to where she is now with the support of her family, as well as sharing a close insight into her up and coming project.

Natalie began ministry at a young age, attending events and singing with different choirs was where her career and passion started. For Na-talie, praise and worship is not just the time allocated to a Sunday morning, but it touches in everything that she does on a daily basis. She describes herself as a ‘Singer songwriter, wife, sister, daughter and a regular girl who enjoys singing, that’s it.’ We under-stand that when artists get to a height of fame it can become difficult to cope with the pressure, we asked Natalie how she overcomes this.

“My husband and kids bring me back down to earth every time!

So I am not in any trouble of letting the fame get to my head,

because my husband and kids will quite clearly tell me. So I try

not to get so busy that I neglect my family, but they understand

there is work to be done, ministry to be done.”

Praise and worship is what Natalie does, it’s a service to God a service to the people of God. Cooking, cleaning, singing and doing hair are her ways of expression to God. “For me to separate praise and worship from other things that I do? I can’t do that,” she states. Ministering and encouraging peo-ple is truly what she stands for.

Natalie shares a multiplicity of experience singing in are-nas around the UK, though her greatest accomplishment is moving people through her music, and being on this solo career is what made that possible. The many opportunities assumed throughout her career gives her many reasons to thank God. She shares her most recent heartfelt moment.

“I remember just recently, I sang at an Arise event, and a female comedian was truly brought to tears because of the songs I ministered. For me that’s one of the highlights of touching people.”

The singer songwriter started working with a choir called IDMC in 1993

for officially 9 years. This gave her the opportunity to grow as a singer

while singing at places she could of never have imagined. Learning how

to sing lead roles as part of the choir is where her solo career kicked off.

She described the experience as exciting, fun and crazy.

Eager to know, we asked Natalie; what was the turning point in her career

that made her decide to go solo? She answered:

“I blame my husband, we got married in 2000 and he plays the guitar. The

taste of music that he had was different to mine but the two sounds combined

and made a great fusion. So we started jamming together, and that inspired

me to start writing with him. There was a transition of different things, singing

the solos in the choir, being married to my husband and different elements that

came together has lead me to where I’ve come to. “


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The Journey to success with Natalie Phillips

QUESTION TIMEBeing a mum of two and dealing with health issues has not stopped Natalie from delivering incomparable proj-ects. Its important to understand that while we may not see Natalie on a platform performing, she continues to succeed in other areas. Working with people on proj-ects to helping with vocals in the studio, she is always a support to someone else.

“At the end of the day my ministry and my solo career is not the be all and end all to Natalie Phillips. There’s more to her, more to myself and there are different fac-ets, if I can help other people then hey that’s what I

will do.”

She declares her next project is just round the cor-ner. The gifted minister herself has begun writing again and we can hopefully expect the album by the end of the year, if not early next year. From her EP in 2003, Natalie has grown which projects through her sound of music.

I have grown, so my sound might seem a bit different but its still true to who Natalie Phillips is.”

Thinking back to her experiences, Natalie shares her advice for the young people who aspire to follow her footsteps.

“Don’t be scared to be yourself. Be unique, it may be hard to go against grain, but keep going and be who God called you to be. As long as it is in line with Gods will then I would say go for it and use the energy you have as a youth, because when you get to my age its

Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows?

“I blame my husband, we got married in 2000 and he plays the guitar. ”

“I used to be a sprinter in school; I came to a crossroads in my life where I could choose the sport route or the singing route. You know which route I took, but I do enjoy athletics, I do wish I could still do the sprint, but I can’t as I stopped training! “



“It’s never just been about what I can

do, it’s about what I can give to other

ministries. You might not see me on a

platform upfront, but I am busy behind

the scenes being a support to someone


“I remember just recently, I sang at Arise event and a

female comedian was actually brought to


1“Just don’t be scared

to be yourself. Be unique, it may be hard to go against

grain, but keep going and be who God has

called you to be.”


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Website: Yemzi.comFacebook: YemziTwitter: YemziLdnGoogle+: YemziPinterest: Yemzi


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Social networking is amazing you can talk to anyone online,But when someone’s right in front of you, you can’t seem to find the time.When you’re sitting in a res-taurant with a table for 4,But it’s so quiet round it just

like a memorial hall!When all you can hear is dah, dah, dah, tap, tap, tapRunning all across your phones like a technological rap!When mouths only open to shove food in yer face,I can’t talk to you right now, but I can talk to them on cyberspace.When a question is asked, it may even be met with a sigh,Oh what, soz was busy, talking to my friend in Dubai!But do you know those 468 friends on your Facebook list,Whom you just have to check up on their statuses,In case there was something that you missed!‘Just had a curry’ I’m out right now, writing this status in a hurry’ ‘I just bought a dress’ fed the cat’ had a shave’ ‘I’m out on a date!’‘I’ve just got to add another selfie right now’ tomorrow couldn’t wait! All this whilst at the cinema, or at a restaurant, or on a bus, This air of desperation ‘I must’ I must’...Write another, status; send a tweet or instagram, When you’re meant to be en-joying your family, your friends, your woman or your man,Who are arms throw away, so close you can even feel their breath, Who you should cherish whist there still here, not just wait to their death,Where on Facebook you can tell everyone just how much they meant to you And how you wish that you had done all the things with them you didn’t do,If only you had had more time, to spend with them before, networking had stopped you being social anymore!


©Areatha Mogagabe

Sitting there waiting for the word to envelop us, To reach out and touch,Came here looking for an answer without a question, Are we asking a little too much?

Just like the lost sheep that we are, Waiting to be herded in,The world is becoming a totally desperate place, And so were trying to hide from all the sin.

Looking for a sanctuary,A place where we feel we belong,But yet there’s so much that were missing here, Why does it feel a little wrong?

Have people got caught up with fakery? Has deception infiltrated the church doors?It shouldn’t be an issue for a true believer,It’s not other people we came here for.

Although we share our space with others We are here by and for the grace of God,Not for peoples judgement or to judge them,But because of our hope and faith in the Lord.


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was appointed to Pastor the newly formed church now known as Gateway ministries. Under his lead-ership the church has seen wonderful growth which in a testament to his intense desire to see peo-ple accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour



ishop Lloyd Henry was born in Manchester, Jamaica, the second of seven children. He came to England when he was ten years old to join his parents and younger siblings. He attended the newly formed Deptford Church with his family and accepted the Lord at the age of fifteen.

Bishop Henry enjoyed many wonderful years years of active ministry at the Deptford church serving at sunday school teacher, musician, young mens president, youth director, deacon and local and district evangelist .B

1. Random Fact?

When I was younger, I got run over by a car when I was on my way

to school!

2. How long have you been a pastor for?

I’ve been a pastor for around 19 years.

3. What is the most challenging thing about being a pastor?

The most challenging thing about being a pastor is keeping the vision alive and keeping

the members focused on the vision.

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10.How can young peo-ple experience change

without having to change themselves?

Young people need to realise that they are created, born with abilities, talents and gifts. Change is a valuable

vehicle for helping young people to maximum their po-tential, it helps you to make progress in life so embrace it but recognise who you are and use it rather than being afraid of change use it for your own benefit and your own advancement.

9. What advice can you give to young peo-ple who are in the process of transition

and change?Change is part of life; we must recognise and embrace it. Change will help us to fulfil our potentials, it creates opportunities and gives us new direction and shows us our creative

abilities and how to develop them.

5.When making decisions in ministry what are the top three most key fac-


The first is to determine the desired out-come, the second is to explore the key

options that could bring about that out-come and the last factor is to evaluate op-tions to determine the most viable by or-ganising them in order of priority and use the conclusion to inform the final decision.

8. As this is a new chapter in your life how will you try and handle the change?

Well I think the first thing that I would need to do is develop a clear understanding of what my new role is and once

I have that I then need to focus my attention on fulfilling the responsibilities that my new assignment demands and doing what is expected of me.

7. You have recently been appointed District Overseer for the Deptford District, what were

your thoughts when you were asked to do this?

Initially I was surprised, it was unexpected but I was kind of prepared for it due to what happened in a prior meeting which had taken place months before. After being prayed for, one of the deacons started to speak over my life and another member after said that this will be fulfilled but it would not be here. This made me wonder what that meant so when I was asked to be the district pastor I took it that God was saying that it was time for me to move on to a

new assignment.

4.What led you to become a minister?

Many of the people around me felt like I had that calling. I even had different

pastors encouraging me to go into min-istry then I eventually accepted the chal-lenge.

6. How hard is it to leave Gateway where you have been the pastor for numerous years?

It was probably the hardest thing that I’ve ever I had to do. I’m leaving some real great people behind and a really great

church. It’s only because I get a sense that this is what God is calling me to do. So I really have to walk according to God’s will.

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Her name is Rachael but you can call her Rae...We managed to catch up with the very talented and

spiritually gifted Rae, who is by far one of the big-gest talents arising within the UK gospel scene.

Rae has been singing for a very long time, pretty much all her life but she con-tinued to follow it through and has recently started leading praise and worship at her local church. She is also in the youth choir at her university.

Rae’s real love for leading worship started three years ago when she entered a gospel talent competition called Time to Shine. It allowed her to lead and usher others into the presence of God and she felt that there was a heavy calling upon her life after her time ministering in the competition. She was able to build con-nections at the show and also gained resourceful contacts within the gospel music ministry.

Rae always felt that the calling of singing was upon her life but she felt reassured from prophetic words from her mum. Rae also went on to explain the feeling she has when the spirit of God is upon her as she ministers. Rae described the feel-ing as being “Something real, it’s not for show”.

Rae feels that if you are aspiring to be a praise and worship leader, you should be upfront with your leaders and state to them that you would like to be involved in that specific area of ministry. She feels that you have to take that leap of faith and try and lead a few praise and worship sessions in order to pursue and even-tually fulfill your purpose.

Rae’s advice: “If you are looking to go into min-istry, first of all you must pray about it.”

© Arise Magazine

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Rae went on to encourage other young people who are unsure or don’t feel that they have a platform to step into their call-ing. She feels that we have the resources to make our own platforms. There are so many avenues in which we can go down and that we are all spiritually gifted and have a talent within us.

Rae is also perceived as a role model by her peers and the younger generation but she states that it is imperative to have humility when being classed as a role model. Humility takes you so far because you shouldn’t feel that you are better than other people because you have to be a problem solver at all times. She also feels that you must have understanding when dealing with young people. As a role mod-el you have to try and show understanding when listening to the youth.

Rae’s advice: “Talk less and just listen”

The next chapter for Rae is clearly in God’s hands. Rae has just re-cently uploaded her own YouTube channel and would love to work with other gospel acts and help do more covers. Nonetheless within the next 5 years time Rae would like to have released an album and be ministering on an international platform.

Rae believes that Christianity is a big step and is grateful to have been brought up in the church. God has done so much to her in her life and she is in awe of that. “God’s love is so amazing that you can’t even describe it” she states.

Rae is also a student studying at Leicester University so she has to juggle her studies and ministry and it’s normally a difficult bal-ance nonetheless she loves sleeping. Rae has expressed her love for sleeping and is even regarded as sleeping beauty by her mother as she can spend hours having a lay in.

Rae’s advice: “There is social media; even if you stay in your room and upload a video on you-tube, that’s still a way of bless-ing someone. So just remember to create your your room and upload a video on you-tube, that’s still a way of bless-ing someone. So just remember to create your own platform.”

© Arise Magazine Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows? I actually want to become a TV presenter, I am a lovely person and very bubbly so it’s actually cool being on the other side and be-ing interviewed.

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Name: Natalie Casey

Role: Magazine Overseer

Occupation: Student

Favourite colour: Pink

Favourite dish: Plantain

Favourite Sport: I don’t like sports

N Natalie is our magazine overseer. She makes important decisions regarding who will be fea-tured in our issues and also reviews the issue before it is handed over to our board for further reconsider. Natalie is also the Assistant Youth Pastor at Gateway ministries, which is part of the Deptford district NTCG. Natalie also runs children’s church at Gateway and has huge

responsibilities of looking after the younger generation but also organising Sunday school. She sources her own teacher’s and prepares a week by week plan for the youngsters. She also takes great pride in being involved with Gateway’s single women’s ministry where she is a valuable member of the group. In the group we all know Natalie or better referred to as (Nats) as a bubbly, lively and courageous char-acter, she brings life and soul to the group and always puts her all into everything she does especially the work she puts into the Kingdom of God. At Arise magazine Natalie also conducts interviews, this is something she loves doing as she is a big talker and always loves a chat.

Here are her questions and answers:

1.) When did you give your life to God and accept Jesus as your personal saviour ?

I grew up in church as my grandmother was a Christian and I spent most of my life there with her in her home. My aunt who lived with her also attended and still does Brixton New Testament. I used to be sent to Vacation Bible School every summer too growing up so I guess a seed was being sown. However it wasn’t until my grandmother passed in 2005 that I gave my life to Christ. I was baptised on 19th June 2005. I have had my up’s and down’s but I am still here by God’s unending grace.

2.) How long have you been involved in Kingdom business work ?

Oh gosh, I have been involved doing duties in church right from the beginning. When you have a Pastor like I did he encourages you to be involved. But the ministries I am involved in now I have only been doing for just over two years.

3.) What are your strengths and weaknesses when working with young people ?

Q&A with Natalie Casey


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I feel that one of my weaknesses is time and resources. As we do not have our own church building we are limited to what we can put on for the youth with limited space. I also need to remember to take breaks and time out for me as if I am burnt out. I would say that my honesty is one of my strengths as I am just myself with everyone. I am always sharing something from my past with the young people and I try to be an open book so what you see is what you get the word I am looking for is transparency.

4.) What are the best things about working with the youth ?

When I get a young person coming to me in confidence about a problem they have I’m like wow God thank you that someone has put their trust in me. I also love seeing the children run out from Sunday school with something they have learnt or come back to you the following week with that same lesson, it makes my heart smile. Everything I do God deserves the glory as it’s truly because of Him that I am able to do these ministries.

5.) Can you see yourself venturing out to other departments ?

Well to be honest with the single women, and the youth and children I think I do enough! But if venturing to other departments is what God wants then I guess I will have to go, but to be honest my pas-sion is for the children and young people.

6.) What’s your favourite bible verse and why ?

I would say I have many but Philippians is one of my favourite books there is so much in there! I would choose from there Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. This verse lets me know that whatever I do I can only do it through Christ; he is

the one who strengthens me. When I get tired in ministry or when I get weak I can go on and do it because Christ strengthens me. I’m pressing towards the next chapter.

7.) If you could relate yourself to a biblical character who would it be and why ?

Wow what a question! Well if I had to relate to one it would be Ruth. She was loyal and dedicated and someone who showed love and compassion that didn’t shy away from hard work.

8.) What would you say the next chapter holds for Natalie ?

To be honest I don’t know. I just give thanks to God that I’m doing something I love and whatever he has in store my answer will be yes!

9.) As a leader what do you expect to see from your youth ?

I just want my youth to walk in their God given purpose, and that having done all they can to stand. To allow the light of God to shine in whatever they do in life. I want them to know how much God loves them Romans 8:31-39 says “nothing can separate us from God’s love.” Above all I would like them to build a personal relationship with him.

10.) Tell us something about yourself nobody else knows ?

To be honest I don’t even know if there is something that anybody doesn’t know! Oh, I am quite a shy person although it may not seem it but I have always been shy because as a child I would often hide behind an adult.


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The 19-year-old student who plays a huge part within the Congolese community has already achieved masses in her career. She frequently participates in problem solving and regularly reporting on current events and matters com-mencing within the society. Not long after winning the competition, Joice was fortunate enough to do her first speech in the house of parliament. She describes the experience as ‘full-on but fun’.

Joice is extremely talented, from modelling, be-ing a full time student to representing Congo, she is always kept on her toes. Although she en-lightens, it is not always as easy as it may seem, “Being a full time student while doing this is a struggle! I previously had to quit my job in order for me to devote my time and effort into being Miss Congo and being a student.” She explains.

Miss Congo UK 2014/15 Joice Etutu



Enthused by the balance she manages eve-ryday; we asked Joice what her strengths are that make this all possible. She answered: “My father raised me to be proactive and sufficient. I’m extremely motivated and passionate when it comes to anything I do, so you can always expect 100% from me.”

The extremely hands-on and independent role model loves helping others. “I’m the kind of person who loves and wants to help everyone, as long as I can at least help one person I will be content with that,” she says. One of the leading complications Joice faces throughout her responsibility is prioritising problems. She explains that not being able to solve every difficulty in Congo is something she finds difficult: “I love and want to help everyone but people tell me you cant help everyone and for me that was quite a hard pill to swallow.”

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CULTURE FASHIONBeing a representative for young people means it is significant for Joice to act as a role model at all times. She does this by making it clear to young people that

having your own identity will make you a stronger person and will also inspire oth-ers to do so. Though she explains in the world we live in today that is determined by

likes and followers this can be difficult and it is easy to loose touch with reality. “We need to remember we’re the next generation of doctors, prime ministers, governors,

musicians, entertainers and entrepreneurs so focus is key. I’d just like to show that it’s okay to be young and ambitious,” she states.

The miss Congo team previously sponsored the Meseker centre, which supports wom-en and children who have been victims of sexual violence. Being aware of the shocking

rape rate in Congo that currently stands at 48 women being raped per hour meant it was vital for the team to act upon this. Carrying out an appeal over 4 days they were able to

raise an astonishing £600. “Throughout the year we are going to continue working on this work rate to ensure we donate as much as possible,” she adds.

Miss Congo will be running an exciting collection to take to the orphanages and schools in Congo this June. In addition to this she has many upcoming projects lined up within the UK.

She will be academically helping young Congolese children with a project called ‘homework club.’ As well as heading over to Manchester to assist her aunty who is in fact head of the Con-

golese Women’s Rights Organisation, with aiding children at the homent club. Like this wasn’t enough further clarifies: “I also have personal projects coming along but you’ll have to wait and


After being informed of the positives Joice has so far witnessed throughout her career, we were intrigued to find out her most chal-lenging moment to date. Not being born in the UK meant it was hard for Joice to adapt to the culture at such a young age. She ex-plains that the language barrier was a tough thing to overcome, but with the support she received it made the change a little easier. “That’s one of the main reasons I really want to help young people, because I didn’t have that role model growing up,” she tells.

So what is the next chapter for Joice Etutu? Doing Miss Congo has taught her that you never know what life is going to throw at you. “This time last year I would never have thought I would be in a nice office in London doing a interview with Arise magazine. So I am looking forward to finding out!” she says.

Recalling her past experiences, Joice shares her advice for others looking to fol-low in comparable footsteps. “Just be your-self, don’t ever compromise your beliefs and become what people want you to be. Confidence is key so even if you’re shy, fake it that’s what I did. Most importantly, never loose motivation, even when times get hard.” She clarifies.

Question time:Could you tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows? “I love The Lord Of The Rings, I wanted to become an elf after watching it. I was genu-inely going to learn elvish, but we’ll keep that between us!”


- “It’s about letting young people know it’s okay to be young and ambitious.”

- “I would never have thought I would be in a nice office in London doing an interview with arise magazine!”

- “Don’t ever compromise anything for any-one, always have a set goal and keep at it.”

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Digital Distribution | Web Design | Mobile App Creation | Producer | Promo Merchandise | Designer | Entrepreneur

London, England

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