argumentative/persuasion essay

Argumentative/ Persuasion Essay

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Argumentative/Persuasion Essay. To persuade someone to accept your opinion, you are arguing FOR (SUPPORT) or AGAINST (OPPOSE) something. An opinion is what a person thinks about a subject. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Argumentative/Persuasion Essay

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To persuade someone to accept your opinion, you are arguing FOR (SUPPORT) or AGAINST (OPPOSE) something.

An opinion is what a person thinks about a subject.

A fact is a true statement that can be proven. You must give reason for your opinion. One of ways to support your reasons is to give facts.

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Introduction Body Conclusion

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Introduction contains of an opinion about the topic. It should tell the reader what your opinion is on the topic.

An opinion about the topic is about 1 – 2 sentences.

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TOEFL Topics

1. Making an Argument (MA)2. Agreeing or Disagreeing (AD).3. Stating a Preference (PR).4. Giving an Explanation (EX).

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Contoh Topic Explanation: People attend college or university for many

different reasons. Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them.

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Contoh AD: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

University should give the same amount of money to their students’ sport activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I strongly disagree with idea that the same amount of money should go to university sport activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is an important part of education, libraries are fundamental. Student cannot study without them and they require a lot of financial support to maintain up-to-date technology, to keep new books and magazines on the shelves, and to keep them operating.

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Contoh PR: Some people prefer to eat at food stands or

restaurants. Other people prefer and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Although many people prefer to eat at restaurants because it is easier than cooking at home, I prefer to prepare food at home. I believe it is much cheaper and healthier to eat at home, and it can be more convenient, too.

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Contoh MA: Neighbors are the people who live near us. In

your opinion, what are qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific reasons and examples in your answers.

There are several qualities that a good neighbor has. If you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person. You have someone who is respectful of your property, who is helpful with the little day-to day problems that arise, and who is supportive in times of crisis.

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Thesis statement

It focuses the direction of the topic and helps the readers understand what you want to say. It tells reader what your essay is about.

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How to write TS?

1TS with main ideas However, the most important thing of all is

location. I look for a house in a convenient and pleasant neighborhood that has rents I can afford to pay.

2. TS aloneHowever, terminally ill patients should be

allowed to die for several reasons.

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Thesis statement ditulis dalam bentuk main idea baik berupa simple sentence, phrase, atau kata.

Bisa ditulis dalam 1 kalimat atau lebih. Yang paling penting adalah ide yang ditulis

harus paralel (kalimat, phrase, atau kata)

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Contoh satu kata, paralel kalimat:

When you travel alone, you meet new people, have new experience, and learn more about yourself.

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Contoh satu kata, paralel anak kalimat

Often they are people who love risks, who seek a feeling of power, and who need a way to deal with some personal problem.

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Contoh satu kata, paralel frase

This routine fits my body’s rhythm, my work schedule, and my social life.

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Contoh satu kalimat, pararlel kata

They could go there to socialize, have meeting, and just relax.

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Contoh lebih dari satu kalimat

Parents are the most important model a child has, parents love their children, and they have expectation of them. All of these things are important influences on a child’s success in school.

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Model mana yang harus digunakan?

Model thesis statement with main ideas.

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Write the introduction

You need two things to write a good introduction.

1. You need to have an opinion on the topic.2. You need to have topic sentences for each

of the paragraph (TS with main ideas).

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Set phrases to express opinion

In my opinion According to me To my way of thinking In my view To me From my point of view It is my opinion that I believe I think It seems to me that It appears that To my mind

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1. In my opinion, people’s lives are easier today.

2. It seems to me that most people prefer to spend their leisure time outdoors.

3. Etc.

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Verbs to express opinion

Agree Believe Guess Hope Imagine Infer Realize Suppose Think understand

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1. I agree that studying science is more important than studying literature.

2. I understand why people like to work with their hands.

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Adjectives : certain, convinced, positive, sure

Examples:I am certain that movies influence people

behavior.I am convinced that having a pet can contribute

to a child’s development.

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Adverb phrases to qualify opinion

Seemingly Conceivably Possibly Perhaps Maybe Probably Presumably Certainly Almost Doubtless No doubt definitely

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1. Seemingly, playing games can teach us about life.

2. Daily exercise definitely should be a part of every school day.

3. Doubtless, helping a child to learn to read is important.

4. Individual sports possibly better than team sports for some students.

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Other adverb phrases: All things considered Altogether As a rule Basically By and large Essentially For the most part Generally In general On the whole overall

Mertimbangkan semua halsecara keseluruhan/semuanyaBiasanya/lazimnyaPada dasarnyaUmumnyaPada dasarnyaSebagian besarumumnyaumumnyaSecara keseluruhansecara keseluruhan

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1. As a rule, it is better for a student to wear uniforms to school.

2. For the most part, countries are more alike than different.

3. On the whole, higher education should be available to all.

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sama sekali : at all, completely, altogether, totally, entirely, absolutely

Semuanya: altogether, bodily Sungguh: really, indeed, quite, actually,

remarkably, altogether Umumnya: generally, usually, mostly, in general,

in most cases, altogether pd keseluruhannya : on the whole, altogether,

as a whole pd umumnya : in general, mostly, in most cases,

on the whole, usually, altogether pendek kata: in short, in brief, altogether

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Other adverb phrases:1. Almost2. In a way3. More or less4. practically,5. So to speak6. For all intents and purposes7. To some extent8. Up to a point

hampiragaknya/Sedikit banyak

Lebih kurangScr praktis,

Boleh dikatakanUntuk semua maksud dan tujuanSampai batas tertentuSampai titik

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1. Up to a point, people succeed because of hard work, not because of luck.

2. For all intents and purposes, television has destroyed communication among family members.

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Introduction examples:

Examples 1:Version AI believe that people attend college for many different

reasons. These reasons are personal to them.

Version BPeople attend college or universities for a lot of different

reasons. I believe that the three most reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

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Example 2:Version AI think there are changes necessary in my

hometown. It is always the same. There has to be something different.

Version BIf I could change one thing about my hometown I

think it would be the fact that there is no sense of community here. People do not connected, they do not look out for each other, and they do not get to know their neighbors.

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Example 3:Version AI believe that some people like to eat at food stand, and

some like to eat in restaurants. There are different reasons for this.

Version BSome people like to eat out at food stand and

restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house do not always time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Over all, I think it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

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Exercises Introduction:1. Even though job situation can be very

different, there are several qualities that all good supervisors have in common. A good supervisor treats her employees fairly. She gives directions. Most important of all, she acts as a good example for her employees.

a. Termasuk jenis topik apakah intro ini?b. Mana intronya?c. Mana TS-nya?

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2. Some people will say that a new movie theater in our neighborhood would be a bad thing. However, I fully support the plan to build one. I feel that a movie theater would provide more opportunities for entertainment, reduce teenage delinquency, and bring more business to our own.

a. Termasuk jenis topik apakah intro ini?b. Mana intronya?c. Mana TS-nya?

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3. Airplane is form of transportation that has changed people’s live. Thanks to plane, our lives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient than before.

a. Termasuk jenis topik apakah intro ini?b. Mana intronya?c. Mana TS-nya?

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4. Some people think that attending a live performance is preferable to watching it on television. I say, however, that if you have a good TV, it is much better to watch a performance that way. It is much more convenient and comfortable, and it is cheaper, too.

a. Termasuk jenis topik apakah intro ini?b. Mana intronya?c. Mana TS-nya?

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Exercises on Writing Introduction1. Why do you think some people are attracted

to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write: 2. Your opinion about the topic.3. Your thesis statement.

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Writing Body:

Turn the main ideas into supporting ideas. Use of an outline.

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Write conclusion:

A conclusion has a few sentences that support your thesis and remind the reader of your intention.

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Different ways of writing a conclusion

1. Restatement: restating your thesis statement and/or restating your topic sentences.

2. Generalization: use all information you provided and make a generalization about it.

3. Prediction: summarize the information you provided and point the readers toward the next logical step.

4. Question: it does not need an answer because the answer is in the question. This is rhetorical question.

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Transition words

To make your ideas flow, use transition words. (transition).

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Editing yourself: Grammar and Spelling

1.    Check your spelling.2.    Check your grammar.3.    Read your essay again.4.    Make sure each sentence has a subject.5.    Make sure your subjects and verbs agree with each other.6.    Check the verb tenses of each sentence.7.    Make sure that each sentence makes sense.

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Style and Organization1. Make sure your essay has an introduction,

supporting paragraphs, and a summary paragraph.

2. Check that you have a thesis statement that identifies the main idea of the essay.

3. Check that all your paragraphs follow the proper paragraph format.

4. See if your essay is interesting.

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3 steps


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IELTS score 8 TOEFL score 5