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  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


    That's what I observe... that you genuinely enjoy the thought of Baez boffing Casey or that Lee "mustbe" the baby-daddy because he wouldn't fork over DNA. You enjoy it. You enjoy it the same way aswhen Casey was charged with murder. Y'all were cheering!

    This isn't a game. A baby is missing. And I don't respect the sheer JOY that some of you take in thehorror of the situation, PLUS the joy you take in adding untrue speculation to it.

    If anyone else was considered a suspect, they'd have been arrested. If they want Lee's DNA, they willsubpoena him to provide it. If Baez was boffing Casey Anthony, that's his wife's problem -- not yours --and has no bearing on the case.

    It's pretty simple, overall.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Just got home, hello all. Could we all just take a few minutes and in our own way say a prayer that Timand all the people that are searching find Caylee and bring her home.

    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    I prefer to hope for some decency toward and respect for this grieving family. It'd be great if Caylee'sremains were found, so they can begin some semblence of healing.

    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    boo hoo hoo is right, Carol! If you point out that someone is being silly or disrespectful, they view it asan attack. It's hilarious in a sad way. They want the "freedom of speech" to be only THEIRS. ;) Itdoesn't work that way, kids.

    CarambaCarol says:2 months ago

    Annie again there are people out there who like to poke at others in order to get them motivated toperhaps change their tune about an issue. JR always had her own strong opinions about the issues- shejust sees things a bit different than some of you do. Many times she has gone deep into an area to proveher points. I dont know where JR has been gone lately as I have been travelling running away from thiscrazy weather here in England- but I do know this- the issues were discussed without any hazles fromany of the bloggers. Prior to some of the named ones coming in here to cause discordance everyonewas getting along. Again please forgive me for my ignorance but there is no reason why anyone who
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    blogs here should be offended or feel like they need to GO AWAY just to please some of the bloggers ifin fact they are part of this group. Accept each other for their opinions and move on. Sticks andstones........

    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    Amen, Carol!

    CarambaCarol says:2 months ago

    Going back a few months - we had all agreed to disagree-this is just a blog people - we are not here todo anyone any harm. When we have people ( am assuming we are all people in here- hopefully adultsand not children )come in here and pretty much behave like unruly children its not funny and we arelosing the whole idea of this blog. When you come into these blogs you need to understand that therewill be bloggers who might not understand your point of view or perhap you go too deep into theirview of the case or whatever is happening on any given day. To some, you have allowed other people'sopinion to ruin your day- to others its a fun thing to do. To me it just doesnt make sense to come in hereand watch how the theories just totally get out of hand. If you enjoy doing that - great go find a blogwhere others like you enjoy doing that. Dont try to cheapen the concept of this blog by doing what kidsdo. We are intelligent adults who enjoy discussing this case at a different level than some of the otherblogs. Once that is understood maybe some of the parties involved will come in here and hopefullyleave their attitudes at the other blog they just come from.

    GranNaw says:2 months ago

    I pray that Tim and the team of thousands find Caylee's remains, if there are any left to find. HopefullyCasey buried the body and didn't burn it up or leave it for the gators to feed on. What a horrid thought.

    BTW, I imagine there are no visits to the jail by anyone on Attorney's orders- seeing as how they alltalk too much and they all sound way toooo kooky when they do. If I were the attorney- NO ONE(including myself) would say a word- and I wouldn't be all touchy touchy with the client either-

    especially with it being against the jail rules and all. Appearances are everything in any case-butespecially one that has the media attention that this one does.

    annie may says:2 months ago

    ONE, 'freedom of speech' is not including blatantly bashing others with false stories - EXACTLY whatshe did to Marie. JR chides others for "bashing" the anthonys then she does the exact same thing for noreason to people here. How in the world can you claim this is right? Anyone who defends this kind ofbehaviour is obviously not the *target* of such acusations.
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    TWO, I challenge you to find where *I* have been "bashing" Baez specifically, since you ONCEAGAIN are attributing to me things other people have said and done. The most *I* have done issuggest that it's possible casey and Baez have more of a relationship than people think. YOU are theone doing the "theorizing" here JR.

    From here on out I'll simply be ignoring your egotistical, THEORIZING rants about others JR - you arequite simply not worth my time to read. It will be simple to ignore you too if you keep using avatars

    like that.

  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


    Doesn't read to me like Cindy is "coming to terms" with the realaties of this thing, nor does she soundas if she is behind Tim Miller and the search going on this weekend. I know Tim has said theirconversations have been amicable, but I think that is a front. I think Cindy see's where the public isthrowing their support and I think deep down its killing her, just like George said. I worry for her, shereally sounds delusional - accusing this girl of "trying to profit from Caylee" --- Cindy is one to talkabout that for sure!

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    George know's but he is afraid that Cindy will loose it when she come down to reality. I am sure it isvery hard for them. George did tell the dectives that if they find Caylee let him be notified first, so hecan sit Cindy and Lee down and tell them himself.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    From what I understand that site does not get any money, and they do not ask for any.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    GranNaw- I found the Justice for Caylee sight prior to Cindy's phone call. I posted link to it 4 days agoafter I saw the post about the phone call from Cindy to her. She was accusing her of profiting off ofCaylee. The only thing on the site then was post about latest in the case. No video & she sells nothing.She also does not have any advertisements. She appears to be someone just interest in the case. Shealso lives in Florida & has been involved in the search everytime they have one. Cindy even went onlocal news (I posted link to that video about three days ago) & said she wanted the site shut down. Shenever threatened to sue her.

    linn says:2 months ago

    From what I understood regarding the woman Cindy threatened to kick her a$$, is that the WOMAN is

    trying to sue for Cindy treatening her. Also again from what I heard, they are not persuing the case.IMO, I think Cindy should stay off the computer and keep the TV to cooking shows or something. Iknow she wants to be informed and all, but it would kill me to see that babys' face and sweet smile andto hear that she is dead all day, every day.. I just don't know how she does it.

    As for no one visiting Casey in jail, I think they are all being told not to visit her. Sure they would bemonitored and all, but I think *though this family is not well* but you mean they can't just visit for 10minutes and just talk mundane talk? I think besides being told not to go, they could not take seeingCaseys' face.. I think deep down, Cindy does know Caylee is gone and Casey did it. I know Georgedoes.

    And I must admit, what did happen to Lee? He is supposed to be so close to Casey, yet he just

    vanished. I heard no one even sees his fancy black Mustang around town. It is like he did just vanish. Iam sure the media knows where he works yet no sign of him there either. No accusations, just so oddhe vanished.

    linn says:2 months ago

    From what I understood regarding the woman Cindy threatened to kick her a$$, is that the WOMAN istrying to sue for Cindy treatening her. Also again from what I heard, they are not persuing the case.IMO, I think Cindy should stay off the computer and keep the TV to cooking shows or something. I
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    know she wants to be informed and all, but it would kill me to see that babys' face and sweet smile andto hear that she is dead all day, every day.. I just don't know how she does it.

    As for no one visiting Casey in jail, I think they are all being told not to visit her. Sure they would bemonitored and all, but I think *though this family is not well* but you mean they can't just visit for 10minutes and just talk mundane talk? I think besides being told not to go, they could not take seeingCaseys' face.. I think deep down, Cindy does know Caylee is gone and Casey did it. I know George


    And I must admit, what did happen to Lee? He is supposed to be so close to Casey, yet he justvanished. I heard no one even sees his fancy black Mustang around town. It is like he did just vanish. Iam sure the media knows where he works yet no sign of him there either. No accusations, just so oddhe vanished.

    GranNaw says:2 months ago

    yea I know Jo - she just threatened to kick her ass - that is if she had time to meet with her in person!Pleeeeezzzzzzeeeeeeee!

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    GranNaw - I think you are right about Cindy & Tim Miller. She does not like the fact that people willdonate to TES & not to her Foundation. Most people will not donate to that foundation being thatCindy heads it up. Heck, the women can't even manage her own money. I don't think she would havekicked her ass but I do think she would have taken her trusty hammer when she did confront her.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Well i hope she has enough sense not to swing a hammer at someone, that is considered a deadlyweapon. She would find herself with Casey in the Orange County Jail not a smart thing to do.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Here's a link to news on todays search:

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Heres another link to news about todays search- Local news stations are all reporting different figuresfor the amount of people that showed up for search today. Numbers range from over 1,000 to 3,000.

    Padilla talked to Local 6 news about Casey Anthony- he said "the woman lives her life 10 minutes at atime, it never, ever affects her adversely. child's dead? ok, what to do? oh, i've got to go to blockbustertonight." he was refering to the fact she was seen on surveilance camera shortly after Caylee wasallegedly kidnapped.

    Zool says:
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    frustrated, but they (from the interviews I've read & listened to) don't strike me as callous or coldhearted towards her. I think the winds are changing though -what with the prosecution seeking a gagorder on all the key players. I think they are sick and tired of her spewing her psycho babble on anynetwork that will book an interview with her. She is and has been counter productive to thisinvestigation for a long time (IMO).

    GranNaw says:2 months ago

    looks like baez making last big media blitz before the judge orders a gag on him, he appeared onGeraldo last night - nothing new though- Objects to the motion filed by the prosecution for the gagorder - denies any sort of improper relationship with Casey- still believes Caylee alive -- not revealingdefense stratagy (looked dazed and confused on this subject IMO) Admits no way Caesy will get a fairtrial in the Orlando area since coverage has been 24/7 (I don't understand why the one motion he hasn'tfiled is change of venue???- he's filed plenty of others so he must know how!!!) blah blah blah - I wishthey would shut him up. Even if gag order issued the Sunshine law will still be in effect for anydiscovery filed through the clerks office - has to have two public requests and it will be released....(unless the office filing the information seek special protection through the judge but he has alreadyruled once on the side of the 1st ammendment, so I don't know- I think he would still let alot of thatout.)

    GranNaw says:2 months ago

    per JR earlier

    "Due to the overwhelming and inhumane behaviors and actions of many people on Myspace, pleaseknow any sites that you have regarding Caylee Marie Anthony have been reviewed and any intentionsof defamation of character towards any Anthony family member, the search for Caylee, or any memberof the search team are being reported and your sites will be taken down. "

    I think this message pertains to all those MYSPACE accounts that have been devoted to this case-andyep, many of them do make the entire Anthony Clan look real bad (of course in most cases they areusing the Anthony's very own words, or reported evidence snippits0 -- it would be hard to do, butCindy could petition MYSPACE to shut those accuonts down but only see that happening if theyviolate the MYSPACE TOS - (terms of service) good luck with that! ha ha ha that would be the dayIMO --- have you seen some of that crap they allow on my space--- all in the name of "freedom of


    annie may says:2 months ago

    GranNaw says:3 hours ago

    "I think the winds are changing though -what with the prosecution seeking a gag order on all the keyplayers. I think they are sick and tired of her spewing her psycho babble on any network that will bookan interview with her. She is and has been counter productive to this investigation for a long time(IMO)."
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    like that.

    im not appalled by gruesome murders. its human nature to have mental disorders

    and to murder. im not condoning it, but it doesnt surprise me any.

    just my worthless 2 cents here.

    and to whoever responded to me (sorry, i forgot who)

    ive had thoughts that lee was possibly her accomplice. i dunno. maybe that, or he truly

    was just sickened by what she did. i wouldnt wanna talk to her, even if i loved her.

    some peoples natural response is to just run. also, their phone conversations from

    seemed to be in some sort of code. i found that very strange.

    maybe the guy that resigned from LE was her accomplice.. (forget his name. im bad with names)

    then again, i prolly have no right even guessing. id love to read the documents, but

    i have dial up and they wont load. hahaha. so who'm i to say? i just know what i read

    here and on nancy grace and i can only stand so much of that artificial woman.

    poor cindy. i feel for her.

    Sadieskye says:2 months ago

    ZOOL-- All the documents that have been released so far are all linked above...even go into thearchives from past months... those shud upload for you I believe.. You must read All the docs... thenyou REALLY wont believe this case... Jo and JR were always great about posting links.... you can find

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    it All right here... Must Read!!!!!!

    Anna says:2 months ago

    Does anybody know where I can find the texts between Tony and Casey? Did they ever release those?

    LiquidMind says:

    2 months agoI'd do her.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    JR - You are alive!

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Yes, unfortunately JR has reared her ugly head. She has maligned me, made fun of me, spreadmalicious rumors about me. And I don't even know her, and have done nothing to her. But I'm notgoing to let a bully run me off.

    Anna says:2 months ago

    Marie RN, Can you answer my question above? Don't let nobody bully you.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    MarieRN you should practice what you preach

    Marie RN says:

    2 months ago

    Anna, I am pretty sure that they have not released the texts between Tony Lazarro and Casey. (I'vespent a couple hours looking for them previously!) Those are obviously very important, and will be keyevidence in the trial, The texts betwee Casey and Tony Rusciano HAVE been released - have you seenthose?

    annie may says:2 months ago

    LLee, Marie's comments are only in retaliation to the completely out of line crap that JR has been
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    spewing about her. She's fully justified in being irritated when she has done nothing to deserve it. Didyou not read the message where JR makes the claim that 'apparently' Marie has suffered incest in herlife - while in the same vein she tries to demonize anyone who offers the possibility that anythingsimilar could be happening in casey's family?

    Hello...hypocrisy is JR's middle name. She also bashed Xing for his views despite all the wailing about'freedom of speech' and bashed me for things other people have said...simply because I stick up for

    those being bullied. She doesn't even know who she's talking to anymore. So in her eyes no one isallowed to offer a theory about the squeaky-clean anthony family, who i might remind everyone AREthe ones under the microscope here, not me and Marie and Xing - but it's ok for her to make up storiesabout random people and bash and call childish names at anyone she chooses? DOUBLESTANDARDS. HYPOCRISY. I won't even read that egotistical ranting of hers anymore, she's so full ofherself it's amazing she can even fit any food into her body to stay alive every day.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Anna- I have not found those text messages either. I've posted links to all of the Court Docs I've beenable to find. If you want to read some interesting stuff read the DCF report & what Casey said to them.

    See link above.jo1031 says:2 months ago

    To everyone being else being bashed & maligned for our opinions guess we just need to make ourselves ignore the trolls. If we don't feed them maybe they'll go away!

    Sybil is everywhere! If ya don't believe it just go to twisted mystery writer site & read comments madeby Cindy-Atlanta,Mary-Atlanta aka Sybil. You will be totaly digusted by the comments starting 11/9 at6:05. I saw this late last night & just went ballistic. I like to read Twisted mystery writer because shemakes me LMAO. I leave a comment to her about her work every once in a while. But when I saw thisI just went nutso.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago


    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Jo, you are right, I read some of those posts, and that is clearly JRs writing. I don't know why someone

    would want to spread so much hate and dissension. BTW - my name is really Marie, I am really anurse, and that is my horse in my avatar.

    annie may says:2 months ago

    Anyone for tea? I'm having green with ginseng today. :)
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    LLee says:2 months ago

    I don't think they are going to find poor little Caylee's body.....

    annie may says:2 months ago

    I think she burned the poor baby personally...that would make it a LOT harder to find (depending onthe degree of burning). She may have simply scattered the ashes in water - there would be no way itthen. Anything remaining would have been buried by her...

    The gas cans were certainly used for *something* and it doesn't appear to be for fueling the car.

    What kind of horrible, heartless person could do such a shakes me to the core to know peoplelike that are out there.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marie- My name is really Jo & I live north of Atlanta. I am really a Nurse & worked in Marietta in ahospital for over 12 years until I started having back problems. I work for myself doing nursing jobs for

    residents in my community. I worked in property management & had a GA Real estate license prior tothat. I tend to change careers after 10-15yrs. LOL Sybil must have seen my comment to Twistedmystery writer on Saturday nite. that site was never a forum just a place to go & read the material &leave a comment to twisted until I called Baez a bozo. Now NG & Natailie Hollaway have beenmaligned. No one makes anyone watch a tv show or go to web sites when owner of site & posters arejust telling it like it is!! I will respond to Sybil after I cool down. those comments about Natalie makeme see red. Did you read the one where she called NG a drunk & drug addict. No one with an IQ over100 would bellieve that crap or what she said about you. I think it is envy.

    Annie may- I'll have some of that tea. right now I really do need it to calm down>

    annie may says:

    2 months ago

    "no way it would be found then" that should have said up there...I'm not a terribly good typist andaccidentally backed over part of my message. :)

    I have not visited this twisted mystery writer myself...sounds like a big bunch of hooey.

    Green tea is yummy! I like a bit of honey in mine... very healthy too. lots of antioxidant power. Evenordinary black teas are good for you...

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Jo, I just finished reading the 15 page report from DCF (here is another link to that document)

    I was struck by a couple of things:

    Casey said Caylee's dad's name was Eric, he was buried in KY, and his family was currently in Italy.(making it as hard a possible to track them down.)
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    The case workers both noted that Casey kept referring to Caylee as "that child."

    The seizure Casey had a few months prior to Caylee's diappearance. Not drug-related according toCindy. She was not started on any seizure meds. This sounds like a "pseudoseizure." A conversiondisorder where a person converts stress into a physical symptom. They usually occur after some type oftraumatic event. I sure LE has those hospital records. We see these frequently in my work.

    LLEE- I'm afraid you are right. Looks like she's not going to be found. I was so sure they would findher this weekend.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Jo, I've had to take several breaks from nursing, and my back's not doing too good either!"Sybil" is very disturbing. I remember about 2 months ago when she first came on this site she wastrying to get Futy to give her a personal email address, as Sybil said she wanted to contact her privately.I hope Futy didn't do that, or maybe that is why she is out of pocket. I can't imagine Sybil having my

    personal email address!I think some of sybil's messages have been deleted off of twisted mystery. You are right, that made mesick what she said about that sweet girl, Natalie.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marie- I was also struck by her comment about Eric. I posted about it but no one replied. I have beentalking with Rascal via e-mail & we both say it is not the same guy she fingered before. Alot of thingsshe said struck me as odd. alot of times other people in family refer to Caylee as the child. Not Caylee,not my daughter & not my grandaughter. Being in nursing we both have to interact with alot of people& that is just not how people refer to someone close to them. I have also seen Pseudoseizures but also

    saw a patient attempting to fake seizures for attention.Hate to leave but have to get ready to go do real Job & real work. will be back later. Have fun all!!!

    annie may says:2 months ago

    Jo, please do not let some silly websites upset you. They are just electrons posted by people you willnever meet, anonymous people in the ether. The cases are disturbing enough by themselves. There isenough stress in daily living as it is without more from some artificial source like the couldaffect your health. Just take a deep breath and relax and realize that nothing they say really makes anydifference. If you let people get to you, you are giving them what they want. That's why I have learnedto take a step back and just look at things from a distance, as it were, emotionally where the net is


    And as for people seeking real life info - ie emails, actual names, etc...don't ever give in to that, anyone.Your identity is only safe if you keep it to yourself. Once it's out on the net, it's out there...which is whyI always use aliases, never post personal pics of myself or loved ones (other than maybe pets) andnever post my location or phone number or anything of that nature. The internet is full of interestingpeople, but it is also full of stalkers, spammers, trolls, pests, identity thieves and mentally ill people.Never give that kind of info out.

    Don't give up yet, searchers! It is still possible to find that baby. I hope they do...but even if they don't,
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    casey will be in jail for a long stretch whatever the result of all of this. She has committed far too manycrimes now to go free.

    LLee says:

    2 months ago

    If Casey burned the babys body with gas from a gas can there would still be bones left to dispose of.You must have a really hight temp to burn the bones (incenterator) to ash. I don't think she had themeans of that unless she knew someone with access to an incenerator.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    Please excuse my spelling errors. I have never claimed to be a good speller - for those of you who findit to make me less of a person - sorry for you!

    annie may says:2 months ago

    Spelling correctly is nice, but not in any way a measure of a person's worth. Nor is typing or badgrammar.

    In my case, my spelling is usually great - but my typing is lousy.

    I don't know about heat requirements for incineration of a human being, obviously, but I would assumethat there would be a *lot* less left to hide if a body was burned. I remember a case a few years back -revolting and chilling as it is - where a man killed his girlfriend and chopped up the body and cooked it

    on a small grill he had outside his apartment to destroy the evidence. Those things must get mightyhot...*shudder*

    I figure with the right chemicals added a fire could get far worse than the average wood fire though. I'mnot a chemist...Xing? Any input?

    Alyss says:2 months ago

    I have been reading this site since the beginning but don't chime in. I thought it was a good time to doso though because I think people have misunderstood the DCF report. I do not work for DCF but Iwork with them alot (we call it DHS here though or CPS) and I think that DCF are writing "the child orC/V" but I do not think that is necessarly what Casey or Cindy were saying. If you notice they refer to

    Casey as the MX (mother) and Cindy as the MGMX (Maternal Grandmother). It is a State ran programwhich means they have mandatory ways of writing things. I could be wrong but when I read the reportit did not strike me as weird. Unless I am reading the wrong report or missed it I did not see anywherewhere they mentioned Casey said "the child." I am in no way sticking up for her because she has doneso many other things that show the type of person she is but just thought I would mention I think thisone is just the way the State writes it up.
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    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    ALYSS: You're logical. You take what's presented and process it logically. You won't be welcomedhere, because you don't make MORE of the DCF report or add to it's "drama" as Marie LOVES. LOL.She's not satisfied with the mystery (alone) of what happened to Caylee Anthony. She*loooooooooves* to add more DIRT to the whole thing, ya know ... so it's more FUN for her, like a TV

    show. ;)

    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    LLee says:2 hours ago

    If Casey burned the babys body with gas from a gas can there would still be bones left to dispose of.You must have a really hight temp to burn the bones (incenterator) to ash. I don't think she had themeans of that unless she knew someone with access to an incenerator.


    Of course ;)

    Part of the "fun" in this drama is for people to pretend to know what is left of a totally burnt-to-a-crispbody. But, it's documented that there is no such thing. The body does not burn up wholly. Even CaseyAnthony knew that. Anyone with enough sense to research Chloroform is sharp enough to know howNOT to leave remnants of a body.

    JRChicagoGyRL says:

    2 months ago


    Futy and I are "real" friends, as is "MT_HEAD"
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    But, it's still fun to laugh at you here. ;-p

    (It's MORE fun to laugh at you OFFLINE)And, I'd rather be known by a psychotic as "Sybil" than BE that psychotic drama queen. You're a

    LAUGH RIOT,honey!xoxoxox

    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    Marie RN says:3 hours ago

    Jo, I've had to take several breaks from nursing, and my back's not doing too good either!


    Neither is your FRONT.

    JRChicagoGyRL says:

    2 months ago

    LLee says:6 hours ago

    MarieRN you should practice what you preach
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    Actually, LLee -- she DOES. ;-p

    It's just that in the intelligent world, it's called "duplicitous" -- a bit over Marie's head.


    JRChicagoGyRL says:2 months ago

    jo1031 says:5 hours ago

    To everyone being else being bashed & maligned for our opinions guess we just need to make ourselves ignore the trolls. If we don't feed them maybe they'll go away! Sybil is everywhere! If ya don'tbelieve it just go to twisted mystery writer site & read comments made by Cindy-Atlanta,Mary-Atlantaaka Sybil. You will be totaly digusted by the comments starting 11/9 at 6:05. I saw this late last night &just went ballistic. I like to read Twisted mystery writer because she makes me LMAO. I leave acomment to her about her work every once in a while. But when I saw this I just went nutso.


    TOO funny! Jo? Do you really spend THAT much online time that you visit a pile of other websiteblogs and take note of times/dates? OMG! How retarded are you? (No need to answer; it's a

    rhetorically hysterical question AND answer, all in one! LOL)

    Be good you fine folks .. I need to fly off to Vegas tomorrow. Be sure to respect the LOGICAL peoplehere, but I know that's a VERY TOUGH task.


    (LLee -- catch you on Monday, when I get back!)
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    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    That's very interesting JR. so if you are friends with Futy, why are you trying to ruin her blog? Just to

    amuse yourself?

    Alyss, the comment by the caseworker is on page 2 of the DCF documents where the writer says thatboth she and her coworker noticed Casey calling Caylee "that child."

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    I know how to get Casey talk and tell truth. Put Xing in same cell with Casey after I eat Taco Bell BeanBurrito. I assure you she ... spill the beans!

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Here's a link to latest in Case:

    Dive search for Caylee

    Anthonys Lash out at Bounty Hunter over Memorial service he is holding at park

    Cindy speaks to Good Morning America- They talk about new tip Cindy said she has received & Gagorder.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marie- Strange that an A$$ & a Retard caught that comment by DCF caseworkers & the so calledintelligent ones missed it!!!

    Alyss says:2 months ago

    Please don't lump me in that statement Jo, I said I may of missed it. I have never claimed to be the"intelligent one" I was just making a post. I did go back and read where Marie said it was and yourright it is there, but it was just a mistake on my part, we all make them. I had no idea it would causesuch a spewing of nasty post.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Alyss- I was not linking you with the so called intelligent ones. They know who they are. You did notinsult anyone intelligence & you did say you could have missed it. Please do not think that was directed
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    at you.

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    JR---sometimes I SO agree with you and sometimes I wonder why you just pop in to stir the pot andinform us that you are off on another adventure. I will most defintely put a reminder on my calender tocall you to remind you NOT to forget to have your bi-polar meds refilled!!

    Alyss--welcome and I do not believe Jo was referring to you. She is trying to make a point because ofall the childish name calling on this post that has just returned in the past few days. I have been on thispost since very close to the beginning and believe me; a certain someone has slammed me many times.I also remember a certain person asking Futy how they could contact if this is "real" friends,then maybe we all should take heed. Nastiness comes and goes on this post. My 8-year-old son doesless name-calling and finger pointing than certain ones who visit here. Some have to belittle others tomake themselves look more intelligent, but IMO that just shows how "little" they are. As for me, I donot need "real" friends on this post; I have plenty in my "real" world. I also do not have to point out toothers who my friends, acquaintances, pen pals, or "buddies" are, just toprove...."something"....whatever that "something" may be. I guess I am missing "something" here.

    Also, as for telling my personal life and trying to impress others with my parties, events, vacations,trips....come on guys....take it for what it is. I am so glad that I actually do have a life!!

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Futy...please reconsider coming back. If only you would review the past months posts I believe youwill notice where all the "crap" is coming from and when it "smears" itself all over your post. We wantand need you, AND your input!!

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    Jo,Marie,AnnieMay,Georgia-- Of course futy and jr are friends...i remember when she requested her e-

    mail.and later when she was on my case Jr was always threatening to tell futy things.. I even believefuty allowed Jr to sign in under other names...JMO... Thats why its been no skin off Jrs back leavingthis blog .. cuz basically futy mthead and Jr are making it their hobby to analyze us each day.... Got alotof free time Jr? cant believe how Jr gets OFF on bringing others down... Aparently shes not happy tilothers are as miserable as she is.. I also think shes created some jet set lifestyle in her mind. she strikesme as a neurotic homebody...she has said she runs her own business from her home... Doubt she straysfar from her computer and her cats...just call em' like i see em'.. I also believe futy has left thesite cuzshedoesnt want tto appear two faced... sorry futy.. but where have u been? not even a checkinbut timeto chit chat with good ole' boy Jr....

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    LMBO @ Xing!! Torture is against our constitution Xing!! BUT--it DOES sound like a great idea!!Give her some "fresh" air to breathe uh??!!

    Xing, maybe you want to go to Vegas also....give those "people" on the plane some "fresh" air as well.(Sorry..couldn't help myself) Maybe your fresh air works better than bi-polar meds, cause we all know,they ain't cuttin it lately!!
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    Sadie, sorry...but I feel as for Futy...she just threw up her hands...and walked much fussinghere for her....and definitely not what she intended to be going on. I think she really didn't wanna getinvolved in the finger pointing and name calling and just went away. As for myself, I don't posteveryday...but I most defintely read the post everyday during the week...weekends I am too busy withmy "real" life...HA!!

    Anyhow...we could always start a new hub...and disregard (delete) the children!!

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    NOTE: I DID NOT call futy two faced just said "appear two faced"... going back and forth e-mailingJr.... then blogging to us.... Way too high maintenance of a schedule if u ask me... Sorry Futy..

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    I really enjoy this site, I thought it was one where you could voice your opinion. But there is one that ifshe does not agree with you calls you name's. How petty and childish can one be. i personally enjoyeveryone's thoughts on this case. Jo and Marie remember sticks and stones, do not let it hurt you please.

    Real Lazy After Physics Lab Xing says:2 months ago

    Never ever go to Las Vegas. Against everything I consider cultured. Want to be in South France inSummer and try climb Matterhorn then Zermatt, Switz.

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Maybe not appropriate discuss mental status of others on blog. BP is serious condition destroys lives

    and perhaps insensitive to joke with. Just because someone acts badly not give license others do same.Let's be better than that.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    Ditto Xing!

    Have fun in Vegas JR. Put some $$ on red 8 for me!!

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    Real Lazy Xing-- Ive visited Zermatt twice.... can take train up to the top to Klein Matterhorn..Noclimbing necessary... and trains ohh sooo clean.... Maybe one of the greatest places on earth..... if youcan ever make it there.. Go!! Not just a ride at disneyland people!

    ORLANDONATIVE says:2 months ago

    I see the bickering is back, too bad. I'm not surprised they didn't find Caylee's body but I am dishearted.
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    I wonder if there was some type of petition.. that if Casey would come clean, show some remorse andtell where Caylee is they would reoffer some deal, take off the death penalty and give her chance topossibly have a life again later, she is only 22. I guess the main thing is rather it was a pure accident, ofneglect, like she drowned in the pool, or if she was drugging her to party. Even I would vote for areduced sentence if she would just show remorse and let everyone put Caylee at peace. It is amazing tohear the video's of Casey laughing about the clubs and then talking about her lost daughter.

    Padillo's a joke, he is just trying to grab as much fame as he can on this.

    Not So Lazy Xing says:2 months ago

    No I'm going to climb to the summit, real climbing.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    Casey doesn't seem like she could do that good of a job hiding a body - someone else has to have thatbaby's body.

    Mr futy says:2 months ago

    well look at you peeps if this keeps up this place is going down trust me you guys are all like little kidsrune a good thing with petty little things and you know who you are if you dont like it here move on gofight somewhere eles .

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Real Xing says:7 hours ago

    Just because someone acts badly not give license others do same. Let's be better than that.


    Xing, you are so right. I put myself on the same level of said person...didn't I? Sorry. I am ashamed ofmyself! Thank you for calling me out on that.

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Well said and well taken Mr. Futy. Where is Ms. Futy btw? I know it's awful in here, but after severaldays of reading the nasty comments...of course, I had to give my 2 cents worth. I do apologize.

    mr futy says:2 months ago

    Ms futy is out of town and will be gone for a month family stuff, so please peeps leave your fightingfor at home not on here.... stick to the case at hand and facts .no more no less ..

    MARILYN says:2 months ago

    Hi! I have been here just"listening" in!!! A couple of thoughts, I am also sooo dissappointed that thisweek-end did not find Caylee. I have read another blog,but not responded,however a new blogger onanother site offered an opinion that I thought was very possible,she? felt that the cadaver dogs in the
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    back yard MAY have been,because either in the cleaning of the car,or the clothes that perhaps thingswere hosed off in the back yard,thus the "hits",in the back yard.I have also thought that maybe sinceCindy had said "OH NO NOT ANOTHER ONE", that perhaps there were remains of another baby-child-miscarriage etc that was removed,prior to LE showing up,and thus the "hits".All of these arecertainly possible.What a bummer this week-end turned out to be!!! I think we all want answers,and Ido not think we will get them before the trial,unless either a body,or Caylee is found---,or Casey

    decides to talk!!!sick of the bs here says:2 months ago

    link to a "real" discussion board - no attackers allowed- just good discussion & speculation about thiscase.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Sick of BS- Does this site allow freedom of speech??

    sick of the bs here says:2 months ago

    yes it does, can say whatever you want - just no foul and offensive language- an intelligent discussionfor ADULTS

    LLee says:2 months ago

    IMO - that "Oh no not another one" comment by Cindy was referring to Casey causing problems not

    about another dead child. Remember that Caasey has been stealing from everyone up until this pointand that is what the big blow out on June 15th is about. I think that is all she is referring to... JMO

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    How sad and sickening...............

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Here's a link with the letter from Cindy to NBC

    MARILYN says:2 months ago

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    Jo says:2 months ago

    Is anyone else having trouble refreshing this page?

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Caylee I hope you in place where you receive the love and care you failed to get when with yourmother. You are beautiful baby.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    There the marshmello chicks I buy at Easter for the kids, lol

    Jo says:2 months ago

    Love those little yellow peeps!! Get a sugar high going if ya eat too many. But I think he meantPEOPLE. JR always uses that term.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    I know Jo but did not want to get into that subject.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Xing we all hope for that, they may never find her that is the sad part.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Rascal- Your right!! sorry wasn't trying to be ugly just saying that's what I though it meant when sheused it. Peeps = People or I'm I wrong? NG now on talking about Joran Van Der Sloot. Maybe he willfollow in OJ footsteps & go to jail now that he has apparently broke the law once again. These peoplethink they are above the law.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Jo I have never seen you be ugly, I just did not want to get in to it all, you know what I mean.

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Peeps. Peeps. Peeps. Peeps. Peeps.

    Rascal says:2 months ago
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    Xing why do some of you post dissapear?

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Rascal- yeah I would like to see this stuff stop for good as it is not necessary.

    People are talking about a poster at Scared Monkeys that says she talked to Leonard Padilla today. He

    told her he has permission to dive at Jay Blanchard Park tomarrow. He said 40 divers from a companycalled Black Water Divers were going to dive in morning starting at 10am.

    Here's a lind to there web page:

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Maybe I am wrong but hw would the body go to the bottom, unless she was weighted with something.Water does not go in lungs after you are dead. And when you drown you eventually float to top, I haveseen it to many times here on the river, in fact 4 times this summer.

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Casey you still in jail tonight? How are you making out? If you hear a weedeater outside you betterwatch out it may be me.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Xing do you think she is still having the night mares?

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    One thing Casey learned from Scott Peterson..... "gotta weight the body"... It sucks that EVERYTIMEanyone says ANYTHING now its followed by several disclaimers and all apologies... Do we reallyhave to tiptoe around like this... Im scared straight to even voice an opinion or thought at the chance itmay be miscontstrued and bend someone out of shape....Even Papa Futy came out and scolded us....Cant believe people are being chastized for expressing themselves... having an opinion....nothing rudeor cruel..just a stupid thought...

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    I don't know anymore than you. Believe Casey is psychopathic personality living only for herself in apermanent dissociative world that only she and anyone that she might prey upon lives in. She can'tremember what happened 20 minutes ago and can't look ahead more than 20 minutes into her future.No, I think she sleeps just fine.
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    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Sadie, Papa Futy is NOT Papa Futy, if you know what I mean.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Sadie, Papa Futy is NOT Papa Futy, if you know what I mean.

    MT Head says:2 months ago

    No, I don't read here every day. Even when I do read here, I do not "analyze" everyone's comments. Igenerally am looking for links and to see if anyone found some unique info not generally available orpublicized elsewhere.

    I like Vegas. Culture be damned. I'd love to go to Switzerland too. But that makes me no more or less"cultured" or any number of other things.

    Yes I know JR. She is real. She has her own biz, she has cats and she does leave her amazingapartment whenever she wants to.

    I think I'm intelligent, so thanks. I'm certainly no genius. I never said any of you were unintelligent,nor do I think that. I think the comment was made originally about intelligent discussion, not theintelligence of the poster(s). Either way, personal intelligence does not always mean the conversationwill be intelligent and vice versa.

    If indeed you label someone a troll, you are then well aware of the purpose of the troll. Yes? So, if youbelieve that poster is a troll why do you respond and achieve the troll's purpose?

    Bad grammar = bad schooling. Simple as that. Some people give a sh*t about that, others don't. Book
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    smarts aren't the sole factor in intelligence. Typos are just that. Then there's laziness in typing - nocaps, no commas, no nothing. It's all how you want to be perceived - if you even CARE how you areperceived.

    Freedom of speech: Okay, yes, it's America...yes, we have freedom of speech. If that means to youbeing able to say whatever to whomever whenever, then there are many instances when your freedomis violated and I surely doubt anyone would be raising a ruckus about those times, i.e., during courtprocedures. We have the right to say what we want, sure, but we also have the intelligence, manners,decorum to know when to keep our mouths shut. As well, that freedom then extends to the otherperson, and you don't get a choice about what the other person says. You just have to deal with it.Whether that involves turning the other cheek or smacking that cheek with all you've got - then so be it,but be prepared for the consequences.

    Peeps: Associates; Friends. - Just because JR typed it does not mean she is the only one on theinternet to use the word.

    Mr. Futy: Okay, I can't vouch for the veracity of the posts by "mr futy," but the style of writing is thesame as the previous mr futy posts and, quite frankly, what difference does it make? Just because hetyped "peeps" does not mean he is JR. I've used the word peeps. Maybe it was me. You really thinkJR would need to hide behind the "mr futy" nickname or any nickname for that matter?

    DCF Comment - THIS intellingent one didn't "catch" that becase she has paying work to do and otherhome responsibilities and has not read the DCF reports. Whoops!

    Okay Mr. Futy - I totally violated everything and not one bit of this has to do with Casey Anthony orany facts in the case. As so many have stated here, I couldn't keep quiet any longer! Please delete asdesired.

    To everyone else - Let the bashing begin.

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    MTHead--Geez... Did someone strike a nerve...Take a breath... Just because I responded to lazy Xing'spost about The Matterhorn doesnt mean I called you "less cultured" as i recall your name never evencame up... Finding someone whos been to Zermatt is like finding someone whos been to theNorthpole...very rare... And I loved getting Married in Vegas.. culture be Damned.....Thanks for ALL

    the insight on Jr.. Makes more sense now... had no idea we were dealing with a Catlady!!!

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Ho Hum.....what ARE we here for?

    LLee says:
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    2 months ago

    MARILYN - I do not agree with you. If Casey had had another child it would be know by everyone bynow.

    MT - Right on! Thank you!

    Rascal says:

    2 months agoBreaking news there are 30 divers in the water at the Blanchard Park, so far they found a bag of toys ina plastic bag. No one was allowed to view the toys. Toys will be checked to see if they are linked toCaylee.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    One toy was a shamrock toy which was a favorite of Caylee's they just announced it.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    They just announced there were bone's also, this is coming across Headline News, not sure if this really

    has anything to do with Caylee. But I thougjt you might want the news.

    Sabrina Lane says:2 months ago

    I That Casey Anthony Deserves The Death Penalty There Is No Way That A Mother Would Not BeWorried If Her Daughter Was Missing, And With The Cross In The Tree Where They Found The BagWith Bone Fragments In It Comes Right Back At Casey She Deserves To Die. I Truely Believe ThatWith Every Beat In My Heart, If You Can Take Someone Elses Life They We Should Be Able To TakeYour's

    lizaural says:2 months ago

    This story:

    Is about Padilla's dive team finding a bag with kids toys and bones weighted by a brick during theirunderwater search today, just broke.

    lizaural says:2 months ago

    I know I'm totally opening myself up to heaping piles of forever ridicule for mentioning this, but thecircumstances of today's dive and area, fit in almost perfectly with what the majority of phychics havebeen seeing/sensing/intuiting/foretelling -across many different boards - since a few weeks into all this.

    Totally creepy. Maybe laying a soggy shamrock in front of Casey would illicit some emotion - possibly

    even truth (but I won't hold my breath).

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Lizaural & Rascal- Thanks for the new news & link. Mike Brooks is on HLN now talking about thefind.
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    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Lizaural, another thing that fits in is Caylee "being close" as Casey said, and, (as all of us crime andforensic watchers know) that placing a dead child in water is a (subconcious) thing that a mother does,seen in lots of cases where Mothers kill their children, also placing her favorite toys with her. Not that Idon't want Caylee alive, but I pray this is the end to the search for poor Caylee.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Per Headline News- OCSD has reported that nothing of value was found. Divers are still in water &will continue to search. It was also noted that divers have come into contact with a few gators.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Whoa, did you just hear that Jo, on Headline News? Leonard Padilla has to take a polygraph - OCSDupset media notified before them about findings. Casey is like an unwholesome virus that takes downeveryone she comes in contact with. I've always liked Leonard.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Maire- No I missed it. Due to call from reality. Could it be because media was actually there & OCSDwas not. I like Padilla too. Sure he gets some goofy theories & he likes the spotlight he said himself onNG show "I'm a media ho." But his heart is in the right place. He wants Caylee found.

    TEXAS GIRL says:2 months ago

    i am new here, i have read every post for weeks now! i do not understand why leonard would need apoly-test??? i do not believe he would plant evidence, dosent seem as if he would have time withsearching and interviews that he has done.

    MARILYN says:2 months ago

    Llee-IF Casey had another child in a hospital,people may know about it IF someone in that hospitalchose to violate privacy laws----HOWEVER---Women have been known to give birth outside of thehospital,fairly frequently and dispose of these babies in a variety of burying them in the backyard,etc.That is why there are now :safe havens",so that these people have a place to leave theseinfants,without disposing of them.I'm not saying that this is what happened,I AM,however saying thatthis is a possibility.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Latest on search: Items found in river not related to search- this story talks about Padilla taken in forpoly yet doesn't say why. Cindy also told reporter she has received a new tip that Caylee was spotted ina MacDonalds in Coral Springs Fl.

    TEXAS GIRL says:,0,993530.story,0,993530.story
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    2 months ago

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marilyn- Your theory made 2 days ago about the body is very plausible. You don't have to go to a

    hospital to deliver or miscarry a child. That is why they find bodies of these children in dumpsters &garbage cans. Casey was PG for 7 months before her mother the nurse figured it out.

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Rascal & Jo--u 2 are the shiznit!!

    TEXAS GIRL says:2 months ago

    i think cindy would dig a hole to china if she thought it would save casey! i also think the timing oncindy's tip is very suspicious!

    Darlina says:2 months ago

    I've been trying to keep up with all the information about this case. I'm wondering if it is possible thatthe gas in the stolen gas cans could have been used to totally get rid of any evidence - after all cindysays there is no "evidence". Or, could she have disposed of Caylee away from the Orlando area becauseon one day in question, Casey's cell phone was turned off for 4 hours. Lee won't take a poly, could hehave helped in the disposal? These are just questions I have had and want to put them out there forsome feed back.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    I am aware that you don't have to go to the hospital to deliver a baby but thanks for the info! LOL!

    TEXAS GIRL says:2 months ago

    i have felt lee helped all along! which is why i believe he has said no to a poly and is no where to befound!

    TEXAS GIRL says:2 months ago

    sometimes i feel as if we the public are trying to figure this mess out more than the family has that isreally sad!!

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    I still wonder about the tattoo Casey got. There are condos in Orlando with the Vita Loca name and
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    there are several ponds there. She could've been there in those 4 hours her cell was off......I am justsaying...since there seems to ALWAYS be a lil truth in what she says!!

    Darlina says:2 months ago

    What about the info on Leonard and a poly? I haven't heard news of this. I really believe Leonardwants to find Caylee, not just to bring this closer to the end and put her to rest but also because Casey

    thinks she has the upper hand and he wants to get to the bottom of it all. I'm so glad he pulled the bondoriginally posted for Casey.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    SE GA Girl- What is a shiznit? Did they ever search the area by condos? I do remember there was alotof talk about tatoo & name of condos.

    Texas Girl- The timing of all Cindy's tips is very suspicious & yes the public appears to be moreconcerned than the family. BUT remember Cindy says she is searching every day!

    Darlina- The body could be anywhere in Orlando. Casey was all over the place in the time period

    before she was arrested.Darlina says:2 months ago

    I have shed more tears for this missing little angel than what her "mother" has on TV. I agree it is asthough we the public wants this resolved more than the family. Maybe it is because when this isresolved, they will be losing another family member.

    Alyss says:2 months ago

    Does anyone else find it odd that police are already saying it is not related to the case. All their othertesting has taken days to weeks to be conclusive. I could see if they came out and said they were not

    human remains, but they haven't as far as I have seen. And I don't see how they can dismiss the toys soquickly because they don't know all of her toys and I have my doubts whether or not the family wouldID them. I'm not saying they are hiding the facts because they think it's related but maybe because theydidn't want it to go public and they are just trying to shut the media up while they run further testing.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    RE: Padilla & Poly- WFTV link Lizaural posted 3 hrs ago George Anthony says "Sutff could've beenplanted." Maybe someone made a report to OCSD & he is having to take one about how & who foundthe bags. I do not think he planted anything as he knows that they would be able to verify if these itemsbelonged to Caylee.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    I'm with you Alyss - I think the LE is pissed that Padilla notified Media first and they want to run testsbefore the Defense trys to stop them.
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    LLee says:2 months ago

    I'm with you Alyss - I think the LE is pissed that Padilla notified Media first and they want to run tests

    before the Defense trys to stop them.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Jo says: Casey was PG for 7 months before her mother the nurse figured it out.


    I think it is highly likely that Caylee was not Casey's first pregnancy at age 19. With her sexual

    promiscuity, she could have had several pregnancies by now!jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marie- Remember the court docs & Amy H. interview. I believe it was Amy that said something abouta miscarriage & Casey. She was talking about the Anything But Clothes Party & she said Caseybecame very upset because Brandon was there at the party. She had told Amy that she had been PG byhim & lost the baby. Maybe that was what Cindy meant when she said " not another one". If she hadbeen talking about her stealing, wouldn't she have said something like Not Again.

    LLee says:2 months ago

    A miscarriage or abortion and killing your 2 year old daughter seem to be 2 very different events to me- only one of them being highly illegal while the other being tragic.

    Cindy was on the phone with the police a lot regarding Casey so the another one seems to fit into thatscenario a lot better - IMO.

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Maybe Padilla should have taken a page out of the Anthony family play book & lawyered up & refusedto take the polygraph test. Guess he has nothing to hide.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Well the last I looked SHIZNIT was not on my birth certificate. All I did was relay what was onheadline news. So why the Name calling.
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    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Jo, somehow I missed that about Casey having a miscarriage. Cindy might have meant "not anotherone" referring to a grandchild, but I don't think she would compare a lost fetus with the granddaughtershe cared for for almost 3 years. That statement is truly one of the mysteries of this case.

    Rascal, I think maybe that was a compliment. I hope so. I like your posts.Rascal says:2 months ago

    Marie I hope so I did not think I did anything wrong, and there has been so much name calling which Ido not participate in, I was not sure. Thank you Marie

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Marie Just googled the word SHIZNIT it is a compliment, so sorry if I ruffled any feathers. Not up onwords like that, lol

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Marie-Alot of what the A family says is mysterious. Most just boggles my mind.

    Rascal- I believe that was a compliment.

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Casey you maybe reading Dante's Inferno?

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Casey was in rec room at jail news came on about blanchard park finding and they took Casey back tocell did not let her hear the news.

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Casey next you read Milton's Paradise Lost.jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Rascal- Did not hear that. Wasn't she able to see the news during her other visits to the slammer. Shementioned to Ciindy about seeing her on TV during that one phone call or visit. Wonder what giveswith that?

    Rascal says:2 months ago
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    About miscarriage - it's a possible explanation for "not another one" but I also have to give someweight to the fact that casey is a massive attention seeker and I have actually known people who seekattention in such a manner who made false claims of miscarriages and such in the past. It's a good wayto garner some fake sympathy. It's impossible to tell what is the truth with that woman.

    Three phrases will haunt me until this case is closed for sure - "Not another one", "they're going to tryand pin this on me" and "smells like a body is in it".

    Real Xing says:2 months ago

    Casey I've been thinking that maybe Sweeney Todd going to get you in your sleep. " These are myfriends, see how they glisten..." Slash! Slash! Slash!

    SadieSkye says:2 months ago

    Disgusted--- BAHHAAHAAHAAHAAHA.... OH SO VERY INSIGHTFUL... WELCOME!!!jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Here's a link to 8 minute video of Cindy & George Anthony responding to reporters questions aboutsearch today, new tip recieved by Cindy & why they haven't been to visit Casey.

    ORLANDONATIVE says:2 months ago


    LEONARDORLANDONATIVE says:2 months ago



    ORLANDONATIVE says:2 months ago



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    Eileen says:2 months ago

    I agre with you Orlando native this is why i don't come here any longer it never ends in here it sems tome there is a mutual admiration society here. the three amigos maybe lol.

    n e wayz i dont't think they really know whats in the bag yet i really dont think they have had time toexamine it all yet and im sure they said it wasnt anything at all to keep the media from their door.Maybe it wasnt anything at all.

    I honestly dont think leonard padilla is out there for publicity i think he was had by the anthonys andwants to find that little girl. anyone that profits from a childs death is scum.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Orlando, I appreciate your comments, I just hope you are never in "its" sights. This is not the only blogit has tried to ruin. Don't know why someone would do that.

    Latest news: Padilla and divers continuing search today.

    And, despite what was reported, those WERE bone fragments, not stones, albeit animal bones. I reallythink Leonard is on to something. He is following his instincts, despite everyone deriding him. I am sadthat he and Tim Miller are apparently on the outs, however. I remember Tim speaking highly ofLeonard in the past.

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    oops...I BELIEVE it is "Bella Vita" and NOT "Vita Loca" mistake. I was going frommemory..didn't have time to search @ that moment.

    I just simply want this to be over. I pray that they soon find Caylee.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Good morning all. Georgia Girl I had some good laugh's last night. Has anyone figured out why they

    said the item's found had nothing to do with case, but yet heard they took some of the items away fortesting?

    LLee says:2 months ago

    ORLANDO - always good to hear from you!
  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


    I too believe that the find yesterday still needs to be investigated. Maybe the LE doesn't want thedefense to get their hands on it too soon.

    ORLANDONATIVE says:2 months ago




    Rascal says:2 months ago

    That was my thought Orlando just want to see someone else's opinion. If that baby was put in the bodyof water I think the gators have her, and I would not put anything past Casey. If she thinks keeping hermouth shut has helped her it has not. Makes her look evil after all the lies, she is not protecting Caylee.Casey is trying to protect herself, just wish they would put her misserable ( ! ) in general population.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    I reported the bones from headline news, later in the news it was said to be rocks and I did not get backon blog last night to say different. I was busy with grand daughter.

    Sadieskye says:2 months ago

    I have an idea.....If the post doesnt pertain to you....just ignore it...anyone who feels the need to rantabout the ranting are only feuling the fire that is trying to be extinguished....If the only thing makingyou mad are people getting mad... too bad..dont read those posts...they obviously werent meant foryou... Keep smilin'.....

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    Rascal....I so agree with you on the gator theory. According to Tim Miller, he had side scanned thatbody of water with the sonar. But IF the body has been "destroyed" by gators, there would be nothingto be detected. Just maybe Padillo is on to something....any tiny clue sure would be better than what wenow have.

    Rascal says:

    2 months ago

    I have always felt she burned her up or threw her in the body of water, Casey is a evil person. A Motherthat loved her child would not of waited to get help, A Mother that loved her child would not of Liedover and over. A Mother that loved her child would of been in tears not laughing in interview withcops. A Mother that loved her child would have been parting, I could go on and on but we all have thepicture. This was no accident this was a matter of Poor Caylee was in the way of her life style andgetting even with Cindy.
  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Archives: November 2008


    Dr. Henry Lee, whose testimony helped get OJ acquitted, is examining Casey's car with Baez,

    Where on earth is all the money coming from for this legal defense?

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Maybe Casey got a hold of a corrections officers CHECKBOOK, LMAO

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    Here's a Link to Latest : Divers Resume Search of Econ River Near Jay Blanchard Park & the newsabout Dr. Lee.

    Marie RN says:2 months ago

    Capt. Angelo Nieves from OCSD says "the horrible smell from the trunk is still present." Wonder ifHenry Lee will admit smelling it.

    SE GeorgiaGirl says:2 months ago

    mmmm...or maybe...Baez is footin the bill for all this...bein she promised to give him! Remember her saying she had money but would give it to him after all this wasstraightened out? Maybe she knew she could pull her seductive ways on him....

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Marie, I have heard that smell never leave's. Only be good for scrap metal.

    Rascal says:2 months ago

    Only money she had was stolen, hell she did not work lived off her parent's. A real leach showed hermaturity, NOT

    jo1031 says:2 months ago

    My money is on NOT! He is being paid by the defense now. Did you see him when he testified for thedefense in the case of Michael Peterson ( I believe it was in North Carolina) He was found guilty ofkilling his wife by pushing her down a flight of stairs. Dr. Lee used Ketchup to explain how bloodsplattered & spit it all over the place. It was gross!! Wonder what happened to Dr. Koby???,0,4304861.story