arap spring and two perspectives


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Post on 18-Jun-2015



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This is the presentation about process of the Arap Spring. It consist of two different approachs about this issue.


Page 1: Arap Spring and Two Perspectives
Page 2: Arap Spring and Two Perspectives

What is Arap Spring?

• How did it emerge?

• Why did it emerge in Arab countries?

• What were the factors that made people stand against their rulers?

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• To make a short definition: Arab spring is a social movement that emerged at the North Africa and some Arap countries due to anti-democratic circumstances.

• People took down their leaders because of their unfair governing.

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Two Truths One Reality

• From majority of media this movement is defined as ‘’Struggle of freedom’’.

• Opponents of the arbitrary leaders defined as ‘’Freedom warriors’’.

• Economical crisis and unfair revenue distribution demonstrated as the reason of this conflict.

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First Truth:

The People Who Want democratic


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Power of the Social Media• How did it begun?• Arab rulers‘ secret assets

and government applications had been shown to society via Internet - Wikileaks.

• WikiLeaks is an international entity that leaks government’s and leaders’s secret informations to the public life.

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• These information displayed by Wikileaks spread quickly to some segments of society via Facebook and Twitter.

• Protestors have organized their demonstrations through social media.

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What were the factors that made people protesters?

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• There was an economic crisis since 2008. Unemployment increased and getting along became difficult.

• Despite of these economical problems leaders insisted on being disregardful about their people’ needs and demands.

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Predominant secular governing made huge pressure on religious society.

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Process of Arab Spring


• At 17 December young tradesman burned himself because of poverty.

• After the protests and struggles leader Abidin Bin Ali escaped to Saudi Arabia.He had been the ruler of Tunisia for 23 years.

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EGYPT• At 25 January protests

started against poverty and unemployment.

• After 18 days from the protests Husnu Mubarek had resigned. Over 800 people was killed during the struggles.

• After judgement he had punished with endless prison. He had been ruler for 30 years.

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LIBYA• Citizens of Libya started to

protest against Kaddafi. These protests resulted with conflict.

• Coalition of USA, France and England had organized air attack to Kaddafi’s power.

• After long process, struggle resulted with victory of the opponents of Kaddafi.

• Kaddafi had been killed by his own citizens on 20 October 2011.

• He had been ruler of the Libya for 42 years.

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Ali Abdullah Salih

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• Bahrain,Jordan and Yemen are also the countries that faced with protests and struggles. Their leaders taken some precuations due to citizens democratic demands.

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Second Truth: Imperialist Game

• Midde East is always the geography of struggle and blood especially since the oil had discovered.

• When imperialism discovered the importance of this geography, they started to make a lot of plan to control this place.

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• When we convince about the role of the America and Europe at the Arap Spring, there are some controversial issues.

• First of all, one of the similarities of ex-leaders was all they were in trouble with America.

• USA and some of the European countries even made gun supervision to opponents of the Arabian rulers. Did they have benefit?

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• Let’s focus on Hillary Clinton’s saying about Kaddafi:  "We came, we saw, he died!“.

• An intervention on the protest?

United States Secretary of State

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• When do the Western powers speak about democracy and then what happens?

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• We saw this example at the invasion of Iraq. USA invaded there because of anti-democratic applications and the risk of the nuclear gun. Then they apologized, because there were no any nuclear gun.

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Will the Spring spread to other countries?

• Some of the experts arguing that rather than occupation, imperialists aim to control Middle East with Middle East’s own people.

• The change of leaders for good or for worse?

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Last Destination for now:Syria

• Syrian people that have been influenced by protests in Libya,Egypt and Tunisia

• This conflict became civil war. It’s still continuing now.

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• At this bloody struggle between 25.000-30.000 people has died.Also lots of people migrated to borders of the Turkey at the North.

• Both sides are getting supervision from different countries.

• It become war game in the Middle East.

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Which Truth?

• People’s power • Power’s game on people