aquatic biotechnology


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All the detailed information on Aquatic Biotechnology. Aquaculture - definition, economics, advantages,etc


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Page 2: Aquatic biotechnology

Topics AquacultureEnvironmental applications of Aquatic


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Introduction to Aquatic Biotechnology

Aquatic biotechnology find out to use living organisms (such as bacteria) or parts of living organisms (such as DNA) from a marine environment To create or improve a wide

variety of productsFrom pharmaceuticals to

materials that fight pollution

Aquatic biotechnology scientists might develop and test drugs Made from marine organisms Develop non-toxic coatings that prevent

the accumulation of barnacles (one type of bird)

On hulls of ships or on underwater parts of power plants

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Introduction to Aquatic BiotechnologyGiven that water, especially marine water,

covers nearly 75 % of the earth's surfaceIt should not surprise you to learn that aquatic

environments are a Rich source of biotechnology applications Potential solution to a range of problems

Aquatic organisms exist in a range of extreme conditions such as Frigid polar seasExtraordinarily high pressure at great depthsHigh salinityExceedingly high temperatures Low light conditions

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Introduction to Aquatic BiotechnologyAs a result, aquatic organisms have evolved

a fascinating number of Metabolic pathwaysReproductive mechanismsSensory adaptations

They harbor a wealth of unique genetic information and potential applications

We will consider many fascinating aspects of aquatic biotechnology By exploring how both marine and freshwater

organisms can be used for biotechnology applications

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Introduction to Aquatic BiotechnologyIn the United States

Less than $50 million is spent annually for research and development in aquatic biotechnology

In contrast Japan spends between $900

million and $1 billion annually

The successful research of Asian countries that have invested in basic science research on aquatic biotechnology and the financial success of their products have encouraged other countries to invest a significant amount of time and resources in aquatic biotechnology

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Introduction to Aquatic BiotechnologySeveral research priorities have been identified

to explore the seemingly endless possibilities of utilizing aquatic organisms:

Increasing the world's food supply

Restoring and protecting marine ecosystems

Identifying novel compounds for the benefit of human health and medical treatments

Improving seafood safety and quality

Discovering and developing new products with applications in the chemical industry

Seeking new approaches to monitor and treat disease

Increasing knowledge of biological and geochemical processes in the world's oceans

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AquacultureThe cultivation of aquatic animals, such

as finfish and shellfish, and aquatic plants for recreational or commercial purposes is known as aquaculture

Specifically, marine aquaculture is called mariculture

Although aquaculture can be considered a type of agricultural biotechnology It is typically considered a form of aquatic


In this section, we will primarily discuss farming of both marine and freshwater species of finfish and shellfish

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The Economics of AquacultureWorldwide demand for

aquaculture products is expected to grow by 70% during the next 30 years

If demand continues to rise and wild catches continue to declineWe will see a deficit of

consumable fish and shellfish

Aquaculture together with better resource management practices will in part overcome this problem

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The Economics of AquacultureAquaculture in the United States is big business

It is a greater than $36 billion industry providing nearly 19% of the world's seafood supply

Aquaculture production in the United States has nearly

doubled over the last 10 years This increase is expected to continue while similar increases in

aquaculture are occurring globally

Some aspects of raising fish are economically cheaper than animal farming or commercial fishing

Ex. It takes approximately 7 pounds of grain to raise one pound of beef, but less than 2 pounds of fish meal are needed to raise approximately 1 pound of most fish

Fish species that are fed genetically engineered food cost around 10 cents/pound But the return is often 70 to 80 cents/pound on the raised fish Yielding a good return on an investment

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The Economics of Aquaculture

Aquaculture in the United States became a major industry in the 1950s When catfish farming was established in the Southeast

Aquaculture facilities now exist in every state

Farm-raised catfish grow nearly 20% faster in fish-farms compared to catfish in the wild And are ready for market sale in approximately 2 years

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Some of the most successful examples of

the business potential of aquaculture in the United States includeAlabama and Mississippi Delta catfish industrySalmon farming in Maine and WashingtonTrout farming in Idaho and West VirginiaCrawfish farming in Louisiana

Similarly, Florida, Massachusetts, and

other states have established successful shellfish farms That have benefited struggling commercial


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Aquaculture Abroad Many other countries are actively engaged in aquaculture


Chile is the second largest exporter worldwide.

Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru have rapidly growing industries.

Greek farms are the leading producers of farmed sea bass in the world.

Norway is a leading producer of salmon.

Canada produces over 70,000 tons of Atlantic and Pacific salmon The largest production province in Canada is British Columbia with over 100

salmon farms.

Expanding markets are underway in Argentina, Algeria, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland, Russia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philippines, India and many other nations

Many of the countries most actively engaged in developing aquaculture industries are doing so

Because local waters have been overfished to the point where natural stocks of finfish and shellfish have been severely depleted

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Aquaculture AbroadA shrimp farm is an aquaculture

business for the cultivation of marine shrimp for human consumption

Commercial shrimp farming began in the 1970sProduction grew steeplyParticularly to match the market

demands of the U.S., Japan and Western Europe

About 75% of farmed shrimp is produced in Asia In particular in China and ThailandThe largest exporting nation is


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Aquaculture AbroadFrom Research to Reality:

Biotechnology solutions to the Shrimp Industry

The Shrimp Biotechnology Business Unit (SBBU) was established by the Thailand National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) in Bangkok, Thailand

SSBU has been working since 1999 to commercialize solutions developed by the Thai research to help the shrimp industry

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Aquaculture AbroadSBBU develops

diagnostic kits PCR kits and test strips

And also provides expertise in shrimp health managementWhich ranges from

diagnostic analysis, to contract research for the shrimp industry, training and consulting.

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Local Aquaculture The HBOI Aquaculture Division's

mission is to develop economically feasible and environmentally sustainable methods to farm aquatic organisms for

Food Sport Stock enhancement Aquarium markets Pharmaceuticals

The Aquaculture Division is a leader in the research and development of culture technologies for

Molluscs Crustaceans Marine ornamentals Food fish Seaweed Biomedical species

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Environmental Applications of Aquatic BiotechnologyUnfortunately the world's oceans have long served as

dumping grounds for the wastes of humanity and industrialization

Little thought has been given to the effect of pollution on Fish stocks Marine organisms and the environment

Clearly oceans do not have an infinite ability to accept waste products without consequences

Critical wetlands and other estuarine habitats important for the spawning of many marine species and the growth of young marine organisms are showing signs of severe decline due to pollution and human impact

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Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology

The variety of environmental applications of marine biotechnology is quite astounding

From developing new ways of dealing with biofouling on engineered materials in the ocean environment

Bioremediation and restoration of damaged marine habitatsMonitoring for disease outbreak and management of

natural resources

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Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology

Biofilming, also called biofouling, refers to the attachment of organisms to surfaces

These surfaces could be manmade surfaces such as Hulls of ships Inner lining of pipes Cement walls, and pilings used

around piers Bridges Buildings

Biofilming also occurs on the surface of marine organisms, especially shellfish

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Environmental Applications of Aquatic BiotechnologyBiofilming occurs

In the plumbing of your homeOn contact lenses, and In your mouth

Bacteria that coat your teeth and bacteria that adhere to implanted surgical devices and prostheses are examples of biofilming

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Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology

As a result, researchers are investigating the natural mechanisms that many organisms use to prevent biofouling on their own surface

If biofilming is a problem for both manmade surfaces and the surfaces of marine organisms

How do clams, mussels, and even turtles minimize biofilming and thus prevent their shells from being completely closed by biofilming organisms?

Some organisms are thought to produce repelling substances while other organisms appear to produce molecules that block adhesion of biofilming organisms (Figure 10.15)

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Environmental RemediationNative microorganisms or genetically engineered strains

have been used to degrade chemicals

In much the same way, marine organisms possess unique mechanisms for breaking down substances Including toxic organic chemicals such as phenols and toluene Oil products found in harbors and adjacent to oil rigs, and Toxic metals

One of the earliest techniques used in marine remediation involved increasing the quantity of shellfish in polluted areas

Because these organisms strain the water during feeding They act as a form of estuarine filters to remove wastes such as

nitrogen compounds and organic chemicals

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Environmental RemediationMicrobiologists at the

USDA have experimented with growing nitrogen metabolizing algae on large mats called scrubbers So that they can be used as

natural filters

Scrubbers work like charcoal filters in an aquarium In that they bind nitrogenous


Water contaminated with

farm animal wastes is passed over the scrubbers The algae absorb and

metabolize the wastes

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