aqua spa lawsuit... the kangaroo court has spoken

Aqua Spa Lawsuit.. The Kangaroo Court has spoken A kangaroo court is "a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” In the Aqua Spa case out of the Antilles, the Netherland court has exonerated the Bank and banking system, the real driver of the alleged criminal enterprise that is directing all commerce on those Islands. Under the umbrella of protection and authority given to Banks Holland is allegedly running a criminal system designed to tap and enslave the citizens of the Antilles. You be the judge as you read this and the other stories. No Numbers just the Renaissance is guilty? The Bank is free now pay the court costs you have two weeks before we start the interest yet there is a vague preliminary verdict, that is missing so much? What a prime example of a Kangaroo Court driving the verdict instead of interpreting the evidence and acting to protect what little credibility may have existed in this corrupt. Antilles where the people are at the mercy of a criminal system that is generated out of Holland The verdict or lack of tells you the system is deeply corrupted. Five months delay on a cooked verdict that has no numbers, says little to nothing, making sure the Bank comes out looking clean as a whistle, it’s the Renaissance’s fault? Right! That would be like a convicting the getaway car driver in a Bank heist where the people who entered the Bank and conducted the robbery are set free as the court turns there head and says we didn’t see anything. The Bank and the Renaissance were always a team in this con-game before Aqua Spa, all the way through the court as they sat together never going after each other up to the verdict and will be afterwards. The Renaissance gets mud thrown at them to protect the system and make people believe there is an actual legal

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Post on 10-Feb-2015




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Aqua Spa Lawsuit.. The Kangaroo Court has spoken

A kangaroo court is "a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.”

In the Aqua Spa case out of the Antilles, the Netherland court has exonerated the Bank and banking system, the real driver of the alleged criminal enterprise that is directing all commerce on those Islands. Under the umbrella of protection and authority given to Banks Holland is allegedly running a criminal system designed to tap and enslave the citizens of the Antilles. You be the judge as you read this and the other stories.

No Numbers just the Renaissance is guilty? The Bank is free now pay the court costs you have two weeks before we start the interest yet there is a vague preliminary verdict, that is missing so much? What a prime example of a Kangaroo Court driving the verdict instead of interpreting the evidence and acting to protect what little credibility may have existed in this corrupt. Antilles where the people are at the mercy of a criminal system that is generated out of Holland The verdict or lack of tells you the system is deeply corrupted. Five months delay on a cooked verdict that has no numbers, says little to nothing, making sure the Bank comes out looking clean as a whistle, it’s the Renaissance’s fault? Right! That would be like a convicting the getaway car driver in a Bank heist where the people who entered the Bank and conducted the robbery are set free as the court turns there head and says we didn’t see anything.

The Bank and the Renaissance were always a team in this con-game before Aqua Spa, all the way through the court as they sat together never going after each other up to the verdict and will be afterwards. The Renaissance gets mud thrown at them to protect the system and make people believe there is an actual legal Banking system and there is actual separation and not a conspiracy? The Renaissance could not have done all the court is alleged if the Bank was an actual Financial Institution doing their job, conducting their business like a reputable Bank. What an outrageous verdict and lie. Do you think there is one person who has followed this that believes the words and verdict are from Schendel? There is not a snowball chance in hell that this is Schendel freely speaking unless he has done a complete 180 degree turn from what his earlier statements in court were and what he said in the written court documents he put together after each of the court dates.

Aruba Bank Gets an out of Jail free card

So Aruba Bank that put a total of 2 million USD plus 3 million in collateral at risk to a Hotel owner with a history of taking over businesses aggressively their partner in this alleged criminal system yet the Bank is let off the hook? These same players are in court with other cases in similar circumstances Aqua Spa was in. This con-game continues to be played out all over the Antilles. Aruba Orco Bank knew that Eduardo De Veer had a history of cannibalizing businesses because they have worked with him as the other half

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of the team and perfected this predatory operation with him and succeeded in this very same con game multiple times prior. Shelia Van Veen executive director of Aruba Bank, Mena’s alleged friend asked for the lease agreement to present it to the Aruba Bank board and when Mena asked her what the board thought of it, Shelia said all things are good we need to talk about collateral. Shelia never mentioned the predatory choke or the Renaissance’s history of shutting down businesses in a questionable manner and taking over their new facilities in an obvious con-game that has replayed itself out over and over again. Shelia knew what would happen to Mena yet she went ahead and let her into the trap. Mena had to move all her savings to Aruba bank, release all her assets into Aruba bank’s possession and sign a personal guarantee all worth substantially more than the 715K she borrowed. Please people of Aruba and Curacao stay away from this operation and these Islands. It is a criminal operation designed to steal all your wealth.

The Lease Agreement

The lease agreement is illegal in all countries and labeled a predatory choke designed specifically to kill a business at the time the doors are opening and cliental is being built yet the Bank lent money against it knowing it is the standard contract from the Renaissance never warning Mena and Emile as their fiduciary position required them to do. They have lent money to these before and watched the businesses get choked and killed and then collected on the security multiple times more than the loan amount that was borrowed. Shelia and Aruba bank board knew from the beginning that no business would survive it’s over the top aggressive contract language yet went forward with the loan in a fraudulent approach to get to Mena’s Jardines Condo’s. Why would the Bank lend money into a guaranteed failure? It’s simple; this is nothing more than an avenue to the borrower’s collateral and the real reason for the Bank to lend money in the first place. This is how the corrupt Banking system of the Antilles works and thrives. Don’t think you can beat these criminals and the system they control from one end to the other. Where is the court in this? Did they miss this crime? Is it too complicated for the court to wrap their heads around the actions? Do they understand facts don’t disappear? That the deeper the hole you dig the higher the sides are when you climb out.

How the system works

This is an alleged criminal operation that in the beginning takes two especially the Bank to be successful as they are the gatekeeper to the whole loan process and are generally a trusted safe place to conduct business. The Court has in their verdict given them a get out of jail free card, we got your back covered it is saying. It is an obscene verdict and shows just how sick this particular government and court system (where the Judges are from Holland) has become since the Natalee Holloway coverup. The next suspected move is to let the Renaissance off. They are both of the same corrupt system working together as a team while they pass their way through the Antilles with the court as their guarantee failsafe backup. The blaming of the Renaissance is nothing more than a smoke screen, set up to show the bank and the banking system is clean. They want the fire put out so the connection to the Holland government will not get a chance to be exposed.

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Next action the Bank removes all protective disbursement language already existing in their standard loan contracts in an action they consciously had to think about before doing which immediately put the risk of cost over runs almost a guarantee that they would now occur. Then they fail to appoint an Independent supervisor the only safety net language still left in that loan contract, instead use the Renaissance’s Supervisor their real business partner all along and who they sat with and prepared the court case against Aqua Spa with. Giselle Gillio account manager for Orco Bank acknowledged Bruce was their Independent Supervisor who built it really at the whim of the Hotel or the corrupt system.

Mena and Emile were sheep lead to the wolves by Shelia

Mena and Emile were nothing more than victims groomed and being used to build the Spa for Eduardo De Veer and the system while the enterprise was drooling over the Condo project that they thought they could gain access through in this con game when the Spa would eventually be closed. With no Banking oversight or protection for the borrower the contractors went 35% over on costs and took twice as long to complete the project wiping out all available loan capital forcing Aqua Spa to go back to the Bank for help. How can the Bank be clean? It’s laughable. No Bank removes already existing protective language, fails to appoint a key independent oversight person as it says it will in the loan document unless they want the loan to fail and know a court that will cover their wrong doings is waiting for them at the end as we have now have paid witness to.

When Aqua Spa asked Orco Bank can you help us, can you increase our loan to get us started and over this critical point of the opening, Orco Bank says No, you are on your own? That’s it, a 5 million dollar Spa ready to open and the Bank says too bad with their shared investment? What were they going to do, let it die right there or turn it over to the Renaissance as they did in the end anyway? This forced Aqua Spa to seek outside investors immediately. Then the Hotel Boycotts the Spa while the Bank stands idly by and watches. The court says the Bank is clean? In American terms this is called Bull shit.

The Take-Over Agreement approach was a fraudulent attempt

The Bank through Giovanni Anthony produces a new revised loan agreement they call a takeover agreement that makes Aqua Spa solely liable for the loan making them potential slaves for life changing the language in multiple areas and in a fraudulent attempt, tell Mena she must sign it even incorporating Anthony Croes her accountant from Deloitte whom told her I think you have to sign it Mena. When she contacts an attorney he tells her they have already moved that loan she does not need to sign it. The court says it’s the Renaissance’s fault only? I’m sorry this is a tragedy that will repeat itself again as the court is the last line of defense against lies, deception, fraud, greed, corruption, criminal activity and a

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system that has enslaved a whole group of Islands with the Netherlands the driver and they have decided to keep things going?

Anthony Croes of Deloitte worked as a Lapdog for Aruba Bank

Anthony Croes was introduced to Mena by Penelope a key Central Bank employee as a top notch accountant whom could help her with the feasibility study needed for this Spa project. Anthony came up with numbers too low for the liking of Eduardo de Veer and was asked to bump them. Emile declined and eventually Anthony told Mena and Emile that they would each clear 16,000 florins a month after all bills were paid once things began to roll. This astonished Mena and she confronted Anthony about such high numbers. Anthony told her its time you lived the High Life Mena. This is the same Anthony Croes from Deloitte who worked with Giovani Anthony of Aruba bank to coerce Mena into signing that take-over agreement that later was interpreted by an attorney to be a contract that would enslaved her for life?.

Mark Noreen works two months for Free = another Fraud

Next the Bank installs Mark Noreen a friend of Bos, Orco Bank CEO to mend the relationship with the Renaissance yet he said I cannot talk with the De Veers nor could the Bank. They made this too obvious constantly reminding Mena and Emile they never talk with the Renaissance. There was nothing but constant deception they faced from every Bank employee they ever came into contact with. Mark Noreen receives no pay for two months of work? He asks Mena and Emile to change their product line to Pavonia the same one that Okeanos Spa suspiciously is now using in the taken over 5 million Dollar Spa they received from the Bank for 40 K. Pretty tough for the Bank and the court they direct to dodge this fact and their connection and their eventual handing over of the Spa in a sham auction to the Hotel yet the court finds no fault in the Bank’s behavior? This is an absolute catastrophe for the Antilles and its loving kind people as this criminal enterprise is deciding what is justice in the Antilles instead of a viable independent court for the people..

The Court Bailiff Says He closed the Spa for the Bank

Then on December 7th Court Documents show the Bank hired Ramazon the Bailiff to begin closing of the Spa and collection of the collateral eventually to move on December 22 yet the bank claimed they moved in the middle of that day only because they feared Emile was in Miami selling the Spa the same thing the Bank actually did themselves only two months later to the Renaissance in a sham public auction where no one else could bid for the grand total of 40K. There is written and recorded testimony from the Bailiff stating he closed the Spa for the Bank as he was hired to do not Aqua Spa yet the court says there is no wrong doing by the Bank? The Bank can sell the Spa in a one day sham auction for

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pennies on the dollar but any hint the Spa owners are looking to pay off the complete loan in any way is suspected by the Bank and now the court agrees with the Bank says it is a viable reason to move on the Spa shut it down and then claim they were only taking inventory we find no wrong doing by the Bank? This is simply lies and deception by the Bank and produced by the corrupt system controlling the courts. This verdict had to come in order for the world to see the depth of the corruption that exists in the Antilles. It is nauseating. It reaches through the last line of defense, the court system and tells you that this society is ill not of their own choosing but from their mother country whom has established a system that is working with private bankers to enslave a people and that preys on anyone whom has wealth and borrows money or enters into any type of lease agreement or other business contracts with the established soldiers for this enterprise that is tapping these Islands.

A Missed Opportunity

This verdict exonerating the bank is a tragedy for all the Antilles and tells you the system is out of control and above the court that gets its Judges out of Holland. It is now running the whole Antilles including the judicial system the last line in the defense of law, ethics and morals. Anyone who enters into a loan agreement must also face a court that is oblivious to this that can sit in Judgment of all except a Banker? Only a fool would roll the dice against those odds. Aqua Spa did no wrong yet has court costs approaching 100,000 Florins and continuing to grow. The Judge has found the Renaissance guilty and the reason for the failure yet the Bank in direct opposition to the courts findings is moving now personally against Mena and Emile to add insult to the injury they have already created on these innocent people instead of going after the Renaissance whom the court says is guilty?

The system needs willing Soldiers with a lack of Integrity

This is what awaits anyone whom wants to invest in these Islands. This repulsive corrupt system is not being generated locally but allegedly from the Netherlands. How can the Holland government not know and not be an active participant of this alleged criminal enterprise? How can Shelia Van Veen , Thomas Ardenburgh or Anthony Croes or others throw their fellow citizens whom trust them under the bus for their income from this filthy corrupt system then go home at night tuck their kids in knowing what they have done to innocent people like Mena, knowing they are raising their children to grow up into this corrupt system they are key supporting players in? There have been citizens that have walked away from it simply because their souls could not accept what they had been asked to do. . These 3 people have thrived in it as Thomas has just arrived home from a Ski Vacation in Switzerland while Mena is struggling to pay his attorney fees approaching 100,000when his representation of her case before the courts could best be summed up as shameful and weak with multiple incidents where he failed to act in her best interest narrowly dodging bullets that would have killed the court case except for others that caught the mistake ahead of the chance.

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Thomas Ardenburg even went as far as to pass to the court a plea without the Spa owners or the Curators approval even though they specifically warned him against doing this. It was at best a shameful watering down of a great opportunity to pin Aruba Bank to its entire alleged wrong doings. The Spa owners and American investors will stand on his chest from here out in the appeal process so that every missing or forgotten bit of evidence showing the corrupt system and the Bank’s direct involvement is brought forward and presented so it exposes this system so that the Court is forced to cook a decision from all the evidence exposing the court and its key position and why the corruption is so entrenched.

The Spa owners believe Thomas was pressured by the Bank or the system on multiple occasions and have always felt they have had to drag him through the process having always to be on guard against his missing something intentionally that would throw the case. If you are contemplating an attorney please be aware they are all filthy dirty and working for the system or they simply don’t work or are allowed to practice in the Antilles. They will look and act like an attorney in the beginning but will fall down or miss critical things that should come natural. You will find yourself doing all the heavy lifting. if you ever are forced to use these lapdogs who are working for the system do not turn your back on them for a second as they are always looking for a way to help the system without your knowledge. The attorney’s lack of honor and professionalism will turn your stomach and make you ill. Just stay away and save yourself the grief you will eventually encounter.

Enslaving a people is what Banks and Dictators are all about

The people of the Antilles are enslaved by a system that is being operated under the protective umbrella of the Banking Cartel of Holland and it’s suspected to be tied to the Holland government. They use local wealthy business owners and known community members in a sinister plan to team against anyone that enters into a loan contract. Accountants like Anthony Croes of Deloitte, Attorneys like Thomas Ardenburgh of Aqua Spa and Banking personnel like Shelia Van Veen are all willing supporters of this system as they receive their tainted wages from it as it marches through the Antilles taking the wealth of anyone who enters into a business loan agreement with their system. The system would die overnight if the Anthony’s, Shelias and Thomases whom are working with and for the system stepped away from it and the obscene acts that they are being asked to perpetuate against their neighbors and friends . This system controls all the Antilleans do and stands over their freedom with heavy handed tactics where their own neighbors and alleged friends turn on them to support this alleged criminal enterprise. No one who enters into business and signs contacts with these entities is safe. Stay away for your own good.