apush unit 05; ch 15-19: post civil war vocabulary scalawag carpetbagger freedmen’s bureau oliver...

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War VOCABULARY Scalawag Carpetbagger Freedmen’s Bureau Oliver O. Howard “10 percent” plan Wade-Davis Bill Radical republicans Black codes 14 th Amendment Civil Rights Bill Thaddeus Stevens Military Reconstruction 15 th Amendment Hiram Revels Ex Parte Milligan Ku Klux Klan Force Acts Tenure of Office Act Seward’s Folly Ch 15: Reconstruction I. Challenges A. The Problems of Peace 1. 4 main ques. After war 2. How would S be rebuilt? 2. How to deal w/ ex- slaves? 2. How to reintegrate S states? 2. Who would control recon? 2. Confed leaders? B. Unfettered Freedom 1. What to do w/ blacks? C. Johnson: The Tailor Pres. 1. Humble beginnings D. The Freedman’s Bureau 1. Help former slaves 1.S resented bureau F. The Baleful Black Codes 1. S restores race relations G. Congressional Fears 1. Demos control cong.? H. Johnson Clashes w/ Congress 1. J tries to curb S 2. Civ rights 2. Voting 2. Ex-confed 2. Repud of confed debt I. Swinging around the Circle 1. J fails II. Implementation J. Republican Principles 1. Now Cong can override

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APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYScalawagCarpetbaggerFreedmen’s BureauOliver O. Howard “10 percent” planWade-Davis BillRadical republicansBlack codes14th AmendmentCivil Rights BillThaddeus StevensMilitary

Reconstruction15th AmendmentHiram RevelsEx Parte MilliganKu Klux KlanForce ActsTenure of Office Act Seward’s Folly

Ch 15: Reconstruction I. ChallengesA. The Problems of Peace1. 4 main ques. After war

2. How would S be rebuilt?2. How to deal w/ ex-

slaves?2. How to reintegrate S

states?2. Who would control

recon?2. Confed leaders?

B. Unfettered Freedom1. What to do w/ blacks? C. Johnson: The Tailor Pres.1. Humble beginnings

D. The Freedman’s Bureau1. Help former slaves 1.S resented bureau

E. Presidential Reconstruction1. Lincoln1. Congress1. Johnson

F. The Baleful Black Codes1. S restores race relations

G. Congressional Fears1. Demos control cong.?

H. Johnson Clashes w/ Congress1. J tries to curb S

2. Civ rights2. Voting2. Ex-confed 2. Repud of confed debt

I. Swinging around the Circle1. J fails

II. ImplementationJ. Republican Principles1. Now Cong can override veto

K. Reconstruction by the Sword1. Military Reconstruction Act

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYScalawagCarpetbaggerFreedmen’s BureauOliver O. Howard “10 percent” planWade-Davis BillRadical republicansBlack codes14th AmendmentCivil Rights BillThaddeus StevensMilitary

Reconstruction15th AmendmentHiram RevelsEx Parte MilliganKu Klux KlanForce ActsTenure of Office Act Seward’s Folly

L. Realities of Recon in the South

1. Despite 15th, disenfranchised1. White control1. Redeemer govs

M. Ku Klux Klan1. Force Acts of 1870-71

N. Johnson and Impeachment1. Barely fails

O. Purchase of Alaska1. Foreign relations –Alaska P. Heritage of Reconstruction1. S - Recon worse than war

III. Gilded AgeQ. The Bloody Shirt1. Post war disillusionment R. Era of Good Stealings1. Rapid pop growth1. US lacks moral

S. Carnival of Corruption1. Tweed Ring1. Grant - spoils1. Credit Mobilier - 1867-681. Whiskey Ring1. Belknap scandal T. Liberal Republican 18721. Lib faction

2. Idealistic2. Lib/Demo nom

Greeley1. Rep feared lib split

U. Demands for Inflation1. G hurt by Panic of 1873

2. War inflat/ Indus spec1. Debtors want inflation

2. Greenbacks1. “Hard money” advocates win

2. Resumption Act of 1875

1. Debate over silver2. 1873 - Comstock

Lode 1. Grant’s bad politics/sound $

2. Less specie - more credit

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYLaissez-faire Jim Fisk/Jay GouldTweed RingCredit MobilierWhiskey RingHorace GreeleyResumption ActBland-Allison Act“Half-breeds”James G. BlaineCivil Service

ReformPlessy v. FergusonChinese

Exclusionary ActKearneyitePendleton ActCivil ServiceMulligan lettersMugwumpsPension BureauSharecropping

IV. Weak Presidential ResponseV. Pallid Politics 1. Few issues sep parties

W. Hayes-Tilden Standoff 1. Two sets of returns

 X. Compromise of 18771. Comp

2. Remove troops2. Patronage for Demo2. Subsid a S Trans RR

1. No troops to protect freedmen

2. Failed Civ Rights Act 1875

Y. Integrity on the Potomac1. Hayes1. Problems

2. Labor disputes2. Depression since 18732. 1880 - Asian immig

Z. The Garfield Interlude1. Dark horse 1. Tragedy 9/19/1881

AA. Arthur Takes Command1. Civ serv ref

BB. Mudslingers of 18841. 1884 - Blaine - Rep nom

2. “Mulligan letters”2. Mugwumps

1. Mudslinging2. Campaign rested on NY

CC. “Old Grover” Takes Over1. Cleveland 1. Used veto

DD. Battle for a Lower Tariff1. Reduce pork/ lower tariff EE. Harrison in 18881. Billion $ cong

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYPopulistsSand Creek “Buffalo Bill” CodyA Century of

Dishonor“Ghost Dance”Wounded KneeDawes Severalty

ActComstock LodeChisholm TrailHomestead Act Safety-valve

theoryThe GrangeJames B. WeaverFarmers’ AlliancesBimetallismPension Act of

1890Sherman SilverPurchase Act of


Ch 16: Conquering a Continent I. Indian WarsA. The Indian Barrier to the West1. 1880's-90's = US/Indian conflict1. Gov policy1. Settlers

2. Disregarded treaties1. 1868 - 1890 = constant warfare B. Receding Native Population1. Ind war = savage1. Sioux Wars 1. Nez Perce -18771. Apaches – Geronimo1. Ind lost by guns and

2. Railroad 2. Buffalo2. Settlers 2. Disease 2. Alcohol

C. Bellowing Herds of Bison1. The Buffalo

D. The End of the Trail1. 1880's - exterm on reserv

2. Helen Hunt – 1881 1. Dawes Severality Act II. The Changing FrontierE. Mining1. Ind remov = boon for

mining1. Boon towns around mines F. Beef bonanzas1. New ‘beef barons’1. Long Drive

G. Free Land for Free Families

1. Homestead Act of 1862 H. Taming Western Deserts1. RR recruited immig1. Dry farming1. Barbed wire

2. Joseph F. Glidden – 1883

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYPopulistsSand Creek “Buffalo Bill” CodyA Century of

Dishonor“Ghost Dance”Wounded KneeDawes Severalty

ActComstock LodeChisholm TrailHomestead Act Safety-valve

theoryThe GrangeJames B. WeaverFarmers’ AlliancesBimetallismPension Act of

1890Sherman SilverPurchase Act of


I. The Far West Comes of Age1. 1870-80's = pop explos

2. Army vets/ Immig2. RR/ Homestead

1. New states and cities1. Ind Terr to sett - Oklah – 18891. 1890 - census - frontier gone

2. “Safety valve” theory2. Defined char

III. Farmers’ PlightJ. The Farm Becomes a Factory1. Role of farmers changing1. New levels of produc

K. Deflation Dooms the Debtor1. Financial troubles - 1880's

2. Depend on one crop2. Falling prices

L. Unhappy Husbandmen1. Nature’s curses

2. Gov / Corp/ RR abuse2. Farmers disorg – polit

N. Farmers Take their Stand1. Agrarian Unrest

2. 1867 – Grange

O. Passionate Populist Crusade1. Farmers’ Alliance - 1880's

2. Manuf of pop discont1. Populist = People’s Party

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYNational Labor UnionKnights of LaborHaymarket SquareAmerican Federation

ofLaborClosed shopSocialistYellow dog contractStock wateringWabash CaseInterstate CommerceThomas EdisonAndrew CarnegieVertical IntegrationJ.P. MorganInterlocking

DirectoratesGospel of WealthSherman Anti-trust

Ch 17: Industrial Revolution I. RailroadsA. The Iron Horse1. Growth – RR 1865-1900

2. 35,000 mi - 200,0001. Gov subsidized RR

2. Land grants2. Alternating blocs

B. Spanning the Continent 1. Gov spons 2 RR

2. Bonus for extra miles2. Immig = labor

1. “Wedding of the rails”

C. Binding the Country w/ RR 1. Trans completed

2. New RR magnates2. Over-speculation

D. Railroad Consolidation1. Eastern RR magnates bail out

2. Consolid/monop


E. Revolution by Railways1. Greatest accomp

2. Time zones2. Pushes indus 2. Immig2. Spin-offs

F. Wrongdoing in Railroading1. Corruption

2. Stock watering/bribes2. Long v. short hauls2. Monopolies/collusion2. Rebates

II. ChangesG. Gov Bridles the Iron Horse1. RR plutocracy

2. Farmers + bus extorted

1. Call for gov help1. Grange becomes pop1. 1886 - Wabash case1. Interstate Commerce Act 1887

2. ICC ended rate wars

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYNational Labor UnionKnights of LaborHaymarket SquareAmerican Federation

ofLaborClosed shopSocialistYellow dog contractStock wateringWabash CaseInterstate CommerceThomas EdisonAndrew CarnegieVertical IntegrationJ.P. MorganInterlocking

DirectoratesGospel of WealthSherman Anti-trust

H. Miracles of Mechanization1. Shipping spurred indus1. Inventiveness soared

2. New tech2. Cash registers2. Telephones

 I. The Trust Titan Emerges1. Small bus hurt 1. 14th amend

J. The Supremacy of Steel1. 1880-90's = “Steel is king”

2. Abund of coal 2. Markets

K. Sultans of Steel1. Carnegie Steel1. J.P. Morgan

L. An American Beauty1. John D. Rockefeller

M. The Gospel of Wealth1. Plutocrats

2. Heaven + natural selec

N. Government Tackles the Trust1. 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust O. South in an Age of Industry1. No Indus Rev in S1. Henry W. Grady – New S 1. Obstacles

2. Rate of N RR2. Blocked by trusts

 III. ImpactsP. Impact of Industrial Rev1. Indus increases wealth

2. Higher Stan of Living2. Role of women

change2. International trade

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYNational Labor UnionKnights of LaborHaymarket SquareAmerican Federation

ofLaborClosed shopSocialistYellow dog contractStock wateringWabash CaseInterstate CommerceThomas EdisonAndrew CarnegieVertical IntegrationJ.P. MorganInterlocking

DirectoratesGospel of WealthSherman Anti-trust

Q. In Unions There is Strength1. Real loser = workers

2. Loss of identity 2. Too many2. Little polit clout2. No courts help

1. Little public support2. High wages2. Strikes desensitized2. Socialism = anti-Amer

 R. Labor Limps Along1. Higher costs of liv = union necess1. National Labor Union – 1866

2. Soc reform2. Won 8hr workday

1. Knights of Labor – 18692. Secret society2. Skilled/non-skill2. Terrence V. Powerderly2. Assoc w/ anarachy

S. Unhorsing the Knights 1. Haymarket Square Riot  T. The AF of L to the Fore1. AFL - 1886

2. Samuel Gompers 2. Federation2. Opposed socialism2. Did not rep all workers

1. Riots continued2. 1880-1900= 23,000 strikes2. Pub attitude turning2. Labor Day 1894 - holiday

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYYellow JournalistHearstLooking BackwardHoratio AlgerFundamentalismNew MoralityCarrie Chapman

CattLouis SullivanTemperance18th AmendmentAnti-Saloon

LeagueRauschenbuschSocial Gospel”Christian socialist

s”Jane AddamsDwight MoodyDarwinismIngersollChautauqua Dr. W.E.B. DuboisNAACPHatch Act 1887

Chapters 18/19: Urbanization

I. ImmigrationA. The Urban Frontier1. Cities grew up and out

2. Steel and elevators2. Suburbs

1. Attraction of cities2. Jobs and exciting

1. Problems

B. New Immigration1. Rush

2. Post- 1880 (New Immig)

C. Southern Europe Uprooted1. Why so many immig

2. Pop growth in Euro2. Indus replaced agri2. Amer dream2. Amer need labor2. Persec in Euro

D. Reactions to the New Immig1. Gov did little to assim

2. States dom by rural legis2. Bosses help immig

1. Soc conscience awakens2. Social Christian mov

1. Jane Addams 1860-19352. 1889 - Hull House – Chic2. New poss for women

E. Narrowing the Welcome Mat1. Nativism

2. Job comp2. Electoral weight

1. New polit and soc nativist org

2. Amer Prot Assoc (APA)2. Anti-immig laws – 18822. 1917- literacy test2. 1882 - barred chinese

APUSH UNIT 05; Ch 15-19: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYYellow JournalistHearstLooking BackwardHoratio AlgerFundamentalismNew MoralityCarrie Chapman

CattLouis SullivanTemperance18th AmendmentAnti-Saloon

LeagueRauschenbuschSocial Gospel”Christian socialist

s”Jane AddamsDwight MoodyDarwinismIngersollChautauqua Dr. W.E.B. DuboisNAACPHatch Act 1887

II. Social ResponseF. Churches Confront Challenge1. Chall for church

2. Loss of membership in city

1. Churches = vehicles for indus?

2. Gospel of Wealth1. Urban revivalism

2. Dwight Lyman Moody2. Salvation Army 18792. Christian Scientists


G. Darwin Disrupts the Churches

1. Origin of Species - Darwin 1859

2. Social Darwinism

H. The Lust for Learning1. Elementary Ed

2. By 1870 - compuls elem 1. High Schools1. Kindergarten 1. Adult ed

2. 1874 - Chautauqua Move

I. Education for Black People1. Booker T. Washington1. W.E.B. Dubois

2. Founded NAACP – 1910

 J. The Hallowed Halls of Ivy1. More women in college1. Morrill Act – 18621. Hatch Act 18871. Philanthropy

K. The March of the Mind1. New Medical school

2. Improv in pub health1. Henry James 1842-1910

L. The Appeal of the Press1. Popularity of books - 1880's1. Growth of publ libraries1. Growth of newspapers

2. New readers2. Advertisement2. Sensationalism

APUSH UNIT 05: Post Civil War

VOCABULARYYellow JournalistHearstLooking BackwardHoratio AlgerFundamentalismNew MoralityCarrie Chapman

CattLouis SullivanTemperance18th AmendmentAnti-Saloon

LeagueRauschenbuschSocial Gospel”Christian socialist

s”Jane AddamsDwight MoodyDarwinismIngersollChautauqua Dr. W.E.B. DuboisNAACPHatch Act 1887

M. Apostles of Reform1. Magazines

2. Atlan Monthly, Scribner’s

2. Liberal, intell1. Reform Writers

2. Henry George2. Edward Bellamy

 N. New Morality1. People challenged morality

2. Victoria Woodhull – 1871

1. Others reacted2. Anthony Comstock

O. Families and Women1. City = hard on family

2. Children 2. Lower birth rates2. Decl of family

1. Women2. More indep 2. Charlotte P. Gilman2. Suffrage

P. Prohibition of alcohol1. Alcohol

2. Temperance movement

1. National Prohibition Party 1. Woman’s Christ Temp Union 1. Anti-saloon League – 1893

2. Statewide prohibitions

1. Other social org2. American Red Cross –


Q. Artistic Triumphs1. Art in US lagged behind Euro

2. W/ indus, wealth1. Amer painters1. Music

2. New opera houses2. Phonograph – Edison

1. Architecture2. Louis Sullivan2. Henry Richardson

R. Amusement1. Wealth = more entertainment