april, 2012 torch

Kalamazoo Christian School Association Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NIV) Featured articles A monthly publication of the Volume XII Issue 4 www.kcsa.org aPril issue HiGHliGHts .&6$ $QQRXQFHPHQWV S Homecoming Pg.9 “soaring above the clouds” by Linda Dahnke ..........................Page 6 Howard Hill Hustle ..........................Page 7 KcHs Mission trip to Kenya ..........................Page 8 6XSSRUW 2SSRUWXQLWLHV S .&6$ $WKOHWLFV 6HFWLRQ S 6FKRODUV LQ $FWLRQ S .&+6 ,Q+RXVH 6FKRODUVKLSV S

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KCSA Torch


Page 1: April, 2012 Torch

Kalamazoo Christian School Association

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

Featured articles

A monthly publication of the

Volume XIIIssue 4


aPril issue HiGHliGHts


Homecoming Pg.9

“soaring above the clouds” by Linda Dahnke..........................Page 6

Howard Hill Hustle..........................Page 7

KcHs Mission trip to Kenya..........................Page 8





Page 2: April, 2012 Torch

Any volunteer for the Kalamazoo Christian Schools who has the potential to interact with students must complete a Volunteer Criminal Record Check form to be submitted to KCSA to conduct a background check. If any issues arise, the Superintendent will collaborate with the appropriate persons to resolve the matter in accordance with standard policies and procedures.

KCS Foundation, AssociationWelcoming New Staff Members

Monday, March 19th, we held our annual Association meeting. Parents, board members, and staff were present to approve WKH� ����� EXGJHW� DQG� UHYLHZ� FXUUHQW� SODQV� DQG� WKH� VWDWXV�RU� RXU� EHORYHG� VFKRROV�� +LJKOLJKWV� RI� WKH�PHHWLQJ� LQFOXGH�the election of Paul VanderKamp, Marc Vermeulen, Becky +D]HOKRII�� .HYLQ� /DDNVRQHQ�� DQG� 6FRWW�9DQ2RVWHQ� WR� WKH�Association Board and School Committees. They will replace Jim Bosch, Mike Bouma, Barry Brigham, Gina DeJong, Kevin '\NHPD��(OOHQ�'\VWUD��&DPLOOH�+RHNVWUD��7RGG�0RGGHUPDQ��Steve Ryan, and Kathy Sportel in their respective positions. We sincerely thank both past and present members for their service to our schools. We were also proud to announce that we have an enrollment increase for next year, with 85 kindergarten students already registered and a full Spanish Immersion class. Also presented were our plans to further increase enrollment through community outreach, recruiting, DQG� SDUWQHUVKLS� ZLWK� DUHD� FKXUFKHV� DQG� .��� VFKRROV�� 5RQ�Plaisier and Jeff Lectka spoke about our plans for the new Middle School and related capital campaign. We have had tremendous support and pledges of almost $900,000 and are excited to start the campaign in earnest this Spring.With our Lord’s blessing, we at the schools will continue to plan for growth and prosperity.

7KH�.&+6�$OXPQL�$VVRFLDWLRQ�ZLOO�EH�VSRQVRULQJ�WKHLU���WK�annual trip to Comerica Park to see the Detroit Tigers in action against the Los Angeles Angels on July 19. The game will once again take place in the afternoon at 1:00 p.m. &KDUWHU�EXVHV�ZLOO�OHDYH�WKH�.&+6�SDUNLQJ�ORW�DW������D�P��Tickets are $56/adults and $51/students. Please call Jeff /HFWND� DW� ��������� � H[W�� ���� RU� HPDLO� MOHFWND#NFVD�RUJ��Don’t delay! Put your reservations in today!

Association Meeting

KCSA Middle School Property�����6RXWK�:HVWQHGJH�.DODPD]RR��0,������

The KCSA is selling the Middle School building which is on D� ���� DFUH� SDUFHO� ������������������7KH� ORW� LV� ]RQHG�&&��&RPPXQLW\�&RPPHUFLDO�'LVWULFW��DQG�50�����5HVLGHQWLDO�0XOWL�'ZHOOLQJ� 'LVWULFW�� DQG� FRQWDLQV� WZR� EXLOGLQJV��7KH� VFKRRO� EXLOGLQJ� LV� DSSUR[LPDWHO\� ������� 6)� DQG� WKH�PDLQWHQDQFH�JDUDJH�LV�DSSUR[LPDWHO\�����6)��7KH�KLJKHVW�DQG�best use of the property “as is” is for educational purposes, but it is also listed “as if vacant” to include mixed commercial DQG� PXOWLSOH�IDPLO\� XVH�� ,QWHUHVWHG� SDUWLHV� PD\� FRQWDFW�&UDLJ�'H1RR\HU� DW��������������RU� -RKQ�9DQGHU�3ORHJ� DW��������������IRU�PRUH�GHWDLOV�RU�WR�VFKHGXOH�D�VKRZLQJ��

Prime Real Estate for Sale

!e KCSA Publication Desk is seeking parents and alumni to develop articles, announcements, biographies, send photos, purchase ad space, and suggest ideas for additional content to post in the upcoming KCSA Connections quarterly publication.

New submissions are currently processed every week and the "rst new version will be published for August through November reading. Please bear in mind that some content received may be selected for publication at a later date. All inquiries and submissions can be addressed to [email protected]. We thank you for your contributions and look forward to hearing from you.

Publication Contributors

and Related AnnouncementsNotice to Volunteers

A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

Detroit Tigers Game

We are very pleased to announce that we have hired Bartel -DPHV� �%�-���+XL]HQJD� IRU� WKH�SRVLWLRQ�RI�/HDG�(GXFDWLRQDO�$GPLQLVWUDWRU�+LJK�6FKRRO�3ULQFLSDO��:H�KDYH�UHFHLYHG�KLV�signed contract. B.J. has the demonstrated leadership skills that are vital to KCSA, and brings a wealth of experience to the role. %�-��+XL]HQJD��FXUUHQWO\�WKH�6XSHULQWHQGHQW�DQG�+LJK�VFKRRO�Principal of Contra Costa Christian Schools in California, has been the Superintendent at Contra Costa Christian VLQFH������DQG�KDV�VHUYHG�WKH�SDVW���\HDUV�DV�WKH�KLJK�VFKRRO�SULQFLSDO� DOVR�� � 3ULRU� WR� WKDW�� KH� ZDV� WKH� .��� SULQFLSDO� DW�Ripon Christian Schools in Ripon, California for 15 years. B.J. started out his career as a teacher, athletic director, and .���SULQFLSDO�DW�+DQIRUG�&KULVWLDQ�6FKRROV�LQ�&DOLIRUQLD� B.J. holds a BA in Education from Calvin College, and a Masters in Education Administration from California State 8QLYHUVLW\��)UHVQR� 3OHDVH� MRLQ� XV� LQ�ZHOFRPLQJ� %�-��+XL]HQJD� WR� RXU� VFKRROV���B.J. and his wife, Pat will be making plans to visit Kalamazoo in the near future, prior to the official start of his role, later this summer. Until then, please feel free to contact him at EMKXL]HQJD����#JPDLO�FRP� Sincerely, The KCSA Board

0HODQLH�'RGJH� KDV� MRLQHG� WKH�'HYHORSPHQW�2IILFH� DV� RXU�&RPPXQLFDWLRQV� VSHFLDOLVW�� � +HU� LQLWLDO� GXWLHV� ZLOO� EH� WR�get our publications like the Torch and Connections up and running on a consistent, professional basis. She will also be working with us to integrate these pieces with our website designs. In the future she will also support our efforts to market the school effectively and produce print pieces for the association office. Melanie will be compiling information regularly that she will use in our communications to alumni, parents, and supporters. I hope that you will all be comfortable touching base with her if you would like to submit material from yourself or students that we can use. There are so many great things that happens at our schools every day, and we would like to know about them. Thank you for all you do, and please contact me if I can be of service. Jeff Lectka'LUHFWRU�RI�)XQGUDLVLQJ�DQG�'HYHORSPHQW

Save the Date:

19 May 2012The Howard Hill Hustle &

“Invest in Their Future” Celebration Picnic

Page 3: April, 2012 Torch

“But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where theives do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

DonatePray ShopGo Green!

Recycle your gently used items at 6HFRQG� ,PSUHVVLRQV��+RXVHKROG� LWHPV��home decor and furniture donations are especially needed at this time.

Your donations will be gratefully DFFHSWHG�0RQGD\�6DWXUGD\� IURP���DP�XQWLO� �SP�� 'RQDWHG� IXUQLWXUH� SLFN�ups are Tuesday and Thursday in the PRUQLQJV� �� SOHDVH� FDOO� ��������� WR�make arrangements.

About Second Impressions

Second Impressions is a nonprofit thrift VWRUH� ORFDWHG� DW� ����� 6�� :HVWQHGJH�Ave. and is open for business Monday WKURXJK�)ULGD\�IURP���DP��SP�DQG�RQ�6DWXUGD\�IURP���DP��SP��

Second Impressions sells clothes, books, antiques, bikes, furniture, houseware, dishes, glasses, athletic gear, office furniture, and electronics as available.

About Classic Interiors


Proceeds from both stores go to support tuition assistance for students in the Kalamazoo Christian Schools.

Label & Coupon Collection

Drop off your collection in the school offices. We participate in the following programs:

Campbell’s Soup Labels for Education

Spartan Cash for LabelsBox Tops for EducationAunt Millie’s BakeriesDrink Puch BrigadeCartridges for Kids

Super Books

The Booster Club is selling Super %RRNV�DW�DOO�WKUHH�VFKRROV��+HLOPDQ·V�DQG� �QG� ,PSUHVVLRQV�� 3DFNHG� ZLWK�hundreds of coupon pages, the Super Book is a locally published guide to area restaurants and businesses.

Biggby Drinks

As part of the fundraising activities for the biannual Kenya mission, the +6� FRPPRQV� ZLOO� EH� VHOOLQJ� %LJJE\�hot chocolate and white lightning drinks during morning break every :HGQHVGD\� VWDUWLQJ� DW� �����DP��Spport the mission: get your fix!

KCSA School Stores

6HFRQG�,PSUHVVLRQV���6SULQJ�FORWKLQJ�MXVW�KLW�WKH�UDFNV�RQ�0DUFK�����&RPH�see what’s new to our stores! All procedes from KCSA School stores help to offset tuition expenses for KCSA students and their families.

Moms In Touch (M.I.T.)

The Middle School is in need of a group of two or more women who can meet for one hour a week to release God’s power on their children and schools through prayer. Mothers, grandmothers or any woman who is willing to pray for a specific child and school and who EHOLHYH�WKDW�MRLQLQJ�LQ�SUD\HU�GRHV�PDNH�a difference are welcome to participate! Please call the MIT national organization DW���������0206�LI�\RX�DUH�ZLOOLQJ�WR�help set up a group.

,I� \RX� ZRXOG� OLNH� WR� MRLQ� RQH� RI� WKH�current groups covering the Elementary DQG�+LJK�6FKRROV��SOHDVH�FRQWDFW��'DZQ�'H/D&UX]���(6�����������RU�.U\VWDO�+ROODQG��+6����������

M.I.T. Scriptural Prayers

)RU�2XU�&KLOGUHQ��*XLGLQJ�9HUVH����To Know Christ (John 14:6)7R�%H�6DIH�IURP�+DUP��3VDOP�������To Love God’s Word (Psalm 119:11)7R�+DYH�D�3XUH�+HDUW��,,�7LPRWK\������7R�&KRRVH�*RGO\�)ULHQGV��,�&RU��������7R�:DON�LQ�)DLWKIXOOQHVV��,VDLDK������

)RU�2XU�6FKRROV��&RORVVLDQV���������´$OPLJKW\� )DWKHU�� PD\� QR� RQH� WDNH�Kalamazoo Christian Schools captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

Matt 6:20-21 (NIV)

Volunteer GiveKCHS Lawn Maintenance Team

Spring is not officially here, but the weeds have begun to grow. Last fall, we mentioned that a team of retired constituents is planning on doing some lawn maintenance at the high school on a weekly basis. Right now, there are three names on the list and we could use more. If you are willing to help out on some type of regular basis, please call Linda Dahnke at the KLJK�VFKRRO������������H[���������:H�ZRXOG�UHDOO\�DSSUHFLDWH�hearing from you as we work to increase our curb appeal.

International Student Host Families Needed

The Dutch are coming and the Chinese too! The International 6WXGHQW�3URJUDP�DW�.DODPD]RR�&KULVWLDQ�+LJK�6FKRRO�LV�RQ�the grow, and we are in need of more host families. If you have questions or are willing to host a student, please contact RXU�,63�&RRUGLQDWRU�.LUN�(YDQV�DW�NHYDQV#NFVD�RUJ�RU���������������[������

Comet Booster Club Needs Members

,QWHUHVWHG� LQ� JHWWLQJ� LQYROYHG�ZLWK� WKH�+LJK� 6FKRRO� VSRUWV�programs? The Comet Booster Club is looking for new members. The Booster Club oversees athletic fundraising and assists with sporting events. If interested, please contact 'HQQLV�9DQ6WULHQ� �GHQQLVBYDQVWULHQ#GXQFDQDYLDWLRQ�FRP��RU�%UDG�+HLGHPD��JEKHLGHPD#FRQVXPHUFRQFUHWH�FRP��

Middle School Track Coach Needed

The season starts after Spring Break (the week of April 9) and is done on Wednesday, May 16. This commitment would EH�OLPLWHG�WR���DFWLYLWLHV�D�ZHHN�����SUDFWLFHV��RU���PHHW�DQG���SUDFWLFHV��RU���PHHWV� DQG���SUDFWLFH�� �3UDFWLFHV� DUH� DIWHU�VFKRRO����������ZKHQHYHU�WKH�FRDFK�FKRRVHV��0HHWV�DUH�0�������:�������0�������:������:������:������The coach will be able to help set up the practice dates. 3OHDVH�FRQWDFW�-HUU\�0DVWHQEURRN����������������LI�\RX�DUH�interested or know of someone who might be.

KCSA Annual & Capital Campaign Funds

The Kalamazoo Christian Schools have a rich heritage of sharing the cost of education. Since our inception, people have supported the operating budget of the school with ILQDQFLDO� JLIWV� WR� WKH� .&6$�$QQXDO� )XQG� ZKLFK� SD\V� RXU�schools’ yearly expenses, including salaries, insurance, overhead, facility costs, program enhancement, fine arts, athletics, tuition assistance, and more.

While fundraising events such as our annual Phonathon, Golf 2XWLQJ��DQG�*RRG�:LOO�%RZO�KHOS�VLJQLILFDQWO\�WR�UDLVH�IXQGV��our main source of income remains the direct support of our families and alumni who graciously continue to support our schools for many years after their graduation. Gifts to the $QQXDO�)XQG�KHOS�WR�UHGXFH�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�WXLWLRQ�WKDW�PXVW�be paid by parents of our current students. We have been blessed this year with many gifts that have fulfilled about half of our total need for the year which is estimated at $700,000 DQG�PXVW�EH�PHW�E\����$XJXVW������

This year we have also received approval to build an addition RQWR�RXU�(OHPHQWDU\�6FKRRO�RQ���WK�6WUHHW�WKDW�ZLOO�KRXVH�D�new Middle School even as the current Middle School is being sold. Consolidation of the two schools will yield substantial operating savings as well as allow shared resources such as DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ� DQG� IDFLOLWLHV��7KH� ORQJ�UDQJH� SODQ� LQFOXGHV�ORFDWLQJ�DOO�WKUHH�VFKRROV�RQ�WKH���WK�6WUHHW�FDPSXV��:H�KDYH�DOUHDG\� KDG� DOPRVW� ��������� SOHGJHG� WR� WKLV� SURMHFW�� DQG�our intention is to raise all the funds necessary and sell the current Middle School before we break any new ground.

If you would like to support either the Annual or Capital &DPSDLJQ�)XQGV�ZLWK�D�GRQDWLRQ��SOHGJH�RU�QRQ�PRQHWDU\�JLIW��\RX�PD\�FRQWDFW�RXU�RIILFHV�DW����������������RU�VHQG�your check made out to the KCSA (and containing the fund of your choice written in the memo line) to:


Kalamazoo, MI 49008

KCSA School Stores:Responsible Consumerism

That Supports Christian Education

4 5

A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

Page 4: April, 2012 Torch

6 7

A s most of you may know by now, Shelby and I are moving to Tennessee at the end of this school year, where I will serving as the elementary school principal for Chattanooga Christian School. These past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, feelings, laughter, and WHDUV���%HFDXVH�RI�WKLV�LPSHQGLQJ�PRYH�DQG�GXH�WR�WKH�KHDOWK�RI�P\�SDUHQWV�LQ�)ORULGD��,�KDYH�WDNHQ�PRUH�WKDQ�P\�VKDUH�RI�WULSV��ODWHO\��YLD�DLUSODQH���

,�ORYH�DOPRVW�HYHU\WKLQJ�DERXW�IO\LQJ��H[FHSW�IRU�WKH�ODQGLQJ��ZKLFK�,�DOZD\V�WKLQN�LV�WRR�EXPS\���+RZHYHU��P\�IDYRULWH�SDUW�RI�IO\LQJ�KDSSHQV�ZKHQ�you leave on a cloudy day and before long are high above the clouds where you are greeted by brilliant sunshine and the fluffy clouds that look like piles of soft cotton.

$�IHZ�ZHHNHQGV�DJR��,�PDGH�D�WULS�WR�)ORULGD�IRU�D�KRVSLWDO�YLVLW�WR�VHH�P\�'DG���$V�ZH�WRRN�RII�IURP�.DODPD]RR��LW�ZDV�RQH�RI�WKRVH�GUHDU\�0DUFK�days. I was thinking about all that had to be done to get ready for the move and all the meetings that would keep me from making progress on that WDVN���,�ZDV�DOVR�ZRQGHULQJ�ZKDW�,�ZRXOG�ILQG�ZKHQ�,�JRW�WR�WKH�)ORULGD�+RVSLWDO�LQ�2UODQGR���,�VSHQW�VRPH�WLPH�WKLQNLQJ�DERXW�KRZ�GLIILFXOW�LW�ZDV�JRLQJ�WR�EH�WR�OHDYH�.DODPD]RR�DIWHU�WZHQW\�VHYHQ�\HDUV��,�FRXOG�IHHO�P\�KHDUW�SRXQGLQJ�D�ELW�ZKHQ�,�WKRXJKW�DERXW�VWDUWLQJ�RYHU�LQ�D�QHZ�VFKRRO�and in a new position and how exciting, yet scary, that would be! I did a lot of thinking in a very short time as we flew through the clouds and got bounced around a bit by the turbulence. But, as soon as I realized how bumpy the ride was becoming, we were in the sunshine and blue sky and it was smooth once more.

I think there are many days that can be characterized by clouds and turbulence. Life can sometimes bring us down so quickly. We get lost in our thoughts of “what if ” and “what next”. The fear of the unknown tends to cloud our view. Loved ones get sick and the prospect of what could happen makes us worry and fret. Unemployment, increasing gas prices, cancelled flights, higher grocery bills, etc. all add to our anxiety, causing us to step back and think about what the future might have in store. We do not do well when our world is shaken by unexpected events. We like stability.

Recently, I heard a story of a flight that was experiencing a lot of turbulence. The people on that plane were getting quite anxious about what was happening and even wondered if they were going to be alright. Everyone was nervously talking to each other and looking out the window with FRQFHUQ���+RZHYHU��WKHUH�ZDV�RQH�OLWWOH�JLUO�ZKR�FRQWLQXHG�WR�UHDG�KHU�ERRN�DV�LI�QRWKLQJ�ZDV�KDSSHQLQJ���$W�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�IOLJKW��D�PDQ�ZHQW�XS�WR�her and asked her what she was reading that gave her so much comfort. She replied that the book was not the thing that gave her peace. She stated that her Dad was the pilot and he had told her he would get her to their destination safely and that she trusted him.



Howard Hill Hustle“...And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us...”





“Invest in Their Future” Celebration Picnic to Follow HHHustle - More Details to Come

Our friend and Principal Linda Dahnke, with her daughter Shelby, will be moving to Chattanooga, Tennessee in June of WKLV�\HDU���:H�KDYH�KDG�WKH�EOHVVLQJ�RI�/LQGD·V�LQVSLUDWLRQ�DQG�OHDGHUVKLS�LQ�RXU�VFKRROV�IRU�WZHQW\�VHYHQ�\HDUV�DQG�WKH�students of Chattanooga Christian Elementary School will surely benefit from her unique gifts and Christian spirit.

Linda began her career as a teacher at East Elementary School and she will tell you that it was her intent to live in .DODPD]RR�IRU�MXVW�WZR�\HDUV�EHIRUH�PRYLQJ�VRXWK���$V�LW�KDSSHQHG��VKH�ZDV�FDOOHG�WR�VWD\�ZLWK�RXU�VFKRRO�V\VWHP�DQG�IROORZHG�KHU�VWXGHQWV�WR�WKH�+LJK�6FKRRO�ZKHUH�VKH�FRQWLQXHG�WKH�$FDGHPLF�6XSSRUW�3URJUDP���6KH�EHFDPH�RXU�+LJK�6FKRRO� &RXQVHORU�� VHUYHG� DV�$VVLVWDQW� 3ULQFLSDO�� DQG�� ILYH� \HDUV� DJR�� DFFHSWHG� WKH� OHDGHUVKLS� RI� RXU� +LJK� 6FKRRO� DV�Principal. During that time, she coached volleyball and assisted in field events for our track team.

2XU�/RUG�JLIWHG�/LQGD�ZLWK�WKH�UDUH�DELOLW\�WR�OHDG�\RXQJ�SHRSOH�E\�SURYLGLQJ�WKH�H[DPSOH�RI�UHVSHFW��XQGHUVWDQGLQJ��DQG�love. Many students, both past and present, will point to her guidance as an indispensable part of their school years. Many parents credit Linda with being as important a part of their child’s education as the education itself.

Although we will sorely miss Linda’s invaluable contribution to our schools, we ask the Lord’s blessings on her plans and pray that she and Shelby find in Chattanooga as loving a family as they will always have here.

Soaring Above the Clouds� %\�/LQGD�'HKQNH��.&+6�3ULQFLSOH

Linda Dehnke

A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

instructions for www.FirstGiving.com New this year is an online pledge collection website for your convenience. Sign your family up today!




4. Customize your student’s page by adding information to the appropriate sections.

5. Copy and paste the URL address and share it with all your friends and IDPLO\�YLD�HPDLO��)DFH%RRN��7ZLWWHU��SKRQH��GRRU�WR�GRRU�DQG�DQ\�RWKHU�media you choose.

6. Raise funds for your school!


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions: $VKOH\�5RVV�#���������-R\�'HMRQJ�#���������.LP�%ODFNZHOO�#����������

suggestions for 5K trainingPlease remember that these are only suggestions. It is important to LQFUHDVH�UXQQLQJ�GLVWDQFH�JUDGXDOO\�WR�DYRLG�LQMXU\��)RU�DQ\RQH�QHZ�to running, setting small, attainable goals each week is important to maintain interest and a sense of accomplishment.

&RQVLGHU� WUDLQLQJ� �� WLPHV� SHU�ZHHN�ZLWK� D� GD\� RI� UHVW� EHWZHHQ��Keep the same schedule for one week, then move up to the next. All training runs should be at a moderate enough pace that conversation can be maintained.

important tips:���+DYH�D�SDLU�RI�VKRHV�WKDW�ILW�ZHOO�DQG�DUH�LQ�JRRG�FRQGLWLRQ����'ULQN�SOHQW\�RI�ZDWHU�EHIRUH�DQG�DIWHU�\RXU�UXQ�RU�ZDON����$OZD\V�ZDUP�XS�EHIRUH�DQG�VWUHWFK�DIWHU�\RX�H[HUFLVH�4. Consider talking to your health care provider if you have any health concerns.5. Get plenty of rest & have fun!

traiNiNG scHedule:((.������PLQ�UXQ����PLQ�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ����PLQ�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ����PLQ�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ����PLQ�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ����PLQ�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ�����VHF�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ�����VHF�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ�����VHF�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.������PLQ�UXQ�����VHF�ZDON���5HSHDW��[��WRWDO�UXQ����PLQ:((.��������PLQXWHV�RI�UXQQLQJ�ZLWK�QR�ZDON�EUHDNV�

Page 5: April, 2012 Torch

Last fall, Mary Wykstra, an alumnus of Kalamazoo Christian, came and spoke with the AP Biology and Environmental Science classes about conservation and poverty in Africa. Mary works with an organization called Action for Cheetahs in Kenya. Mary and Steve Dyk began talking and she mentioned how exciting it would be to take a group of high school students to Africa for a mission trip. Needless to say, Steve got a bit excited thinking about the possibilities, too. When the logistics of the trip seemed much bigger than he could handle, he dismissed the idea. A few weeks later, Mary sent Steve an email detailing two schools WKDW�ZHUH�LQ�QHHG�RI�VRPH�KHOS�ZLWK�D�IHZ�SURMHFWV���,W�VHHPHG�OLNH�D�JUHDW�opportunity for our students to help out and after some research and a lot of connections, it was decided that the trip was a possibility and the plans to Africa started to take shape. There are now fourteen people who have committed and are excited to be a part of the mission trip to Kenya. The group includes four chaperones and ten students. So why take a mission trip to Kenya, Africa? Well, other than the fact that we know someone there who can provide us with lodging and introduce us to places that are in need, we are excited to be able to serve God in an area that is in extreme need. We are excited to be able to partner with both a secondary and elementary school to teach general hygiene to students who do not XQGHUVWDQG�WKH�LPSRUWDQFH�RI�EUXVKLQJ�WHHWK�RU�ZDVKLQJ�KDQGV���:DWHU�borne illnesses are responsible for more worldwide deaths than all of the past wars in the world combined. Therefore, the group will also be WHDFKLQJ�KLJK�VFKRRO�DJHG�$IULFDQ�VWXGHQWV�ZKDW�VDIH�ZDWHU�UHDOO\� ORRNV�OLNH�WKURXJK�D�YDULHW\�RI�ZDWHU�WHVWLQJ�WHFKQLTXHV�DQG�XVLQJ�PLFURVFRSHV�to identify dangerous pathogens. The opportunity to also be able to teach water purification and storage techniques will certainly improve the quality of life for the people of Kenya. Two of our chaperones have experience in health care so they will be providing children in one of the orphanages we will be visiting with vaccinations and general health care alongside a few of our students who are also interested in medicine. 2WKHU�SODQV� LQFOXGH�JRLQJ�RQ�ZLOGOLIH� FRXQWV�ZLWK� WKH�.HQ\DQ�:LOGOLIH�Services game preserve rangers and working with Masters’ level science students dealing with issues of conservation. The list of opportunities is pretty much endless and we look forward to making a difference through all of them. This chance to experience a different culture, so much different from our own, is indeed a unique chance that is seldom offered to high school students. It will FHUWDLQO\�EH�DQ�H\H�RSHQLQJ�DQG�OLIH�FKDQJLQJ�HYHQW�IRU�DOO�RI�WKH�SHRSOH�involved. Because the trip is costly, the students will be participating in various fund raisers at school. Donations would be much appreciated as well. If you have any questions or would be willing to donate, please IHHO� IUHH�WR�HPDLO�6WHYH�'\N�DW� VG\N#NFVD�RUJ�DW�DQ\�WLPH�� �:H�ZRXOG�especially appreciate prayer and encouragement for all involved in the trip. :H�ZLOO�FRQWLQXH�WR�JLYH�\RX�XSGDWHV�LQ�IXWXUH�HGLWLRQV�RI�WKH�725&+���





Mission Trip to

Kenyawith Steve Dyk, AP Sciences Teacher

and Mary Wykstra, Action for Cheetahs

Summer 2012July 14-28

6SRQVRUVKLS���������(per student participant)

Support of any type or amount is welcome!






2Q�0DUFK���WK��WKH��WK�JUDGHUV�FDPH�WR�WKH�KLJK�VFKRRO�IRU�D�IHZ�KRXUV�WR�DWWHQG�FKDSHO��YLVLW�WKUHH�GLIIHUHQW�FODVVHV��DQG�WDON�with Ms. Landstra about what classes they would be taking as freshmen. This was the first year we hosted this visit, and we ZHUH�KDSS\�WR�KDYH�DOO�RI�WKH��WK�JUDGHUV�LQ�WKH�EXLOGLQJ��DQG�DOVR�WR�KDYH���VWXGHQWV�IURP�(DVW�0DUWLQ�&KULVWLDQ�DQG���VWXGHQWV�from other middle schools in the area. The morning visit provided a great opportunity for the 8th graders to see what life in KLJK�VFKRRO�ZLOO�EH�OLNH��DQG�WKH�KLJK�VFKRRO�VWXGHQWV�HQMR\HG�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�SOD\�KRVWV�IRU�WKH�GD\���

If you or anyone you know would like a copy of the information that was handed out at 8th grade parent night, or if you would OLNH�WR�VFKHGXOH�D�WLPH�IRU�D�VWXGHQW�WR�YLVLW�VRPH�KLJK�VFKRRO�FODVVHV��SOHDVH�FRQWDFW�3DWWL�/DQGVWUD��SODQGVWUD#NFVD�RUJ�RU������������

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A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

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Monday 4/16+,*+�6&+22/�����$0�%R\V�9DUVLW\�*ROI�#�3RLQW�2�:RRGV�,QYLWDWLRQDO�����30�$WKOHWLF�3K\VLFDOV��6HH�,QVHW�%HORZ�5LJKW���


Wednesday 4/18+,*+�6&+22/�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�#�0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6�

thursday 4/19+,*+�6&+22/������$0�%R\V�9DUVLW\�*ROI�#�*.�7RXUQDPHQW�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�#�3RUWDJH�&HQWUDO�+6����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��3RUWDJH�&HQWUDO�+6�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7HQQLV�#�3HQQILHOG�+6����30�%R\V�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�#�0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�#�3RUWDJH�&HQWUDO�+6�

Friday 4/20+,*+�6&+22/�7:00AM Vans for Quiz Bowl ����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�*ROI�#�/HDJXH�0DWFK�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�#�&RPVWRFN�,QYLWDWLRQDO�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�#�&RPVWRFN�,QYLWDWLRQDO�����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�#�0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6�

saturday 4/21+,*+�6&+22/�7:00AM Vans for Quiz Bowl ����$0�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7HQQLV�#�*.�7RXUQDPHQW������$0�%R\V�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�YV��&RPHW�)XQ�)HVW������$0�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��&RPHW�)XQ�)HVW������$0�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��&RPHW�)XQ�)HVW�

Monday 4/9+,*+�6&+22/�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��0DWWDZDQ�+6����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��0DWWDZDQ�+67:00PM Comet Booster Club meeting

tuesday 4/10+,*+�6&+22/�����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�YV��3DUFKPHQW�+64:00PM Girls Varsity Softball vs. Parchment S����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7HQQLV�YV��%URQVRQ�-XQLRU�6HQLRU�+6�����30�%R\V�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�#�3DUFKPHQW�+6����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�#�3DUFKPHQW�+6����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�YV��0DSOH�9DOOH\�+6�

Wednesday 4/11+,*+�6&+22/�4:00PM Boys Varsity Golf vs. League Match ����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��'HOWRQ�.HOORJJ�+6�

thursday 4/12No Entries



KCSA AthleticsMonday 4/230,''/(�6&+22/����30�&RHG�0LGGOH�6FKRRO�7UDFN�#�.9$�7UDYN�06



Wednesday 4/25+,*+�6&+22/�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��2OLYHW�+6�

thursday 4/26+,*+�6&+22/�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7HQQLV�YV��6FKRROFUDIW�+6�

Friday 4/27+,*+�6&+22/�����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�#�6FKRROFUDIW���5HOD\V�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�7UDFN�#�6FKRROFUDIW���5HOD\V�����30�%R\V�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�#�'HOWRQ�.HOORJJ�+64:00PM Boys Varsity Golf vs. League Match ����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�#�'HOWRQ�.HOORJJ�+6����30�%R\V�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�%DVHEDOO�YV��'HOWRQ�.HOORJJ�+6�����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RIWEDOO�YV��'HOWRQ�.HOORJJ��+6�����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�#�6W��-RVHSK��+6����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�#�6W��-RVHSK�+6�


athletic PhysicalsZLOO�EH�JLYHQ�DW�.&�+LJK�6FKRRO�RQ�0RQGD\�� April 16, starting at 7:00 pm. They are $10.

Monday 4/30+,*+�6&+22/�����30�*LUOV�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��3DUFKPHQW�+6����30�*LUOV�-XQLRU�9DUVLW\�6RFFHU�YV��3DUFKPHQW�+6

dates to remember��7U\� WR� FRPH� RXW� DQG�ZDWFK� RXU� H[FLWLQJ� VSULQJ� VSRUWV�teams. Check out the spring schedule on highschoolsports.net or our KCSA web site. With the unpredictable spring weather, you can sign up for instant email notification of cancellations and rescheduled dates on the same web page. The office will also send out emails with cancellations or check out the athletic web page.

��7KH������²����DWKOHWLF�SK\VLFDOV�ZLOO�EH�RQ�$SULO����DW�.DODPD]RR�&KULVWLDQ�+LJK� 6FKRRO� EHJLQQLQJ� DW� ����� 30�and ending when the last athlete is checked. This will be a FRPELQHG�0LGGOH�6FKRRO�²�+LJK�6FKRRO�SK\VLFDO�QLJKW�VR�plan on having athletes from both schools at the high school on April 16. Physical cards will be available at the high school and middle school after spring break Cost is $10.

��$SULO� ��� LV� WKH� ´&RPHW� )XQIHVWµ� IHDWXULQJ� RXU� YDUVLW\�baseball, softball, and soccer teams. The action begins at ������$0���7KH�FRVW�ZLOO�EH����SHU�FDU�DQG�.&+6�SXQFK�cards will not be valid that day. The award winning Booster Club concession stand will also be in full operation.


10 11

A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

Page 7: April, 2012 Torch




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n Awardscongratulations to senior athletes colleen snyder and Matt evans who were selected by the KcHs varsity coaches as our B’nai B’rith award recipients. &ROOHHQ� LV� WKH�GDXJKWHU�RI�0DWW� DQG�0DULMR�6Q\GHU��6KH�KDV�participated in varsity basketball and volleyball serving DV� FDSWDLQ� RI� ERWK� WHDPV�� � 6KH�ZDV� DOVR� VHOHFWHG� DOO�.9$� LQ�basketball. Colleen is a member of national honor society and has been on the honor roll all 4 years. Matt is the son of Kirk DQG�5RELQ�(YDQV��+H�KDV�HDUQHG�YDUVLW\�OHWWHUV�LQ�VRFFHU��FURVV�FRXQWU\��DQG�WUDFN��0DWW�LV�LQ�WKH�1DWLRQDO�+RQRU�6RFLHW\��KDV�been on the honor roll all four years, and has participated on RXU�4XL]�%RZO�DQG�-(76�WHDPV�� �7KHVH�WZR�VFKRODU�DWKOHWHV�will be recognized in a ceremony scheduled for May 15 at �����30��

Kalamazoo christian High’s 2012 YWca Women of achievement award winner is Megan rozeveld. The award recipient is selected by the faculty as a senior who has demonstrated excellence in academics, extracurricular activities, school and community involvement and qualities of character and thought consistent with the mission and vision of the YWCA. Megan is the daughter of Jeff and Brenda Rozeveld. Congratulations Megan!

Colleen Snyder Matt Evans

Megan Rozeveld

MS Co-Ed I.M. Volleyball Champs�WK�*UDGH��0H[LFR���*DUUHWW�%��0DVRQ�1��-LOO�5��+DQQDK�.��/DXUHQ�.��-RUGDQ�.�WK�*UDGH��8QLWHG�6WDWHV���'UHZ�6��-RVK�%��&DVVLGL�7��/DXUHQ�/��0DJJLH�1��&DUVRQ�&��$EE\�9'��$OH[�28th Grade (China): Carlie VB, Evan D, Joel VK, Analyse V, Emma VB, Audry B, Alison D


alamo little league Open registration Alamo LL offers an opportunity for kids ages 4yrs through 18yrs who want to play baseball or softball WKLV�VSULQJ���2XU�OHDJXH�LV�IRU�NLGV�ZKR�OLYH�LQ�WKH�2WVHJR�6FKRRO�'LVWULFW�RU�WKDW�SRUWLRQ�RI�0DUWLQ�6FKRRO�'LVWULFW�ZHVW�RI�86������)RU�PRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�JR�WR�RXU�ZHEVLWH�ZZZ�DODPROLWWOHOHDJXH�FRP�RU�FDOO�0LNH����������������5HJLVWUDWLRQ�IRUPV�LQ�WKH�RIILFH��


Varsity Basketball Congratulations to our Varsity Girls’ Basketball team ZKLFK�ZDV�DZDUGHG�WKH�.9$�6SRUWVPDQVKLS�DZDUGV�IRU�WKH���������VHDVRQ��7KH�WHDP�KDG�D�VXFFHVVIXO�VHDVRQ�RI�OHDUQLQJ�DQG�JURZLQJ�this year. Success was not so much measured in terms of wins and losses, but in the many improvements made in all facets of the game of basketball and the valuable lessons learned about life. The Varsity Girls were led this year by sophomore team FDSWDLQ�5HEHNDK�9DQ�'DP���2WKHU�PHPEHUV�RI�WKH�WHDP�LQFOXGHG�sophomores Jessica Doorn and Erica Block, and freshmen Tori 9HOGNDPS��0RUJDQ� )UHQFK��+DQQDK�5R]HYHOG��5RVH�9DQ(OGHUHQ��.HOO\�)OHWFKHU��'HVWLQHH�%URZQ��0HJDQ�1RZDN��DQG�5HQHH�0DULQJ���A big thank you to all the ladies for your time and effort this season! Congratulations also go out to the Varsity Boys Basketball WHDP�RQ�WKHLU������VHDVRQ��7KH�WHDP�ILQLVKHG��WK�LQ�WKH�.9$�DQG�SOD\HG� LQ� WKH� &KULVWPDV�7RXUQH\� )LQDOV� DQG� WKH� 'LVWULFW� )LQDOV��A few of the Boys team’s big wins this year included a win over 3RUWDJH�1RUWKHUQ��D�ZLQ�RYHU�SUHYLRXVO\�XQEHDWHQ�2OLYHW��DQG�D�win at Schoolcraft (the first time they had been beaten at home in 4 years). The Boys team also won the KVA Team Sportsmanship $ZDUG�DQG�KDG�DQ�DYHUDJH�*3$�RI�����ZKLFK�JDYH�WKHP�D�%&$0�$OO�$FDGHPLF�7HDP�$ZDUG� Team members included Seniors: Eric Jones (captain DQG� �VW�7HDP�$OO�.9$��� -RVK� )HGGHPD� �FDSWDLQ� DQG� +RQRUDEOH�0HQWLRQ�$OO�.9$���$XVWHQ�'H+DDQ��7�-��'H+DDQ��-DUHG�+DYHQDDU��/RUHQ]R�+RVNLQ��7\OHU�/LQJEHHN���DQG�6FRWW�7LPPHUPDQ��-XQLRUV��Ben Doorn, Dylan Gooch, Nate Modderman, Nate Niewoonder, 3DUNHU�9DQ2RVWHQ��DQG�-DNH�:HEE��6RSKRPRUH��%UHQQDQ�+HLGHPD��+RQRUDEOH�0HQWLRQ�$OO�.9$�� 7KDQN�\RX� WR�&RDFK� %RE�0XOGHU� �-9��� %UHQQDQ�'DYLV��)UHVKPDQ���DQG�YROXQWHHU�DVVLVWDQW�0DWW�9HOWHPD�IRU�DOO�WKHLU�ZRUN�WKLV� \HDU� ZLWK� WKHVH� \RXQJ� PHQ��7KDQN�\RX� SDUHQWV� DV� ZHOO� IRU�making the team meals and for supporting all the guys all season ORQJ���$�VSHFLDO�WKDQNV�WR�6N\ODU�+HLGHPD�IRU�GRLQJ�D�JUHDW�MRE�DV�our statistician this year.

Junior Varsity Basketball After starting the season losing its first five games, JV basketball rebounded to even its record at 10 and 10, finishing the season with victories in four of the last five games. The main reasons for the turnaround were a better understanding of defensive principles and the development of team chemistry. The growth of the team was best seen in the difference of the first game ZLWK�6FKRROFUDIW��LQ�ZKLFK�6FKRROFUDIW�ZRQ�������DQG�VHYHQ�ZHHNV�ODWHU�WKH�&RPHWV�SUHYDLOHG�������� Captains this year were Ryan Gove, Clayton Meldrum DQG� -DVRQ� :HVWUDWH�� 2WKHU� WHDP� PHPEHUV� LQFOXGH� &DPHURQ�Ackerman, Chase Carlson, Zach Cramer, Andrew Long, Justin 5LFKDUGVRQ��1DWKDQ�6WULSS��&ROH�9DQ�2RVWHQ��/HYL�:ROWKXLV��7HG�Woznicki, and Stephan Zhao. The team was coached by Bob Mulder and he was assisted by David Mulder and Chad Mulder. We want to say thanks to the parents for the wonderful team meals provided before games, fathers for help with keeping stats and filming games and to our fans for their loyal support.

AnnouncementsParents - 7KDQN� \RX� IRU� \RXU� GRQDWHG� ER[HV� RI� .OHHQH[�� +RZHYHU�� ZH�could really use more! Thanks!

aP exams coming up - 7KH�UHJLVWUDWLRQ�GHDGOLQH�IRU�$3�([DPV�ZDV�0DUFK������7KH�$3�([DPV�ZLOO�EH�KHOG�DW�.&+6�EHJLQQLQJ�0D\���WKURXJK�0D\������There will be more details coming as the date nears, however, if \RX�KDYH�DQ\�TXHVWLRQV��SOHDVH�FDOO�6XH�9DQ+DPHUVYHOG�DW�����������H[W������RU�HPDLO�DW�VYDQKDPHUVYHOG#NFVD�RUJ�


Junior Parent college information Night - 3ODQ�QRZ�WR�MRLQ�XV�RQ�$SULO���UG��EHJLQQLQJ�DW������30�DW�:LOH�Auditorium at KRESA for a College Information Night for the SDUHQWV�RI� FXUUHQW� MXQLRUV�� �:H�ZLOO�GLVFXVV� D�YDULHW\�RI� WRSLFV�relating to the college selection, application, and admission process, the timeline for those things, and will also touch briefly on the process and timeline for financial aid and scholarships.

This is a great opportunity for parents to get the information that their students will be receiving at school, and is especially useful for parents going through this process for the first time. If you KDYH�TXHVWLRQV��SOHDVH�FRQWDFW�3DWWL�/DQGVWUD� �SODQGVWUD#NFVD�RUJ�RU�����������

Parents of 5th Grade Graduates - Parents Night will be held for those with students exiting the 5th grade on Tuesday April 17, at 7 p.m. at the Elementary School .As a reminder, these students will be visiting the Middle School WKH�ZHHN�SULRU�RQ�)ULGD\�WKH���WK�

Kces Kindergarten & Preschool information Nights - KCES will hold information nights for parents interested in VHQGLQJ� WKHLU� FKLOG� HLWKHU� WR� WKH� .&(6� EXLOGLQJ� ������ ��WK�6WUHHW��RU�WR�.&6�/LWWOH�7UHDVXUH·V�3UHVFKRRO�����\UV��DW�+DYHQ�5HIRUPHG�&KXUFK�������1�6SULQNOH�5RDG���

,QIRUPDWLRQ�QLJKW�ZLOO�EH�0RQGD\��0DUFK����������DW���30�LQ�the KCES Great Room. Information night for Kindergarten and �·V���·V�DQG�<RXQJ��·V�SUHVFKRRO�� LQFOXGLQJ�6SDQLVK�,PPHUVLRQV�FODVVHV� ZLOO� EH� RQ�7XHVGD\�� 0DUFK� ���� ������ DW� �� 30� LQ� WKH�J\PQDVLXP��)RU�PRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ��FDOO��������������

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A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4

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KCHS In-House Scholarships(for the Class of 2012)

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A Kalamazoo Christian School Association PublicationThe Torch, Volume XII, Issue 4


Page 9: April, 2012 Torch

Kalamazoo christian school association �����6WDGLXP�'ULYH��.DODPD]RR��0,�����������3K����������������

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Volume XII Issue 4