approach to gall stone disease in obesity dr girish juneja head of surgery deptt. specialist...

APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

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Page 1: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery

deptt. Specialist laparobariatric

surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi,


Page 2: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae
Page 3: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

PREVALENCE IN GENERAL POPULATIONLow(<0.05)in Africa & AsiaIntermediate(10-30 %)in Europe &

north America very high rates(30-70%) in native

Americans.Gender F: M------------------ 2>1Age women >50yrs----------- 3times

Page 4: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


There is higher incidence of gall stones disease in obese people as compared to general population

BMI > 40 RR ratio 5-6 times of that background


Almost always cholesterol stones

Lapbariatric surgery 2005(36)

Page 5: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Predisposing Factors Greater production of cholesterol Increased saturation index

Decreased cholecystoskinin secretion & resistance

Page 6: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Predisposing Factors in obeseCholesterol super saturation

Increased cholesterol, decreased bile acids & phospholipids

Nucleating factors Increased glycoprotein increased mucin

Gall bladder hypo motilityIncreased fasting & residual volume

Page 7: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Gall stones & RAPID WEIGHT LOSS Wt loss > 1.5 kgs or 1.5 % body

weight / week VLCD <600kcal/day Low fat 1-3 g/dIncidence about 28% in 16 weeks*Band– 6.8% after 42 months *RYGB--- 36 -53% within 1 yr

obesity surgery2010

Page 8: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Predisposing Factors in obese

*Dieting decreases bile salt secretion but not cholesterol secretion

*Greater production of cholesterol* Decreased cholecystoskinin secretion

& resistance*Duodenal loop bypass*Possible severing of hepatic branch of

the vagus nerve during surgery

Page 9: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Cholesterol gall stones Unilamellar cholesterol micelles mutilamellar vesicles

crystal nucleation

Microcrystals overt gall stones

Page 10: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Management approach

Symptomatic gall stones Concomittant cholecystectomy

Normal gall bladder & asymptomatic gall stones


Page 11: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Management approach

1. Do not let problems arise Protocols of fobi et al

2. Do not look for problems

3. Treat to test

Page 12: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


I. The most aggressive is the concomitant cholecystectomy for all patients this prevents the potential complication of future

gallstones and a second surgery, Recent reports shows no significant increase in--

morbidity It may reduce cost Poor sensitivity of USG in obese people Biliary causes may be difficult to diagnose after


Page 13: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Routine cholecystectomy

(85.1%)— abnormal histologic findings (14.7%)- normal gall bladder Gall bladder disease more frequent

than reported(91.3%) Diagnostic studies are frequently

inaccurate Postop Gall stone disease (28.7%) Amaral Am j


Page 14: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


II. Concomitant cholycestectomy only for patients who have gallstones

Page 15: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


III. Treat bariatric patients in the same manner as the general population

Page 16: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

ASMBS Survey

32.5% - Surgeons perform concomitant cholecystectomy

7% - For gastric restrictive procedures

100% - For combined restrictive – malabsorptive procedure

Page 17: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

procedure specific risk RYGB Rapid weight loss Median likelihood of forming new gallstones is

40% High incidence of new gall stones

development after surgery No option of routine ERCP 40% of these have symptomatic disease 70 % failure of full compliance with preventive

ursodiol tr.

paul o’brien arch surg.2003;138

Page 18: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

procedure specific risk GASTRIC BAND

Only 6.8 % at risk of syptomatic disease at a median follow up of 42 months

paul o’brien arch surg.2003;138

Page 19: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Factors to consider

Surgical approach is also relevant . Open & laparoscopic Additional time 30 – 50 mts of operating

time Length of stay increased from 2.7 days to

4.4 days Potential for the full range of complications

that may occur with cholecystectomy paul

o’brien arch surg.2003;138

Page 20: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Risk factors during weight loss Relative weight loss greater than 1.5

kg/week Very low calorie diet with no fat Very long overnight fast period High serum triglyceride levels

Eur j gastroenterol 2000dec12(12)

Page 21: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Preventive measures

Ursodeoxycholic acid Control of weight loss Reduction of length of overnight fast period maintenance of small amount of fat in the


Eur j gastroenterol 2000dec12(12)

Haptology 1996sep;544

Page 22: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Ursodeoxycholic Acid (URSODIOL) 300 mg BID x 6 months Decreasing biliary cholesterol and

glycoprotein secretion Mildly increased induction and bile

acid R. studies have shown decrease in

risk of sypmtpmatic cholecystitis from 40% to 4%

Page 23: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae


129 cases (jan 2009—nov 2012)

Lap band- 24 LSG-48 GASTRIC BYPASS-57

Page 24: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

our Own results


POSTOP GALL STONES 4--- 1 symptomatic

3 Asymptomatic

Page 25: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

Morbidly obese with intact gall bladder

Purely restrictive procedure

Combined restrictive-

malabsorptive procedure

Without concomitant


With concomitant cholecystectomy

Normal gallbladder

Observe for biliary pain


Asymtomatic radiolucent gallstone

Ursodeoxycholic acid

Observe for biliary pain


Without concomitant


Ursodeoxycholic acid

Observe for biliary pain


With concomitant cholycestectomy

Page 26: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

In formulating policy regarding the investigations & management of the gallbladder in obesity we must incorporate recognition of the likelihood of disease in the future & the health consequences of that disease balanced against the cost & risk of the treatment


Page 27: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae

CONCLUSIONS There is significantly increased risk of

gallstone disease in obese people compared with that in the general population.

There are different approaches for managment

the type of bariatric procedure chosen affects these approaches

Prospective randomized trials about these approaches needed to determine superiority.

Page 28: APPROACH TO GALL STONE DISEASE IN OBESITY Dr Girish juneja Head of surgery deptt. Specialist laparobariatric surgeon Al Noor Hospital, abu dhabi, uae