applied math - finance


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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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Page 2: Applied Math - Finance

I am not for words so I would describe myself as anyone would. No more technicalities since they would already appear. I would say that I am very cheerful, although temperamental as well. I am also very passionate about singing though singing is not passionate about me. I try to do my best in everything I handle although I feel that I do not handle failures well. During my four years in the Ateneo, I tried to know as much people as I can, though I think many will not recognize me as they browse through the yearbook. I am compelled to say things that would make me look good and that would give a false impression. As we all know, a person can never be measured by the things we say or even by how others describe us. To know someone is to have a lifetime relationship with them, and I am so thankful that my stay here has given me various opportunities to make those precious relations. I hope I touched your life as well.

Robin Lester C. Lim

BS Applied Mathematics in Finance


Page 3: Applied Math - Finance

There are things in this world that words can barely capture in essence. The winds change, the seasons come and go. But these beings stay like the sun; that at thick into the twilight, we are confident that they’re still around somewhere. Whenever you’re with one of them, it’s going to be all about gaiety, joy, and the celebration of the good things in life. These beings are made of the stuff that would make the best type of friend any person could have. With their soft and understanding utterances, your once heavy heart will flutter with enthrallment. They are always there for you. Krishna is one such being. She is revered by many not only for her physical and intellectual appeal, but also because of the way she values her friends; extraordinarily. Krishna’s spellbinding words could soothe anybody’s soul. An aura of coziness always radiates from her. She’s definitely a combination of everything that is good about life, and that is why we love this sweet lady and support her to the ends of this world.

Maria Krishna R. Pabalan

BS Applied Mathematics in Finance


Page 4: Applied Math - Finance

You might think that she’s a definite case for the stuck-up snob society. You’ll probably write her off as a penny-pinching geek for burying nose into her financial math books so she’d eventually ace yet another test. You’d possibly even brand her eager participation in student leadership as overdoing it.

Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. For a girl who has a lot to be conceited about, Aya is one unassuming soul—consistently brushing off compliments with an embarrassed laugh, always preferring life outside the limelight. Holding her principles tight and always thinking things through, she is one person you’ll always be able to depend on, one person who, through her meticulous pursuit of excellence and selfless dedication, is bound to succeed. She may wish to run from the limelight, but it’ll always give her a spirited chase.

Andrea Antonia L. Silva

BS Applied Mathematics in Finance