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13 OCTOBER2017




2017-18 FUNDING GUIDELINES SUMMARYAim The aim of the Preschool Matters Grants Program is to support initiatives that

strengthen parental engagement with children’s learning and develop collaborative partnerships with families and communities.

For further information about parental engagement and family–school partnerships visit

Funding available

Total funding available in the 2017-18 round is $15,000. Each applicant may apply for a grant of up to $1000.

Target groups Families of children attending preschool programs in the ACT in 2018. A preschool program is a play-based educational program delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher to children in the year prior to full time schooling.

Target applications

Organisations that deliver or support the delivery of a preschool program are eligible to apply. See Section 4 for eligibility requirements.

Each application is treated individually. Organisations with multiple services and sites will be required to provide individual and site-specific applications.

Application period

Applications must be received between 25 August 2017 and 13 October 2017.

Application Process

Assessment of applications will be undertaken by an independent Assessment Panel. Applications must address the assessment criteria as described in Section 5.

Assessment Criteria Applications will be assessed against the criteria as described in Section 5 of the

Funding Guidelines. Please note the funding exclusions outlined in Section 4 of the Funding Guidelines.

Payments made and acquittal

Payment will be made no later than 15 December 2017 and acquittals are due to be returned no later than 29 June 2018.

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2017 - 2018 Funding Guidelines1. THE PRESCHOOL MATTERS GRANTS PROGRAMBetween 2014 and 2017, the Education Directorate allocated $40,000 to the Preschool Matters Grants Program (the Program); an agency funded election commitment that supports parental engagement in ACT preschool services.

Since 2013, a total of 80 grants of $500 have been awarded to support preschools to implement a range of initiatives.

The Directorate will again offer Preschool Matters Grants in 2017-18 to support preschool services across the ACT to promote preschool participation and parent engagement in children’s learning.

The program is managed by the Early Childhood Section of the Education Directorate.

Examples of initiatives that have previously received a Preschool Matters Grant are available on the Preschool Matters website at

2. PROGRAM AIMS Parents and families are children’s first and most influential educators. Creating strong and effective partnerships between parents and their child’s education enhances children’s later learning success.

Through this Program, the ACT Government aims to foster and enhance parental engagement in children’s learning during the year prior to full-time schooling. Parental engagement in children’s learning is:

Family-led learning focused on high aspirations for children, shared reading, a positive work environment for homework, parent-child conversation, a stimulating home environment and support for social and emotional well-being; and

Family-school partnerships that encourage positive parent-teacher relationships, communication about children’s progress, and engagement in the school community, while equipping parents to effectively support and encourage their children’s learning and well-being (ARACY, 2014).

For further information about parental engagement and family–school partnerships visit

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3. AVAILABLE FUNDING AND PROJECT DELIVERY TIMEFRAMEAvailable funding Total funding available in the 2017-18 round is $15,000. Applicants are invited to apply for grants of up to $1000.

Project delivery timeframe Projects must be delivered between January 2018 and May 2018. Evaluation and Acquittal forms must be submitted no later than Friday 29 June 2018.

4 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AND FUNDING EXCLUSIONS Organisations are eligible to apply if they:

have an ABN or provide evidence they have applied for one. have a current public liability insurance policy with a minimum of $10 million in

cover. meet one of the following service delivery types:

not-for profit incorporated association or company; not-for-profit organisation with other legal status; government agency or statutory body; an ACT Government, Catholic or Independent school; an approved Early Childhood Education and Care Service under the National

Quality Framework. are a viable legal entity as defined by the Australian Taxation Office. Applicants may

be asked to provide copies of recent Audited Financial Statements to help support their claim of financial viability.

Applicants must not be a political party.

Organisations may submit an individual application or develop partnerships with other organisations (eg: a Child and Family Centre or a school) and submit an application that reflects these arrangements. A partnership application must be submitted by the ‘lead’ organisation or service provider. Each application is treated individually. Organisations with multiple services and sites will be required to provide individual and site-specific applications.

Applicants that have previously received funding through the Preschool Matters Grants Program are eligible to apply for funding for an initiative that is not substantially similar to the previously funded activity.

Eligible initiativesProposed initiatives must:

Align with the aims of the Program as described in these Funding Guidelines. Be delivered in the ACT for ACT residents. Be delivered primarily for children in the year prior to full-time schooling, and their


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Funding exclusions Preschool Matters Grants Program funding cannot be used for:

Projects that have already occurred, costs that have already been incurred, or products or services that have already been purchased, ordered or delivered.

Costs of products or activities which are core business of the organisation. These include the infrastructure costs associated with running an organisation. (e.g. employment of core staff, core programs, leasing or property maintenance).

The purchase of appliances or core preschool program equipment.


Applications will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:

Assessment Criteria Indicators Weighting

1. The proposal demonstrates an intended impact on the beliefs, values, expectations and practices of parents and/or the community with children’s learning in line with current parent engagement research.

(see link below)

Demonstrate how the initiative intends to impact on the beliefs, values, expectations and practices of parents and/or the community with children’s learning. Parent engagement indicators may include (but not limited to) the facilitation of :

o parent –child conversations about learning

o parent engagement in the school community and positive attitudes to schools

o support for social and emotional wellbeing

o genuine family- school partnerships

o information sharing about practical strategies to support children’s learning e.g.: high expectations, shared reading.


2. Links to the National Quality Standard in particular Quality Area 6 – Collaborative

Evidence of how the proposal aligns with the National Quality Standard.

Evidence of how the proposal supports the services’ quality improvement


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Assessment Criteria Indicators Weighting

Partnerships with Families and Communities, and quality improvement processes.

processes including the Quality Improvement Plan and/or School Action Plan.

3. Evidence of partnership with parents, families and/or communities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and vulnerable families where applicable.

Evidence of how the proposal was developed in partnership with parents, families and/or community.

Evidence of how the initiative will support the ongoing and sustained parental partnerships and family engagement in the preschool program.


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6. THE APPLICATION PROCESS Lodging Applications for Funding By email By [email protected] Early Childhood Education

Attention: Michele Foley51 Fremantle DriveSTIRLING ACT 2611

Please note only applications sent via email will receive a receipt.

Applications must be submitted by close of business on Friday 13 October 2017 using the 2017/18 Preschool Matters Grant Program Application Form available on the Preschool Matters website

The Assessment Process Applications will be assessed after the closing date of the Preschool Matters Grants round. Assessment of applications will be undertaken by an independent Assessment Panel. The Panel will assess and rank applications against the assessment criteria. The Panel decision is final.

Announcements of FundingSuccessful and unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the Panel’s decision in writing within 60 days of the closing date.

The Education Directorate may publish the names of successful organisations on the ACT Government Grants Portal and/or the Education Directorate website and/or the Preschool Matters website.

Administrative RequirementsAll successful applicants for the Program will be required to:

Enter into a Funding Agreement; Conduct the initiative described in their application*; Be responsible for the reporting and financial acquittal of the grant within the

timeframe specified in the Funding Agreement; Ensure that the declaration at the end of the application is made by a person with

financial and management responsibility for the organisation, eg CEO, School Principal or equivalent; and

On all printed and electronic materials, acknowledge the ACT Government for the assistance provided for the project, as follows: ‘This project is funded by the ACT Government’.

*Where successful applicants find it necessary to make any variation in implementing activities described in the proposal, including variations to timeframes or completion date, written approval must first be obtained from the Manager, Early Childhood Education.

Further Information For further information please contact the Manager, Early Childhood Education on 6207 1961 or email [email protected] .

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