application of theory

Applicati on of Theory

Upload: alexhester

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Application of theory

Application of Theory

Page 2: Application of theory

Music and visuals• In our music video we are thinking of going with the illustrative technique

as we will have a characters that are described as they are in the song such as the girl having white hair, also we will be using techniques to show imagery in the song and help the audience create an image of our vision in this song.

• We will also use colours and techniques such as dark close ups to help the audience grasp the narrative of this song which is cold and negative. Also we will be following the lyrics quite closely and adding details that will match up to the lyrics of the song and again help our video relate to and illustrate the song and its meaning.

Page 3: Application of theory

Narrative and Performance of the song• Goodwin believed that it is important for an artist to be involved in the

music video and we shall do this in ours as there shall be many shots of the band as a whole and then some of the lead singer solo singing the lyrics. We want the audience to be able to able to relate to the lead singer as in Goodwin’s theory and also to the male lead in our narrative however the connection would be rather similar as you would build up quite a sympathetic view on both or at least that is what my group is attempting. We are attempting to get the singer for our project to also agree to be the male lead in the actual narrative and we believe he will but aren’t sure at this point however if he does then it shall surely help us relate the two in the video and help the audience feel the same and gather the same relatable traits from both of the roles.

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Genre CharacteristicsPop punk rock / post-hardcore are genres that are normally seen to feature the band in the video and we wish to incorporate this into our video by cross cutting between our narrative and our band several times throughout the video/song and will be quite heavy on featuring the lead singer solely due to him being the only voice you hear and the easiest person in the video for the audience to relate to.It will also be very guitar heavy and will mainly feature band members playing guitars with some shots directed towards the drummer at some points but not as much as the singer and guitar player. This would help our song stick true to the genre and keep the audience it has already established.

Page 5: Application of theory

Notion of LookingThis plays on the idea of gaze and how people are seen, for example in Goodwin’s theory he believes women to be objectified and seen as only physical objects however with our song there are lyrics that go against this and could help our video challenge this part of his theory. We will show the male having a dark and depressed persona and carry out the imagery of how the lyrics portray him throughout the song and shall also do the same with the girl throughout too showing her as an opposite to the lead as the song suggests throughout but we shall also try to show some symbolism towards the notion that he loves her but wants her to change throughout the song and maybe show some factors of her changing throughout.

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Stuart HallWe are targeting college students and teenagers who’s emotions only recently surfaced and may be able to relate quite well to our character and help us make them accept the narrative we are trying to show of a teenager in distress having mixed feelings about someone and this will help us gain preferred reading as they will accept our text. Also due to the lighting and and mise en scene we will try to send a narrative of being quite dark and emotional that some of them may have been in recently so that they can relate and believe the narrative we are trying to express.