application of high hydrostatic pressure to meat and


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application of High hydrostatic pressure to meat and meat processing

APPLICATION OF HIGH HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TO MEAT AND MEAT PROCESSING INTEGRANTESLEIDY GALVISCAROLINA NOVOAPAOLA VARGASINTRODUCTION Brigman: it is one of the pioneers of high-pressure physics states that raw egg albumen and egg yolk coagulate coscara low high hydrostatic pressure of 500 to 600 MpaMEAT TENDERIZING PRESSURE INDUCEDJudgment is important to tenderize meat by high pressure, it takes dig investigator Macfarlane in Australia, and that is very important to choose the appropriate time post mortem for the application of high pressureEFFECTS OF HIGH PRESSURE ON PRE-RIGOR MUSCLEmecfarlane reported data for various measurements hamstring muscle prerigor ox pressurized to 100 MPa for 2 to 4 minutes, along with those for muscle unpressurized. as a result of pressure treatment, the muscle shortened by 35% ans this degree of shortening in muscle untreated pressure would be expected to result in a significant hardening of cooked muscle.HIGH PRESSURE AND COLD TREATMENTS IN MUSCULAR POSTRIGORBouton et al (1977) suggested that bovine muscle postrigor proved less suitable for such improvement of the shear rate was used except that prolonged exposure to high pressure at high temperature. cutting to 150 MPa at 60 C for 30 minutes are required to improve the shear value.POSTRIGOR tenderizing OF MUSCLE BY HIGH PRESSUREFrom the viewpoint of commercial application of high pressure, postrigor softening muscle is more important than the muscle prerigorMECHANISM AND ACCELERATING tenderizing PACKAGING MEAT MEAT HIGH PRESSURE INDUCED The post mortem tenderization of meat is due to the following changes: (a) weakening of the actin-myosin interaction (b) fragmentation of the myofibrils due to short segments disintegration of Z-line, (c) the degradation of the elastic filaments consisting connectin (also called titin) and (d) a weakening of the connective tissue.

To clarify the mechanism of induced pressure tenderizing meat is observed: (a) effect of pressure change in OD-actin interaction mysion, (b) the pressure affects the fragmentation of myofibrils, (c) the pressure effect on the conversion of (alpha) connectin the connection (beta) and (d) pressure effect on connective tissue.MODIFICATION OF INTERACTION EFFECT ON ACTIN-MYOSINactin-myosin interaction and myofibrillar structure change during post mortem aging as evidenced by changes in the activity of ATP GO myofibrils.

Effect on Fragmentation of myofibrils

EFFECT ON CONVERSION (ALFA) CONNECTIN A (BETA) CONNECTINcan be interpreted by assuming that the susceptibility of connectin calpain is significantly increased by the application of pressure, but the capacity to hydrolyze connectin calpain was gradually reduced with increasing pressure. It has been recognized that the high pressure of 100 MPa or more denatured protein and increases its susceptibility to proteolysis. because the calcium ion conctration sarcoplasmic liquid is almost optimal for calpain activation due to the release of sarcoplasmic reticulum during high pressure trearment.EFFECT ON CONNECTIVE TISSUE

EFFECT OF HIGH -PRESSURE TREATMENT ON FLAVOR-RELATED COMPONENTSthe conditioning of postmortem muscle causes this cooked flavor to be richer and stronger as the postrigor muscle becomes tenderized .most of the compounds responsible for taste and "meaty" flavor consist of a reducing sugar (usually glucose ) a source of amino acids and peptides .

but the differences between each treatment were not statistically significant .when he muscles were stored at 2c for 7 days , increases in the amount of PPM ( about 140-150%) were observed both in untreated and pressurized muscles. the amounts of PPM from the pressurized muscles were higher than those from untreated muscles at each stage of pressurization.

(1994) described the effects of high -pressure treatment in muscle proteolytic enzymes ,especially catheptic enzymes that influence meat tenderization and in acid phosphatase , used as an index of disrupcion of lysosomal membrane .

it is suggested that high -pressure treatment on the postmortem muscle causes almost the same changes in the components responsible for the flavor of meat as those observed in conditioned muscle.

EFFECT OF HIGH-PRESSURE TREATMENT ON COLOR AND FAT STABILITY(1995) showed that high-pressure treatment of myoglobin caused partial denaturation with later renaturation. it is also known that the effect of hogh-pressure treatment on myoglobin solutions depends on the temperature at which pressure treatment occurs.

carlets, veciana-nugues, and cheftel (1995) studied color and myoglobin changes in minced bovine meat packaged under vacuum, air, or oxygen processed by high pressure for 10 minutes. they concluded that meat sicoloration through pressu re processing appeared to result from a whitening effect in the range of 200 Mpa to 350 Mpa, possibly due to globin denaturation or heme displacement or release, and oxidation of terrous myoglobin to ferric memyoglobin, at or above 400Mpa

High-pressure treatment above 300Mpa to 400Mpa caused conversion of reduced myoglobin and oxymyoglobin to the denatured ferric form, resulting in the acceleration of lipid oxidationEFFECT OF HIGH PRESSURE IN MICRO-ORGANISMS High pressure of a few hundreds Mpa can decrease the viability of bacterial cells, and a pressure of a few tens Mpa can decreased the growth rate. the extent of inactivation depends on several parameters such as the type of micro-organisms, the pressure level, the process temperature and time, and the pH and composite of the food or the dispersion general, Gram-negative bacteria such as yersinia enterocallitica and salmonella spp. were found to be more sensitive than Gram-positive bateria such as listeria monocytogenesis and staphylococcus aureus. some strains of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 were found to be relatively resistant to pressure.

CONCLUSIONwe can say that the tenderization of meat or acceleration of meat conditioning could be omduced by high -pressure treatment ,and the improvement of thermal gel formability of pressurized actomyosin , especially at low salt concentration , opens up the possibility for exploitation of new types of meat products .estamos seguros de que la carne o los productos crnicos de presin-procesado se puso en marcha en el marcador en un futuro prximo,