apple cide vinegar benefits: a reality check

Apple Cide Vinegar Benefits: A Reality Check http:// mercuryinformationmanagementpl

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Post on 29-Jun-2015



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Apple cide vinegar benefits are aplenty! Come; let's explore!


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Apple Cide Vinegar Benefits

Apple cide vinegar is being promoted as a wonder health supplement. To what extent is it right to dub it as a health


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Is Apple Cide Vinegar A Health Wonder?

Well, according to a number of studies, this type of vinegar made from fermented apples does work wonders for health.

But remember, most of these studies have been conducted on rats.

Nevertheless I decided to research about the apple cide vinegar benefits after I heard some of my relatives using it as a remedy for high cholesterol and heart problems.

The best thing about ACV is that it hasn’t yet been associated with any side effects! Wahooooo!!

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Apple Cide Vinegar: A Hit With Nature’s Pharmacy

Surprisingly, apple cide vinegar comprises more than thirty essential nutrients, several enzymes, half a dozen vitamins and minerals and crucial amino acids.

Besides, it has a good amount of pectin for a healthy heart.

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A little bit of history

ACV has been in use since 400 BC, thanks to its vitamin, mineral, pectin, and beta-carotene content, all of which are crucial for the human body to stay fit and healthy.

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Apple Cide Vinegar Composition

• Made of fresh organic apples, apple cide vinegar is known to have terrific powers to eradicate toxic wastes from the body, helping the skin glow.

• (So all you girls out there, are you going to give it a try for that much-needed glow on your face?)

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Helps Tummy Troubles

Sip some apple cider vinegar mixed with water. If a bacterial infection is at the root of your diarrhea, apple cider vinegar could help contain the problem, thanks to its antibiotic properties.

What's more, some folk remedy experts contend that ACV contains pectin, which can help soothe intestinal spasms. Add 1 tablespoon of ACV to drinking water to get rid of stomach problems.

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Relieves From Sunburns

With apple cide vinegar in your kitchen, you never have to use

those sunscreens again! Yes, this is no rhetoric.

ACV can be used to effectively cure sunburns.

Add a few drops of ACV to water and enjoy your


It will not only have a relaxing impact on your body, but also

relieve you from sunburns.

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Weight Loss Remedy

Add a few teaspoon of ACV to your drinking water and drink it every morning.

It will work wonders on your weight and the noticeable results will be apparent in a few weeks.

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Removes Yellow Stain From Teeth

Next time you feel like going to a dentist for teeth whitening, think again!

ACV benefits teeth color – removing the yellowish stains, killing bacteria and germs, thus making the teeth white and sparkling.

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Promotes Hair Growth

Gone are the days when you had to splurge dollars on buying expensive shampoos and hair treatment packages.

With ACV, you can have a wonderful aid for your hair growth. Apple cide vinegar benefits hair health, making hair shiny and strengthening hair follicles.

Apply ACV right after shampooing, and after two minutes, rinse it off to treat yourself with beautiful hair.

Boost your hair growth and add volume to your hair with apple cide vinegar.

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Helps skin problems

As a natural astringent, ACV can be used to treat severe pimple problems and acne breakouts by eliminating toxins and cleansing the skin.

ACV restores the pH level in the skin, which helps in treating acne breakouts and adding to your skin luster.

What’s more, it can help clean up warts. If you soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it to the wart before going to bed, you can wake up with amazing results in the morning!

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Fights allergy

If you are vulnerable to allergy, Apple Cider Vinegar benefits would be immense for you. ACV can help fight allergy, as it breaks up mucus and relieves allergy and chronic sinusitis symptoms.

Rich in potassium, ACV can be an effective remedy for runny noses. Drinking two tbsp of ACV mixed with water in the morning will work magic toward healing your allergy problem.

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Aids in digestion

ACV encourages healthy gut flora and works similar to probiotics, which are friendly bacteria within the body.

It also helps acid reflux problems and offers an excellent natural remedy to heartburn problems.

Being rich in acetic acid, apple cider vinegar, taken before or with meals, might help in improving the body's ability to digest essential minerals in foods.

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Reduces blood sugar

Vinegar benefits in digestion by inactivating some digestive enzymes that break carbohydrates into sugar. As a result, this slows the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.

Slowed absorption of sugar allows the insulin-resistant body ample time to source sugar from the blood and prevents any spike in sugar levels. According to a 2004 study published in the Diabetes Care, a publication of the American Diabetes Association, vinegar holds great promise for people with diabetes, as it increases insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant people.

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Calcium Rich

Vinegar may prove extremely useful to women, who lack adequate calcium in their bodies.

ACV comes as a great alternative to dietary calcium, and helps absorption of more valuable calcium.

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Lowers High Blood Pressure

ACV is rich in acetic acid, which helps in lowering blood pressure.

A 2001 study conducted on lab animals, and published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, found that acetic acid helped lower blood pressure in rats. Thus it is being seen as quite beneficial for humans.

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Reduces High Cholesterol

There is too much hue and cry over apple cide vinegar benefits for high cholesterol and heart blockages and heart risks.

According to a 2006 study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, lab rats fed acetic acid reported significant drop in the levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride.

The theory behind it is that ACV comprises a good amount of pectin, which is soluble fiber that binds to cholesterol and then helps in removing it from the body.

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Are Apple Cide Vinegar Benefits for Real?

Mix apple cide vinegar with garlic, ginger, and lemon juices and honey. Taken daily, one-two tablespoon of this blend is claimed to help in heart disease, blockages, high bp, weight loss, cancer, asthma, and muscular problems.

While apple cide vinegar benefits are still under scrutiny, it is important to consult your physician and understand your physical health condition before going ahead with this remedy.

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Thank YouThank you for spending time reading! Please do not treat this information as advice from a registered health specialist. The purpose of this video is only to dig deeper into apple cide vinegar benefits.

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