appendix a list of computational software3a978-94-007-4488-2%2f… · appendix a list of...

Appendix A List of Computational Software A.1 DICOM Viewers The listed DICOM viewers have similar functionality Acculite MicroDicom DICOM Works Sante DICOM Viewer Mango OsiriX (MAC) AMIDE Irfanview XNView A.2 Open Source Medical Imaging and Segmentation CVIPTools A UNIX/Win32-based package and contains a collection of C and C++computer imaging tools that includes edge/line detec- tion, segmentation, and many other functions ( Fiji/ImageJ A Java-based image processing package that uses additional plugins for a variety of functionalities including segmentation algorithms ( GemIdent An interactive program that is designed for colour segmentation in images with few colours, and the objects of interest look alike with small variation ( ITK-SNAP An interactive software application that allows users to nav- igate three-dimensional medical images, manually delineate anatomical regions of interest, and perform automatic image segmentation ( J. Tu et al., Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System, 339 Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4488-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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Appendix AList of Computational Software

A.1 DICOM Viewers

The listed DICOM viewers have similar functionality

Acculite www.accuimage.comMicroDicom www.microdicom.comDICOM Works www.dicomworks.comSante DICOM Viewer www.santesoft.comMango (MAC) www.osirix-viewer.comAMIDE amide.sourceforge.netIrfanview www.irfanview.comXNView

A.2 Open Source Medical Imaging and Segmentation

CVIPTools A UNIX/Win32-based package and contains a collection of Cand C++ computer imaging tools that includes edge/line detec-tion, segmentation, and many other functions(

Fiji/ImageJ A Java-based image processing package that uses additionalplugins for a variety of functionalities including segmentationalgorithms (

GemIdent An interactive program that is designed for colour segmentationin images with few colours, and the objects of interest look alikewith small variation (

ITK-SNAP An interactive software application that allows users to nav-igate three-dimensional medical images, manually delineateanatomical regions of interest, and perform automatic imagesegmentation(

J. Tu et al., Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System, 339Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical EngineeringDOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4488-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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340 Appendix A List of Computational Software

Megawave 2 Made up of C library modules, that contains original algorithmswritten by researchers and is run using Unix/Linux(

MITK and 3Dmed Made up of C++ library for integrated medical image process-ing, segmentation, and registration algorithms(

Slicer Has a GUI that allows manual and automatic segmentation, reg-istration, and three-dimensional visualization. It is a modularplatform which means that it allows addition of new modules(

VXL A collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision re-search and implementation(

A.3 Commercial Medical Imaging and Segmentation

3D Doctor An image processing and measurement software for MRI, CT,PET, microscopy, scientific, and industrial imaging applications(

Amira Includes custom modules through C++ . There is also a researchversion called ZIBAmira ( which provide li-censes for joint research collaboration(

Analyse A software package for multi-dimensional display and segmen-tation(

Mimics An interactive tool for the visualization, 3D rendering, and seg-mentation of CT/MRI images. It also has a built in mesh programfor CFD and structural analysis models(

SliceOmatic Targeted at imaging of soft-tissue and for this, the use of MRIimages is an advantage, however it can be used with CT(

Vida Diagnostics A lung analysis tool for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,emphysema and asthma(

A.4 Open Source Computer Aided Design Software

FreeCAD 3D computer assisted design program(

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A.6 CFD Packages 341

Open CASCADE Allows for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, dataexchange and rapid application development(

BRL CAD Has interactive editing for 3D solid modeling. Can also use forimage processing and analysis(

OpenSCAD Used for creating solid 3D CAD objects(

A.5 Commercial Computer Aided Design Software

The listed CAD software have similar functionality in their ability to create 3D solidmodels ready for importing into a CFD meshing program.

Geomagic www.geomagic.comCATIA www.3ds.comAutodesk www.autodesk.comSolidworks www.solidworks.comPRO/Engineer www.ptc.comIronCAD

A.6 CFD Packages

OpenFOAM Open source CFD software package built using C++ and compiledunder UNIX. The code is open and therefore allows full customisa-tion and extensions to its standard capability(

ANSYS Includes ICEM meshing, CFX and Fluent CFD solvers, and CFD-Post for post processing. Also includes multi-physics for structuraland FSI (

CD-Adapco Includes STAR-CD and STAR-CCM for simulations involving flowof fluids and solids, heat transfer and stress analysis(

CFDesign Part of the Autodesk Simulation portfolio, it provides fluid flow sim-ulation and thermal simulation(

Flow 3D Modelling for liquids and gases in a wide range of industrial appli-cations and physical processes(

Numeca Provides for fluid dynamics simulations for industrial applications(

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342 Appendix A List of Computational Software

Phoenics Handles CFD simulations for fluid flow, heat or mass transfer,chemical reaction and combustion in engineering equipment and theenvironment(

A.7 Third Party Post Processing Software

ParaView An open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization appli-cation(

GNU Plot An open source portable command-line graphing utility(

OpenDX Uses IBM’s visualisation data explorer interface for data input andoutput(

Ensight Visualisation for most CFD data file formats(

Tecplot Visualisation for most CFD data file formats(

Plot3D Interactive graphics program for visualizing CFD results(

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Appendix BGlossary

An aim of this book is to bring together the two streams of biomedicine with classicalmechanical engineering. A student from one field is likely to encounter specialisedterminology from the other. Therefore this glossary is collated in order to providea quick reference to explain the terminology to allow the reader to understand thework they are reading.

B.1 CFPD and Engineering Terminology

Adverse pressure When the static pressure increases in the direction of the flowgradient flow i.e. when the rate of change in pressure is positive

(compare with favourable pressure gradient)Aerodynamics The study of flow of gasesAnisotropic Where the turbulent fluctuations (u, v, w) are equal

turbulenceAspect Ratio A type of descriptor for the quality and shape of a mesh

cell describing its maximum dimension to its minimumdimension

Bernoulli’s equation Describes the behaviour of moving fluids along a streamlineBoundary conditions Specification of the dynamic fluid state or properties at the

computational domain boundariesBoundary layer A layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of a surfaceBuoyancy Is the vertical force that a completely submerged body ex-

periences which is equal to the weight of the displacedfluid

Capillary A narrow tube or confined flow channelCavitation Occurs when a liquid is subjected to rapid changes of pres-

sure causing the formation of cavities in the lower pressureregions of the liquid

Cell Re Local Reynolds number based on the cell velocity and celllength scale

J. Tu et al., Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System, 343Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical EngineeringDOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4488-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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344 Appendix B Glossary

CFL Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy is a value or condition used to de-termine the convergence condition for solving hyperbolicpartial differential equations. The CFL number should al-ways be checked when dealing with transient simulations(i.e. explicit time marching schemes)

Coanda effect Is the tendency for a stream of fluid to remain attached to asurface

Compressible flow Fluid flow is considered compressible if there is variation inits density within the flow domain. This is important whensetting up a CFPD problem so that the density changes areaccounted for

Continuity Is the name given to the mass conservation equation, (e.g.describes how mass in = mass out)

Convergence When the solution being iterated does not change with eachsuccessive iteration

Density The mass of fluid per unit volume (kg/m3)Diffussion The process whereby random motion of molecules move

from regions of higher concentration to regions of lowerconcentration

Domain The entire region where the mesh encompassesDrag coefficient An opposing force in the flow direction exerted on an ob-

ject by the fluid flowing around it, normalised by dynamicpressure and frontal area

Dynamic pressure The pressure relative to a velocity referenceEddy See vortexEuler equations Simplified equations of fluid motion which describe the flow

of a compressible inviscid fluidEulerian description Describes fluid motion by following an individual fluid par-

ticle as it moves through space and time (compare withEulerian description)

Favourable pressure When the static pressure decreases in the direction of the flowgradient i.e. when the rate of change in pressure is negative (compare

with favourable pressure gradient)Finite difference A numerical technique to solve differential and integral

(FD) equations (see Sect. 7.21 of book)Finite element A numerical technique to solve differential and integral

equations. An alternative to the finite difference and finitevolume

Finite volume (FV) A numerical technique to solve differential and integralequations (see Sect. 7.22)

Flow separation The fluid boundary layer detaches from a surface when anadverse pressure gradient dominates the flow

Gauss divergence From vector calculus, which states that the outward fluxtheorem through a closed surface (how much fluid flows out of a vol-

ume through its surface) is equal to the volume integral of thedivergence of the vector field inside the volume (total sourcesinside the volume minus any sinks)

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B.1 CFPD and Engineering Terminology 345

Hagen-Poiseuille Flow is laminar viscous and incompressible and the flow isflow through a constant circular cross-section that is substantially

longer than its diameterHomogeneous fluid Fluid having constant densityHomogenous The assumption whereby each phase shares a common flow

multiphase flow field as well as other relevant fields such as temperature andturbulence

Hydrostatic pressure The forces from a fluid acting on the submerged surface ofan object

Hydrostatics The study of liquids at restIdeal gas Is a concept that allows a simplified state for analysis. It

is a theoretical gas composed of randomly moving non-interacting particles

Incompressible flow Fluid flow is considered incompressible when its densityremains constant within the flow domain. This is importantwhen setting up a CFPD problem so that simpler models canbe used for a constant density

Inhomogenous A more complex representation of multiphase flows wheremultiphase flow each phase has its own flow (includeing temperature and

turbulence) fieldInvisicid flow Flow without viscous effects, also known as potential

flow. The viscous terms in the momentum equation areneglected

Irrotational flow Flow where the streamlines ever loop back on itself, typicallyfound in invisicid flows

Kinetic energy Is the energy which the fluid possesses due to its motion, andis also usually defined as the dynamic pressure, determinedby 1/2 ρu2

Lagrangian Describes fluid motion by focussing on a fixed location indescription space through which the fluid flows as time passes (compare

with Lagrangian description)Laminar An organized flow field where fluid particles flow in layers

and do not readily mix.Lift coefficient A perpendicular force to the flow direction exerted on an

object by the fluid flowing around it, normalised by dynamicpressure and frontal area

Mesh Regions of the computational domain where the mathemat-ical equations are applied to

Mesh independence The method implemented to ensure that any further refine-ments to increase the number of mesh cells does not affectthe results

Newtonian Describes a fluid or flow that exhibits a constant viscosityand there is a linear stress versus strain rate curve

Nodes Points in the mesh where data is storedNon-Newtonian Describes a fluid or flow where the viscosity is not constant

and there is a non-linear relationship between the shear andstrain rates

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346 Appendix B Glossary

Normal stress Also referred to as pressure, it is the component of stress that isperpendicular or normal to the material (compare with shearstress)

Potential flow An idealised flow that is irrotational, and inviscid used forsimplifying analysis of fluid flow

Residual The measurement of the difference between the solutionsduring CFD—this value should decrease in a converginssolution

Shear stress The component of stress that occurs in plane with the material(compare with normal stress)

Skewness A type of descriptor for the quality and shape of a mesh cellSlip velocity The relative velocity between the particle and the surrounding

fluidStability Refers to the numerical stability of the chosen discretisation

scheme whereby with each numerical iteration the solutionconverges rather than diverging

Static pressure The pressure based on local atmospheric conditions and isindependent of the flow conditions (compare with dynamicpressure)

Stokes flow Also called creeping flow, where inertial forces are small com-pared with viscous forces. Typically the Reynolds number isless than 1, i.e. Re < < 1

Streamline A path in a steady flow field along which a given fluid particletravels

Surface tension Property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist anexternal force

Total pressure The combination of static (local atmospheric conditions) anddynamic (any moving velocity conditions) pressure

Transition regime The region where the flow changes from laminar to turbulentwithin the boundary layer

Transport equation A generic equation that represents the various physical pro-cesses of a flow variable as it moves (i.e. transports) througha fluid (see Eq. 5.43 in Sect. 5.4)

Turbulent flow Flow where the fluid inertia is dominant and particles moveerratically, mixing greatly throughout the domain

Vapour pressure Pressure at which the vapor of that substance is in equilibriumwith its liquid or solid forms

Viscosity A measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being deformedby shear stress

Vortex The swirling of a fluid and its reverse currentVorticity The tendency for elements of the fluid to rotate or spin; defined

as the circulation per unit area at a point in the flow fieldWake The region of recirculating flow immediately behind a moving

solid body, caused by the flow of surrounding fluid around thebody

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B.2 Biomedicine Terminology 347

Wall function Analytical equations or functions that connect the free streamflow to the near wall (see Sect. 5.3.5)

Isotropic turbulence Where the turbulent fluctuations (u, v, w) are equalCAD Computer Aided DesignCAE Computer Aided EngineeringDES Detached Eddy Simulation—a type of turbulence model

based on the LES modelDNS Direct Numerical Simulation—the most sophisticated and

complete method to handle turbulent flowFEM Finite Element Method—a computational approach to solve

sets of mathematical equationsFSI Fluid Structure Interaction—computational modelling ap-

proach that deals with both fluids and structural physicsFVM Finite Volume Method—a computational approach to solve

sets of mathematical equationsGUI Graphical User InterfaceIGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification—a type of image

format fileLES Large Eddy Simulation—an advanced type of turbulence

modelPDF Probability Density Function—a statistical method to repre-

sent large data setsRANS Reynolds Averaged Navier-StokesRNG ReNormalization Group—a version of the k-epsilon turbu-

lence modelRSM Reynolds Stress ModelURANS Unsteady Reynolds Navier-StokesVOF Volume of Fluid—a simulation technique that allows visual-

isation of interfaces in multiphase flows

B.2 Biomedicine Terminology

Adenoids Pharyngeal tonsilsAerobic Requiring oxygenAlveolar ventilation The volume of gas per unit time that reaches the alveoli,

rate calculated by (tidal volume—dead space) * breaths per minAlveolus Microscopic air scas of the lunsAnterior Front side (Latin ante: before)Anteroposterior The axis or direction that runs from the head or front end to

the opposite tail or back end of a bodyApnea Suspension of breathingAtmospheric The externalsurrounding force that exerts onto a surface


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348 Appendix B Glossary

Atrophy Is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the bodyAxial Towards the central axis of the organism or an extremityBasal lamina A layer of extracellular matrix secreted by the epithelial cells,

on which the epithelium sitsBasal surface The surface near the base or the lower side or bottom of a

structureBenign Not harmful, mild and nonprogressive diseaseBoyle’s Law Describes the inverse relation between the absolute pressure

of a gas with its volumeBronchioles The first airway branches inside the lung that no longer

contain cartilageBronchus One of the two main/primary branches that subtend from the

tracheaCapillaries Small blood vessels where exchnage between blood and

tissue cells occurCartilage White semi-opaqie connective tissueCaudal Of, at, or near the tail or the posterior end of the body. In the

human case, towards the bottom of the feet (also the “tail”of the spinal cord, and body)

Chronic obstructive Collective term for the disease of the lungs where thepulmonary disease airways become narrowed(COPD)

Cilia Tiny hair like projections that ptrotude from cell surfacesand move in a rhytmic motion

Coagulation The process where blood as a liquid joins together and formsa gel

Colloid A mixture in which solute particles do not settle out readilyand cannot pass through natural membranes

Contralateral On the opposite from another structure, e.g. the left arm iscontralateral to the right leg

COPD See ‘chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)’Craniocaudal The direction or axis that runs from the head or front end to

the opposite back end of a bodyCutaneous Pertaining to the skinCytokines Small protein molecules that are involved in cellular immu-

nityDead space Is the volume of gas per unit time that does not reach these

ventilation respiratory portions, but instead remains in the airways(trachea, bronchi, etc.)

Dialysis A process for removing waste and excess water from theblood

Diaphragm The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity with the lowerabdomen cavity, or any partition/wall that separates oneregion from another

Diastole The period of time when the heart fills with blood aftersystole (contraction)

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B.2 Biomedicine Terminology 349

Dorsal From the Latin word ‘dorsum’ meaning backDorsoventral The axis or direction that runs from the spinal column (back)

to the belly (front)Dyspnea Shortness of breath or air hunger, is the subjective symptom

of breathlessnessEdema abnormal build up of fluid in body pars or tissue that leads

to swellingEmphysema A long-term, progressive disease of the lungs that primarily

causes shortness of breath caused by the supporting tissuesbeing destroyed

Enzyme A protein that acts as a biological catalyst to speed up achemical reaction

Epidermis The surface layer of the skin, made up of keratinezedstratified squamous epithelium

Epiglottis A flap of artilage behind the root of the tongue which isdepressed during swallowing to cover the opening of thelarynx

Epithelium Thin tissue forming the outer layer of the body’s surface,lining the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout thebody

Erythrocytes Red blood cellsEsophagus A muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx

to the stomachEupnea Normal respiratory rate and rhythmEustachian tube Auditory tubeExcretion Process where substances are spearated or expelled as wasteFibrocartilage A type of cartilage that is highly compressibleFossa A shallow depression or hollowGland Body organ that secretes or excretes substnces for use by the

bodyGlottis The part of the larynx that consists of the vocal cords and the

slit-like opening between themGoblet cells Individual cells that produce mucousGustation The action of tastingHaemoglobin See hemoglobinHemoglboin A protein containing iron, responsible for transporting

oxygen in the bloodHistology The study of microscopic structure of tissuesHyaline cartilage The most abundant cartilage in the body that provides supportHydrophilic Dissoves, mixes, or is wetted easily with waterHydrophobic Unable to mix or repels with waterHydrostatic pressure Pressure of fluid in a systemHypercapnia High carbon dioxide levels in bloodHypernea Increased breathing when required to meet metabolic de-

mand of body tissues, such as during or following exercise,or when the body lacks oxygen

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350 Appendix B Glossary

Hypertension High blood pressureHypertrophy Enlargment of an organ ort issue caused by an increase in the

size of its cellsHyperventilation Increased depth and rate of breathingHypocapnia Low carbon dioxide levels in the bloodHypodermis Is the lowermost layer of the subcutaneous tissue (under the

skin)Hypotension Low blood pressureHypoventilation Decreased depth and rate of breathingHypoxia When the body lacks oxygenHypoxia Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissuesIn vitro Process that takes place in a test tube or artificial environmentIn vivo Taking place in a living organismInferior vena cava Vein that returns blood from body areas below the diaphragmInflammation Localised region which becomes swollen, reddened, and

painful as a defensive response to tissue injuryInnervation The supply of nerves to parts of the bodyIntegumentary The outer protective skin layer and its parts

systemInternal respiration The gas exchange process that occurs between blood and

tissuesInterstitial fluid Fluid between cellsIpsilateral On the same side as another structure e.g. the left arm is

ipsilateral to the left legLacrimal Relating to the secretion of tearsLamina A thin layer or flat plateLateral Towards or from one side to anotherLeukocytes White blood cell: a colourless cell which circulates in the

blood and body and is involved in conteracting diseases andforeign substances

Ligament A short band of flexible, fibrous tissue that connects bonesLipid Any class of fatty acids or their derivativesLumbar Part of the back between the thorax and the pelvisLumen Cavity inside a tube, blood vessel or any hollow structureLung compliance Is a measure of the elastic properties of the lung and is a

reflection of lung distensibility (movement)Lung parenchyma The bulk substances of the lung including the lung tissue,

bronchioles, and bronchiLymph Colourless fluid containing white blood cellsMacrophage A large phagocytic cell commonly found in tissues that

phagocytizes cells in response to infectionMalignant Uncontrolled growth, tending to invade normal tissueMastication ChewingMeatus An external opening or passageway that leads to the interior

of a body

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B.2 Biomedicine Terminology 351

Mechanoreceptor A sensory receptor organ that responds to mechanical stimulisuch as touch or sound

Medial Situated in the middleMediolateral The axis or direction that runs from the centre (medial) of an

object to one side or the other (lateral)Medulla The inner region of an organ or tissueMesothelium The epithelium lining the ventral body cavity and covering

its organsMinute ventilation The volume of gas ventilated in one minute, is expressed as

(tidal volume × breaths/min)Mucous membranes A mucus-secreting membranes that line many of the body’s

cavities including the respiratory passagewaysMucus A sticky, thick substance screted from the mucous mem-

branesNares Nostril openingsOcclusion Blockage, obstruction, or closureOesophagus See esophagusOlfaction The sense of smellOsmosis Diffusion process of molecules passing through a membrane

from a dilute solution into a more concentrated solutionOxidase An enzyme that promotes the transfer of oxygen in oxidation-

reduction reactionOxidation Porcess of combining with oxygen or the removal or hydro-

genPalate Roof of the mouthParasagittal planes Any sagittal planes offset from the midlineParenchyma Is the functional parts of an organ in the bodyPartial pressure The pressure which the gas would have if it alone occupied

the volumePathogen A bacterium, virus or disease causing microorganismPhagocytes A cell that engulfs and absorbs bacteria and other foreign

substancesPhagocytosis Ingestion of bacteria or foreign substances by phagocytesPleura A pair of serous membrances that lines the thorax and covers

the lungsPleural cavity A subdivision of the thoracic cavity; each housing a lungPolyps A small growth, usually benign, ptrotruding from a mucous

membranePosterior Back side (Latin post: after)Pronation Rotational movement of the hand, foot or limb, with the palm

or sole turned downwards or posteriorlyProximal Situated nearer to the centre of the body or an area of

attachment/interestProximodistal The axis or direction that runs from an appendage (distal) to

where it joins the body (proximal)

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352 Appendix B Glossary

Pulmonary arteries Vessesl that carry blood from the heart to the lungs to beoxygenated

Pulmonary edema Leakage and accumulation of fluid into the air sacs and tissueof the lungs

Pulmonary veins Vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heartPulmonary Breathing consisting of both inhalation and exhalation

ventilationRespiration The act of breathing; the process of delivering oxygen and

removing carbon dioxide from the bodyRostrocaudal The direction or axis that runs from the head or front end to the

opposite back end of a bodySagittal A plane that can divide the body into a left and right sideSaliva Liquid secreted into the mouth to assist in digestionSebaceous glands The sebaceous glands are microscopic glands in the skin which

secrete an oily/waxy matter, called sebum, to lubricate the skinand hair of mammals

Secretion Process where substances are produced and discharged from acell

Smooth muscle Muscle tissue with unordered contractile fibres, unlike striatedmuscles which have aligned fibres

Solute A substance that is dissolved in a solutionStenosis Abnormal narrowing or constriction of a passagewaySubcutaneous Under the skinSuperficial Near the outer surface of the organism, e.g. the skin is superficial

to the muscle layer. The opposite is “deep”, or “visceral”Superior vena Veins that returns blood from body areas above the diaphragm

cavaSupinate Outward rotation of the hand, foot or limb, with the palm or

sole turned upwards or anteriorlySuture An immovable joint between two partsSymphysis A place where two bones are joined with fibrocartilage and are

immovableSystemic Systemic refers to something that is spread throughout, system-

wide, affecting a group or system such as a body as a wholeSystemic Relating to the whole bodySystemic Systemic circulation is the portion of the cardiovascular system

circulation which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to thebody, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Theterm is contrasted with pulmonary circulation

Systemic disease An illness that affects multiple organs, systems or tissues, orthe entire body

Systemic venous Refers to veins that drain into the right atrium without passingsystem through two vascular beds

Systole The phase when the heart mucslces contract and pumps bloodinto the artery

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B.2 Biomedicine Terminology 353

Tachypnea Rapid shallow breathsTendon A flexible cord of dense fibrous tissue attaching a muscle to a

boneThermogenesis The production of body heatThorax The part of the body from the neck to the abdomen which includes

cavity enclosed by the ribsThrombus A blood clot that develops and impedes blood flowTissue A group of similar cells that perform a specific functionTonsils Small masses of lymphocyte tissue located around the entrance

of the pharynx, on each side of the root of the tongueTransverse Horizontal; a plane that could cut the body into superior and

inferior partsTumor An abnormal growth of cells which can be benign or malignantVascular Relating to blood vessels or is richly supplied with blood vesselsVasoconstriction The constriction of blood vessels, which increases blood pressureVasodilation Widening of the blood vessues producing dilationVenous blood In the circulatory system, venous blood is blood returning to the

heart (in veins)Ventral The abdomen or front side of a body, from (Latin venter;

abdomen)Venule Small veinVesicle A small fluid-filled sac or cyst within the bodyVestibule In general, vestibule is a small space or cavity at the beginning

of a canalVestibule An enlarged area at the beginning of a passageway; from Latin

vesitbulum meaning entrance courtVisceral Associated with organs within the body’s cavitiesVisceral Related to an internal organ of the bodyVital capacity Is the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs

after a maximum inspirationVocal cords Also called vocal folds, are two infoldings of mucous membrane

stretched across the larynx for voice production (speech)

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Appendix CFluid Dynamics Dimensionless Numbers

Name Symbol Equation Description

Biot number BihLC

kDefined as the ratio of the heat transfer

resistances inside of and at the surface of anobject

Biot number(mass transfer)



Defined as the ratio between the the mass transferrate to t the mass diffusion rate of an object

Dean number De Re




Defined as the product of the Reynolds number(based on axial flow V through a pipe ofdiameter L) and the square root of thecurvature ratio

Froude number FrV

(gLC )2 Defined as the ratio of the inertia force on a bodyto the weight of the body—the inertial forcedivided by gravitational force

Grashof number Grgβ�T V

ϑ2Defined as the ratio of the buoyancy force to

viscous force acting on a fluid. Often usedwhen natural convection is important

Knudsen number Knλ

LDefined as the ratio of the molecular mean free

path length to a representative physical lengthscale

Lewis number Leα


Defined as the ratio of thermal diffusivity to massdiffusivity

Mach number MaV

aA measure of velocity relative to the speed of

sound, e.g. 1 Mach = 343 m/s in dry air at20 ◦ C (68 ◦F)

Nusselt number NuhLC

kDefined as the ratio of convective to conductive

heat transfer across (normal to) the boundary




ReDefined as the ratio of the viscous forces to

inertial and surface tension forces

Peclet number PeVL

DDefined as the ratio of advection (convection) to

the rate of diffusion

J. Tu et al., Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System, 355Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical EngineeringDOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4488-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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356 Appendix C Fluid Dynamics Dimensionless Numbers

Name Symbol Equation Description

Prandtl number Prϑ

αDefined as the ratio of momentum diffusivity

(kinematic viscosity) to thermal diffusivity

Reynolds number ReVL

ϑDefined as the ratio of a characteristic velocity to a

characteristic length. Used to determine the flowregime (laminar or turbulent)

Schmidt number Scϑ


Defined as the ratio of momentum diffusivity andmass diffusivity

Stokes number StkτV


Defined as the ratio of the stopping distance of aparticle to a characteristic dimension of theobstacle

Strouhal number StωL

VDefined as the ratio of the oscillations in a flow to

the fluid inertia. Used to describe oscillating flow

Weber number WeρV 2L

σDefined as the ratio of a fluid’s inertia compared to

its surface tension





)0.5Defined as the ratio of the pulsatile flow frequency to

viscous effects

C.1 Nomenclature

a speed of soundDab mass diffusivityD diffusion coefficientg gravitational accelerationh heat transfer coefficienthm mass transfer coefficientk thermal conductivity of the bodyLC characteristic length, which is commonly defined as the volume of the body

divided y the surface area of the body, LC = Vbody/Asurface

L representative physical length scaleV velocity�T temperature differenceα thermal diffusivity, α = k/(ρCp) where Cp is the specific heat capacityβ volumetric thermal expansion coefficient equal to the inverse of the film

temperatureλ mean free pathρ fluid densityσ surface tensionτ relaxation time of a particle defined as ρpdp

2/18 μ, where subscripts p, denoteparticle, and dp is the particle diameter

ϑ kinematic viscosityω oscillation frequency, or breathing frequency

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AAccuracy, 216Acinar region, 67Acinus, 35Adams apple, 29Advancing front method, 85Airflow distribution, 313Airflow resistance, 40Alveolar, 36Alveolar duct, 68Alveolar model, 68Animations, 227Aortic arch, 311Arytenoid cartilage, 29Asthma model, 308Atomizer, 287

BBack substitution, 195, 199Boundary conditions, 236Boussinesq assumption, 119Bronchioles, 35Bronchus, 32Brownian diffusion, 159Brownian force, 278Brownian motion, 158

CC-grid, 78CAD, 60, 66Cartiliginous rings, 33CFPD applications

drug delivery, 11health risk assessment, 6pulmonary drug delivery, 7research tool, 4sleep apnoea, 12surgery, 15training tool, 4

Chimera grid, 79Computed tomography, See CT, 45Conducting airways, 35Consistency, 215Continuous filtered white noise, 163Control volume, 102, 105, 112Convection, 114Convergence, 215Corniculate cartilage, 29Cricoid cartilage, 29CT, 45, 49

gantry tilt, 62micro, 51scanning, 309slices, 62

Cuneiform cartilage, 30Cunningham correction factor, 150

DDeforming mesh, 321Delaunay triangulation, 82Deposition efficiency, 268Deposition patterns, 264, 268, 270, 275, 297,

314Deposition plots, 225DICOM, 50, 61, 62Diffusion, 114Direct Numerical Solution DNS, See Direct

Numerical Simulation, 124Discretisation, 168Discretisation error, 217Drag

non-spherical particle, 260spherical particle, 260

Drug delivery, 326nanoparticle, 9nasal, 10

Dynamic similarity, 110

J. Tu et al., Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System, 371Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical EngineeringDOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4488-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

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372 Index

EEddies, 116Eddy interaction model, 164, 292Edge detection, 52

Canny detector, 55Edge detector

Sobel and Prewitt, 54Energy conservation, 111Enhanced wall function, 292Epiglottis, 29Epithelium, 23, 24, 28, 30, 33, 36, 266Euler method, 214Eulerian diffusion models, 160

FFalse diffusion, 86, 191False diffusion, See Numerical diffusion, 86Finite difference

backward difference, 171discretisation, 180forward difference, 170

Finite difference method, 168Finite differnce

discretisation, 184Finite volume, 174

central differencing, 188discretisation, 181, 184QUICK, 189upwind differencing, 189

Fluid structure interaction, 323Forward elimination, 196Forward Euler method, 209

GGas exchange, 19, 37, 41Gauss’ divergence theorem, 175Gauss-Siedel method, 198, 201Gaussian elimination, 194Governing equations, 101, 136Greyscale, 52Grid, See Mesh, 86

HHeat transfer, 239Hounsfield, 47

IIGES, 60Image segmentation, See Segmentation, 51Implicit methods, 213Inhalation, 235

steady, 237ITK-SNAP, 62

JJacobi method, 197, 200

Kk-ω model, 120k-ε model, 122, 129Knudsen number, 151

LLagrangian method, 141Large Eddy Simulation, 123Laryngopharynx, 27Larynx, 28, 103

diseases, 31idealised, 108physiology, 30

Law of the wall, 125Leptorrhine, 26LES, See Large Eddy Simulation, 129Local acceeration, 107Local refinements, 321Logarithmic sublayer, 126Low Reynolds Number, 120, 122Lung airway, 67Lung airways, 32, 308, 336

diseases, 37Lung deposition, 8

MMagnetic resonance imaging, See MRI, 48Mass conservation, 101Maxillary sinus, 279Mesh

aspect ratio, 86body fitted, 76body-fitted, 87design strategy, 86growth factor, 95hybrid, 81independence, 91inflation, 95local refinement, 88multi-block, 77nasal cavity, 92near wall, 127polyhedral, 81skewness, 87software, 92solution adaptation, 88structured, 74, 85topology, 74trachea, 94unstructured, 80, 85unstructured mesh, 87warp angles, 88

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Index 373

Middle turbinates, 248Momentum balance, 104Moving mesh, 321MRI, 48, 49

micro, 51Mucous models, 334

NNanoparticles, 9, 258, 263, 279

tracking, 158transport, 158

Nasal cartilage, 22Nasal cavity, 20, 113, 235

disease, 25geometry comparisons, 240temperature profiles, 251variations, 25wall shear stress, 241

Nasal drug delivery, 285, 305Nasal spray

atomization, 286, 288cone angle, 302insertion angle, 300particle velocity, 295swirl fraction, 293

Nasal valve, 246Nasopharynx, 27Near-wall modelling, 125Nose, 20

physiology, 23Numerical diffusion, 86Numerical solver, 223NURBS, 59, 66, 94

OO-grid, 78Octree, 83Ohnesorge number, 327Olfaction, 14Olfaction, See Smell, 24Oral cavity, 64Oropharynx, 27

PParanasal sinus, 279Paranasal sinus, See Sinus, 23Particle

Basset history, 156diameters, 146drag force, 149equivalent diameters, 147Eulerian approach, 140Eulerian method, 143Lagrangian approach, 140

lift force, 156Magjnus effect, 156motion, 140shape, 147stopping distance, 153terminal velocity, 153turbulent dispersion, 162turbulent fluctuations, 163virtual mass, 156

Particle breakup, 326Particle deposition, 331Particle image velocimetry, 290Particle relaxation time, 152, 278Particle relaxation time”, 164Particle tracking, 259Particle trajectory, 225Particles

collision, 329fibre, 270fibres, 257Non-spherical particles, 154rough surface, 257wood dust, 255

Path streamlines, 243Pharynx, 27

diseases, 28physiology, 27

Phonation, 31Pivoting, 197Platyrrhine, 26Post processing, 224Pre-processing stage, 220Pressure coefficient, 313Pressure-velocity coupling, 202Pulmonary disease, See Lung airways

diseases, 37Pulmonary drug delivery, 315

QQuadtree, 83

RRespiration, 39Respiratory mucosa, 23Reynolds number, 40, 110, 236Reynolds stress, 118Reynolds Stress Model, 123Round-off error, 218Runge-Kutta Method, 211

SSauter mean diameter, 148Segmentation, 51, 59, 65

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374 Index

Canny detector, 61region based, 56Sobel and Prewitt, 61watershed algorithm, 57, 61

Septal deviation, 26Shape factor, 261SIMPLE, 203, 204SIMPLEC, 209Sinus, 23Smell, 24Solution Errors, 217Sound generation, See Phonation, 31Spray breakup, 288Stability, 215Staggered grid, 203Steady state convection-diffusion, 187Steady state diffusion, 179STEP, 60Stiff ODE, 213STL, 60Stokes number, 152, 270, 295Surface mean diameter, 148Surface reconstruction, 58

TTaylor Analogy Breakup, 327Taylor series, 169Thresholding, 56Thyroid cartilage, 29Tidal volume, 38Total lung capacity, 38Trachea, 32Tracheobronchial airway, 32, 310Transition sublayer, 126Transport equation, 135

Tri-diagonal matrix algorithm, 196Truncation error, 215Turbulence

boundary conditions, 131intensity, 117kinetic energy, 134mesh, 130modelling, 118, 128modulation, 329Prandtl number, 119RANS, 118, 135shear stress, 117velocity fluctuations, 117velocity profile, 116, 133

Turbulent boundary layer, 127Turbulent flow, 114Twoway coupling, 142

VValidation and verification, 219Viscous sublayer, 125, 129Vocal cords, 30Vocal folds, 30Voice box, See Larynx, 28Volume mean diameter, 148Volume reconstruction, 58Voxel, 47

WWall function, 126, 127Weber number, 327Windpipe, See Trachea, 32Womersley number, 237Wood Dust Particles, 255