appendix 4 appropriate qualification tables · tc appendix 4 appropriate qualification tables 4 4.1...

TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables 4 4.1 E App4.1.1 Release 36 Feb 2019 TC App 4/1 Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables Appropriate Qualification tables TC App 4.1 is relevant to TC 2.1.10E (selecting an appropriate qualification). Part 1: Activities Note: The activity numbers in this table relate to the activities in TC App 1.1.1 R. These tables do not cover activities 1, 5, 13A, 13B, 13C, 20A, 21B, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 24, 25 or 26 as these activities do not have a qualification requirement. In relation to advising on P2P agreements (activity 9A), see TC 2.1.5HR and TC 2.1.6R(2). Part 1A: The Retail Distribution Review activities (RDR activities) Activity Number RDR Activity 2 Giving personal re- commendations on securities which are not stake- holder pension schemes, personal pension schemes or broker funds

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables




■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/1

Appendix 4Appropriate Qualification tables

Appropriate Qualification tables

■ TC App 4.1 is relevant to ■ TC 2.1.10E (selecting an appropriate qualification).

Part 1: Activities

Note: The activity numbers in this table relate to the activities in ■ TC App 1.1.1 R.These tables do not cover activities 1, 5, 13A, 13B, 13C, 20A, 21B, 23A, 23B, 23C,23D, 23E, 24, 25 or 26 as these activities do not have a qualification requirement.In relation to advising on P2P agreements (activity 9A), see ■ TC 2.1.5HR and■ TC 2.1.6R(2).

Part 1A: The Retail Distribution Review activities (RDR activities)

Activity Number RDR Activity

2 Giving personal re-commendations onsecurities whichare not stake-holder pensionschemes, personalpension schemesor broker funds

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables



■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/2

Activity Number RDR Activity

3 Giving personal re-commendations onderivatives

4 and 6 (4) Giving personalrecommendationson retail invest-ment productswhich are notbroker funds and(6) giving personalrecommendationson friendly societytax-exempt policies(other than Hol-loway sickness pol-icies where theHolloway policyspecial applicationconditions aremet)

12 Giving personal re-commendations onand dealing in se-curities which arenot stakeholderpension schemes,personal pensionschemes or brokerfunds

13 Giving personal re-commendations onand dealing in de-rivatives

Extent to which the qualification meets the qualificationrequirement in relation to RDR activities..............................................................................................................In relation to the above RDR activities a qualification in the table in Part 2 willmeet the qualification requirement in relation to the activity listed in column 3 ofthat table, for the purpose of ■ TC 2.1.10E(2), to the extent set out below:

(1) where an ‘a’ appears in the fourth column of the table in Part 2 thequalification will fully meet the qualification requirement on and after, 31December 2012; and

(2) where a ‘b’ appears in the fourth column of the table in Part 2 thequalification will fully meet the qualification requirement until 31December 2012. On and after 31 December 2012 this must be combinedwith qualification gap-fill. This gap-fill constitutes additional structuredcontinuing professional development, which need not be by examination,completed and verified by an accredited body.

Part 1B: The non-Retail Distribution Review activities (non-RDR activities)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/3

Non-RDR ActivityActivity (non-overseeingNumber activity)

7 Giving personal re-commendations onlong-term care insur-ance contracts

8 Giving personal re-commendations oninvestments in thecourse of corporatefinance business

9 Advising on syndicateparticipation atLloyd's

11 Undertaking the ac-tivity of a pensiontransfer specialist

14 and 10 Managing invest-ments and/or under-taking the activity ofa broker fund adviser

20 Advising on a regu-lated mortgage con-tract for a non-busi-ness purpose; or

Arranging (bringingabout) an execution-only sale of a regu-lated mortgage con-tract for a non-busi-ness purpose, exclud-ing variations to anexisting regulatedmortgage contract,except where the ef-fect is to change allor part of the regu-lated mortgage con-tract from one inter-est rate to another

21 Advising on equityrelease transactions;or

Arranging (bringingabout) an execution-only sale of anequity release trans-action, excludingvariations to an ex-isting equity releasetransaction, exceptwhere the effect isto change all or partof the equity releasetransaction from oneinterest rate toanother

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/4

Non-RDR ActivityActivity (non-overseeingNumber activity)

21A Designing scriptedquestions for an exe-cution-only sale of aregulated mortgagecontract for a non-business purpose

22 Designing scriptedquestions for an exe-cution-only sale ofan equity releasetransaction

Activity Number Non-RDR Activity (overseeing activity)

15 Overseeing on a day to day basis oper-ating a collective investment scheme orundertaking activities of a trustee or de-positary of a collective investmentscheme.

16 Overseeing on a day to day basis safe-guarding and administering invest-ments or holding client money.

17 Overseeing on a day to day basis admin-istrative functions in relation to man-aging investments:

(i)arranging settlement;

(ii)monitoring and processing corpor-ate actions;

(iii)client account administration, li-aison and reporting including valu-ation and performance measurement;

(iv)ISA or CTF administration;

(v)investment trust savings scheme ad-ministration.

18Overseeing on a day to day basis ad-ministrative functions in relation to ef-fecting or carrying out contracts of in-surance which are life policies:

(i)new business administration;

(ii)policy alterations including surren-ders and policy loans;

(iii)preparing projections;

(iv)processing claims, including pensionpayments;

(v)fund switching.

19 Overseeing on a day to day basis ad-ministrative functions in relation to theoperation of stakeholder pensionschemes:

(i)new business administration;

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/5

Activity Number Non-RDR Activity (overseeing activity)

(ii)receipt of or alteration to con-tributions;

(iii)preparing projections and annualstatements;

(iv)administration of transfers;

(v)handling claims, including pensionpayments;

(vi)fund allocation and switching.

23 Overseeing non-advised sales on a dayto day basis of equity releasetransactions.

Extent to which the qualification meets the qualificationrequirement in relation to non-RDR activities..............................................................................................................In relation to the above non-RDR activities a qualification in the table in Part 2 willmeet the qualification requirement in relation to the activities in column 3 of thetable, for the purpose of ■ TC 2.1.10E(2), to the extent set out below.

(1) Where a ‘1’ appears in the fourth column of Part 2, that qualification alonewill fully meet the appropriate qualification requirement.

Where a ‘2’ or ‘3’ appears in the fourth column of Part 2, twoqualifications must be obtained: one being any qualification in the tabledenoted by a ‘2’ and the other being any qualification in the tabledenoted by a ‘3’. Together those qualifications will fully meet thequalification requirement.

Where a ‘4’, ‘5’ or ‘6’ appears in the fourth column of Part 2, threequalifications must be obtained: one being any qualification in the tabledenoted by a ‘4’, another being any qualification in the table denoted by a‘5’ and the other being any qualification in the table denoted by a ‘6’.Together those qualifications will fully meet the qualification requirement.

To meet the appropriate qualification requirement, a qualification is expected tomeet the appropriate qualification criteria (■ TC App 5) and the content shouldcover both technical aspects in relation to the activity number in column 3 of thetable in Part 2 as well as the regulation and ethics concerning those activities.Some of the qualifications in the table in Part 2 deal with all aspects and someonly deal with certain aspects, as follows:

(1) a ‘1’ refers to a syllabus which contains all aspects, namely technical,regulation and ethics;

(2) a ‘2’ or a ‘6’ refers to a syllabus which only deals with aspects of a technicalnature;

(3) a ‘3’ or a ‘5’ refers to a syllabus which only deals with aspects of regulationand ethics; and

(4) a ‘4’ refers to a syllabus which is only of an introductory nature.

Part 2: Appropriate Qualifications Tables

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/6

Note: A qualification is deemed an appropriate qualification if it appears in thistable and is attained within the relevant time period, where one is indicated bythe dates set out in the qualification column.

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

ACI The Financial ACI Diploma (provided it is ac-Markets As- companied by appropriatesociation qualifications in Regulation 2, 3, 12, 13 aand Ethics, Investment Prin-

ciples and Risk and PersonalTaxation)

ACI Dealing Certificate whencombined with Chartered Insti-tute of Securities and Invest-ment (CISI) Introduction to Se-curities and Investments andone of the Regulatory units ofthe Investment Operations Cer-tificate (IOC)

15, 17 4ACI Operations Certificatewhen combined with Char-tered Institute of Securitiesand Investment (CISI) Introduc-tion to Securities and Invest-ments and one of the Regu-latory units of the InvestmentOperations Certificate (IOC)

Association of Ac- Membercounting 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Technicians

Association of Cer- CIIA qualification (provided ittified International is accompanied by appropriateInvestment Ana- qualifications in Regulation 2, 3, 12, 13 alysts (ACIIA) and Ethics, Investment Prin-

ciples and Risk and PersonalTaxation)

Certified International Invest- 14 and 10 2ment Analyst (CIIA)

Association of Member or Affiliate 8 1Chartered Certified Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Accountants

Association of Cor- MCT Advanced Diploma (Mem-porate Treasurers ber or Fellow) or AMCT Dip- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4loma in Treasury (Associate


Association of In- Certified International Wealth 2, 3, 12, 13 aternational Wealth Manager Diploma (CIWM)Management 14 and 10 1(AIWM)

Blackburn College Foundation Degree Award in 4 and 6 a- University Centre Financial Services

Bournemouth BA in Financial Services (1995University to 2001)

MA in Financial Services (1995 4 and 6 bto 2001)

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables


■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/7

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Post Graduate in Financial Ser-vices (1995 to 2001)

Calibrand / Char-Diploma in Professional Finan-tered Institute ofcial Advice (Post 30/4/2014) 4 and 6 aBankers in


Calibrand / Scott- Diploma in Professional Finan-ish Qualifications cial Advice(Pre 1/8/2018)Authority 4 and 6 aDiploma in Professional Finan-

cial Advice (NMBA - Alternat-ive Assessment method)

Canadian Securit- Canadian Securities Course 2, 12 bies Institute (CSC) and Conduct and Prac-

tices Handbook Course (CPH) -must include a pass in bothmodules (provided it is accom-panied by appropriate quali-fications in Regulation andEthics and Personal Taxation) -both courses must becompleted

Canadian Securities Course 3, 13 b(CSC), Conduct and PracticesHandbook (CPH), the FuturesLicensing Course (FLC), the De-rivatives Fundamentals Course(DCF) and the Options Licens-ing Course (OLC) - must in-clude a pass in all modules(provided it is accompanied byappropriate qualifications inRegulation and Ethics and Per-sonal Taxation) - all coursesmust be completed

Canadian Securities Course(CSC), Conduct and PracticesHandbook (CPH), the FuturesLicensing Course (FLC) and theDerivatives Fundamentals andOptions Licensing Course(DFOL) - must include a pass inall modules (provided it is ac-companied by appropriatequalifications in Regulationand Ethics and Personal Taxa-tion) - all courses must becompleted

CASS Business MSC in Banking and Interna-School tional Finance (provided it is

accompanied by appropriatequalifications in Regulation 2, 3, 12, 13 aand Ethics, Investment Prin-ciples and Risk and PersonalTaxation)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/8

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

MSC in Investment Manage-ment pre 2003 syllabus (pro-vided it is accompanied by ap- 2, 3, 12, 13 bpropriate qualifications in Re-gulation and Ethics and Per-sonal Taxation)

CFA Institute The CFA Institute Investment 15, 16, 17,18, 19 4Foundations Certificate - (For-merly the Claritas InvestmentCertificate)

CFA Institute and Level 1 of CFA Program plus In-the CFA Society of vestment Management Certi-the UK ficate (Level 4)

2, 3, 12, 13 aCompletion of CFA Programplus Investment ManagementCertificate Unit 1: The invest-ment environment (Level 4)

Holder of Associate qualifica-tion (associate member)

Level 1 of CFA Program plus In-vestment Management Certi-ficate (Level 3)

2, 3, 12, 13 bCompletion of CFA Programplus Investment ManagementCertificate Unit 1: UK Regula-tion and Markets (level 3)

Holder of Associate qualifica-tion (Fellow)

CFA Program (Level 1) 14 and 10 2

Fellow or Associate by ex- 81amination 14 and 10

15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Investment Management As- 14 and 10 2set Allocation Qualification

Investment Regulation andPractice Paper of the Associate 15, 16, 17 5Examination

CFA Society of UK Investment Management Certi-(Formerly the UK ficate (Level 4) plus otherSociety of Invest- qualifications that meet spe- 2, 12ment Profes- cialist standards for advisingsionals/ Institute on securitiesof Investment Investment Management Certi-Management and ficate (Level 4) plus otherResearch (IIMR)) qualifications that meet spe- 4 and 6 a

cialist standards for advisingon packaged products

Investment Management Certi-ficate (Level 4) plus otherqualifications that meet spe- 3, 13cialist standards for advisingon derivatives

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/9

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Investment Management Certi- 8 1ficate (Level 3 or 4) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

15, 16, 17 5

14 and 10 1

Investment Practice Paper(Unit 2) of Investment Man- 14 and 10 2agement Certificate (Level 3or 4)

8 2

Investment Management Certi- 8 3ficate Unit 1: UK Regulation 15, 16, 17, 19 5and Markets (Level 3) or Invest-ment Management Certificate

18 6Unit 1: The Investment Envir-onment (Level 4)

14 and 10 3

Chartered Altern- CAIA Level 1 (provided it is ac-ative Investment companied by appropriateAnalysis Associ- qualifications in Regulation 2, 12 bation (CAIA) and Ethics and Personal


Chartered Insti- Diploma in Investment Plan-tute of Bankers in ning (Existing Adviser) (PostScotland 2010 examination standards

and Pre 1/6/2015)

Diploma in Investment Plan-ning (New Adviser) (Post 2010examination standards andPre 1/6/2015)

Diploma in Investment Plan-ning (Retail Banking) (New Ad- 4 and 6 aviser) (Post 2010 examinationstandards and Pre 1/6/2015)

Diploma in Investment Plan-ning (Retail Banking) (ExistingAdviser) (Post 2010 examina-tion standards and Pre 1/6/2015)

Diploma in investment plan-ning (work based assess-ment)(Pre 1/6/2015)

Associate (March 1992 to July1994 syllabus (including top-up test))

Associate (post August 1994syllabus)

Certificate in Investment Plan- 4 and 6 bning (Pre 17/09/2004)

Chartered Banker (where can-didates hold UK Financial Ser-vices and Investment modules)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/10

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Diploma in Investment Plan-ning (current)

Associateship - (must include a 2, 3, 12, 13 bpass in the Investment Paper)

Certificate in Investment Plan- 15, 16, 18, 19 4ning - Paper 1 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

Certificate in Investment 17 4Planning

Member or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Mortgage Advice and Practice 20 1Certificate

Certificate in Mortgage Adviceand Practice (MAPC) (Pre 16/ 20, 21, 22 109/2004)

MAPC bridge paper plus entry 20 1requirements (Pre 31/10/2004)

Certificate in Investment Plan- 20, 21, 22 3ning - Paper 1 (Pre 16/09/2004)

MAPC - Paper 1 (Pre 16/09/ 20 32004)

Mortgage Advice and PracticeCertificate - Paper 1 (Post 17/ 20, 21 309/2004)

Equity Release Mortgage Ad-vice and Practice Certificate(ERMAPC)

Lifetime Mortgage Advice and 21, 22 1Practice Certificate

MAPC Bridge paper plus entryrequirements (Pre 16/09/2004)

Certificate in Mortgage Adviceand Practice (MAPC) (Pre 16/ 21, 22 309/2004) - Paper 1

Equity Release Mortgage Ad- 23 4vice and Practice Certificate 23 5(ERMAPC)

23 6

Chartered Insti- Fellow or Associatetute of Manage- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4ment Accountants

Chartered Insti- Fellow or Associatetute of Public Fin- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4ance and Ac-countancy

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables


■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/11

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Chartered Insti- Certificate in Pension Transferstute for Securities and Planning Advice (whenand Investment combined with an RDR compli- 11 1(CISI) - (Formerly ant qualification for Activitiesthe Securities and 4 and 6)Investment Insti- Investment Advice Diplomatute (SII); formerly (where candidate holds 3 mod- 4 and 6The Securities As- ules including the private cli-sociation) ent advice module)

Investment Advice Diploma(where candidate holds 3 mod- 4 and 6ules including the FinancialPlanning and Advice module)

Investment Advice Diploma(where candidate holds 3 mod- a3, 13ules including the derivativesmodule)

Investment Advice Diploma(where candidate holds 3 mod- 2, 12ules including the securitiesmodule)

Masters in Wealth Manage-ment (Post 2010 examination 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13standards)

Certificate in Private Client In- 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bvestment Advice and

14 and 10 1Management

Certificate in Private Client In- 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bvestment Advice and Manage-ment (attained through a CISI

14 and 10 1competency interview and pre-sentation only)

Diploma (where candidateholds 3 modules as recom- 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bmended by the firm)

Investment Advice Certificate 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 b

Masters in Wealth Manage-ment (Pre 2010 examination 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bstandards)

Member of the Securities Insti-tute (MSI Dip) (where candid- 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bate holds 3 modules as recom-mended by the firm)

Certificate in Corporate 8 1Finance 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Certificate in Derivatives - Pa- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4per 2

Certificate in Investment and 21, 22 3Financial Advice - Paper 1

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables


■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/12

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Certificate in Investment Man- 8 1agement (Level 3, pre 31 De- 15, 16, 17, 19 4cember 2013)

15, 16, 17 5

14 and 10 1

Certificate in Investment Man- 14 and 10 1agement (Level 4)

Certificate in Investment Man- 82agement - Paper 2 14 and 10

Certificate in Securities 8 1

Certificate in Securities - Paper 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 42

Certificate in Securities and De- 19 4rivatives - Paper 2

Certificate in Securities and 8 1Financial Derivatives

Certificate in Securities and 15, 16, 17, 18 4Financial Derivatives - Paper 2

Client Services Qualification 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Diploma 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Diploma - Corporate Finance 8 2Paper

Diploma - Global Operations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Management Module 5

15, 16, 176

Diploma - International Opera- 15 4tions Management Module 5

15, 166


17 5


Diploma - International Opera- 16, 18, 19 4tions Module

Diploma - Operations Manage- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4ment Module 15, 17 5

15, 16, 17 6

Diploma - Regulation and 83Compliance Module 14 and 10

15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

Diploma (must include a passin Regulation and Compliance 8 1Paper)

Diploma (where candidateholds 3 modules as recom- 14 and 10 1mended by the firm)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/13

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Diploma in Corporate Finance(awarded jointly with The Insti- 8 1tute of Chartered Accountantsin England and Wales)

Investment AdministrationQualification - Asset Servicing 15, 16, 17 6Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Basics of CREST 15, 16, 17 6Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Bond Settle- 15, 16, 17 6ment Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Collective In- 15, 16, 17 6vestment Schemes Administra-tion Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - CREST Settle- 15, 16, 17 6ment Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Derivatives Op- 15, 16, 17 6erations Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Exchange - 15, 16, 17 6Traded Derivative Administra-tion Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - FSA Regulatory 15, 16, 17 5Environment Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Global Custody 15, 16, 17 6Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Global Securit- 16, 17 6ies Operations Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Global Settle- 15, 16, 17 6ment Module

Investment Administration 83Qualification - IMRO Regu- 14 and 10

latory Environment Module15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

Investment AdministrationQualification - Introduction to 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Securities and InvestmentModule

Investment AdministrationQualification - ISA Administra- 15, 16, 17 6tion Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - ISA and CTF Ad- 15, 16, 17 6ministration Module

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/14

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Investment AdministrationQualification - ISA and PEP Ad- 15, 16, 17 6ministration Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Life Policy Ad- 18 6ministration Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - OEIC Adminis- 15, 16, 17 6tration Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Operational 15, 16, 17 6Risk Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - OTC Derivatives 15, 16 6Administration Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Pensions Ad- 19 6ministration Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - PEP Administra- 15, 16, 17 6tion Module

Investment AdministrationQualification - Portfolio Per- 15, 16 6formance MeasurementModule

Investment AdministrationQualification - Private Client 15, 16, 17 6Administration Module

Investment Administration 83Qualification - SFA Regulatory 14 and 10

Environment Module15, 16, 17, 18 5

Investment Administration 83Qualification - Unit 2 FSA 14 and 10

Regulatory Environment - (For-merly the Investment Adminis-

18, 19 5tration Qualification - Regu-latory Environment Module)

Investment AdministrationQualification - Unit Trust Ad- 15, 16, 17 6ministration Module

Investment Advice Certificate 14 and 10 1

Investment Advice Certificate - 415, 16, 17, 18, 19Paper 1 5

Investment Advice Certificate - 20, 21, 22 3Paper 1 (No new registrations)

Investment Advice Certificate - 18, 19 6Paper 2

Investment Advice Diploma(where candidates hold tech- 14 and 10 1nical modules as recom-mended by the firm)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/15

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Investment Operations Certific- 15, 16, 17 6ate - Asset Servicing Module

Investment Operations Certific- 16 6ate – Client Money and Assets

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Collective Investment 15, 16, 17 6Schemes AdministrationModule

Investment Operations Certific-ate - CREST Settlement 15, 16, 17 6Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Exchange - Traded Deriv- 15, 16, 17 6ative Administration Module

Investment Operations Certific- 83ate - UK Financial Regulation 14 and 10

Module15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Global Securities Opera- 17 6tions Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Global Securities Opera- 16 6tions Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Introduction to Securities 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4and Investment Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - ISA Administration 15, 16, 17 6Module

Investment Operations Certific- 15, 16, 17 6ate - Operational Risk Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - OTC Derivatives Adminis- 15, 16 6tration Module

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Platforms, Wealth Man- 15, 16 6agement and Service Providers

Investment Operations Certific-ate - Administration of Settle-ment & Investments Module 15, 16, 17 6(previously known as the Pri-vate Client AdministrationModule)

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4ments (Derivatives) - Unit 3

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 14 and 10 1ments (Investment 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Management)

15, 16, 17 5

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 8ments (Investment Manage- 2

14 and 10ment) - Unit 5

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables


■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/16

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 8 1ments (Securities and Financial

15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Derivatives)

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 8 1ments (Securities)

Level 3 Certificate in Invest- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4ments (Securities) - Unit 2

Level 6 Diploma in Wealth 14 and 10 1Management

Masters in Wealth 14 and 10 1Management

Member of the Securities Insti- 15, 17, 19 4tute by examination

Principles of UK Financial Re- 8 3gulation 18, 19 5

SFA Corporate Finance Repres- 8 1entative Examination 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

SFA Futures and Options Rep- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4resentative Examination 15, 16, 17 5

SFA Registered Persons Exam- 83ination - Section 1 (Re- 14 and 10

gulation)15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

SFA Securities and Financial 8 1Derivatives Representative Ex- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4amination

15, 16, 17 5

SFA Securities Representative 8 1Examination 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

16, 17 5

TSA Registered Representative 8 1Examinations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

15, 16 5

Unit 1 - Financial Regulation 14 and 10 3

Unit 1 Financial Regulation 8 3(Formerly the Securities Insti-

15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5tute Regulatory Paper)

Unit 6 - Principles of UK Finan- 14 and 10 3cial Regulation 15, 16, 17 5

Chartered Insur- Certificate in Advanced Mort- 20 1ance Institute gage Advice

Certificate in Pension Transfer 11 1Advice

Certificate in Securities Advice 2, 12 aand Dealing

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TC Appendix 4 Appropriate Qualification tables


■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/17

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Diploma in Financial Planning(with appropriate gap fill) 7 1plus the Award in Long TermCare Insurance

Diploma in Financial Planning(subject to gap fill) + AF7 Pen- 11 1sion Transfers

Diploma in Regulated Finan-cial Planning

Diploma in Regulated Finan- 4 and 6 acial Planning (attainedthrough a CII alternative as-sessment day)

Diploma in Regulated Finan-cial Planning plus the Award 7 1in Long Term Care Insurance

Fellow or Associate (life and 2, 3, 12, 13 bpensions route only)

Advanced Financial Planning 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bCertificate

Diploma in Financial Planning

Fellow (FCII) (where candid-ates hold appropriate life andpensions modules)

Fellow (FLIA Dip)4 and 6 bAdvanced Diploma in Finan-

cial Planning

Associate (ACII) (where candid-ate holds appropriate life andpension modules)

Associate (ALIA Dip)

Diploma in Financial Planningplus a pass in J12: Securities 2, 12 aadvice and dealing

Certificate in Financial Plan-ning plus the Award in LongTerm Care Insurance

G80 paper of Advanced Finan- 7 1cial Planning Certificate (Oc-tober 2004) plus appropriateexam requirements for TC2.1.4R(1)(f)

G70 Paper of the Advanced 8 1Financial Planning Certificate

Award in London Market 9 1Insurance

Fellow or Associate includingthree pensions-related sub-jects as confirmed by the ex-amining body

11 1G60 paper of Advanced Finan-cial Planning Certificate

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/18

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Unit AF3 of the Advanced Dip-loma in Financial Planning

Certificate of Insurance 18 4Practice

Certificate of Insurance Prac-tice (life or pensions route)

FA1 - Life office admin-istration

18 6Fellow or Associate (life andpensions route only)

Life assurance paper (735)from the Associateship

Certificate of Insurance Prac-tice (Pensions route)

19 6Fellow or Associate (Pensionsroute)

Certificate in Mortgage Advice 20 1

Certificate in Equity Release 21, 22 1(Formerly known as Certificate 4in Financial Planning and Life-

23 5time Mortgages)


Advanced Financial PlanningCertificate (must include apass in G70 paper) 14 and 10 1Certificate in Discretionary In-vestment Management

Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Financial Planning Certificate - 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Paper 1 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 5

CF1 - UK financial services, re- 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 3, 4gulation and ethics 18, 19

10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 3, 518, 19

RO1 Paper: Regulation and 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 3, 4Ethics 18, 19

10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 3, 518, 19

FA2 - Pensions administrationpaper

18, 19 6Financial Planning Certificate -Paper 2

(LP1) Life and pensions cus-tomer operations; (LP2) Finan-cial services products and solu- 4tions; and (LP3) Life and pen- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 andsions principles and practices 5(where candidate holds all 3modules)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/19

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Pensions law, taxation and ad-ministration paper (740) from 18, 19 6the Associateship

Certificate in Investment Op-erations: Collective Investment 15, 16, 17 6Scheme Administration paper(FA4)

Certificate in Investment Op-erations: Individual Savings Ac- 1516, 17 6count Administration paper(FA5)

Certificate in Investment Op-erations: Investment Client Ser- 15, 16, 17 6vicing paper (FA6)

Certificate in Mortgage Advice 20, 21 3- Paper 1

Mortgage Advice Qualification(MAQ) plus entry re- 20, 21, 22 1quirements

Financial Planning Certificate -Paper 1 (No new registrations 20, 21, 22 3after 17/12/2004)

Deutsche Boerse Certified Securities Trader (pro-AG vided it is accompanied by ap-

propriate qualifications in Re- 2, 12 bgulation and Ethics, Invest-ment Principles and Risk andPersonal Taxation)

Deutsche Boerse Certified Derivatives Trader 2, 12 bAG (provided it is accompanied by

appropriate qualifications inRegulation and Ethics, Invest- 3, 13 ament Principles and Risk andPersonal Taxation)

EFFAS Societies Certified European Financialwith accredited Analyst 14 and 10 2examinations

Faculty or Insti- Fellow or Associate or where 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 atute of Actuaries the individual has passed all

of the following modules CT1,14 and 10 1CT2, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7 and


Associate - achieved by exam-ination passed before 1 De-cember 2001 (must include a 14 and 10 1pass in Subject 301 - Invest-ment and Asset Management(syllabus in force from 1998)

Associate - achieved by exam-ination passed after 1 De-cember 2001 (must include a 14 and 10 2pass in subject 301 - Invest-ment and Asset Management(syllabus in force from 1998)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/20

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Fellow - achieved by examina-tion (must include a pass insubjects 301 and 401 Invest- 14 and 10 1ment and Asset Management(syllabus in force from 1998))

Fellow or Associate 11 1

16, 17, 18, 19 4

18, 19 6

Fellow or Associate by exam-ination (must include Invest- 14 and 10 1ment Paper E (Syllabus inforce until 1998))

Fellow or where the individualhas passed all of the following 18 4modules CA1 and SA2

Financial Industry Series 7 - General SecuritiesRegulatory Au- Representatives Examinationthority (FINRA) - (provided it is accompanied byFormerly the Na- appropriate qualifications in 2, 3, 12, 13 btional Association Regulation and Ethics and Per-of Securities sonal Taxation)Dealers (NASD)

Financial & Legal FLSP Advanced/Modern Ap-Skills Partnership prenticeship in Advising on 7 1(formerly the Fin- Financial Products (Long Termancial Skills Part- Care Insurance Pathway)nership/Financial FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-Services Skills ern Apprenticeship in Retail orCouncil (FSP/FSSC)) ProvidingFinancial Services (In-

vestment Administration orOperations Pathway including 17 6either Asset Servicing / CRESTSettlement / Global Securitiesor ISA and CTF Admin-istration)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services (In-vestment Administration or 17 5Operations Pathway includingFSA Regulatory Environmentor Principles of Financial Re-gulation)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services (in-vestment Administration or 17 4Operations Pathway includingthe Introduction to Securitiesand Investment module)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/21

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services(Long Term Insurance or Life, 18 4Pensions and Investments orPensions Administration Path-way including CF1)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services(Long Term Insurance or Life, 18 5Pensions and Investments orPensions Administration Path-way including CF1)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services(Long Term Insurance or Life, 18 6Pensions and Investments orPensions Administration Path-way including CF1 and eitherFA1 or FA2)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced/Mod-ern Apprenticeship in Retail orProviding Financial Services(Long Term Insurance or Life, 19 1Pensions and Investments orPensions Administra-tionPathway including CF1and FA2)

FLSP Level 3 Advanced Appren-ticeship in Advising on Finan-cial Products (Mortgage Ad- 20 1vice Pathway) or Level 3 Ad-vanced Apprenticeship in Pro-viding Mortgage Advice

ICMA Centre/ Uni- Diploma in Capital Markets, 17 5versity of Reading Regulation and Compliance(Formerly ISMA Operations Certificate Pro-Centre/ University 16, 17 6gramme (OCP)of Reading)

Institute of Char- 8 1Fellow or Associatetered Accountants 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

in England andInitial Test of Competence 18, 19 6Wales

Diploma in Corporate Finance(awarded jointly with The Insti- 8 2tute of Chartered Accountantsin England and Wales)

Institute of Char- Fellow or Associate 8 1tered Accountants 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4in Ireland

Initial Test of Competence 19 6

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/22

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Institute of Char- Member 8 1tered Accountants 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4in Scotland

Initial Test of Competence 19 6

Institute of Char- Certificate in Collective Invest- 415, 16, 17, 18tered Secretaries ment Scheme Administration 5

and Admin-15, 16 6istrators

19 4

Certificate in Company Secret- 4arial Practice and Share Regis- 5tration Practice (including the 15, 16. 17Regulatory module within the 6examination)

Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Institute of Finan- Certified Financial Planner (syl-cial Planning (un- labus in force until 31 Octobertil 1 November 2015) 4 and 6 b2015) Fellowship (syllabus in force

until 31 October 2015)

Insurance Sector National Diploma: FinancialEducation and Services Long-Term Risk As- 7 2Training Authority sessment

Investment Man- Investment Administrationagement As- Management Award 15, 16, 17 6sociation

Investment Prop- IPF Certificate in Property In- 14 and 10 2erty Forum vestment

Japanese Bankers Registered Representative ofAssociation Public Securities Examination

(pre-April 1990) 8 2Representative of Public Secur-ities Qualification - Class 1

Japanese Securit- Representative of Public Secur-ies Dealers As- ities Qualification - Type 1sociation (provided it is accompanied by

appropriate qualifications in 2, 3, 12, 13 bRegulation and Ethics, Invest-ment Principles and Risk andPersonal Taxation

Representative of Public Secur-ities Examination (pre April1990) 8 2Representative of Public Secur-ities Qualification - Type 1

Law Society of Module B(ii), Securities and 8 2England and Portfolio ManagementWales Module B(i), Retail Branded/ 18, 19 6Packaged Products

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/23

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Law Society of SolicitorEngland andWales/ Law Soci- 15 4ety of NorthernIreland

Law Society of SolicitorEngland andWales/ Law Soci- 17, 18, 19 4ety of Scotland/Law Society ofNorthern Ireland

Lloyd's Lloyd's and London Market In-troductory Test (Formerly the 9 1Lloyd's Introductory Test)

Lloyd's/ Chartered Lloyd's Market Certificate 9 1Insurance Institute

London Stock Ex- London Stock Exchange Full 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bchange (records Membership Exams (and otherare now kept by regional stock exchanges asThe Chartered In- merged with London Stock Ex-stitute for Securit- change) - where candidate

14 and 10 1ies and Invest- holds three or four papers orment (CISI); For- holds both the Stock Ex-merly the Securit- change Practice and Tech-ies and niques of Investment papersInvestment Insti- Stock Exchange Registered 8 1tute (SII); formerly Representative Examination 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4The Securities As-sociation) 15, 16 5

Manchester Met- BA (Hons) Financial Services,ropolitan Planning and Management 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 aUniversity

N/A In-house module (only wherethe firm can demonstrate that 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 6none of the listed examina-tions are appropriate)

NIBE SVV the ExaminationDutch Institute forthe Banking, Insur- 8 2ance and Stock-broking Industry

Pensions Manage- 4 and 6 aDiploma in Regulated Retire-ment Institute ment Advice 11 1

Fellow or Associate by ex- 11 1amination

4Module 201: Providing for Re- 19 5tirement


Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Diploma in Member-DirectedPension Scheme Admin- 18 6istration

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/24

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Fellow or Associate by ex- 18, 19 6amination

Sheffield Hallam BA in Financial Services (1995University to 2001)

MA in Financial Services (1995 4 and 6 bto 2001)

Post Graduate in Financial Ser-vices (1995 to 2001)

SIX Swiss Certified Securities Trader the 2, 12 bExchange Swiss Markets Insight course

(provided it is accompanied byappropriate qualifications inRegulation and Ethics, Invest-ment Principles and Risk andPersonal Taxation)

Society of Invest- Certificate in Investment Man-ment Analysts in agement (at least 3 papers 14 and 10 2Ireland passed by examination)

South African In- Ordinary and Senior Cer-stitute of Financial tificates 8, 14 and 10 2Markets

Swiss Finance Dual degree Executive MBA inInstitute Asset and Wealth 14 and 10 2


The Institute of Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4Banking in Ireland Professional Certificate in In-(Formerly the ternational Investment FundChartered Insti- 15, 16, 17 6Servicestute of Bankers inIreland)

The London Insti- Diploma for Financial Adviserstute of Banking & (post 2010 examinationFinance (formerly standards)the ifs University 4 and 6 aProfessional Certificate inCollege and the Banking (PCertB) (where can-ifs School of Fin- didate has passed the Practiceance/Chartered In- of Financial Advice module)stitute of Bankers)

Level 6 Diploma in Financial 4 and 6 aAdvice (Adv Dipfa)

Associateship - (must include apass in the Investment / Invest- 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 bment Management Paper)

Diploma for Financial Advisers(pre 2010 examinationstandards) 4 and 6 bProfessional Investment Cer-tificate

Certificate for Financial Ad-visers and Certificate in Long- 7 1term Care Insurance

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■ Release 36 ● Feb 2019 TC App 4/25

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

Pension Transfers plus Dip-loma for Financial Advisers 11 1(DipFA®) post 2010 examstandards

Pensions paper of Professional 11 1Investment Certificate

Certificate for Financial Ad- 15 5visers - Paper 1

Fellow or Associate 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4

Certificate for Financial Ad- 415, 16, 17, 18, 19visers - Paper 1 (Pre 31/10/ 5

2004)20, 21, 22 3

Certificate for Financial Ad- 4visers - Paper 1 (Post 01/11/ 18, 19


Certificate for Financial Ad-visers - Paper 2 (Pre 31/10/ 18, 19 62004)

CeMAP Bridge paper plus 20 1entry requirements

Certificate in Mortgage Advice 20 1and Practice (Post 01/11/2004)

Diploma for Mortgage Adviceand Practice DipMAP (plus 20 1entry requirements)

CeMAP bridge paper plusentry requirements (Pre 31/10/ 21, 22 12004)

Certificate in Mortgage Adviceand Practice (CeMAP) (Pre 31/ 20, 21 310/2004) - Paper 1

Certificate in Mortgage Adviceand Practice (Post 01/11/2004) 20, 21 3- Paper 1

Certificate in Mortgage Adviceand Practice (CeMAP) (Pre 31/ 20, 21, 22 110/2004)

Certificate in Regulated Equity 21, 22 1Release (Formerly known as 23 4Certificate in Lifetime

23 5Mortgages)

23 6

The Securities CMA Level 2 (for individualsAnalysts Associ- advising before 30 June 2009)ation of Japan CMA Level 2 (for individuals(SAAJ) not advising before 30 June

2, 3, 12, 13 b2009 - provided it is accompan-ied by appropriate qualifica-tions in Regulation and Ethics,Investment Principles and Riskand Personal Taxation)

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■ Release 36 ● Feb App 4/26

Qualificationprovider Qualification Activity Number(s) Key

CMA Level 28 2

Secondary Examination

Chartered Member 14 and 10 2

University of Nor- BSc Banking and Financial 4, 6 athampton Planning

University of BSc (Hons) Financial Planning, 4 and 6 aSouth Wales Investment and Risk

University of BA in Finance 2, 4 and 6, 12 bStirling BA in Finance and Accounting 2, 3, 4 and 6, 12, 13 b

MSc in Finance 2, 3, 12, 13 b

MSc in international Account- 2, 3, 12, 13 bing and Finance (where can- 8 2didates hold modules as re-

14 and 10 1commended by the firm)

MSc in Investment Analysis 2, 3, 12, 13 b

14 and 10 1

University of the BA in Financial Services (1995West of England to 2001)

MA in Financial Services (1995 4 and 6 bto 2001)

Post Graduate in Financial Ser-vices (1995 to 2001)