appendix 13b republic of korea power point presentation.ppt

Country Report on Radiation Protection in the Republic of Korea IAEA/RCA Mid-term Review Meeting of National Focal Persons on Radiation Protection “Harmonization of Radiation Protection” (RAS/9/029) 7-11 June 2004, Beijing, China People’s Republic Byung Soo LEE Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

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Page 1: Appendix 13B Republic of Korea power point presentation.ppt

Country Report onRadiation Protection

in the Republic of Korea

IAEA/RCA Mid-term Review Meeting of National Focal Persons on Radiation Protection

“Harmonization of Radiation Protection” (RAS/9/029)7-11 June 2004, Beijing, China People’s Republic

Byung Soo LEE

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

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Legislative and Regulatory Infrastructure

P resid en t

P rim e M in ister

N u clea r E n erg yB u rea u

M in istry o f S c ien ce& T ech n o lo g y


N u clea rS a fetyO fficer

R esid en tIn sp ecto rs

O ffice

N u clea r S a fetyC o m m issio n

S p ec ia l C o m m itteeo n N u clea r S a fety

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AtomicEnergy Act

EnforcementDecree of the Act

(Presidential Decree)

EnforcementRegulation of the Act

(Prime Ministerial Ordinance)

Notice of the Ministerof Science and Technology

The Act provides the bases andfundamental matters concerningthe development and utilizationof atomic energy and safetyregulations

The Decree provides thetechnical standards andparticulars entrusted by the Actand necessary for theenforcement of the Act

The Regulation provides theparticulars entrusted by the Actand the Decree such asdetailed procedures and formatof documents

The Notice provides detailedparticulars for the technicalstandards and guidelines

Industrial Codes and Standards(ASME, IEEE, ACI, KEPIC, etc)

Codes and Standards formaterials, design, test, andinspection of components andequipment

Legal System of Nuclear Safety Regulation

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New Legislation

• In 2003, the Law for Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency (LPPRE) was promulgated, followed by the Enforcement Decree of the LPPRE and the MOST ordinances in 2004.

• The MOST notices on the technical standards are under development.

• Establishment of off-site emergency management centers near nuclear power plant sites is under way.

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• Exemption: Radioactive materials whose total activities or activity concentrations do not exceed the exemption levels of the IAEA BSS are exempted from regulation. Consumer products specified by the Notice 2001-03 of the MOST are also exempted from regulation.

• Notification: Radioactive material is contained in a well-shielded assembly; its activity is lower than 10 thousand times the exemption level; the dose rate does not exceed 10 Sv/hr.

• License: Sealed sources having activity levels exceeding notification level; all unsealed radioactive sources except for those exempted.

Activities of the Regulatory Authority

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• Safety regulation on radioisotopes & radiation generators is carried out in the following forms:– Safety reviews and inspections on the usage and sales

of radioisotopes for authorization and licensing– Licensing, safety reviews and safety inspections on

large capacity accelerators– Safety reviews and inspections on the usage of nuclear

fusion facilities – Design approval for radiation generating devices– Licensing reviews and inspections on the usage of

nuclear materials.

Activities of the Regulatory Authority

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• Safety activities on the transportation of radioactive materials are carried out in the following forms:

– Design approval of special form radioactive materials

– Design approval of packages for radioactive materials

– Manufacturing inspection and in-service inspection for packaging

– Inspection on the safety of transportation of radioactive materials.

Activities of the Regulatory Authority

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• RASIS (Radiation Safety Information System)

– Integrated network system of authorization and management of radiation sources

– Trace radiation sources from manufacture or import to disposal, and manage the inventory

– Databases shared with the MOST, KINS, other organizations such as Customs Service

– Since the third quarter of 2003, the quarterly reporting of source inventory has been made through the online system.

Activities of the Regulatory Authority

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• Development of a real-time tracking system using the GPS and CDMA technology is under way to locate and recover industrial radiography sources when they are stolen or misplaced. A central monitoring system will be established in KINS.

• To prepare for radiological emergencies involving lost or stolen radioactive sources, a facility will be constructed within the KINS site. The facility will be used to secure radioactive sources and to maintain emergency equipment that will be used by the emergency response team.

Activities of the Regulatory Authority

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Occupational Exposure Control

• Since 2003, ICRP 60 recommendations have been fully implemented regarding the occupational dose limits and effective dose concepts incorporating internal dose

• Medical hospitals are conducting sampling and measurement of airborne radioactivity (especially for I-131) in the workplace to determine the need for internal dose assessment for the workers

• Research is under way to set up technical standards for quality assurance of the internal dose assessment especially for WBC

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Occupational Exposure Control

• According to the Atomic Energy Act, nuclear licensees should have a personnel monitoring program for their radiation workers.

• Personal dosimetry services for the assessment of external doses are provided by the accredited organizations. These organizations report monthly or quarterly occupational exposure of individual worker to the Korean Radioisotope Association (KRIA). KRIA maintains the records of occupational exposure of all radiation workers.

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• Registration is required for any service that processes personal dosimeters used for monitoring of individual occupational radiation exposure.

• KINS reviews and inspects the quality assurance program and consistency of quality for dosimetry service system and conducts performance test on the system on a yearly basis.

• Research is under way to establish a reporting level for occupational exposures.

Occupational Exposure Control

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• KISOE (Korean Information System on Occupational Exposure) – internet-based network system– monitors and analyzes the trend of occupational

exposures for the categorized radiation users– gives advice on the preventive action for the

reduction of worker doses– ultimately aims to relate health effects with

occupational exposures

Occupational Exposure Control

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Occupational Exposure in 2003Category Collective dose

(man-mSv)Average dose


No. of workers (person)

Medical 2,574 0.97 2,654

Industry 4,197 0.93 4,513

NDT 9,161 2.80 3,272

Sale 6,068 0.82 704

Research 801 0.43 1,863

Education 1,384 0.33 4,195

Public 128 0.52 247

NPP 10,314 1.18 8,741

Total 29,069 1.11 26,189

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• In 2003, the MOST set up a plan for the reduction of occupational exposures, especially in the nuclear power plant and industrial radiography areas.

• For the industrial radiography area, the target for annual individual worker dose was set to 3.00 mSv in 2003, 2.50 mSv in 2005 (3.22 mSv in 2001).

• For the nuclear power plant area, the target collective dose was set to 0.80 man-Sv/unit.year in 2004 (19 units O/H) 0.60 man-Sv/unit.year in 2005 (13 units O/H).

• Through the periodic review of the performance of each sector, improvement in the management of occupational exposures will continue.

Occupational Exposure Control

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Medical Exposure Control

• MOST : radiation therapy and nuclear medicine• KFDA : diagnostic radiation generators; dose QA program

for quality assessment network

• MOST notices “Standards regarding radiation safety management in medical areas” specifies:– Quality assurance program for prescribed dose delivery

control– Safety requirements and calibration of irradiation

equipment for radiotherapy referring IAEA TRS No.277 or equivalent

– Qualification of Medical Physicist

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Public Exposure Control

• Environmental radiation monitoring: Currently a central and twelve local environmental radiation monitoring stations are operated along with unmanned posts at 25 locations nationwide.

• KINS participates in the inter-comparison tests of the samples between some foreign laboratories such as EML, JCAC, RMTC to assure the quality of the measurement results of environmental samples.

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• Safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuels:– The on-site storage is expected to reach the

maximum capacity in about the year of 2008 for radioactive waste and 2016 for spent nuclear fuel.

– The construction of waste disposal facilities is an urgent task that should be resolved in near future

Public Exposure Control

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• The government of the Republic of Korea, as a contracting party to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management submitted to the IAEA its first national report for the implementation of the joint convention.

• Korean delegations participated in the first review meeting held in the Headquarters of IAEA, Vienna, 3-11 November 2003.

Public Exposure Control

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Planning for and Response to Radiation Emergencies

• Promulgation of the Law for Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency (LPPRE) in 2003 and Enforcement Decree and the MOST ordinances in 2004– Off-site emergency management center (OEMC) – Medical treatment system for radiological emergencies– Technical standards under development

• Joint emergency drills organized by all domestic institutions in the emergency response field are carried out at nuclear power plant sites.

• KINS has continuously participated in emergency communication drills with the IAEA and the US NRC and other institutions.

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• The CARE system: a computerized system that immediately identifies the safety status of a power plant operation in case of an abnormal radiological event and predicts the radiological effects, the affected areas by released radioactive materials and finally recommends necessary protective actions and counter-measures for the general public.

• Concerns about the orphan sources and dirty bombs:– Developed a manual on preparedness and response

against radiological emergencies– Joint mock-up drills conducted recently

Planning for and Response to Radiation Emergencies

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Participation under RAS/9/029

• KAERI hosted the Training Course on Radiation Protection and Safety in Radiotheraphy (9-19 Dec. 2003 Taejon, Korea)

• Final Project Review Meeting on External Dosimetry Intercomparison (15 – 19 March 2004, Tokai, Japan) – 1 participant

• Regional Training Course on Medical Management for Radiation Accident (1-5 March 2004, Chiba, Japan) – 1 participant

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Proposed Future Activities

RTC or Workshop on the following subjects :• Safe management of high energy accelerators• Assessment of occupational exposure from

NORM• Quality assurance for medical exposure control• Preparedness and response against radiological

accident and terrorism Intercomparison of internal dose calculation &

neutron dosimetry