apostolic lines of tau joannes i eveque de philadelphia


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D ’E S P R I T A T O U T E S L E S I N T E L L I G E N C E S Q U I P E U P L E N T L E S S A I N T E O N S, Q U I

P R I E N T A V E C N O U S E T N O U S A S S I S T E N T , A M E N � “

A G L O I R E D E D I E U, D E L E S A I N T E S P R IT, E D E











Apostolic Succession

SINCE the time of the Apostles, the Church catholic (universal) has existed. During the course of history,many branches of the One, Catholic, and Apostolic Church have evolved. One thing remains constantwith all the branches, however, that each has maintained an unbroken line of succession from Christ andthe Apostles to the present. The Apostles were the original Bishops of the Church, and their authority asepiscopes has been passed down to this day. There are many Rites in the One, Catholic, and ApostolicChurch. In designating the unity of these many Rites, the word catholic is used to mean universal, anddoes not infer preference to any one particular denomination. Such denominations would include theRoman Rite, Anglican Rite, Celtic Rite, and Orthodox Rite, to suggest a few—in addition to the many thatgo unnamed.

There have been many Bishops who continued the lineage and served the teachings of Christ in arelatively unstructured way. Due to political factions, human disagreements, and poorly kept records,the fog of history has obscured some lines of succession. Oftentimes, missing records have been used tojustify accusations of invalid authority. At the same time, other more devoted clergy and diligentscholars have set aside differences in favour of unity and historical accuracy. It is consistently truethroughout history that the authority and character of the Apostolic Church have been preserved less bydoctrine and more by the lineages of consecrated leadership. Jesus established this at the very beginningwhen he sent the Apostles out to the world individually (not collectively) to teach the good news(Gospel). St. Augustine was one of the early pillars of Christian philosophy. In his theology it is statedthat because of the indelible character of a consecration, a validly consecrated Bishop permanentlyretains Episcopal powers notwithstanding any schisms or ex-communications.

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, conducted extensiveresearch and reconstructive history of the Church earlier this century, and published a work entitled“Successio Apostolica”. In this work he explains how he sought to discover, clarify, and reinstate manydifferent lines of succession. Desiring to restore Orthodox Apostolic Catholicism of Undivided


Christendom, he and those with him in the early days of his pontificate, became reconciled that allconsecrations and ordinations of proven validity were equally efficacious regardless of any particulardenomination or line of Apostolic Succession. He fortified the authenticity of Apostolic Succession byachieving Episcopal Consecrations in many authentic lines of succession. This brought into being anEcumenical Apostolic Succession derived from every part of The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The lines of succession enumerated on the following pages are a result of the reconstructive researchconducted by Mar Georgius I, sixth Patriarch of Glastonbury, England. As this history reveals, twentylines of succession lead to the consecration of the Bishops of Spiritis Church. What is known of theselines is presented with the desire to cement ecumenical relationships and shorten the period until thewhole Church, the Body of Christ, will be fully united.

THE CONTINUITY OF CHRIST’S WORK How is Christ's work continued in the world today? In two principal ways, first, through the sacrament ofbaptism by which all Christians become members of the “royal priesthood” (1Pt 2:9); second, throughApostolic Succession.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, himself, chose the Apostles to form the Christian ministry as a means of applyingthe blessings of the Incarnation to the world. Christ intended that the Apostolic ministry should be carriedon from age to age until the end of time. How was this continuity to be secured? As Christ ordained thetwelve Apostles so they chose others to take their places and continue their ministries. This continuouspassing down of the Christian ministry is called the “Apostolic Succession”, which links the ancient Churchof the first century with the Church of today and of the future.

The Apostles laid their hands upon their successors and these successors in turn did the same to others,By the laying on of hands, the appropriate intention and words uttered in the rite of ordination orconsecration, a bishop sets apart every other successive deacon, priest and bishop for Christ’s service. Bythis means there has been no break in the transmission of the ministerial commission in the orthodox,Catholic Church from ancient times to the present. To ensure that this chain is unbroken, as a generalrule, three bishop’s act as co-consecrators of the bishop-elect, although usually one is named as theprimary consecrator.

St. Augustine's Doctrine of Orders suggests and maintains that these orders are valid.



Jesus Cristo escolheu alguns de seus discípulos mais próximos para serem mebasrim ou mestres de seuevangelho (Basrah "mensagem divina"). Ele os investiu de autoridade, a fim de que realizassem suaspróprias obras, incluindo liberdade de interpretar as Escrituras, criar escolas de instrução espiritual,aprisionar forças demoníacas e liberar a humanidade das conseqüências do pecado ou "dívida".

Após a ressurreição de Jesus, seus discípulos formaram comunidades de santos sob a supervisãoespiritual dos mebasrim. A comunidade central, em Jerusalém, era supervisionada por Tiago, o menor ouo justo, também chamado de "irmão" do mestre (irmão em linguagem evangélica quer dizer "primo").Simão (Pedro) também era mebasrim, assim como João, Tomé, André e pelo menos mais oito. Costuma-se enumerar os primeiros discípulos de Jesus em 12, embora haja evidências de que este número sejamaior. Eles acompanharam o Mestre (Mar, "Senhor") de perto em sua missão e foram depois incumbidospor ele de pregar o Evangelho a todas as criaturas. Eles testemunharam os seus milagres e gravaramseus ensinamentos, que depois transmitiram.

Com o surgimento do Cristianismo Grego, os mebasrim originais foram chamados "Apóstolos" (apostoloi,aqueles que são enviados). A mensagem divina destes Apóstolos era o Evangelion ou "Boa Nova". Eleseram apontados, algumas vezes, como angeloi, anjos ou mensageiros. Como líderes da comunidade desantos eram conhecidos como episcopoi ou "superiores". Com esta capacidade eram também conhecidos,metaforicamente, como pastores, o que ainda é simbolizado pelo cajado ou bastão do bispo.

Os Apóstolos originais viajaram de Jerusalém à Galiléia, a fim de levar a notícia da crucificação eressurreição de Jesus a todos os seus discípulos, pois Jesus havia pregado na maioria dos distritos daPalestina e tornado talmidim muitos de seus ouvintes. Depois disto, muitos Apóstolos seguiram rumo aoutras sinagogas para transmitir a mensagem divina de Jesus a toda Israel e aos gentios 'temedores deDeus" que freqüentavam o Sabat e o Deus único de Israel ("gentil" era a designação que os judeusdavam aos pagãos. Por não serem circuncidados e não pertencerem à nação judia, eram desprezados eaté mesmo abominados).

Os Apóstolos escolhiam, em todas as comunidades, "inspetores" para assumirem o papel de líderes decongregações. Estes bispos eram os sucessores dos Apóstolos, investidos da mesma mensagem erevestidos da mesma autoridade. Estes, por sua vez, podiam colocar as mão sobre seus sucessorestransmitindo e perpetuando as tradições apostólicas e desta forma, assegurar a sobrevivência damensagem divina entre a humanidade. Muitas "linhas" de sucessão apostólica foram estabelecidas, cadauma levou o nome de um Apóstolo individual, e teve um modelo próprio de instrução apostólica. Emboraos Apóstolos não discordassem quanto a compreensão da mensagem, cada tradição apostólicapreservava uma diferente apreensão e ênfase, era uma parte do todo. Com o passar dos séculos, asdiferentes tradições apostólicas foram colocadas uma contra as outras, através das vicissitudes doisolamento geográfico, acomodação cultural e ascendência política. A maioria das comunidades Cristãsem Alexandria, Antioquia, Edessa e Efesus foi eclipsada pelo surgimento do Cristianismo Romanoortodoxo (seguindo as tradições apostólicas de Pedro e do auto proclamado Paulo, que não era umdiscípulo original ou Apóstolo de Jesus). O misticismo Cristão no Ocidente estava organizado segundo as


tradições apostólicas de João, enquanto que o misticismo de Tomé, Felipe e Tiago era rejeitado comosendo "gnóstico". As comunidades Judáico-Cristã originais retrocederam nas sombras do que seriachamado heresia e na época de Constantino, somente os ensinamento apostólicos de Pedro e Joãoestavam sendo preservados no Ocidente, Assim, a Igreja Romana baseou sua sucessão apostólica emPedro. As outras tradições apostólicas da Síria, Egito, Judéia e do Oriente se tornaram ortodoxiasmenores de "terceiro mundo", em cismas com, Roma, só vindo à tona de tempos em tempos nos anaisda história ocidental.

Por volta do ano 90, o Bispo Clemente de Roma considerou necessário escrever uma carta à igreja deCorinto exortando-a a aceitar seus sucessores apostólicos, ao invés de tentar suplantá-los com mestresauto proclamados de um evangelho mais popular. Problemas do mesmo tipo surgiram nas igrejas da ÁsiaMenor e o Bispo Ignatius de Antioquia exortou continuamente as igrejas, para as quais enviava inúmerascartas, a respeitarem e honrarem seus bispos apostólicos. No início do segundo século o profeta CristãoHermas, que viveu numa época de grande desunião Cristã, recebeu a seguinte revelação:

"Os Apóstolos, bispos, mestres e diáconos...caminharam de acordo com a majestade de Deus, e serviramo eleito de Deus em santidade e reverência, como bispos mestres e diáconos. Alguns delesadormeceram, outros se encontravam na carne. E eles concordavam entre si, tiveram paz e ouviram unsaos outros". "The Shepherd", Visão III,5.1.

O exemplo da unidade apostólica, não importa a interpretação individual ou compreensão da mensagemdivina, ainda era evidente três gerações após a ressurreição de Jesus Cristo. Era esta unidade que oepiscopado deveria preservar, era esta a vontade do Cristo.

No ano 155 o Bispo Polycarpo de Smirna visitou o Bispo Anicetus de Roma, a fim de persuadi-lo a aceitara tradição estipulada pelo Apóstolo João de observar a Páscoa (Pascha) no dia judaico 14 de Nissan ouPassover, seja qual fosse o dia da semana. O bispo romano havia recebido uma tradição diferenteatravés de Pedro (e dos evangelhos sinópticos, os evangelhos de São Mateus, São Marcos e São Lucas,assim chamados porque permitem uma vista de conjunto, dada a semelhança de suas versões) deacordo com a qual a Páscoa deve ser sempre celebrada no Domingo, o primeiro (ou oitavo) dia dasemana judaica após Nissan 14. Os dois decidiram respeitar cada tradição apostólica, mas continuaramcelebrando da maneira já acostumada. A tão chamada controvérsia Quartodécima, facilmente resolvidapelos sábios bispos se tornou, mais tarde, o centro de uma tempestade dogmática, resultando naexcomunhão de muitas igrejas na Ásia Menor e na formação de igrejas quartodécimas heréticas. Muitosoutros exemplos de declínio da paz e da unidade apostólica frustraram o desenvolvimento da doutrinaCristã e sua constituição, chegando até mesmo a gerar guerras e perseguição religiosa.

Uma coisa é certa. Jesus Cristo não transmitiu e nem tinha a intenção de transmitir uma autoridadeapostólica para "excomungar" outros Apóstolos. Não há absolutamente base alguma para a excomunhãode uma tradição apostólica por outra, estas ações não tem validade. É por isso que mesmo agora emtodas as tradições apostólicas nunca se alega que a excomunhão invalida ordens episcopais. Elasimplesmente separa um corpo eclesiástico de outro, de forma ilegítima e artificial. Desta forma, a IgrejaCatólica Romana reconhece a validade das sucessões episcopais em todas as tradições "ortodoxas"(Grega, Russa, Síria, Cópta, etc.) e vice-versa. Embora as ordens Anglicanas fossem questionadas pelahierarquia Romana, por muitos séculos, é de consenso geral que se elas não foram originalmente válidas,(a maioria dos estudiosos afirma que são) acabaram absorvendo validade através dos séculos, através deacordos mantidos entre igrejas Anglicanas e ortodoxas da Índia e outros lugares. Apenas os ministros dasigrejas protestantes são definitivamente não apostólicos, e tão pouco se proclamam como tal. Oargumento que usam é que, a intenção original da sucessão apostólica era preservar os ensinamentos deJesus, e que na época da reforma protestante estes se encontravam totalmente distorcidos. Assim, nãohavia necessidade de dar continuidade a qualquer linha apostólica para os ensinamentos Cristãosbásicos.

Pela primeira vez na história, todas as linhas de sucessão sobreviventes e ensinamentos apostólicos sereuniram em um episcopado. O repertório completo das linhas apostólicas reuniram-se definitivamentenas pessoas de Mar Georgius I, Mar Joannes, Bispo Wadle e nos poucos a quem eles e sua herançaconsagraram.


Trata-se de um profundo e significante ponto da história espiritual pois, pela primeira vez, é possívelrestaurar o total e completo Corpo de Cristo assim como era constituído originalmente - uma comunidadede santos com compreensões diversas, mas com verdadeira unidade espiritual.



Filho de Alfeu e primeiro bispo de Jerusalém, cuja igreja dirigiu entre 42 e 62 D.C. Como "irmão" deJesus (provavelmente um membro da mesma comunidade de santos), era respeitado na congregaçãoJudáico-Cristã.

Os primeiros cristãos o chamavam "O Justo", devido à sua grande piedade. Pertencem a ele as tradiçõesJudáico-Cristã preservadas no Evangelho dos Ebionitas, Evangelho dos Hebreus, Elevações de Tiago, naúltima Epístola Canônica de Tiago e possivelmente em outras obras associadas a seu nome como o"Protevangelium", embora haja dúvidas sobre isso. A epístola (carta dos Apóstolos e comu-nidadescristãs primitivas) de Tiago apresenta autênticos ensinamentos preservados na tradição apos-tólica oral.Tiago deu origem à sucessão apostólica Cristã-Judáica de Jerusalém, que contribuiu para a sucessãoSíria, Jacobita, Armênia e Georgiana. A Liturgia de São Tiago, que se assemelha àquela do Bispo Cyril deJerusalém (ano 386), parece ser um desenvolvimento de 5 séculos através das tra-dições apostólicas deJerusalém e é ainda usada por certos ramos da ortodoxia.


O príncipe dos Apóstolos. Chamava-se Simão, era filho de Jonas e irmão de André. Pescava um dia àsmargens do rio Jordão quando Jesus o chamou. Daí por diante passou a seguir o Divino Mestre, que delefez o chefe do colégio apostólico. Possuía uma fé intensa, mas às vezes se mostrava fraco, incrédulo eaté mesmo covarde. Presenciou a transfiguração, mas não apareceu no Calvário. Jesus o incumbiu deconfirmar os irmãos na fé e deu-lhe as chaves do seu reino. Fortalecido pelo Espírito Santo no dia dePentecostes, se pois a pregar o Evangelho aos judeus e gentios. Presidiu a eleição de Matias, escolhidopara suceder a Judas, bem como o Concílio de Jerusalém, depois do qual se dispersaram os Apóstolos, afim de, seguindo a determinação do Mestre, irem pregar o Evangelho a toda criatura, batizando-a emnome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo. Levado perante o Sanedrim (Supremo Conselho dos Judeus),afirmou sua fé em Cristo. Foi preso por ordem do rei Agripa I, encaminhado à Roma durante o reinado deNero, onde fundou e presidiu à comunidade cristã, vindo a perecer martirizado em 67.As tradições petrinianas foram registradas por Marcos o Evangelista, em Roma, que também pode terproduzido um evangelho secreto que trouxe à Alexandria, destinado ao ensinamento esotérico. Apregação de Pedro é a base do Evangelho Canônico de Marcos, que representa a maior influência naprodução de outros evangelhos sinópticos, os de Mateus e Lucas. Alguma autenticidade fundamenta ofragmentado Evangelho de Pedro e possivelmente a Primeira Epístola de Pedro. Há numerosas lendassobre o seu confronto romano com Simão Megas ("O Grande", mudado por um polêmico trocadilho, paraMagus, "O Mago"). As tradições petrinianas estão intimamente ligadas aos ensinamentos Paulíneos nasúltimas Epístolas Pastorais do Novo Testamento. Pedro fundou as linhas apostólicas de Antioquia e Síria(as mais antigas sucessões do Cristianismo, precedendo as de Roma em vários anos) que sobrevivem emvárias ortodoxias Sírias. Não é necessário dizer que fundou também a su-cessão Romana, e pode terestabelecido outras em suas andanças.


Era irmão de Tiago o Maior, filho de Zebedeu e Salomé. Era pescador e discípulo de São João Batistaantes de o ser de Jesus. Foi companheiro inseparável de Pedro. Nos primeiros tempos da Igreja, coube-lhe impor as mãos aos recém convertidos, em Samaria. Evangelizou os Samaritanos. Esteve em Jerusalém no ano 37 e depois por ocasião do Concílio dos Apóstolos, que se realizou emAntioquia. Diz a tradição que morreu quase centenário, possivelmente em Éfeso. Exilado em Patmos,durante a perseguição de Domiciano (93-98), ali compôs o Apocalipse (Revelação), onde narra as suasvisões e descreve mistérios, predizendo as tribulações da Igreja e o seu triunfo final. Além do seuEvangelho (o 4º) e do Apocalipse (que é o derradeiro livro da Bíblia), escreveu três Epístolas.


Jesus, ao morrer, confiou-lhe a mãe, da qual cuidou até morrer, durante o reinado de Trajano. O quartoEvangelho difere dos demais, chamados sinóticos, porque relatam os mesmos fatos com algumasvariantes. São João começa dissertando sobre a origem divina de Jesus, a quem cognomina "Logos", "oVerbo", "a Palavra" de Deus. Jesus é idêntico a Deus. É Ele a manifestação personificada de Deus, o filhode Deus feito homem. Por isso existiu desde toda eternidade, e finalmente, tomando a natureza humana,se fez carne, e habitou entre nós. Os ensinamentos de João são preservados no seu Evangelho e nas três epístolas, embora possam tersido escritas por um discípulo. O Apocalipse é realmente atribuído ao próprio João, mas foi claramenteescrito por uma diferente pessoa ou escola daquela do Evangelho e das Epístolas. De acordo comClemente de Alexandria, João ordenou bispos em Éfesos e outras províncias da Ásia Menor. Ireneusafirma que os Bispos Polycarpo e Papias foram seus discípulos. Os primeiros fragmentos dos escritosJoanitas foram encontrados em papiros no Egito datando de princípios do segundo século, e muitasescolas acreditam que ele tenha visitado estas áreas.


Tomé foi o mais influente e produtivo dentre vários discípulos que foram para o Oriente, incluindoBartolomeu, André, Simão e Judas. Os ensinamentos destes homens ficaram perdidos para as Igrejas doOcidente, mas continuam atuais para as tradições ortodoxas e orientais. Ao contrário de Pedro e Felipe,estes Apóstolos não eram casados. O ascetismo (prática da ascese) era um importante ponto de contatoespiritual entre eles e seus ouvintes orientais, que já idealizavam o ascetismo como uma medida demaestria divina, devido a nativa ideologia religiosa do Brahmanismo e do Zoroastrianismo. Como seusensinamentos foram "lembrados" e registrados, o ascetismo foi enfatizado e se tornou o ponto central.Por esta razão, a Igreja Ocidental minimizou a importância do Apóstolo que, como Jesus, não se casou,ao ponto de categorizar sua tradições como "heréticas". Mas muitas lendas e tradições destes grandes santos foram preservadas em evangelhos apócrifos eromances dos três primeiros séculos, o que permite a recuperação de seus ensinamentos. Tomé, emparticular, foi muito estimado e há evidências de que tenha viajado não só à Pérsia, mas até mesmo àÍndia, provavelmente acompanhado por Bartolomeu e Judas, trazendo talvez um Evangelho Hebráicooriginal de Matias à Índia. Tomé era uma pessoa profundamente mística, assim como João e Felipe. Aoseparar, mais tarde, a doutrina gnóstica do Evangelho de Tomé e examinando cuidadosamente outrastradições como os "Atos de Tomé" e "Tomé o Ascético", comparando-as ao misticismo de Paulo, João eFelipe, é possível reconstituir um esboço de seus ensinamentos. Estes, claro, apontam de volta aosensinamentos originais de Jesus. Tomé criou linhas apostólicas de sucessão em todos os lugares por ondepassou no Oriente, indo de sinagoga em sinagoga. Isto inclui Síria, Armênia, toda a região da Caldéia(Pérsia) e Índia. Os Cristãos de Tomé de Malabar ainda sobrevivem.


Conhecido também como Natanael, Bartolomeu teria sido apresentado à Jesus por Felipe. Assim comoTomé, era um viajante e a tradição o localiza em áreas como Índia, Armênia, Irã, Síria e por algumtempo na Grécia, com Felipe (Phrygia). As sucessões da Armênia podem derivar dele e de vários outrosApóstolos. A tradição diz que Bartolomeu trazia consigo o perdido Evangelho Herético de Matias (ouMateus) escrito em hebraico. As poucas anotações que restaram da era sub-apostólica e patrísticaindicam que este evangelho judeu era bastante diferente dos evangelhos gregos gentis (Mateus, Marcos,Lucas e João), assim como eram os tão chamados evangelhos judaico-cristãos he-réticos dos Nazarenos,Ebionitas e Hebreus, dos quais só restaram fragmentos. Diferentemente dos evangelhos gentis, estas tradições consideravam o Espírito Santo como a Divina Mãede Cristo e não adoravam Jesus como uma divindade, mas como um irmão mais velho e líder dacomunidade dos santos de Deus (cf. Lewis Keizer: "Nova Luz sobre os ensinamentos de Jesus: Um guiapara idiomas aramáicos, pesquisas recentes e a mensagem original de Jesus Cristo"). Muitas tradições deBartolomeu são preservadas em obras como "O Evangelho de Bartolomeu", "Pregação de São Bartolomeuno Oásis" e a "Pregação de Santo André e São Bartolomeu".


Filho de Jonas, irmão de Pedro o pescador. Antes de conhecer o Divino Mestre, era discípulo de São JoãoBatista. Após a dispersão dos Apóstolos, evangelizou na Ásia Menor, na Capadócia e possivelmente na


Rússia, onde é venerado. Dizem que pereceu em uma cruz em formato de X, mais tarde conhecida comoCruz de Santo André. De acordo com os "Atos de Santo André e São Bartolomeu" (os dois Apóstolos estão tradicionalmenteligados e devem ter viajado juntos) eles pregaram em Epiro, Trácia, Galácia, Bitnia, Cítia, Danúbio eAcaía, países do Oriente Médio ou Europa Oriental. Outra tradição indica atividades na Grécia com Felipe.É certo que André tenha pregado também em Èfeso e Ásia Menor onde por revelação convenceu João aescrever o documento no qual os Quatro Evangelhos estão baseados. André fundou sucessões apostólicasem todas estas áreas. Seus ensinamentos eram similares aos de João, Bartolomeu e Tomé.


Descendente da linhagem real de Davi, irmão de Tiago, o Menor, e primo de Jesus. A tradição diz terevangelizado na Mesopotâmia, Palestina, Síria e a Arábia. É localizado na Armênia nos anos de 43 a 66,onde se juntou a quatro outros Apóstolos do Oriente. Há três Judas no Novo Testamento e de acordo comalguns estudiosos, o escritor da "Epistola de Judas", que se denominava "irmão do Senhor" é uma outrapessoa. Isto é questionável porque não está claro se a designação "irmão" era familiar ou fraternal (comoTomé o Justo considerava) e, em segundo lugar, a única base para se duvidar que Jesus tenha tidoirmãos familiares é a constituição eclesiástica referente à Virgem Maria. Como poderia o mesmo ventre santo dar à luz mais de um filho divino? A tradição cristã gosta de ver Maria como uma virgem. Se não uma virgem, pelo menos a mãe de umaúnica criança - o Messias. Esta é uma base muito pobre para se descobrir a verdade histórica. Fica claroque o Apóstolo Judas era ativo principalmente na Armênia, Síria e Norte da Pérsia, sendo o primeiro amanifestar apoio ao rei estrangeiro (Algar de Edessa). Judas aparentemente viajou acompanhado deSimão o Zelot, quinto Apóstolo a ir ao Oriente.


Da mesma forma que Felipe, Simão parece ter ido primeiro ao Egito. Como a tradição sinóptica diz queJesus enviou seus discípulos aos pares, talvez eles tenham realmente viajado juntos. Simão, no entanto,parece ter voltado através da África do Norte, Espanha e Bretanha (segundo uma determinada tradição).Ele deve ter voltado por terra à Ásia Menor e de lá se juntado à outros Apóstolos orientais na Pérsia.Deste ponto pode ter viajado com Judas pela Mesopotâmia e Síria, encontrando o martírio na Pérsia. É difícil validar as tradições sobre os Apóstolos na Europa Ocidental e na Bretanha. Depois da era deConstantino, cada igreja local quis estabelecer sua própria validade proclamando um Apóstolo como seupadroeiro, sendo que as relíquias destes Apóstolos estão espalhadas e reverenciadas desde o Atlânticoaté à Índia. Acreditamos que haja ossos suficientes para formar esqueletos de duzentos Apóstolos, nosrelicários! São Paulo manifestou sua intenção de ir à Espanha em uma das Epistolas canônicas e nãopodemos duvidar que a Europa Ocidental tenha sido visitada pelos Apóstolos, pois houveram sinagogasjudaicas na Espanha. A Bretanha contudo, provavelmente tenha sido evangelizada pela segunda outerceira geração de sucessores dos Apóstolos (Igreja Celta).Com Felipe e Marcos, discípulos de Pedro, Simão provavelmente ajudou a estabelecer os ensinamentosde Jesus no Egito. Sua pregação era bem parecida com a dos outros quatro Apóstolos que foram para oOriente, ascética e judaica, como aquelas preservadas na Epistola canônica de Judas.


O primeiro dos quatro evangelistas, Mateus, que tinha o apelido de Levi, era coletor de impostos. Porcausa desta profissão ele era bastante antipático aos judeus. Chamado por Jesus, Mateus o acompanhouem suas peregrinações, presenciou seus milagres e ouviu seus ensinamentos, que mais tardecompendiou em seu Evangelho, primitivamente redigido em aramáico. Este evangelho não existe mais,mas pode ter sido a base do evangelho grego, mais tarde associado a seu nome. Destinou-se aos judeus-cristãos, objetivando demonstrar-lhes que era Jesus o Messias prometido de Israel. Diz a tradição queele, após a morte de Jesus, pregou na Palestina e em seguida na Etiópia, onde ressuscitou a filha do rei.Esteve também na Arábia e na Pérsia, onde veio a morrer martirizado.Seus escritos não devem ser confundidos com as Traduções e outras obras associadas ao ApóstoloMatias, embora seu evangelho hebraico tenha sido chamado de Evangelho de Matias - uma questãoconfusa para o leitor de língua Portuguesa. Alguns estudiosos acreditam que os fragmentos existentes do"Evangelho Segundo os Hebreus" seja uma versão do evangelho hebraico ou aramáico original deMateus.


O Bispo Papias, discípulo do Apóstolo João, que viveu no final do primeiro século, é citado por Eusebiusafirmando que Mateus compôs em aramáico os "Oráculos do Senhor", então traduzidos para o grego "porcada homem que fosse capaz". Este é um importante testemunho, já que Papias passou grande parte deseu ministério coletando as primeiras memórias orais dos Apóstolos e seus discípulos. Clemente deAlexandria diz que ele não morreu violentamente, mas o Talmud afirma que ele foi condenado a mortepelo Sanhedrin judaico. Apesar da confusão entre as tradições de Mateus e Matias, parece que foirealmente Mateus quem se associou a André, sendo que existe um apócrifo intitulado "Atos de André eMateus".


Após a traição de Judas Iscariotes, Matias foi eleito por muitos para ocupar seu lugar no colégioapostólico. Teria sido uns dos 72 discípulos enviados por Jesus a diversas cidades, consoante o relatoevangélico e estava preparado para tal responsabilidade. Tecnicamente ele foi o primeiro "bispo" ourecipiente da sucessão apostólica. Além disso, ele era um Apóstolo original e testemunho da ressurreição.Matias estabeleceu o fundamento para o Cristianismo Egípcio e de acordo com filósofos esotéricoscristãos do segundo século, Alexandria, Basilides e seu filho Isadore, estabeleceram a forma "gnóstica"de misticismo que é característica do Cristianismo Egípcio. Matias foi um dos cinco Apóstolos na Armêniasendo mais provável que ele, e não Mateus, quem tenha sido condenado e martirizado pelo Sanhedrinjudaico na Pérsia. Ele está ligado também à Etiópia, que pode ter sido uma parte da Macedônia ou Armênia (Matias teveligações com Felipe, Tomé e outros evangelistas da Etiópia). Contudo, as estórias que o conectam aoNorte da África e a visitas aos canibais podem apontar para a Etiópia Africana, citada por Felipe atravésdas sobreviventes tradições dos Cristãos Cóptas. Seus ensinamentos foram preservados pelos primeirosgnósticos Alexandrianos, Basilides e Isadore.


Como irmão de Mateus (o coletor de impostos) e filho de Alfeu, se diferenciava violentamente em suaideologia política, antes de se tornar discípulo de Jesus. Mateus empobrecia os romanos, enquanto Tiagose tornava um zelot revolucionário como Simão. Ele tinha um outro irmão José e uma irmã Salomé, queaparece em algumas tradições Cristãs apócrifas. O Apóstolo Judas também havia sido um zelot galileu antes de se tornar discípulo de Jesus. Tiago,aparentemente, permaneceu na Galiléia, na maior parte de seu ministério, viajando, certa vez, àArmênia. No princípio havia grande confusão entre Tiago - o Justo e Tiago o Menor e as relíquias doprimeiro foram trazidas à Armênia para comemorar a visita apostólica de um Tiago chamado "irmão" deJesus. Contudo, como em toda tradição apostólica, qualquer Apóstolo que chegava e ensinava em algumlugar era honrado em sua sucessão como o "maior" discípulo de Jesus. João era o discípulo "bem-amado"; Tomé, o "Mestre Maior"; Tiago, "O Justo", "por causa dele o céu e a terra vieram a existir" ePedro "aquele para quem foram entregues as chaves do céu". A tradição de cada Apóstolo o proclamoucomo o maior. Isto se complicou ainda mais pela probabilidade de cada um deles se dizer "irmão" doMestre Jesus (Mar, Mestre Rabino), como um parceiro fraternal no serviço de Deus. Assim, parece maisplausível, que aquele que visitou a Armênia tenha sido Tiago o menor, pois sabemos que Tiago o justo,permaneceu em Jerusalém encontrando o martírio nas mãos do corpo religioso do Templo.


Natural de Betsaida, perdeu o pai exatamente na ocasião em que conheceu o Divino Mestre, não deve serconfundido com Felipe o Servo (Diácono). Felipe viajou ao Egito, Etiópia (África) e ao Norte, rumo àGrécia onde viveu em Hierápolis com suas quatro filhas, que eram profetizas. Duas delas permaneceramvirgens e muito conhecidas por suas previsões. Felipe, que era um judeu helenístico, era antes de maisnada um evangelista para as sinagogas judaicas de língua grega da Phrygia e dos arredores da Grécia eMacedônia. O Evangelho de Felipe preserva um belo misticismo baseado na santidade do casamento. As igrejas deFelipe desenvolviam sete sacramentos cuja mais alta iniciação era o Mistério da Câmara Nupcial, na quala imagem ou Yetzer de Deus, que habitava no coração do discípulo, era reunido ao Anjo ou almaressuscitada. Mais uma vez o misticismo de Felipe está intimamente relacionado ao de Paulo, João eTomé, mas em seu caso (e no de João) não há ênfase na abstinência sexual ou abstenção do casamento.


Felipe evangelizou grande parte da Ásia Menor e da Galatia. Acredita-se que foi por causa da migração daGalatia para Gaul (França) que a tradição surgiu em Gaul. Felipe ordenou vários bispos entre os Gregos,embora a história destas episcopacias seja obscura. O apócrifo "Atos de Felipe", valoriza a virgindade,mas não contradiz os pontos essenciais do Evangelho. Na antigüidade, virgindade e casamento podiamser paradigmas do hieros gamos ou casamento sagrado.


A Igreja Católica Romana e toda a Cristandade Ocidental derivam de ordens episcopais via Pedro emRoma. A linha de sucessão estabelecida por Pedro em Antioquia na Síria, deixou de lado todas as outraslinhas episcopais fundada pelos outros Apóstolos que pertencem a várias igrejas dos Gregos, Armênios,Cóptas e outros separados de Roma por cismas no início da Idade Média. Na medida em que o Ocidentepassou a dominar o mundo, a pregação apostólica associada a Pedro e Roma se tornou normativa. OCristianismo foi separado da herança múltipla de sua raiz apostólica pluralísta. Uma porção foi tomadapelo todo, e o resto descartado. Qualquer coisa fora da adaptação ocidental dos ensinamentos de Pedro ePaulo era considerado herético, sem levar em conta sua antigüidade e autenticidade.

Contudo, o fato histórico é que cerca de treze outras sucessões episcopais se perpetuaram até os temposmodernos. Elas abrangem dezessete tradições além da de Roma, preservando muitas formas deensinamento apostólico diferentes, mas igualmente válidos. Estas tradições podem ser categorizadascomo:


Pedro e Paulo Reforma do século XVIII

Sírio-Antioquina Sírio-Malabar Sírio-Galicana

Judeu-Cristã; Nestoriana; Monofísite e Jacobita Tomé, Bartolomeu, Mateus Século XX (Vilatte)

Grego Melquita (Bizantina) Melquita Grego Americana

Romana-Helenística; Anti-monofisite século XX (Sawoya-Aneed)

Igrejas Ortodoxas sob o patriarca deConstanti-nópla (Grega,Russa, Russa-Síria)

Tomé, Simão, Judas, Bartolomeu, Tiago oMenor, Matias e André

Sírio-Caldeo Caldeo Unida

Judeu-Cristã; Antioquina, Romana-Helenística

Armênia Armênia Unida

Judaico-Cristã; São Basílio

Anglicana Bispos não sacramentados Irlandesa

Paulina Reformada Século XVII (Inglaterra) Século XVII (São Patrick)

Galês Ordem da Reunião Corporada

Anglicana Anglicana e Ortodoxa (Ecumênica)

Mariavita Velho Católica, Século XX (Polônia) CóptaCopta Unida

Felipe, Simão, Judáica; São Marcos,Monofasita e JacobitaSéculo XVIII (Jerusalém)

As linhas de sucessão podem ainda ser analisadas dentro de outras categorias devido as atividades dosBispos Independentes (episcopi vagantes) no final do século XIX e XX, também pela migração de igrejasétnicas ortodoxas para os diversos continentes.

O importante é mostrar caminhos pelos quais episcopados de validade foram transmitidos até os temposmodernos e demonstrar que elas incluem tradições cujas raízes remontam aos ensinamentos de todos osApóstolos originais e não simplesmente à versão ocidental truncada, dominada pelo catolicismo romano.Todas as sucessões episcopais mencionadas acima, com exceção da Anglicana, foram oficialmente"reconhecidas" como válidas pela hierarquia Católica Romana e a maioria dos estudiosos concorda com avalidade das ordens anglicanas.


“But if there be any [heresies] which are bold enough to plant [their origin] in the midst of the apostolicage, that they may thereby seem to have been handed down by the apostles, because they existed in thetime of the apostles, we can say: Let them produce the original records of their churches; let them unfoldthe roll of their bishops, running down in due succession from the beginning in such a manner that [theirfirst] bishop shall be able to show for his ordainer and predecessor some one of the apostles or ofapostolic men--a man, moreover, who continued steadfast with the apostles. For this is the manner inwhich the apostolic churches transmit their registers: as the church of Smyrna, which records thatPolycarp was placed therein by John; as also the church of Rome, which makes Clement to have beenordained in like manner by Peter."

Tertullian, DemurrerAgainst the Heretics, 20 A.D. 200

"Those things, then, concerning spiritual gifts, which are worthy of note, we have set forth. God gavethese gifts to people in the beginning in accordance with his will, presenting them with his own image,which had been lost. And now, out of love for all the saints, we have reached the summit of the traditionwhich is proper for the churches, so that those who are well-taught should guard the tradition which hascome down to us now, and which we are now going to consider, and so be confirmed in their knowledge. Because of the error or falling-away that has now come about through ignorance, and thorugh thosewho are ignorant, the Holy Spirit gives perfect grace to those who rightly believe, so that they shouldknow in what manner those who are pre-eminent in the church should defend and pass on all thsesthings... Let the bishop be ordained... having been elected by all the people. When he has been namedand found pleasing to all, let the people come together with the presbyters, and any bishops who arepresent, on the Lord's day. When all give their consent they lay hands on him, and the presbytery standsin silence. And all shall keep silence, praying in their heart for the descent of the Holy Spirit..."

Hippolytus, On the Apostolic Tradition, A.D. 235




L'Eglise a été fondée par le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Chaque dimanche par le Crédo, nous affirmons qu'ellea été fondée UNE. Cette unité ne s'exprime aucunement par le biais d'une organisation unique,dictatoriale et bureaucratique. Les premiers siècles de l'Eglise nous ont montré l'idée apostolique de cette"organisation" des communautés chrétiennes; et c'est ce schéma qui est à la fois véritablementcatholique et seul respectueux du désir comme du vouloir de Jésus Christ.

L'Eglise de notre Maître a été fondée par Lui-même sur la Foi que l'Apôtre Pierre confessa le premier, etnon sur sa propre personne. C'est l'explication qu'en donnèrent mille ans d'histoire de l'Eglise ainsi quel'exégèse des pères de l'Eglise pendant les cinq premiers siècles; parmi eux Saint Cyrille d'Alexandrie,Saint Hilaire de Poitiers, Saint Jean Chrysostome et bien d'autres. Nous croyons donc que le Christ ainstitué son Eglise visible dont il est le CHEF UNIQUE. Prolongeant son oeuvre, l'Eglise continue dans letemps la présence du Verbe Incarné. Par elle, la vie divine est communiquée aux âmes. On a souventprésenté l'Eglise comme "le corps mystique de Jésus Christ". C'est une très heureuse expression.

Jésus Christ a également fondé son Eglise en envoyant aux nations le collège des douze Apôtres quiavaient été choisis par Lui. Ces Apôtres étaient revêtus d'un triple pouvoir d'enseignement (prédicationde l'Evangile), d'Ordre (administration des sacrements, direction des fidèles) et de sanctification.Conformément à l'enseignement constant de l'Eglise, nous croyons que les pouvoirs des Apôtres ont ététransmis aux Evêques leurs successeurs dans la suite des temps. Les ministères sacerdotaux subviennentdonc aux besoins des âmes pour édifier perpétuellement le Corps du Christ qui est l'Eglise.


Les Apôtres ont donc répandu et prêché la Foi chrétienne. Ils ont groupé des fidèles et proposé desprêtres et des diacres aux églises qu'ils fondaient, en gardant la haute direction par devers eux.Cependant les Apôtres communiquèrent bientôt la plénitude de l'Ordre à des disciples particulièrementaptes. Ces derniers se fixèrent dans les régions évangélisées ou à évangéliser et rayonnèrent à partir dece point impact.

En résumé, les documents de la primitive Eglise prouvent que les Apôtres ont institué la dignitéhiérarchique supérieure, connue plus tard sous le nom d'épiscopat, en élevant certains disciples à laplénitude de l'Ordre, et en leur communiquant, soit immédiatement, soit avant de mourir le pouvoird'ordre, confirmant le pouvoir de juridiction, ou mission divine, dont ils étaient les dépositaires. Lesévêques sont donc institués pour continuer la mission munis des pouvoirs dont Jésus Christ avait investile collège apostolique en vertu de sa puissance divine. C'est dans ce sens qu'ils sont aussi appelés"successeurs des Apôtres". C'est ainsi que furent fondés les patriarcats apostoliques; le Concile de Chalcédoine établit leur nombre àcinq. Certes le choix de certaines villes comme sièges des dits patriarcats avait provoqué de vastesremous politiques, mais le concile de Chalcédoine vit la fin de ces disputes. En effet, pour des raisonsévidentes de commodité, les sièges patriarcaux avaient été érigés au coeur des capitales du monde grecou romain d'alors. La hiérarchie des cinq patriarcats qui fut définitivement fixée par le concile deChalcédoine en 421, n'implique aucunement la domination d'un patriarcat sur un autre, et encore moins la domination de l'un d'eux sur tous les autres. La présence toute protocolaire donnée à la vieille Rome sebasait sur le seul fait que cette ville était alors la capitale de l'empire. Des cinq Patriarcats, celuid'Antioche qui était le seul au début à porter ce nom était le plus vaste en territoire et en nombred'habitants.


La première fondation de Saint Pierre fut effectivement celle d'Antioche. En effet LE QUIEN l'écrit trèsclairement dans "Oriens Christianus" (t. IIème col. 1357-1408):" Saint Pierre (précise-t-il) établit sonpremier siège apostolique à Antioche, en l'an 38 et depuis lors, une succession ininterrompue d'Evêques


a transmis les pouvoirs de l'Apôtre jusqu'à nos jours." Le Patriarcat d'Antioche a au cours de l'histoire subi comme toutes les fondations chrétiennes un certainnombre de vicissitudes. Malgré ces vicissitudes, qui d'un patriarcat puissant, l'amenèrent à devenir uncentre ecclésial plus modeste, le siège d'Antioche obtint également toutes les joies surnaturelles, ainsique toutes les fluctuations de la lente mais providentielle maturation de toutes les saintes églises localesqui composent l'unique Eglise de Jésus Christ.

Après avoir été le Patriarcat le plus vaste en territoire et en nombre d'habitants, Antioche subit beaucoupde persécutions jusqu'à devenir beaucoup plus restreint quant au nombre de ses fidèles. Il n'en a pasmoins essaimé dans plusieurs parties du monde, "rattrapant" pourrait-on dire, la perte de son territoirepar sa grande influence missionnaire. Il a donné naissance au renouveau de l'Eglise primitive en Occidentà l'époque où le vrai oecuménisme n'était ni connu, ni pratiqué.


Vers la fin du siècle dernier, le Patriarche d'Antioche de l'époque Sa Béatitude IGNACE PIERRE III (connuauparavant sous le nom de Mgr. BEDROS avec la charge d'Evêque d'EMESA) conçut un grand projet, très en avance sur les conceptions de son époque. Il s'agissait d'impulser un mouvement pour la réunion de laChrétienté. S.B. Ignace-Pierre III travaillait déjà à ce projet, à l'époque où il n'était encore qu'Evêque d'EMESA, encouragé par le Patriarche auquel il succéda, S.B. IGNACE-JACQUES III (Mgr.MOHORAN). Ilconsacra donc plusieurs Evêques dont deux portugais Mgr. Paul ATHANASIUS, et Mgr. Jules FrançoisXavier ALVAREZ. Il nomma ce dernier Archevêque de Ceylan, à la tête d'une Eglise Catholiqueindépendante.

Cette volonté chrétienne d'oeuvrer pour l'unité du monde catholique se rencontra avec l'idéal similaire duprêtre Joseph René VILATTE. Ce prêtre Vieux-catholique de l'Union d'Utrecht rassemblait une bonnecommunauté en Amérique du Nord. Il avait été ordonné prêtre par Mgr. Herzog, évêque Vieux-catholique de Berne. Sa communauté était protégée amicalement par la charité de l'archevêqueorthodoxe gréco-russe WLADIMIR de San Francisco.

Aussi lorsqu'il fut élu par ses fidèles à la charge de l'épiscopat, il fut dirigé vers le Patriarche d'Antioche,S.B. IGNACE PIERRE III. Ce dernier par une Bulle, datée du Monastère de MARDIN, le 29 décembre 1891, autorisait ses propres évêques (consacrés par lui-même) Julius ALVAREZ et ATHANASIUS, àconsacrer le prêtre Joseph René VILATTE à l'ordre de l'épiscopat. Mgr. VILATTE, prit également le nom deMAR TIMOTHEUS Ier, pour se conformer aux traditions propres au Patriarcat antiochien.

Missionnaire et voyageur infatigable autant que dynamique, Mgr. VILATTE fonda les missions d'Amérique,d'Europe et d'Afrique. Dans l'organisation du culte chrétien et du service de Dieu, il a toujours voulu se"faire tout à tous" à l'exemple de Saint-Paul. Il n'imposa donc pas à ses missionnaires la divine Liturgied'Antioche, mais il leur recommanda de se servir des Liturgies déjà existantes, si celles-ci présentent deparfaites garanties de dignité et de validité canoniques.

Malgré ses privilèges d'autocéphalie, il ne cherchera jamais - alors qu'il en avait le droit - à ériger leséglises fondées en Patriarcat. Il est vénéré comme un grand missionnaire. Après avoir démissionné pourdes raisons de santé, il mourut en France au monastère de Pont Colbert en 1929, entouré de l'estime etde l'affection de tous.

Son oeuvre devait rencontrer en même temps que des difficultés propres à toute entreprise divine, la bonne volonté des prêtres et des fidèles recherchant le même idéal exigeantque lui. Le tout donna lieu à une filiation épiscopale, comme à la fondation de communautés nombreuses,grâce à la succession épiscopale incontestablement valide de Mgr. VILATTE. MGR. FERRETTE ETGLASTONBURY

De même Sa Béatitude IGNACE PIERRE III consacra le prêtre dominicain JULES FERRETTE. Cet évêquefut consacré au titre de l'Ile d'Iona et de ses dépendances; ancien prêtre romain, il avait été ordonné àRome par le Cardinal PATRIZZI. Il installa sa résidence en Grande Bretagne où, grâce à son apostolat,naquit le Patriarcat des Iles Britanniques qui devait prendre plus tard le nom de Patriarcat deGlastonbury. Il faut noter pour l'histoire que dès le départ va s'opérer une spécialisation du travail


pastoral des patriarches britanniques par la prédilection portée aux populations revendiquant uneappartenance aux mouvements ethniques celtes. Six Patriarches se succèdent sur ce siège de Grande Bretagne. Le dernier en date - toujours régnant - étant Mgr. Hugues-Georges de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN dit aussi MAR GEORGIUS, dont le souci primordial fut d'assurer à tous les évêques qu'il consacra unefiliation oecuménique, indubitablement valide.

Dans ce but, après sa consécration dans sa propre lignée patriarcale, il demanda et obtint d'églises-soeurs orientales et occidentales plusieurs re-consécrations "sub conditione" dans les rites différents dechacune de ses Eglises. Notons au passage, et cela est important, car cet acte devrait être médité parplus d'un hiérarque, que ces Eglises ont accordé à MAR GEORGIUS ces consécrations sans considérer quece fait "incardinait" le Patriarche de Glastonbury à leurs Eglises particulières. Par voie de conséquence,MAR GEORGIUS, ne fut jamais "excommunié" pour avoir gardé son indépendance.

Pourtant, il aurait pu se produire de la part de ces Eglises, la faiblesse humaine aidant, un geste d'aigreurcomme en ont parfois certains hiérarques. D'autre part en 1971, sans doute par une grande admiration,comme par une dévotion personnelle envers l'oeuvre entreprise par le Patriarche ATHENAGORAS, MARGEORGIUS décida de dissoudre le Patriarcat centenaire de Glastonbury, dans le but probable de faireavancer l'unité des Eglises. Cet acte a été ratifié par le Saint Synode de la Grande Bretagne, lequelprécisait cependant que MAR GEORGIUS s'il était le dernier à porter le titre de Patriarche dans la lignéeFerrette, continuerait de le porter jusqu'à sa mort.


Nous le savons déjà, Mgr. René VILATTE avait été ordonné aux Ordres Mineurs et Majeurs par Mgr. Herzog, Evêque Vieux-Catholique de Berne (Suisse). Il avait été ordonnésuccessivement clerc, portier, lecteur, exorciste, acolyte, sous-diacre, diacre, et presbytre, les 5, 6 et 7juin 1885. Ces ordinations avaient eu lieu selon le Rituel Vieux-Catholique, très proche du PontificalRomain. La régularité de l'épiscopat Vieux-Catholique, et de Mgr. Herzog en particulier, n'a jamais étémise en doute. La succession apostolique de ce dernier remonte en effet à Bossuet, et de Bossuet à l'undes Douze!

Sept ans plus tard, l'Abbé Vilatte fut consacré Evêque, sous le nom de Timotheus, le 25 mai 1892, enl'Eglise Cathédrale de Notre-Dame-de-la-Bonne-Mort, à Colombo (Ile de Ceyclan, ou Sri Lankaaujourd'hui). Le Patriarche Jacobite d'Antioche avait envoyé son autorisation, l'évêque consécrateur étaitMgr. Antoine-François-Xavier ALVAREZ (Julius 1er), Archevêque Syrien de Ceyclan, assisté de Mgr.


Bien que cette cérémonie s'éffectua au sein de l'Eglise Syrienne Jacobite, elle se déroula selon les formes du Rite Catholique Romain, à la demande de Mgr. Vilatte. La Charte de Consécration de Mgr. VILATTE,que nous donnons plus loin, fut signée, non seulement par les Evêques consécrateurs, mais encore par leConsul des Etats-Unis. Mgr. VILATTE étant citoyen américain alors, avait là-bas une importante paroisse.

Voici donc la source apostolique de Mgr. Vilatte bien établie, car sa filiation remonte en effet, sansinterruption, à Evode, premier évêque de la grande Eglise d'Antioche, qui posséda longtemps la primautédans l'Eglise naissante, avant d'en être dépossédée par celle d'Alexandrie.

Evode avait été consacré par Saint Pierre lui-même. Il existe trois patriarcats d' Antioche: Le Patriarcat latin, qui est Catholique Romain, sise à Jérusalemdepuis le 23 juillet 1847;et, à Antioche, le Patriarcat Orthodoxe; et le Patriarcat Jacobite. Son Patriarcherésidait autrefois au couvent de Sophar, il est maintenant à Antioche même. Mgr. René VILATTE figuredans le cartulaire de ce Patriarcat. Il nous reste à donner le texte de la Charte de Consécration de Mgr. René VILATTE:


"Au nom de l'Eternel, existant en Soi, Dieu Tout-Puissant, Amen, + Antoine-François-Xavier JULIUS 1er, par la grâce de Dieu, Archevêque de CEYLAN, COA et de l'Inde, àtous ceux qui liront les présentes, salut, paix et bénédiction en Jésus-Christ, notre Seigneur. Nous faisonssavoir à tous par les présentes lettres que le 25 mai 1892, dans la cathédrale de N.D. de la Bonne Mort àHULDEDORF, COLOMBO, avec l'assistance de Mar PAUL ATHANASIUS, Evêque de KOTTAYAN, MarGEORGES GREGORIUS, Evêque de NIRANAM, MALABAR (Inde) et en présence d'une grande multitude dechrétiens de notre juridiction et autres, en vertu des pouvoirs à nous conférés par la Successionapostolique et par la faveur de S.S.PIERRE III, Patriarcus du Siège Orthodoxe d'ANTIOCHE, après avoirinvoqué par la prière le Saint-Esprit vivifiant, nous avons imposé les mains sur Joseph-René VILATTE,parisien de naissance, américain de naturalisation; nous l'avons consacré avec les saintes huiles pour ladignité archiépiscopale, suivant les formes du Rite Latin, sous le titre d'Archevêque de l'Ancienne Eglised'Amérique, et nous lui avons confié le pouvoir d'ordonner des religieux et des prêtres, de consacrer lesEglises, les autels, les cimetières, etc..., etc ..., d'accomplir toutes les fonctions appartenant au rangmétropolitain.

Donné en notre résidence archiépiscopale, Cathédrale de N.D. de la Bonne-Mort, COLOMBO (CEYLAN)aujourd'hui fête de la Pentecôte, ce 5 Juin 1892. signé:

(sceau) Julius Ier, Archevêque de CEYCLAN, de Goa et des INDES. (sceau) W.MOREY, Consul des Etats-Unis à CEYCLAN (sceau) LISBOA PINTO F.E.A.D.M.S.

Rappelons-nous que Mgr. René VILATTE s'étant retiré, a été gratifié d'une pension d'archevêque par S.S.Pie IX.


Rome, conformément à ses règles et usages, n'a jamais discuté la validité de Mgr. Vilatte. Dans unelettre de Mgr. Ceretti, Nonce Apostolique, lettre publiée par le "Courrier de Bavière", de Munich, et datéedu 6 juillet 1925, bien que publiée dans le numéro 11 du même mois par ce journal, il est dit ceci: "Mgr. Vilatte a reçu les ordres mineurs et le sous-diaconat le 5 juin 1885, le diaconat le 6 juin de lamême année, et la prêtrise le 7 juin 1885. Ces différents ordres lui furent con-férés par Mgr. Herzog,évêque "Vieux-Catholique" de Berne. Les documents qui en font foi portent la signature et le nom deMgr. Herzog." "Quant à sa consécration épiscopale, elle eut lieu le 25 mai 1892. Mgr. Vilatte fut consacré par troisévêques Jacobites dans la Cathédrale de l'archevêque Alvarez (Julius Ier), c'est-à-dire en l'église NotreDame de la Bonne Mort, à Colombo, Ile de Ceylan. Mgr. Vilatte est en possession d'une bulle deconsécration signée par ces trois évêques, et par le consul américain qui assistait à la cérémonie." Signé:"Ceretti, Archevêque de Cérinthe, et Nonce Apostolique."

Voici donc une reconnaissance de la validité de Mgr. Vilatte qui tranche tout ...

Or, c'est ici qu'il est nécessaire de se souvenir de cette phrase du Pape Pie XI, à propos du livre de N.Cabasilas:"La Vie en Jésus-Christ":

"Chez les catholiques, fait parfois défaut la juste appréciation de leurs Frères séparés, parce qu'ils ne lesconnaissent pas. On ne sait pas tout ce qu'il y a de précieux, de bon, de chrétien, dans les fractions de lavérité catholique. Les blocs détachés de la roche aurifère, sont aurifères eux aussi ! ... " Et bien avant le Pape Pie XI, l'Eglise s'était déjà prononcée:

"Le Saint-Office estime que les ordinations des Jansénistes et des Jacobites sont valables." Qui dit cela ? Le Rév. Frère David Fleming, Consulteur du Saint-Office, Définiteur Général de l'Ordre desFrères Mineurs en 1889. Rév. Frère William, bénédictin, a d'autre part publié dans une brochure


intitulée,"La genèse du culte Vieux-Catholique en Amérique."(Buffalo, 1898), une autre justification dela validité apostolique de cette filiation Jacobite.

"La validité des actes épiscopaux de Mgr. Mar Timotheus (alias Mgr. Vilatte), a été reconnue par Rome.Un prêtre ordonné par lui est entré dans l'Eglise Romaine, il est venu à Rome. Après examen de la SacréeCongrégation des Rites, son ordination a été déclarée valide, et il a été admis à célébrer sur les autels duPape."(Op.ct.) Enfin, le défunt cardinal Richard, Archevêque de Paris, en sa lettre du 17 Avril 1900, etl'évêque d'Evreux, dans la "Semaine Religieuse" d'Evreux, de la même époque, ont protesté contre lesordinations faites par le même Mgr. Vilatte à Paris, en 1900, et tout en les déclarant irrégulières, ontnéanmoins reconnu que, "MALHEUREUSEMENT, ELLES NE SAURAIENT ETRE NULLES ..." (sic)


Antioch, Theoupolisor “The City of God”, was inaugurated by Seleucus I on 22nd May 300 B.C. Heproclaimed it the capital of Greek Syria and named it Antioch in memory of his father Antiochus. Underthe Seleucids, Antioch attained its greatest prosperity. The Roman Governor-General of Syria residedthere, depending directly from the Emperor. Antioch was the third greatest city of the Roman Empire,coming after Rome and Alexandria, and was the capital of the «diocese» of the East.

St Peter founded his see there in the year 36, and up to the early 5th century, the Patriarchate ofAntioch had 153 bishops under its jurisdiction. With the taking of Antioch by the Crusaders in 1098, theMelkite Patriarch John IV had to leave. From then on, the patriarchs of Antioch resided in Constantinopleuntil 1268, date of the capture of Antioch by the Mamluk Sultan Baybars I.

Having been destroyed by Baybars in 1268, Antioch was replaced by the city of Damascus as patriarchalseat, probably under Patriarch Pachomius between 1375 and 1386.


« Saint Pierre établit son premier siège apostolique à Antioche en l’an 38 et depuis lors, un successionininterrompue d’Evèques a transmis les pouvoirs de l’Apôtre jusqu’à nos jours » (cf. Le Quien : Oriens Christianus, l. II t. II, col. 1357-1408)

Cette Succession Apostolique est historiquement reconnue comme appartenant aux résidents du SiègeD’Antioche. Les archives de Govigny les Lannions et de Plouaret conservent les bulles de consécration deMgr Taddei reconnu par Rome.

Notre Seigneur JESUS le CHRIST

Anno Domini

1 Saint Pierre L’Apotre 38 A.D. 2 Evodius 44 3 Ignacius 68 4 Earon 107 5 Cornelius 137 6 Eados 142 7 Theophilus 157 8 Maximin 171 9 Seraphim 17910 Asclepiades 18911 Philippe 20112 Zebinus 21913 Babylas 23714 Fabius 25015 Demetrius 25116 Paul I 25917 Dominus I 270


18 Timothee 28119 Cirylus 29120 Tyrantus 29621 Vitalius 30122 Philogonius 31823 Eustachius 32324 Paulin 33825 Melece 35226 Philabinus 38327 Evagrius 38628 Phosphorius 41629 Alexandre 41830 Jean I 42831 Theodote 43132 Dominus II 442 33 Maxime 45034 Accace 45435 Martyrius 45736 Pierre II 46437 Philade 50038 Severius 50939 Sergius 54440 Dominus III 54741 Anastase 56042 Gregoire I 56443 Paul II 56744 Patra 57145 Dominus IV 58646 Julien I 59147 Athanase I 59548 Jean II 63649 Theodore II 64950 Serverus 66851 Athanase II 68452 Julien II 68753 Elie I 70954 Athanase III 72455 Evanius I 74056 Servas I 759 57 Joseph 79058 Cyriaque 79359 Denys I 81860 Jean III 847 61 Ignace II 87762 Theodose 88763 Denys II 89764 Jean IV 91065 Basile I 92266 Jean V 93667 Evanius II 95468 Denys III 95869 Abraham I 96270 Jean VI 96571 Athanase IV 98772 Jean VII 100473 Denys IV 103274 Theodore II 104275 Athanase V 105876 Jean VIII 1064


77 Basile II 107478 Abdon 107679 Denys V 107780 Evanius III 108081 Denys VI 108882 Athanase VI 109183 Jean IX 113184 Athanase VII 113985 Michel I 116686 Athanase VIII 120087 Michel II 120788 Jean X 1208 89 Ignace III 122390 Denys VII 125391 Jean XI 125392 Ignace IV 126493 Philanus 128394 Ignace Barhid 129395 Ignace Ismael 133396 Ignace Basile III 136697 Ignace Abraham II 138298 Ignace Basile IV 141299 Ignce Bahanam I 1415100 Ignce Kalejib 1455101 Ignace Jean 1483102 Ignace Noe 1492103 Ignace Jesus I 1509 104 Ignace Jacques I 1510105 Ignace David I 1519106 Ignace Abdullah I 1520107 Ignace An Athalak 1557108 Ignace David II 1576109 Ignace Philatus 1591110 Ignace Abdullah II 1597111 Ignace Caddhai 1598

L'histoire de l’Eglise proclame Antioche Mère des Eglises issues de la gentilité et épicentre de lachrétienté asiatique. L'histoire considère également Saint Pierre, le Coryphée des Apôtres, comme lefondateur de son Siège Apostolique et son 1er Patriarche. Lui-même, nous le savons, ordonna SaintEvode et Saint Ignace, ce qui fut mentionné de bonne heure. Après le martyre de Saint Pierre, SaintEvode et Saint Ignace lui succèdèrent respectivement. De même toute une lignée honorable dePatriarches lui succéda, la plupart qui étonnèrent le monde par leur sainteté, leurs admirables écrits ettant d'autres oeuvres de tous genres. La juridiction du Saint Siège d'Antioche s'étend jusqu'en extrêmeOrient. En d'autres termes, elle couvre toute l'Asie. Antioche dirigea à son apogée jusqu'à douze Métropolitats et 137diocèses suffrageants.

Noms des Patriarches & nbsp; Dates

112 Ignace Simeon 1640113 Ignace Jesus II 1653114 Ignace Amesiah I 1663115 Ignace Cabeed 1686 116 Ignace Gervais II 1687 117 Ignace Isaac 1708118 Ignace Siccarablak 1722119 Ignace Gervais III 1746120 Ignace Gervais IV 1768121 Ignace Mathias 1781 A. D.


122 Ignace Bahanam II 1810 A. D.123 Ignace Jonas 1817 A. D. 124 Ignace Gervais V 1818 A. D.125 Ignace Elie II 1839 A. D.126 Ignace Jacques II 1847 A. D.127 Ignace Pierre IV “Monsignor Bedros” 1872 A. D.128 Mar Paul I “Athanasius “ 1877 A. D.129 Mar Julius I “Alvarez J.” 1889 A. D.130 Mar Timothee I “Joseph Rene Vilatte” 1892 A. D.131 Mar Paul II “ Gulotti Miraglia” 1900 A. D. 132 Mar Julius II “ Houssay” 1904 A. D. 133 Mar Francis “L. M. Giraud” 1911 A. D.134 PIERRE GASTON Vigue “Episcope Syro–Jacobite” 1921 A. D.135 Mar Timothee II “A. Stumpfl” 1924 A. D.136 Mar Justinius “ Joseph-Marie Thiesen 1949 A. D.137 Mar Johannes Maria “Joseph-Marie Van Assendelft” 1953 A. D.138 Mar Giovanni “ Taddei” 1957 A. D.139 Giffredo Angelo Ballostro “Episcope Orthodoxe “ 1961 A. D.140 Boris Timochenko 1973 A. D. “Episcope Orthodoxe, elu 2 eme Patriarche Syro-Antochien en Europe le 25 Juillet 1972. Lors de la demission de S. B. Johannes Maria I “Van Assendelft”.

141 Stephanos I “Roger Caro” 1978 A. D. “Consacre Eveque Orthodoxe le 17 Mars en la Chapelle De Sept Saints a Run Meno “22 Plouaret“ par S. B. Boris Timochenko, Patriarche Syro-Antiochien en Europe Assiste de Monsignor Erri Hillio et de Monsignor Jacques Joyeux, Choreveque de L’Eglise des Compagnons Celtiques.

142 Georges Bellemare 1978 A. D. Consacre Eveque Orthodoxe en la Chapelle Notre Dame Des Miracles a St. - Cyr Sur Mer en France, par S. B. Roger Caro, et assiste de Monsignor Julio Rondini Archimandrite le 25 Juin.

143 Johannes Lux Ministri “Jean- Marie Pomerleu" 1987 A. D. Consacre en L’Eglise the Advent a Montreal le 12 Avril.

144 Tau Mikael “Monsignor Ronald Cappello“ 1992 A. D. Consacre en la Chapelle Jean-Marie Pomerleu En Dunhan, Canada de 18 de Avril.

145 Tau Joannes I 1995 A. D.

Monsignor Tau Mikael (Ronald Cappelo), qui le 26 Septembre 1995 en la Chapelle de Yonkers, New Yorkconsacra...

Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Eveque de Philadelphia, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) Monsignor Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Gabirro), Il fut Ordonne Pretre par Monsignor Charles MauriceNurse “Tau Philippe” Bishop of Smyrna Principal of Saint-Michael In Ecclesia Gnostica CatholicaApostolica, Bridge Town, Barbados, B.W.I. .Monsignor Rui Alexandre Gabirro, Il recevait la consecration Episcopale des mais de Monsignor RonaldCappello “Tau Mikael”, agit comme co-consecrateur Bishop Tau Metatron.



Mgr. BEDROS alors qu'il était Evêque d'EMESA, et qui deviendra Ignace - Pierre III en 1872, conçut l'idéed'un mouvement oecuménique, et consacra les évêques suivants. (A partir de ce patriarche la succession est donnée par les consécrations épiscopales qui suivent, et lesdates données sont celles des sacres.

IGNACE PIERRE III Patriarche d'Antioche IGNACE PIERRE III Patriarche d'Antioche consacre en 1877:MAR PAUL ATHANASIUS, consacra avec l'approbation d'IGNACE PIERRE Evêque de Kottayam, légat duPatriarche, en II le 2 juin 1866: conformité avec la bulle du dit Patriarche Ignace Pierre III, consacra le 29 janvier 1889, assisté de MARJULIUS FERRETTE Evêque d'IONA

Mgr. Paul EVANUS et Mgr.G. GREGORIUS, (Dominicain ordonné prêtre par le Cardinal Evêque Malabard'Antioche: PATRIZI en l'Eglise de St. Jean de Latran). Il reçut du Patriarche d'Antioche: Ignace -JacquesMAR JULIUS FRANCOIS XAVIER ALVAREZ, II, mission de restaurer en Europe l'Ancienne Archevêque deCeylan. L'Archevêque Alvarez Eglise Britannique sous un Patriarcat indépen- conformément à la bullePatriarcale d'Ignace dant d'Antioche. Mgr. Ferrette le 6 mars 1874 PIERRE III du 29 décembre 1891,assisté de à Marholm dans le Northamtonshire consacre:

MAR PAUL ATHANASE, Evêque de Kottayam et MAR GREGOIRE Evêque de Niranam, con- MAR PELAGIUS,Richard William MORGAN sacre le 29 mai 1892, en l'Eglise de Colombo 1 er. Patriarche qui, assisté deMgr. Lee et Mgr. (Ceylan) comme Archevêque Métropolitain Seccombe consacre le 6 mars 1879: des Catholiques d'Amérique (Mr. MORALY Consul des Etats-Unis à Ceylan faisant of- MAR THEOPHILE,Charles, Isaac, STEVENS, fice de notaire): II ème. Patriarche Britannique qui, le 8 mai 1890, consacre"sub conditione":

JOSEPH RENE VILATTE, Archevêque de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique Américaine du Nord, MAR LEONCHECHEMIAN (Evêque Arménien étend son apostolat en Europe et restaure l'Eglise Uniate consacré parMgr. CHORUNIAN le Gallicane. Le 6 mai 1900, il consacre, en 28 avril 1878) qui, le 2 novembre 1890,consacre: l'église de Plaisance (Italie):

MAR JACQUES 1 er., IIIème. Patriarche et PAUL MIRAGLIA GULOTTI, Evêque de MAR ANDRE, Charles,Albert, MACLAGLEN l'Eglise Catholique Italienne qui le 4 décembre le 2 novembre 1897, Archevêque deClarmont, 1904, consacre: IVème Patriarche, qui, le 4 juin 1922, consacre:

JULES HOUSSAYE, Archevêque de l'Eglise MAR JACQUES II. Herbert-Jacques -Monzani CatholiqueFrançaise (Gallicane), qui à HEARD, Archevêque de Selsey. Vème Patriarche, Genève, le 21 juin 1911,consacre: qui le 13 juin 1943 consacre:

LOUIS, FRANCOIS GIRAUD, Patriarche de MAR BERNARD Guillaume-Bernard CROW l'Eglise CatholiqueGallicane qui, le 21 juil- VI ème Patriarche qui le 10 Avril 1944 consacre: let 1913, consacre : MAR GEORGIUS, HUGUES, GEORGES de JEAN BRICAUD, qui consacre le 5 mai 1918: WILLMOTT-NEWMAN, Primat Apostolique d'Angleterre, Patriarche de Glastonbury. Il con-VICTOR BLANCHARD (TARGELIUS), lequel sacre à son tour le 27 mai 1950: Consacre le 7 janvier 1945:

ROBERT MENARD (EON II), lequel consacre HAROLD-PERCIVAL NICHOLSON (MAR le 10 juin 1946: JOHANNES), qui le 14 avril 1952, consacre:

ROBERT AMBELAIN (ROBERT-JEAN III), PHILIP CHARLES STUART SINGER lequel consacre le 31 mai 1959: (MAR PHILIPPUS) qui devint Primat de l'Eglise Nouvelle CatholiqueLibre, et il consacra:

ROGER DESCHAMPS (JEAN RUDIGER), le 14 novembre 1954 comme Evêque du lequel consacre le 1erJuin 1963: Yorkshire:


ARMAND TOUSSAINT (RAYMOND CHARLES E. BREARLEY (IGNATIUS PANAGION), qui confère les OrdresMineurs, CAROLUS), et préside la Sainte Eglise Vieille ordonne et consacre le samedi 10 juin 1972:Catholique de la Grande Bretagne et outre-mer, lequel consacre le 14 mai 1968:


142 Georges Bellemare 1978 A. D. Consacre Eveque Orthodoxe en la Chapelle Notre Dame Des Miracles a St. - Cyr Sur Mer en France, par S. B. Roger Caro, et assiste de Monsignor Julio Rondini Archimandrite le 25 Juin.

143 Johannes Lux Ministri “Jean- Marie Pomerleu" 1987 A. D. Consacre en L’Eglise the Advent a Montreal le 12 Avril.

144 Tau Mikael “Monsignor Ronald Cappello “ 1992 A. D. Consacre en la Chapelle Jean-Marie Pomerleu En Dunhan, Canada de 18 de Avril.

145 Tau Joannes I 1995 A. D.

Monsignor Tau Mikael (Ronald Cappelo), qui le 26 Septembre 1995 en la Chapelle de Yonkers, New Yorkconsacra...

Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Eveque de Philadelphia, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) Monsignor Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro), Il fut Ordonne Pretre par MonsignorCharles Maurice Nurse “Tau Philippe” Bishop of Smyrna Principal of Saint-Michael In Ecclesia GnosticaCatholica Apostolica, Bridge Town, Barbados, B.W.I..Monsignor Rui Alexandre Gabirro, Il recevait la consecration Episcopale des mais de Monsignor RonaldCappello “Tau Mikael”, agit comme co-consecrateur Bishop Tau Metatron.

Succession Syro- Jacobite D’Antioche

Peter the Apostle 38 A.D. Eyodius 44 Ignatius (Martyr) 68 Earon 107 Cornelius 137 Eados 142 Theophilus 157 Maximus 171 Seraphim 179 Asclepiades (Martyr) 189 Philip 210 Zebinus 219 Babylos (Martyr) 237 F'abius 250 Demeirius 251 Paul I 259 Domnus I 270 Timotheus 281 Cyrilus 291 Tyrantus 296 Vitalius 301 Philogonius 318 Eustachius 323 Paulinus 338 Philabianus 383


Evagrius 386 Phosporius 416 Alexander 418 John I 428 Theodotus 431 Domnus II 442 Maximus 450 Accacius 454 Martyrius 457 Peter II 464 Phiadius 500 Serverius the Great 509 Sergius 544 Domnus III 547 Anastasius 560 Gregory I 564 Paul II 567 Patra 571 Domnus IV 586 Julianus 591 Athanasius I 595 John II 636 Theodorus I 649 Severus 668 Athanasius II 684 Julianus II 687 Elias I 709 Athanasius III 724 Evanius I 740 Gervasius I 759 Joseph 790 Cyriacus 793 Dionsius I 818 John III 847 Ignatius II 877 Theodosius 887 Dinousius II 897 John IV 910 Evanius 922 John V 936 Evanius II 954 Dionysius 958 Abraham I 962 John VI 965 Athanasius IV 987 John VII 1004 Theodorus II 1042 Athanasius V 1058 John VII 1064 Basilius II 1074 Abdoone 1076 Dionysius V 1077 Evanius III 1080 Dionysius VI 1088 Athanasias VI 1091 John IX 1131 Athanasius VI 1139 Michael I (the Great) 1167 Athanasius VIII 1200


Michael II 1207 JohnX 1208 Ignatius III 1223 Dionysius VII 1253 John XI 1253 Ishmael 1333 Ignatius Basilius III 1366 Ignatius Abraham II 1382 Ignatius Basilius IV 1412 Ignatius Bahanam I 1415 Ignatius Kalejib 1455 Ignatius John XII 1483 Ignatius Noah 1492 Ignatius Jesus I 1509 Ignatius Jacob I 1510 Ignatius David I 1519 Ignatius Abdullah 1520 Ignatius Naamathalak 1557 Ignatius David II 1576 Ignatius Philathus 1591 Ignatius Abdullah II 1597 Ignatius Cadhal 1598 Ignatius Simeon 1640 Ignatius Jesus II 1653 Ignatius A. Massiah I 1661 Ignatius Cabeed 1686 Ignatius Gervasius III 1687 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1708 Ignatius Siccarablak 1722 Ignatius Qervasius III 1746 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1768 Ignatius Mathias 1781 Ignatius Bahanam II 1810 Ignatius Jonas 1817 Ignatius Gervasius V 1818 Ignatius Elias II 1839 Ignatius Jacob II 1847 Ignatius Peter IV 1872 (Mgr Bedros)Mgr Guilio Ferette 5 juin 1866Mgr Pelagio Riccardo G. Morgan I 6 mars 1874Mgr Carlo Issac Steven II (S.B. Theophilus) 1879Mgr Leone Chechemain 8 mai 1890Mgr Andrea C. A. MacLagen 2 novembre 1897Mgr Monzani Heard (Giacomo II) 4 juin 1922Mgr W. B. Crow (S.B. Bernado) 13 Juin 1943Mgr Hugh George de Willmott-Newman 10 avril 1944Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 mai 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 6 novembre 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995

Succession Syro-Jacobite D’Antioche


« Saint Pierre établit son premier siège apostolique à Antioche en l’an 38 et depuis lors, un successionininterrompue d’Evèques a transmis les pouvoirs de l’Apôtre jusqu’à nos jours » (cf. Le Quien: OriensChristianus, l. II t. II, col. 1357-1408).

Cette Succession Apostolic prend ses origins dans le Patriarcat d’Antioche et est la meme jusqu’a IgnacePierre III 1872

Peter the Apostle 38 A.D. Eyodius 44 Ignatius (Martyr) 68 Earon 107 Cornelius 137 Eados 142 Theophilus 157 Maximus 171 Seraphim 179 Asclepiades (Martyr) 189 Philip 210 Zebinus 219 Babylos (Martyr) 237 F'abius 250 Demeirius 251 Paul I 259 Domnus I 270 Timotheus 281 Cyrilus 291 Tyrantus 296 Vitalius 301 Philogonius 318 Eustachius 323 Paulinus 338 Philabianus 383 Evagrius 386 Phosporius 416 Alexander 418 John I 428 Theodotus 431 Domnus II 442 Maximus 450 Accacius 454 Martyrius 457 Peter II 464 Phiadius 500 Serverius the Great 509 Sergius 544 Domnus III 547 Anastasius 560 Gregory I 564 Paul II 567 Patra 571 Domnus IV 586 Julianus 591 Athanasius I 595 John II 636 Theodorus I 649 Severus 668 Athanasius II 684 Julianus II 687


Elias I 709 Athanasius III 724 Evanius I 740 Gervasius I 759 Joseph 790 Cyriacus 793 Dionsius I 818 John III 847 Ignatius II 877 Theodosius 887 Dinousius II 897 John IV 910 Evanius 922 John V 936 Evanius II 954 Dionysius 958 Abraham I 962 John VI 965 Athanasius IV 987 John VII 1004 Theodorus II 1042 Athanasius V 1058 John VII 1064 Basilius II 1074 Abdoone 1076 Dionysius V 1077 Evanius III 1080 Dionysius VI 1088 Athanasias VI 1091 John IX 1131 Athanasius VI 1139 Michael I (the Great) 1167 Athanasius VIII 1200 Michael II 1207 JohnX 1208 Ignatius III 1223 Dionysius VII 1253 John XI 1253 Ishmael 1333 Ignatius Basilius III 1366 Ignatius Abraham II 1382 Ignatius Basilius IV 1412 Ignatius Bahanam I 1415 Ignatius Kalejib 1455 Ignatius John XII 1483 Ignatius Noah 1492 Ignatius Jesus I 1509 Ignatius Jacob I 1510 Ignatius David I 1519 Ignatius Abdullah 1520 Ignatius Naamathalak 1557 Ignatius David II 1576 Ignatius Philathus 1591 Ignatius Abdullah II 1597 Ignatius Cadhal 1598 Ignatius Simeon 1640 Ignatius Jesus II 1653 Ignatius A. Massiah I 1661 Ignatius Cabeed 1686


Ignatius Gervasius III 1687 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1708 Ignatius Siccarablak 1722 Ignatius Qervasius III 1746 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1768 Ignatius Mathias 1781 Ignatius Bahanam II 1810 Ignatius Jonas 1817 Ignatius Gervasius V 1818 Ignatius Elias II 1839 Ignatius Jacob II 1847 Ignatius Peter IV (Mgr Bedros) 1872Mgr Paul Athanase 1877Julius I Alvarez 1889Mgr Joseph Rene Vilatte 25 May 1892Mar Paul II Gulotti Miraglia 6 May 1900Mgr Jules Houssay (Abbe Julio) 4 December 1904Mgr Louis-Marie Francois Giraud 21 June 1911Mgr Jean Bricard (Jean II) 21 July 1913Mgr Victor Blanchard (Targelius) 3 May 1918Mgr Roger Menard (Eon II) 7 January 1945Mgr Robert Ambelain (Jean III) 10 June 1946Mgr Robert Deschamps (Jean Rudiger) 31 May 1959Mgr Armand Toussaint (Raymond Panagion) 1 June 1963Mgr Roger Caro (Pierre Phoebus) 10 June 1972Mgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 November 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 April 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 April 1992Mgr Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995

The Antiochian Succession

1 St. Peter the Apostle 37-67

2 St. Evodius 67-68

3 St. Ignatios I Nurono (the Illuminator) 68-107

4 St. Heron 107-127

5 St. Korneilos 127-154

6 St. Heros 154-169

7 St. Theophilos 169-182

8 St. Maximos I 182-191

9 St. Seraphion 191-211


10 St. Ascelpiadis the Confessor 211-220

11 Philitus 220-231

12 Zbina 231-237

13 St. Babulas the Martyr 237-251

14 Fabius 254-551

15 S. Demetrianos 254-260

16 Paul I of Samosate 260-268

17 Domnus I 268-273

18 Timos 273-282

19 Cyrille I 283-303

20 Tyrannos 304-314

21 Vitalis 314-320

22 St. Philogone 320-323

23 Paulinos of Tyre 323-324

24 Ostatheous 324-337

The Arians took control of the See of Antioch and appointed the

following Patriarchs:

Eulalius 331-333

Euphornius 333-334

Philaclus 334-342


Stephanos 342-344

Leonce 344-357

Eudoxyos 358-359

Euzoios 360

25 Malatius 360-381

26 St. Flavin I 381-404

27 Porphyros 404-412

28 Alexander 412-417

29 Theodotos 417-428

30 John I 428-442

31 Domnus II 442-499

32 Maximos II 449-455

Maximos abdicated and the Chalcedonians seized control over

the See of Antioch and appointed the following Patriarchs:

Basil 456-458

Aqaq 458-459

33 Martoros 459-468

34 Peter II the Fuller (Qassar) 468-488

35 Bladius 488-498

36 Flavin II 498-512


37 St. Severius the Great 512-538

The Chalcedonians took control of the See of Antioch in 518 and

sent Mor Severius to exile and appointed the following

Patriarchs whose line continues in the Byzantine

(Rum/Antiochene Orthodox) Patriarchate:

Paul the Jew 518-521

Euphrosius 521-528

Ephrem of Amid 528-546

Six years after the death of Mor Severius, Sargius of Tella

became the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch.

38 Sargius of Tella 544-546

During this turbulent time, the Holy See remained vacant for 4


39 Paul II the Black of Alexandria 550-575

He was deposed in 575 for joining the Chalcedonians. The Holy

See remained vacant for the next few years.

40 Peter III of Raqqa 581-591

41 Julian I 595-591

42 Athanasius I Gammolo 595-631

43 John II of the Sedre 631-648

44 Theodore 649-667

45 Severius II bar Masqeh 667-681


46 Athanasius II 683-686

47 Julian II 686-708

48 Elias I 709-723

49 Athanasius III 724-740

50 Iwanis I 740-754

After the death of Iwanis, two Patriarchs were appointed at the

behest of the Caliph:

Euwanis I 754-?

Athanasius al-Sandali ?-758

51 George I 758-790

52 Joseph 790-792

53 Quryaqos of Takrit 793-817

54 Dionysius I of Tellmahreh 817-845

55 John III 846-873

56 Ignatius II 878-883

57 Theodosius Romanos of Takrit 887-896

58 Dionysius II 897-909

59 John IV Qurzahli 910-922

60 Baselius I 923-935

61 John V 936-953


62 Iwanis II 954-957

63 Dionysius III 958-961

64 Abraham I 962-963

65 John VI Sarigta 965-985

66 Athanasius IV of Salah 986-1002

67 John VII bar `Abdun 1004-1033

68 Dionysius IV Yahya 1034-1044

Due to internal conflicts within the Church, the Holy See was

vacant for the next few years.

69 John VIII 1049-1057

70 Athanasius V 1058 -1063

71 John IX bar Shushan 1063-1073

72 Baselius II 1074-1075

After the death of Baselius, John Abdun got himself appointed

Patriarch and caused trouble in the Church. He was deposed but

continued causing trouble until 1091.

73 Dionysius V Lazaros 1077-1078

74 Iwanis III 1080-1082

75 Dionysius VI 1088-11090

76 Athanasius VI bar Khamoro 1091-1129

77 John X bar Mawdyono 1129-1137


78 Athanasius VII bar Qutreh 1138-1166

79 Michael I the Great 1166-1199

80 Athanasius VIII 1200-1207

81 John XI 1208-1220

82 Ignatius III David 1222-1252

83 John XII bar Ma`dani 1252-1263

84 Ignatius IV Yeshu 1264-1282

85 Philoxenos I Nemrud 1283-1292

86 Michael II 1292-1312

87 Michael III Yeshu 1312-1349

88 Baselius III Gabriel 1349-1387

89 Philoxenos II the Writer 1387-1421

90 Baselius IV Shem`un 1421-1444

91 Ignatius Behnam al-Hadli 1445-1454

92 Ignatius Khalaf 1455-1483

93 Ignatius John XIII 1483-1493

94 Ignatius Nuh of Lebanon 1493-1509

95 Ignatius Yeshu I 1509-1512

96 Ignatius Jacob I 1512-1517


97 Ignatius David I 1517-1520

98 Ignatius Abd-Allah I 1520-1557

99 Ignatius Ne`met Allah I 1557-1576

100 Ignatius David II Shah 1576-1591

101 Ignatius Pilate I 1591-1597

102 Ignatius Hadayat Allah 1597-1639

103 Ignatius Simon I 1640-1659

104 Ignatius Yeshu II Qamsheh 1659-1662

105 Ignatius Abdul Masih I 1662-1686

106 Ignatius George II 1687-1708

107 Ignatius Isaac Azar 1709-1722

108 Ignatius Shukr Allah II 1722-1745

109 Ignatius George III 1745-1768

110 Ignatius George IV 1768-1781

111 Ignatius Matthew 1782-1817

112 Ignatius Yunan 1817-1818

113 Ignatius George V 1819-1837

114 Ignatius Elias II 1838-1847

115 Ignatius Jacob II 1847-1871


116 Ignatius Peter IV 1872-1894

(117) Paulose Mar Athanasius (Kadavil Kooran) was consecrated on December 4, 1907 by Mar IgnatiusPeter IV as Syrian Antioch Bishop of Kottayam and Metropolitan of Malabar (India).(118) Mar Julius I (Antonio Francis Xavier Alvares) was consecrated July 28, 1889, by Paulose MarAthanasius, under authority of Patriarch Ignatius Peter IV to be Archbishop of the Latin Rite IndependentCatholic Church of Ceylon, Goa and India. (119) Joseph Rene Vilatte was consecrated on May 29, 1892 in Columba, Ceylon at Our Lady of GoodDeath Cathedral by Mar Julius I, under authority of a Bull of Mar Ignatius Peter IV, to serve as Archbishopof North America.

Mar Paul II Gulotti Miraglia 6 May 1900Mgr Jules Houssay (Abbe Julio) 4 December 1904Mgr Louis-Marie Francois Giraud 21 June 1911Mgr Jean Bricard (Jean II) 21 July 1913Mgr Victor Blanchard (Targelius) 3 May 1918Mgr Roger Menard (Eon II) 7 January 1945Mgr Robert Ambelain (Jean III) 10 June 1946Mgr Robert Deschamps (Jean Rudiger) 31 May 1959Mgr Armand Toussaint (Raymond Panagion) 1 June 1963Mgr Roger Caro (Pierre Phoebus) 10 June 1972Mgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 November 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 April 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 April 1992Mgr Tau Joannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


THE GOSPEL was first preached in Antioch in Syria by Jewish converts returning there from Jerusalemafter the Day of Pentecost and afterwards by refugees who fled Jerusalem during the persecution at thetime of the martyrdom of St. Stephen. Some years later, St. Barnabas fetched St. Paul from Tarsus andthey went to Antioch, being called to the Apostleship: "And the disciples were called Christians first at


Antioch" (Acts 11:26) then taking it to Rome and consecrated as his successor in Antioch, St. Evediuswho was in turn succeeded by St. Ignatius, called "Theophoros." The 125th Patriarch of Antioch, countingfrom St. Peter, was Ignatius Jacobus II (1847-1872), upon whose instructions:

Mar Ignatius Peter in, Syrian-Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, then Metropolitan of Emesa (Horns) on June2, 1866, consecrated: Raimond Ferrette, Mar Julius, Bishop of lona, who, on March 6, 1874, consecrated: Richard Williams Morgan, Mar Pelagius I, First British Patriarch of the Patriarchate of Antioch, who onMarch 6, 1879, consecrated: Charles Isaac Stevens, Mar Theophilus I, Second British Patriarch, who on May 4, 1890, consecrated: Leon Chechemian, Mar Leon, Archbishop of Selsey, who on November 2, 1897, consecrated: Andrew Charles Albert McLaglan, Mar Andries, Fourth British Patriarch, who on June 4, 1922,consecrated: Herbert James Monzani Heard, Mar Jacobus II, Fifth British Patriarch, who on June 13, 1943 consecrated:

William Bernard Crow, Mar Basilius Abdullah III, Patriarch of Antioch of the Ancient Orthodox CatholicChurch, who on April 10, 1944, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


THE APOSTLE St. Thomas and the indigenous Indian first preached Christianity in India Church was called"The Christians of St. Thomas." Being without a bishop, the St. Thomas Christians seceded in somenumbers in 1665 and placed themselves under the jurisdiction of the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate ofAntioch. The origin of which is given in Table I, from which See they received a hierarchy and werethereafter called the Syrian-Orthodox Church of Malabar, being under the jurisdiction of those Patriarchsof Antioch:Moran Mar Ignatius Yacob II, Syrian Patriarch of Antioch, who on February 12, 1865, consecrated:

Joseph Pulikottil, Mar Dionysios V, Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, who on July29, 1889, consecrated: Antonio Francisco Xavenda Alvarez, Mar Julius, Archbishop of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church inCeylon, Goa and India, who on May 29, 1892, consecrated: Joseph Rene Vilatte, Mar Timotheos, Archbishop-Exarch of North America, who on December 29, 1915,consecrated: Frederick Ebenezer John Lloyd, Bishop of Illinois, afterward Primate of the American Catholic Church, whoon September 8, 1929, consecrated: John Churchill Sibley, Missionary Archbishop for England, who on October 6, 1935, consecrated: John Sebastian Marlow Ward, Archbishop of Olivet, who in August 25, 1945, consecrated: Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973


Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


IN THE DISPUTE between France's Third Republic and the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Villattearrived at an understanding- with the French politicians in an attempt to rally the Gallican school ofRoman Catholic thought and institute the Catholic Apostolic Gallican Church in opposition to Rome.Though that church did not thrive in France, it did survive.

Joseph Rene Vilatte, Mar Timotheos, on May 6, 1900, consecrated: Paulo Miraglia Gullotti, Bishop of Piacenza, who on December 4, 1904, consecrated:

Ernest Louis Rene Houssay, Mar Julius, Metropolitan of the Gallican Catholic Church, who on June 21,1911, consecrated: Louis Marie Francois Giraud, Archbishop of Almyra, Gallican Patriarch, who on December 28, 1921,consecrated: Pierre Gaston Vigue, who on June 3, 1924, consecrated: Aloysius Stumpfl, Mar Timotheos II, Regionary Bishop of Aquileia, who on June 28, 1947, consecrated: Charles Leslie Saul, Archbishop of Suthronia, Mar Leofric, who on July 14, 1947, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


A la 360 du Dictionnaire Enciclopedique Catholique il est escrit sur les Ordinations de l’EgliseSyro_Chaldeenne: “Elles sont valides”.

EAST SYRIA, Assyria, Persia and Mesopotamia were evangelized by St. Thomas the Apostle, assisted bySt. Adai, one of the Seventy sent by Christ (Luke 10:1) and one of their disciples. Proceeding- fromPalestine, they preached in those lands, and St. Thomas eventually reached India. The Metropolitan ofSeleucia-Ctesiphon governed the Persian Church from its earliest days, the twin capitols of the PersianEmpire, who was subject to the Patriarch of Antioch and of the East, but owing to difficulties ofcommunication, the Patriarchal jurisdiction was delegated to the Metropolitan who was designated,"Catholicos of the East" (i.e. "holder of all") and Patriarch.

The Syro-Chaldean Church (the official designation of the Catholicate of the East) at one time became thelargest body of Christians in the world, extending throughout all Persia, Mesopotamia, India and China. Itwas eventually reduced to small numbers by the barbarian invaders. The Indian branch remained incommunion with the Catholics until the Synod of Diamper in 1599, when the Latin missionaries forced theIndian Christians to sever their connection with the See of Seleucia- Ctesiphon and submit to Rome. Asstated in Table II, a number of them effected a union with the Syrian-Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch in1665 and were constituted as the Syrian Orthodox Church of Malabar. For some 250 years, though cut


off from their historic center of jurisdiction, a faithful remnant was perpetuated, and it was not until 1862that the Syro-Chaldean jurisdiction in India was restored; and in this manner:

His Sacred Beatitude, Maram Mar Rowell Shimun XVIII, Reuben, Patriarch of Seleucia-Ctesiphon andCatholicos of the East, who on December 17, 1862, consecrated: Anthony Thondanatt, Mar Abd Ishu, Metropolitan of Trichur, who on Jul 24,1899, consecrated: Luis Mariano Scares, Mar Basileus, Metropolitan of India, Ceylon, Mylapore, Socotra and Messina, who onNovember 30, 1902, consecrated: Ulric Vemon Herford, Mar Jacobus, Bishop of Mercia and Middlesex, who on February 28, 1925,consecrated: William Stanley McBean Knight, Mar Paulus, Bishop of Kent, who on October 18, 1931, consecrated: Hedley Coward Bartlett, Bishop of Siluria, who on May 20, 1945, consecrated: Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


IN 1445, A SECTION of the Syro-Chaldean Church (Table IV) resident in Cyprus entered into union withRome and Pope Eugenius IV threatened with ex-communion anyone who dared to continue to call them"Nestorienas." In 1552, owing to a contested patriarchal election, a division took place in the main bodyin their homelands and part seceded to Rome. Pope Julius VI invested their leader, John Sulaka, asUniate Patriarch on April 20, 1553. However, his eventual successor. Mar Shimun XIII repudiated theunion with Rome in 1662 and is the predecessor of the Syro- Chaldean Patriarchs from then until thepresent time. A group remaining in communion with Rome were for some years governed by a line ofPatriarchs all bearing the name of Joseph, but on July 5, 1830, Pope Pius VIII suppressed the Josephiteline and declared John VIII Homez to be Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans and as such, head of theChaldean-Uniate Rite, of which:Petrus Elia XIV, Abu-Al-Yunan, Patriarch of Babylon for the Chaldean Catholic Church, on July 24, 1892,consecrated: Yosif Khayatt, Maran Mar Yosif Emmanuel II Thomas, Patriarch of Babylon for the Chaldean CatholicChurch on May 27. 1917, consecrated: Antoine Lefbeme, Special Commissariat (Legate), who on May 4, 1925, consecrated: Albert Wolfert Brooks, Mar John Emmanuel, Titular Bishop of Sardis, afterwards Titular Archbishop ofEbbsfleet and Administrator of the Metropolitan Synod of the Apostolic Episcopal Church of the USA, whoon November 16, 1934, consecrated: Charles William Keller, who on April 29, 1945, consecrated: Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995




HISTORY - The Diocese, which covers Egypt and the Sudan, has only about 9,000 Melkite-Greek Catholicfaithful, out of a total of 69 million inhabitants (49 million inhabitants for Egypt and 20 million for theSudan).

Tradition gives St Mark the Evangelist as first Bishop of Alexandria, while of his successors SaintsAthanasius and Cyril were the most illustrious. The first played a leading role at Nicaea in 325 A.D., ormore exactly in the defence of the doctrine of the Council of Nicaea; the second was the leading light atthe Council of Ephesus in 431.

With effect from 1772, as Orientalium Dignitas reminds us, the Patriarch of Antioch became the“Administrator of Alexandria” for the Melkites. It was when H.B. Maximos III Mazloum was recognized asPatriarch of Antioch and of the entire East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem, that there began theautonomous existence of the Melkite-Greek Catholic Patriarchate of Alexandria, in 1838.

Its past was glorious enough. But the number of its faithful, which in 1940 still stood at 35.000, is nowmuch reduced as a result of the instability of the Middle East as a whole.

THE ANCIENT TRADITION points to Alexandria, where there was a large colony of Jews as the scene ofthe Missionary activities of St. Mark the Evangelist. The APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS (VIII, 46) tells usthat he consecrated one Anienus as the first Bishop of Alexandria and that St. Luke the Evangelistconsecrated the second of that See, Abilios. The Gospel spread rapidly throughout Egypt of which


Alexandria became the Primatial See, being subsequently raised to the dignity of a Patriarchate, rankingthird in order next after Rome and Constantinople. Despite severe Moslem persecutions, and today sadlyshorn of its former strength, the Coptic-Orthodox Church has managed to continue its existence down toour own times and owing to the presence of numerous Africans in the USA, established a mission there,under:

Archbishop St. John-the-Divine Hickersayon, who on May 27, 1947, consecrated: Davison Quartey Arthur, Mar Lukos, Bishop of Lagos, Accra and Trinidad who on February 19, 1951,consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


THE WORD "Melkite" is derived from the Semitic word "meiek," meaning, "king" and literally means"royalists." Those known by that name are so called because in the disputes around the time of thecouncil of Chalcedon (451) they followed the Emperor in repudiating the Monophysite heresy, and indenouncing the occupants of the Antiochene and Alexandrian Patriarchates as Monophysites. In mostcases this is a matter of grave doubt. However, the cause of the Melkites was espoused by the ByzantinePatriarchate. They attached themselves loyally, and in the Great Schism of 1054 remained among theeastern churches. In 1686, under their Patriarch Athanasius IV of Antioch, they submitted to Rome andhave since continued as the Greek Melkite Uniate Church. In the twentieth century, quite a number fledfrom Turkish persecution and from the troubles of the two World Wars to the United States. In themeantime, (c 1911) whose who had already migrated here were visited by:

Athanasios Sawoya, Greek Melkite Archbishop of Beyrouth and Gebeil in Syria, who on October 9, 1911,consecrated: Antoine Joseph Aneed, Exarch of the Greek Melkite Rite in the USA. Both bishops were in full communionwith Rome. Bishop Aneed, thereafter, on July 28, 1946, consecrated: Odo Acheson Barry, Mar Columba, Titular Archbishop of Canada, who on July 17, 1955, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995



THE ORIGINAL FOUNDATION of the Holy Apostolic Church of Armenia may be traced to Sts. Thaddeusand Eustatius (two of the Seventy). The honor of converting the Armenians, as a nation, to Christ, wasgained by St. Gregory the Diuminator, who is 302 was consecrated Archbishop of Etchmiadzme by St.Leontius Exarch of Caesarea in Cappadocia, originally within the Patriarchate of Antioch, and afterwardwithin that of Constantinople. In 364, the Armenian church was granted full autonomy as anautocephalous catholicate within the One Holy and Apostolic Church under the Patriarch of Etchmiadzine,Supreme Catholicos of all the Armenians. In the 12th century, some of the Armenians began tocontemplate union with Rome and the Catholicos was present as a guest of honor at the Latin Council ofAntioch C1141) and later, at the Council of Florence (1439), formal union was proclaimed; but itremained a dead letter. From 1701 attempts were made to found a Uniate body and in 1712, a line ofPatriarchs of Cihcia of the Armenians was inaugurated by Rome in the person of Peter Abraham I, fromwhich time the Armenian-Uniate Church has continued to this day. During the reign of the Patriarch,Antonios Peter DC (Hassun):Archbishop Charchorunian on April 23, 1878. consecrated: Leon Chechemian, Mar Leon, who on November 2, 1987, consecrated: Andrew Charles Albert McLaglan, Mar Andries, Fourth British Patriarch, who on June 4, 1922,consecrated: Herbert James Monzani Heard, Mar Jacobus II, Fifth British Patriarch, who on June 13, 1943,consecrated: William Bernard Crow, Mar Basilius Abdullah III. Patriarch of Antioch of the Ancient Orthodox CatholicChurch, who on April 10, 1944, consecrated: Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes I (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


ACCORDING TO ancient tradition, the Apostle St. Andrew first preached the Gospel in Russia and planteda cross at Kiev. Missionaries from Constantinople, however, accomplished the actual conversion of theRussian people. In 867 and in 988 St. Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev, ordered the nation to becomeChristian. In 1589, Jeremiah H, Patriarch of Constantinople, raised Job, Metropolitan of Moscow, to thePatriarchal dignity and thus the Patriarchate of Moscow came into being. This authority was suppressedby Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, in 1721 (with the consent of the Oriental Patriarchs) and restoredagain in 1917 by Patriarch Aikkon, who was afterward imprisoned by the Bolsheviks and was for someyears represented by:


Ivan Nikolaevich Stragorodskij, Metropolitan of Nizhni-Novgorod, afterward Sergij, Patriarch of Moscow. In 1918, at Harbin, Russia, (or Irkutsk, in 1917) under a "Canon of Necessity," he consecrated: Henry Joseph Kleefish, who on July 29, 1946, consecrated: Odo Acheson Barry, Mar Columba, who on July 17, 1955, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


THERE ARE in the United States a number of faithful, Syrian by race, but conforming to the Greco-Russian liturgy and customs. For these, the Russian Orthodox Church appears to have accepted someresponsibility, so that on the instructions of the Russian Holy Governing Synod:Archbishop Evdokim on May 11, 1917, consecrated: Aftimios Ofiesh, Archbishop of Brooklyn, who on September 27, 1932, consecrated: 3. Ignatius William Albert Nichols, Bishop of Washington, D. C., who in 1940 consecrated: Frank Dyer, who on March 16, 1947, consecrated: Matthew Nicholas Nelson, Titular Bishop of Hawaii, who on July 21, 1947, consecrated: Lowell Paul Wadle, Archbishop of the American Catholic Church, who on October 3, 1948, consecrated: Odo Acheson Barry, Mar Columba, who on July 17, 1955, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


L'Archevêque CONSTANTIN KURILLO MICHAEL NEVSKIJ (MAKARIJ, 1835), consacre le 14 octobre 1930: assisté par l'Evêque Innokentij (Alexander Dmitrievich Pustynsky, del'Eglise "The JOSEPH KLIMOVICZ, qui, assisté par les Russian Orthodox Diocese of North AmericaMétropolitains Konstantin Jaroshevich et and Aleutian Islands", consacre le 4 janvier Joseph Zielonka,Nicholas Bahatyretz, Peter 1904:

Williams, consacre le 15 octobre 1950:


BASIL MICHAELOVICH MESCHERSKY PETER ANDREW ZURAWETZKY, qui, (EUDOKIM, 1869-1935). Il fut ordonné prêtre assisté par les Archevêques Hubert Augustus (ancien rite), le 1 août 1894 (Russkaya Pravo-Rogers; Julian Lester Smith et James Hubert slavnaya Tserkov). Archevêque du Diocèse Rogers (co-consécrateurs), consacre le de L'Amerique du Nord de l'Eglise Orthodoxe 1 juillet1961: Russe (1914), assisté des Evêques Stephen (Alexander Stepanovich Dzubay), et AleksandrROBERT SCHUYLER ZEIGER, qui, assisté (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Nemolovskij), il par Gordon AlbertDaCosta, consacre sub (EUDOKIM), consacre le 13 mai 1917: conditione, le 8 août 1976:

ABDULLAH OFIESH (AFTIMIOS, 1880-1966) ANDRE BARBEAU, qui, consacre sub qui fut ordonné prêtre en 1902 dans l'Eglise conditione, le 12décembre 1976: "The Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All The East." Il devient archevêqueen GEORGES BELLEMARE, qui, le 27 juin 1977, 1923, de l'Eglise "The Syrian Orthodox Mission consacresub conditione: of the North American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church". Il se trouve à lafondation ROGER CARO (PIERRE PHOEBUS, plus tard de l'Eglise (1927), "The Holy Eastern OrthodoxSTEPHANOS), qui, assisté par Mgr. Jean-Paul Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America Charlet etMgr. Maurice Auberger, et autres (The American Orthodox Catholic Church). Il co-consécrateurs,consacre sub conditione le consacre, assisté de Elias, Métropolitain de 30 juin 1979: Tyre et Sidon, del'Eglise "The Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All The East," et PHILIPPE LAURENT DE COSTERl'Evêque Emmanuel (Rizkallah Abo-Hatab), de (PHILIPPUS-LAURENTIUS), qui, le 9 l'Eglise "The SyrianOrthodox Mission of the décembre 1991, consacre sub conditione: North American Diocese of theRussian Orthodox Church", le 26 mai 1928:

LUC-CYRIL STRIJMEERSCH, Evêque titulaire de Bérée. SOPHRONIUS BISHARA (SOPHRONIOS, 1888 - 1940).Ordonné prêtre dans l'Eglise "The Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All The East. "Archevêque (1933), de l'Eglise "The Syrian Orthodox Mission of the North American ROBERT SCHUYLERZEIGER, assisté par Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church."

Mgr. Gordon Albert DaCosta, consacre sub Assisté par l'Archevêque Theophanes Stylian conditione le8 août 1976: Noli, de l'Eglise "The Albanian Orthodox Church in America" (ex-premier ministre del'Albanie), RAINER LAUFERS, qui , assisté par Mgr. consacre le 10 février 1934:

Richard Taylor, consacre sub conditione lors d'une rencontre oecuménique, le 14 mai 1978:

CHRISTOPHER CONTOGEORGE (KONTOGIORGIOS) (1894 - 1950), ordonné ROGER CARO (PIERREPHOEBUS, plus tard prêtre par le Patriarche Oecuménique de STEPHANOS), qui, le 30 juin 1979,consacre Constantinople (1918). Assisté par l'Evêque sub conditione: Maitland A. Raines, de l'Eglise "TheRussian Orthodox Church Abroad, " l'Evêque PHILIPPE LAURENT DE COSTER Christopher Contogeorge,de l'Eglise "The Holy (PHILIPPUS-LAURENTIUS), qui, le 9 décembre Eastern Orthodox Catholic andApostolic Church 1991, consacre sub conditione: in North America", consacre le 3 novembre 1935:

LUC-CYRIL STRIJMEERSCH, Evêque NICHOLAS J. KEDROFFSKY (1902-1944). Titulaire de Bérée. Ordonné prêtre dans l'Eglise " The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad."Archevêque dans la même Eglise en 1935. Assisté par l'Evêque Arsenios Saltas, de l'Eglise "The Holy EasternOrthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in LIGNEE CATHOLIQUE ROMAINE North America", etl'Archevêque - Exarque Benjamin/Veniamin (Ioann Athanasievich Fedchenkov), de l'Eglise "The NorthAmerican A la fin du siècle dernier, vivait à EL OVIEDO au Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church" etMexique, un Evêque Catholique Romain, retraité, Christopher Contogeorge, l'Archevêque nommé Mgr.SANCHER Y GAMACHO, Nicholas Kedroffsky, consacre sub conditione Evêque de TAMAULIPAS qui serendant à en 1935, Naples, en Italie, en la chapelle d'Amédée de Savoie, consacre, en 1899:

JOSEPH KLIMOVICZ (JOSEPH I, 1880 - 1961) Ordonné prêtre dans l'Eglise "The Russian COMTE BENOITDONKIN, Evêque de SANTA Orthodox Church of North America" (1913).

CRUCE en Sicile qui, à Londres le 10 août 1904, Ordonné prêtre dans l'Eglise "The Russian consacre: Orthodox Church Abroad." Patriarche de l'Eglise "The Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of JACQUES ULRIC VERNON HERFORD, America" (1950). Il


consacre, assisté par les Evêque de Mercie, qui, le 28 février 1925, Métropolitains KonstantinJaroshevich, Joseph consacre: Zielonka, Nicholas Bahatyretz, Peter Williams, le 15 octobre 1950:

MAR PAULUS, WILLIAM KNIGHT, Evêque de Kent, qui, le 18 octobre 1931, consacre: PETER ANDREWZURAWETZKY, qui, assisté par les Archevêques Hubert Augustus Rogers, MAR HEDLEY, BARTLETT,Evêque de Siluria, Julian Lester Smith et James Hubert Rogers qui, le 20 mai 1945, consacre: (co-consécrateurs), consacre le 1 juillet 1961:

MAR GEORGIUS de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN, ROBERT SCHUYLER ZEIGER, qui , qui, le 27 mai 1950,consacre: assisté par Mgr. Gordon Albert DaCosta, consacre sub conditione le 8 août 1976:

HAROLD-PERCIVAL NICHOLSON, qui, le 14 avril 1952, consacre: ANDRE BARBEAU, qui consacre subconditione, PHILIP CHARLES STUART SINGER, qui le 14 novembre 1954, consacre: le 12 décembre 1976:

CHARLES E. BREARLEY, qui, le 14 mai 1968, consacre: GEORGES BELLEMARE, qui, le 27 juin 1977, consacre sub conditione:

ANDRE BARBEAU, qui, le 31 juillet 1973, consacre: ROGER CARO (PIERRE PHOEBUS, plus tard PHILIPPE LAURENT DE COSTER STEPHANOS), qui,assisté par Mgr. Jean-Paul JOSEPH, PAUL, FERNAND DUPUIS (VICTOR Charlet et Mgr. Maurice Auberger, et autres SOLIS II), qui, le 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession a:Mgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995


WHEN Anthony Thondanatt accepted consecration from the Nestorian Patriarch Maram Mar RowellShimun XVIII, (Table IV) his action severed him from communion with Rome. However, after three yearshis relationship with Rome was restored. Ultimately, he was re-consecrated, as follows:

Hanna Sahhar, Mar Elia Johannan Mellus, of the Chaldean Catholic Church, on March 5, 1882,consecrated: Anthony Thondanatt, Mar Abd Ishu, Metropolitan of Trichur, who on July 24, 1899, consecrated: Luis Mariano Scares, Mar Basileus, who on November 30, 1902, consecrated: Ulric Vemon Herford, Mar Jacobus, who on February 28, 1925, consecrated: William Stanley McBean Knight, Mar Paulus, who on October 18,1931, consecrated: Hedley Coward Bartlett, who on May 20, 1945, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995



THE DISPUTE over the validity of Anglican orders produced a desire among some in the Church ofEngland for orders that Rome would be compelled to acknowledge as valid. This desire led to aclandestine attempt to secure indisputable orders for the English clergy. Two priests from the Church ofEngland and one Englishman from the Syrian Patriarchate were consecrated in a service that was keptsecret, apparently to protect the consecrator. They were Frederick George Lee and Thomas WimberleyMossman, both Anglican priests, and John Thomas Seccombe, who had been ordained by Ferrette.Subsequently, the three reportedly re-ordained a number of Anglican priests. They called their effort theOrder of Corporate Reunion. However, because the effort did not bear the official sanction of the Churchof England, and because it seemed intended to manipulate the Roman Church into giving recognition toAnglican orders, the movement failed. The orders conferred, however, were recognized as valid:Ugo Pietro Spinola, a Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, on June 6,1847, consecrated: Luigi Nazari, subsequently Archbishop of Milano, who in the summer of 1877 consecrated: Frederick George Lee, Thomas Wimberley Mossman and John Thomas Seccombe, for the Order ofCorporate Reunion; who, with Richard Williams Morgan, on March 6, 1879, consecrated: Charles Isaac Stevens, Mar Theophilus I, Second British Patriarch of the Patriarchate of Antioch, who onMay 4, 1890, consecrated: Leon Chechemian, Mar Leon, who on November 2, 1897, consecrated: Andrew Charles Albert McLaglan, Mar Andries, who on June 4, 1922, consecrated: Herbert James Monzani Heard, Mar Jacobus n, who on June 13, 1943, consecrated: William Bernard Crow, Mar Basilius Abdullah III, who on April 10, 1944, consecrated:

Hugh George de Willmott Newman, Mar Georgius I, Patriarch of Glastonbury, Catholicos of the West,Sixth British Patriarch, who consecrated: Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995

Old Catholic Church of Utrecht

Lines of Apostolic Succession

THE CONVERSION to Christianity of the Netherlands was chiefly due to the labours of St. Willibrord in thelate 7th and early 8th centuries. After his consecration by Pope Sergius in 696, he established his Chairat Utrecht, which was forever after the Primatial See of Holland. Ultimately this authority became aPrince-Bishop of the Holy Roman Empire until 1528. At that time the Prince-Bishop, Henry of Bavaria,ceded the sovereignty to the Emperor Charles V. As a result of Jesuit intrigue the Roman Catholic Churchin Holland (comprising the Archiepiscopal See of Utrecht and the Bishoprics of Haarlem and Deventer)became separated from the rest of the Roman Catholic Church in the year 1702. This was largely due tothe unjust suspension of the saintly Archbishop Peter Codde. After his death, Dominique Marie Varlet,Bishop of Babylon restored the apostolic succession, and the Dutch church became known as The OldRoman Catholic Church. This was to distinguish it from those who adhered to a new hierarchy intrudedby the Roman Curia.After the Vatican Council of 1870, certain Roman Catholics in various parts of the world, protestedagainst the dogma of Papal Infallibility decreed by that council, and were known as OLD Catholics todenote that they adhered to the old teaching of Christendom, and not to the new teaching of Rome. TheOLD Catholics obtained their Episcopal succession from the Old Roman Catholics of Holland, and the twobodies formed a loose federation of non-papal Catholic Churches under the title of the Union of Utrecht.

An Old Catholic Church was established in Great Britain and Ireland in 1908 when the Earl of Landaff wasconsecrated its first bishop. In 1910 he severed connection with the Union of Utrecht on account of the


growing influence of the Modernist and Anglican heresies in the other churches of the Union, whichculminated in inter-communion being established between churches of the Utrecht Union and those of theAnglican Communion in 1932. In the following table, the succession is traced from Cardinal AntonioBarberini, nephew of Pope Urban V in who was nominated to the Archiepiscopal See of Rheims by KingLouis XIV of France, recognized by the Pope, and the record of whose entry and enthronement at Rheimsis preserved in Fisquot's LA FRANCE PONTIFICALE, and so:

In 1697, Dutch Catholics were accused of being "Jansenists". + Petrus Codde was then the Vicar Generaland he was officially censured by Rome and a schism began. Many French Jansenists suffered persecutionin France during the 18th century and fled to Holland.

In 1723, Dutch Jansenists nominated for themselves a Bishop of Utrecht. The Dutch Old Catholic Churchwas officially created and their bishop was later consecrated by +Varlet. The Dutch Old Catholic Churchevolved into the Union of Utrecht and supported other Old Catholic Churches in Germany, Switzerland,and briefly in Poland with the Mariavites, and in the USA with the National Polish Church. Also, seefurther comments in the "Brief Primer on Apostolic Succession."

They are presently in full intercommunion with the Church of England and recognize Anglican ordinationsas valid since 1925.


(1) Peter, 38(2) Linus, 67(3) Ancletus {Cletus}, 76(4) Clement, 88(5) Evaristus, 97(6) Alexander I, 105(7) Sixtus I, 115(8) Telesphorus, 125(9) Hygimus, 136(10) Pius I, 140(11) Anicetus, 155(12) Soter, 166(13) Eleutherius, 175(14) Victor I, 189(15) Zephyrinus, 199(16) Callistus I, 217(17) Urban I, 222(18) Pontian, 230(19) Anterus, 235(20) Fabian, 236(21) Cornelius, 251(22) Lucius I, 253(23) Stephen I, 254(24) Sixtus II, 257(25) Dionysius, 259(26) Felix I, 269(27) Eutychian, 275(28) Caius, 283(29) Marcellinus, 296(30) Marcellus I, 308(31) Eucebius, 309(32) Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311(33) Sylvester I, 314(34) Marcus, 336(35) Julius I, 337


(36) Liberius, 352 Liberius was expelled from Rome by the Arian Emperor Constantius, during hisabsence, the See of Rome was held by Felix II, who resigned upon the return of Liberius from his twoyear exile.(37) Damasus I, 366(38) Siricius, 384(39) Anastasius I, 399(40) Innocent I, 401(41) Zosimus, 417(42) Boniface I, 418(43) Celestine I, 422(44) Sixtus III, 432(45) Leo I, 440(46) Hilary, 461(47) Simplicius, 468(48) Felix III, 483(49) Gelasius I, 492(50) Anastasius II, 496(51) Symmachus, 498(52) Hormisdus, 514(53) John I, 523(54) Felix IV, 526(55) Boniface II, 530(56) John II, 535(57) Agapitus, 535(58) Sylverius, 536(59) Vigilus, 537(60) Pelagius I, 556(61) John III, 561(62) Benedict I, 575(63) Pelagius II, 579(64) Gregory I, 590(65) Sabinianus, 604(66) Boniface III, 607(67) Boniface IV, 608(68) Deusdedit {Adeodatus I}, 615(69) Boniface V, 619(70) Honorius, 625(71) Severinus, 640(72) John IV, 640(73) Theodore I, 642(74) Martin I, 649(75) Eugene I, 654(76) Vitalian, 657(77) Adeodatus II, 672(78) Donus, 676(79) Agatho, 678(80) Leo II, 682(81) Benedict II, 684(82) John V, 685(83) Conon, 686(84) Sergius I, 687(85) John VI, 701(86) John VII, 705(87) Sisinnius, 708(88) Constantine, 708(89) Gregory II, 715(90) Gregory III, 731(91) Zachary, 741(92) Stephen II, 752


(93) Paul I, 757(94) Stephen III, 768(95) Adrian I, 772(96) Leo III, 795(97) Stephan IV, 816(98) Paschal I, 817(99) Eugene II, 824(100) Valentine, 827(101) Gregory IV, 827(102) Sergius II, 844(103) Leo IV, 847(104) Benedict III, 855(105) Nicholas I, 858(106) Adrian II, 867(107) John VIII, 872(108) Marinus I, 882(109) Adrian III, 884(110) Stephan V, 885(111) Formosus, 891(112) Boniface VI(113) Steven VI, 897(114) Romanus, 897(115) Theodore II, 897(116) John IX, 898(117) Benedict IV, 900(118) Leo V, 903(119) Sergius III, 904(120) Anastasius III, 911(121) Landus, 913(122) John X, 914(123) Leo VI, 938(124) Stephan VII, 928(125) John XI, 931(126) Leo VII, 936(127) Stephen VIII, 939(128) Maginus II, 942(129) Agapitus II, 946(130) John XIII, 955(131) Leo VII, 963(132) Benedict V, 964(133) John XIV, 965(134) Benedict VI, 973(135) Benedict VII, 974(136) John XIV, 983(137) John XV, 985(138) Gregory V, 996(139) Sylvester II, 999(140) John XVII, 1003(141) John XVIII, 1004(142) Sergius IV, 1009(143) Benedict VIII, 1012(144) John XIX, 1024(145) Benedict IX, 1032(146) Sylvester III, 1045(147) Benedict IX {Second time},1045(148) Gregory VI, 1045(149) Clement II, 1046(150) Benedict IX {Third time},1047(151) Damasus II, 1048


(152) Leo IX, 1049(153) Victor II, 1055(154) Stephan IX, 1057(155) Nicholas II, 1059(156) Alexander II, 1061157) Gregory VII, 1073(158) Victor III, 1087(159) Urban II, 1088(160) Paschal II, 1099(161) Gelasius II, 1118(162) Callistus II, 1119(163) Honorius II, 1124(164) Innocent II, 1130(165) Celestine II, 1143(166) Lucius II, 1144(167) Eugene III 1145(168) Anastasius IV, 1153(169) Adrian IV, 1154(170) Alexander III, 1159(171) Lucius III, 1181(172) Urban III, 1185(173) Gregory VIII, 1187(174) Clement III, 1187(175) Celestine III, 1191(176) Innocent III, 1198(177) Honorius III, 1216(178) Gregory IX, 1227(179) Celestine IV, 1241(180) Innocent IV, 1243(181) Alexander IV, 1254(182) Urban IV, 1261(183) Clement IV, 1265(184) Gregory X, 1271(185) Innocent V, 1276(186) Adrian V, 1276(187) John XXI, 1276(188) Nicholas III, 1277(189) Martin IV, 1281(190) Honorius IV, 1285(191) Nicholas IV 1288(192) Celestine V, 1294(193) Boniface VIII, 1294(194) Benedict XI, 1303(195) Clement V, 1305(196) John XXII, 1316(197) Benedict XII, 1334(198) Clement VI, 1342(199) Innocent VI, 1352(200) Urban V, 1362(201) Gregory XI, 1370(202) Urban VI, 1378(203) Boniface IX, 1389(204) Innocent VII, 1389(205) Gregory XII, 1406(206) Martin V, 1417(207) Eugene IV, 1431(208) Nicholas V, 1447(209) Callistus III, 1455(210) Pius II, 1458


(211) Paul II, 1464(212) Sixtus IV, 1471(213) Innocent VIII, 1484(214) Alexander VI, 1492(215) Pius III, 1503(216) Julius II, 1503(217) Leo X, 1513(218) Adrian VI, 1522(219) Clement VII, 1523(220) Paul III, 1534(221) Julius III, 1550(222) Marcellus II, 1555(223) Paul IV, 1555(224) Pius IV, 1559(225) Pius V, 1566(226) Gregory XIII, 1572(227) Sixtus V, 1585(228) Urban VII, 1590(229) Gregory XIV, 1590(230) Innocent IX, 1591(231) Clement VIII, 1592(232) Leo XI, 1605(233) Paul V, 1605(234) Gregory XV 1621(235) Urban VIII, 1623(236) Innocent X, 1644(237) Alexander VII, 1655(238) In 1655, Antonio Barberini, nephew of Urban VIII, was consecrated to the Episcopate underauthority of the Bishop of Rome, by Bishops Scanarello, Bottini and Govotti. He was Archbishop of Remes1657 untill his deat in 1671, and was made a Cardinal. It is from Bishop Barerini that the RomanSuccession from Peter branches off from the Bishops of Rome. (239) Michael le Tellier was consecrated by Barberini in 1668. He was confessor to King Louis XIV ofFrance, and a Jesuit Provincial.(240) Jaques Benigne de Bousseut, was consecrated by Le Tellier in 1670 as Bishop of Mieux, France. (241) James Coyon de Matignon, was consecrated by de Bousseut in 1693. (242) Dominicus Marie Varlet, Consecrated in 1719 in Paris by Bishop de Matignon, assisted by theBishop of Quebec and the Bishop of Claremont. He was named Coadjutor to the Roman Catholic Bishop ofBabylon who died on November 20, 1717 and Bishop Varlet succeeded to the title. After a period inPersia at Schamake, he was suspended from office for alleged technical irregularities, including theConfirmation of 604 candidates in Holland, whom he had confirmed at the request of the Church inAmsterdam. The Dutch Church had been without a Bishop for 18 years as a punishment from the See OfRome because the Dutch Church refused to cooperate in the persecution of the "Jansenests" in Holland.

Following the election of (243) Cornelius Van Steenhoven to serve as Archbishop of Utrecht, the PrimatialSee of Holland, Varlet agreed to perform the Consecration, which he did on October 15, 1724, thusmaking Van Steenhoven the seventh Archbishop of Utrecht and canonical successor to Saint Willibrord,the British missionary who had brought the faith to Holland. In this Consecration was born the OldCatholic Church, a Roman Succession.

1) Antonio Cardinal Barberini (Jr) was a nephew of Pope Urban VIII. In 1627, the Pope appointed him tobe the Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta and Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1628 he wasnamed Papal Legate to Avignon. He was consecrated in the Ribiba Line of Succession, October 24, 1655,at the church of the novitiate of the Society of Jesus, Rome, by Giovanni Battista Scanaroli, titular bishopof Sidon, assisted by Lorenzo Gavotti, Theat, bishop of Ventimilia, and by Marcantonio Bettoni, T.O.S.F.,titular bishop of Coron. Nominated archbishop of Reims by King Louis XIV of France, June 27, 1657;confirmed by the Holy See, retaining the post of camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, July 18, 1667.Opted for the suburbicarian see of Palestrina, November 21, 1661. In 1668 in the Church of theSorbonne, Paris, he consecrated as his co-adjutor with right of succession Charles Maurice Le Tellier, theson of the Grand Chancellor of France.


2) Charles Maurice Le Tellier, S.J., Duke, and son of the Grand Chancellor of France and co-adjutor withright of succession to Antoine Barberini, the Archbishop of Rheims, was consecrated 11 November 1668at Paris, in the Church of the Sorbonne, by Antoine Cardinal Barberini, Archbishop of Reims, assisted byPierre de Cambout de Coislin, Bishop of Orléans, and Michel Colbert de Saint-Pouange, Bishop of Macon.He in turn consecrated, in the church of the Cordeliers, Pontois, the illustrious Jacques Benigne Bossuet.(Ironic historical note: As a Jesuit Provincial and confessor to King Louis XIV of France, Le Tellier waslargely responsible for writing the Papal Bul "Unigenitus" which condemned Jansenism and paved the wayfor the future Old Catholic Church of Utrecht).

3) Jacques Bénigne Bossuet (The Eagle of Meaux) was consecrated Bishop of Condom 21 September1670 at Pontoise, Church of the Cordeliers, by Charles Maurice Le Tellier, Titular Archbishop of Nazianzusand Coadjutor Archbishop of Reims, assisted by Armand de Monchy d`Hocquincourt, Bishop of Verdun,and Gabriel de Roquette, Bishop of Autun. Pope Clement X transferred him to the See of Meaux in 1671.Bossuet was a Roman Catholic predecessor of the future Old Catholic Church because he taught that theRoman Pontiff could err temporarily, but not fall into permanent error. He, in turn, with a mandate fromPope Clement X, consecrated Jacques de Goyon de Matignon in the church of Chartreuse, Paris.

4) Jacques de Goyon de Matignon, son of Count De Thorigny, was consecrated 16 April 1673 at Paris,Church of the Carthusians, by Jacques Bénigne Bossuet, Bishop emeritus of Condom, assisted by Gui deSève de Rochechouart, Bishop of Arras, and Louis Marie Armand de Simiane de Gorde, Bishop of Langres.He was Doyen of Lisieux and Abbe Commendataire De St. Victor, Paris. By order of Pope Clement XI, heconsecrated Dominique Marie Varlet at Paris.

5) Dominique Marie Varlet was consecrated as Bishop of Ascalon in partibus, and coadjutor to the MostReverend Pidou of St. Odon, Bishop of Babylon, Persia in February 1719 at Paris, in the lower chapel ofthe Seminary of the Missions Étrangères, by Jacques de Goyon de Matignon, Bishop emeritus of Condom,assisted by Louis François Duplessis de Mornay, O.F.M., Titular Bishop of Eumenia, and Jean BaptisteMassillon, Bishop of Clermont. Bishop Varlet consecrated four Archbishops of the Old Catholics at Utrecht(Oud Katholicke Kerk van Nederland), three of whom died without consecrating successors. In responseto the appeals of the Chapter of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht, he consecrated Petrus JohannesMeindaerts.

6) Petrus Johannes Meindaerts was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht in 1739. He had been one ofseveral priests ordained in Ireland by Luke Fagan, Bishop of Meath, afterwards Archbishop of Dublin, withthe view of sustaining the independence of the ancient Church of the Netherlands, founded by St.Willibrord in the VII Century. By his consecration to the Episcopate, the succession of the Old CatholicChurch in Holland has been perpetuated. Archbishop Meindaerts consecrated Johnnes van Stiphout.

7) Johannes Van Stiphout was consecrated as Bishop of Haarlem by Petrus Johannes Meindaerts 11th ofJuly, 1745. He, in turn, consecrated:

8) Gualtherus Michael Van Nieuwenhuisen was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht February 7th, 1768 byJohannes Van Stiphout. The new Archbishop received letters of Communion from Germany, France, Italyand Spain who recognized that the claims to canonical jurisdiction of the Old Catholic Church of Utrechtwere sound, and her doctrine orthodox. He consecrated Adrianus Johannes Broekman.

9) Adrianus Johannes Broekman was consecrated as Bishop of Haarlem June 21st, 1778 by GualtherusMichael Van Nieuwenhuisen. He consecrated Johannes Jacobus van Rhijin.

10) Johannes Jacobus van Rhijin was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht July 5th., 1805. He consecratedGilbertus de Jong.

11) Gilbertus de Jong was consecrated Bishop of Deventer November 7th 1805 just after the formation ofthe Batavian Republic by the Emperor Napoleon I. He then consecrated Willibrordus van Os.

12) Willibrordus van Os was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht April 24th 1814. He consecrated JohannesBon.


13) Johannes Bon was consecrated Bishop of Haarlem April 22nd 1819. Bishop Bon was the first Bishopof the autocephalous Dutch succession not to be excommunicated by Rome. In 1827 the King of theNetherlands to the See of Bruges nominated him without objection from Rome. He consecrated Johannesvan Santen.

14) Johannes van Santen was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht June 14th 1825. He consecratedHermann Johannes Heykamp.

15) Hermann Johannes Heykamp was consecrated as Bishop of Deventer on July 17, 1853 (or 1854). Hebecame Bishop of Utrecht in 1875. Heykamp consecrated Casparus Johannes Rinkel.

16) Casparus Johannes Rinkel was consecrated Bishop of Haarlem August 11th 1873. This is the firsttime that the formal proofs of election were read during the Mass of Consecration rather than a Papalmandate. It is also the first time that a new Bishop of the autocephalous Dutch succession did not notifyRome of his consecration. Bishop Rinkel consecrated Gerardus Gul.

17) Gerardus Gul was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht May 11th 1892. Bishop Gul consecratedHenricus Johannes Theodorus van Vlijmen and Arnold Harris Mathew.

(Note: Archbishop Gerardus Gul of Utrecht, Holland, was the first of the Old Catholic Church line ofsuccession)

18) Arnold Harris Mathew was consecrated Regionary Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britain April 28, 1908,at St. Gertrude's Church, Utrecht by Bishop Gerardus Gul, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem,Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany. He was elected Archbishop in1911. Archbishop Eyre, at St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, had ordained him to the PriesthoodGlasgow in 1877. He came from distinguished Irish parents. He was the great-grandson of FrancisMathew, First Earl of Landaff, of Thomastown Castle, Tipperary. He consecrated Prince Rudolphe FrancoisEduard Hamilton de Landas-Berghes.(Note: Archbishop Mathew’s archdiocese was in London, England and became autocephalous)

19) Rudolphe Francois Eduard Hamilton, Grand Duke of Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas-Berghes andde Roche and Duke of St. Winnock was consecrated in 1912. He in turn consecrated Henry CarmelCarfora.

20) Henry Carmel Carfora was consecrated in 1916. Rene Vilatte also consecrated him in 1915, however,no historical records can be found. Carfora was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in Italy in1901. Carfora was elected Archbishop of the United States for all Old Catholics in 1923.

(Note: Archbishop Carfora had received two ordinations to the Episcopal level: The Arnold H. Mathewsuccession through the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht and the Joseph Rene Vilatte line of successionthrough the Antioch See). Mgr Carmel Enrico Carfora, qui, le 11 February 1924 consacra

Mgr Edwin Wallace Hunter, qui le 24 March 1929 consacraMgr Wallace David Ortega Maxey qui consacra (Anglican Church)Mgr Hugh George de Willmott-Newman 6 April 1946Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995



L'Eglise Vieille Catholique Romaine, du fait qu'elle tient ses Ordres Sacrés de la Succession ApostoliqueOecuménique de Mgr. Hugues-Georges de Willmott-Newman principalement, trace également sasuccession Vieille Catholique depuis l'antique Siège d'Utrecht, en Hollande, fondé par l'Apôtre des Pays-Bas Saint Willibrord, consacré Evêque à Rome en 696 par le Pape Sergius, et qui à son retour aux Pays-Bas établit son siège à Utrecht. L'un de ses Successeurs sur ce siège fut le grand Saint Boniface, apôtrede l'Allemagne.

L'Eglise d'Utrecht pourvut aussi en 1522 le Siège Papal d'un digne occupant en la personne du PapeAdrien VI, tandis que deux des interprêtes les plus remarquables de la vie religieuse, Gart Groote quifonda "les Frères de la vie commune" et Thomas a Kempis auquel est attribué "l'Imitation de Jésus-Christ", appartenaient à l'Eglise Hollandaise.

Pour diverses raisons, dont la plupart étaient d'ordre politique, les Jésuites envahirent la juridiction del'Archevêque d'Utrecht en 1592; quoiqu'ils furent plus d'une fois réprimandés par le Pape et qu'il leur futordonné de se soumettre à l'autorité de l'Archevêque, leurs machinations contre l'Eglise d'Utrecht n'endiminuèrent pas pour autant. En 1691, les Jésuites accusèrent faussement Peter Codde, Archevêqued'Utrecht, de favoriser la soi-disante hérésie Janséniste. Malgré les preuves d'innocence de l'Archevêqueà propos de cette hérésie, l'influence des Jésuites était si grande qu'ils persuadèrent le Pape d'émettreun bref secret suspendant et déposant l'Archevêque Codde qui ne fut jamais autorisé à présenter sa défense, pas plus qu'on ne lui donna les noms de ses accusateurs, ni les charges relevéescontre lui.

Nous croyons et nous maintenons que ces procédés irréguliers contre l'Eglise d'Utrecht étaient nuls etsans valeur puisque basés uniquement sur des charges, dont la preuve a été faite à l'époque, qu'ellesn'étaient pas fondées.

Devant ces procédés scandaleux et irréguliers, l'Archevêque Pierre CODDE, soutenu par le Chapitre, les52 paroisses et les fidèles de son diocèse, ne put admettre cette décision arbitraire. Les choses enrestèrent là jusqu'à la mort de Monseigneur CODDE. L'élection du nouvel Archevêque appartenait depuistoujours au Chapitre, soumise bien entendu à l'assentiment de Rome, qui en la circonstance refusa dedonner son accord pour l'élection du Chanoine Cornélius STEENHOVEN, élu à la majorité, prêtre éminentqui avait obtenu de Rome le doctorat en théologie. Toute la Catholicité d'Occident gardait les yeux fixéssur Utrecht! Qu'allait faire le Chapitre ? Trouverait-il un Evêque pour consacrer l'Archevêque élu? LesEvêques des pays limitrophes étaient peu désireux de se compromettre vis-à-vis de Rome et craignaientà juste titre les réactions de la Nonciature de Cologne et de Bruxelles !

C'est alors que la providence devait intervenir en la personne de Mgr. Dominique VARLET, EvêqueCatholique Romain, titulaire d'Ascalon, coadjuteur de Mgr. PIDOU de St. OLON, Evêque de Babylone enPerse. Le soir de sa consécration, Mgr. VARLET fut informé de la mort de Mgr. PIDOU dont il pritautomatiquement la Succession au Siège de Babylone.

Lors de son passage en Hollande, Mgr. VARLET apprit avec émotion la pénible situation de l'EgliseHollandaise et accepta avec bonheur de confirmer les fidèles à Utrecht, à Amsterdam, à la Haye. Cet actepastoral charitable et courageux ne devait jamais lui être pardonné par la Cour de Rome. Il fut l'objetd'une suspense, plus ou moins canonique, sous prétexte qu'il n'avait pas visité l'internonce à Bruxelles!Mgr. VARLET devant cette attitude inqualifiable resta en Hollande et accepta, sur la demande du Chapitred'Utrecht, de consacrer l'Archevêque élu:

PIERRE JEAN MEINDAARTS. En lui, l'Eglise Catholique de Hollande avait retrouvé un Archevêque éminentqui procéda à la consécration épiscopale des Evêques de Haarlem et de Deventer.Le 1er septembre 1763s'ouvrait alors en l'Eglise Ste Gertrude à Utrecht, le 1er Concile de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique de Hollande.C'est un monument d'orthodoxie et de respect pour le Saint Siège:"Nous acceptons sans aucuneexception tous les articles de la Sainte Foi Catholique. Nous ne retiendrons, ni n'enseignerons jamais,maintenant ou plus tard d'autres opinions que celles décrétées, déterminées et publiées par notre Mère laSainte Eglise. Nous rejetons et condamnons tout ce qui s'y oppose, spécialement toute hérésie, sansaucune exception que l'Eglise a condamnée ou rejetée".


Ces déclarations du Concile d'Utrecht devaient rester pour les Eglises Vieilles Catholiques Romaines lacharte de leur déclaration de Foi. Elles eurent l'heur de plaire en Europe Catholique Romaine etl'Archevêque d'Utrecht reçut de nombreuses lettres de félicitations. Le Pape CLEMENT XIII lui-même s'endéclara fort satisfait, mais les Jésuites veillaient et obtinrent finalement un décret injurieux contre lesmembres du synode d'Utrecht.

Pourtant, à cette époque et plus tard encore, les membres de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique d'Utrecht semontraient de fidèles Catholiques Romains ne souhaitant que la réconciliation avec Rome.

L'expérience devait montrer que, aussi longtemps que Rome serait Rome, cette "réconciliation" nepourrait être qu'une soumission sans condition à l'autoritarisme romain ...

En Allemagne, en Suisse, en Autriche, des paroisses entières voulurent rester fidèles au catholicisme detoujours. Pour ce faire, elles se tournèrent avec confiance vers le Siège Métropolitain d'Utrecht. N'était-cepas la plus ancienne Eglise Occidentale qui avait retrouvé le catholicisme primitif authentique? La validitéde son sacerdoce ne posait de question pour personne. Il convient de souligner que Rome n'a jamais pucontester la validité des consécrations épiscopales faites par Monseigneur VARLET. Il ne pouvait d'ailleurspas en être autrement selon la doctrine de l'Eglise Romaine Mgr. GERARD GULL, Archevêque Primat del'Eglise Vieille Catholique de Hollande, assisté de Mgr. VAN THIEL, Mgr. P. SPIT, Mgr. DEMMEL, conféra,en la cathédrale Sainte Gertrude à Utrecht, le 28 avril 1908 la consécration Episcopale à S. Exc.Mgr. ARNOLD HARRIS MATHEW lui transmettant ainsi une indiscutable Succession Apostolique issue duCardinal Barberini et passant par Bossuet.

Mgr. ARNOLD HARRIS MATHEW, fidèle aux déclarations du 1er concile de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique d'Utrecht de 1763, fonda alors en Angleterre l'Eglise Vieille Catholique Romaine qu'il établit par la suite en Amérique et dans le Monde. "The Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary", p. 373, première édition, "Their orders and sacrements are valid".

- Le Révérend Herbert Thurston, s.j., écrivant dans "The Month" en 1918, dit clairement que les ordresdérivés de l'Archevêque Arnold-Harris Mathew sont valides. - Les Anglicans reconnurent les ordres du prince de Landas- Berghes de Rache, qui fut consacré par Mgr.Mathew et, sur leur invitation, il fut coconsécrateur, le 12 janvier 1915, à la consécration de Mgr. H.R.Hulse, évêque de Cuba, dans la Cathédrale Anglicane de New York. - Maurice Colinon, dans Ecclesia, no. 131 de février 1960, page 70, parlant de Mgr. Varlet,écrit:"Assurant ainsi - validement, il faut le souligner - une succession apostolique qui n'avait pas fini defaire parler d'elle"; et page 74:"La validité incontestable des ordres dans l'Eglise Vieille-Catholique estune référence à laquelle ils ne manquent pas de faire appel".


Willibrord (Clemens) (695-739) Wera (739?-752/3) Eoban (753-754) Gregory of Utrecht (754-775) Alberic of Utrecht (775-784)


Theodardus (784-790) Hamacarus (790-806) Ricfried (806-ca. 820) Frederik I (ca. 820-829) Alberik II (835/7-845) Eginhard (ca. 845) Liudger (ca. 848-854) Hunger (854-866) Adalbold I (866-899) Radboud (899/900-917) Balderik (917/8-975/6) Folcmar (Poppo) (976-990) Boudewijn I (991-995) Ansfried (995-1010) Adalbold II (1010-1026) Bernold (1026/7-1054) William I (1054-1076) Conrad (1076-1099) Burchard (1100-1112) Godebold (1114-1127) Andreas van Cuijk (1127/8-1139) Hartbert (1139-1150) Herman van Hoorn (1151-1156) Godfried van Rhenen (1156-1178) Boudewijn II van Holland (1178-1196) Arnold I van Isenburg (1196-1197) Dirk I van Holland (1197) Dirk II van Are (van Ahr) (1197/8-1212) Otto I van Gelre (1212-1215) Otto II van Lippe (1216-1227) Wilbrand van Oldenburg (1227-1233) Otto III van Holland (1233-1249) Gozewijn van Amstel (van Randerath) (1249-1250) Hendrik I van Vianden (1250/2-1267) Jan I van Nassau (1267-1290) Jan II van Sierck (1290-1296) Willem II Berthout (1296-1301) Guy van Avennes (1301-1317) Frederik II van Sierck (1317-1322) Jacob van Oudshoorn (1322) Jan III van Diest (1322-1340) Jan IV van Arkel (1342-1364) Jan V van Virneburg (1364-1371) Arnold II van Hoorn (1371-1379) Floris van Wevelinkhoven (1379-1393) Frederik III van Blankenheim (1393-1423) Rudolf van Diepholt (1423-1455) Zweder van Culemborg (1425-1433) Walraven van Meurs (1434-1448) Gijsbrecht van Brederode (1455-1456) David van Bourgondië (1456-1496) Frederik IV van Baden (1496-1517) Philip of Burgundy (1517-1524) Hendrik II of Bavaria (1524-1529) Willem III van Enckenvoirt (1529-1534) Georg van Egmond (1534-1559)



La bulle papale de 1559 élève le Siège Episcopal d'Utrecht comme Archevêché avec cinq nouveaux évêques suffragants, tout en créant une province indépendante en Hollande. Le siège épiscopal de Haarlem et de Deventer sont à présent occupés par des Evêques Vieux-Catholiques, qui officiellement portent les noms: Evêque de Haarlem, et Evêque de Deventer.


Frederik V Schenck van Toutenburg (1559-1580) Herman van Rennenberg (1580-1592) Jan van Bruhesen (1592-1600)

Apostolic vicars or Archbishops in partibus

Sasbout Vosmeer (1602-1614) Philippus Rovenius (1620-1651) Jacobus de la Torre (1651-1661) Johannes van Neercassel (1661-1686) Petrus Codde (1688-1704) Gerhard Potcamp (1705) Adam Daemen (1707-1717) Johannes van Bijlevelt (1717-1725) Petrus Paulus Testa (1744) Ignatius Crivelli (1744-1755) Carolus Molinari (1755-1763) Batholomeus Soffredini (1763) Thomas Maria Ghilini (1763-1775) Joannes Antonius Maggiora (1775-1776) Ignatius Busca (1776-1785) Michael Causati (1785-1786) Antonius Felix Zondadari (1786-1790) Caesar di Brancadoro (1792-1794) Ludovicus Ciamberlani (1794-1828) Franciscus Cappacini (1829-1831) Antonius Antonucci (1831-1841) Innocentius Ferrieri (1841-1847) Johannes Zwijsen (1847-1848) Carolus Belgrado (1848-1853)


The Diocese of Utrecht was established in 695 when Saint Willibrord was consecrated bishop of theFrisians at Rome by Pope Sergius I, and with the consent of the Frankish ruler, Pippin of Herstal, settledat the market-town of Utrecht.

After Willibrord's death the diocese suffered greatly from the incursions of the Frisians, and later on ofthe Normans.

Better times appeared during the reign of the Saxon emperors, who frequently summoned the Bishops ofUtrecht to attend the imperial councils and diets. In 1024 the bishops were made Princes of the HolyRoman Empire and the new Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht was formed. It contained the present day Dutchprovince of Utrecht and the provinces of Groningen, Drenthe, and Overijssel.

In 1122, with the Concordat of Worms, the Emperor's right of investiture was annulled, and the cathedralchapter received the right to the election of the bishop. It was, however, soon obligated to share thisright with the four other collegiate chapters in the city: St. Salvator, St. John's, St. Peter's and St.Mary's. The Counts of Holland and Geldern, between whose territories the lands of the Bishops of Utrechtlay, also sought to acquire influence over the filling of the episcopal see. This often led to disputes and


consequently the Holy See frequently interfered in the election. After the middle of the 14th century thepopes repeatedly appointed the bishop directly without regard to the five chapters.

In 1527, the Bishop sold his territories to Emperor Charles V and the principality became part of theHabsburg dominions; the chapters voluntarily transferred their right of electing the bishop to Charles, ameasure to which Pope Clement VII gave his consent.

In 1559 Utrecht was raised to the rank of an archdiocese and metropolitan see with six suffragandioceses, but this new state of affairs did not last long. When the northern provinces of the Netherlandsrevolted, the archdiocese fell, with the overthrow of the Spanish power. According to the terms of theUnion of Utrecht, the rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic religion were guaranteed, but on June14, 1580, the practice of that religion was forbidden by the magistrates of Utrecht. The Cathedral of SaintMartin was taken from the archbishop and his Chapter; in truth the Government of the United Provinceswas unable to control the extremists. On August 25, 1580, Archbishop Schenk died, and two successorsappointed by Spain did not receive canonical confirmation, neither could they enter their diocese.

The See remained vacant until 1602, when the place of Archbishop was taken by the apostolic vicars ofthe Dutch Mission (Hollandse Zending), who, however, were generally driven from the country by theEstates-General and forced to administer their charge from abroad. These vicars were consecrated astitular archbishops in order not to offend Dutch Government, but on the condition that they wouldassume the real title of Archbishop of Utrecht when circumstances permitted.

During the last period of the apostolic vicariate, Jansenism and Gallicanism spread among the clergy andvicar Petrus Codde was suspended by the Pope, who accused him of being a Jansenist. He continued asArchbishop, remaining out of communion with the Papacy. After his death the majority of the diocesanclergy continued to claim the right to elect the bishops for themselves.

Having obtained the permission of the Dutch government, in 1723 the chapter elected a new archbishop,who was not confirmed in post, and excommunicated by Pope Benedict XIII. This was the beginning ofwhat would become the Old Catholic Church. All the Old Catholic Archbishops from 1723 until 1858notified their elections to the Popes.

Old Catholic archbishops

Cornelius van Steenoven (1724-1725) Cornelius Johannes Barchman Wuytiers (1725-1733) Theodorus van der Croon (1734-1739) Petrus Johannes Meindaerts (1739-1767) Walter van Nieuwenhuisen (1768-1797) Johannes Jacobus van Rhijn (1797-1808) Willibrord van Os (1814-1825) Johannes van Santen (1825-1858) Henricus Loos (1858-1873) Johannes Heijkamp (1875-1892) Gerardus Gul (1892-1920) Franciscus Kenninck (1920-1937) Andreas Rinkel (1937-1970) 1. Son Eminence Antonio, Cardinal BARBERINI, né en 1607 était le neveu du Pape URBAIN VIII. Le 30 août 1627, le Pape le nomme Grand Prieur de l'Ordre des Chevaliers de Malte et Cardinal de l'EgliseRomaine au titre de "Sainte Marie en Acquiro". En 1628, il devint Légat à Avignon. En 1655, il fut consacré Evêque de Frascati à Rome. Le Prélat consécrateur était MonseigneurSCANNAROLO, Evêque de Sidonie, assisté de l'Evêque BOTTINI, prélat du Pape, et de l'EvêqueLAURENZIO GRAVOTTI DE Vintimila. Le 22 décembre 1667, le Cardinal BARBERINI devint Archevêque de Reims. En 1668, il consacra comme coadjuteur, avec droit deSuccession: Monseig-neur LE TELLIER. Il mourut le 3 août 1671 au château de NEMI à quelques miles deROME.


2. Charles, Maurice LE TELLIER fut consacré par le Cardinal BARBERINI en l'Eglise de la Sorbonne à PARIS, le 12 novembre 1668. Il devint plus tard Archevêque de Reims. L'Archevêque LE TELLIER, par ordre du Pape CLEMENT X, à l'Eglise des Cordeliers à Pontoise, consacra le21 septembre 1670:3. Jacques, Benigne BOSSUET, comme Evêque de Condom, dans le département du Gers. L'Evêque BOSSUET fut transféré par le Pape CLEMENT X à MEAUX en 1671 et reçut l'ordre duPape de consacrer comme successeur en 1693, à l'Eglise de la Chartreuse à PARIS: 4. Jacques GOYON de Matignon, comme Evêque de Condom; par ordre du Pape CLEMENT XI, le dimanche de la Quinquagésime le 12 février 1719, il consacre à Paris: 5. DOMINIQUE MARIE VARLET, comme Evêque in partibus d'Ascalon et coadjuteur de Mgr. Pidou de St. Olon. Mgr. VARLET, consacre le 17 octobre 1739: 6. Pierre Jean MAINDAARTS, ARCHEVEQUE VIEUX-CATHOLIQUE D'UTRECHT, qui, le 11 juillet 1745 consacre: 7. Jean VAN STIPHOUT, qui consacre le 7 février 1768: 8. Walter Michel VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN, qui consacre le 21 juin 1778: 9. Adrien BROECKMAN, qui consacre le 5 juillet 1797: 10. Jean Jacques VAN RHIJN, qui consacre le 7 novembre 1805: 11. Gilbert Cornelius DE JONG, qui consacre le 24 avril 1814: 12. Willibrordus VAN OS, qui consacre le 12 avril 1819: 13. Jean BON, qui consacre le 13 novembre 1825: 14. Jean VAN SANTEN, qui consacre le 17 juillet 1853: 15. Hermanus HEYKAMP, qui consacre le 11 août 1873: 16. Gaspard Jean RINKEL qui, le 11 mai 1892, consacre: 17. Gérard GUL, Archevêque d'Utrecht qui, assisté de Mgr. VAN THIEL, P. SPIT, J.DEMMEL, le 28 avril 1908 en la Cathédrale Sainte Gertrude à Utrecht, consacre: 18. Arnold-Harris MATHEW, Archevêque de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique Romaine d'Angleterre, qui s'est soumis à l'Obédience Romaine le 31 décembre 1915. MonseigneurArnold-Harris MATHEW consacra le 29 juin 1913: 19. Francis E. de LANDAS BERGHE de RACHE, Prince en Autriche, comme Archevêque de l'Eglise Vieille Catholique des Etats-Unis d'Amérique (+ 1920), qui, le 4 octobre 1916, consacre: 20. Henry-Carmel CARFORA qui, le 10 février 1924, consacre: 21. Edwin-Wallace HUNTER qui, le 24 mars 1929, consacre: 22. Wallace de ORTEGA-MAXEY, et se joignit à l'obédience de Mgr. Willmott-Newman, sous le titre de Mar David, Patriarche de Malaga, Catholicos et Primat d'Hérie del'Eglise Catholique Orthodoxe d'Occident.)(Wallace de ORTEGA-MAXEY aurait été consacré le 2 janvier1927 par William-Montgomery BROWN, Evêque Anglican "non juring" d'Arkansas). Monseigneur Wallace de ORTEGA-MAXEY consacre le 6 juin 1946: Mgr Hugh George de Willmott-Newman consacre le 27 mai 1950Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson consacre le14 avril 1952Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer consacre le 14 novembre 1954Mgr Charles E. Brearley consacre le 14 May 1968Mgr Andre Barbeau consacre le 31 July 1973Mgr Victor Solis II consacre le 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) consacre le 6 novembre 1973Mgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) consacre le 12 avril 1987Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) consacre le 18 Avril 1992Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) consacre le 26 September 1995Mgr Tau Johannes I (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro)





Cette Succession Apostolique prend ses origins dans le Patriarcat D’Antioche et est la meme jusqua’Mar Paul II, “ Gulotti Miraglia “ en 1900 A.D.

Notre Seigneur JESUS le CHRIST

Anno Domini A. D. St. Pierre L’Apotre 38 2 Evodius 44 3 Ignacius 68 4 Earon 107 5 Cornelius 137 6 Eados 142 7 Theophilus 157 8 Maximin 171 9 Seraphim 17910 Asclepiades 18911 Philippe 20112 Zebinus 21913 Babylas 23714 Fabius 25015 Demetrius 25116 Paul I 25917 Dominus I 27018 Timothee 28119 Cirylus 291


20 Tyrantus 29621 Vitalius 30122 Philogonius 31823 Eustachius 32324 Paulin 33825 Melece 35226 Philabinus 38327 Evagrius 38628 Phosphorius 41629 Alexandre 41830 Jean I 42831 Theodote 43132 Dominus II 442 33 Maxime 45034 Accace 45435 Martyrius 45736 Pierre II 46437 Philade 50038 Severius 50939 Sergius 54440 Dominus III 54741 Anastase 56042 Gregoire I 56443 Paul II 56744 Patra 571 45 Dominus IV 58646 Julien I 59147 Athanase I 59548 Jean II 63649 Theodore II 64950 Serverus 66851 Athanase II 68452 Julien II 68753 Elie I 70954 Athanase III 72455 Evanius I 74056 Servas I 759 57 Joseph 79058 Cyriaque 79359 Denys I 81860 Jean III 847 61 Ignace II 87762 Theodose 88763 Denys II 89764 Jean IV 91065 Basile I 92266 Jean V 93667 Evanius II 95468 Denys III 95869 Abraham I 96270 Jean VI 96571 Athanase IV 98772 Jean VII 100473 Denys IV 103274 Theodore II 104275 Athanase V 105876 Jean VIII 106477 Basile II 107478 Abdon 1076


79 Denys V 107780 Evanius III 108081 Denys VI 108882 Athanase VI 109183 Jean IX 113184 Athanase VII 113985 Michel I 116686 Athanase VIII 120087 Michel II 120788 Jean X 1208 89 Ignace III 122390 Denys VII 125391 Jean XI 125392 Ignace IV 126493 Philanus 128394 Ignace Barhid 129395 Ignace Ismael 133396 Ignace Basile III 136697 Ignace Abraham II 138298 Ignace Basile IV 141299 Ignce Bahanam I 1415100 Ignce Kalejib 1455101 Ignace Jean 1483102 Ignace Noe 1492103 Ignace Jesus I 1509 104 Ignace Jacques I 1510105 Ignace David I 1519106 Ignace Abdullah I 1520107 Ignace An Athalak 1557108 Ignace David II 1576109 Ignace Philatus 1591110 Ignace Abdullah II 1597111 Ignace Caddhai 1598112 Ignace Simeon 1640113 Ignace Jesus II 1653114 Ignace Amesiah I 1663115 Ignace Cabeed 1686 116 Ignace Gervais II 1687 117 Ignace Isaac 1708118 Ignace Siccarablak 1722119 Ignace Gervais III 1746120 Ignace Gervais IV 1768 121 Ignace Mathias 1781 A. D.122 Ignace Bahanam II 1810 A. D.123 Ignace Jonas 1817 A. D. 124 Ignace Gervais V 1818 A. D.125 Ignace Elie II 1839 A. D.126 Ignace Jacques II 1847 A. D.127 Ignace Pierre III “Monsignor Bedros“ 1872 A. D.128 Mar Paul I “ Athanasius “ 1877 A. D.129 Mar Julius I “ Alvarez J. “ 1889 A. D.130 Mar Timothee I “Joseph Rene Vilatte“ 1892 A. D.131 Mar Paul II “Gulotti Miraglia“ 1900 A. D. 132 Whitebrock 29 December, 1908 A. D. 133 Stanaad 7 April, 1912 A. D.134 Mar Timothee II “A. Stumpfl“ 27 Juillet, 1947 A. D.135 Mar Justinius “Joseph-Marie Thiesen“ 17 Avril, 1949 A. D.136 Andre Barbeau 12 Aout, 1976 A. D. 137 Georges Bellemare 12 Decembre, 1976 A. D.


138 Johannes Lux Ministri “ Jean- Marie Pomerleu “ 1987 A. D. Consacre en L’Eglise the Advent a Montreal le 12 Avril.

139 Tau Mikael “ Monsignor Ronald Cappello “ 1992 A. D. Consacre en la Chapelle Jean-Marie Pomerleu En Dunhan, Canada de 18 de Avril.

140 Tau Joannes 1995 A. D.

Monsignor Tau Mikael (Ronald Cappelo), qui le 26 Septembre 1995 en la Chapelle de Yonkers, New Yorkconsacra...

Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Eveque de Philadelphia, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) Monsignor Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Gabirro), Il fut Ordonne Pretre par Monsignor Charles MauriceNurse “Tau Philippe” Bishop of Smyrna Principal of Saint-Michael In Ecclesia Gnostica CatholicaApostolica, Bridge Town, Barbados, B.W.I. .Monsignor Rui Alexandre Gabirro, Il recevait la consecration Episcopale des mais de Monsignor RonaldCappello “Tau Mikael” , agit comme co-consecrateur Bishop Tau Metatron.


Cette Succession Apostolique prend ses origins dans le Patriarcat Copta D’Egipt.

Monsignor Saint John, Archeveque de la Divine Mickersayon, le 27 mai 1947 consacra...

Monsignor Lukos Archeveque des Indes de l’Ouest qui consacra...

Monsignor Harold Percival Nicholson qui le 14 Avril 1952 sous le nom de Monsignor Philippus consacra...

Monsignor Philip Charles Stuart Singer qui le 14 novembre 1954 consacra...

Monsignor Charles E. Brearley qui le 14 Mai 1968 consacra...

Monsignor Andre Barbeau qui le 31 Juillet 1973 reconsacra “Sub Conditione”....

Monsignor Roger Caro “S.B. Pierre Phoebus” qui le 6 Novembre 1973 consacra...

Monsignor Denis Claing “Petrus de Lumine” qui le 12 Avril 1987 en L’Eglise The Advent a Montreal,Canada consacra...

Monsignor Jean-Marie Pomerleau “Johannes Lux Ministri” qui le 18 Avril 1992en la Chapelle Jean-Marie Pomerleau en Dunham, Canada consacra...


Monsignor Tau Mikael (Ronald Cappelo), qui le 26 Septembre 1995 en la Chapelle de Yonkers, New Yorkconsacra...

Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Eveque de Philadelphia, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) Monsignor Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Gabirro), Il fut Ordonne Pretre par Monsignor Charles MauriceNurse “Tau Philippe” Bishop of Smyrna Principal of Saint-Michael In Ecclesia Gnostica CatholicaApostolica, Bridge Town, Barbados, B.W.I. .Monsignor Rui Alexandre Gabirro, Il recevait la consecration Episcopale des mais de Monsignor RonaldCappello “Tau Mikael” , agit comme co-consecrateur Bishop Tau Metatron.


Le Cardinal Barberini consacra, le 12 November 1668, dans l’Eglise de la Sorbonne a Paris,

Mgr Le Tellier qui, le 21 Septembre 1670, consacraMgr Bossuet qui, en 1693, consacra

De Maignon, Jacques Goyen, Roman Catholic Bishop of Condom, consecrated on February 12, 1719:

Varlet, Dominique-Marie, as Roman Catholic Bishop of Ascalon (in partibus infidelium). On the death ofthe then Bishop of Babylon, he was reappointed to that position. While in the Netherlands he consecratedon October 17, 1739:Meindaarts, Petrus Johannes, as Archbishop of Utrecht for the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands,who consecrated on July 11, 1745:

Van Stipout, Johannes, as Bishop of Haarlem, who consecrated on February 17, 1768:

Van Nieuwenhuitzen, Gualterus M., as Archbishop of Utrecht, who consecrated on June 21, 1778:

Broekman, Johannes, as Bishop of Haarlem, who consecrated on July 5, 1779:

Van Rhijn, Johannes Jacobus, as Archbishop of Utrecht, who consecrated on November 7, 1805:

De Jong, Gijsbertus Cornelius, as Bishop of Deventer, who consecrated on April 24, 1814:


Van Os, Willibrordus, as Archbishop of Utrecht, who consecrated on April 22, 1819:

Bon, Johannes, as Bishop of Haarlem, who consecrated on June 14, 1825:

Van Santen, Johannes, as Archbishop of Utrecht, who consecrated on July 17, 1853:

Heijkamp, Hermanus, as Bishop of Deventer, who consecrated on August 11, 1873:

Rinkel, Casparus Johannes, as Bishop of Haarlem, who consecrated on May 11, 1892:

Gul, Gerardus, as Archbishop of Utrecht, who consecrated on April 28, 1908:

Mathew, Arnold Harris, as Bishop of the Old Catholic Church of Great Britain and Ireland. He was electedArchbishop in 1911 after the church became independent of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands.He consecrated on June 29, 1913:

De Landas Berges et de Rache, Prince Rudolphe Francois Edourd, as Missionary Bishop for Scotland. Dueto the outbreak of World War I, as an alien, he moved to the United States of America. There he re-consecrated sub-conditione on October 4, 1916:

Mgr Henry William Francis Brothers qui est en meme temps Eveque regionnaire pour les Estas Unis deL’Eglise Mariavite et Eveque de l’Eglise Vieille Catholic en Amerique du Nord; en 1925, consacra

Mgr William Montgomery Brown que le 2 January 1927, consacra

Mgr Wallace David Ortega Maxey qui consacra (Anglican Church)Mgr Hugh George de Willmott-Newman 6 April 1946Mgr Harold Percival Nicholson 27 mai 1950Mgr Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 avril 1952Mgr Charles E. Brearley 14 novembre 1954Mgr Andre Barbeau 14 May 1968Mgr Victor Solis II 31 July 1973Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) 6 novembre 1973 Transmit sa Succession aMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) 6 novembre 1973Mgr Jean-Marie Pomerleu (Johannes Lux Ministri) 12 avril 1987Mgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) 18 Avril 1992Mgr Tau Johannes (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) 26 September 1995




La Saint Eglise Apostolique D’Armenie fut fondee par les duex Apotres Barthelemy et Jude.

S. B. Pierre I “Abramo “ Patriarche de Silicie des Armenies Uniates, s’unit a Rome en 1742 A. D.

Lui succederent;

S. B. Giacomo Pietro II 1750 A. D.S. B. Michele Pietro III 1754 A. D.S.B. Basilio Pietro IV 1781 A. D.S. B. Gregorio Pietro V 1788 A. D.S. B. Gregorio Pietro VI 1815 A. D.S. B. Giacomo Pietro VII 1842 A. D.S. B. Michele Pietro VIII 1844 A. D.S. B. Antonio Pietro IX 1867 A. D.S. B. Chorchorunian 1874 A. D.


S. B. Leone Chechemian 23 Avril, 1878 A. D. S. B. Andrea Carlo MacLagen 2 Novembre, 1897 A. D. S. B. Herbert James Heard 4 Juin, 1922 A. D. S. B. Willian Crow 13 Juin, 1943 A. D.S. B. Georges de Willmott-Newman 10 Avril, 1944 A. D.S. B. Harold Percival Nicholson 27 Mai, 1950 A. D.S. B. Philip Charles Stuart Singer 14 Avril , 1952 A. D.S. B. Charles E. Brearley 14 Novembre, 1954 A. D.S. B. Andre Barbeau 14 Mai, 1968 A. D.S. B. Victor Solis II 31 juillet, 1973 A. D.S. B. Pierre Phoebus “ Roger Caro “ 6 Novembre, 1973 A. D.S. B. Petrus De Lumine “Denis Claing “ 6 Novembre, 1973 A. D.S. B. Johannes Lux Ministri “Jean-Marie Pomerleau” 12 Avril, 1987 A. D.S. B. Tau Mikael “Ronald Cappello “ 18 Avril, 1992 A. D.S. B. Tau Joannes “Rui Alexandre Gabirro” 26 Septembre, 1995 A. D.

Monsignor Tau Mikael (Ronald Cappelo), qui le 26 Septembre 1995 en la Chapelle de Yonkers, New Yorkconsacra...

Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Eveque de Philadelphia, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro) Monsignor Tau Joannes I (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro), Il fut Ordonne Pretre par MonsignorCharles Maurice Nurse “Tau Philippe” Bishop of Smyrna Principal of Saint-Michael In Ecclesia GnosticaCatholica Apostolica, Bridge Town, Barbados, B.W.I. .Monsignor Tau Joannes I, Il recevait la consecration Episcopale des mais de Monsignor Ronald Cappello“Tau Mikael”, agit comme co-consecrateur Bishop Tau Metatron.


Msgr. Eduardo Sánchez Camacho, who in 1899 (at a chapel in the palace of the Duke of Aosta in Italy)consecrated Edward Donkin a Bishop, from whom descend many of independent bishops.

This is the fascinating story of a Roman Catholic diocesan bishop in Mexico, who in the last half of theNineteenth Century had a falling out with his fellow Mexican bishops after he voiced support for theMexican Revolution and publicly opposed promotion of the cult of Our Lady of Guadelupe.

To resolve the dispute among Msgr. Sánchez and the other Mexican bishops, the Vatican sent on aspecial mission to Mexico an Apostolic Visitor, one of its diplomats, Archbishop Nicolás Averardi. But withhis arrival the situation only went from bad to worse.

Msgr. Sánchez ultmately resigned from his see in October 1896 and retired to his villa, Quinta del Olvido,near Victoria in Tamaulipas, Mexico, where he later abandonned the Roman Catholic Church and becameinvolved in efforts to found a Mexican National Catholic Church.

The amazing story of the life of Bp Sánchez has been recounted by José Miguel Romero de Solís in"Apostasia episcopal en Tamaulipas" Historia Mexicana, 37 (1987), pp. 239-281.

In 1899, while on a trip to Italy, Msgr. Sánchez consecrated as a bishop for this project the Rev. EdwardDonkin, an American Protestant minister. In the next decade, Donkin consecrated as bishops two British


Protestant ministers, Rev. Ulric Herford and Rev. Herbert Heard.

06/29/1880 Eduardo Sánchez Camacho (b. in 1838; d. in 1920).Ordained a Roman Catholic priest on 04/05/1862 at San Francisco, CaliforniaConsecrated a bishop on 06/29/1880 at Guadalajara, Mexico by Msgr. Pedro Loza y Pardavé, Archbishopof Guadalajara, Mexico. Msgr. Sánchez Camacho was Bishop of Tamaulipas, Mexico, 1880-1896. Heresigned in 1896 and later attempted to form a Mexican National Catholic Church Consacra en 1899,V1,33 Naples en Italie, dans la Chapelle d’Amedee de Savoi Mgr Comte Edward Rufane Benedict Donkin(b. in 1871; d. in 1906), Eveque de Sainte-Croix, en Sicile, que en 8 October 1904 (5) a Londres,consacra.

Ulric Vernon Herford (b. in 1866; d. in 1938), consacra 28 February 1925 (8)William Stanley MacBean Knight, consacra 18 October 1931Hedley Coward Bartlett (b. in 1863; d. in 1956), qui le 20 May 1945 imposa les mains sur:

Hugh George Mar Georgius I de Willmott Newman, qui le 27 May 1950, consacraHarold Percival Mar Joannes Nicholson (d. in 1968), qui le 14 April 1952, imposa les mains sur:Philip Charles Stuart Singer Mar Philippus (b. in 1910; d. in 1971), qui devint Primat de l’Eglise NouvelleCatholic Libre et qui le 14 November 1954 consacra :Charles E. Brearley comme Eveque du Yorkshire, Il preside la Saint Eglise Vieille Catholique, le 14 May1966 (8) il imposa les mains sur :André Leon Zotique Barbeau (b. in 1912; d. in 1994), Ordained a Roman Catholic priest on 11/21/1940.He left the Roman Catholic Church in 1957 and established the Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada.Consecrated a bishop on 05/14/1966 (8) at Mirabel, Québec, by Charles Brearley, a bishop of the OldHoly Catholic Church. Qui le 31 July 1973 consacra:Mgr Victor Solis II qui le 6 November 1973, reconsacra “subconditione”Mgr Roger Caro (S.B. Pierre Phoebus) qui le 6 November 1973 consacraMgr Denis Claing (Petrus de Lumine) qui , le 12 April 1987 consacraMgr Jean Marie Pomerleau (Johannes Lux Ministri) qui le 18 April 1992 consacraMgr Ronald Cappello (Tau Mikael) qui le 26 September a New York consacraMgr Tau Joannes I, (Rui Alexandre Pires Costa Galvao Gabirro)

Bishop Joseph Rene Vilatte

Christian (Old) Catholic priest in the United States, first Bishop Ordinary of the CCRCC, President andOrganizer of the American Catholic (Community) Church Council.

1854: Born on January 24, the son of Joseph René Vilatte, a Parisian business man, and MarieAntoinette Chaurin. His mother passed away (in 1857) when he was very young. He was brought up inthe Department of Maine, by his paternal grand parents who belonged to the Petite Église, a Catholicminded type of French Community Church movement dating back to the Napoleonic era.


1867: Brought back to Paris by his father. Trained by the Christian Brothers for the teaching profession.Graduated in 1870.

1870-1871: Military service at the time of the Franco-Prussian war. Served under the celebratedBergeret. Saw the horrors of the Commune.

1881: Hired by the Hull School Board in Western Quebec, Canada. Taught at St. Anthony's School forboys under Father Louis Reboul, O.M.I. He was a celebrated missionary to the lumberjacks and presidedat the local school board. Vilatte assisted Father Reboul at Notre-Dame Parish Church as a catechist. Healso learned Latin at the time. He entered the Order of Christian Brothers to be able to continue workingwith Father Reboul. 1876-1877: Time spent in Namur Belgium at the Christian Brothers Noviciate. While in Belgium, hefound out the his protector, Father Reboul, had died on March 1, 1877. He returned to Canada andentered college there.

1878-1880: Studied philosophy at the College of The Fathers of The Holy Cross in Ville Saint Laurent, asuburb of Montreal. Father Vanier, one of his teachers wrote "he was a charming man, generous, pious,respectful and had a lot of friends."

At that time in his life, he met Father Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899), the Quebec reformer who hadfounded the French-Canadian Community Movement in the United States (registered in Kankakee DistrictCourt, Illinois 1859), under the name Christian Catholic Church. Vilatte joined Chiniquy in Montreal andworked in his Franco-Canadian interdenominational mission movement, under the auspices of thePresbyterian Church. He was sent to St. Hyacinthe, Quebec as a teacher and catechist at StJohn Churchwith Rev. Moïse Boudreau, a disciple of Father Chiniquy. At the suggestion of Father Chiniquy, he (Vilatte) entered the ministerial training program offered atMcGuill University by the Presbyterian Church and graduated in 1884.

1884-1885: Sent to Green Bay, Wisconsin, he worked as a lay missionary to the Belgian and French-Canadian colonies of Brown County. Father Chiniquy went to support his ministry and preached in GreenBay, Fort Howard and Marineette, October 1994. His talent as a preacher brought many people to thechurch, not only from the Green Bay, Brown County area, but from the northern French-speakingcolonies of Door County; where an independent Catholic movement had been initiated at Desert,Wisconsin, among the Belgians. Mr. Edouard de Bekker, the president of the of the movement came tosee Vilatte in Green Bay and asked him to become their pastor.

He presented the situation to Father Chiniquy and it was felt favourable to get in touch with Frenchreformer Hyacinthe Loyson. He had been a Christian Catholic (Old Catholic) rector in Geneva and wasclose to Bishop Edward Herzog, the Swiss Bishop. He recommended Vilatte to him. Following a tutorialtraining program under Bern University Professor E. Michaud, Vilatte passed an comprehensiveexamination in Christian Catholic theology and was ordained to the priesthood on June 7th. Theceremony took place in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Bern.

Vilatte returned to Wisconsin with the support of the Robillards, a French-Canadian family, and settled inLittle Sturgeon, n, Door County, where he celebrated his first mass on June 27. The Robillards lent him alog cabin which served as chapel and rectory. He called his mission 'Good Shepherd'. Here is adescription made by Rev. S.J. French:

"Landing there, walked south along the lonely shore of Green Bay for about three miles where you willfind a small house facing the bay, a log cabin clapboarded over the logs, with a crodd arising from thecentre of the ridge-pole. This at once is the rectory and chapel. Its overlook is most lovely. It is enteredby door in the middle of the front side. Entering the door we are in the middle of holy poverty. The seatsin the chapel are rough planks resting on temporary structures, the altar construction likewise, which isconcealed by plain white muslin frontal. The top is covered with fair linen cloth, the altar ornaments aremade of wood by the priest himself, and their roughness concealed by a coat of paint or folds of whitepaper. A platform a few inches high does duty for foot pace and on the floor surrounding the altar andfoot pace is tacked a strip of crash towelling. This is the chancel. The sanctuary lamp is a taper in a


tumbler of oil resting on a bracket nailed to the window frame. An equally rough lectern completes thefurniture. For vestments, a cheap set of white Roman pattern with a chalice and paten."

The office and bedroom of the priest are opposite. Here there is no attempt at a credible appearance,except that as a chapel, all is scrupulously neat. In the office, a small cookstove and pine table coveredwith enamel cloth. Over the table is a rough shelf containing a few books, small crucifix and photographsof Bishop Edward Herzog, Père Hyacinthe Loyson and Dr. Eugene Michaud. A similar shelf in the bedroomcontains a few more books. On the floor is no sight of carpet, on the bare logs of the house no coveringsbut whitewash" (The Living Church 10-24-1885). At this time Marcel Pelletier joined Vilatte as a lay missionary. (Reading the above, we see how simple Vilatte lived in his mission territory. There were few creature

comforts and like many other pioneer priests, he made a sacrifice to live among and minister to the

people of God in North-eastern Wisconsin. I believe that this is what Bishop Brown saw, when he visited

the station. Vilatte was a humble man and many people saw this.)

1886: Out of the mission station grew a parish of 140 people, in only a few months, including the Desert/Brussels congregation. The need for a larger permanent church was felt. Between January 23 and March22, Vilatte gathered the sum of $4,500 preaching in Chicago, New York, Boston and Baltimore. He wasgiven a piece of land in Gardner, a few miles from Little Sturgeon. At this location, the Church of thePrecious Blood of Jesus was started. The Episcopal Bishop of Fond du Lac, Bishop J.H. Brown, presided atthe ground breaking ceremony. Brown was supportive of Vilatte's ministry and supported the ministryuntil his death in May 1888. He wrote to a colleague in New Jersey that he regarded Vilatte and theFrench Canadians as "Uniats". Part of the money gathered by Vilatte was used for the printing ofcatechisms and prayer books. They were published in New York in the French language, based on Swissmaterials.

1887: Jean-Baptiste Gauthier, a friend and colleague of Vilatte from the French-Canadian Chiniquistmission movement, joined him and Marcel Pelletier in Gardner during the summer. He had ministerialtraining from McGill University (Presbyterian University) and had been working as a teacher and catechistin Illinois since 1885. He was a former Vhristian Brother and was teaching in Ottawa when Villate was inHull, with Father Reboul, on the Quebec side of the river. On July 7, together with Marcel Pelletier, theyformed the religious order called the Society of the Precious Blood and made it known in a pamphlet thatwas published in Gardner, under the title The Society of the Precious Blood: A Presentation. Thispublication brought two new members: Henri Neville and Erasmus Proth, both admitted in the month ofOctober.

1888: The Belgian Independent Catholic congregation in the Desert/Kewaunee area turned into a parishand a permanent church and rectory were built in Dyckesville, later called Duvall. The parish church wasput under the patronage of Saint Mary, Mother of the Lord. Vilatte moved there with Brother Proth.Father Ernest de Beaumont, a priest of the Anglican Church also joined the order and became pastor ofPrecious Blood, Gardner, and was assisted by Brother Gauthier, at that time, Brother Marcel Pelletier andBrother Sylvio Fournier also assisted. A seminary was established in Sturgeon Bay, in the month ofSeptember. 1889: Brother Gauthier was ordained a priest in Bern and appointed pastor of Precious Blood Parishin Gardner, at the end of October. There were about 1,000 people in the Movement at that time: 235 inDuvall; 240 in Gardner; 40 in Menominee (Michigan), plus a dispersion made at the following places andnumbers of families: Green Bay (5); La Grande Baie (22); Marinette (5); Robinsonville (4); Stevenson(5); and Valin (25). At the suggestion of Mr. Édouard de Bekker, an assembly of clergy and delegateswas held in Saint Mary's Church, Duvall, on November 16, for the purpose of putting in place the Churchstructure called for by the faith and order commonly shared by the French speaking independentCatholics. The assembly used a working document called "A Sketch of the Belief" that had been preparedby the Society of Precious Blood religious and had been published in Duvall on July 7 under the signatureof Vilatte, superior. It formed the basis of the "Duvall Faith & Order Declaration" which is still observedtoday by some of the Old Catholic based Canadian Churches. It was at this meeting that Vilatte waselected to the office of Bishop.


1890-1892: Support for Vilatte's consecration came from the Independent Catholic Church of Sri Lanka,Goa and India, through Father Bernard Harding, a priest in Roman orders who had been a missionarythere (then called Ceylon) before joining the Society of Precious Blood in 1890. Upon hisrecommendation, synodal council members were in touch with the bishops of that church and inparticular, Bishop Antonio F.X. Alverez. The Bishop gave a positive answer to their request and statedthat he had to consult with the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch, Ignatius Peter IV, to whom he owed hisobedience, and with his colleagues, the Syrian Malabar bishops of India. The patriarch gave hispermission for the consecration in a bull that was issued in Mardine, on December 29, 1891, and theceremony tool place in the Cathedral of Our of Good Death, in Colombo, on May 29, 1892. Indian Malabarbishops, Mar Paul Athanasius (Kottayam) and Mar Gregorius (Niranan, India). acted as co-consecrators.U.S. Council, William Morey acted as official witness. Returning to Wisconsin, Vilatte established his seeat Duvall and used saint Mary's as his pro-cathedral. Vilatte ordained Edward Knowles on August 15, for an English speaking mission in West Sutton,Massachusetts, Published the book, Ecclesiastical Relations with Foreign Churches, written incollaboration with synodal officers G. Barrette, E. De Bekker and A. Marchand. The document dealsmostly with the difficult rapports with Anglican Bishop Grafton of Fond du Lac and the Old Catholics inEurope, following Vilatte's episcopal election in 1889. 1893: Vilatte wrote and published an Encyclical to Bishops of the Apostolic Succession, mostly torespond to false accusations made by Bishop Grafton re: his episcopate. Opened new parishes St Josephin Walhaim, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Admitted a new Society of Precious Blood member, Louis A.Fournier. 1894: Contacts initiated with synodal members of the Polish Catholic Church, centred in Cleveland, Ohio.The leader was, Father Franciszeck Kalasweski, rector of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Cleveland,this church and its members joined with the Wisconsin Synod and came under the jurisdiction of Vilatte.Also, the first women were admitted to the Society of Precious Blood, Sister Mary, of Chicago. Othersadmitted were Brother Albert Messenge of Gardner and Father Florent de Menlenane, appointed to St.Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Duvall. 1895: The Cathedral Church of St. Louis of France was erected and blessed in Green Bay, Wisconsin. TheEpiscopal see was transferred there from Duvall. Father J. Lebourt, a former Roman Catholic priest, isadmitted to the diocese and appointed pastor at Gardner.


MGR. MAURICE AUBERGER (THEOPHOREONAI) reçut les Ordres Mineurs et Majeurs jusqu'à prêtre incluspar ARMAND TOUSSAINT (RAYMOND PANAGION) le 10 juin 1972; consacré par ROGER CARO (PIERREPHOEBUS, plus tard STEPHANOS), le 22 octobre 1972 (Lignée Syro-Jacobite d'Antioche). Il fut consacré"sub conditione"(Lignées Apostoliques de Mgr. CHARLES BREARLEY - IGNATIUS CAROLUS) pour lapremière fois, le 10 novembre 1973 des mains de ROGER CARO. Pour la seconde fois, il fut consacré "subconditione", le 8 août 1975, pour obtenir la succession Vaticane du Brésil (Mgr. MICHEL STAFFIERO),toujours des mains de Mgr. ROGER CARO. Il fut consacré une troisième fois, le 26 juin 1978, par ROGERCARO, assisté par les consécrateurs adjoints:G. BELLEMARE; GIULIO RONDINI; et, comme co-consécrateurs et témoins: ROGER LOUBET, JEAN-PAUL CHARLET, PATRICK LEBAR. Les consécrationsépiscopales de MGR. MAURICE AUBERGER ont toujours succédées celles de MGR. ROGER CARO. Décédé.

MGR. DANIEL CARO (TELETOURGOS). Il reçut les Ordres Mineurs, le Diaconat et la Prêtrise le 10 février1973, par Mgr. Jean-Paul CHARLET (JETHRO), et consacré évêque (Lignée Syro-Jacobite d'Antioche), le11 février 1973 par Mgr. Maurice AUBERGER (THEOPHOREONAI); et, reçut la première consécration sub conditione (Lignées Apostoliques de Mgr. CHARLES BREARLEY - IGNATIUS CAROLUS), le 1erdécembre 1973 par Mgr. Roger CARO. Egalement par les mains de son père, il reçut une secondeconsécration sub conditione, le 25 août 1975, pour arriver à la Succession Apostolique Romaine du Brésilde Mgr. Michel STAFFIERO. Mgr. Daniel CARO a démissionné en 1980/81.

MGR. ROGER CARO (PIERRE PHOEBUS, plus tard STEPHANOS).Un groupe d'amis, même plus des frères,s'étaient réunis pour étudier ensemble des disciplines spirituelles diverses, se basant sur l'étude destextes anciens et médiévaux. Ils étaient à l'époque trente-trois chercheurs qui étudiaient les branches de


leur choix, cependant ayant tous un point commun, la pratique du Catholicisme. Le président de cegroupement Roger CARO, organisa deux fois par an une assemblée générale à Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, dont chaque rencontre débutait par la célébration du Sacrifice de la Sainte Messe, faisant appel à un prêtreCatholique Romain, de Salon-de-Provence.

Cependant, un beau jour, ce précieux appui fit défaut, et l'assemblée n'eut plus de Messe.Comme Mgr.Roger CARO avait toujours fait paraître de nombreux articles touchant la théologie tant Romainequ'Orthodoxe, ayant été instruit durant des années par Monseigneur Dahane et le Professeur Mohlberg de Rome au Vatican, il eut la surprise de recevoir une lettre de Belgique émanant deMonseigneur Armand TOUSSAINT, descendant par sa consécration en ligne directe de la SuccessionApostolique de Saint-Pierre à Antioche, qui consacra Saint-Evode, premier évêque pour cette région. Il proposa de venir conférer àSaint-Cyr-sur-Mer, les Ordres Mineurs et Majeurs à Roger CARO, le 10 juin 1972.Ayant obtenul'autonomie pour la France de la part de son consécrateur, Monseigneur Roger CARO fonda l'Eglise de laNouvelle Alliance, du Rite Traditionnel Catholique Romain, le 12 octobre 1972. Quelques années après,l'E.N.A. prit le nom de l'Eglise Universelle de la Nouvelle Alliance, accentuant ainsi son oecuménicité en introduisant dans l'Eglise également le Rite Orthodoxe Grec. Il est bon de se rappeler que la dite Eglisefut admise au "Collège Episcopal des Archevêques et Evêques du Siège de l'Eglise Catholique Gallicane(feu Patriarche Truchemotte de l'Eglise Catholique Gallicane), le 15 août 1973.

A partir du mois de mai 1980, le dixième jour, il est également Recteur pour la France, de l'Eglise VieilleCatholique Romaine d'Allemagne. En qualité de Patriarche-Archevêque de l'Eglise Universelle de laNouvelle Alliance, Sa Béatitude Roger CARO reçut maintes consécrations "sub conditione", qui le faitécrire:

"L'E.U.N.A. étant oecuménique, Mgr. CARO n'hésita pas à échanger des consécrations sub conditioneavec de nombreux Prélats Amis, ce qui permit la réalisation de 32 intercommunions à ce jour avec desEglises Soeurs ayant la même foi ... car pour nous, une reconsécration sub conditione n'a jamais étédonnée ou reçue avec l'arrière pensée que les précédentes étaient suspectes, mais pour "RESSERRERLES LIENS ENTRE EGLISES", en d'autres termes recevoir ou donner de nouvelles SuccessionsApostoliques c'était en quelque sorte entrer ou faire entrer un Ami dans sa propre famille. Il fallait quece point fut précisé une fois pour toutes."

MGR. ROGER CARO, Commandeur de l'Ordre Patriarcal des Chevaliers de la Sainte Croix de Jérusalem(S.B. MAXIMOS V HAKIM); Doctor of Divinity (Docteur en Théologie), titre honorifique Anglo/Saxon; et,Doctor en Philosophie, mourut le 16 janvier 1992. L'E.U.N.A. fut dissout le 25 mars 1992, suivant lapublication au "Journal Officiel de la République Française, à la page 974. L'oeuvre de MGR. ROGER CAROcontinue par ses Evêques et Prêtres de l'Eglise Catholique et Apostolique, gardant intact le dépôtapostolique de la Foi. Quant à la transmission régulière et VALIDE de l'EPISCOPAT de MGR. ROGERCARO, IL FAUT CONCLURE A LA VALIDITE D'UN TEL EPISCOPAT. Quant à la juridiction, il importe de nepas oublier ceci: en droit, il est universellement acquis, que tout véritable Evêque est Evêque pour TOUTEL'EGLISE UNIVERSELLE CATHOLIQUE. Son pouvoir d'ORDRE PONTIFICAL EST DE DROIT DIVIN.

Son pouvoir de juridiction, de DROIT HUMAIN, consiste dans la restriction conventionnelle, pour desraisons d'opportunité, de ce pouvoir d'ordre à telle partie circonscrite de l'Eglise Universelle. MGR.ROGER CARO et Ses Evêques jouissent donc d'un authentique POUVOIR D'ORDRE et il appartientdirectement à l'Eglise Catholique; historiquement, sa position se rapproche de celle qu'on peut attribuer àd'autres Evêques (dits constitutionnels en 1791) à qui Rome a demandé en 1801, à la fois dedémissionner et, avant de démissionner, de CONSACRER les Evêques de la nouvelle hiérarchieCatholique après le Concordat.

VIEILLE: Parce qu'elle rejette le modernisme et toute innovation ou abandon liturgique contraires à lapratique traditionnelle de l'Eglise. Ce nom est significatif de la fidélité à ce Catholicisme universellementaccepté de par le monde depuis des siècles. Selon Saint Paul: «Restez fidèles à la Tradition». Qu'on jettemaintenant un regard sur ce qu'est devenue la loi de la prière depuis la Réforme liturgique et l'on auratôt fait de comprendre que la foi en sera bouleversée, aussi bien en ce qui concerne le sacrifice qu'en cequi a rapport au sacerdoce. L'esprit qui a présidé à cette réforme est un esprit moderniste, c'est-à-direun esprit rationaliste qui de soi exclut le mystère, n'accepte que ce qu'il peut comprendre: d'oùl'exclusion de la langue sacrée, la proclamation à haute voix, à la rigueur le visage du prêtre tourné vers


les fidèles, etc. L'esprit rationaliste, repoussant le sacré, veut tout séculariser; c'est la grandedécouverte de l'homme moderne. Le prêtre perdra son caractère sacré et se sécularisera; le sacrificedivin deviendra un culte de partage, de communion humaine signifié par le pain partagé, d'où l'exclusionde tout geste sacré. En fonction de ce rationalisme et de ce naturalisme, les chapelles deviendront dessalles polyvalentes où éventuellement tous les cultes pourront faire leurs cérémonies. De ces salles sontexclus chemins de croix, statues, agenouilloirs, bancs de communion, etc... L'esprit rationaliste estpluraliste, puisqu'il n'accepte pas de vérité objective et pas de dogme; on introduira le pluralisme dansles formules liturgiques, la créativité dans certains cas: enterrements, mariages par exemple, et onfavorisera l'oecuménisme où l'erreur et la vérité s'uniront dans la prière commune. L'esprit rationalisteest égalitaire et collectiviste; cet esprit marque toute la nouvelle Liturgie et les nouveaux rites: le rite dubaptême est l'initiation à la collectivité, le sacrement de pénitence et celui de l'extrême-onctiondeviendront collectifs. Dans l'Eucharistie le prêtre ne sera qu'un fidèle président et la collectivité prendraune part active à la cérémonie. La triste constatation aujourd'hui: C'est l'exclusion du sacerdocehiérarchique.

CATHOLIQUE: Parce qu'elle ne se confine pas à un lieu ou pour un temps quelconque mais s'adresse àTous les Hommes de tous les temps. Elle professe la MEME FOI enseignée par NOTRE SEIGNEUR JESUS-CHRIST aux Apôtres.

Nous faisons nôtre ce principe de Saint Vincent de Lerins: «Tenons à ce qui a été cru par tous, toujourset partout, car ceci est vraiment et proprement Catholique». ROMAINE: parce que la lignée de sa Succession Apostolique remonte à Saint-Pierre, non seulement àAntioche, mais aussi à Rome, et aussi parce qu'elle se sert fidèlement du Rite Romain, portant lesvêtements liturgiques, utilisant le Missel et le Rituel sans addition et l'observant avec grand soin dans sonfond, sa forme et son intention pour l'administration des sept sacrements.

APOSTOLIQUE: Nous le sommes aussi, remontant aux Apôtres et à leurs Successeurs par des lignéesininterrompues d'Evêques universellement connus et consacrés validement dans ces successionsapostoliques.

Les VIEUX-CATHOLIQUES ROMAINS professent tous les articles de la SAINTE FOI CATHOLIQUE. Ils n'enseignent d'autres opinions que celles qui ont été décrétées, déterminées, publiées par les CONCILESOECUMENIQUES de L'EGLISE, UNE, SAINTE, CATHOLIQUE et APOSTOLIQUE.

NOUS, conservons fidèlement la Liturgie, la Doctrine, les Rites de l'Eglise Catholique de toujours. Le Latinet le chant Grégorien sont maintenus dans l'Office Liturgique.


La reconnaissance spécifique des ordres de Mgr. de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN étant un fait abondammentprouvé, ceux qui détiennent leurs ordres du Patriarcat de Glastonbury , n'ont qu'à prouver leurappartenance à cette succession apostolique oecuménique, s'ils veulent donner les preuves de la validitéde leurs ordres. En effet, les exigences concernant le Ministre idoine, l'Intention voulue, la Matière adéquate, la Forme propre, ont toujours été très soigneusement remplies dans la transmission de la Succession Apostolique Oecuménique du Patriarcat de Glastonbury.

Un Evêque consacré régulièrement et validement dans la succession oecuménique par ou en successionde Mgr. de Willmott-Newman possède un Episcopat indiscutablement valide. Il est véritablement unministre idoine du Sacrement de l'Ordre.

A chaque consécration Episcopale, les consécrateurs émettent une déclaration d'intention. Dans lesinterrogatoires adressés à l'élu le candidat doit également manifester dans ses réponses une intentionvalide.

De plus, le consécrateur et l'élu sont liés par la confession de Foi de l'Eglise Catholique Romaine detoujours, à laquelle ils se sont soumis par serment, pour l'acceptation des définitions doctrinales du


Concile de Trente (1545), communes à celles de Jérusalem (1672), ainsi ils sont obligés d'accepter lamême doctrine concernant le sacrement de l'ordre que les Evêques de la grande Eglise de Rome.

L'imposition des mains et aussi la porrection des instruments et l'intrônisation sont obligatoires. Dans lePatriarcat de Glastonbury, Monseigneur Roger CARO, ainsi que Monseigneur Philippe Laurent DECOSTER, ont toujours utilisé le Pontifical Romain ainsi que le rituel romain qui a toujours été fidèlementobservé pour conférer les sacrements, les ordinations, les consécrations épiscopales suivant du Pape PieXII contenues dans la Constitution Apostolique du 30 novembre 1947 «De sacris Ordinibus».

C'est sur ces bases que la Succession Apostolique Oecuménique est préservée et maintenue dansl'EGLISE CATHOLIQUE APOSTOLIQUE et VIEILLE CATHOLIQUE ROMAINE. Il faut également ajouter que laconsécration d'un Evêque dans cette Eglise est toujours précédée de l'élection par le Synode Directeur,de l'émission d'un Protocole d'Election et de la délivrance d'un mandat apostolique par le Patriarche, desorte qu'aucune question de consécration par convention privée, en dehors du contexte de l'Eglise, nepuisse avoir de chance de surgir.

Dans les archives du Patriarcat de Glastonbury (n° 12 de 1953) est gardée la photocopie d'une lettredatée du 29 avril 1953, écrite par Dom Paul DAVIN, O.S.B. du Prieuré bénédictin olivétain du Christ-Roi,Bramley Road, Southgate, Londres N. 14, en Angleterre, et dans laquelle il dit: «Les Ordres des Evêqueset Prêtres de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique de Mgr. de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN «SONT VALIDES ... LeursOrdres et Consécrations sont parfaitement VALIDES ...

Leurs professions de Foi, leur discipline, leurs usages, leur liturgie, leurs Sacrements sont VALIDES,complets,Catholiques et Orthodoxes. Leur Credo est en tous points sembable à celui de l'EgliseCatholique».

Les différentes et nombreuses attestations de la VALIDITE des Ordres et des lignées de Successions Apostoliques des Evêques sus-mentionnés, sont la conclusion logique etinéluctable de la Tradition Apostolique, de l'Enseignement de l'Eglise et des Pontifes romains. Ainsi: 1. Ils detiennent un EPISCOPAT VALIDE. 2. Ils ont gardé INALTERE LE DEPOT APOSTOLIQUE DE LA FOI. 3. Ils sont considérés comme appartenant DIRECTEMENT à L'EGLISE CATHOLIQUE. 4. Ils jouissent d'un AUTHENTIQUE POUVOIR D'ORDRE. 5. Le fait de ne pas avoir juridiction, dans l'Eglise romaine, est considéré comme SANS IMPORTANCE,puisque de nombreux Evêques romains en sont tout aussi dépourvus ! 6. Ils sont placés SUR LE MEME PLAN que les Evêques constitutionnels de France (ceux-ci étaient lesEvêques consacrés pendant la Révolution française par Mgr. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord,ancien Evêque romain d'Autun, qui renonça à l'Episcopat pour se consacrer à la politique). 7. La Succession Apostolique Oecuménique établie en leur personne et transmise aux Evêques consacréspar eux est incontestablement valide. 8. La Fraternité Catholique Apostolique et Vieille Catholique Romaine a des Ordres sacrés et desSacrements valides.


Elle fut formulée par le grand Docteur de l'Eglise, Saint-Augustin, Evêque d'Hippone, en rapport avec lareconciliation avec l'Eglise, au Vème siècle, des schismatiques donatistes, et elle est exprimée commesuit: «En vertu du caractère indélébilequi lui a été conféré à sa consécration, un Evêque consacrévalidement, mais excommunié par la suite ou seulement séparé de l'Eglise, garde le pouvoir detransmettre des Ordres valides à d'autres qui, à leur tour, peuvent les transmettre validement, en dépitde leur schisme». Ce fut à la faveur de cet enseignement que le clergé donatiste fut reçu à nouveau dansl'Eglise sans réordination. Cette doctrine Augustinienne précisée par Saint-Thomas d'Aquin fut définie parle Concile de Trente comme Dogme de Foi. Elle assure la validité et la pérennité de la vie sacramentelle àtravers les péripéties navrantes de l'histoire de l'Eglise.



L'ensemble des considérations dévéloppées dans cet ouvrage nous conduit pour terminer à emprunterquelques extraits du "Code de Droit Canonique" actuel de l'Eglise Catholique Romaine. Après la lecture dece livre, le lecteur est devenu conscient, qu'àprès tout, nous nous trouvons sur le bon chemin que nousparcourons avec l'aide de Dieu. Entre les deux Eglises c.-à-d. l'Eglise Catholique Romaine, et lesmouvements Vieux-Catholiques Romains, nous devons aller toujours davantage vers l'unité; au fait,voulue par le Christ et ce qui constitue notre mandat. Que cet ouvrage puisse être le pas ferme derapprochement entre communautés ecclésiales. Sa Sainteté Paul VI déjà, nous l'avons vu, à plusieursreprises a bien voulu aplanir le chemin vers le véritable dialogue. Ce qui s'est passé avec le Vieux-Catholicisme d'Utrecht, et en acceptant quelques de nos évêques reconciliés dans les successionsapostoliques pré-citées au service du Vatican.

Le but de ce livre est de créer ainsi, de notre côté, une situation favorable, non pas de simple dialogue, nid'oecuménisme comme si nous étions des protestants, mais de collaboration, l'unité entre nous.Vraiment, il n'y a qu'un rien qui nous sépare, et ce n'est même pas une séparation, par le simple fait quenous voulons maintenir primordialement le latin dans la liturgie de l'Eglise, nous attachant pleinement auchant grégorien. Nous voulons défendre le chant grégorien. Le latin a toujours été et restera la langue del'Eglise Catholique Romaine. De plus, nous croyons que le latin est une langue sacrée dans l'Eglise. Ce quia choqué beaucoup de catholiques de notre génération, c'est l'abandon du latin, beaucoup plus que laréforme liturgique. Vis à vis de ce qui suit, nous restons optimiste, avant tout parce que nous avons foien l'Eglise, qui tient le dépôt de la foi. Elle est l'Eglise des apôtres, des martyrs et des saints de tous lestemps.


"Qu'envers les frères qui ne sont pas en pleine communion avec l'Eglise catholique, il (l'évêque diocésain)se comporte avec bonté et charité, en encourageant l'oecuménisme tel que le comprend l'Eglise." (Canon 383, § 3) "Chaque fois que la nécessité l'exige ou qu'une vraie utilité spirituelle s'en fait sentir, et à conditiond'éviter tout danger d'erreur ou d'indifférentisme, il est permis aux fidèles qui se trouvent dansl'impossibilité physique ou morale d'avoir recours à un ministre catholique, de recevoir les sacrements depénitence, d'Eucharistie et d'onction des malades de ministres non catholiques, dans l'Eglise desquels cessacrements sont valides." (Canon 844, § 2) "Les ministres catholiques administrent licitement les sacrements de pénitence, d'Eucharistie et d'onctiondes malades aux membres des Eglises orientales qui n'ont pas la pleine communion avec l'Eglisecatholique, s'ils le demandent de leur plein gré et s'ils sont dûment disposés; ceci vaut aussi bien pour lesmembres d'autres Eglises qui, au jugement du Siège Apostolique, se trouvent pour ce qui concerne lessacrements dans la même condition que les Eglises orientales susdites." (Canon 844, § 3)