apexo zonal 2

 Introduction To ambush the foes from the pinnacle in battle with the use of horses, elephants and carts is bygone. It is an era where bots like apexo constitute the cavalry to provide elevation. In Cassiopeian Wars, the rivalries at terrain are the most fatal ones. Hence to put your kingdom’s flag in the arena, devise a mechanical bot to ravage the opponents at varying heights and show them the way to the pits. Task  Teams must build a manually controlled machine, which can collect as well as deposit balls from the collection zone to the deposition zone. Arena 1. The dimension of complete arena is 3000mm x 100 0mm (lxb). 2. There are a total of 6 pits of 100 mm x 10 0 mm (lxb) each. The distance between centre line of the pit and point ‘O’ is 950 mm along the breadth (see figure 1). 3. There is a wooden patch of width 100 mm as shown in the figure. The patch contains pipes over which balls would be placed. The pipes are of different heights (see figure and table 2). 4. The diameter of the ball is 60mm. 5. At a distance of 2000 mm from the starting line along the length, there is an inclined plane having inclination of 20 degrees and horizontal base length of 500 mm. At a distance of 2500 mm from the starting line along the length, there is a flat platform of length 500 mm at a height, continuing the inclined plane. 6. For every team there will be a total of 6 balls placed on the pipes. One ball will be present on the top of each pipe.

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To ambush the foes from the pinnacle in battle with the use of horses, elephants and carts is

bygone. It is an era where bots like apexo constitute the cavalry to provide elevation.

In Cassiopeian Wars, the rivalries at terrain are the most fatal ones. Hence to put your

kingdom’s flag in the arena, devise a mechanical bot to ravage the opponents at varying

heights and show them the way to the pits.


  Teams must build a manually controlled machine, which can collect as well as deposit

balls from the collection zone to the deposition zone.


1.  The dimension of complete arena is 3000mm x 1000mm (lxb).

2.  There are a total of 6 pits of 100 mm x 100 mm (lxb) each. The distance between centre

line of the pit and point ‘O’ is 950 mm along the breadth (see figure 1). 


There is a wooden patch of width 100 mm as shown in the figure. The patch containspipes over which balls would be placed. The pipes are of different heights (see figure

and table 2).

4.  The diameter of the ball is 60mm.

5.  At a distance of 2000 mm from the starting line along the length, there is an inclined

plane having inclination of 20 degrees and horizontal base length of 500 mm. At a

distance of 2500 mm from the starting line along the length, there is a flat platform of

length 500 mm at a height, continuing the inclined plane.

6.  For every team there will be a total of 6 balls placed on the pipes. One ball will be

present on the top of each pipe.

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Figure 1

Figure 2

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Figure 3

Note: The dimensions of the arena will be accurate to within 5% or 20 mm, whichever is less. 

Bot Specifications:

1.  The bot must fit within a box of dimensions 300 mm x 300 mm x 300mm (lxbxh) at the

beginning of the game.

2.  The machine must be controlled manually.

3.  Teams can use both wireless and wired remote controls for controlling the bot.

4.  The external wireless/wired remote control used to control the machine is not

included in the size constraint.

5.  Teams must use an on-board power supply.

6.  Machine cannot be constructed using readymade Lego kits or any readymade

mechanism, but you can make use of readymade gear assemblies. Violating this clause

will lead to direct disqualification of the team.

Power Supply

1.  The machine must use an on-board electric or non-electric power supply. However

the power supply must be non-polluting and must satisfy the safety constraints

determined by the organisers. In case the machine is using a non-electric power

supply, kindly get it approved from the organisers beforehand via email. Organisers

are not responsible for inconvenience if the approval is not sought.

2.  In case of an electric power supply, the voltage at any point on an individual

component must be lower than or equal to 24 V DC at any point of time during the


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1.  The bot must be completely manual.

2.  In case the participants are using a wireless controlled machine, they have to bring 2

remote controls of distinct frequencies or a dual-frequency remote control which can

be switched to either frequency just before the start of the run. This is done to avoid

frequency interference of the competing machines.

3.  The teams that are requiring two frequencies to operate the entire bot must take

precautionary measures to ensure that it does not clash with the opponent's

frequency at any point of time. Teams failing to ensure this will be disqualified.

4.  In case of a wired mechanism of the machine, the wire must not be slack at any point

of time during the game. The total length of wire extending from the remote control

to the machine must be minimum 3 meters.


1.  The bot must begin its motion from the starting line.

2.  The bot has to collect the balls placed over the pipes and deposit it into the pit with

the same number as of the pipe.

3.  Teams will be given a total of 5 minutes to complete the task.


1.  The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The teams must not

damage the opponent's machine in any way.

2.  The machine will be checked for its safety before the race and would be discarded if

found unsafe for other participants and spectators.

3.  Only one team member is allowed to handle the bot.

4.  There will be only one checkpoint at a distance of 1000 mm from the starting line

(figure 1).


If the bot collects a ball which is before the checkpoint and fails to drop it into the pitand if the team desires to attempt it again, then they have to restart from the starting

line. For the balls which are placed after the checkpoint, the bot have to start again

from the checkpoint-both front wheels must be behind the line of check point before

the restart. Time will not be stopped for the restart.

6.  The organiser will put back the dropped ball again on the respective pipe on the

request of the team. Team members are not allowed to enter into the arena.

7.  The bot is allowed to carry only one ball at a time.

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General Rules

1.  Organisers reserve the right to disqualify any team indulging in misbehaviour or

violating any rules.

2.  Any team that is not ready at the specified time will be disqualified from the

competition automatically.

3.  The time measured by the organisers will be final and will be used for scoring the


4.  Time measured by any contestant by any other means is not acceptable for scoring.

5.  In case of any disputes/discrepancies, the organiser's decision will be final and binding.

6.  The organisers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem

fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified to the

registered teams.


1.  Points for collecting the ball and depositing into pit from

First pipe 20 points

Second pipe 50 points

Third pipe 60 points

Fourth pipe 40 points

Fifth pipe 120 points

Sixth pipe 80 points

2.  Pipes:

Position Height from ground Distance from starting line

First pipe 5 cm 40 cm

Second pipe 10 cm 80 cm

Third pipe 10 cm 120 cm

Fourth pipe 5 cm 120 cm

Fifth pipe 20 cm 225 cm

Sixth pipe 30 cm 300 cm

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3.  Total score = total points + number of second left. *number of seconds left would be

taken into account if the team has finished all the tasks i.e all 6 balls have been

deposited into the pits.

4.  The team with maximum score will be declared as the winner.

Team Specification

A team may consist of a maximum of 4 members. Students from different educational

institutes can form a team.


All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to

participate in the event.

Certificate Policy

1.  Certificate of Excellence will be awarded to top three teams only.

2.  Certificate of participation will be awarded to all those teams who would deposit

minimum of two balls placed at different heights into the pit.