ap world history


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AP World History. Free Response Writing. Writing the DBQ. AP World History. Creating Groups by Analyzing the Documents. Grouping the Documents. Properly grouping documents is requirement # 5 (Common Core) Students MUST be able to create at least (three) groups. Analyzing Documents. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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AP World History

Creating Groups by

Analyzing the Documents

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Grouping the Documents

• Properly grouping documents is requirement # 5 (Common Core)

• Students MUST be able to create at least (three) groups

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Analyzing Documents

• As part of the basic core requirement # 2, the student must also understand the basic meaning of the document

• Students may not misinterpret the meaning of more than one document

• Requires students to be able to properly analyze documents

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Analyzing Documents

• Read the question carefully; what is it asking?

• Review documents carefully for clues:

1. Author

2. Document type

3. Purpose of writing

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Sample Document

Source: Zong, Mi, a leading Buddhist scholar, favored by the Tang imperial household, essay, “On the Nature of Man,” early ninth century C.E.

“Confucius, Laozi, and Buddha were all perfect sages. They established their teachings according to the demands of the ages and the needs of various human beings. They differ in their approaches in that they encourage the perfection of good deeds, punish wicked ones, and reward good ones; all three teachings lead to the creation of an orderly society and for this they must all be observed with respect.”

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Important Points

• Author – a Buddhist scholar• Favored by the Tang Dynasty• Wants to reconcile the teachings of

Buddha with those of Confucius and Laozi

1. Would allow Buddhism to remain in Tang Emperor’s favor

2. Would keep Buddhism in China and men like Zong Mi in positions of power

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Grouping Documents

• Possible ways to groups documents:

1. Pros and Cons

2. Good and Bad

3. Positive and Negative

4. Themes/Stances

5. Categories/Topics

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Using the Same Format

• Use the same format for all three free response questions

• Document Based Question

• Change Over Time

• Compare and Contrast

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• NEVER – NEVER – NEVER – NEVER – Use a personal pronoun in your writings

• I, me, my, mine DO NOT EXIST in AP World History Writing

• One personal pronoun will void your essay! IMMEDIATE ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Three SentenceThesis Statement

• The “Introductory Statement”

• The “Although Statement”

• The “Explanation Sentence”

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Introductory Statement

• Restates the question in an answer format

• Tells the reader what the student will be writing

• Most importantly, leads to the “although statement.”

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Although Statement

• Key sentence in the first paragraph; AND

• Key sentence on the “entire” paper

• By default, tells the reader the student’s position

• Worded correctly, guides the reader throughout the student’s paper

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Explanatory Sentence

• Tells the reader how or why the student’s point is in the correct position

• Focuses on the “main” portion of the Although Sentence, not the whole thing

• Helps student set-up the paragraphs

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Sample DBQ Question

• Based on the following documents, analyze the responses to the spread of Buddhism in China.

• Don’t Forget – What additional document(s) would you need to evaluate the extent of Buddhism’s appeal in China?

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Sample Introductory Statement

• After being founded in India during the sixth century B.C.E., Buddhism spread to other parts of Asia, including China, often causing conflict between its followers and those other beliefs.

• Sentence explains that Buddhism spread to China, became popular among some, and caused potential problems.

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Sample Although Statement

• Although Buddhism soon attracted many followers in China, over time there arose a conflict between those who followed Buddha and those who favored the teachings of men, such as Confucius.

• Sentence clearly establishes that Buddhism became popular, and was challenged by traditional teachings.

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Sample Explanatory Sentence

• Those who opposed Buddhism saw it as a threat to traditional teachings of men such as Confucius, and possibly a threat to imperial power.

• Sentence provides opening for student to analyze the various reasons for growing opposition to Buddhism in China.

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Sample Change OverTime Question

• Analyze the cultural and political changes and continuities in one of the following civilizations during the last centuries of the classical era.

• Chinese 100 C.E. – 600 C.E.

• Roman 100 C.E. – 600 C.E.

• Indian 300 C.E. – 600 C.E.

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Keys to this Thesis Statement

• Students must have a relevant thesis that:

1. Addresses all parts of the question

2. Shows change over time / or continuity

3. Analyze that process of change over time and/or continuity

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Sample Introductory Statement

• From 100 C.E. to 600 C.E. there were many political changes that occurred in Rome, some brought by domestic changes and many brought on by outside forces.

• Sentence explains the student’s paper topic, including the time period, location, and factors that effected change.

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Sample Although Statement

• Although the Roman culture continued to affect Europe and other parts of the world for many centuries, the political climate of Rome changed as barbarian invasions and economic crises caused instability in the Roman Empire.

• Sentence sets up the paper; addresses continuity (culture) and change (political).

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Sample Explanatory Statement

• Rome underwent many political changes from the time of the Roman Republic to the division of the Empire, and the collapse of the Western Empire.

• Sentence explains that the division and collapse of the Empire was due to political reasons.

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Sample Compare andContrast Question

• Within the period from 1450 to 1800, compare the processes (e.g. politlcal, economical, social) of empire building in the Spanish Empire with the empire building process of one of the following:

• The Ottoman Empire OR

• The Russian Empire

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Key to the Thesis Statement

• Student’s relevant thesis must:

1. Address similarities AND differences in empire building

2. Address BOTH the Spanish Empire and either the Ottoman or Russian Empire

3. Be accurate for the time period 1450-1800.

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Sample Introductory Statement

• From 1450-1800, the Spanish Empire rose and collapsed primarily on the discovery of riches in the New World, while the Ottoman Empire arose primary on the basis religious belief and political power.

• Sentence explains that the student will be talking about the Spanish and Ottoman Empires.

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Sample Although Statement

• Although, the Spanish Empire arose primarily as a result of economic prosperity, it wasted much of that wealth, while the Ottoman Empire was able to consolidate because of its cultural and political strength.

• Sentence explains the basis premises of both the Spanish and Ottoman Empires.

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Sample of Explanatory Sentence

• Both the Spanish and Ottoman Empires valued religious conformity; but, the Ottoman Empire was able to consolidate because of its cultural and political strength.

• Sentence explains that the student will discuss religious (cultural) similarities, as well as differences.

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The Basic Core

• Students must obtain points to get “to the gate.”

• Most often missed point is “point of View”

• Possible to obtain Extended Core points ONLY if students obtain ALL Basic Core points

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The Basic Core

• Requirement # 4 – Students will analyze “Point of View” in at least THREE documents.

• Demonstrating “Point of View” or “Bias” indicates student is capable of writing an in-depth paper.

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Point of View

• It is prejudice or influence

• “Why” author said what he/she said

• “Why” includes factors that influenced the author’s position

• Keys to these factors found:

1. In the document themselves (information in the box)

2. Through outside knowledge

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Key Factors• Several factors influence determination of

bias or Point of View: Name, position, nationality, document date and/or document type

• Authors place in society• Evaluating reliability of the source• Recognizing that different types of documents

were authored to serve different purposes

• Much information is located “in the box” saving students valuable time.

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Key Factors

• Students should analyze each document:

• Is the author male or female? Government official? From which social class?

• How might the author’s position have influenced what was written or said?

• Is document “official’” newspaper article, diary entry, or private letter?

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Sample Document

Source: Zong, Mi, a leading Buddhist scholar, favored by the Tang imperial household, essay, “On the Nature of Man,” early ninth century C.E.

“Confucius, Laozi, and Buddha were all perfect sages. They established their teachings according to the demands of the ages and the needs of various human beings. They differ in their approaches in that they encourage the perfection of good deeds, punish wicked ones, and reward good ones; all three teachings lead to the creation of an orderly society and for this they must all be observed with respect.”

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Keys to Finding Point ofView in this Document

• Author was a Buddhist scolar “favored” by the Tang ruler

• Buddhist scholar in a time of change, or turmoil, would expectedly praise Buddhism

• “Essay” might or might not be important

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Point of View

• Acceptable to use point of view, but veer from the word bias.

• Always answer “Why.”

• Students who understand point of view have an easier time getting “Expanded Core Credit.”

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Additional Documents

• DO NOT FORGET to identify and explain the need for three types of appropriate additional documents or sources

• Conclusions are not required or scored, use missing documents in lieu of a conclusion

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• There are several possible ways for students to achieve Expanded Core Points

• Recommend students concentrate on these four:

1. Persuasive use of documents as evidence.

2. Addressing all parts of the question thoroughly.

3. Analyzing most of the documents extensively

4. Additional groupings or other forms of analysis

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Themes in History Acronyms

• P – Political

• E – Economic

• R – Religion

• S – Society and Social Structures

• I – Intellectual and Intelligence

• A – Art

• N – Natural Resources and World