ap european age of exploration explorer’s jeopardy

AP European Age of Exploration plorer’s Jeopar

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Post on 29-Jan-2016




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Page 1: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

AP European

Age of Exploration

Explorer’s Jeopardy

Page 2: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Who am I?

Where in the World?

Economic Growth

Quotes & Images

Say What?!?

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Page 3: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Who am I? 100 points• From 1547-1559 I was King of

France. My wife was Catherine de’ Medici. I am the father of three sons, all of whom were greatly controlled by their mother. I began the Habsburg-Valois wars, which would prove to be the downfall of Charles V. I died accidentally in a tournament.

Henry II of France

Page 4: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Who am I? 200 points

• I was engaged to Francis II of France at the age of nine months and went to live at the royal court at the age of six. Francis and I were married when he was 14 and I was 15. I was imprisoned in 1568 and executed 19 years later in 1587.

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

Page 5: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Who am I? 300 points

• I am the son of Catherine de Medici. I was sovereign at the time of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

Charles IX of France

50 Point Bonus!!!

For an extra fifty points name the brother who succeeded me as King

of France

Henry III

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Who am I? 400 points

• I am one of the great explorers of the early 16th century. I sailed under the flag of Spain and discovered Mexico. I am know for the wars a waged against Montezuma and the Aztecs.


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Who am I? 500 points

• I am German by birth, but was very influential in the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain. I organized the Danes, English, Scots and Dutch to fight the armada católica .

William of Orange

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Where in the World? 100 points

• Explain the significance of Magellan’s exploration.

He and his crew were the first explorers to circumnavigate the world, thereby proving that an all waterway did exist.

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Where in the World? 200 points

• Look at the following map and explain its significance in the context of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Page 10: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Where in the World? 300 points

• Who is portrayed in the following picture and what is the setting?

Page 11: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Where in the World? 400 points

• In what country are the following cities located in 1648: Brussels, Ghent, Bruges & Lille

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Where in the World? 500 points

• In what part of Europe could one have found grammar schools and plebeians?

England 50 Bonus points!!!

For an additional 50 points, define the term plebeian as understood in the 16th century.

The entire middle class of England. They comprised ½ of the students enrolled at Oxford at the time.

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Economic Growth 100 points

• List the two major causes responsible for the commercial revolution of the 16th century. Population growth & price

revolution20 Bonus Points!

Define the price revolution of the 16th century.

Rise in the cost of goods = fall in value of currency

Page 14: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Economic Growth 200 points

• Name two ways in which the working class poor were negatively effected by the changes of the Commercial Revolution.

1) While prices rose, their wages did not increase

2) They worked only when work was available

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Economic Growth 300 points

• Define the term bourgeoisie. To which class does it refer and what distinguishes it.

Bourgeoisie = upper middle class that economically often had much in common with the aristocracy. Socially, however, the aristocracy still viewed itself as privileged and strove to keep itself separate from the bourgeoisie.

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Economic Growth 400 points

• Highlight some of the difficulties one might face when trying to transport trade goods across Europe. Be specific and illustrate at least three points.

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Economic Growth 500 points

• Explain the major difference(s) of economic and social development in Eastern Europe versus that in Western Europe. Give at least concrete examples to support your claims.

–hereditary subjection–robot = 3-4 days forced unpaid labor a week–could not leave manor, marry or learn a trade with permission of lord–religious wars also hindered advancement of peasant class

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Quotes & Images 100 points

• In his letter written to Charles V in 1532, who wrote the following and why:

“...it is well known that Your Imperial Majesty could not have gained the Roman Crown save with mine aid, and I can prove the same by the writings of Your Majesty’s Agents given at their own hands.”

German banker Jacob Fugger – to “encourage” the Emperor to pay back his debts.

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Quotes & Images 200 points

• The following quote is from James I, King of Scotland and England. “The state of Monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God’s throne, but even by God himself they are called gods.

• Who was James addressing and how did they react to his views?

British Parliament, they were not in agreement.

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Quotes & Images 300 points

• Which of the following is not a reason according to Heinrich Krämer and Jacob Sprenger why women are more likely than men to be witches:– women are more credulous

– women are more impressionable

– women are are gossips

– women crave that which is corrupt

– women are by nature imperfect and therefore more susceptible to the Devil’s wiles

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Quotes & Images 400 pointsIdentify the following two structures. Where are they located and what do then symbolize within the political and economic context of the 16th century.

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Quotes & Images 500 points

• What city is being described in the following quote: “When we gazed upon all this splendor...we scarcely knew what to think, and we doubted whether all that we beheld was real. A series of large towns stretched themselves along the banks of the lake, out of which still larger ones rose magnificently above the waters...and before us lay the great city of ___________”

30 Bonus Points

Who wrote the following passage in his memoirs?

Bernal Diaz del CastilloMexico

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Say What?!? 100 points

• Define the term “usury”.

High amount of interest charged by money lenders during this time period. Highly frowned upon.

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Say What?!? 200 points

• Who or what is a hidalgo and from what country did they hale?

Lesser Spanish nobles who comprised the largest class of students in Spain at this time. They aspired to to hold positions in the church or government.

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Say What?!? 300 points

• Who were the “boy kings” and what impact did their reigns have on their country?

Francis II, Charles IX, Henry III

Put to their weak politics and the coercion of their mother as well as other powerful political figures in France, Catherine de Medici’s boys helped proliferate religious and civil wars in France.

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Say What?!? 400 points

• Define the term mercantilism.

Government regulations on commercialism, in order to build strong self-sufficient economy, i.e. through increasing exportation of goods and levying national tariffs.

Page 27: AP European Age of Exploration Explorer’s Jeopardy

Say What?!? 500 points

• Explain the Duke of Alva’s Council of Troubles. In what country did it take place? Why did it take place? What effects did it have on this region?

During the ten years of the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain. Philip wanted to put an end to Protestantism in the Netherlands ands therefore sent in Alva and the Inquisition. Thousands of protestants were put to death, new taxes were levied, and the estates of several prominent nobles were confiscated.