“users’ needs at central and territorial level” abstract · & ion ghizdeanu, national...

OFFICIAL STATISTICS AT THE SERVICE OF THE SOCIETY PAG. 1 Bucharest - Romania, 12 – 14 July 2004 EUROPEAN UNION – PHARE RO/2001/IB ST-01 Twinning Project between ROMANIA and ITALY “Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system“USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Fabio Rossi, MINISTERO DELL’ECONOMIA E DELLE FINANZE & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs (National Statistical Institutes) is an institutional goal, at the same time statistics of high quality are the basic input for everyday work of the business community, international organizations, universities and research institutes, public at large, and policy – makers. This presentation will focus on the “demand” of statistics from ministries and public administration, in MS (Italy) and CC (Romania) for the elaboration of official macro-economics and structural economics documents at national and international, mainly European, level. The list of documents - and their customary or mandatory deadlines – annually elaborated at the Department of Treasury of the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance and at the Romanian C.N.P., National Commission for Economic Forecasting will be presented stressing the importance of the statistical data necessary input to the analyses. There will also be presented, based on the experience of the National Commission for Economic Forecasting, a series of guidelines for statistical development in order to better answer the users’ requests.

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Page 1: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs


EUROPEAN UNION – PHARE RO/2001/IB ST-01 Twinning Project between ROMANIA and ITALY “Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”





The production of Quality statistics for NSIs (National Statistical Institutes) is an institutional goal, at the same time statistics of high quality are the basic input for everyday work of the business community, international organizations, universities and research institutes, public at large, and policy –makers. This presentation will focus on the “demand” of statistics from ministries and public administration, in MS (Italy) and CC (Romania) for the elaboration of official macro-economics and structural economics documents at national and international, mainly European, level. The list of documents - and their customary or mandatory deadlines – annually elaborated at the Department of Treasury of the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance and at the Romanian C.N.P., National Commission for Economic Forecasting will be presented stressing the importance of the statistical data necessary input to the analyses. There will also be presented, based on the experience of the National Commission for Economic Forecasting, a series of guidelines for statistical development in order to better answer the users’ requests.

Page 2: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 1

Demand for Quality Statistics

Phare RO 2001 IB ST 01Bucuresti July 12th 2004

Fabio RossiMEF - Dipartimento del tesoro

Page 3: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 2

Why Quality Statistics is important? Why Quality Statistics is important? Who are the beneficiaries?Who are the beneficiaries?

Ø For the people of the world

Ø For citizens

Ø For enterprises

Ø For policy makers

Page 4: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 3

The needs of policy makersThe needs of policy makers

Ø Policy makers need to find solutions to problems as diverse and complex as:Ø Public Debt Management

Ø Growth and Stability Pact

Ø Pension system management

Ø Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions

Ø Social happinessIn order to design solutions (policies) to real problems it is necessary to have reliable info. Which type of info? We shall attempt to give an answer by looking at some of the italian documents presenting economic policies.

Page 5: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 4

The administration that I know bestThe administration that I know best

qMinistero dell’Economia e delle

Finanze (MEF)

qDipartimento del Tesoro (Treasury)

qRagioneria Generale dello Stato


Page 6: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 5

MEF MEF -- Dipartimento del tesoroDipartimento del tesoro

The Treasury is the central administration responsible for all economic and financial matters, among its functions are:

ü Design of national economic policy (both structural and cyclicalpolicies);

ü Management of public debt and patrimony;

ü Management of public deficit (surplus);

ü Management of the Privatisation programme;

ü Governance of all financial international relations;

ü Exercise of stockholder rights on behalf of the Republic.

Page 7: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 6

MEFMEF--Ragioneria Generale dello StatoRagioneria Generale dello StatoØ The RGS is the accounting department of central administration responsible

for “…the truthfulness and reliability of the public finance accounts”, among its functions are:

ü Management of the State treasury office;

ü Budget law drafting;

ü State budget management;

ü Control of public entities financial management;

ü Monitoring expenditure;

ü Analysis of expenditure evolution and trends;

ü Public expenditure and State budget forecast.

Page 8: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 7

Some of MEF legal dutiesSome of MEF legal duties

Ø Budget law

Ø Financial law

Ø Provisional budget (RPP)


Ø Stability Programme

Ø National Report on Economic Reforms

Page 9: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 8

Budget and financial lawBudget and financial law

q The budget law presents all the main fiscal

aggregates for one year prior to the budget year

and 2-years beyond it. It authorizes all revenue and

spending consistent with existing law (RGS)

q The financial law is an ordinary law containing all

the new measures that must be included in the 3-

year programmatic budget (RGS, Tesoro)

Page 10: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 9

Relazione previsionale e Relazione previsionale e programmaticaprogrammaticaqDraft fiscal programm with estimates

and description of new policies

proposed.Includes draft finance law

and supporting documents from each

ministry (Tesoro)

Page 11: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 10

Documento di Programmazione Documento di Programmazione Economico FinanziariaEconomico FinanziariaqMacroeconomic framework

(Tesoro, ISTAT, ISAE, RGS)

qPolicies (Tesoro)

Page 12: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 11

Stability and growth programme Stability and growth programme fulfilment of Art 4 European Council Regulation 1466/97fulfilment of Art 4 European Council Regulation 1466/97

v First pillar pensions system (RGS)

v All other sections (Tesoro, ISTAT) among these:w Debt management data and analysisw Tax measuresw 2nd and 3rd pillar pension systemw Sensitivity analysis

Page 13: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 12

National Report on economic reformNational Report on economic reformfulfillment of instructions of several European Council fulfillment of instructions of several European Council conclusionsconclusions

qStructural Economy Document

qCrucial interplay between ISTAT

(supply) and Tesoro (demand)

Page 14: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 13

General principlesGeneral principles

the first EPC report in 2000 identified the following ‘desirable characteristics’ for the list of indicators for inclusion in the Spring Report:

v• policy relevant;v• limited in number, yet sufficiently large to be properly representative of the broad economic and social areas they cover;

v• stable over time, albeit open to sensible evolution;v• easy to read and understand;v• available in a timely fashion from reliable data sources;v• comparable across countries both inside and outside of the EU

(especially US and Japan);

v• data collection should not represent a burden upon enterprises and Member States.

Page 15: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 14

General economic backgroundGeneral economic background

Performance Top-tier

EurostatGross debt as % of GDPGovernment debt

Policy Top-tierEurostatNet general balance as % of GDPGovernment balance

Performance Top-tier

EurostatCompensation over productivity (GDP employment)

Unit labor cost growth

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, harmonized series

HICP (annual)Inflation

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, National accounts

Employed population

total, males, females

Employment growth

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, LabourForce Survey

LP per worker and per hour workedLabor productivity

Performance Top-tier headline

EurostatReal GDP growth at constant prices (1995)

GDP per capita at PPS



Page 16: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 15


Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, Labour Force Survey

% of 25-64 in education or training total and by gender

Life-long learning

Policy Top-tier

OECD databaseIncome tax + employee and employer contributions as a share of labor cost

for low wage earners

Tax rate on low wage earners

Performance Top-tier

EurostatSerious and fatal accidents total and by gender

Accidents at work

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, harmonized series

ILO definition, by genderUnemployment rate

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, National accounts

55-64 total and by genderEmployment rate of older workers

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, Labour Force Survey

Total and by genderAverage exit age from the labor


Performance Top-tier

Eurostat, Labour Force Survey

15-64 total and by genderTotal employmentrate


Page 17: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 16


Performance Top-tierEurostat Information society and services

Turnover soldE-commerce

Performance Top-tierEurostatGraduates and post graduates total and by gender

Science and technology graduates

Performance Top-tier headline

EurostatPublic spending in educationSpending in human resources



EITOInternet on-line active accounts (both residential and business users) per 100


Level of internet access

Performance Top-tier headline

EITOICT as a percentage of GDP ICT expenditure

Performance Top-tierEVCAVenture capital investments (ie private equity minus buyouts) relative to GDP

Venture capital as a % of GDP

Performance Top-tierEuropean Patent Office (EPO) and US Patent Office


member States and US patents per capita (EPO and USPTO patents)


Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat R&D statistics, OECD

Total R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP (broken down by government and


Total R&D expenditure

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat, Labour Force Survey (LFS)

% of 15-19 yr olds in education, and % of 25-34 yr olds with at least tertiary level


Educational attainment rate of young population

TypeSourceDefinition Indicator

Page 18: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 17

Economic reformEconomic reform

Performance Top-tier

EurostatHouse loans, enterprises loansConvergence of bank loaning


Performance Top-tier

EurostatBirths, deads, balanceBusiness demography

Performance Top-tier

EurostatAs percentage of GDPState aids

Performance Top-tier

EurostatProcurement openly advertised/GDPGovernemnt procurement

Performance Top-tier

Eurostat (FDI, national accounts) and SDC M&A data base

As a Percentage of GDP and Member State share in EU total

total FDI flows

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat, national accountsBusiness investment expenditure as percentage of GDP

Business investment

Performance Top-tier


Eurostat (price statistics)

DG INFSO for telecommunication dataConsumer price level evolution for specific

services in the telecommunications, electricity and gas markets

Prices in network


Performance Top-tier

Eurostat /OECD (consumer price statistics: PPP indicators)

Relative price levels of private final consumption including taxes (EU=100)

Relative price levels

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat (Comext), further work at eurostat planned within EDICOM II

Total export of goods + total imports of goods divided by 2* GDP

Trade integration


Page 19: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 18

Social cohesionSocial cohesion

Performance Top-tier

ECHPTotal by gender and childrenJobless households

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat LFS18-24 yr olds with only secondary level education, not

in training or in education

Share of early school-leavers

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat, Regional statistics

Coefficient of variation of unemployment at regional level

Regional unemployment

Performance Top-tier headline

Eurostat harmonized series LFS

ILO definition over 12 monthsLong-term unemployment rate

Performance Top-tier

ECHP% of population below poverty line for 3-year period

Persistency in poverty

Performance Top-tier headline

ECHPShare of population below 50% of median disposable income

Poverty rate

Performance Top-tier

ECHPRatio of 80Th to 20th percentileIncome distribution


Page 20: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 19


Performance Top-tier

EurostatTotal, land-filled, incineratedMunicipal waste

Performance Top-tier

EurostatElectricity produced from renewables/total electricity



Performance Top-tier

EurostatOzone and particulate matterAir quality

Performance Top-tier

EurostatHabitat, birds, fishstockProtected areas for biodiversity

Performance Top-tier

EurostatPassangers, freights/GDP, modal split


Performance Top-tier

EurostatGross inland consumption of energy/GDP

Energy intensity

Performance Top-tier headline

UNCCCTotal Mton of CO2 equivalentGreenhouse gas emissions


Page 21: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 20

Other official document and their Other official document and their legal relevancelegal relevance

The following are also documents written by the Italian Government:

Ø Prospectus to the US SEC (Tesoro)

Ø Sustainable development strategy (MATT - Tesoro)

Ø National greenhouse gases emissions reduction plan (MATT - MAP - MIPAF - Tesoro)

Page 22: “USERS’ NEEDS AT CENTRAL AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL” Abstract · & Ion Ghizdeanu, NATIONAL COMISSION FOR ECONOMIC FORECASTING Abstract The production of Quality statistics for NSIs

Phare RO/2001/IB ST-01Twinning Project between Italy and Romania

“Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system”

Conferinta Nationala: Statistica oficiala în serviciul societatiiBucuresti, 12-14 Iulie 2004 21

Bottom lineBottom lineStatistics is going to be more and more

the cornerstone for the construction of

good economic sustainable measures,

and the language used in the

international and national peer

pressure processes leading to better
