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    the bolter and chainsword 1 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    The Bolter & ChainswordpprreesseennttssTHE ARENA OF DEATH

    The Arena of Death is a variant set of rules for Warhammer 40,000that allows playersto pit individual characters in battle. Games of The Arena of Death take place on much

    smaller tables and can be played out in a few minutes.

    The normal dice, templates, and measuring device are required for play.


    Ultimately, the exact rules players use within the Arena of Death are up to them. The

    rules below should be considered as nothing more than guidelines for a standard Arena

    of Death: HQ independent character from any codex 130 points or less No monstrous creatures No accompanying models No bikes, jet-bikes, or equivalent upgrades

    Models may have only 1 type of attack with Strength 6 or higher, or one instantkill ability

    Special characters are allowed if they meet the above criteria Standard WYSIWYG rule applies


    The Arena of Death uses the standard Warhammer 40,000 rules, with only a few


    DETERMI NE ASSAULT RESULTSTo decide who has won the combat, total up the number of successful To Wound rolls a

    model makes, subtracting 2 for each save the model failed. The side with the highestscore is the winner, the other side is the loser and may be forced back if they fail a

    Morale check. The standard modifiers for Morale checks are ignored. Instead, adjust theroll by the difference in To Wound rolls between the characters involved in the assault.

    EFFECTS OF OBSTACLES AND TERRAI N ON SHOOTI NGModels may deliberately target some obstacles. Refer to the special rules for the

    table/mission being played.

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    the bolter and chainsword 2 l t e randcha inswo rd . com


    It is recommended that games of the Arena of Death be played within an area no largerthan 36x36. This will ensure that models are close enough to engage in assault

    relatively quickly, while being far enough away that models with shooting attacks may

    use those attacks.

    Deployment zones will typically be opposite sides of the table, with each playerdeploying his model up to 3 from the table edge along the entire length of the

    deployment zone.


    If multiple players would like to play in the Arena of Death, they can easily split into

    teams. Teams are best kept at a maximum of three models per team, with each model

    conforming to the standard Arena of Death character rules. If larger teams are used, alarger table should be used.

    Players should agree on a sequence of play for the models. The easiest method is foreach model on the same team to complete its actions. More complex methods include

    each model acting in Initiative sequence, each model acting in sequence based on a D6roll at the beginning of the turn, etc. Advanced Initiative rules are available in the

    Optional Rules for the Arena of Death.

    In team matches, each model on the same team may deploy separately in the

    deployment zone unless the table/mission rules specify otherwise.

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    the bolter and chainsword 3 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    AADDVVAANNCCEEDD OOBBSSTTAACCLLEE RRUULLEESSThese rules have been taken from Legends of t he Old Westby Warhammer Historical.

    These rules may be used in conjunction with the standard rules for Obstacles in thebasic Arena of Death rules.


    BARRI ERS & GAPSObstacles can take many forms on the tabletop - most are raised barriers that impedevisibility or movement such as a stack of crates, a barrel, or a support stanchion. An

    obstacle can also be something that cuts down into the landscape forming a gap, such

    as a drainage trench, access tunnel, or even the distance from one catwalk to another.The main difference between an obstacle and an area of difficult terrain is that an

    obstacle is something you might leap over, while an area of difficult terrain is something

    you must slog your way through. A good example is a crate - a raised barrier you mightleap over - as opposed to a hazmat sump where all you can do is push your waythrough. It is important to make the differences between the types of terrain clear, andso here are some examples of various pieces of terrain.

    How Bar r ie rs Af fec t Mode ls

    The effects of raised barriers are dictated by how high they are. Depending on the sizeof the barrier, a model will either be able to cross the barrier unhindered, have to jumpit, or have to climb it.

    If a barrier is very low then a model can cross it unhindered - a model simply

    strides over the barrier. A model can automatically cross any barrier if its height is

    less than 1/2". If a barrier is very high then it cannot be crossed at all, or can only be crossed by

    climbing as noted later. A model cannot cross any barrier that is more than 2"

    without climbing it. Some barriers, especially very steep or very smooth ones - are considered

    impossible to climb. Players must use their own judgment to decide if a barrier isimpassable in this way.

    Any raised terrain that is more than 1" wide and has space for a model to stand on topof it does not count as a barrier. It is simply considered a different level of the playing

    area. Models may move across it, jump or climb onto it just as they would a barrier, but

    may move around on the higher level and then, if appropriate, jump or climb down theother side.

    How Gaps Af fec t Models

    The effects of gaps are dictated by how wide they are. Depending on the size of the gap,a model will be able to cross unhindered or leap over, while obviously large gaps cannot

    be jumped.

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    the bolter and chainsword 4 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    If a gap is very narrow then a model can cross it unhindered - the model simply

    steps over. A model can automatically cross any gap if its width is less than 1/2". If a gap is between 1/2" and 2" wide, then it can be jumped as described below. If a gap is more than 2" wide then it cannot be jumped. Depending on the exact

    type of terrain, the model will have to find another way - taking a different routeor perhaps climbing down one side and then up the other if possible.

    Jum p ing an Obs tacleSometimes a model will have no choice but

    to negotiate an obstacle in order to move

    beyond it, as in the case of a drainagetrench, for example. On other occasions, a

    model might be able to move around, takinga longer route but avoiding the

    inconvenience of tackling the barrier itself(by moving down-trench to get to thecrossing, for example).

    To get over an obstacle, a model must firstmove up to it and must have at least enough movement remaining to reach the otherside were the obstacle not there. A model that does not have a great enough movementdistance to cross the obstacle must wait until the following turn.

    A single dice is rolled to see if the attempt is successful. The higher the score, the moresuccessful the jump is. If the barrier is taller or the gap is wider than 1", subtract 1 from

    the result. Next consult the Jump table.

    Fal l ing Dow n a Gap If the obstacle being jumped is a gap, then the price of failure may be somewhat more

    serious! On a 1 the model does not simply fail to cross, but falls down the gap as well. A

    model falling more than 2" may be injured as a result - see below for details aboutdamage from falls.

    Cl imb ing

    Terrain with a vertical surface that is morethan 2" high may not be jumped onto or

    over. As mentioned earlier, it is up toplayers to decide if a piece of terrain is

    climbable or impassable. If it is climbable,then the surface will offer enoughhandholds so that it can be scaled steadily.

    In this case treat the vertical surface asdifficult terrain and move the model upwards or downwards, counting the distance it

    moves as double the actual measured distance. In addition, roll a dice when the model

    starts to climb and at the start of each Movement phase while climbing, then consult theClimb table. Some vertical surfaces have ladders or ropes against them. These counterthe need for a Climb test, and may instead be negotiated simply is Difficult Terrain.

    CLI MB TABLEDice Result1 Fall - the model slips and falls to the ground.2-5 Continue to climb - if the top/bottom is

    reached, place the model at the edge. Themodel cannot move further that turn.

    6 Continue to climb - if the top/bottom isreached, the model can complete anyremaining move.

    JUMP TABLEDice Result1 Stumbles - the model does not cross, and

    cannot move further this turn.2-5 Success - the model successfully clambers

    over the barrier or jumps over the gap andreaches the other side. The model is placed onthe other side of the obstacle with its basetouching it and cannot move further this turn.

    6 Effortlessly bounds across - the model leapsover the obstacle and can complete its move ifit has any remaining.

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    the bolter and chainsword 5 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    When a model who is climbing is engaged in Assault, the model's WS is at half value,

    rounded down. This reflects his precarious position. The model who isn't climbing maygain the bonus for fighting on a higher level (see below). Such models may only fightwith a single one-handed weapon and do not gain any bonuses for having an additional

    one-handed weapon in assault. Because the model is climbing, it risks falling if it fails tobeat its opponent.

    Fal l ing A model can jump, climb, or fall down a vertical drop of up to 2" without penalty. No

    Jump roll is required to jump down in this way, and the vertical distance does not count

    towards the model's movement.

    Jumping or falling down a drop of more than 2" is dangerous. If a model jumps or falls

    in this way it is automatically Stunned and suffers one Strength 3 hit for each full 1" offall. So a model that falls 3" suffers three Strength 3 hits, and so on.

    It's also important to note that when jumping down a drop of more than 2", no Jump rollis required to make the descent, no matter how far it is. The model plummets to the

    ground quite uncontrollably! Even if the model survives the fall, he may move no further

    that turn.

    Obst ac les and Char g ing If a model is directly behind a wall, crate, barricade, ditch, or similar linear obstacle, he

    is well placed to stop anyone else crossing over. Models are not permitted to jump a gapor a barrier if they would land within 2" of an enemy model that is in contact with the

    obstacle. However, it is still possible to charge the enemy and fight with one model oneither side, even though the obstacle prevents their bases from touching.

    As always, the enemy model must be visible to the charging model at the start of his

    move, so the obstacle must be low enough to see the target. To charge an enemy who is

    behind an obstacle, the charger's base must move into contact with the obstacle and bewithin 2" of the enemy's base. The two models are then considered to be engaged in

    combat as if their bases were touching, and neither model can move further this turn. Inpractice, this means that if an obstacle is wider than 1" then it will be impossible to

    charge without first negotiating the obstacle itself. Equally, if the obstacle is quite thin (afence, for example), then it may be possible for two or even three models to charge the

    same enemy.

    Fight ing on Elevat ed Pos i t ion s

    A model who climbs to the top of a wall, balcony, cliff, or other vertical surface

    automatically counts as charging the nearest enemy within 2" of the top edge. Theclimber hangs on just below top and fights the model above. If no enemy is within 2" ofthe top edge, then the climber can position himself on the top - but he cannot charge

    any other enemy on the top as they would not have been visible at the start of hismove. Only models within 2" of the edge are considered to be visible as the climber

    moves up the vertical surface.

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    the bolter and chainsword 6 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    OOPPTTIIOONNAALL RRUULLEESSThe following rules are optional for use in the Arena of Death, and may be mixed and

    matched as desired by the players.

    There are two alternatives for using teams in the Arena of Death. The first is for multiple

    Arena of Death characters to form teams, typically done when multiple players want toplay in the Arena of Death. The second alternative is for a standard Arena of Death

    character to be joined by a small group of basic models.


    1 Character per the basic Arena of Death Rules.

    Up to 50 points worth of models from a single unit entry from the same Codex asthe character.

    Only one of the models in the squad may take any weapons upgrades. This

    includes Veteran Sergeants, etc. If the Character is equipped with a jump pack, terminator armour, etc., the squad

    may be of the appropriate type (e.g., a Captain equipped with a jump pack may

    be accompanied by an Assault Squad).

    For Dark Angels and Blood Angels, the cost of individual models for the squad is per the

    corresponding unit in Codex: Space Marines, although the basic weapons, wargear, andupgrade options are taken from the appropriate codex. Veteran Sergeants (but not

    Terminator Sergeants) must pay 15 points for the terminator honours and access to thearmoury (if they choose any of the options available to them in Codex: Dark Angelsor

    Codex: Blood Angels).


    The following rules for Initiative are presented as an optional alternative to the basicIGOUGO turn sequence of standard Warhammer 40,000. These rules require some token

    or marker for each unit. These tokens or markers should have numbers on them,

    ranging from 1 up to the number of units involved in the game. We recommend tokenswith different colored numbers on each side, or different colored sides. The use of thesetokens is explained in the following rules.

    When playing with the Squad Rules (above), the character and the squad count as asingle unit. When playing with multiple characters on teams, each character counts as aseparate unit.

    Note that these rules may also be used in Individual battles.

    Each unit makes an Initiative Check at the beginning of each turn, rolling 2D6 and

    adding the result to their Initiative. The unit with the highest Initiative Check is fastest,

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    the bolter and chainsword 7 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    the unit with the lowest Initiative Check is slowest, and all other units are distributed in

    between based on their Initiative Check total. If units tie for their Initiative Check, havethose units roll again to see which is fastest and slowest. The fastest unit gets the tokenwith the number 1, the next fastest unit gets the token with the number 2, and so on.

    Before acting, all tokens should be with the same color face up. This color indicates thatthe unit has not acted yet.

    Units act in sequence from fastest to slowest.At the start of its turn, a unit either turns its token over to the other side to act, or

    retains the token and elects to Wait. If the unit acts, it completes all of the phases of theturn. If the model is able to Assault but does not do so, it retains its token. If the modelAssaults or is not able to Assault, the token is turned in. If the unit Waits, the next

    fastest unit begins its turn. At the start of any units turn, before that unit has acted,any unit that is Waiting may Interrupt. If multiple units desire to Interrupt, the fastest

    acts first.

    If a unit Assaults a faster unit that still has its token (with either side up), the faster unit

    attacks first and gets its full number of attacks. If a unit Assaults a unit that no longer

    has its token, the defending unit gets only a single attack (for squads, each model in thesquad gets an attack). Note that models with weapons such as power fists and thunderhammers still Assault at Initiative 1.


    The Deathmatch rules allow players to play battles similar to those found in popular first

    person shooter games.

    Typically, this style of gaming is done only with characters not with squads. Multiple

    characters may form teams.

    There are multiple styles of deathmatch play. Several common styles are described


    Spaw n Po in ts

    Deathmatch maps may or may not have spawn pads. If spawn pads are on the map,then characters may only re-spawn on those pads. In some cases, spawn pads may beusable only be certain models. This usually applies in team battles. This will usually be

    done via some form of color coding or other marking.

    If spawn pads are specific to teams, models on those teams may always spawn on those

    pads. Models may never spawn on spawn pads that are for other teams.If spawn pads are not specific to teams, either because there are no team-specific padson the map or when there are neutral spawn pads on the map, a model may re-spawn

    on them only if there are no enemy models within 6 of the pad.

    A model that is killed will re-spawn at the end of the sides turn. If models are split into

    teams, when a team has completed its actions, all models that have been killed will re-

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    the bolter and chainsword 8 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    spawn at the end of the turn. If models are fighting as individuals, all models killed

    during a characters turn will re-spawn when the character has completed its actions.

    If there are no spawn pads on the map, each model/team is assigned a specific re-

    spawn area. Models always re-spawn within the designated area.

    Models that re-spawn act as if they have deployed via Deep Strike.

    Last Man Stand in gEach model may re-spawn only a specific number of times. At the beginning of the

    game, each player is given a number of tokens for each time his character may re-

    spawn. The player must turn a token in before the character can re-spawn. The numberof tokens will vary with the number of players and the desired length of play. Once a

    model is out of tokens, it is out of the game.

    The last model remaining wins the game. In team play, the last team with any models

    on the board wins the game.

    The recommended number of re-spawn tokens for games is 2 tokens per character in

    both individual and team battles.

    Body Coun t

    Models may re-spawn any number of times. Each time a model kills another model, theplayer is given a token.

    The first player to reach the target number of tokens wins the game. In team play, thefirst team to reach the target number of tokens wins the game.

    The recommended number of kills for a victory is five in individual battles and ten in

    team battles.

    Hot Po ta t o

    This variant requires a relic counter/token. The winning model is the one that has

    possession of the relic the longest. Longest will be determined beforehand by theplayers and may be:

    Most consecutive turns (playing the game for a set number of turns) Most total turns (playing the game for a set number of turns) First to carry the relic for X turns

    The relic is placed at the center of the map. Models may spawn at points an equal

    distance from the center of the map (pre-determine points based on the number ofmodels involved). Models may re-spawn any number of times.

    In order to grab the relic, a model must move into base contact with it (models may do

    so during the Movement, Shooting, or Charge phases). The model takes possession ofthe relic and attempts to maintain possession for as long as possible. Each time themodel starts and ends its turn in possession of the relic, it collects a token.

    If playing for the most consecutive or most total turns, determine before starting howmany turns will be played. At the end of the last turn, the model that either carried the

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    relic for the most consecutive or most total turns wins the game. In both cases, the

    recommended number of turns to be played is ten.

    If playing for a set number of carries, play lasts until a model carries the relic for the

    target number of turns. The recommended number of carries is between five and seven.

    Capt ur e th e Flag

    This style of play is only suitable for teams.

    Each team has a base area with an objective point. Somewhere on the map, typically in

    the center, is the flag. The goal is to capture the flag and return it to the objective point.

    The first team to capture the flag the target number of times wins the game.

    In order to grab the flag, a model must move into base contact with it (models may do

    so during the Movement, Shooting, or Charge phases). The model takes possession ofthe flag and must take it to his objective point. If a character with the flag is ever on or

    touching its objective point, it successfully captures the flag. The team receives a tokento indicate the capture and the flag is returned to its starting point.

    If a model is killed while it is carrying the flag, the flag is dropped where the character

    died. If nobody else captures the flag by the end of the next turn, the flag returns to itsstarting point.

    The recommended number of captures is no more than three.

    Stea l th e FlagThis is a variant of Capture the Flag and is only suitable for teams.

    Each team has a flag on the objective point within its base area. The goal is to capture

    the other teams flag, then take it back to your own base. The first team to steal theother teams flag the target number of times wins the game.

    In order to grab the flag, a model must move into base contact with it (models may do

    so during the Movement, Shooting, or Charge phases). The model must then take theflag to its objective point. In addition, the characters own flag must be on the objectivepoint if its not there, the character holds on to the other teams flag and must wait

    until his own flag appears in the objective area. Once the character touches his own flagin the objective area while in possession of the other teams flag, he has successfully

    stolen the flag. His team collects a token to indicate the theft of the flag and the otherteams flag is returned to its starting point.

    If a model is killed while it is carrying the other teams flag, the flag is dropped wherethe character died. If a character on the flags side touches the flag at any time, the flag

    is immediately returned to the objective point within the base. Alternately, a character

    from the opposing team may pick it up as normal.

    The recommended number of captures is no more than three.

    Treasur e Hun tThis is another variant of Capture the Flag and is only suitable for teams.

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    the bolter and chainsword 10 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    Each team has a base area with an objective point. Scattered throughout the map are a

    number of objective markers. The goal is to capture the most objective markers andreturn them to your bases objective point.

    In order to grab an objective, a model must move into base contact with it (models maydo so during the Movement, Shooting, or Charge phases. The model takes possession of

    the objective and must take it to his objective point. If a character with an objective is

    ever touching his objective point, he successfully captures the objective. The team keepsthe objective marker to indicate the capture.

    If a model is killed while it is carrying on objective, the objective is dropped where thecharacter died and remains there until another character picks it up.

    The recommended number of objectives is three per team, rounding off to an oddnumber (up for a longer game, down for a shorter game).

    Table SizeDeathmatch tables work best on tables between 2x2 and 3x3. Really large games

    might be played on tables up to 4x4, but game time is increased considerably.


    This is an optional addition that is especially effective in the various flag/relic/treasurevariants.

    When performing normal movement, models may move their full normal distance whenthey are not wounded. Once a model suffers a wound, it moves as if in difficult terrain.

    Models moving as jump infantry move normally.

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    the bolter and chainsword 11 l t e randcha inswo rd . com

    RRUUIINNEEDD CCIITTYYThe once-proud city of Domian Prime has been the scene of heavy fighting. The city now

    lies in ruins, with pockets of resistance still remaining.

    These rules are for any generic cityfighting map of from 25 1/2" x 25 1/2" to 36" x 36".


    All obstacles have an Armour Value of 8. A glancing hit has no effect. On a penetratinghit, refer to the special effects below:

    Grey Barrels - These are either empty or are filled with harmless liquids. No effect. Yellow Barrels - These are filled with flammable liquids. Place the small blast

    marker over the center of the barrel. Any model completely or partially covered by

    the template, including other obstacles, takes a Str 4 AP 5 hit. Red Barrels - These are filled with explosive liquids. Place the large blast marker

    over the center of the barrel. Any model completely or partially covered by thetemplate, including other obstacles, takes a Str 6 AP 4 hit.

    Square Ammunition Crates (painted green) - These are filled with small arms

    ammunition, including flamer, meltagun, and plasmagun reloads. Place the smallblast marker over the center of the crate. Any model completely or partially

    covered by the template, including other obstacles, takes a Str 6 AP 3 hit. Squareammunition crates also provide ammunition reloads (see later).

    Rectangular Ammunition Crates (painted green) - These are filled with frag andkrak missiles. Place the small blast maker over the center of the crate. Any model

    completely or partially covered by the template, including other obstacles, takes a

    Str 8 AP 4 hit. Cylindrical Crates (painted green) - These are filled with hunter-killer missiles.

    Place the large blast marker over the center of the crate. Any model completely or

    partially covered by the template, including other obstacles, takes a Str 8 AP 2 hit.

    An obstacle is removed from the tabletop once it explodes.

    A mm un i t i on Re loads

    The square ammunition crates provide reloads for small arms. This has a pronouncedeffect when the Ammunition Depleted special rule is in effect (see EnvironmentalEffects). In other battles, models with combi-weapons may get additional shots with the

    special weapon. The model must spend a complete Assault phase in base contact withthe square crate and may not be pinned or locked in combat. At the end of each turn,

    the model is assumed to have an additional shot for the special weapon. Each squarecrate has only two of each type of combi-weapon shot (flamer, meltagun, plasmagun).

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    D6 Resu l t1 No environmental effects2 Night Fighting

    3 Ammunition Depleted4 Incoming!5 The Coming of Chaos

    The battlefields of the darkmillennium are many and varied.Combatants must consider and take

    advantage of the effects of theenvironment. The following

    environmental effects were used atGames Day Los Angeles, though the

    list could easily be expanded asplayers desire.

    6 Roll Twice More Subsequent rolls of6 result in no effect.

    Nigh t Figh t ing The standard Warhammer 40,000 Night Fighting rules are in effect, though the distance

    is 2D6 (instead of 2D6 multiplied by 3).

    A mm un i t i on Deple tedThe battle has raged for days and all available ammunition has been expended. Smallpockets of resistance remain, though, and the battles have moved to hand-to-hand. No

    models may shoot firearms in the Shooting Phase.If a model spends an entire turn in base contact with a square ammunition crate and is

    not engaged or pinned, he may use a single type of firearm thereafter. Models withmultiple firearms such as combi-weapons must spend multiple turns at square

    ammunition crates in order to get additional ammunition.

    There are three square ammunition crates. One is placed in the center of the map. Eachside may then place one of the other crates as part of the normal terrain/obstacle

    placement, but the crate must be placed within 6" of the crate in the center.

    I n c o m i n g !The battlefields are spread thin and are marked by random mortar fire from hiddenheretics. At the end of each turn (after all players have completed their turns, not at the

    end of each player turn) one mortar round lands in a randomly determined location onthe table. The first round scatters from the center of the table. Subsequent rounds

    scatter from the point where the previous round impacted. If the scatter dice comes upas a "Hit", the round scatters 1D6 instead of the normal 2D6. If a round scatters off the

    table no round hits that turn and the round for the next turn will scatter from the centerof the table.

    Use the large blast marker to indicate where the round impacts. Any model whose baseis totally or partially covered by the center hole of the template takes a Str 8 AP 4 hit.

    Any model whose base is totally or partially covered by the template takes a Str 6 AP 5


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    The Com ing o f Chaos

    The minions of Chaos have begun a ritual to turn this world into a daemon world, andthe weird energies released by their Warp-spawned magic are playing havoc across theplanet. All models benefit from a 6+ Cover save from attacks in the Shooting phase.

    When making a Psychic test, one of the dice is automatically a 6 (roll one less thannormal).


    Obstacles will be divided evenly betweeneach side. Obstacles include barrels,

    crates, and barricades. Terrain pieces willremain in a common pool and may be

    selected freely by players. Each side'sdeployment zone is the entire length of

    their table edge out to 3".

    Each side rolls a D6. The side that rolledlowest places terrain and obstacles,deploys, and goes first, with each side

    alternating the following steps.

    Each side places one terrain piece

    of their choosing anywhere within12" of their deployment edge.

    Each side then places on terrainpiece of their choosing anywhere

    on the table except the opponent'sdeployment zone. If environmental effects are going

    to be used, roll a D6 and consult the chart above. If players agree, environmental

    effects may be chosen or omitted. Each side then places any five of their obstacles anywhere within 6" of their

    deployment zone. The obstacles do not have to be placed together. Like items

    may be stacked (barrels on barrels, crates on crates, but not barrels on crates orvice versa).

    Each player then deploys his model anywhere in his own deployment zone. Each side then alternates placing the rest of their obstacles anywhere on the table,

    though obstacles must be placed at least 6" away from the opposing side'sdeployment table edge.

    These rules are completely unofficial and are not endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

    Warhammer, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer

    40,000 universe are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in t he UK and other countries around theworld. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

    Legio Skull image copyright 2007 by Michael Lamb.