aoa exhibitor disclosure _____ _____ rights reserved. t be subm wners wish to e of entry and aoa...

© Alpa EXH NOTE Purs A. A if 1 2 3 4 5 6 B. A th C. A 1 2 3 D. A W 1 2 3 E. A 1 2 F. A 1 2 G. A H. In s S Pleas aca Owners Ass HIBITOR: P E: In the event must be ind suant to th An exhibitor or f: 1. They co-ow 2. They are a 3. They are a 4. They are a 5. They are a 6. During the a. He/she of rem owner financ payme b. The ni transa a busi from th c. NOTE an elig An exhibitor is p hat Fleece Sho An exhibitor is p 1. They are a 2. They are a 3. They are a An alpaca is dis Walking Fleece 1. Any Judge 2. The alpaca Show or W 3. The alpaca Judge judg An alpaca is dis 1. Has acted during the through an promoting 2. Stands to m alpaca in th A shorn fleece 1. During the a. Board b. Purcha 2. The Judge the purcha alpaca eva any way in A shorn fleece n the event tha shorn fleece fro Show. se review the l ociation, Inc. All Page 2 mus t that multiple o icated at the tim he current handler, includ wn an alpaca w an immediate fa a domestic part a business part an employee or nine months p e has received muneration, incl r and his/her im ed the purchas ent has been m ine month perio actions to any b ness relationsh he final date w E: If the exhibito gible alpaca on prohibited from ow. prohibited from an immediate fa a domestic part an employee or squalified from e Show if: (Halter, Perfor a during the nin Walking Fleece. a during the nin ging at that Hal squalified from as a consultan nine months p auction/sale, e of that alpaca. make, or has m he nine months is disqualified f nine months p ed on a proper ased from the J judging at that se of, or broke aluated, entered the buying, se is disqualified f at a Judge is hi om any or all al list of judges AOA __________ __________ rights reserved. st be subm owners wish to me of entry and AOA Show ding his/her imm with the Judge. amily member o ner of the Judg ner of the Judg r employer of th prior to the show from or paid to uding like-kind mmediate family se, would not b made. od also include business entity hip to include a here fees, sala or is prohibited their behalf. m entering an al m showing fleec amily member o ner of a Judge r employer of a the Halter Sho rmance, Fleece ne months prior ne months prior ter Show or W showing in a J nt or agent on b rior to the date either live or In made any gain, s prior to the da from the Fleece prior to the date rty under the co Judge judging t Fleece Show ered the alpaca d in, or acquire elling, or promo from ever show red to provide pacas, those s and their assi Exhibit ______________ ______________ mitted with have their nam d each owner m w System H mediate family of the Judge. ge. ge. he Judge. w: o the Judge, in exchange or b y members who be eligible to sh es all commissi that the Judge any transaction aries, or commi from personall lpaca’s fleece i ces in front of a of a Judge judg judging at that Judge judging ow (Halter Show e, Walking Flee r to the date of r to the date of alking Fleece S Judge’s ring if t behalf of the alp of the show. D nternet-based, w financial or oth ate of the show e Show compe e of the show, t ontrol of the Ju at that Fleece has acted as a during the nin ed through an a oting of that alp wing in front of a herd evaluat specific shorn f gnments on p tor Disc ______________ ______________ entries. mes listed in the must complete Handbook members, will cluding his/her barter, for sellin o purchased an how any alpaca ons, compensa e, including his/ that is significa ssions were pa ly showing in fr in a Fleece Sho any Judge, judg ging at that Fle t Fleece Show g at that Fleece w is defined as ece) judging at the show has the show has Show. that Judge: paca/alpaca’s o Disqualification where the Judg herwise, in add w. etition if: the alpaca has dge judging at Show. a consultant or e months prior auction/sale, eit paca. a Judge if the f ion, consultatio leeces are proh page 2. closure ______________ ______________ e show records an Exhibitor D rules: be prohibited f r immediate fam ng, buying, or b n alpaca or a b as in front of thi ation or salary, /her immediate ant, sustained aid. ront of the Judg ow if they co-o ging at that Fle eece Show. . e Show. s all classes de t the show has been purchase been boarded owner, assiste applies to any ge participated dition to what is been: t that Fleece Sh r agent on beha r to the date of ther live or Inte fleece was skir on or conduct a hibited from be e Form _____________ _____________ s and show res Disclosure Form from personally mily members breeding any a breeding from a is Judge until n , directly paid to e family membe or ongoing. Th ge, he/she may own the alpaca ece Show if: escribed in Cha a share or own ed from any Ju on a property ed in the purcha y alpaca evalua d in any way in s described in D how. alf of the alpac the show. Disq ernet-based, w rted by the Jud a seminar and eing shown in f ______________ ______________ sults for an alpa m. y showing in fro any fees, salar lpacas. For exa a Judge where nine months aft o, or resulting f ers represents, his nine month y appoint a han with any Judge apter 17 Halter nership in the a udge judging at under the cont ase of, or broke ated, entered in the buying, se D, 1– 3, and E, a/alpaca’s own qualification ap where the Judge dge. in so doing ass front of that Jud ______________ ______________ page aca/fleece, this ont of a Judge ry, or any kind ample, an the Judge ter the final from understanding period begins ndler to show e judging at Show) or alpaca. t that Halter trol of any ered the alpaca n, or acquired lling, or , 1, from the ner, assisted in pplies to any e participated i sesses the dge in a Fleece _ _ 1 s g a n e

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Post on 26-May-2018




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Page 1: AOA Exhibitor Disclosure _____ _____ rights reserved. t be subm wners wish to e of entry and AOA Show ing his/her imm ith the Judge. mily member o ner of the Judg ner of the Judg employer

© Alpa



PursA. A


B. Ath

C. A123

D. AW12


E. A1


F. A1


G. A

H. InsS


aca Owners Ass


E: In the eventmust be ind

suant to thAn exhibitor or f: 1. They co-ow2. They are a3. They are a4. They are a5. They are a6. During the

a. He/sheof remownerfinancpayme

b. The nitransaa busifrom th

c. NOTEan elig

An exhibitor is phat Fleece Sho

An exhibitor is p1. They are a2. They are a3. They are a

An alpaca is disWalking Fleece1. Any Judge2. The alpaca

Show or W3. The alpaca

Judge judg

An alpaca is dis1. Has acted

during the through anpromoting

2. Stands to malpaca in th

A shorn fleece 1. During the

a. Boardb. Purcha

2. The Judgethe purchaalpaca evaany way in

A shorn fleece

n the event thashorn fleece froShow.

se review the l

ociation, Inc. All

Page 2 mus

t that multiple oicated at the tim

he current handler, includ

wn an alpaca wan immediate faa domestic parta business partan employee or

nine months pe has received

muneration, inclr and his/her imed the purchasent has been mine month perio

actions to any bness relationshhe final date w

E: If the exhibitogible alpaca on

prohibited fromow.

prohibited froman immediate faa domestic partan employee or

squalified from e Show if: (Halter, Perfor

a during the ninWalking Fleece.a during the ninging at that Hal

squalified from as a consultannine months p auction/sale, eof that alpaca. make, or has mhe nine months

is disqualified fnine months ped on a properased from the J judging at thatse of, or broke

aluated, entered the buying, se

is disqualified f

at a Judge is hiom any or all al

list of judges

AOA __________


rights reserved.

st be subm

owners wish to me of entry and

AOA Showding his/her imm

with the Judge. amily member oner of the Judgner of the Judgr employer of thprior to the show from or paid touding like-kind

mmediate familyse, would not bmade. od also includebusiness entity hip to include ahere fees, salaor is prohibited their behalf.

m entering an al

m showing fleecamily member oner of a Judge

r employer of a

the Halter Sho

rmance, Fleecene months prior

ne months priorter Show or W

showing in a Jnt or agent on brior to the dateeither live or In

made any gain, s prior to the da

from the Fleeceprior to the daterty under the coJudge judging t Fleece Show

ered the alpacad in, or acquireelling, or promo

from ever show

red to provide pacas, those s

and their assi



mitted with

have their namd each owner m

w System Hmediate family

of the Judge. ge. ge. he Judge. w: o the Judge, in exchange or by members who

be eligible to sh

es all commissithat the Judge

any transaction aries, or commifrom personall

lpaca’s fleece i

ces in front of aof a Judge judg judging at that Judge judging

ow (Halter Show

e, Walking Fleer to the date of

r to the date ofalking Fleece S

Judge’s ring if tbehalf of the alp of the show. D

nternet-based, w

financial or othate of the show

e Show compee of the show, tontrol of the Juat that Fleece has acted as a during the nin

ed through an aoting of that alp

wing in front of

a herd evaluatspecific shorn f

gnments on p

tor Disc______________



mes listed in themust complete

Handbook members, will

cluding his/herbarter, for sellino purchased an

how any alpaca

ons, compensae, including his/

that is significassions were paly showing in fr

in a Fleece Sho

any Judge, judgging at that Flet Fleece Show

g at that Fleece

w is defined as

ece) judging atf the show has

f the show has Show.

that Judge: paca/alpaca’s o

Disqualification where the Judg

herwise, in addw.

etition if: the alpaca has dge judging at Show. a consultant or e months prior

auction/sale, eitpaca.

a Judge if the f

ion, consultatioleeces are proh

page 2.



e show recordsan Exhibitor D

rules: be prohibited f

r immediate famng, buying, or bn alpaca or a b

as in front of thi

ation or salary,/her immediateant, sustained aid. ront of the Judg

ow if they co-o

ging at that Fleeece Show. .

e Show.

s all classes de

t the show has been purchase

been boarded

owner, assiste applies to anyge participated

dition to what is

been: t that Fleece Sh

r agent on behar to the date of ther live or Inte

fleece was skir

on or conduct ahibited from be

e Form _____________


s and show resDisclosure Form

from personally

mily members breeding any abreeding from ais Judge until n

, directly paid toe family membeor ongoing. Th

ge, he/she may

own the alpaca

ece Show if:

escribed in Cha

a share or owned from any Ju

on a property

ed in the purchay alpaca evaluad in any way in

s described in D


alf of the alpacthe show. Disq

ernet-based, w

rted by the Jud

a seminar and eing shown in f



sults for an alpam.

y showing in fro

any fees, salarlpacas. For exaa Judge where nine months aft

o, or resulting fers represents,his nine month

y appoint a han

with any Judge

apter 17 Halter

nership in the audge judging at

under the cont

ase of, or brokeated, entered inthe buying, se

D, 1– 3, and E,

a/alpaca’s ownqualification ap

where the Judge


in so doing assfront of that Jud




aca/fleece, this

ont of a Judge

ry, or any kind ample, an the Judge ter the final

from understandingperiod begins

ndler to show

e judging at

Show) or

alpaca. t that Halter

trol of any

ered the alpacan, or acquired lling, or

, 1, from the

ner, assisted inpplies to any e participated i

sesses the dge in a Fleece









Page 2: AOA Exhibitor Disclosure _____ _____ rights reserved. t be subm wners wish to e of entry and AOA Show ing his/her imm ith the Judge. mily member o ner of the Judg ner of the Judg employer

© Alpa

Ju ____











aca Owners Ass

udging ______________




xhibitoEach exhibi

___ I, and m

(Name o

neither I,


___ I, and m

* Immediate family

Each exhibiare disquali

___ In accordring. Non

mportanI understanda business exhibiting at

By signing bhave been sSection 2, “applies to apurchase ardisciplinary

___________hibitor Signatu

___________nted Name of


ociation, Inc. All





r Disctor is require

y immediate f

of Judge) purs

, nor my imme

te family can

y immediate f

members is define

tor is requirefied from thi

dance with Rne of the alpa

nt Notid and agree trelationship et AOA Certifie

below, I herebsubjected to aRules for Exhny alpacas enre either still osanctions.


___________f Exhibitor


AOA __________


rights reserved.





losureed to check O

family membe

suant to the n

ediate family

show any alp

family membe

d as: owners, spou

ed to confirmis show (You

ules B – H, naca fleeces I h

ces that failure to exists, or showed Shows for

by certify and any prohibitedhibitors and Hntered in this on the alpaca











e StateONE of the f

ers*, have ha

ine-month pe

members* ca

paca in front o

ers*, do not h

use/domestic partne

m that none ou must check

one of the alphave entered

report a businwing any inelime and for m

swear that nd fittings, trim

Handlers” in thshow that I h

a or entered in




tor Disc______________






ment following box

d a business

eriod as stipul

an show in fro

of this Judge.

have a busine

er, parents, childre

of the alpacak the followin

pacas I have in this show a

ness relationsigible alpacas

my farm(s).

one of the alpming, groomi

he current AOhave purchasen this Fleece S

__ _____ Farm










relationship w

ated in the AO

ont of this Jud

ess relationsh

en, children’s spous

as or fleecesng):

entered in thiare disqualifie

ship with the s/fleeces shal

pacas or fleecing and prepa

OA Show Systed whose speShow. Violati


e Form _____________






with _______

OA Show Ha

dge. I underst

ip with any ju

se or any family me

s that they ha

is show are ded from the F

Judge, showll result in a o

ces that I havaration as destem Handbooecific fleeces on of these ru









ndbook. I und

tand that neith

dges of the s

embers living with y

ave entered i

isqualified froleece Show.

ing in front ofone-year susp

ve entered in tscribed in Parok. I understanat the time ofules could lea










derstand that

her I, nor my



in this show

om the show

f that Judge ifpension

this show rt 5, nd that this f the ad to









