anya chouhan

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  • 8/20/2019 Anya Chouhan



    Anya Chouhaan


    NameAnya Chouhaan

    Birth time 09 Oct 2013, 04:22 PM

    Place WASHINGTONDC,38:55N,74:4W,-5:0

    Sunrise 06:04 AM

    Sunset 05:21 PM

    Aynamsa 24°2'55"

    Siderial 17°40'18"

    Malayala Date 1189-Kan-23, Wed, Kali day:1868109

    Saka year 17 shwin 1935

    Time R.25N.45V.

    Ayanam, Rethu Dakshin, Sarath

    Star Jyestha:3 - Pada, 40 Nazhika

    Thithi Sashti:Sukla 14 Nazhika

    Karanam KaulavaNithyayoga Saubhagya 37

    Day Wednesday

    Balance Dasa Mercury-5:10:27

    Age now 1:8

    Dasa now Mercury>Jupiter

    Dasa Transit 28/12/2016,Mercury>Saturn

    Gem, Ganam Emerald, DemonYoni,Bhootam,Animal Male, Air, Deer

    Name First Syllable No,Ya,Yi,Yu

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    Anya Chouhaan

    Software by :Supersoft Prophet, 

    Sudheer Panicker Guruvayur

  • 8/20/2019 Anya Chouhan



    Anya Chouhaan

  • 8/20/2019 Anya Chouhan



    Anya Chouhaan


    Planet positions

    Planet Position Star

    Ascendant Kum:27°43'7" Purvabadra:3

    Sun Kan:22°41'40" Hastha:4

    Moon Vri:25°21'49" Jyestha:3

    Mars Sim:2°37'8" Magha:1

    Mercury Tul:17°52'14" Svati:4

    Jupiter Mit:25°8'18" Punarvasu:2

    Venus Vri:8°19'35" Anuradha:2

    Saturn Tul:16°54'26" Svati:4

    Rahu Tul:14°36'43" Svati:3

    Ketu Mes:14°36'43" Bharani:1

    Mandi Vri:26°4'36" Jyestha:3

    Uranas Min:16°18'24" Uttarbadra:4

    Neptune Kum:8°48'19" Satabhisaj:1

    Pluto Dha:13°15'4" Mula:4

    Papa Value1

    - Ascend. Moon Venus Total

    Sun 1(8) - - 1.0

    Mars 1(7) - - 1.0

    Saturn - 0.75(12) 0.5(12) 1.25

    Rahu - 0.75(12) 0.5(12) 1.25

    Kethu - - - 0.0

    Total 2.0 1.5 1.0 4.5

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    Anya Chouhaan

    Dasa and Apahara

    Dasa End Age

    Mercury->Rahu 22/9/2014 0:11:12

    Mercury->Jupiter 28/12/2016 3:2:19

    Mercury->Saturn 7/9/2019 5:10:27

    Ketu->Ketu 3/2/2020 6:3:25

    Ketu->Venus 4/4/2021 7:5:24

    Ketu->Sun 10/8/2021 7:10:0

    Ketu->Moon 11/3/2022 8:5:0

    Ketu->Mars 7/8/2022 8:9:27

    Ketu->Rahu 26/8/2023 9:10:15

    Ketu->Jupiter 31/7/2024 10:9:21

    Ketu->Saturn 9/9/2025 11:10:30

    Ketu->Mercury 7/9/2026 12:10:28

    Venus->Venus 6/1/2030 16:2:28

    Venus->Sun 6/1/2031 17:2:27

    Venus->Moon 6/9/2032 18:10:27

    Venus->Mars 6/11/2033 20:0:28

    Venus->Rahu 6/11/2036 23:0:28

    Venus->Jupiter 8/7/2039 25:8:27

    Venus->Saturn 7/9/2042 28:10:28

    Venus->Mercury 7/7/2045 31:8:27

    Venus->Ketu 7/9/2046 32:10:28

    Sun->Sun 25/12/2046 33:2:15

    Sun->Moon 26/6/2047 33:8:15

    Sun->Mars 1/11/2047 34:0:22

    Sun->Rahu 24/9/2048 34:11:15

    Sun->Jupiter 13/7/2049 35:9:2

    Sun->Saturn 25/6/2050 36:8:15

    Sun->Mercury 2/5/2051 37:6:21

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    Anya Chouhaan

    Dasa and Apahara

    Dasa End Age

    Sun->Ketu 7/9/2051 37:10:27

    Sun->Venus 6/9/2052 38:10:27

    Moon->Moon 7/7/2053 39:8:27

    Moon->Mars 5/2/2054 40:3:27

    Moon->Rahu 7/8/2055 41:9:27

    Moon->Jupiter 6/12/2056 43:1:27

    Moon->Saturn 8/7/2058 44:8:28

    Moon->Mercury 7/12/2059 46:1:28

    Moon->Ketu 7/7/2060 46:8:27

    Moon->Venus 8/3/2062 48:4:28

    Moon->Sun 7/9/2062 48:10:28

    Mars->Mars 3/2/2063 49:3:25

    Mars->Rahu 21/2/2064 50:4:12

    Mars->Jupiter 27/1/2065 51:3:18

    Mars->Saturn 8/3/2066 52:4:28

    Mars->Mercury 5/3/2067 53:4:24

    Mars->Ketu 1/8/2067 53:9:21

    Mars->Venus 30/9/2068 54:11:21

    Mars->Sun 5/2/2069 55:3:27

    Mars->Moon 6/9/2069 55:10:27

    Rahu->Rahu 19/5/2072 58:7:9

    Rahu->Jupiter 13/10/2074 61:0:3

    Rahu->Saturn 19/8/2077 63:10:9

    Rahu->Mercury 7/3/2080 66:4:27

    Rahu->Ketu 26/3/2081 67:5:15

    Rahu->Venus 26/3/2084 70:5:16

    Rahu->Sun 17/2/2085 71:4:9

    Rahu->Moon 19/8/2086 72:10:9

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    Anya Chouhaan


    Dasa and Apahara

    Dasa End Age

    Rahu->Mars 7/9/2087 73:10:27

    Jupiter->Jupiter 25/10/2089 76:0:16

    Jupiter->Saturn 7/5/2092 78:6:27

    Jupiter->Mercury 13/8/2094 80:10:3

    Jupiter->Ketu 20/7/2095 81:9:9

    Jupiter->Venus 20/3/2098 84:5:9

    Jupiter->Sun 6/1/2099 85:2:27

    Jupiter->Moon 7/5/2100 86:6:27

    Jupiter->Mars 13/4/2101 87:6:3

    Jupiter->Rahu 7/9/2103 89:10:27

    ShadVarga & Ruling planets


    1 2 3 7 9 10 12 16 30



    Mo 7:Ve 5:Su 3:Me 8:Ma 10:Sa

    7:Ve Ve

    Sun 6:Me Su 2:Ve 5:Su 4:Mo 9:Ju 3:Me 9:Ju Sa


    8:Ma Su 4:Mo 7:Ve 11:Sa

    12:Ju 6:Me 6:Me Ma

    Mars 5:Su Su 5:Su 5:Su 1:Ma 5:Su 6:Me 6:Me Ma


    7:Ve Mo 11:Sa


    12:Ju 12:Ju 2:Ve 10:Sa



    3:Me Mo 11:Sa

    8:Ma 2:Ve 11:Sa

    1:Ma 10:Sa


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    Anya Chouhaan


    Bhava PredictionsGENERAL PREDICTIONS

    CHARACTER - Based on SUN'S Bhava, Dhrekkana, Sapthamsa and

    Navamsa : You are something of an enigma. The only person who really know

    you is yourself. You have the power of acting a part in life that is totally

    different from your true self.

    You possess considerable magnetic power and you can use it for good or for

    ill. How you do use it depends entirely on your own desires. Fortunately, you

    are usually able to control your actions for good and the result is that your

    magnetic power sheds a beneficial influence on others.

    There are many reasons for thinking that you will move from place to place a

    good deal and probably you will see much of the world. If a man, you are

    ShadVarga & Ruling planets


    1 2 3 7 9 10 12 16 30


    8:Ma Mo 8:Ma 3:Me 6:Me 6:Me 11:Sa

    9:Ju Me


    7:Ve Mo 11:Sa


    12:Ju 12:Ju 1:Ma 10:Sa


    Rahu 7:Ve Su 11:Sa




    12:Ju 8:Ma Ju

    Ketu 1:Ma Su 5:Su 4:Mo 5:Su 5:Su 6:Me 8:Ma Ju



    8:Ma Su 4:Mo 8:Ma 11:S


    12:Ju 6:Me 6:Me Ma


    12:Ju Su 4:Mo 9:Ju 8:Ma 1:Ma 6:Me 5:Su Ju



    Su 11:Sa

    1:Ma 9:Ju 1:Ma 2:Ve 9:Ju Sa

    Pluto 9:Ju Su 1:Ma 12:Ju 4:Mo 1:Ma 2:Ve 4:Mo Ju

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    Anya Chouhaan

    likely to take up posts in various parts of the country, and, if a woman, it

    would not be surprising if you called upon to travel because of the

    requirements of your husband's business or profession.Though you applaud what is old and well tried but give new things a fair trial.

    You are remarkably good-hearted and noted for your love towards children.



    have the ability to seeing through anything or anyone, so it is very difficult to

    hide anything from you. This clarity of insight assists in the overcoming of 

    opposition and the achievement of satisfaction. You have a quick grasp of any

    situation and the ability to solve any problem, for you go directly to the point.


    LIFE STYLE - Based on MOON Bhava : Your co-workers serve as an

    inspiration for your success. Thus, you can rely on others to give you the

    inspirational spirit you need to pursue goals.

     CAREER - Based on LAGNA : Your career should be such that you have

    constant public contact. You have a persuasive and magnetic personality.

    Thus, to use it to great potential, you should involve yourself in areas where

    persuasion reaps the greatest rewards.


    OCCUPATION - Based on SATURN Bhava : Whatever you turn to, you will

    engage in with all your might - one at a time. Then, if monotony or routine

    plays a large part in the chosen occupation, you will become restless and look 

    for a complete change. Accordingly, you must see to it that, at the outset, you

    choose a form of work possessing plenty of variety. You should think of 

    nothing that keeps you seated in an office, since you need movement. There is

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    Anya Chouhaan

    much in a commercial traveller's work that will appeal to you. But, there are

    thousands of jobs, which will take you from place to place and where you will

    constantly seeing fresh faces, that will be suited to your requirements also.You have an excellent executive ability which fits you for ruling you own

    right after you reach the age of 35. Moreover, at about this time, you become

    unfitted for serving under others.


    HEALTH - Based on MARS Bhava : You are well favoured as far as your

    constitutions are concerned. But, you are liable to suffer from nervous

    disorders and indigestion. The first is the direct outcome of your highly

    sensitive nature. You become exhausted more quickly than the average person

    and the life you enjoy does not help in the matter. Digestive troubles result

    from self-indulgence. Too much is eaten. What is eaten is too rich and, very

    often, it is eaten too late in the day. There is a tendency to corpulence in later


     HOBBIES - Based on NEPTUNE Bhava : You are exceptionally good with

    your hands. As a man, you can make things for the home and take a delight in

    mending the toys of your children. As a woman, your are expert needle

    worker, painter, cook etc. and prefer to make the children's clothes rather than

    buy them.


    LOVE MATTERS - Based on VENUS Bhava : Generally, you are very

    careful in taking a partner. The horror of making a possible mistake seems to

    be magnified in your eyes and you are very cautious. As a consequence, you

    marry later than usual. But, once you make a choice, you become charming

    and devoted spouse.

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    Anya Chouhaan


    FINANCE - Based on JUPITER Bhava : In matters relating to financial

    prospects you will be largely the arbitrator of your own destiny. The successof your work will come first in every way. If you belong to the higher plane

    which your natural gifts entitle you to occupy, you will always find the wealth

    and gain high position, but in such things you will never be satisfied. You

    always crave for the something just beyond your means. You will be most

    generous in money matters and inclined to reduce your reserves by giving to

    benevolent institutions and helping your relatives.Star forecast: To say things

    generally about you good at born with the star Bharani in the zodiac, you may

    have a prominent nose, and may possess a beautiful body. Though you may

    accumulate and absorb a lot of knowledge quick-temperedness will be a great

    curse. You may be thrilled by travel. With truthfulness, respectfulness,

    courage quite dominant in your character you deserve a long life. You are

    likely to have few children. At the age one and seven, you may have fever and

    at fifteen disease of the intestine will trouble you. At the age of twenty twoyou will be affected by gaseous troubles at twenty five you may be subjected

    to attack from the quadruples. At twenty five disease of the bowels at thirty

    two some sexually transmitted disease, at thirty four trouble from enemies will

    disturb you. And at forty four some kind poison may affect you and at fifty

    bowels related complaints at fifty six ailments such as piles and at sixty four

    some venereal complaints may cause a lot of distress and loss of money may



    Panchanga Predictions

    Panchanga & Lagna Predictions

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    Anya Chouhaan

    Star forecast: In general estimate, those who are born with Jyestha as their

    birth star, may have big nose and forehead, and will have red complexion. You

    are a beauty. You will be respected by the learned and you get fame. As youhave got cleverness and cunning by birth may put your thoughts to go through

    complex way under control. Also you must curb your tendency to be angry

    and quick tempered which will very advantageous in the long turn. You may

    have few relatives, but you remain happy most of the time, and if you desire so

    you can be very charitable. Sometimes you may be fortunate to get a

    government job. You may have a black mole on your right hand, which may

    be called a lucky spot, but it need not turn out to be a real lucky spot at all.

    The first year and the four year will be very troubled ones because of stomach

    related complaints or some ailment related to the eyes. At 7 you have to guard

    against dog bite and at 13 there are chances for poisoning. At 16 owing to

    using too much hot food some discomforts and at 20 you may have swelling

    on the body. At 22 you may be have some trouble coming from the males and

    at 30 your intestines or abdomen will have affliction and at 50 you may besubjected to scabies or itching on the limbs etc., or eye troubles and at 63

    either from abdominal irregularities or from respiratory conditions you may

    be put to a lot of sufferings. You may spend a lot of money on your health and

    become impoverished in resources. A means of reducing the shortcomings and

    handicaps coming from the bad times is to place strong faith in God and

    conduct regular prayers and worship and try to please the deities. This should

    be accompanied by charitable activities. Such as giving food and clothes to the

    poor and consoling the derelicts in the society in which you live. Such acts of 

    kindness and charity will be rewarding.


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    Anya Chouhaan

    Thithi forecast: As you are fortunate enough to have born on the sixth day

    (SASHTI) of the Suklapaksha you have got a strong and healthy body and you

    will have every benefit of prosperity and well being. If you try to control yourangry temperament it will be very good not only for you but to those around

    you. Since the birth is in the Suklapaksha, naturally the good and beneficial

    aspects will be strong and other aspects very weak in your life.


    Karana forecast: Since your birth Karana is KAULAVA (the pig/ boar) you

    are destined to experience both comfort and distress alternatively. Even when

    you are at the peak of fame you may be subject to ill fame. You are likely to

    keep cattle and get the benefit from animal husbandry.


    Nithyayoga forecast: As you are born in the SAUBHAGYA yoga, your are

    very likely to live abroad. Being rich and of a hedonistic state of mind you

    have great desire to have very good food and drinks always.

     Weekly forecast: As your birthday comes on Wednesday there is no doubt that

    you are more intelligent than others. In many ways you are very good-looking.

    Your mild and delightful talk; interest in others affairs and progress,

    knowledge in the sciences, and above all your ability to respect others will

    make you an endearing person to others.


    Lagna forecast: Aquarius(KUMBHA). The Kumbha legna is the eleventh rasi

    of the zodiac. If you have been born in this lagna it happens that you have

    ardent faith in God, and you will do things with punctuality. Since you have

    belief in God you never over-joy at your success or fall unhappy in your

    failures. Yu will have every background to undertake tasks on your own

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    Anya Chouhaan

    accord and will have enough money to execute the work well, even if you will

    have to suffer many difficulties, crises, and hear rumours etc., in the end you

    will come out very successfully and reach a very high status and covetableposition. If you are to envisage a new project and try to implement it carefully

    the success would be tremendous and you are capable of doing an enormous

    quantity of work, because of this special ability, you may continue any work 

    persistently. Though your body condition may appear to be weak in fact, it

    need not be so. You will do any work well and very fast. But you generally

    think about the final result of anything from the beginning of the work to the

    end of it. You will proceed without ever minding the temporary hindrances.

    You will have to face a lot of difficulties in matters related to governance or

    administration. Besides there may not be anybody to render you help also.

    You may grow rich sometimes through ways not strictly straight. The

    unnecessary partnerships may land you in a lot of problems. You always

    proceed headlong on the basis of your opinions. Though you may hear others

    points of view, you never accept other views and will never implement theirideas. But you have every power, knowledge and ability to advise others from

    the position of a guru. You may not put the blame on your partners if any of 

    the joint ventures fails. You will share the gains and losses equally with others

    (the partners). There is some likelihood on your part to go abroad and even

    settle in a foreign country which may help you to earn a lot of wealth.

    Whatever others earn on your support will be many times greater than you

    possibly earn from their supports. Even though you will have to put up with

    many difficulties and miseries till the age of 40 after forty you may have a

    different experience. You will attain success and the progress will be steady.

    Though you are short your body contains a lot of fat. Your head has a globular

    shape and the face quite round and circular in shape and you may pass for a

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    Anya Chouhaan

    quiet man. Generally speaking you marital life may be satisfactory or

    successful. your husband happens to be a lady coming from a below average

    family but she would be very capable and excellent in house management.You make a perfect couple resembling very close to each-other, physically and

    mentally, a made for each other couple so to speak. But it is a little difficult to

    control your husband. your husband has intelligence to act cleverly. You may

    develop difference even when you remain mutually very cordial, but after

    sometime both of you abandon the difference and join hands to fulfill the task 

    you have before you. You will never get any assistance from the relatives. And

    you may abandon your relationship with the parental or ancestral family in due

    course. Since you consume intoxicating drinks even with perfect knowledge

    that they may bring illness, such as those of the brain and diabetes. It may end

    in serious consequences. There is a possibility of contracting rheumatism of 

    the blood and dental complaints later. The lagnas most in favour of your lagna

    are Mesha, Vrisham, Mithuna, Tula, Makara and Mina. Good days for you are

    Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.