antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy - … · karen k....

ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 27 * JUNE 1985 * NUMBER 6 Leon H. Schmidt, Edlitor in Chief (1985) Unlivevr.sity of Alabana in Bi-inif'/igllam Birmiiinghattn Herbert L. Ennis, Editor (1987) Roche Institiute of AMole(ula(l Biology Nmutlev, Newi, Jer-seyv Robert L. Hamill, Editor (1985) Eli Lil//, & Colfnpany l(c. Indiaina(lpolis, lntdianlal George A. Jacoby, Jr., Elitor (1985) Massachusetts Generatil Hospital Boston Robert C. Moellering, Jr., Etlitor (1987) NVw' Etiglant Dco(t 0iesS IL HoJspital Bostoti, Christine C. Sanders, Editor, (1989) Creightoni Universitv Sc(0 hoolf oV'(lidcil( Omaha, Nebraska Peter G. Welling, Eklitor (1988) Warl Clr-La/Ub/t Co. A tin Arbor, Michigall John A. Washington II, Editor (1986) Mayo Clinic Rochester. NIilhlC 'vota EDITORIAL BOARD Norris Allen (1986) Vincent T. Andriole (1987) Bascom F. Anthony (1985) George R. Aronoff (1986) Robert Austrian (1986) Richard H. Baltz (1987) Rashmi H. Barbhaiya (1986) Arthur L. Barry (1986) John G. Bartlett (1987) Michael Barza (1985) William M. Bennett (1987) Richard F. Bergstrom (1985) Karen K. Biron (1987) Gerald P. Bodey (1986) Arthur E. Brown (1987) Lawrence E. Bryan (1985) Ward Bullock (1987) Tsun Chang (1986) Anthony Chow (1985) C. Glenn Cobbs (1986) Paul S. Cohen (1986) William A. Craig (1987) Naomi Datta (1987) Lawrence E. Day (1986) William E. Dismukes (1987) R. Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1986) John C. Drach (1987) George L. Drusano (1987) Theodore Eickhoff (1985) Gertrude B. Elion (1987) Arthur English (1986) Robert J. Fass (1985) Stuart Feldman (1985) Sydney Finegold (1985) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1986) Martin Forbes (1986) John N. Galgiani (1987) Dale N. Gerding (1985) Anthony J. Glazko (1987) Irving H. Goldberg (1985) Jack Gwaltnev (1986) Scott NI. Hammer (1986) W. Lee Hand (1986) H. Hunter Handsfield (1986) Joseph Hawkins, Jr. (1985) Frederick G. Hayden (1987) Nlichael Higgins (1986) David C. Hooper (1987) Richard Hornick (1986) George Gee Jackson (1986) James H. Jorgensen (1987) William J. Jusko (1986) A. W. Karchmer (1985) Donald Kaye (1985) George S. Kobayashi (1985) Donald J. Krogstad (1986) Felix Leitner (1986) Stephen A. Lerner (1986) Stuart B. Levv (1986) Joan Lusk (1986) R. Luthy (1986) Francis L. Macrina (1985) Gerald L. Mandell (1986) Garv R. Matzke (1986) George H. McCracken (1987) Antone A. Medeiros (1987) Gerald Medoff (1986) NMichael Miller (1987) Barbara Minshew (1985) Thomas P. Moyer (1986) Barbara E. Murrav (1987) John D. Nelson (1986) Harold C. Neu (1986) Lawrence A. Pachla (1987) Joseph S. Pagano (1987) James 'T. Park (1985) James E. Pennington (1986) T. J. Perun (1986) Lance R. Peterson (198X5) Michael Rein (1986) W. H. G. Richards (1986) Richard Roberts (1985) Ian M. Rollo (1985) Allan Ronald (1987) Richard Root (1986) John P. Rosazza (1986) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1985) Robert H. Rubin (1987) Nlerle Sande (198>() NV. Eugene Sanders, Jr. (1987) WV. NMichael Scheld (1986) Jerome J. Schentag (1985) Raymond F. Schinazi (1986) Fritz D. Schoenknecht (1986) F. C. Sciavolino (1985) VW'illiam NI. Shannon (1986) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1985) Robert NV. Sidwell (1987) P. Frederick Sparling (1987) Harold Standiford (1985) I)avid A. Stevens (1986) Stephen E. Straus (1987) R. Sutherland (1985) Morton N. Swartz (1985) Richard B. Sykes (1985) Francis P. Tally (1987) Alexander Tomasz (1985) Ralph Tompsett (1985) Francis L. S. Tse (1986) Richard J1. Wallace, Jr. (1987) Michael W'aring (1987) Bernard XN'eisblum (1985) Richard NI. Welch (1986) Richard Wise (1986) John S. Wolfson (1987) Lowell Young (1985) Pauline K. WV. Yu (1985) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman,ti. Publication.s Board Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jourtnals Walter G. Peter III, Director of Publications Deborah J. Shuman, Production Edit(or Antimicrobial Agents antid Chemotherapy (ISSN 0066-4804). an interdisciplinary publication of the American Societs for Microbiology. 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of antimicrobial. antiparasitic. and anticancer agents and chemotherapy. Instructions to authors are published in the JamnuIary issue each year; reprints clre available fr-om the editors and the Publications Departmient. Antimicrobial A,cnts anditl CheMotherIaP is published monthly. and the twelve number-s are dividedc into two volumes per year. The nonmember suLbscription price is $157 per year: single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $31 (foreign, $41 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subsCIiptions, reprints, defective copies. illlability of back issues, lost or late proofs. disposition of submittedi manuscripts, and general editorial matters shouLld be directed to the ASM Publications Department. 1913 I St.. NW, Washington. DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States. Canada. and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claiims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing becaLuse of failure to report an address change or for issuLes "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antimicrobial Agentts antd( Chemnthorapv. ASM. 1913 1 St.. NW. Washington. D)C 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright L': 1985, American Society for Microbiology. E] )f Ve K. ,-JXI, RI ki, jt All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article mtlay be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier- pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Ceniter, Inc.. 21 Congress St.. Salem, MI\A ((1970). for copying beyond that per-mitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent dloes not extend to other kinds of copying. sLuch as copying for- generll distributionl, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for- reslle.

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VOLUME 27 * JUNE 1985 * NUMBER 6

Leon H. Schmidt, Edlitor in Chief (1985)Unlivevr.sity of Alabana in Bi-inif'/igllamBirmiiinghattn

Herbert L. Ennis, Editor (1987)Roche Institiute of AMole(ula(l BiologyNmutlev, Newi, Jer-seyv

Robert L. Hamill, Editor (1985)Eli Lil//, & Colfnpany l(c.Indiaina(lpolis, lntdianlal

George A. Jacoby, Jr., Elitor (1985)Massachusetts Generatil HospitalBoston

Robert C. Moellering, Jr., Etlitor (1987)NVw' Etiglant Dco(t0iesS ILHoJspitalBostoti,

Christine C. Sanders, Editor, (1989)Creightoni Universitv Sc(0hoolfoV'(lidcil(Omaha, Nebraska

Peter G. Welling, Eklitor (1988)Warl Clr-La/Ub/t Co.A tin Arbor, Michigall

John A. Washington II, Editor (1986)Mayo ClinicRochester. NIilhlC 'vota

EDITORIAL BOARDNorris Allen (1986)Vincent T. Andriole (1987)Bascom F. Anthony (1985)George R. Aronoff (1986)Robert Austrian (1986)Richard H. Baltz (1987)Rashmi H. Barbhaiya (1986)Arthur L. Barry (1986)John G. Bartlett (1987)Michael Barza (1985)William M. Bennett (1987)Richard F. Bergstrom (1985)Karen K. Biron (1987)Gerald P. Bodey (1986)Arthur E. Brown (1987)Lawrence E. Bryan (1985)Ward Bullock (1987)Tsun Chang (1986)Anthony Chow (1985)C. Glenn Cobbs (1986)Paul S. Cohen (1986)William A. Craig (1987)Naomi Datta (1987)Lawrence E. Day (1986)William E. Dismukes (1987)R. Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1986)John C. Drach (1987)George L. Drusano (1987)Theodore Eickhoff (1985)Gertrude B. Elion (1987)

Arthur English (1986)Robert J. Fass (1985)Stuart Feldman (1985)Sydney Finegold (1985)Robert J. Fitzgerald (1986)Martin Forbes (1986)John N. Galgiani (1987)Dale N. Gerding (1985)Anthony J. Glazko (1987)Irving H. Goldberg (1985)Jack Gwaltnev (1986)Scott NI. Hammer (1986)W. Lee Hand (1986)H. Hunter Handsfield (1986)Joseph Hawkins, Jr. (1985)Frederick G. Hayden (1987)Nlichael Higgins (1986)David C. Hooper (1987)Richard Hornick (1986)George Gee Jackson (1986)James H. Jorgensen (1987)William J. Jusko (1986)A. W. Karchmer (1985)Donald Kaye (1985)George S. Kobayashi (1985)Donald J. Krogstad (1986)Felix Leitner (1986)Stephen A. Lerner (1986)Stuart B. Levv (1986)

Joan Lusk (1986)R. Luthy (1986)Francis L. Macrina (1985)Gerald L. Mandell (1986)Garv R. Matzke (1986)George H. McCracken (1987)Antone A. Medeiros (1987)Gerald Medoff (1986)NMichael Miller (1987)Barbara Minshew (1985)Thomas P. Moyer (1986)Barbara E. Murrav (1987)John D. Nelson (1986)Harold C. Neu (1986)Lawrence A. Pachla (1987)Joseph S. Pagano (1987)James 'T. Park (1985)James E. Pennington (1986)T. J. Perun (1986)Lance R. Peterson (198X5)Michael Rein (1986)W. H. G. Richards (1986)Richard Roberts (1985)Ian M. Rollo (1985)Allan Ronald (1987)Richard Root (1986)John P. Rosazza (1986)Jon E. Rosenblatt (1985)Robert H. Rubin (1987)

Nlerle Sande (198>()NV. Eugene Sanders, Jr. (1987)WV. NMichael Scheld (1986)Jerome J. Schentag (1985)Raymond F. Schinazi (1986)Fritz D. Schoenknecht (1986)F. C. Sciavolino (1985)VW'illiam NI. Shannon (1986)Charles Shipman, Jr. (1985)Robert NV. Sidwell (1987)P. Frederick Sparling (1987)Harold Standiford (1985)I)avid A. Stevens (1986)Stephen E. Straus (1987)R. Sutherland (1985)Morton N. Swartz (1985)Richard B. Sykes (1985)Francis P. Tally (1987)Alexander Tomasz (1985)Ralph Tompsett (1985)Francis L. S. Tse (1986)Richard J1. Wallace, Jr. (1987)Michael W'aring (1987)Bernard XN'eisblum (1985)Richard NI. Welch (1986)Richard Wise (1986)John S. Wolfson (1987)Lowell Young (1985)Pauline K. WV. Yu (1985)

Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman,ti. Publication.s BoardLinda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jourtnals

Walter G. Peter III, Director of PublicationsDeborah J. Shuman, Production Edit(or

Antimicrobial Agents antid Chemotherapy (ISSN 0066-4804). an interdisciplinary publication of the American Societs for Microbiology.1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of antimicrobial. antiparasitic. andanticancer agents and chemotherapy. Instructions to authors are published in the JamnuIary issue each year; reprints clre available fr-om theeditors and the Publications Departmient. Antimicrobial A,cnts anditl CheMotherIaP is published monthly. and the twelve number-s are dividedcinto two volumes per year. The nonmember suLbscription price is $157 per year: single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $31(foreign, $41 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subsCIiptions, reprints, defective copies. illlability ofback issues, lost or late proofs. disposition of submittedimanuscripts, and general editorial matters shouLld be directed to the ASM PublicationsDepartment. 1913 I St.. NW, Washington. DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680).

Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States. Canada. and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication ofthe issues; residents of all other countries must submit claiims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing becaLuseof failure to report an address change or for issuLes "missing from files" will not be allowed.

Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antimicrobial Agentts antd( Chemnthorapv. ASM. 1913 1 St.. NW. Washington. D)C 20006.Made in the United States of America.Copyright L': 1985, American Society for Microbiology. E] )f VeK.,-JXI, RIki, jtAll Rights Reserved.

The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article mtlay bemade for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier- pay the statedper-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Ceniter, Inc.. 21 Congress St.. Salem, MI\A ((1970). for copying beyond that per-mitted by Sections107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent dloes not extend to other kinds of copying. sLuch as copying for- generll distributionl, foradvertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for- reslle.

Author IndexAlving, Carl R., 903Attfield, P. V., 985Ayers, Leona W., 982

Beale, Angela S., 980Bennett, William M., 897Bergeron, Michel G., 928Berman, Jonathan D., 916Boon, Ronald J., 980Brander, Pirkko, 948Brochu, Gilles, 928Brooks, Dandrea L., 912

Canonico, Peter G., 903

Dale, Jeremy W., 989Dandu, Vijay R., 977De Grandis, Stephanie A., 938Desaulniers, Denis, 928Despres, Jean-Paul, 928Diana, G. D., 883Dias, M. Beatriz Souza, 968Didolkar, Mukund S., 977

English, Jan, 897

Fancher, M. J., 883Fiore, Dario, 977Fowlston, S., 966Fox, M. P., 883

Gavan, Thomas L., 982George, W. Lance, 966Gerlach, E. Hugh, 982Gilbert, David N., 897Giles, Penelope, 953Giovenella, Albert J., 961Gorbach, Sherwood L., 968Grappel, Sarah F., 961Greenberg, Stephen B., 953

Hadley, W. Keith, 958Hanson, Brian D., 916Harris, Deborah, 953Holland, Susan, 989Houang, Elizabeth T., 964Houghton, Donald C., 897

Jackson, Andre J., 977Jacobus, Nilda V., 968Jokipii, Anssi M. M., 948Jokipii, Liisa, 948Jones, J., 966Jones, Ronald N., 982

Kasbekar, Durgadas P., 974Katz, Eugene, 974Kende, Meir, 903Kohlhepp, Sue, 897Kohnen, Paul W., 897

Kuhrt, M. F., 883

Lawrence, Adam G., 964Leathers, Timothy, 892Lemieux, Michel, 928Lessard, Celine, 928Lindqvist, Lennart, 943Lin, Jung-Chung, 971Luman, J. Ileice, 912

Madigan, Sanford, 974Marks, Melvin I., 908Martin, R. Russell, 953Mayor, Gilbert, 897McColm, Andrew A., 925McKinlay, M. A., 883McLarty, Jerry W., 912Mdtras, Jacques, 928Mordenti, Joyce, 887

Nagata, Akihisa, 921Nisbet, Louis J., 961Nord, Carl Erik, 943

Ohm-Smith, Marilyn J., 958Ono, Yasuko, 921Otto, M. J., 883

Pagano, Joseph S., 971Pinney, R. J., 985

Raymond, Gilles, 928Reinhardt, John F., 966Rill, Wayne L., 903Ryan, D. Michael, 925

San Joaquin, Venusto H., 908Shalit, Itamar, 908Skold, Ola, 933Smith, M. Carolyn, 971Sommers, Herbert M., 982Steele, Lorraine C., 912Steen, Rolf, 933Stevenson, Roselynn M. W., 938Suzuki, Yasuhiko, 921Swartz, Glenn M., Jr., 903Sweet, Richard L., 958Sypherd, Paul S., 892

Tally, Francis P., 968Tuner, Kajsa, 943

Waddell, David, 916Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 912, 953Welch, David F., 908Wilson, Rebecca W., 912

Yamada, Takeshi, 921Yamanouchi, Takahisa, 921



Aalen, Odd, 107Adams, M., 275Aiba, Shuichi, 367Alexander, W. James, 760Allan, J. Davis, 782Alpert, Martin L., 422Alvarez, Salvador, 646Alving, Carl R., 903Ambinder, Richard F., 217Anderson, R., 257Anwar, Hosmin, 220Aoki, Fred Y., 753Aoyama, M., 595Apicella, Michael A., 16Arao, Nakako, 565Araujo, Fausto G., 491Arizpe, H. M., 184Arnold, Keith, 192Aronoff, George R., 812Attfield, P. V., 985Ayers, Leona W., 982Ayers, Ouida M., 324Aznar, Javier, 76

Bailey, Denis M., 4Baird, Anne, 858Baker, Carol J., 511Baker, Neil R., 468Balber, Andrew E., 33Baldwin, Jack N., 234Bansal, Madhu B., 640Barry, Arthur L., 679Barry, David W., 167Baucks, Regina, 632Bawdon, R. E., 436Bawdon, Roger E., 874Bayoumi, Samir M., 487Beale, Angela S., 980Beaubien, Arthur R., 720Bechard, Douglas L., 263Beck, C. F., 879Bellora, Mauricio J. Gatto, 137Benavente, Maria C., 282Benes, Solomon, 724Bennett, William M., 897Benziger, David P., 769, 774Berens, Randolph L., 33Bergeron, Michel G., 928Berk, Steven L., 646Berman, Jonathan D., 916Bertram, Miriam A., 515Bettex, Jean-David, 350, 353Bibler, Mark, 291Bies, M., 207Bint, Adrian J., 508Birk, R. J., 424Bistoni, F., 625Blaser, Jurg, 343Blayo, Marie-Claude, 561Blumer, Jeffrey L., 583Bode, Robert, 291Bodey, Gerald P., 265Boere, Wil A. M., 802Bonner, Daniel P., 555Boon, R. J., 495Boon, Ronald J., 980Boozer, Richard M., 42Borner, Klaus, 375Boscia, Jerorne A., 708Bowdre, Jean H., 525

Bowman, Bernard U., Jr., 399,404, 408

Box, Quellin T., 181Brajtburg, Janina, 172Brammer, Keith W., 832Brander, Pirkko, 948Brandis, Henning, 836Brater, D. C., 436Brier, Michael E., 812Brier, Richard A., 812Brion, Nils, 520, 660Brochu, Gilles, 928Brooks, Dandrea L., 912Brown, Michael R. W., 220Brummer, Elmer, 363Bruns, Wolfgang, 632Bryan, Elza R., 102Buck, R. E., 207Bulkacz, Jaime, 427Bullock, Ward E., 291Burkey, Linda J., 817Burns, Jane L., 46Bush, Karen, 555Butzler, Jean-Paul, 388

Caballero, Maria C., 76Cafarell, Robert F., 16Canonico, Peter G., 903Carbon, Claude, 520, 660Carek, Peter J., 817C,rlson, Karin, 107Carter, Walker T., 876Carter, W. T., 674Casal, Manuel J., 282Cauchy, Michael J., 720Chaffin, Donald, 531Chamberlain, Paul D., 858Chambers, Henry F., 685Chan, Ying-Pui M., 192Chau, P. Y., 872Cheng, Yuan Rong, 828Cheng, Yung-Chi, 416, 445Cheriyan, U. O., 184Chiou, Jwo-Farn, 416Chisholm, D. R., 207Chonmaitree, Tasnee, 181Chow, Anthony W., 749Christenson, Bernard, 570Citron, Diane M., 162, 657Clavier, Francoise, 561Cohenford, Menashi, 479, 715Coignau, Hugo, 388Colby, Steven D., 71Congeni, Blaise L., 181Contrepois, Alain, 520, 660Cook, James L., 11Cooksey, Robert C., 234Coombes, James D., 535Corey, Lawrence, 203Cornett, James B., 4Costerton, J. W., 619Couch, Robert B., 309Couetdic, Gerard, 280Cramer, William A., 836Craven, Philip C., 868Crawmer, Bruce P., 769Creger, Richard J., 413Crider, Steven R., 71Critchlow, Cathy, 203Crooke, Stanley T., 460

Dale, Jeremy W., 989Dandu, Vijay R., 977D'Aquino, Miguel, 137Datema, Roelf, 753David, Hugo L., 701Debbia, Eugenio, 615De Grandis, Stephanie A., 938DeHertogh, Deborah A., 670Delaha, Edward C., 485Delatour, Frederique, 520Del Bene, Victor E., 817DeLong, Donald C., 102de Lorenzo, Victor, 666de Miguel, Constantino, 76De Mol, Patrick, 388Desaulniers, Denis, 928Desjardins-Giasson, Suzanne,720

Desjardins, Robert E., 525Despres, Jean-Paul, 928Deybach, Jean-Charles, 520Dhruv, R., 263Diana, G. D., 883Dias, M. Beatriz Souza, 968Dickins, Cathy S., 332Didolkar, Mukund S., 977DiPiro, Joseph T., 487DiVincenzo, Cathy A., 712Divo, Alan A., 21Dobson, Richard A., 4Donowitz, Gerald R., 125Douce, Richard, 291Douglas, John M., 203Dowling, John N., 272Drake, Thomas A., 320Dromer, Francoise, 660Drupa, Ilga, 11Drusano, G. L., 605Duff, Ronald G., 197Duke, Arit E., 277Dupont, Marie-Jeanne, 280Dure, Leon, 309Dzink, JoAnn L., 663

Edwards, Morven S., 511Elberg, Svetlana, 172Eliopoulos, George M., 357, 782Eliopoulos, G. M., 28Ellis, M. Nixon, 167Ellner, Jerrold J., 413Emmerman, J., 424English, Jan, 897Eng, Robert H. K., 688Ericson, Ann-Christin, 753Exeiby, Alice, 102

Fairgrieve, John S., 197Fancher, M. J., 883Fanucchi, Michael P., 733Faurisson, Francois, 520Feinberg, Aaron, 733Fenwick, Raymond G., 460Ferraro, Mary Jane, 782Finegold, S. M., 674Finegold, Sydney M., 876Fiore, Dario, 977Fisher, Melanie A., 745Fish, R. G., 275Fish, Wallace R., 33Flepp, Markus, 350, 353

Fliegelman, Robert M., 429Fontana, Roberta, 828Forrest, A., 605Fowlston, S., 966Fox, Jack J., 733Fox, M. P., 883Frank, Karl B., 445Freij, Bishara J., 431Friedhoff, Lawrence T., 263Friedman-Kien, Alvin E., 763Fuchs, Peter C., 679Fujii, Tadashi, 608, 612Fujiwara, Tatsushi, 65

Galask, Rudi, 337Gallion, Corinne, 503Garaci, E., 625Garagusi, Vincent F., 485Garaud, Jean-Jacques, 520Garcia-Bustos, Jose F., 791Garcia-Prats, Joseph A., 511Garcia-Riestra, Carlos, 114Gauntt, C. J., 184Gavan, Thomas L., 982Geary, Timothy G., 21Gebhart, Connie J., 55Gentry, Layne O., 683George, W. Lance, 643, 966Gerlach, E. Hugh, 413, 982Gerson, Benjamin, 357Ghysels, Guido, 388Gibson, Gene A., 745Gilbert, Brian E., 309Gilbert, David N., 897Giles, Penelope, 953Gillespie, Matthew T., 79Ginsberg, Bernard P., 422Giovenella, Albert J., 961Goering, Richard V., 455Gokhale, Rajeev, 487Goldstein, Ellie J. C., 162, 422,

657Goodman, Larry J., 429Goossens, Herman, 388Gootz, Thomas D., 739Gorbach, Sherwood L., 968Gorbea, Hector F., 570Gordin, Fred M., 452, 648Gordon, Kathryn P., 37Gordon, Kathy P., 739Gottlieb, Alan, 270Grados, Oscar, 388Grappel, Sarah F., 961Greenberg, Stephen B., 953Gremillion, David H., 868Griffin, Karen E., 495Grimont, Patrick A. D., 806Grossgarten, Michaela, 836Gruber, William C., 511Guarderas, Juan, 646Guibert, Jacqueline, 177Gurney, Michael, 652Gurusiddaiah, S., 239

Hackbarth, Corinne J., 135, 224,320, 340, 452, 685

Hadley, W. Keith, 958Hamilton, Bruce, 291Hancock, Counce, 733Hand, W. Lee, 42



Hanson, Brian D., 916Hara, Tetsuro, 589Harman, Colleen P., 125Harmsen, Theo, 802Hatris, Betty, 876Harris, B. H., 674Harris, Deborah, 953Hatin, Isabelle, 561Hawkins, Stephen S., 263Hayes, Nancy, 309Hedges, Robert W., 479Heifets, Leonid B., 11Herrin, Thomnas R., 197Higgins, Peter G., 846Hill, Gale B., 324Hoagland, Vicki L., 297Ho, bah Hsi, 265H6ffken, Gert, 375Holland, Susan, 989Holmes, King K., 203Holtsclaw-Berk, Shirley, 646Hori, Seiji, 650Hornstein, Michele J., 806Houang, Elizabeth T., 964Houghton, Donald C., 897Huang, Cheng-Hsiung, 460

lida, Kyoko, 93Ikeuchi, Toru, 473Imada, Akira, 821Imanaka, Tadayuki, 367Ings, Robert M. J., 535Innocent, Habyaremye, 388Inoue, Matsuhisa, 608, 612Inouye, Shigeharu, 589Iravani, Abdollah, 158, 449Iseman, Michael D., 11Ishitsuka, H., 595Isono, Kiyoshi, 230Iwanaga, Tomoaki, 93

Jackson, Andre J., 977Jacobus, Nilda V., 968Jacoby, George A., 479, 715Janicke, David M., 16Jantzen, Jan-Peter, 874Jehl, Franqois, 503Jensen, James B., 21Johansson, Nils-Gunnar, 753Johnson, Curtis A., 578Johnson, J., 468Johnson, Judith A., 774Johnson, Kenneth, 874Johnson, Paulette, 314Jokipii, Anssi M. M., 948Jokipii, Liisa, 948Jones, J., 966Jones, Mary, 646Jones, Ronald N., 413, 679, 982Jonsson, Monica, 128Joos, Beda, 350, 353Joshi, J., 605Jouvenot, Michelle, 280Jupeau, Annie M., 806Jusko, William J., 16

Kadurugamuwa, Jagath L., 220Kany, Robert J., Jr., 1Kaplan, Raymond L., 429Karney, Walter W., 652Kasbekar, Durgadas P., 974Kato, H., 132Katz, Eugene, 974Kaye, Donald, 708Kazuno, Yuzo, 589

Kelley, Eileen, 600Kelly, Jesse P., 760Kende, Meir, 903Keppeler, Hans, 632Kessler, R. E., 207King, Charles H., 413King-Thompson, Neva L., 42Klein, Claire, 660Klein, Richard J., 763Knight, Susan S., 277Knight, Vernon, 60, 309Knowlton, Douglas R., 306Kobasa, William D., 708Kobayashi, George S., 172Kobayashi, G. S., 302Kobayashi, Seiki, 65Koeppe, Peter, 375Kohlhepp, Sue, 897Kohnen, Paul W., 897Kondo, Masahiro, 821Konno, Masatoshi, 851Kraaijeveld, Cornelis A., 802Krieger, John N., 332Kuhrt, M. F., 883Kung, J. T., 184Kuno, Mitsuzo, 821Kurioka, Susumu, 650Kurtz, Harold J., 55Kwok, Y.-Y., 427

LaFon, Stephen W., 33Laishley, Edward J., 863Larsson, Alf, 753Lawrence, Adam G., 964Leathers, Timothy, 892LeBlanc, Barbara, 265LeBlanc, Donald J., 439LeBras, Jacques, 561Lecaillon, Jean-B., 177Ledergerber, Bruno, 350, 353Lee, Ken, 652Lee, Linda N., 439Lefler, Eli, 363Leitner, F., 207Lemieux, Michel, 928Lerner, Stephen A., 114, 670Leslie, J., 605Lessard, Celine, 928Leung, Y. K., 872Levy, Jack, 46, 388Levy, Jean-Claude, 520Leyland-Jones, Brian, 733Lietman, Paul S., 217Lindholm-Levy, Pamela J., 11Lindqvist, Lennart, 943Lin, Jung-Chung, 971Little, J. R., 302Livermore, D. M., 872Lockerby, Deirdre L., 863Lode, Hartmut, 375Longfield, Jenice N., 652Looker, Douglas L., 33L6pez-Nieto, Manuel J., 380Louv, William C., 760Lozano, Maria C., 76Lu, Y.-S., 436Luft, Friedrich C., 812Luman, J. Ileice, 912Luthy, Ruedi, 350, 353Lyon, Bruce R., 79

MacCulloch, Donald, 672Macdonald, Cameron M., 535MacGregor, Rob Roy, 745Madigan, Sanford, 974

Makinen, Kauko K., 96Maniatis, Antony, 515Mao, James C.-H., 197Marconi, P., 625Marion, Patricia L., 277Markowitz, Sheldon M., 419Marks, Melvin I., 908Marriott, Michael S., 832Marr, J. Joseph, 33Marshall, Rosemarie, 640Martin, Jerry R., 314Martin, Juan F., 380Martin, R. Russell, 953Masters, P. J., 495Matsuda, Makoto, 650Matsuhashi, Yuji, 589Matthews, Thomas R., 277Mayer, Philip R., 812May, John W., 79Mayor, Gilbert, 897Mazzolla, R., 625McCabe, Robert E., 491McColm, Andrew A., 925McCormack, William M., 724McCoy, Leslie F., 769McCracken, George H., Jr., 141,

431, 655McDevitt, David A., 272McKinlay, M. A., 883McLarty, Jerry W., 912Medeiros, Antone A., 479, 715Medoff, G., 302Medoff, Gerald, 172Mellits, E. David, 217Mendelman, Paul M., 46Mendez, Enrique, 791Menzies, Rosalie E., 672Merola, A. John, 399, 404, 408Metras, Jacques, 928Michel-Briand, Yvon, 280Milhous, Wilbur K., 525Miller, F. DeWolfe, 102Miller, Mahlon F., 314Mills, John, 270, 648Mintz, Paul D., 125Mirabelli, Christopher K., 460Misiek, M., 207Mitsuhashi, Susumu, 473, 608,

612Mizuguchi, Yasuo, 541Modai, Jacques, 177Moellering, R. C., Jr., 28Moellering, Robert C., Jr., 357,

782Monteil, Henri, 503Monto, Arnold S., 102Moore, Richard D., 217Mordenti, Joyce, 887Murakami, Kazuhisa, 727Myers, Carolyn M., 583

Nacucchio, Marcelo C., 137Nagata, Akihisa, 921Nakanishi, Hiroshi, 93Nam, Doo H., 798Natelson, Ethan A., 683Needham, Cynthia A., 499Nelson, Donald J., 33Nesbit, Robert R., 487Nevarez, Minerva, 246Newton, Bruce R., 449Ng, Wilson W. S., 872Nickel, J. C., 619Nikaido, Hiroshi, 84, 393Ninomiya, Y, 595

Nisbet, Louis J., 961Nohara, Chieko, 565Nolan, Charles, 37Nombela, Cesar, 120Nord, Carl Erik, 943Norrby, S. Ragnar, 128Nozawa, R. T., 132Nugent, K. M., 692Nunn, Barbara, 858

Oberg, Bo, 753O'Brien, Cheryl A., 583Ogawa, Hidemasa, 473Ogawa, Midori, 541Ogilvie, K. K., 184Ohm-Smith, Marilyn J., 958Ohnuki, Tetsuo, 367Okamoto, Ryoichi, 612Okonogi, Kenji, 821Olsen, Kurt D., 431, 655Ono, Yasuko, 921Opheim, Kent E., 531Osada, Hiroyuki, 230Osada, Yasuaki, 473Otani, Tsuyoshi, 473Otis, Ellen R., 197Ottolenghi, Abramo C., 399, 404,408

Otto, M. J., 883

Pagano, Joseph S., 971Palomares, Jose C., 76Parker, Steven W., 16Pasculle, A. William, 272Pedler, Stephen J., 508Perea, tvelio J., 76Perlin, Michael H., 114Perlman, Alon M., 363Petrak, Russell M., 429Petzold, C. Rosemarie, 337Pezzi, Nieves, 791Philippon, Alain M., 806Philips, Frederick S., 733Phillpotts, Robert J., 846Piehl, Evelyn, 337Pijck, Jacques, 574Pinney, R. J., 985Pintado, Concepci6n, 120Plorde, James J., 37Plorde, J. J., 739Prabhala, Rao H., 640Price, K. E., 207Prinzing, Claus, 375Puccetti, P., 625Pugsley, Anthony P., 666Pursiano, T. A., 207

Quarles, John M., 309

Rabin, Harvey R., 863Rakusan, Tatnara A., 181Ramfrez-Ronda, Carlos H., 246,

570Ramos, Filomena R., 380Randall, Eileen, 424Rao, Bhavani, 640Rastogi, Nalin, 701Rayburn, William, 337Raymond, Gilles, 928Reed, Michael D., 583Reeves, William C., 203Reinhardt, John F., 643, 966Rein, Michael F., 332Reiszner, E., 28Remington, Jack 5., 491


AUTHOR INDEX iiiVOL. 27, 1985

Remington, Michael L., 203Rench, Marcia A., 511Reynolds, Rolfe B., 760Richard, George A., 158, 449Richardson, Kenneth, 832Rill, Wayne L., 903Rissing, J. Peter, 487Robinson, William S., 277Rodriguez, Fernando C., 282Rodriguez, Julie R., 246, 570Rogge, Mark C., 578Rollins, Larry D., 439Roselle, Gary A., 291Rosenstock, Joel, 652Rossi, Lucia, 828Rotgef, Rafael, 120Rouan, Marie-C., 177Ruhr, Elke, 841Ruseska, I., 619Rusnak, Michael G., 340Ruxer, R., 605Ryan, D. Michael, 925Ryder, Neil S., 252Ryu, Dewey D. Y., 798

Sabbaj, Jacobo, 297Sahl, Hans-G., 836, 841Sakata, Yasutaka, 141, 655Salvador, Concepci6n, 120Sande, Merle A., 135, 224, 320,

340, 452, 685Sander, Donna S., 306Sanders, Christine C., 455Sanders, W. Eugene, Jr., 455San Joaquin, Venusto H., 908Sato, Kenichi, 473, 608, 612Sato, Masamichi, 473Scavizzi, Maurice R., 806Schimpff, S., 605Schito, Gian Carlo, 615Schlessinger, David, 172Schmidt, L. H., 146, 151Schoeller, Jean-P., 177Schwartz, Daniel R., 172Scott, Kenyon G., 340, 452, 685Segreti, John, 429Shafran, Stephen D., 749Shalit, Itamar, 908Shelley, M. D., 275Shih, W. J., 297Shimada, Jingoro, 650Shipkowitz, Nathan L., 197Shoeb, Hussein A., 399, 404, 408Siegenthaler, Walter, 353

Sievers, Gunnel, 96

Singh, S. K., 239Skold, Ola, 933Skurray, Ronald A., 79Slocombe, B., 495Smee, Donald F., 277Smith, Arnold L., 46, 531Smith, Craig R., 217Smith, L. Patrick, 652Smith, M. Carolyn, 971Smith, Sharon M., 688Snippe, Harm, 802Socransky, Sigmund S., 663Sommers, Herbert M., 982Sordelli, Daniel O., 137Spector, Stephen A., 600Speelman, Peter, 227Srivastava, Sujan, 102Stagno, Sergio, 760Stamm, Walter E., 203Standiford, H., 605Staneck, Joseph L., 291Stapleton, M. J., 468Steele, Lorraine C., 912Steen, Rolf, 933Stern, Robert C., 583Stevens, David A., 363Stevenson, Roselynn M. W., 938Stone, Benjamin B., 343Stull, Terrence L., 46Sugi, H., 132Suhara, Y., 595Sullam, Paul M., 135, 224, 320,

685Sullivan, Robert, 291Sun, Chong-Son, 60Sun, Ming, 192Susaki, Kiyoshi, 565Sutherland, R., 495Sutter, Vera L., 424, 427Suzuki, Yasuhiko, 921Swartz, Glenn M., Jr., 903Sweeney, Kristin G., 499Sweet, Richard L., 958Sykes, Richard B., 555Sypherd, Paul S., 892

Tachibana, Akio, 565Takeuchi, Tsutomu, 65Tally, Francis P., 968Tanabe, Masanobu, 65Tanaka, S. Ken, 555Tauber, Martin G., 135, 224,

320, 340, 685

Tauber, William B., 652Tennent, Jan M., 79Tenover, Fred C., 37, 739Tenovuo, Jorma, 96Thadepalli, Haragopal, 640Thauvin, Claudie, 357Thierry, Robert C., 503Thomas, Debra, 125Thornsberry, Clyde, 679Threlkeld, Norma, 431Toda, Masato, 565Tomasz, Alexander, 695Tonin, Enrico, 828Traub, B., 879Trenholme, Gordon M., 429Troke, Peter F., 832Tsai, Y. H., 207Tsuji, Akioyoshi, 515Tuner, Kajsa, 943Turcan, Robert G., 535Twitty, James A., 817Tyrrell, David A. J., 846

Ubukata, Kimiko, 851Udou, Takezo, 541Umeda, I., 595Une, Tsutomu, 473

Vaara, Martti, 548Vallner, Joseph J., 487van Tiel, Frank H., 802Varaldo, Pietro Emanuele, 615Varner, Michael, 337Vecchiarelli, A., 625Venezio, Frank R., 712Verdier, Francoise, 561Verghese, Abraham, 499Vertut-Croquin, Aline, 172Vidal, Pedro M., 733Viljanen, Petri, 548Visscher, David, 812von Esch, Anne M., 197Vontver, Louis A., 203Vorland, Lars H., 107Vu, Hanh, 393Vuye, Armand, 574

Waddell, David, 916Wade, J., 605Wagner, Roland B., 4Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 912, 953Ward, Gilbert E., 55Ward, Richard L., 306Warren, Richard L., 468

Watanabe, Kyoichi A., 733Weatherly, Norman F., 525Weber, Allan, 531Weinberg, Winkler G., 652Weisholtz, Steven, 695Welch, David F., 908Welch, William D., 874Welling, Peter G., 578Welty, Gina S., 449Wentland, Mark P., 4Werner, Georges H., 846Werner, Vicki, 455Wexler, H., 674Wexler, Hannah M., 876Whalen, J. W., 239White, A. R., 495Widger, William R., 836Williams, Denise S., 419Williams, Linda, 733Williams, Michael E., 125Williams, Sue, 37Willis, Greg, 309Willmann, John S., 846Wilson, Rebecca W., 912Wilson, Samuel Z., 60, 309Wofsy, Constance B., 648Wong, Justina, 749Wood, Bruce A., 683Wood, N. C., 692Wyde, Philip R., 60

Yamada, Hozumi, 93Yamada, Takeshi, 921Yamaguchi, Masaya, 93Yamanouchi, Takahisa, 921Yamashita, Naoko, 851Yamashita, Toyoko S., 583Yisak, Wolde-Ab, 753Yokota, T., 132Yoshida, Tadashi, 589, 727Yoshimura, Fuminobu, 84Young, Charles W., 733Young, Lowell S., 515Young, Stephen A., 739Yukishige, Koichi, 821

Zabransky, R. J., 424Zajac, Barbara A., 745Zak, Oto, 220Zar, Fred A., 1Zerial, Aurelio, 846Zhou, Hong-Hao, 192Zimmerman, Stephen W., 578Zinner, Stephen H., 343


A21978C,in vitro activity, 357mechanism of action, 357

AC 1370see cefpimizole

2-Acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazonesN. gonorrhoeae, 570

Acyclovircombined with vidarabine, 600cytomegalovirus, 600experimental infections

herpes simplex virus, 167Adenylyl dihydrostreptomycin

accumulation in E. coli, 114Aeromonas hydrophila

P-lactamasesAER-1, 479carbenicillin-hydrolyzing, 479

Aeromonas spp.ciprofloxacin, 643enoxacin, 643norfloxacin, 643tetracycline, 643trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 643

African trypanosomesinosine analogs, 33

Alafosfalinanaerobic bacteria, 961

Alcaligenes faecalis,-lactamase, 608

Alveolar macrophagesantibiotic uptake, 42smokers, 42

AMA-1080see carumonam

Amifloxacinantibacterial activity, 4comparative activity, 449disposition in laboratory animals, 774E. coli, 449high-pressure liquid chromatography,

769in vitro activity

culture medium, 449inoculum size, 449pH changes, 449

metabolism, 774pharmacokinetics, 769S. saprophyticus, 449urinary tract infections, 449

Amikacinconcentrations in body fluids

pentobarbital, 720renal disposition, 520

b-(L-Aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valineconversion to isopenicillin N, 380

-y-Aminobutyric acidcephalosporins, 650rat synaptic membranes, 650

Aminoglycosides2"-O-nucleotidyltransferaseenzymatic modification, 670resistance, 670

3-phosphotransferaseDNA probes, 739structural genes, 739

polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 712pseudodisaccharide

dactimicin, 589renal disposition, 520


high-pressure liquid chromatography,977

Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid

bacteriuria, 508B. catarrhalis, 912H. influenzae, 912lower respiratory tract infections, 912

Amphotericin Bcomparative activity, 302, 363erythrocyte lysis, 172experimental infections

blastomycosis, 363C. albicans, 625

immunoadjuvant activity, 625methyl ester

comparative activity, 302N-D-ornithyl, 302

oxidative damage, 172rapid infusion

ventricular fibrillation, 868AmpicillinCampylobacter spp., 429combined with sulbactam

anaerobic bacteria, 876comparative activity, 429

Anaerobic bacteriaalafosfalin, 961ampicillincefbuperazone, 162, 640, 674, 749ciprofloxacin, 427female genital tract infections

antimicrobial susceptibilities, 324HR 810, 413moxalactam MICs, 424quinolones, 657Sch 34343, 749sulbactam

Antiglobulin testsclavulanic acid, 125

Antimalarial drugsantifol

in vitro activity, 525mechanism of resistance, 525

P. falciparum, 21Antimycotic agentsSF 86-327, 252

Antiviral agentsenzyme immunoassay, 802MICs, 802

Apalcillincomparative activity, 782platelet function, 683

Aphidicolinherpesvirus DNA polymerase, 445

Arabinosyladenine monophosphateground squirrel hepatitis virus, 277virion-associated DNA polymerase re-

duction, 277Ascamycinmechanism of action, 230selective toxicity, 230

2-Azahypoxanthinehigh-pressure liquid chromatography,977


clindamycin, 246respiratory tract infections, 246

comparative activity, 1, 388, 872endocarditis, 1

enteropathogens, 388experimental infections

E. coli Kl, 655H. influenzae type b, 655meningitis, 655

gonorrhea, 265P. aeruginosa, 1, 872penetration into bronchial secretions,

263pharmacokinetics, 16

BA-41,799experimental infections

malaria, 146P. cynomolgi, 146

Bacillus cereuslactoperoxidase, 96myeloperoxidase, 96

Bacillus circulansbutirosin

biosynthesis, 798sporulation, 798

Bacteriodes spp.cefbuperazone, 968

Bacteriuriaamoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 508pregnancy, 508

Bay 1 9139comparative activity, 363experimental infections

blastomycosis, 363Bay n 7133comparative activity, 363experimental infections

blastomycosis, 363BCG vaccine

herpes simplex virus infections, 203Bioassay

ciprofloxacin, 353comparative studies, 353

BIOLF-70antimyocarditic activity, 184experimental infections

coxsackievirus, 184Bismuth salts

echovirus, 306poliovirus, 306reovirus, 306rotavirus, 306


UK-49,858, 832Bithionol

G. lamblia, 65T. vaginalis, 65


amphotericin B, 363Bay 1 9139, 363Bay n 7133, 363ICI 153066, 363ketoconazole, 363

BleomycinE. coli DNA breakage, 460plasmid R6K elimination, 985

BMY-25182see cefbuperazone

BMY-28142comparative activity, 207, 515experimental infections



meningitis, 340in vitro activity, 265, 574, 679

Branhamella catarrhalisamoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 912antibiotic susceptibility, 499comparison with colonizing isolates, 4993-lactamase-positive, 912

,B-lactamase production, 646lower respiratory tract infections, 912pneumonia, 499R plasmid, 120susceptibility, 646

Butirosinbiosynthesis, 798sporulation, 798

Campylobacter coliresistance factors, 37R plasmids, 37

Campylobacter jejuniresistance factors, 37R plasmids, 37

Campylobacter spp.ampicillin, 429antimicrobial agent activity, 55cefotaxime, 429cephalothin, 429chloramphenicol, 429ciprofloxacin, 429clindamycin, 429doxycycline, 429erythromycin, 429gentamicin, 429nalidixic acid, 429pigs, 55sulbactam, 429trimethroprim-sulfamethoxazole, 429

Cancer patientsceftazidime pharmacokinetics, 605

Candida albicansexperimental infections

amphotericin B, 625UK-49,858, 832

Candida spp.chlorpromazine, 692

Carbenicillinhydrolysis by ,B-lactamaseA. hydrophila AER-1, 479

Carumonamantibacterial activity, 821

Cefamandolecardiac surgery, 928concentration in atrial appendages, 928


cesarean section, 337Cefbuperazone

anaerobic bacteria, 162, 640, 674, 749,817

Bacteriodes spp., 968comparative activity, 162, 817female genital tract isolates, 958P-lactamase contribution to resistance,817

CefmetazoleM. chelonei, 282M. fortuitum, 282

Cefoperazoneexperimental infections

comparative activity, 708E. aerogenes, 708endocarditis, 708

M. avium-intracellulare, 132pleural fluid

clearance, 93penetration, 93

CeforanideM. tuberculosis, 11pharmacokinetics, 487protein binding, 487

CefotaximeCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429experimental infections

meningitis, 340valvular lesions, 320

M. avium-intracellulare, 132resistance test, 672

Cefotiampharmacokinetics, 177

Cefpimizoleclinical isolates, 982comparative activity, 982experimental infections

meningitis, 340Cefpiramide

comparative activity, 782Cefsulodin

comparative activity, 1endocarditis, 1P. aeruginosa, 1renal interaction, 660urinary pH, 660

Ceftazidimecancer patients, 605cardiac vegetations, 925combinations

piperacillin, 605tobramycin, 605

fibrin clots, 925pharmacokinetics, 605, 925

CeftizoximeM. avium-intracellulare, 132

Ceftriaxonepediatric infections, 181pharmacokinetics, 192skin infections, 648soft tissue infections, 648urinary tract infections, 158

CephalosporinasesC. freundii, 727moxalactam binding, 727

Cephalosporins-y-aminobutyric acid inhibition, 650BMY-28142, 679broad-spectrumBMY-28142, 265

DN-9550, 473half-lives, 887HR 810, 388M. tuberculosis, 11rat synaptic membranes, 650subinhibitory concentrationsK. pneumoniae, 220

CephalothinCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429

Cephamycinscefbuperazone, 640

CephemsM. avium-intracellulare susceptibility,

132Cesarean section

prophylaxiscefazolin, 337

moxalactam, 337Chlamydia trachomatisgrowth inhibition, 953HeLa cells, 953human prostate cells, 953McCoy cells, 953nonoxynol-9, 720, 760zinc, 953

ChloramphenicolCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429H. influenzae, 46resistance

permeability barrier, 46Chloroquine

erythrocytesuptake, 561

P. falciparum, 561ChlorpromazineCandida spp., 692

Cilastatincombined with imipenem

pharmacokinetics, 511cystic fibrosis patients, 583imipenem-

high-dose treatment, 745pharmacokinetics, 431

pharmacokinetics, 583Ciprofloxacin

absorption, 350Aeromonas spp., 643anaerobic bacteria, 427bioassay, 353Campylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 388, 427, 429enteropathogens, 388experimental infections

P. aeruginosa, 452pneumonia, 452

high-pressure liquid chromatography,353, 531

pharmacokinetics, 350, 375P. shigelloides, 643S. aureus, 688

Citrobacter freundiicephalosporinase, 727moxalactam, 727

Clavulanic acidamoxicillin-

B. catarrhalis, 912H. influenzae, 912lower respiratory tract infections, 912

antiglobulin tests, 125combined with amoxicillin

bacteriuria, 508efficacy, 291safety, 291

ClindamycinCampylobacter spp., 429combinations

aerobic gram-negative bacilli, 246aztreonam, 246respiratory tract infections, 246tobramycin, 246

comparative activity, 429Clofazimine

prostaglandins, 257Clostridium difficile

L-Cysteine, 419penicillin, 419

Clostridium pasteurianummetronidazole reduction, 863phosphoroclastic reaction, 863

VOL. 27, 1985


Cloxacillincardiac surgery, 928concentration in atrial appendages, 928

ColistinM. aurum, 701


temocillin, 980Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysisvancomycin pharmacokinetics, 578

Coxsackievirusexperimental infectionsBIOLF-70, 184

Cyclic lipopeptide antibioticsA21978C1, 357

L-CysteineC. difficile, 419penicillin, 419

Cystic fibrosiscilastatin, 583imipenem, 583

Cytomegalovirusacyclovir, 600vidarabine, 600

Dacarbazinedegradation product

2-azahypoxanthine, 977high-pressure liquid chromatography,977

metabolite5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide, 977

Dactimicincomparative activity, 589

Dapsoneprostaglandins, 257

[2-"C]-(2-Deoxy-2-fluoro-o-D-arabinofur-anosyl)-5-iodocytosinebiotransformation, 733elimination, 733herpesvirus infections, 733immunosuppressed patients, 733

Dibekacinrenal disposition, 520

cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum (II)biliary excretion, 275

4,6-Dichloroflavincomparative activity, 595mechanism of action, 595

DichloropheneG. lamblia, 65T. vaginalis, 65

Dictyostelium discoideumnystatin resistance, 974


antiherpesvirus effects, 753pharmacokinetics, 753

9-(1,3-Dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)-guanineground squirrel hepatitis virus, 277herpes simplex virus

infections in mice, 763latency, 763

virion-associated DNA polymerase re-duction, 277

DN-9550in vitro activity, 473

DNA polymeraseEpstein-Barr virus, 416herpesvirus

aphidicolin, 445

phosphonoformate, 445nucleoside analogs, 416, 445

DNA probesaminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase

structural genes, 739DoxycyclineCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429

Echovirusbismuth salts, 306

Edwardsiella tardacomparative activity of selected antimi-

crobial agents, 966Endocarditis

experimentalcefoperazone, 708E. aerogenes, 708enoxacin, 708gentamicin, 224pefloxacin, 685S. aureus, 685teicoplanin, 135

EnoxacinAeromonas spp., 643experimental infections

comparative activity, 708E. aerogenes, 708endocarditis, 708

P. shigelloides, 643Enteric virusesbismuth salts, 306

Enterobacter aerogenesexperimental infections

cefoperazone, 708endocarditis, 708enoxacin, 708

Enterobacter cloacae,B-lactamases, 393, 4553-lactams

hydrolylsis, 393penetration, 555resistance, 455

mechanism of resistance, 393outer membrane proteins, 455

EnterococciSch 34343, 28trimethoprim

alone, 71with sulfamethoxazole, 71

Enteropathogensaztreonam, 388ciprofioxacin, 388HR 810, 388norfloxacin, 388ofloxacin, 388RU28965, 388

Enviroximecomparative activity, 595mechanism of action, 595rhinovirus infections, 102

Enzyme immunoassaysantiviral agents, 802monoclonal antibodies, 802

Epstein-Barr virusDNA polymerase, 416nucleoside analogs, 416, 971

Erythrocytesamphotericin B, 172chloroquine uptake, 561lysis, 172oxidative damage, 172

ErythromycinCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429resistance

L. micdadei, 272L. pneumophila, 272

streptococciresistance determinant, 439

tissue culture cellsaccumulation, 314egress, 314uptake, 314

Escherichia coliadenylyl dihydrostreptomycin accumula-

tion, 114amifloxacin, 449bleomycin, 460cytoplasmic membrane, 666DNA breakage, 460experimental infections

aztreonam, 655meningitis, 655

13-lactam diffusion, 84microcin E492, 666peptides

microcin 7, 791porin channels, 84resistance, 107R plasmids

cloning from S. aureus, 79urinary tract infections, 107

spheroplasts, 114talisomycin, 460tetracycline resistanceTnJO-mediated, 879

urinary tract infections, 107, 449whole cells, 114

["C]Ethanol"CO, production, 535

Experimental infectionsblastomycosis

amphotericin B, 363Bay 1 9139, 363Bay n 7133, 363ICI 153066, 363ketoconazole, 363

C. albicansamphotericin B, 625UK-49,858, 832

colitistemocillin, 980

coxsackievirusBIOLF-70, 184

endocarditiscefoperazone, 708E. aerogenes, 708enoxacin, 708enterococci, 135gentamicin, 224pefloxacin, 685S. aureus, 685teicoplanin, 135

herpes simplex virusacyclovir, 167

malariaBA-41,799, 146P. cynomolgi, 146

meningitisaztreonam, 655BMY-28142, 340cefotaxime, 340cefpimizole, 340E. coli Kl, 655



H. influenzae type b, 655pneumococcal, 340S. pneumoniae, 141

pneumoniaciprofloxacin, 452P. aeruginosa, 452pefloxacin, 452

T. mentagrophytesUK-49,858, 832

valvular lesionscefotaxime, 320

Flavobacterium odoratum,-lactamase, 612

FluoroquinolonesWIN 49375

antibacterial activity, 4Formycin B

T. cruzi, 491Fusidic acid

cardiac surgery, 928concentration in atrial appendages, 928

Fusobacterium nucleatum1-lactamase, 943

GarlicAllium sativum

mycobacterial inhibition, 485Genital pathogens

quinoline derivatives, 76Genital tract infections

femaleanaerobic bacterial susceptibility, 324

GentamicinCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429experimental infections

endocarditis, 224nephrotoxicity, 812P. aeruginosa extracellular proteases,

468pharmacokinetics, 285renal accumulation, 812renal disposition, 520

Giardia lambliabithionol, 65dichlorophene, 65giardiasis, 227growth inhibition, 65hexachlorophene, 65tinidazole, 227

GiardiasisG. lamblia, 227tinidazole, 227

Gonorrheaaztreonam, 265

Gram-negative bacteriapolymyxin B nonapeptide, 541

Gram-positive bacteriaSch 34343, 28

Ground squirrel hepatitis virusarabinosyladenine monophosphate, 2779-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine,


derivativesBIOLF-70, 184

Haemophilus influenzaeamoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 912

chloramphenicol, 46experimental infections

aztreonam, 655meningitis, 655

P-lactamase-positive, 912lower respiratory tract infections, 912resistance

permeability barrier, 46HeLa cells

C. trachomatis inhibition, 953Herpes simplex virusBCG vaccine, 203DNA polymerase

aphidicolin, 445nucleoside analogs, 445phosphonoformate, 445

experimental infectionsacyclovir, 1679-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)-

guanine, 763latency, 763

genital infections, 203Herpesvirus

12-'1C]-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-D-arabinofu-ranosyl)-5-iodocytosinebiotransformation, 733elimination, 733

9-(3,4-dihydroxybutyl)guanine, 7539-(4-hydroxybutyl)guanine, 753

HexachloropheneG. lamblia, 65T. vaginalis, 65

High-pressure liquid chromatographyamifloxacin, 7695-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide, 9772-azahypoxanthine, 977ciprofloxacin, 353, 531comparative studies, 353dacarbazine, 977HR 810, 436vancomycin, 503

HR 810anaerobic bacteria, 413comparative activity, 388enteropathogens, 388high-pressure liquid chromatography,436

pharmacokinetics, 436Human prostate cells

C. trachomatis inhibition, 9539-(4-Hydroxybutyl)guanine

antiherpesvirus effects, 753pharmacokinetics, 753

ICI 153066comparative activity, 363experimental infections

blastomycosis, 363Imipenem

-cilastatinpharmacokinetics, 431, 511

comparative activity, 1cystic fibrosis patients, 583endocarditis, 1high-dose treatment, 745P. aeruginosa, 1pharmacokinetics, 583

Influenza virusribavirin aerosol, 309


African trypanosomes, 33

metabolism, 33tissue culture efficacy, 33

Interferonaerosol, 60vesicular stomatitis virus, 60

IsoniazidM. tuberculosis oxygen generation, 404oxidation

mediation by peroxidase, 399superoxide-generating reactions, 408

Isopenicillin Nconversion from 8-(L-aminoadipyl)-L-

cysteinyl-D-valine, 380P. chrysogenum, 380

Ketoconazolecomparative activity, 363experimental infections

blastomycosis, 363Klebsiella pneumoniae

cephalosporins, 220iron-depleted, 220siderophore production, 220surface properties, 220

1-LactamasesAER-1, 479A. faecalis, 608B. catarrhalis, 646E. cloacae resistance, 393, 455F. nucleatum, 943F. odoratum, 612induction test, 6721-lactam hydrolysis, 393OXA-2

immunological comparison, 989OXA-4, 715OXA-5, 715OXA-6, 715OXA-7, 715TLE-1, 715

P-Lactamsanaerobic bacteria, 817comparative activity, 1, 817, 872disulfiram-like effects in rats, 535E. cloacae

penetration, 555resistance, 393, 455

E. coli porin channels, 84endocarditis, 1expanded-spectrum, 393hydrolysis, 393L. pneumophila, 695M. avium-intracellulare complex, 541P. aeruginosa, 1, 872N-sulfonated monocycliccarumonam, 821

Y. enterocolitica, 806Lactoperoxidase

B. cereus, 96Legionella micdadei

erythromycin-resistant, 272Legionella pneumophila

erythromycin-resistant, 272P-lactams, 695

Leishmania spp.sodium stibogluconate, 916

Liposomespiperacillin activity, 137

VOL. 27, 1985


Macrolide antibioticsRU28965, 388

Malariaantifol drugs, 525experimental

BA-41, 799, 146P. cynomolgi, 146

McCoy cellsC. trachomatis inhibition, 953


nisin, 841whole cell

nisin, 841Meningitis

experimentalaztreonam, 655BMY-28142, 340cefotaxime, 340cefpimizole, 340E. coli Kl, 655H. influenzae type b, 655pneumococcal, 340S. pneumoniae, 141

MetronidazoleC. pasteurianum phosphoroclastic re-

action, 863reduction, 863

Microcin 7mode of action, 791structure, 791

Microcin E492E. coli cytoplasmic membrane, 666

Mirincamycinprimaquine activity enhancement, 151

Mitochondrial inhibitorsP. falciparum, 21

Monobactamshalf-lives, 887

Moxalactamanaerobic bacteria, 424bleeding times, 858cephalosporinase binding, 727C. freundii, 727MICs, 424platelet responsiveness, 858pleural fluid

clearance, 93penetration, 93

prophylaxiscesarean section, 337

susceptibility testingagar dilution, 424microdilution, 424

Mucor racemosusresistance, 892

Mupirocinantibacterial activity, 495


garlic (A. sativum), 485Mycobacterium aurum

colistin, 701Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare

cefoperazone, 132cefotaxime, 132ceftizoxime, 132cephem susceptibility, 132complex

P-lactams, 541morphological changes, 541

Mycobacterium cheloneisusceptibility

cefmetazole, 282Mycobacterium fortuitum

susceptibilitycefmetazole, 282

Mycobacterium tuberculosisceforanide, 11cephalosporins, 11isoniazid, 404oxygen generation, 404ribosome alteration, 921RNA polymerase, 9Mtsusceptibility

radiometry, 11Myeloperoxidase

B. cereus, 96

Nalidixic acidCampylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 429

Neisseria gonorrhoeae2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazones,

570Neisseria spp.R plasmid, 120

Nephrotoxicitygentamicin, 812netilmicin, 812tobramycin, 812

Netilmicinkinetic model, 343nephrotoxicity, 812renal accumulation, 812renal disposition, 520


cytoplasmic vesicles, 841whole cells, 841

mode of action, 841structural similarities to Pep-S, 836

Nonoxynol-9C. trachomatis, 720, 760

NorfloxacinAeromonas spp., 643comparative activity, 388, 419enteropathogens, 388P. shigelloides, 643urinary tract infections, 297, 419

Nucleoside analogsEpstein-J3arr virus, 416, 971herpesvirus DNA polymerase, 4455-triphosphates, 416

Nucleoside antibioticsascamycin, 230

2"-O-Nucleotidyltransferaseaminoglycosidesenzymatic modificatiop, 670resistance, 670

NystatinD. discoideum resistance, 974

Ofloxacincomparative activity, 388enteropathogens, 388

Oral microbessangvinarine, 663

Outer membrane proteinsE. cloacae, 455

Pediatric infectionsceftriaxone, 181

Pefloxacinexperimental infections

endocarditis, 685P. aeruginosa, 452pneumonia, 452S. aureus, 685

PenemsSch 34343, 28, 128

PenicillinC. difficile, 419L-Cysteine, 419S. pneumoniae susceptibility

experimental meningitis, 141streptococci

reverse inoculum effect, 948Penicillin-binding proteins

activity regulation, 828P-lactan-inducible, 851methicillin-inducible, 828S. aureus, 828staphylococci, 851

Penicillium chrysogenumisopenicillin N synthetase, 380

Pentobarbitalamikacin concentrations in body fluids,


structural similarities to nisin, 836Peptide antibiotics

nisin, 836, 841Pep-5, 836, 841

Peroxidaseisoniazid oxidation, 399

Pharmacokineticsamifloxacinmonkeys, 769

aztreorlamgram-negative infections, 16

cefazolineffects of anestheia, 874orthopedic surgery patients, 874

ceforanideintraoperative, 487pr-otein binding, 487

cefotiamhumans, 177

ceftazidimecancer patients, 605cardiac vegetations, 9'5fibrin clots, 925

ceftriaxoneChinese adults, 192

cilastatincombined with imipenem, 511cystic fibrosis patients, 583neonates, 431, 511

ciprofloxacinabsorption, 350administration routes, 375effect of breakfast, 350multiple-dose, 350

9-(3,4-dihydroxybutyl)guanine, 753gentamicin

drug abusers, 285HR 810

rabbits, 4369-(4-hydroxybutyl)guanine, 753imipenemcombined with cilastatin, 511cystic fibrosis patients, 583neonates, 431, 511

netilmicintwo-compartment model, 343



tobramycindrug abusers, 285

vancomycincontinuous ambulatory peritoneal di-

alysis, 578peritoneal drug transport, 578

Phosphonoacetatestructure-activity studies, 197

Phosphonoformateherpesvirus DNA polymerase, 445

PicornavirusWIN 51711, 883

Piperacillincombined with ceftazidime

cancer patients, 605liposome-mediated activity, 137staphylococci, 137


elimination by bleomycin, 985resistance

B. catarrhalis, 120C. coli, 37C. jejuni, 37E. coli, 79, 107Neisseria sp., 120S. aureus, 79staphylococci, 234tetracycline

trimethoprim resistanceTn7, 933

Plasmodium cynomolgiexperimental infections

BA-41, 799, 146malaria, 146

Plasmodium falciparumantimalarial activity

oxygen-dependent, 21time-dependent, 21

chloroquineresistance, 561uptake, 561

erythrocytes, 561mitochondrial inhibitors, 21

Platinumbiliary excretion, 275cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (II), 275

Plesiomonas shigelloidesciprofloxacin, 643enoxacin, 643norfloxacin, 643tetracycline, 643trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 643

Pneumococciexperimental infectionsBMY-28142, 340cefotaxime, 340cefpimizole, 340meningitis, 340

PneumoniaB. catarrhalis, 499experimental

ciprofloxacin, 452P. aeruginosa, 452pefloxacin, 452

PolidocanolS. aureus penicillin resistance, 632

Poliovirusbismuth salts, 306

Polymorphonuclear leukocytesaminoglycosides, 712prostaglandin production, 257

Polymyxin B

nonapeptidegram-negative bacteria, 541

Polymyxin Esee colistin

Pregnancybacteriuria, 508

Primaquineactivity enhancement

mirincamycin, 151Probenecid

renal interaction, 660urinary pH, 660

Prodrugsalafosfalin, 961

Prostaglandinsclofazimine, 257dapsone, 257polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 257

Pseudomonas aeruginosaaztreonam, 1, 872cefsulodin, 1endocarditis, 1experimenital infections

ciprofloxacin, 452pefloxacin, 452pneumonia, 452

extracellular proteases, 468gentamicin, 468imipenem, 1,-lactams, 1, 872peritoneal dialysis, 908Ro 17-2301, 872ticarcillin, 1tobramycin

extracellular proteases, 468resistance, 619

urinary catheters, 619Pseudomonic acid

antibacterial activity, 495


genital pathogens, 76Quinolones

anaerobic bacteria, 657comparative activity, 657

RadiometryM. tuberculosis susceptibility, 11

Reovirusbisnmuth salts, 306

Resistance factorsC. coli, 37C. jejuni, 37

Respiratory tract infectionsamoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 912aztreonam, 246'B. catarrhalis, 912clindamycin, 246H. influenzae, 912tobramycin, 246

Rhinovirus4,6-dichloroflavin, 595enviroxime, 102, 595RMI-15,731, 595Ro 09-0179, 595Ro 09-0410, 59544 081 R.P., 846


influenza virus, 309

Rift Valley fever virus, 903RibosomesM. tuberculosis, 921

Rifampincombinations, 615staphylococci, 615

Rifapentinecombinations, 615staphylococci, 615

Rift Valley fever virusribavirint, 903

RMI-15,731comparative activity, 595mechanism of action, 595

RNA polymeraseM. tuberculosis, 921

Ro 09-0179comparative activity, 595mechanism of action, 595

Ro 09-0410comparative activity, 595mechanism of action, 595

Ro 17-2301comparative activity, 872P. aeruginosa, 872

Rotavirusbismuth salts, 306

44 081 R.P.cell cultures, 846

RU28965comparative activity, 388enteropathogens, 388

Sanguinarinecomparative activity, 663oral microbes, 663

Sch 34343anaerobic bacteria, 749comparative activity, 28, 128enterococci, 28gram-positive bacteria, 28

SF 86-327fungal sterol biosynthesis, 252mechanism of action, 252

Skin infectionsceftriaxone, 648

Sodium stibogluconatebiochemical mechanisms, 916

Soft tissue infectionsceftriaxone, 648

Spermicidesnonoxynol-9, 760

Staphylococcicoagulase-negativeR plasmids, 234tetracycline, 234

methicillin-resistantpenicillin-binding protein, 851

piperacillin, 137Staphylococcus aureus

experimental infectionsendocarditis, 685pefloxacin, 685

methicillin-resistantciprofloxacin, 688

penicillin-binding protein, 828penicillin resistance

suppression, 632polidocanol, 632R plasmids

cloning into E. coli, 79Staphylococcus saprophyticus

VOL. 27, 1985


amifloxacin, 449urinary tract infections, 449

Streptococcigroup D

erythromycin resistance determinant,439

Tn917-like sequences, 439penicillin

reverse inoculum effect, 948Streptococcus pneumoniae

experimental infectionsmeningitis, 141penicillin susceptibility, 141

Streptomyces albovinaceoustreponemycin, 239


dihydrostreptose, 367streptidine biosynthesis, 367

SulbactamCampylobacter spp., 429combined with ampicillin

anaerobic bacteria, 876comparative activity, 429

Sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim-Aeromonas spp., 643Campylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 419, 429enterococci, 71P. shigelloides, 643urinary tract infections, 158, 297, 419V. cholerae resistance, 280

Susceptibility testingmoxalactam

agar dilution, 424microdilution, 424MICs, 424

T. vaginalistime-kill method, 332

T-1982see cefbuperazone

TalisomycinE. coli DNA breakage, 460

Teicoplaninexperimental infections

endocarditis, 135Temocillin

bleeding times, 858experimental infections

colitis, 980platelet responsiveness, 858

TetracyclineAeromonas spp., 643P. shigelloides, 643resistance

E. coli K-12, 879TnlO-mediated, 879

staphylococcal resistance, 234urinary tract infections, 652


BA-41,799, 146Ticarcillin

comparative activity, 1efficacy, 291endocarditis, 1P. aeruginosa, 1safety, 291tobramycin nephrotoxicity, 897

Tinidazolegiardiasis, 227G. lamblia, 227

Tioconazoleabsorption, 964persistence in vaginal fluid, 964

Tissue culture cellserythromycin

accumpulation, 314egress, 314uptake, 314


cancer patients, 605ceftazidime, 605clindamycin, 246respiratory tract infections, 246

nephrotoxicity, 812, 897P. aeruginosa

extracellular proteases, 468urinary catheters, 619

pharmacokinetics, 285renal accumulation, 812renal disposition, 520renal function

shock, 217Topical antibiotics

mupirocin (pseudomonic acid), 495Treponema hyodysenteriaetreponemycin, 239

TreponemycinT. hyodysenteriae, 239

Trichomonas vaginalisbithionol, 65dichlorophene, 65growth inhibition, 65hexachlorophene, 65susceptibility testing

time-kill method, 332Trichophyton mentagrophvtesexperimental infections

UK-49,858, 832Trimethoprim

enterococci, 71resistancechromosomally mediated, 933plasmid-borne, 933Tn7, 933

-sulfamethoxazoleAeromonas spp., 643Campylobacter spp., 429comparative activity, 419, 429enterococci, 71P. shigelloides, 643urinary tract infections, 158, 297, 419V. cholerae resistance, 280

Trypanosoma cruziformycin B, 491

U63196-Esee cefpimizole

UK-49,858experimental infections

C. albicans, 832T. mentagrophytes, 832

Urinary cathetersP. aeruginosa, 619

Urinary tract infectionsamifloxacin, 449ceftriaxone, 158E. coli, 107, 449norfloxacin, 297, 419S. saprophyticus, 449tetracycline hydrochloride therapy, 652trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 158,

297, 419

Valvular lesionsexperimental

cefotaxime, 320Vancomycin

high-pressure liquid chromatography,503

pharmacokineticscontinuous ambulatory peritoneal di-

alysis, 578peritoneal drug transport, 578

Ventricular fibrillationamphotericin B infusion, 868

Vesicular stomatitis virusinterferon aerosol, 60

Vibrio choleraeresistance

plasmid-mediated, 280trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 280

Vidarabinecombined with acyclovir, 600cytomegalovirus, 600

WIN 39375see amifloxacin

WIN 51711in vitro activity, 883picornavirus, 883

Yersinia enterocoliticaP-lactams, 806

Yersinia ruckeriplasmid-mediated resistance, 938susceptibility patterns, 938

YM-13115in vitro activity, 565

ZincC. trachomatis inhibition, 953




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