antilles renaissance curacao resort & casino guilty in multimillion dollar aqua spa suit...

Antilles “Renaissance Curacao Resort and Casino” Guilty in Multi-million Dollar Aqua Spa Lawsuit Here’s the story from Amigoe Nieuws Curacao ORANGE CITY / WILLEMSTAD - Aruba Bank is not to blame in the demise of the luxurious Aqua Spa Beauty Spa of Arubans Mena Lopez and Emile Hassell. The court has concluded that the Landlord Riffort and the Renaissance (Curacao) did act unlawfully and must pay compensation. February 19. 2013 By our reporter Sharina Henriquez The Court of First Instance in Curacao declared a verdict yesterday in the case brought by the entrepreneurs Hassell , Lopez and Arnold Huizing court appointed Curator and trustee of the bankrupt beauty salon as one of the plaintiffs. In total demands Aqua Spa 12 million florins to damages: $ 5.4 million from Riffort / Renaissance and nearly 2.2 million florins of Aruba Bank. During the handling of the trial on 18 September, the judge also focuses on the role of the bank in the whole. One of the entrepreneurs, Mena Lopez also began in late October in this paper that the bank during the trial had lied and that the case is a matter of principle was the dishonest act of Aruba Bank by colluding with Renaissance so that the latter could get a spa cheap. In the verdict yesterday the court was not convinced that the bank had acted unlawfully, nor forsaken its duty of care. The company had at the time of termination of the credit agreement had long failed to fulfill its obligations. The interest and principal payments were not paid. Also, the bank had insufficient collateral. "It was therefore for the good of the Bank due to Aqua Spa still got respite

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Antilles “Renaissance Curacao Resort and Casino”

Guilty in Multi-million Dollar Aqua Spa Lawsuit

Here’s the story from Amigoe Nieuws Curacao


- Aruba Bank is not to blame in the demise of the luxurious Aqua Spa Beauty Spa of Arubans Mena Lopez and Emile Hassell. The court has concluded that the Landlord Riffort and the Renaissance (Curacao) did act unlawfully and must pay compensation.

February 19. 2013

By our reporter

Sharina Henriquez

The Court of First Instance in Curacao declared a verdict yesterday in the case brought by the entrepreneurs Hassell , Lopez and Arnold Huizing court appointed Curator and trustee of the bankrupt beauty salon as one of the plaintiffs. In total demands Aqua Spa 12 million florins to damages: $ 5.4 million from Riffort / Renaissance and nearly 2.2 million florins of Aruba Bank. During the handling of the trial on 18 September, the judge also focuses on the role of the bank in the whole. One of the entrepreneurs, Mena Lopez also began in late October in this paper that the bank during the trial had lied and that the case is a matter of principle was the dishonest act of Aruba Bank by colluding with Renaissance so that the latter could get a spa cheap. In the verdict yesterday the court was not convinced that the bank had acted unlawfully, nor forsaken its duty of care. The company had at the time of termination of the credit agreement had long failed to fulfill its obligations. The interest and principal payments were not paid. Also, the bank had insufficient collateral. "It was therefore for the good of the Bank due to Aqua Spa still got respite in order to find new investors and its financial house in order." The fact that the bank has just invaded in a period of the Holidays (December) and seized the inventory, as the entrepreneurs claimed, has seen all late payments and letters of Aruba Bank this falls under the court therefore understand. Aruba Bank has not acted in breach of 'reasonableness, fairness or fulfill its duty of care'.


One of the most important and remarkable accusations in this lawsuit is the charge of the cahoots of Riffort / Renaissance Aruba with Bank. As evidence for this was the sale of the seized inventory for so little. The bank would for a pittance to the Renaissance have sold the hotel and then went after the bankruptcy of Aqua Spa himself further with a spa in the same location. "Although the Court palpable Aqua Spa note that the current situation as such experiences, the Court sees no evidence of foul play

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between the Bank and Riffort and Renaissance. Not found what importance the Bank thereby would have, especially now retrospectively must be noted that the Bank is left with a strong claim.

Aruba Bank is not to blame for the demise of Aqua Spa but Riffort Village and Renaissance are according to the judge. Aqua Spa had accused the Riffort Renaissance Curacao of wrong doing because the promised promotions in the agreements were not complied with while the lease for no valid reason was terminated and the spa staff was denied access to get into the Spa. All of these actions were alleged to be an indication of the intention to take over the spa itself. According to the court statements, it’s conceivable that they intended to take over the Spa, making it one of their same groups of companies. This is also evident in the documents which show the companies of the Riffort and the Renaissance acted as if they were the same entity. Hence the court in assessing the damage question - and claim that both companies belong together. There is an important fact that Aqua Spa was to be promoted to the guests of both these companies. There was also a walkway guaranteed to come in the contract to ensure that the Hotel guests would have easy access to the Spa. That did not happen and Aqua Spa on multiple occasions pleaded and complained to get that access open and useable to the attention of the Hotel yet that never occurred. The promised marketing never happened causing the Spa to receive far fewer clients than what the consulting firm and Deloitte & Touch projected.

When Aruba Bank claimed to be seizing the inventory, Riffort looked at it as the trigger for the lease to be pulled. The Renaissance Riffort Curacao believed that the revoke terms of that agreement had been activated, but the court found that not so. The rent was paid up to date in full at that time. The Judge claimed that the Spa staff was wrongly denied access by the Riffort Renaissance Curacao to their Spa making it impossible to restart the business. Even after the seizure of the bank of the contents remained in the Spa so it could have continued to run. The actions of denying the Spa staff the ability to enter their place of business deprived them of their rights as a business to proceed and from these actions the court claims the damages have occurred.

Google translate. Dutch to English. It is a poor translation.

The Verdict is a Lie to deceive you so the system stays in place

This is a comical verdict. How can a Bank who was the gatekeeper of this loan not be culpable for what happened? They accepted the Predatory lease agreement knowing it would kill the business. They stood and watched the boycott they knew was coming and taking place before their eyes yet told Mena and Emile we cannot do anything for you. They knew Eduardo De Veers history of cannibalizing businesses as they were the Bank, the partner, the other half of this enterprise collecting on the collateral as Eduardo squeezed the Tenant receiving the Spa for a mere pittance as his reward as they have done previous. It was all just a routine, something they were used to doing. Then on the day of the closing without announcing they pushed their way in with five people removed the Financial Books, told the staff to disengage their clients, to remove their personnel belongings and that the elevator would be shut down they must leave and yet the court says the bank did nothing wrong? The next day after the

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disruption they tell the Spa they can go back in? The damage they had intended to inflict was done. The staff was devastated and dispersed. The clients that were receiving treatments and told to go home were upset beyond words? The Bank personnel were seen sitting down outside at a coffee table with Eddie De Veer laughing and joking as the staff is being sent home without jobs just days before Christmas?

They have done this before multiple times but never has it had a chance to be exposed in court. These two entities have always worked together and in court the Bank instead of seeking the money for their investment from the Hotel the guilty party, went after the Spa constantly trying to kill the case they had against the Renaissance that would have paid for the Spa the money the Bank is claiming to be seeking? Now that the verdict says the Renaissance has to pay, the Bank is still going after Aqua Spa? This is the most upside down filthy dirty criminal system you will ever pay witness to. It is nauseating just looking at the mounds of evidence and realizing that this verdict is ignoring all of it, the Bank’s involvement and the widespread corruption that exists in their Banking and commerce. It is something Antilleans are facing daily in their lives. This is a tragedy as no people should have to endure this incredible injustice.

In the Aqua Spa loan the overwhelming facts that a crime occurred simply would not allow the system to say” no body no crime” as the evidence is there and damaging and will never go away. American investors immediately ushered all evidence they uncovered out of the country and into a US attorney’s hands for safe keeping. It has taken the plaintiffs $100,000 of fees paid to an embarrassingly weak representation by an attorney who acted as a doormat for the Bank to get this this cooked verdict. The whole system is run like this. Judges, Curators, Attorneys, Accountants, Court people are all players in a predatory system designed to tap unsuspecting people who happen into this carnival of lies, deceit and deception.

The mountain of evidence is screaming that the Bank was at least an equal partner and most likely the driver; the Judge during the court case on multiple occasions made reference to the Bank’s unusual behavior and in the final questioning about the illegal closing of the Spa acted as if he simply did not believe their testimony. Now after five months of delay, there is not one single mention or revisit of any of the points made showing the connections implicating the Bank? There is clear evidence showing collusion with the Hotel in a mock public sale where they had already negotiated a price and how they would conduct the so called public auction so that the public could not bid. There is testimony both written and recorded by the bailiff who says that the bank is lying that he closed the Spa.

Who removed the real Judge Schendle and his opinion and inserted this Kangaroo court type verdict? The writer here is fully convinced from the investigation and evidence that has been uncovered to date including now the 180 degree reversal of the Judges approach that this system is completely and irretrievably corrupt. The Government of the Netherlands is the driver of this corruption as they are recipients of the spoils of the criminal enterprise that they look to be covertly keeping in place. When asked their reply is “the Islands are autonomous and can do as they please”? Why would the Island enslave themselves? This is not happening in Puerto Rico or Hawaii.

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The system will shake you for all your money as the court will ensure you lose as they Bank controls the system end to end

Is there is anyone contemplating investing in this cesspool of corruption or even visiting these Antilles? Please let this story be at least a warning. You are in for a ride and education of your life. This system lacks integrity on every single level but is hidden to the short term visitor. It only becomes evident once you enter into any contact with Government offices, conduct business, and interact with citizens who have been through courts or lost businesses to this corrupt system. People here are either victims, potential victims or predators working for the system. If you lose you are told you can’t talk about what has happened to you. You are told you cannot take the Bank to court. You are visited by local messengers whom threaten you or warn you through subtle messages to keep quiet and out of the media for your own and families good. The Antilleans are prisoners on their own Island generated by this system being held in place by the Netherland Government.

This is more than just an aggressive Bank. It encompasses all Banks, Insurance companies and Central Bank whom is nothing more than a Facade to make you think this is a legitimate Banking system. In the US these people would be under indictment or already behind bars and the Banking Institutions would all be under Federal investigation. This is beyond fixing as it is systemic throughout all areas where Commerce, public Institutions, Banking, Insurance, Central Bank, Education, all law enforcement and disbursement of public contracts occurs. This is the most corrupt Banking, Government controlled system imaginable. It is simply an off the map type operation that teeters on complete silence by those that have lost or been affected by it. This is no longer the case as American Investment money will ensure that the International community is made acutely aware of all they have uncovered. Please tell everyone you know about this as no one should have to face what these people whom thought this was “One Happy Island” have faced since investing in a Spa?

You would never believe that a people could be held hostage like this until you are in the system according to Americans whom have been involved in this case. Please find another place to vacation and spend your money. Your dollars spent here only feed a system where locals are being enslaved. They will survive. Eventually changes will happen. The Natalee Holloway cover up and this case are just a glimpse of how these Antilleans are being misused and abused by a very immoral Netherlands their mother country. The Dutch are allowing a criminal operation to be conducted through the Banking system that has enslaved a whole group of Island people. The Banks and the Dutch tap the locals and International investors for millions as they dominate Antilleans and steal their wealth in a system where they control the courts and the outcome of all verdicts.