anti-fraud professional’s guide to building an anti- fraud culture

Copyright © 2013 FraudResourceNet™ LLC Anti-Fraud Professional’s Guide to Building an Anti- Fraud Culture April 23, 2013 Special Guest Presenter: Peter Goldmann, MSc., CFE Copyright © 2013 FraudResourceNet™ LLC About Peter Goldmann, MSc., CFE President and Founder of White Collar Crime 101 Publisher of WhiteCollar Crime Fighter Developer of FraudAware® AntiFraud Training Monthly Columnist, The Fraud Examiner, ACFE Newsletter Member of Editorial Advisory Board, ACFE Author of “Fraud in the Markets” Explains how fraud fueled the financial crisis.

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Webinar series from FraudResourceNet LLC on Preventing and Detecting Fraud in a High Crime Climate. Recordings of these Webinars are available for purchase from our Website This Webinar focused on the subject in the title FraudResourceNet (FRN) is the only searchable portal of practical, expert fraud prevention, detection and audit information on the Web. FRN combines the high quality, authoritative anti-fraud and audit content from the leading providers, AuditNet ® LLC and White-Collar Crime 101 LLC/FraudAware.


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Anti-Fraud Professional’s Guide to Building an Anti-

Fraud Culture

April 23, 2013

Special Guest Presenter:Peter Goldmann, MSc., CFE

Copyright © 2013 FraudResourceNet™ LLC

About Peter Goldmann, MSc., CFE

President and Founder of White Collar Crime 101

Publisher of White‐Collar Crime Fighter

Developer of FraudAware® Anti‐Fraud Training Monthly Columnist, The Fraud Examiner, 

ACFE Newsletter

Member of Editorial Advisory Board, ACFE

Author of “Fraud in the Markets”

Explains how fraud fueled the financial crisis.

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About Jim Kaplan, MSc, CIA, CFE

President and Founder of AuditNet®, the global resource for auditors 

Auditor, Web Site Guru,

Internet for Auditors Pioneer

Recipient of the IIA’s 2007 Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award.

Author of “The Auditor’s Guide to Internet Resources” 2nd Edition 

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Today’s Agenda

Introduction The Auditor’s Role Fraud StatisticsWhy People Steal Tone at the Top Communicating Integrity HR Policy: Compensation, Performance Reviews, Team Spirit, Career Opportunities Ethics Policy, Compliance Policy and FRAUD POLICY Training to Support Culture Your Questions

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The Auditor’s Role

1200: Proficiency and Due Professional Care

1220: Due Professional Care

2060: Reporting to Senior Management and the Board

2120: Risk Management

2210: Engagement Objectives

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Fraud: The Big Picture


According to major accounting firms, professional fraud examiners and law enforcement:

Fraud jumps significantly during tough economic times

Business losses due to fraud increased 20% in last 12 months, from $1.4 million to $1.7 million per billion dollars of sales. (Kroll 2010/2011 Global Fraud Report)

Average cost to for each incident of fraud is $160,000 (ACFE) Of Financial Statement fraud: $2 million

Approx. 60% of corporate fraud committed by insiders (PwC)

Approx. 50% of employees who commit fraud have been with their employers for over 5 years (ACFE)

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The Fraud Triangle

Creating a Fraud Diamond: GREED!

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Rationalization often based on poor corporate culture:“I deserve the stolen money because my boss abuses me”“ I was unfairly passed over for a promotion”“ I haven’t gotten a pay increase in five years”“ I haven’t had a performance review in three years”“ The guys at the top are doing it, why shouldn’t I?”“ They just laid off half of my department. I’m probably next”

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Tone at the Top: Key to Corporate Culture

ACFE Guideline: “Tone at the Top refers to the ethical atmosphere that is created in the workplace by the organization’s leadership.

“Whatever tone management sets will have a trickle-down effect on employees of the company. If the tone set by managers upholds ethics and integrity, employees will be more inclined to uphold those same values.

“However, if upper management appears unconcerned with ethics and focuses solely on the bottom line, employees will be more prone to commit fraud because they feel that ethical conduct is not a focus or priority within the organization.”

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Polling Question 1

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Speaking of The Bottom Line…

… Long before Greg Smith quit and skewered GS in NYT and his book, there Was “Goldman Sachs Elevator Gossip” (Twitter Acct: @GSElevator):

“The lottery is just a way of taxing poor people who don't know math.”

“If you can only be good at one thing, be good at lying… Because if you're good at lying, you're good at everything”

“The fact that most people are too stupid to know how dumb they really are is the fabric holding our society together.”

“Without question, Michael Milken has done more for humanity than Mother Teresa”

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Back to Wall Street:

July, 2010: GS pays $550 million to US Government for deceiving clients regarding subprime mortgage-backed “toxic” derivatives. 2011: Blankfein gets a 14.5% compensation boost.

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On a Positive Note…

Source: Ethisphere

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Polling Question 2

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Assessing Tone at the Top

Does management dismiss “minor” misconduct? Does management monitor comments and criticism in social media and other online venues to identify views of the organization’s culture that could suggest poor tone at the top? Does the organization use annual employee surveys to gather information on their employees’ engagement with the enterprise and to monitor trends. (These surveys can be conducted internally or performed with the assistance of an independent advisor)? Is TATT a regular meeting agenda item for audit committee, risk management or compliance executives --to share observations and perspectives regarding management activities, communications, and style?


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Assessing Tone at the Top Does the organization conduct exit interviews? Some departing employees, concerned about burning bridges, may be unwilling to mention ethics and integrity issues that may have contributed to their departure. Others may welcome the opportunity to discuss their experiences, but may provide this information only if asked. Does the organization assess customer complaints? Monitoring trends in customer feedback may provide insight into the entity’s culture.

Example: The swift and open handling of grievances may indicate an entity is dedicated to compliance and ethics, while a pattern of inadequate responses to customer grievances could suggest characteristics among management that research has associated with anti-social activities such as fraud.

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Assessing Tone at the Top

Jonathan Macey, Yale University’s new book, “The Death of Reputation”:

“Not a single US financial institution ranks among the world’s 20 most reputable institutions.”

Macey’s point: Financial institutions have such a negative culture that they have destroyed their once-stellar reputations as ethical, trustworthy entities.

The 2008 financial crisis is the most dramatic recent example of poor culture leading to widespread fraud (and destruction of reputation).

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How Bad Can Culture Get?

According to one of thousands of civil and criminal cases against Bank of America, its subsidiary, “Countrywide in 2007 invented, and Bank of America continued, a scheme known as the "Hustle" to speed up processing of residential home loans. Operating under the motto ‘Loans Move Forward, Never Backward,’ mortgage executives tried to eliminate "toll gates" designed to ensure that loans were sound and not tainted by fraud”Source: U.S. ex rel. O'Donnell v. Bank of America Corp et al, U.S,

District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-01422.

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Can Reputation Be Repaired?

According to Advertising Age, Bank of America switched ad agencies specifically to repair image: “WPP will now be responsible for the rollout of a new strategic positioning -- or what Bank of America was internally calling the development of a "North Star" that would signal to Wall Street and consumers that it's a new day at the bank, helping to repair the company's tarnished image.”

Macey: “I’ll believe it (improved culture) when I see it”

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Getting Culture Right BEFORE It’s Too Late

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Communicating “Culture”

Top management must:

Set standard of “zero tolerance” through actions (no bribe-paying, no book-cooking, no embezzlement, no conflict of interest, etc)…Reinforce with: Emphasizing integrity in key communications…. Annual reports Press releases Internal communications with employees Implementing awareness training

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HR Policies Critical To Anti-fraud Policy

Competitive (or over-competitive) compensation Regular, thoroughly researched and fair/unbiased performance reviews Ample opportunity for career/professional advancement Emphasis on an management implementation of team-based work processes Frequent staff meetings with open exchange of ideas for process improvement, grievances and other suggestions Regular fraud awareness training

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Polling Question 3

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Policy Problems…And Solutions

Ethics Policy, Compliance Policy & FRAUD POLICY Organizations often have ethics and/or compliance policies …

Myth: These policies cover fraud detection and preventionReality: Most ethics and compliance policies cover only: Harassment Discrimination Regulatory compliance (banking rules, safety regulations, employment regulations, etc Conflict of interest/gifts policy General dictate about complying with all laws and regulations


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Policy Problems…And Solutions

Sample Anti-Fraud Policy

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Polling Question 4

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Policy Problems…And Solutions

Formal anti-fraud policies also should call for:

Formal training of all employees in fraud schemes, red flags and responsibility for reporting wrongdoing

Aim: Not just to catch fraudsters, but to continuously underscore the culture of “Zero Tolerance”

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IDEALLY: Everyone in the organization1) Managers to build sense of

importance of the training and urgency of instill positive anti-fraud culture throughout

2) All others

Note: Content for each group may vary: Example: Financial Statement Fraud for Managers Only


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WHAT TO TRAIN: Create Detailed Outline. Example…

Sample Fraud Awareness Training

MODULE I: INTRODUCTIONObjectives: Present a foundation of awareness for Detecting, Preventing and Reporting fraud. Educate ABC Bank employees that fraud is more than dollars stolen from the Bank: Fraud damages ABC Bank’s reputation which results in lost customers which directly impacts everyone directly. It can also draw unfavorable and potentially costly regulatory scrutiny/enforcement action.


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WHAT TO TRAIN… Continued….

Fraud affects YOU: When fraud occurs it can result in: Reduced pay increases Reduced benefits Limited promotion opportunities Layoffs

MODULE 2: How fraud is committedMODULE 3: How to recognize red flagsMODULE 4: How to report tipsMODULE 5: Consequences for committing fraud & Conclusion


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HOW TO TRAIN? In-house classroom instructor (from I/A, Legal or Compliance) Outside classroom instructor (Fraud investigator, fraud expert, forensic accountant, university professor) On-line (E-Learning) On-line—Webinar Intranet (Internal E-alerts) In-house newsletter


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WHEN TO TRAIN? Full training once per year Quarterly or bi-monthly seminars or refresher Webinars Monthly E-alerts Full training for all new hires

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Polling Question 5

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Any Questions?Don’t be Shy!

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Coming Up Next Month

Fraud Detection and Prevention Techniques Using Excel May 8

Fraud Risk Assessment: Key to Highly Effective Anti-Fraud Controls, May 9

Fraudulent Documentation: Fraudsters’ Secret Weapon ... How to Disarm Them May 29

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Thank You!


Jim KaplanFraudResourceNet™

800-385-1625 [email protected]

Peter GoldmannFraudResourceNet™

[email protected]