anti cancer

A New Way of Life

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Post on 07-May-2015




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Page 1: Anti cancer

A New Way of Life

Page 2: Anti cancer

Dr. Servan-Schreiber discovered his own brain cancer

He began studying people who beat the odds-lived well past their prognosis-especially those that changed their lifestyles

Found hope for those that genetics serve as a death sentence- lifestyle can change outcomes

Ex. Women with breast cancer gene who ate more f/v-up to 27 per week decreased their risk 73%

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Men with the prostate cancer gene who consumed omega 3-rich fish at least twice a week were five times less likely to develop aggressive cancer

Women with the breast cancer gene born before WW II are 2-3 times less likely to develop breast cancer-scientist believe this is linked to fast-food intolerant genes

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The story of Mighty Mouse

Injected with S180 cells directly into the abdomen and he kept living, they continued to increase his dose from 200,000 cells to 20 million cells and Mighty Mouse did not get cancer-other mice died in ½ day

His grandchildren have resisted 2 billion cells

Why? He had natural killer (NK) cells that took on the cancer cells immediately, these cells do not need prior exposure to seek and destroy

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White blood cells can eliminate two billion cancer cells in a few weeks

Discovered that mice were carriers of cancer cells but their cells remained dormant-held in place by their immune system

Research suggest that cancer arises only from cells that find fertile terrain (one where the immune defenses are weakened), this would also answer why dormant cells become aggressive tumors when the immune system is down

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They need to be treated with respect (well fed and protected from toxins)

Their commanding officer must keep a cool head (deals with emotions and acts with poise)

Studies show WBC’s work best when diets are healthy, environment is clean, and physical activity involves the entire body

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Wound-platelets come to the rescue, release platelet-derived growth factor which alerts the white cells-then come the transmitters (cytokines) to repair, first they dilate the blood vessel, then trigger growth of the damaged vessel

This process is self-limiting which tells the new tissue to quit growing EXCEPT when cancer is involved, it does not stop and continues to grow into tumors

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Cancer is a wound-repairing attempt that went bad

Some studies have shown that 1 in 6 cancers are linked to inflammation

Ex: Cervical cancer and HPV

Colon Cancer: Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Cancer of the Stomach: H pylori (ulcers)

Ovarian Cancer: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Liver Cancer: Hepatitis B or C

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Inflammation stops Apoptosis (the suicide of cells) which causes overgrowth of tissues or tumors

Inflammatory tumors also neutralizes NK cells and white blood cells

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Some studies show people who regularly take anti-inflammatory medications are less likely to get Cancer

(Advil, Ibuprofen, Celebrex, etc.) however some of these drugs are too hard on the cardiovascular system (Vioxx)

Manage Stress: Persistent feelings of helplessness, a despair that won’t let up,changes secretion of noradrenaline (fight or flight) and cortisol which both stimulate inflammation

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Cancer needs blood vessels to grow.

New blood vessels are produced by angiogenin, Angiostatin prevents growth of new vessels, which was found in chicken embroys

New drugs such as Avastin are being developed (similar to angiostatin) however they have severe side effects.

Eating mushrooms and drinking green tea have anti- angiogenesis properties

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Some of the Cancers that have increased the most

Prostate Breast

Increased rates in younger patients

Cancer is found more in U.S. and Northern Europe, not as high in China or Korea however Asians in Hawaii have increasing cancer rates

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Triggers the disease and goes on after the disease is started

Those diagnosed with Cancer often ask, “What could I have done to prevent it?”

What we know is that Cancer has increased since WW II

Increase in sugar in the diet since WW II

Changes in methods of farming

Exposures to chemicals

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Before: diet of our ancestors was primarily fruits & vegetables, occasional meat or eggs, very little sugar and flour, no cereals

Today 56% of our calories come from food that was nonexistent with increases in:

Refined sugars Bleached flour Vegetable oils

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Metabolism of malignant tumors has been linked to blood glucose levels

Foods with high glycemic index cause glucose levels to rise rapidly

The body then releases insulin to enable glucose to enter the cells.

Insulin secretion then releases IGF (insulinlike growth factor) which stimulates cell growth.

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Agave Nectar: lower glycemic index than honey

A glycemic index less than 55 is good

Acacia Honey Coconut Sugar: GI

of 35

Xylitol: low in calories and linked to a decrease in dental cavities, does not cause blood sugar or insulin to rise

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Shop only the periphery of your Grocery Store!

Cookies and candies eaten between meals cause a rise in blood sugar and insulin

When eaten with other foods, especially vegetable, fruits, good fats such as olive oil, the process is slowed down.

Foods such as onions, garlic, blueberries, cherries, rasberries, or spices like cinnamon reduce the rise in blood sugar

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Can Omega 6’s Be the problem?

In 1976 American’s lowered their consumption of fats and obesity has increased 31% since then

Body mass in fatty tissue in infants under the age of one doubled between 1970 and 1990

You can not blame McDonald’s for making our 6 month old infants fat

Researchers are blaming the change in the character of milk.

The demand for beef and milk increased in the 50’s.

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Buy Organic MilkRecombinant bovine growth hormone

Cattle are not grazing as much as they did previously and corn, soy, and wheat are in the diet of cows which produces foods rich in omega-6-fatty acids and no omega-3-fatty acids.

Omega 6-fatty acids help stock fats and stimulate inflammation where omega 3-fatty acids reduce inflammation

Cows are treated with hormones to boost milk production which stimulates growth of fatty cells

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Buy Organic Trans Fats Increase Inflammation by omega-6’s

Chickens are fed more corn which produces eggs with more omega-6-fatty acids (up to 20 times more).

Margarine: most made from sunflower oil, soybean oil, & canola oil (which are all high in omega-6’s

While the use of margarine over butter lowered cholesterol, it increased inflammation.

Processed foods: contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats (trans fats) which do not grow stale

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Avoid White Sugar & Flour

Reduce consumption of red meat and avoid processed pork-11 ounces per day

Avoid ALL trans fats (hydrogenated oils), use butter instead of margarine, use virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil

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Cigarette Smoke Plastics-especially

PVC when heated Use softer plastics

like those used for mineral and spring water

Avoid Phosphates: found in SODA, processed meats and cheese spread

Avoid food contaminants found in foods such as:

Large Fish Vegetables skins Meat and milk

Air out dry-cleaned clothing

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No real data yet Use speaker phone Text instead of call Restrict cell phone

use Do not wear your

cell phone

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Green Tea: Drink several cups per day (no limit)-acts as a detoxifier and when combined with soy has protective effects against estrogen dependent cancers

Drink at least 3 cups of green tea per day

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Use virgin olive oil in cooking

Eat olives, particularly black olives

Eat and drink soy products-they fight certain cancers and serve as a natural estrogen

Use Tumeric: yellow powder from curry, has anti-inflammatory effects

Mushrooms, especially shiitake, maitake, kawaratake and enokitake-have lenthinian which stimulates the immune system

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Berries: blackberries, rasberries, strawberries, and blueberries-have ellagic acids which slows the growth of new blood vessels

Plums, peaches, and nectarines known as stone fruit have anti-cancer virtues

Citrus Fruits: tangerines, lemons, and grapefruit contain anti-inflammatory flavanoids in the skin so buy organic

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Pomegranate Juice has been found effective against prostate cancer

Recommendation: one 8 ounce glass per day

Vitamin D3: 100 0 units of D3 daily-shown to reduce incidence of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma

20 minutes of sun exposure per day to synthesize Vitamin D

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Drink one glass of red wine per day-has polyphenols which slow cancer development and protect cells from aging

Eat one Square of Dark Chocolate every day (20 grams)-has twice as many polyphenols as a glass of wine