antelope valley line

los Angeles Coun ty M etropolitan Transpo rtati on Authority M etro One  Gatewa y Plaza  2i3 .g zz.2000 Tel Los CA 9ooiz -2952 REV ISED PLA N NING AN D PR OGRAMM IN G COMMI T TEE MA R CH 14, 20 12 SUB JEC T: AN TEL OPE VAL LEY LINE I NFRAS TRUC TURE I NT ST RATEG Y A CTION: R ECEIVE  AN D FILE A NTEL OP E V ALLEY LINE  INF RASTR UCTU RE IM PROV EMENT  STRATE G Y RECOMM E NDATION Receive  a nd file report  on the s tatu s o f the Antel ope V alle y Line Infrastruc ture Impro ve m en t Stra t egy (AVLI IS P ) roje ct fo r infr astruct ur e improvem ents that en ha n ce co r ri d or safety,  incre ase pas senge r rail service, im p rove o p erating effic iency , an d reduce travel times in thi s r ai l co r ridor  between Lo s Angeles  Un ion Station a nd t he Ci ties of  P almdale an d Lancaster . IS S UE In Apri l 2011 th e  Board direc te d staff to r eview the f easibi lity o f e nh ancing the An telope Valley Lin e c orridor an d to identify infr astructure  i mprovemen ts  that would e nable Metrolink  s e r vice t o operate fa s ter,  safer, an d more rel ia bly between L os Angeles Uni on Stati on CLAUS)  an d  the C it y  o f Lanca ster . Existing infrast ructur e c o n strains Me t ro l in k speeds  to a n averag e of 4 0 miles  per  hour an d  travel time s  app roximati ng tw o hours betwe e n Palmdal e an d  L AU S . A ma jor o bj e ctive o f t he study was  o ident ify the i nfra structure  necessar y to suppo rt a  ri p time red u ction o f up to 50 % ov er exi sting service. An other  ke y objec tive of  the stud y wa s o  iden tify safety impro vements along the co r rido r, spe c ifically fo r p edest rian an d vehicular tr affic at existi ng at -grade cross ings. In additio n, th e  project cons idered oppor tuni ties to bu il d fo r future  c a pacity needs w h il e accommo da t in g ex p anded /futu re  service in t he corridor for f reight an d high sp ee d  rail. Th e  study inc ludes  an  ass essment o f fu nd ing opport u nities an d a co s t- be n efit a nalysi s o f ca pital proje ct s to hel p prio r itize prop o sed improveme nts an d allow fo r  p hased imp le mentation  as d emand or additional service incr eas es a nd fu nding b e comes avai lable.

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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8/2/2019 Antelope Valley Line 1/10

8/2/2019 Antelope Valley Line 2/10

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