ant603 assignment

1. INTRODUCTION Pentecostalism is a faith within Evangelical Christianity . It believes in a personal experience with God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38 ); the same as in the Biblical account on the Day of Pentecost . Pentecostalism is similar to the Charismatic groups, but it came about earlier and separated from the main church branches. Charismatic Christians, at least in the beginning, tended to stay in their denominations and did not divide away. Cameroon particularly Buea, like other independent African states, constitutionally defends the right to religious worship. As a consequence of this fundamental aspect of human rights, the last decade has witnessed a proliferation of religious groups in the country, particularly in the Anglophone Provinces, and most of them are Pentecostal in their theology. In the literature, the recent spectacular spread of Pentecostalism in many parts of Africa is explained in terms of politics and the pursuit of modernity. However, Pentecostalism also carries with it a clear economic message of individual prosperity and enrichment within a local-global context. This development unfolds against the background of a serious economic crisis that has left few untouched and has retarded economic progress significantly. Although predictable and indeed foreseen, the crisis seems to have taken the government by surprise, since very little was done to avert or prepare for it. The crisis has exacerbated poverty,

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Pentecostalism is a faith within Evangelical Christianity. It believes in a personal

experience with God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38); the same as in

the Biblical account on the Day of Pentecost. Pentecostalism is similar to

the Charismatic groups, but it came about earlier and separated from the main church

branches. Charismatic Christians, at least in the beginning, tended to stay in

their denominations and did not divide away.

Cameroon particularly Buea, like other independent African states, constitutionally defends the

right to religious worship. As a consequence of this fundamental aspect of human rights, the

last decade has witnessed a proliferation of religious groups in the country, particularly in the

Anglophone Provinces, and most of them are Pentecostal in their theology. In the literature, the

recent spectacular spread of Pentecostalism in many parts of Africa is explained in terms of

politics and the pursuit of modernity. However, Pentecostalism also carries with it a clear

economic message of individual prosperity and enrichment within a local-global context. This

development unfolds against the background of a serious economic crisis that has left few

untouched and has retarded economic progress significantly. Although predictable and indeed

foreseen, the crisis seems to have taken the government by surprise, since very little was done

to avert or prepare for it. The crisis has exacerbated poverty, misery, unemployment, fear,

doubt and uncertainty among Cameroonians. Simultaneously, banks have been facing a lot of

liquidity problems and some have been liquidated. The state is faced with difficulties in paying

employees and in honouring its other obligations. Public and private institutions have laid off

personnel, and continue to do so, while this situation has been worsened as the recruitment of

new workers has been drastically reduced. The salaries of workers have been slashed several

times, and this has inflicted innumerable hardships on them and their families, with a sharp

increase in social insecurity

2. Belief

There are three types of Pentecostal churches. Most believe that one must be saved by

believing in Jesus as their Savior; to be forgiven for their sins and to be pleasing to God.

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Pentecostals also believe, like most other evangelicals, that the Bible is true and must

be obeyed in decisions of faith. In this majority group, speaking in tongues is the sign of

the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and is not required for salvation. To this group, the

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a supernatural gift for ministry that one receives after they

have become a Christian.

The other two groups believe in an "Acts 2:38" based salvation. This means a person

needs to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus. They then receive the Holy Spirit

(Holy Ghost). In this belief, the Holy Spirit is required for salvation; which

includes speaking in tongues. In this group, some Pentecostals churches baptize in the

name of Jesus only, and some baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy


Pentecostal churches believe that Jesus still heals the sick, with the power of the Holy



Distinctive doctrine

Pentecostals believe strongly in the baptism of the Holy Spirit that occurred on the day of

Pentecost amongst the early disciples.

Pentecostals believe physical illness should be treated through spiritual means. A good number

of them prefer praying to physically ill persons rather than taking them to the hospital.

Pentecostals vehemently condemn the baptism of children as a public profession of faith after



The Pentecostals, unlike other denominations, strongly believe in evangelization as a strong

weapon for converting ‘unbelievers’.

5. Some theories that can be use to explain the proliferation of Pentecostalism in Buea

These theories are:

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Evolution is a constant process of change form a simple to complex form as a result of

improvement. There is no society that remain stagnant. It is all in a bit to attain some level of


Also environmental factor can also bring about evolution. For instant economic situation can

bring about this. Proliferation of churches in Cameroon too could also be understood in this

like. It has been necessary because of the present crises currently faced by Cameroon economy.


The preoccupation with the globalization discourse in recent times has often

over- looked events in Africa as marginal to broad processes of global

transformations. Africa is seen as a continent with a ‘recipient culture’, with

little to contribute to the rest of the world. The turmoil that gripped Africa

in the last three decades of the twentieth century brought with it socio-

cultural changes. One aspect of these changes for many societies of non-

Muslim Africa was the emergence of Pentecostalism as one of the most

dynamic movements as well as a formidable force of change. This diffusion

has also happened very fast as result to media like the internet, television

stations and radio stations


Here we likened a society as system with parts each part having its own

function and the absent of one part brings about a malfunction in the

system. We you relate this to the explosion of churches in Cameron we will

see that each of them has a part to pay in the society especially in bring

about social order through the ethical moral doctrine it passes the


Structural functionalism

Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is a framework for building theory that sees

society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.

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[1] This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation, which is a broad focus on

the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like

organisms.[2] This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. The structural

functionalism approach is a macro sociological analysis, with a broad focus on social structures

that shape society as a whole. relating this to Pentecostalism we would see that they are social

structures or groups that do not just shape individuals in a group but the group as a whole.

6. Going away from the theories there is also another important aspect that cannot be left

out. This is Politic. Politic is found everywhere because is something which important in

every society. In a political system people try to be able to control for instance the social

welfare, economic situation of that country. Every state tries to see there is a kind of

political system which is aim at at satisfying its citizens. Democracy is just a guide in

achieving these results. In the Pentecostal world like the State authority try to see that

the aim of this churches are in ways that seek to bring about social control and also that

they are in line with the constitution. That is why the government holds that all the

churches in Cameroon must have an authorization to function else it would be

considered as illegal. That is have not met all the criteria for operation.

7. Conclusion

Having examine a brief history of pentacostalism in Africa and and Cameroon in

particular, we see that the movement has been one that can not only be understood

under one angle but different angles. The theories clearly justifies this statement.

Other factors like Politics, also exert a huge on on the proliferation of pentacostalism.

8. References

Barnard, A. 2000. History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge: CUP.

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Buma Kor, n. 1997. Revival Palaver in Bastos . Cockcrew, Yaounde.

Constantin, F. and Coulon, C. (eds.) 1997. Religion et Transition Democratique en

Afrique. Paris; Karthala. De Haes, R. 1992.

Devisch, R. 1996. The proliferation and persistence of new religious groups in the city of

Kinshasa: some case studies. In: New dimensions in African Christianity, Gifford, P. (ed.),

pp. 80-102. Nairobi (AACC).

Grant Wacker, (2001), Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture,

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA - An academic history of early


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1. Conclusion

2. References

Going away from the theories there is also another important aspect that

3. Some theories that can be use to explain the proliferation of Pentecostalism in Buea


5. Belief



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Course code: ANT603

Course title: Advanced Anthropological Though

Presented By



Course Instructor: Dr AKOKO MBE ROBERT