ant man final script

Ant Man Script Written by: Denis Lanor 0

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Page 1: Ant man final script

Ant Man Script

Written by: Denis Lanor


Page 2: Ant man final script

Heath Park Media productions



2.DR PYM: I need someone to be able a superhero and I think that you are the right choice for the suit

3. Sound: phone that is ringing in his pocket

4. SCOTT LANG No, I ain’t no superhero

5. IRON MAN We need you 6.SCOTT LANG You want me?

7.Iron MAN Yes we could do with a new member in the Avengers

8.SCOTT LANG But I haven’t got any skills required to defend myself

9.IRON MAN DR Pym can sort you out with that

10.DR PYM Are you ready to become a superhero?

11.SCOTT LANG I guess so

12.IRON I’m glad you are taking this opportunity; it is very rare that someone can become a superhero

13.DR PYM To let you know it will take abit of time to get used to

Sound: door slamming 14.SCOTT LANG This better be worth it


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15. IRON MAN It will be Scene Two: INT. PYM TECHNOLOGIES building

16.Sound: traffic in the city

17. Iron Man: There is this guy, yellow jacket you have to defeat him, the suit will allow you to this.

18. Scott Lang And what if I don’t defeat him?

19. Iron Man 1I know you can, I believe in you Scott.

20. Scott Lang The reason I’m going to do this is for my Son Jason, because I want her to know that her dad is a hero.

Scene Three: Stark Industries

21. Ant Man Whoa, Whoa, this is stark industries?

22.Tony Stark Yes, indeed Scott Lang and you can work for me.

23. Ant Man 23. So you think I’m perfect for this, being the head of security solution?

Tony Stark

24. To be honest Scott I like you and I always have. I need someone I can depend on and I believe I can trust you

Ant Man

25. You can rely me on Tony, but I don’t feel like I should be doing this, I mean I’m not even experienced as well into fighting.

Tony Stark


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25. Trust me, you do not have to worry about that, I will hire a top class professional to train you in a short of amount time.

Scott Lang

26. No sorry I can’t do this.

Scene Four: Outside Ex wife house

27. Walks Jason (son) home from school.Scott Lang

28. What you doing this weekend kid?Jason

29. Nothing much why?Scott Lang

30. Because remember that movie that you loved with the kids having to kill each other to survive? Jason Lang

31. Yeah Battle Royale

Scott Lang

32. Well I got us tickets to the Draft house which is on Saturday.

Jason Lang

33. Oh my GOD! Thank your dad, I really wanted to watch that movie, you’re the best in the world!

Scott Lang

34. Aha, it’s okay kid, just thought we spend more time together.

Scene Five: Outside ex wife house

35. There’s a knock in the door and man in black suit

Man in black suit


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36. May I please speak to Scott Lang Scott Lang 37. Why what I have done this time?

Man in black suit

38. come with me

38.Sound: Colleague from the car opens the car door, for Scott to get in.

39. Tony Stark visits Scott Lang in prison

40. Tony Stark hears that Scott Lang is back in prison through the radio at home and makes his own way to visit him in prison.

Tony Stark

41. Here is your suit, shrink yourself and escape the prison.

Scott Lang

42. Thank you Mr Stark how can I repay you?

Tony Stark

43. By fighting for me.


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Scott Lang

43.Sure Mr Stark

Sound: Shrinking sound from the suit

Ant Man: Woah this is awesome dude

Tony Stark: Quickly take yourself out the prison and meet me outside

Ant Man: OK sir

Sound: running and talking in the background

Iron Man: Hey quickly jump on my back I’m going to take you on a little flight

Sound: Jumps on the iron man suit