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Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Classical Music





Classical art music is mad in th traditions of wstrn music. Classical music as a trm was not usd until th 19th cntury. Though its hard to list charactristics that ar attributd to all works of classical music, thr ar fw charactristics that classical music contains that cannot b idntifid in othr gnrs of music. Thy includ:InstrumntationMost instrumnts usd in classical music ar ancint but wr codifid in th 18th and 19th cnturis. Ths instrumnts ar found in ithr an Orchstra or in a concrt band and also intgratd with svral solo instrumnts such as Piano. lctric guitars and th nods Martint appar svrally in modrn classical music. In ths concrts, thr is massiv us of solo instrumnts such as pianos, guitars as wll as drums. Circl of lif thrs us of piano, drums as wll as guitars.FormClassical music usually tnds to us highly sophisticatd forms of instrumntal music such as symphony, concrto, sonata tc. for instanc in th concrt Olympic fanfar thm 1984, it uss th form of chambr orchstra. This also applis for Amparito roca. Som of th concrts without conductors such as btls lov and buglars holiday can qualify for string orchstraSocity

Most of th classical music acts as a background music in movis, tlvision programms, advrtismnts and vnts. Lik Circl for lif is th background music for Lion king cartoon. Th Amparita roca is th thm song for Olympic gamsLitratur This is th charactristic which maks classical music to b outstanding. This is bcaus its rprtoir tnds to b writtn down in musical notations.

Also, improvisation of classical music has sn many advancs in this gnr. Classical music has an ducational valu in that, it can b usd to impart propr lif skills.Th Concrt

I attndd a magnitud 5 brass quintt and th Lancr concrt band concrt. I xprincd an xcllnt prformanc of classic music in a rlaxd and comfortabl atmosphr with a uniqu ambianc. Th concrts wr hld in xcptionally bautiful Rnaissanc buildings. Th modrn art that surroundd th concrt hall gav th classical concrt a vry spcial ambinc. Th Ultimat Guid to Classical Concrt tiqutt. Classical concrts ar diffrnt from rock, pop or jazz concrts. For on, classical concrts play an ntirly diffrnt gnr of music: classical. Mostly, classical concrts ar also hld in mor formal halls and vnus and on hardly finds anybody waring torn jans and snickrs on a classical concrt in as much th sam way as on cannot find anyon waring an aquamarin taffta gown in a rock concrt. Th atmosphr and th crowd ar also diffrnt.

In ths spcific concrts that I attndd, th audincs wor clan, dcnt or smi-formal attir appropriat to th rfind natur of th concrt and its vnu. Arriving bfor th tim was also a poin to not as it is also ssntial for classical concrt-gors. Unlik in an opn-spacd rock concrt whr you can squz in btwn prsons, classical concrt audincs ar usually satd formally in rows of chairs.

Ross and flowrs wr tossd onto th stag as a way of xprssing apprciation for th musical prformanc. Crtain calls such as "Bravo!" or "Brava!" and a standing ovation wr hard from th audinc indicating that thy truly likd th prformanc.

In ths concrts, rhythms wr widly varid and flxibl. A classical composition usually contains a walth of rhythmic pattrns. Th classical styl also includd unxpctd pauss, syncopations and frqunt changs from long nots to shortr ons. Furthrmor, th chang from on pattrn of not lngths to anothr fluctuatd, occurring both suddnly or gradually.