annual work plan & budget 2011-12 government of haryana directorate of elementary education...


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  • Slide 1

ANNUAL WORK PLAN & BUDGET 2011-12 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA DIRECTORATE OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PANCHKULA Slide 2 STATE PROFILE Districts - 21 Districts - 21 Division- 04 Division- 04 Blocks 119 Blocks 119 Population- 25353081 Population- 25353081 Area 44,212 Area 44,212 Literacy Rate- 76.64 % Literacy Rate- 76.64 % ( Up from 67.91% in 2003) Female Literacy rate Up 11.04% Child Sex Ratio- 830 Child Sex Ratio- 830 Slide 3 THE LAUNCH 2 nd October 1995 : 3 kg dry food grain/month 15 August 2004 : Cooked food in all primary schools October 2007 : Cooked food in middle schools in 36 EBBs 1 st April 2008 : Cooked food in all upper primary schools Slide 4 Schools Availing MDM Slide 5 Children Availing MDM Slide 6 FOODGRAINS AVAILABILITY AND UTILIZATION( in MTs) (UPTO 31 ST DEC 2010) Slide 7 UTILIZATION OF COOKING COST (in lacs) (UPTO 31 ST DEC 2010) Slide 8 UTILISATION OF HONORARIUM TO COOKS-CUM HELPERS (in lacs) (UPTO 31 ST DEC 2010) Slide 9 UTILIZATION OF TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE AND MME Rs in lacs (UPTO 31 ST DEC 2010) Slide 10 Proposal for MDMs: 2011-12 (Rs in lacs) PrimaryUpper Primary Total Children13789026338792012781 working days 233 Cost of Foodgrains 16871163.52850.50 Slide 11 Continue.. PrimaryUpper Primary Total Cooking Assistance 9285.004796.4014081.40 Honorarium to Cooks 3618.003324.386942.38 Transport Assistance 241.00166.20407.20 MME266.96170.11437.06 Total15097.969620.5924718.55 Slide 12 Slide 13 RECIPES SERVED UNDER MID DAY MEAL Sr NoRecipesSr NoRecipes 1Vegetable Pulao9Roti & Dal 2Paushtik Khichri10Stuff Paratha, 3Dal Chawal11Sweet Dalia 4Kari Chawal12Wheat Savien 5Rice & Black Chana 13Rice & White Chana 6Sweet Kheer14Rice and Rajmah 7Roti and seasonal Vegetable 15Roti & Potato Mater 8Wheat Halwa with Black Chana 16Stuffed Parantha (Seasonal Vegetable Slide 14 Initiatives.. Training to Self Help Group members at block level Slide 15 SHGsTraining in Kaithal District Slide 16 Initiatives Monitoring cell at District and block level Monitoring cell at State level with dedicated telephone number and email address Advertisement inserted in major newspapers regarding telephone number and email address Helpline numbers 0172-3262073 and Email address [email protected] Slide 17 ADVERTISEMENT INSERTED IN THE NEWSPAPERS Slide 18 Continue.. Preparation and distribution of Mid Day Meal through SHGs in most of the Government Schools. ISCKON Involved in preparation and distribution of Mid Day Meal in Faridabad, Palwal and Kurukshetra District. School Health Check up Program by NRHM. Slide 19 Issues Funding of state specific MDM Monitoring Project as MME is insufficient Cooking cost insufficient due to increase in prices of ingredients Cooking equipments needs to be replaced Containers need to be provided in the schools for safe upkeep of Food grains Slide 20 Achievements.. Sense of accountability and responsibility in the parents, students, society and teachers. Slide 21 Continue.. Day Meal is served in all the schools on all the school days. Slide 22 Continue.. Sensitivity about the scheme in all the stake holders But there is long long way to go Slide 23