annual report 2018 - skw · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • introduction of the...

Annual Report 2018

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Page 1: Annual Report 2018 - SKW · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal

Annual Report


Page 2: Annual Report 2018 - SKW · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal


Annual Report 2018



Preamble 3


Swiss Legislation 4

Legislation on Cosmetics 4

Revisions of the Swiss 6 Legislation on Chemicals

Incentive Fee on Volatile Organic 7 Compounds (VOC)

“Swiss Made” Ordinance for Cosmetics 8

Meetings and Events

Compliance with Anti-Trust Laws 9

General Assembly 10

Managing Board 10

SKW Stakeholder Council 10

Technical Committees 10

Working Group Professional Cleaning 11

Working Group Professional Hair Care 11

Working Group Swissness and Export 11

SKW Conference of Managing 11 Directors


Developing and Maintaining Contacts 12

Politics 13

Authorities 13

National Associations 14 and Organisations

International Associations 15 and Organisations


Voice of the Industry 18

Media Work 19

Consumer Information “Geschirrspülen” 19

Reactivation of the Working Group 19 Communication

SKW Service Survey 20

Social Media 20




Attractive Package 21

Advice for Members 21

Information for Members 22 and Stakeholders

Information for International 22 Companies and Organisations

Free Sale Certificates 22

Exports and Trade Shows 22

ARGUSavenue 22


Our Point of View 23

Sustainability Projects of the 23 Companies and the Industry


Cosmetics Market 24

Detergent and Cleaning Agent Market 25


Membership Development 26

Membership List 26

Organisation 27

Committee / Working Group Members 27

Agencies 33

Organisation Chart 34

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Thomas Früh

President SKW


Annual Report 2018



This year has gone in a flash – the most com-mon statement made by many friends and colleagues at the end of the year! And it is true: 2018 is history!

2018 was an interesting year which challenged our association and its activities and at the same time got us fit for the future.

A constant stream of new laws and changing perceptions of Swiss citizens challenged each and every one of our employees as well as our representatives of interests in the political sector.

“A problem found is a problem solved” – this is the motto of the political sector and society for tackling the major topics. In view of the quantity and complexity of the problems, the aim to close every “construction site” as quickly as possible is entirely understandable. But unfortunately this is not how it works.

When an important topic becomes a problem and “action” is required, it appears important to me to check more than just the plausibility of correlations. In my opinion, it is far more important to include their effects in the deli-berations and take their relevance into conside-ration in a comparison to implement the right measures that actually are of use. Do you regard this as natural? Me too – but this is exactly what seems to be forgotten at times in the debates.

To give an example:

• Plausibility – Microplastic particles are (still) found in toothpaste.• Effect – Do these particles enter the cycle through our waste water purification plants?• Relevance – Is a relevant quantity entering the bodies of water?

Microplastic is created thousand fold through car tyre wear and washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Disposable tablewa-re is added to the waste cycle in most of Euro-pe. Is related microplastic entering the world’s oceans? What is true, what is relevant?

As an association, asking these questions and creating relations will be a major part of our agenda for the coming years. It will not be enough to wait in the “trenches” until a topic arises and combat it as quickly as possible in response. No – we must proactively approach

these issues and ask the right questions to create “true positions”. Because the topics we are going to be faced with affect us all and can only be solved in a joint effort. And to do so, the relations must be right.

I am particularly pleased that our association will be holding the first “Information Day Pack-aging and Environment” in 2019 with the aim of objectively evaluating the environmental topics that society is faced with, such as pack-aging and recycling, raw materials and the en-vironment as well as microplastic, and putting them in relation to provide objective infor- mation and incentives on the best way to ap-proach these topics.

For us, as an association, this means that we must endeavour to remain objective during the debate and that we always have to retain sound judgement when dealing with current issues – regardless from which direction they are coming at us. We must never lose track of the questions of plausibility, effect and relevance.

We are continuing to build on the past suc-cesses regarding the revision of the Cosmetics and Chemicals legislation, the VOC incentive fee or prevention of furocoumarines in cosme-tics preparations and ensure that topics are recognised in good time so that we are well prepared. In the interest of our innovative in-dustry and in the interest of consumers!

This requires a lot of work – and for that we are grateful! First and foremost, I would there- fore like to sincerely thank Dr. Bernard Cloëtta, our Director, his effective team and the entire Managing Board for the positive cooperation and achievement of our targets!

And I would like to thank you, esteemed SKW member companies, for your loyalty and trust and for actively supporting our association’s work!

Thomas Früh, President




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Annual Report 2018



Legislation on Cosmetics

The “dynamic references” to the annexes of the EC Cosmetics Directive in the new Swiss Cosmetics Legislation facilitate a comprehen-sive and permanent harmonisation of both legal systems. Legal amendments of the EU legisla-tion can now be implemented in Switzerland simultaneously and with matching content.

By implementing a special regulation for furo-coumarines in Article 6 (1) OCos, the legislator unfortunately created a significant difference to EU legislation by extending the 1mg/kg limit on the furocoumarines content to all products that may be exposed to sunlight. In the EU, this affects only sun protection and self-tanning pro-ducts. This resulted in great legal uncertainty for products such as creams, lip, hair and nail products as well as perfumes, eaux de toilette and deodorants.



ion Swiss Legislation

Regarding the Cosmetics legislation, the focus was on combating the Swiss special regulation for furocoumarines issued by the Federal Admini- strative Court as well as the ban of aluminium salts in deodorants considered by the FSVO as a result of a parliamentary motion.

Regarding the Environmental and Chemicals legislation, microplastic and the enactment of the revised Chemicals Act and Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance respectively were the current topics to which the SKW responded by issuing statements and providing comprehensive information.

During the process of aboli-shing the VOC incentive fee, the Council of States accepted a watered-down version of the Wobmann motion, which keeps the fee in place, but demands a simplification of the administrative process for companies.

After the “Swiss Made” Ordinance for Cosmetics had come into effect on 1 January 2017, activities in 2018 prima- rily focused on the cooperation of the associations and the Swiss Federal Institute of Intel-lectual Property to enforce the protection of “Swiss Made” products abroad.

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“The SKW is a dedicated

industry association. Thanks

to its great expertise and

good network, it has

managed to successfully

fend off governmental

import restrictions on

furocoumarines products.”

Dr. Felix Kesselring

LL.M., Attorney at Law,

CMS von Erlach Poncet AG


Annual Report 2018



The Cassis-de-Dijon principle generally makes it possible to launch EU-compliant products in Switzerland even if they do not fully meet Swiss regulations. On 25 September 2017, the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) pro-hibited this option by issuing a general decree on furocoumarines.

The SKW and various member companies laun-ched a complaint against this action with the Federal Administrative Court. The SKW coordi-nated the proceedings and talks between the industry representatives and the FSVO with the following results:

• The FSVO repealed the general decree stated above on 3 July 2018. The Cassis- de-Dijon principle, which had been suspended by the FSVO, can therefore be applied again.

• The industry representatives then withdrew the complaint before the Federal Administrative Court.

• On 22 January 2019, the FSVO redefined the text of Article 6 (1) OCos to the effect that perfumes, eaux de toilette and Eau de Cologne are explicitly excluded from the limit on the furocoumarines content of less than 1 mg/kg.

• The scope of application for other products is stated in more detail in the explanations on the FSVO website. The following products are not affected by this regulation (list is non-conclusive): • Nail care products and cosmetics • Hair treatment products • Dental and oral care products • Deodorants • Night care products • Rinse-off products

The FSVO states that it plans to include the new regulation of Article 6 (1) OCos in the list of ex- ceptions in the Federal Act on Technical Barri-ers to Trade (Ordinance on the Placing on the Market of Products Manufactured According to Foreign Technical Regulations and their Moni- toring on the Market – CdDO). This will require a hearing procedure and take some time. The Cassis-de-Dijon principle remains applicable until a new regulation comes into effect.

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Annual Report 2018



The “BAG Abgrenzungspapier”, in existence since 2010, which differentiates cosmetics from medical and biocidal products, continues to be reviewed according to the information provi-ded by the FSVO. The SKW has submitted a comprehensive statement regarding this matter containing the industry’s key concerns and is interested in cooperating closely with the FSVO with regard to this dossier.

There is generally great legal uncertainty when it comes to claims, not least because of the diffe-rent interpretations of the regulations adopted from the EU by the cantonal enforcement agen- cies. This became apparent at the various SKW events, including at the meeting of the Techni-cal Committees on 7 November and at a confe- rence of experts on the topic of claims held in conjunction with the Association KS/CS Com-munication Switzerland on 23 August in Zurich.

Revisions of the Swiss Legislation on Chemicals

Revision of the Swiss Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO)

On 1 March 2018, various amendments to the ChemO came into effect.

• The Chemicals Ordinance now requires a specific notification requirement for synthetic fibre or tubular nanomaterials which are launched as such. Under the new regulation, the notification require- ments apply within a period of three months from the initial launch.

• Intermediate products had been exempt from the notification requirements in the past, but are subject to notification requirements in the EU. As from 1 March 2018, intermediate products with hazardous characteristics that are marketed in Switzerland with volumes in excess of 100 kg per year must also be reported in Switzerland. This measure ensures, among other things, that the Tox Info Suisse physicians (emergency number 145) are able to recommend the correct measures.

• To make it even easier to identify products, a unique formula identifier (UFI) must be stated on the packaging and during regis tration in the future. This affects certain hazardous products sold to private persons. The transition period for this new provision expires at the end of 2021. The FOPH has been working on the practical implemen- tation of this regulation for some time, resulting in less time being available to correctly implement it in the industry. This is undesirable and the SKW therefore intervened with the FOPH.

The following revision points were not imple-mented during the revision of the ChemO, par-ticularly due to the statements of the industry and the cantons:

• Amendment to the definition of the term “nanomaterial”

• Amendment to the limits on quantities sold, particularly in schools

• Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials

Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal Products (OBP)

Various active substances for biocidal products were once again affected by licensing or non- licensing decisions in the active substances list in 2018 (Annex 2 to the Ordinance on Biocidal Products – OBP).

In the case of a license being approved, the transitional licenses ZN or ZB for products with the corresponding active substances must be replaced with new product licenses or appro-vals. In the case of an active substance not being licensed, products containing this substance must be recalled. The Notification Authority for Chemicals will write to the holders of affected licenses.

Various SKW member companies complained that it takes too long to register biocidal pro-ducts. The SKW also contacted the FOPH regard- ing this matter.

“For us, the SKW is

the most important

contact in the industry.

The association initiated

a direct exchange with

FOEN to discuss questions

regarding the provisions

on substances stable in the

atmosphere in accordance

with ORRChem, then

forwarded the findings

within the association.”

Dr. sc. nat.Christoph Moor

Head of Air Purity

and Chemicals,

Federal Office for the

Environment FOEN

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Annual Report 2018



Revisions of the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORRChem)

In the 8th ATP of the European CLP Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals, amendments to the glo-bal UN GHS are implemented. As of 1 Febru- ary 2018, Switzerland amended various classi- fication and labelling regulations with regard to several hazard classes, particularly for the effects on skin and eyes. The safety notices (P sentences) have also been comprehensively amended. Previously launched products may only be sold for a further two years at the longest.

In the 9th ATP of the CLP Regulation, 26 new substances with a harmonised classification were included in Annex VI. The previously harmo- nised classes were amended for 22 additional substances. Since 1 March 2018, substances and preparations containing these substances may only be sold with the new classification and labelling. The entries for bisphenol A (BPA) and diisobutyl phthalate (DBP) were also amended. Various active substances in biocidal products are also affected.

15 substances were added to the list of carci-nogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction substances (CMR substances) in Annex 1.10 to the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORR-Chem). These are substances that were classi-fied correspondingly in one of the recent ATPs to the CLP Regulation. Formaldehyde was in-cluded in the annex. The amendment to Annex XVII REACH through Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1510 was thus adopted in Swiss law. Since 1 September 2018, the affected substanc- es must no longer be sold to the general public on their own or in preparations (typically as from a concentration of 0.3 percent, but sometimes from an even lower value).

In the 10th ATP of the CLP Regulation, 24 new substances with a harmonised classification were included in Annex VI. The previously harmo- nised classes were amended for 13 additional substances.

Incentive Fee on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

The SKW as well as other affected industry associations have been generally questioning the use of the VOC incentive fee for quite some time. The incentive target was achieved a while back. Nevertheless the affected products con-tinue to be made unnecessarily more expensive without achieving any incentive effect. This rise in costs increases the attractiveness of purchas- ing products in neighbouring countries.

The motion of National Councillor Walter Wob-mann, “Abolition of the VOC incentive fee” was approved by the National Council on 9 March 2017 despite the Federal Council recom- mending rejecting it.

On 27 September 2018, the Council of States approved a watered-down version of the Wob- mann motion according to which the VOC in- centive fee is to be generally kept. However, the Federal Council is ordered to amend the VOC ordinance “so as to reduce administrative expenses for its execution as much as possible whilst maintaining the level of protection”. As a result of this solution the tightening of the Ordinance on Air Pollution Control, which was put up for discussion by FOEN in the run-up, was no longer an agenda item.

The Federal Council aims for the revised VOC ordinance to become effective on 1 January 2023. The Federal Administration plans to hold workshops with the users from the economic and administrative sectors in 2019 and 2020.

The SKW has set up the “Expert Team VOC” in response. Its members include importers and Swiss manufacturers. This expert team is to put forward the issues relevant to our industry re-garding the required simplification of adminis-trative efforts during the impending talks and workshops with the authorities.

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Annual Report 2018



“Swiss Made” Ordinance for Cosmetics

Implementation abroad

After the new Swissness legislation had come into effect on 1 January 2017, the enforcement of the new provisions abroad was the main concern of Swiss manufacturers. The improper or incorrect use of the “Swiss Made” label of origin and/or Swiss flags on products are found time and time again, particularly in the Asian markets as well as in Europe, USA and Canada. The new provisions can only be applied directly in the Swiss region. However, international trea- ties and further options for combating misuse abroad are in place.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Pro- perty (IIP) coordinates the efforts of the affected industry associations against misuse abroad. It engages in dialogues with foreign competition authorities and in specific cases requests for Switzerland’s diplomatic representation in the respective country to inform the companies committing these violations of the misuse of the Swiss crest and/or Swiss cross, block market regi- strations and notify the affected industry asso- ciations in Switzerland.

The SKW is a member of the “Network Legal En-forcement Swissness” coordinated by the IIP, whose members come from numerous industry associations with Swiss manufacturers. On 10 September 2018, the “Network” resolved to in- stitutionalise the cooperation between the as-sociations and the IIP and to centrally manage and publish the results of the monitoring of market registrations ( In the long term, it has to be reviewed if the legislation should be jointly enforced abroad by the IIP and associations or by interested third parties.

As expected, the most frequent interventions took place in China, followed by India, Argen-tina, USA and various EU countries. These ac-tions were successful. In the past five years, almost 400 cases were decided in favour of the

intervention by the IIP and hundreds of pro-ducts seized. The IIP also intervened in more than 400 cases in Switzerland. However, the number of misuses remains very high.

Positive list of raw materials

The SKW maintains a positive list of raw materi- als and preparations used for cosmetics manu- factured in Switzerland. The terms and conditions of this list are available on the SKW website. It will be switched live as soon as the first entry is received.

Interested suppliers of raw materials produced in Switzerland are welcome to register their pro- ducts. This list provides significant advantages in the market for the sale of their “Swiss Made” cosmetics. If a substance is entered in the list, the manufacturers of cosmetics products may assume that the respective substance is availa-ble in Switzerland in sufficient quantities and at a constant quality in accordance with the in-formation provided by their manufacturers.

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Annual Report 2018

Meetings and Events




s an

d Ev

entsCompliance with

Anti-Trust Laws

Associations provide unique platforms where their members can obtain and exchange information on professional and legal mat-ters as well as stakeholder concerns and media topics. This is the only way for an industry to clearly voice the mutual concerns of the companies and successfully represent them.

Controlled and strict compliance with the rules of anti-trust and compe-tition law as well as other compliance regulations is crucial in this respect.

Therefore, strict compli-ance rules apply for all SKW events. This enables the participants to use the unique service and know-ledge platform and the association's network in a secure environment and without reservations.

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Annual Report 2018

Meetings and Events


General Assembly

The General Assembly took place on 26 April 2018 at the Giesserei Oerlikon in Zurich. The discussion primarily focused on statutory trans- actions. Ralf Brüngger, Diversey, Thierry Mous-seigne, Unilever, and Ingo Tanger, Beiersdorf, were elected as new members of the Mana-ging Board.

Thomas Früh, intracosmed, was confirmed as President for a further year. The previous mem- bers of the Board Committee, Marco Baumann, Rausch, and Ralf T. Gehlen, P & G, were also re-elected.

Dominik Stocker, The Nielsen Company, talked about the market environment in the Swiss near food sector. The title of the talk was “What is the New Reality in Swiss Beauty & Cleaning?”

The Administrative Office provided information on the status of the discussions about the VOC incentive fee (Wobmann motion), the newly set up SKW expert team “Packaging and Environ- ment”, the status of the SKW complaint to the Federal Administrative Court against the Swiss special regulation for furocoumarines and the ongoing complaint against Tamedia / Le Matin before the Swiss Commission for Fair- ness against a defamatory advertisement for natural cosmetics.

In the public part, David Zaruk, professor at the Saint-Louis University in Brussels, presented the topic “Navigating the Activist Playbook”.

Managing Board

The Managing Board met on 22 March (to-pics: finances, membership for consultants, complaint against Tamedia / Le Matin, pre-paration of the General Assembly) and on 3 December (2019 targets, finances, SKW and social media, claims, evaluation of the SKW service analysis).

SKW Stakeholder Council

The Stakeholder Council met on 5 September at Steinfels Swiss in Winterthur. Following a tour of the premises, the attendants discussed the following topics:

• Recycling of packaging (PET, plastic, glass, spray cans)

• Natural cosmetics

• Microplastic

• VOC incentive fee

• Claims (promised effects – protection against deception)

• SKW projects

Technical Committees

On 7 November, the meetings of the two Tech- nical Committees took place at the Novotel Zurich City West. The following persons held talks at the Technical Committee Cosmetics:

• Dr. Bernard Cloëtta (SKW): Information on the Swiss Cosmetics Act

• Dr. Christian Gründling (FCIO): Update on EU cosmetics legislation

• Petra Hüsler (LUZI AG / SFFIA): Regulatory requirements in the fragrance industry

• Introduction of the St. Jakob Foundation by Ivan Skender

The following persons held talks at the Technical Committee Cleaning Agents and Detergents:

• Dr. Christian Gründling (FCIO): Update on EU chemicals legislation

“The SKW has a strong

national and international

network and therefore

provides valuable support

for Steinfels Swiss. We

have access to all relevant

industry information. We

receive competent and

prompt advice in response

to our individual queries.

The association also pools

the interests of its members

and significantly increases

awareness among the

general public and in the

political sector.”

Christian Koch

CEO Steinfels Swiss

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“As an official export

sponsor, we greatly value

the close cooperation

with the SKW – our joint

aim is to increase the

competitiveness of our

exporting companies

even further.”

Daniel Bont

Senior Consultant China,

Hong Kong, Taiwan

Switzerland Global Enterprise


Annual Report 2018

Meetings and Events


• Sascha Nissen (A.I.S.E.): Product Environmental Footprint PEF & Update “Charter for Sustainable Cleaning”

• Dominique Werner (scienceindustries): Update on VOC / Swiss environmental legislation

An experience exchange took place at the end of each talk. For further information on these subjects, please go to “Legislation”.

Working Group Professional Cleaning

The Working Group Professional Cleaning met on 19 September at the EuroAirport Business Center, Saint-Louis Cedex (F). According to the information provided by the office, the vari-ous statistics of this working group were dis-cussed.

Dr. Yves Parrat, Chemicals Inspector Cantonal Laboratory of Basel-Stadt, presented the topic “Legislation for professional cleaning agents – concerns of the law enforcement agency regar- ding the industry and vice versa”.

Working Group Professional Hair Care

The Working Group Professional Hair Care held their annual meeting on 14 November at the Sorell Hotel Zürichberg. Damien Ojetti, Presi-dent of coiffureSUISSE and André Forrer, Ma-naging Director, were present at the meeting.

The main topic of discussion was the joint pro- jects with coiffureSUISSE, particularly the newly negotiated contract with the sponsoring pool “Hairdressing for Tranees” and the interest group “Club des Amis de l‘ Equipe Suisse (CAES)”.

Working Group Swissness and Export

The former Working Group Swissness and ERFA Export were merged and now continue under the new name “Working Group Swissness and Export”.

Its members met on 7 June at the Novotel Zurich City West. The meeting commenced with an update on cosmetics legislation in China by Gerald Renner, Cosmetics Europe, and the free trade agreement between Switzerland and China by Sébastien Martin, SECO. This was fol- lowed by an information talk on various dis-tribution channels in China by Daniel Bont, Switzerland Global Enterprise, and cosmetics exports to Iran (Thomas Früh, President SKW).

It continued with information on the markets in Japan and South Korea by Jacqueline Tschumi, Switzerland Global Enterprise, and on the posi- tive list of raw materials and enforcement of the protection of Swissness abroad by Dr. Simon Holzer, MLL. The meeting concluded with infor- mation on participation in trade fairs and exhi- bitions by Hanspeter Hunziker, Delta Blue.

SKW Conference of Managing Directors

The SKW Conference of Managing Directors on the topic “Compliance Update” took place on 26 September at the Hotel Sheraton, Zurich. The agenda contained information on amend-ments and addendums to the Swiss Cosmetics and Chemicals legislation, current specialist topics (furocoumarines, aluminium salts, mic-roplastic, preservatives, plastic recycling, etc.) and information relating to communication (media topics, relaunch of the Working Group Communication, concerns of member compa-nies). In the main part, Dr. Felix Schraner, at-torney at law, presented the key amendments and addendums in anti-trust and competition law and data protection legislation.

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Annual Report 2018





k Developing and Maintaining Contacts

The development and main-tenance of a comprehensive network with all relevant stakeholders and partnerorganisations at national and international level is the primary task of an association manager.

The SKW has been very successfully mastering this task for some time. Our managing director maintains and continuously expands his national and international contacts with stakeholders.

Below is a short overview of the key topics and contacts in the reporting period.

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Annual Report 2018




• Various coordination talks were held with interested associations. As a result, mutually reconciled information was provided to members of Parliament in connection with the Wobmann motion, “Abolition of the VOC incentive fee”.

• Coordination of the industry’s position with economiesuisse and Promarca on the topics “Revision of anti-trust law” and “Swiss island of high prices” (Hochpreis- insel Schweiz).

• Coordination of the political preparations for the Swiss special regulation for furo- coumarines to fight this massive trade barrier and deliberate restriction of the Cassis-de-Dijon principle in the cosmetics industry, if necessary also at a political level.


Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO)

• Various discussions on the Swiss special regulation for furocoumarines between the industry and the FSVO. See information in the “Legislation” section for further details.

• General exchange with the FSVO on mutual concerns of the authorities and industry on 13 February.

Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)

• Submission of a statement issued by the SKW on microplastic.

• Dialogue with the FOEN and Swiss Water Association (VSA) on the topic of surface water on 8 June.

• Information on a project by ETH Zurich on surfactants in sewage sludge which is to be submitted to the FOEN.

Functional Commission for the VOC Incentive Fee

• Attendance of the managing director at the meeting of the Functional Commission for the VOC Incentive Fee on 10 December.

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

• This government agency is SKW’s most important contact for the revision of the Chemicals Act. We represent interests in coordination with our partner associations.

• Discussion with Dr. Roland Charrière, the deputy director of FOPH, regarding the concerns of the industry in connection with the execution and revisions of the Chemicals Act on 20 September.

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

• The trade war between the USA and EU impacted the cosmetics industry as the USA imposed penalty customs duties on the imports of some product categories. We corresponded with SECO to clarify the potential effects of these sanctions on the EU for Switzerland. We tried to establish, for instance, if Switzerland is going to adopt the EU’s retorsion measures (additional customs duties on certain US cosmetics) or assume an autonomous position.

• The SKW issued a statement in response to SECO’s enquiry pertaining to the trade barrier with China with view to a conference of the WTO’s Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee in Geneva in June.

Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IIP)

Experience exchange with the IIP and interes-ted associations and written statement on the topic of coordination of the legal enforcement measures for misuses of the “Swiss Made” label of origin and/or use of the Swiss flag on foreign products on 10 September and 20 November.

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“Since taking office in

August 2018, I have already

had the pleasure of

contacting the SKW, and

Mr. Cloëtta in particular,

several times and also

of ‘negotiating’ new

contractual matters.

At the end of 2018, we

agreed on a professional and

stringent draft contract for

the sponsoring pool of the

hairdressing industry which

will remain of great financial

importance for the industry

with regard to trainee


I would like to sincerely

thank the SKW and

Mr. Cloëtta for the trusting

cooperation and am

confident that we will

continue to develop this

extremely successful

partnership in the future.”

André Forrer

Managing Director



Annual Report 2018



National Associations and Organisations


The managing director attended various mee-tings, including meetings of the Competition Commission on the coordination of the in-dustry associations in terms of anti-trust and competition law.

scienceindustries and Swiss Association for the Coating and Paint Industry

Various coordination meetings were held in Zurich on current political and legal topics as well as the VOC incentive fee. Please go to the “Legislation” section for further details in this respect.


A meeting was held on 20 September in Bern to discuss joint projects, activities and mutual concerns regarding professional hair care.

The Swiss Cosmetics Association SFK

Coordination meeting with the president and managing director on 15 October to respond to questions of the cosmetics institutions to the industry and to deal with media topics.

swiss export

Representing 50 Swiss manufacturing compa- nies, the “swiss export day” on 24 May at Stöckli Swiss Sports AG, Malters, was an important event that provided valuable information and contacts.

The Swiss Flavour and Fragrance Industry Association (SFFIA)

The continuous exchange of information on all matters relating to perfumes and odorants is extremely important to the SKW, as these raw materials are contained in a large number of products and are subject to extensive and con- stantly changing regulation.

Working Group of Swiss Disinfectant Providers (ADA)

Participation in the information exchange on 18 October on legal and specialist topics at Zurich Airport.

Helvetic Association for Cosmetic Ingredients (HCI)

Continuous exchange and meeting with the managing director on 6 September on the pro- fessional cooperation between raw materials suppliers and the cosmetics industry. Coordina- tion of the numerous discussions on ingredients in cosmetics.

Association KS/CS Communication Switzerland

Joint practical workshop on 23 August in Zurich for journalists and SKW member companies. The managing director of SKW, Judith Deflorin from the FSVO and Dr. iur Marc Schwenninger from the Swiss Commission for Fairness held talks about legal aspects of claims and cosme-tics advertising under the heading “Cosmetics advertising without worry lines” (Kosmetik-werbung ohne Sorgenfalten). St. Jakob Foundation

The SKW cooperates with the St. Jakob Foun-dation, a workshop for disabled persons and company with a social and economic focus. The main objective is to promote self-worth in people with disabilities by engaging them in target-driven work which reflects the labour market.

The foundation provides interesting services for SKW members. Its employees fill bulk goods into containers under GMP conditions, pick and pack the products and send them to customers.

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“The SKW is committed

to integrity and therefore

fair market conditions

in the commercial

communications of its


Dr. Marc Schwenninger

Legal Consultant

Association KS/CS

Communication Schweiz


Annual Report 2018



Swiss Recycling

At the stakeholder meeting with Swiss Recyc-ling on 28 March, participants exchanged expe- riences on impending initiatives in the recycling sector, the industry, trade sector and various NGOs.

• The meeting was attended by recycling organisations, the industry, the trade sector, representatives of the Association of Towns and Municipalities (Städte- und Gemeindeverband) and the FOEN in the capacity of an observer.

• The focus was on clarifying the need for developing a “selective” recycling system, aligned with the requirements in the market and projects of the EU and industry associations. The aim is to include the entire supply chain and prevent government control.

• It was resolved to found the “Alliance Design for Recycling Plastics” for useful plastic recycling with all stakeholders.

Alliance Design for Recycling Plastics

The “Alliance Design for Recycling Plastics” is a link between the public sector, associations, NGOs and private sector. The cooperation with- in the industry and all participants along the entire value added chain (raw materials suppliers, packaging manufacturers, food and consumer goods industry, retailers and wholesalers, collec-tion systems, recycling companies) is the only proper way forward to create a unanimous un-derstanding and coordinated implementation of these matters on a voluntary basis and wit-hout legal intervention.

The alliance promotes, and is committed to, high-quality plastic recycling because there is only demand for high-quality recycling and de- mand is a key element: Cycles are only closed and benefit is created for the environment if recyclates are reused.

The SKW is a founding member and network partner of the “Alliance Design for Recycling Plastics”.

Various NGOs

• Information exchange with “Twenty Fifty” on the topic “National action plan for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.

• Attendance of the general meeting of the Fachverband Elektroapparate für Haushalt und Gewerbe Schweiz FEA (Swiss Associ- ation for Household and Industrial Electrical Appliances) on 26 April.

• Information exchange with IG Detailhandel Schweiz on questions on the execution of the new Cosmetics Act on 6 April and 30 November.

• Attendance of various meetings of the Managing Board of the Swiss Associations Managers (SAM).

• Various coordination talks with Promarca, the association of brand manufacturers, on questions relating to anti-trust and competition law.

International Associations and Organisations

Cosmetics Europe – Active Association Members (AAM)

The managing director attended the AAM con- ference on 11 September in Berlin. Coordination of the topics of microplastic, raw materials and environmental issues.

Participation in the Task Force China, which co-ordinates the cooperation between Cosmetics Europe and the Chinese government agencies regarding legislative activities.

A.I.S.E. – National Associations Commitee (NAC)

The managing director attended the NAC con- ference on 12 September in Berlin.

The SKW provided information to the Swiss government agencies on developments of the “Charter for Sustainable Cleaning” and the

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The managing director held a talk at the 47th conference of cosmetics experts of the BDIH “Bundesverband Deutscher Industrie- und Han- delsunternehmen für Arzneimittel, Reformwa- ren, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und kosmetische Mittel e.V.” (Federal Association of German In- dustry and Trade for Pharmaceuticals, Organic Products, Nutritional Supplements and Cosme-tics Products) on 13 December in Mannheim on the topic “Cosmetics Market Switzerland”.

Look Good Feel Better Switzerland

Look Good Feel Better is represented globally in 26 countries. In 2005, various cosmetics com- panies in Switzerland joined forces and foun-ded the Look Good Feel Better Switzerland foundation, which is registered as a charity.

The Partners Lunch on 16 May in Zurich was held to honour the voluntary activities of all sponsors, members of the foundation’s council, executi-ves and team members.

The managing director of SKW attended va-rious meetings in his role as member of the Board of Trustees.

further sustainability initiatives of A.I.S.E., also on “DetNet”, the industry network for GHS/CLP classification, which is accepted by the Swiss government agencies as industry-specific so- lution for the implementation of bridging prin-ciples.

International Associations Collaboration (IAC)

Industry associations and international cor-porations from all over the world have joined forces in the IAC. The aim is to exchange in-formation and coordinate activities relating to legislation, law enforcement and communica-tion on a global scale. The IAC provides an ex-cellent opportunity to maintain global contacts and develop the international network.

At the meeting on 12 June in Brussels, partici- pants primarily discussed the international co-ordination and experience exchange on global media topics, NGO campaigns and legislative activities.

Various webinars were held throughout the year, which were attended by the managing directors.

Cos D-A-CH (Hu-Ro)

The annual meeting of the German-speaking associations in the cosmetics sector with the as-sociations in Hungary and Romania was held on 21 August in Bucharest. Topics included current professional and regulatory matters and the coordination of communication in the cosme-tics sector.

German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW)

The managing director attended the IKW mem- ber meeting on 3 May in Frankfurt am Main and the “Cosmetics Business” trade fair in Munich on 7 June.

“Cosmetics Europe depends

on its national members to

provide support and advice

across a range of key issues

facing our industry. The SKW

is a highly active and reliable

partner for us – not least

because frequently issues

and challenges arise in Swit-

zerland before they become

topics of pressing concern

at EU level, recent examples

being aluminium salts and

furocoumarines. The skill and

diligence with which those

issues are managed in Swit-

zerland is important for the

European industry as a who-

le, and the SKW’s role has

been vital in this respect.”

John Chave


Cosmetics Europe

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Comments from workshop


“Ein sehr guter Anlass, viele

fröhliche Gesichter und

guter Austausch unterei-

nander. Danke für die Zeit

und die Beratung.”

“Je voulais vous remercier

pour cet après-midi de

maquillage, j’ai eu beau-

coup de plaisir et je me

suis sentie revalorisée et

contente d’avoir tous ces

conceils, merci aussi pour

la trousse de maquillage.

Bravo à toutes ces béné-

voles qui font ce travail,

cela m’a fait chaud au


“I have learned so much

about make-up and I

feel beautiful plus I had

a lot of fun, thank you

very much.”


Annual Report 2018



Look Good Feel Better – The Success Story Continues

In 2018, the Look Good Feel Better foundation continued its success story. More than 1,100 cancer sufferers attended one of the more than 180 free-of-charge workshops which the foun-dation held throughout Switzerland last year.

At the same time, Look Good Feel Better ope-ned a new chapter in 2018. Johanna Ruys, the long-standing president of the foundation who founded Look Good Feel better in Switzerland in 2005 and developed it over the years retired from her position in mid-May 2018. She was succeeded by Maike Kiessling, CEO of Estée Lauder GmbH Switzerland, who became the new president of the Board of Trustees. New managing director Dunja Kern has been ma-naging the foundation with lots of commit-ment, drive and energy since 1 July 2018. The-se new faces are a breath of fresh air within the foundation. They plan to develop the pro-gramme and to also offer workshops for men and expand the programme to include ado-lescents in the future. The foundation is loo-king for additional partners and is significantly increasing its fundraising activities to ensure that Look Good Feel Better will remain able to offer its beauty workshops free of charge.

Look Good Feel Better successfully increased the popularity of the programme further throug- hout the year by holding presentations and/or running information stands at various specialist events as well as through its media presence. Two major charity events were also highlights of Look Good Feel Better’s year.

Highlights 2018:

• June: Look Good Feel Better Month – fundraising campaign throughout Switzerland • October: Charity sale by Estée Lauder companies – to raise funds for LGFB• October: Pink Ribbon Night – to raise funds for LGFB • November: Presence at the Pink Circles Breast Cancer Café-Tour in Zurich, St.Gallen, Bern, Lucerne, Basel• Presence and presentations at various cancer forums, open door days and events specifically held for cancer sufferers • Look Good Feel Better now also has a social media presence: • switzerland • siwtzerland

Figures for 2018:

• A total of 184 beauty workshops were held• These were attended by 1,123 cancer sufferers• Presence in 52 hospitals and cancer centres• 120 voluntary cosmetics professionals helped to hold the workshops• 32 brands sponsored the products for the workshops • A total of 19,435 products were provided by partners and sponsors

Would you like to support the Look Good Feel Better foundation as a partner, sponsor or be-nefactor? For further information please go to or phone +41 (0)43 243 03 35.

Text: Carolin Kiefer, Communications Officer at Look Good Feel Better

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ion Voice of the Industry

The usefulness of an associati-on depends on its recognition by the political sector, the media and NGOs and its abi-lity to voice industry concerns in the right places. To do this, it requires a large network, good representative status and trustworthy and transpa-rent communication.

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In addition, the following statements were pub- lished or revised on the SKW website during the reporting year (only available in German or French):

• Hair bleaching products

• Furocoumarines: Update on the special regulation for Switzerland

• Plastic particles in cosmetic compositions

• Octocrylene

• Palm oil in cosmetics, detergents and cleaning agents

• Safety of cosmetic products

• SKW vs. Le Matin / Tamedia: Decision of the Fairness Commission

Consumer Information “Geschirrspülen”

We developed the online publication “Geschirr- spülen” in the reporting period. The clearly structured brochure is primarily aimed at schools (vocational colleges, home economics schools, etc.) hospitals and care homes and can be downloaded on the SKW website (available in German only).

Reactivation of the Working Group Communication

The SKW often receives media enquiries on various topics from the cosmetics and deter-gents and cleaning agents sectors. As an asso-ciation, it is important to respond quickly and to also act in the interest of both industry and member companies. To be able to act as the “voice of the industry”, an association requires information and background knowledge from its member companies. We reactivated the Working Group Communication to enable us to contact the persons responsible for communi- cation at the companies directly, if necessary.

Media Work

Press releases, statements and background dis- cussions require rapid and coordinated actions and clear language. In 2018, various media en- quired about market trends, market figures, ingredients and legislative and professional matters.

• Dr. B. Cloëtta TV interview on cosmetics in Switzerland for the “ECO” business journal of the Swiss TV company SRF

• Dr. B. Cloëtta interview on the Swiss cosmetics market for the magazine “annabelle”

• Dr. B. Cloëtta radio interview on microplastic for the “Espresso” consumer magazine of the Swiss radio station SRF 1.

• Dr. B. Cloëtta interview on microplastic in cosmetics for the online issue of the “annabelle” magazine

• Dr. B. Cloëtta interview on microplastic in cosmetics and detergents for the newspaper “Blick”

• Statement on decreasing cosmetics sales in Switzerland for the magazine “Beobachter” and the newspaper “NZZ am Sonntag”

• Dr. B. Cloëtta interview on advertising statements of cosmetics products for the special issue “Hautsache” (MEDIAPLANET, insert in the Tages-Anzeiger)

• Statement on emulsifiers in sun protection products for the consumer magazine “Gesundheitstipp”.

• Information on the compositions of perfume oils for the magazine “Reader’s Digest”

• Dr. B. Cloëtta interview on the topic of terrycloth for the magazines “Hausbesitzer” and “Wohneigentümer” of the home- owner associations of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and the region of Winterthur (De-Jo Press)

• Various information relating to the topic of washing for the newspaper “Daheim”

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Social Media

In spring 2018, our umbrella organisation A.I.S.E. conducted a survey followed by so- cial media training at its member associations. As a result, the SKW prepared a concept for the use of social media within the association. In December 2018, the Managing Board re-solved that there is no need for further social media activities at present. The SKW members receive regular information on all important SKW activities via e-mail and the website. The Managing Board of SKW is able to maintain networks and distribute additional contents through the existing personal LinkedIn ac-counts. The SKW supports the social media endeavours of the two umbrella organisations A.I.S.E. and Cosmetics Europe.

We divided it into sectors (Communication Cosmetics and Communication Detergents/Cleaning Agents). This structure also enables us to filter the members of the two working groups by product category via our CRM tool thus sending information directly to the per-sons responsible for communication at the affec- ted member companies (e.g. from the Working Group Communication Cosmetics exclusively to all companies with sun protection products).

Aim of the Working Group Communication:

• Unified appearance of the SKW when issuing statements and dealing with media enquiries

• Developing a communication network by directly including the member companies

• Advisory function for the association’s communication

• Contact point for input regarding SKW’s communication

A list of the members of the Working Group Communication Cosmetics and Detergents and Cleaning Agents is included in the “Organisa-tion” section.

SKW Service Survey

In autumn 2018, we conducted a service survey among the SKW members. Our aim was to find out the biggest challenges of our mem-bers at present and in the near future. The on-line survey was evaluated on the basis of the participant groups “Swiss / Contract manufac- turers” and “Importers / Distributors”. We sent the results to the members at the end of the reporting period.

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Attractive Package

We are an industry association with a national and interna-tional network and extensive knowledge pool and in this capacity are able to provide our member companies with a comprehensive service package that makes member-ship a very attractive option for both international groups and Swiss manufacturers.

Advice for Members

We provide the various faculties and working groups with regular e-mails on professional and legislative developments at national and inter- national level.

The main topics in legislative notifications were the Swiss Cosmetics Law, the Swiss Chemicals Law, the new "Swissness" legislation, Fede-ral Law on Technical Barriers to Trade and the revision of the Ordinance on the Incentive Tax on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).

At an international level, the main topics in-cluded information about REACH (“Registrati-on, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals”), GHS (“Globally Harmonised System of Classi-fication and Labelling of Chemicals”) and the EC CLP Regulations derived therefrom (“Re-gulation on Classification, Labelling and Pack-aging of Substances and Mixtures”) DetNet as well as the EC Cosmetics Directive.

The SKW continuously informs its members about projects and campaigns by the two European umbrella organisations A.I.S.E. and Cosmetics Europe (e.g. “Keep Caps from Kids”, “Recommendation on Solid Plastic Particles” etc.).

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Annual Report 2018



Information for Members and Stakeholders

Answering members’ enquiries accounts for a significant part of the office’s daily work. In addition, we receive diverse enquiries from consumers, companies, students, government agencies, NGOs or other associations and agen- cies on a daily basis.

• During the reporting period, answers to questions regarding the implementation of legal provisions and on ingredients in the cosmetics and chemicals legislation in Switzerland and the EU were the main type of information provided to members. The SKW also often dealt with questions relating to trade and competition law.

• Swiss manufacturers have access to the comprehensive international network which enables them to find answers to questions on registration, market access and regulatory requirements around the world. We also received numerous questions on the implementation of the new Swissness legislation.

• Many stakeholders, especially educational institutions, contact the SKW with questions relating to the cosmetics and detergent industry and its products.

Information for International Companies and Organisations

Swiss law is different to other countries. Many international corporations no longer have own legal and technical departments in Switzerland. The SKW is receiving an increasing number of enquiries from foreign companies and associ-ations as a result.

Information is only provided to companies that are members of their respective national asso-ciations. This enables SKW members in return to ask foreign associations to provide informa-tion on laws and registration rules.

Free Sale Certificates

For our members, we issued 168 free sale cer-tificates for export in the reported year.

Most certificates have been issued for China, India, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Exports and Trade Shows

We provide specific support in export matters for our 58 Swiss manufacturers. They may join the Working Group “Swissness and Export” and gain access to SKW's “Regulatory Inter-national” network.

The SKW is constantly developing this network thanks to global partnerships with international associations and companies. SKW members have access to information on legislation and product registration as well as events, consul-ting services and publications of the key in-dustry associations, trade shows and export organisations.


When joining the association, all SKW mem-bers are given access to the media platform ARGUSavenue where they can efficiently ma-nage and process all of the media reports on certain topics that are relevant to them. It is a very useful instrument that is also used for reporting to company-internal offices.

Members are also emailed a weekly media overview for the cosmetics sector as well as the detergents and cleaning agents sector.

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Annual Report 2018






yOur Point of View

Our members are aware of this responsibility and act in a sustainable manner. Compa-nies are exclusively responsible for developing, designing and implementing their sustaina-bility activities and all related communication.

Sustainability Projects of the Companies and the Industry

Sustainability is a key issue both in the cosme-tics and detergent and cleaning agents indus-try. Supported by the associations, the com-panies are the main players when it comes to implementing their sustainability strategies and measures.

Sustainability is a symbiosis between econo-mic success, social justice and environmental protection. Sustainable business is always based on economic success. A company can only live up to these important responsibilities if it is profitable.

As an association, we promote the exchange of experience amongst our members and sup-port the sustainability efforts made by our European umbrella organisations such as the “Charter for Sustainable Cleaning” by A.I.S.E. and the initiative “Recommendation on Solid Plastic Particles” by Cosmetics Europe. For more information on the sustainability activities of both umbrella organisations go to:

} A.I.S.E. – Sustainable Cleaning

} Cosmetics Europe – Driving Sustainable Development

We regularly inform the responsible govern-ment agencies and NGOs about all sustaina-bility projects in our industry.

We also inform the consumer and environmen- tal organisations as well as traders about the industry's projects and issues, thus encoura-ging dialogue so that they may also contribu-te to the topic of sustainability. The SKW acts as a network partner of the “Alliance Design for Recycling Plastics”, which was founded in the reporting period. For more information on this topic go to “Network”.

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Hair care 10.5%

Oral hygiene 11.7%

Baby care 2.4%

Facial care 18.8%

Personal care 11.6%

Decorative cosmetics 16.9%

Perfume 17.6%

Lady care 1.5%

Pre and aftershaves 0.5%

Sun protection products 2.4%Personal hygiene 6.1%

The figures are based on a projection of scan-ning data from the Nielsen Retail Trade and Prestige Panel.

Cosmetics Market

The following figures result from the part- nership with Nielsen and reflect the entire Swiss cosmetics market.

Market Shares

Source: The Nielsen Company

Revenue in CHF million (consumer prices)

2015 2016 2017 2018 +/-

Decorative cosmetics 362.2 353.5 337.7 328.4 -2.8 %

Perfume 368.1 355.1 341.7 340.9 -0.2 %

Lady care 33.8 32.8 30.9 30.1 -0.2 %

Pre and aftershaves 12.4 10.9 9.5 9.2 -2.6 %

Personal hygiene 131.0 124.0 119.0 118.1 -3.0 %

Personal care 261.3 232.4 227.7 225.0 -1.2 %

Sun protection products 42.7 44.0 45.8 46.8 -0.6 %

Facial care 381.3 369.9 363.6 365.6 +1.2 %

Hair care 222.4 208.1 200.7 203.4 +0.5 %

Oral hygiene 239.8 232.7 223.5 226.4 +1.3 %

Baby care 49.7 47.0 45.9 45.6 +1.3 %

Total 2'104.8 2'010.3 1'946.1 1'939.4 -0.6 %


Annual Report 2018





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“The SKW provides Nielsen

with a professional platform

for meeting and exchanging

experiences with our

numerous customers. We

particularly value that the

knowledge transfer flows

in both directions, thus

creating a classic win-win


Dominik Stocker

former Commercial Director

Nielsen (Switzerland)


Annual Report 2018



Market Shares

Source: The Nielsen Company

Cleaning agents 36.9%

Washing up liquid 18.9%

Liquid detergents 19.1%

Powder detergents

& other 9.7%

Softeners 6.2%

Special products 9.1%

The figures are based on a projection of scan-ning data from the Nielsen Retail Trade Panel.

Detergent and Cleaning Agent Market

The following figures result from the part- nership with Nielsen and reflect the entire Swiss detergent and cleaning agent market.

Revenue in CHF million (consumer prices)

2015 2016 2017 2018 +/-

Liquid detergents 135.9 136.3 133.2 133.9 +0.5 %

Powder detergents & other 75.7 70.9 67.8 68.1 +0.5 %

Softeners 45.5 43.3 44.7 43.7 -2.2 %

Special products 73.2 70.4 66.8 63.7 -4.6 %

Washing up liquid 131.1 132.3 130.9 132.4 +1.2 %

Cleaning agents 273.9 270.2 263.8 258.7 -1.9 %

Total 735.3 723.8 707.2 700.6 -0.9 %

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Membership Development

The number of members has increased signifi-cantly in recent years. In 2004 we had 54 mem-bers and 86 members in 2018. More than 90 percent of the industry is organised under our roof. This significant representativeness is an im-portant argument for the association's work to be taken seriously by the political sector, govern-ment agencies, stakeholders and the media.

Membership Listas per 1 January 2019

Alcina AG, Muttenz

Arise Care SA, Biel

ARVAL SA, Conthey

ASM Aerosol-Service AG, Möhlin

Bayer (Schweiz) AG, Zürich

Beiersdorf AG, Reinach

Blidor AG, Langnau a. A.

Blue Box Distribution AG, Kriens

BTC Laboratoire SA, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

Bulgari Global Operations SA, Neuchâtel

Chanel SARL, Genève

Chemische Fabrik Schärer & Schläpfer AG, Rothrist

Cocooning Nature SA, Bavois

Cosmétique SA Worben, Worben

Coty (Schweiz) AG, Hünenberg

CRB S.A., Puidoux

CVL Cosmetics SA, Morges

delta pronatura Schweiz AG, Muttenz

Dicopar SA, Münchenstein

Diversey, Münchwilen

Dobi-Inter AG, Suhr

Doetsch Grether AG, Basel

Ecolab (Schweiz) GmbH, Reinach

Estée Lauder GmbH, Zurich

Farfalla Essentials AG, Uster

FCC SA, Aigle

Filabé of Switzerland AG, Schaffhausen

Frike Cosmetic AG, Ebnat-Kappel

GABA Schweiz AG, Therwil

Galderma SA, Zürich

Gerda Spillmann AG, Ittigen

Hair Haus Suisse AG, Rotkreuz

Henkel & Cie. AG, Pratteln

Intercosmetica Neuchâtel SA, Neuchâtel

intracosmed ag, Urnäsch

Isadora AG International, Herzogenbuchsee

Johnson & Johnson, Zug

JUST International AG, Walzenhausen

Jüstrich Cosmetics AG, Berneck

Juvena Marlies Möller AG, St. Margrethen

Kanebo Cosmetics (Europa) AG, Zurich

Kao Switzerland AG, Baar

Kärcher AG, Dällikon

La Colline S.A., Sion

Lalique Beauty SA, Zurich

La Prairie Group AG, Volketswil

Laboratoires Hauser GmbH, Zurich

Leaders Cosmetics SA, Nyon

L'Oréal Suisse S.A., Vernier

L'Oréal Suisse S.A., Coiffure, Vernier

Louis Widmer AG, Schlieren

Mavala SA, Geneva

Melisana AG, Zurich

Mizensir SA, Meinier

MUSK Collection, Wollerau

Naturalps SARL, Montreux

Phytomed AG, Hasle/Burgdorf

Pierre Fabre (Suisse) SA, Allschwil

Piniol AG, Küssnacht am Rigi

PM Care Systems AG, Zurich

Pramol-Chemie AG, Bazenheid

Procter & Gamble (Switzerland) SARL, Petit-Lancy

Proderma AG, Schötz

Rausch AG Kreuzlingen, Kreuzlingen

Reckitt Benckiser (Switzerland) AG, Wallisellen

Schwarzkopf Professional Schweiz, Pratteln

Steinfels Swiss, Winterthur

Similasan AG, Jonen

skin689 (Switzerland) AG, Zurich

Soglio-Produkte AG, Castasegna

Sorein-Fabrik GmbH, Pfäffikon

Steinfels Swiss, Winterthur

Tanner SA, Cham

Temmentec AG, Sumiswald

The Powder Company AG, Einsiedeln

Unilever Schweiz GmbH, Thayngen

United Cosmeceuticals GmbH, Zurich

vanBaerle AG, Münchenstein

Verfora SA, Villars-sur-Glâne

WALA Schweiz GmbH, Bern

Walco Lin SA, Giubiasco

Weckerle Cosmetics S.A., Le Locle

Weleda AG, Arlesheim

Wella Suisse, Coty Professional Beauty, Allschwil

Wessling AG, Lyss

Wetrok AG, Kloten

Yves Rocher (Suisse) SA, Egg b. Zurich

Honorary Members

Dr. J. Alexander Baumann, Kreuzlingen

Hans Rudolf Bircher, Zollikon

Klaus Erny, Ebnat-Kappel

Dr. Kurt Gehri, Zurich

Robert Meier, Meggen

Rolf Münch, Arlesheim

Meinrad Schnider, Binningen


Annual Report 2018







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Annual Report 2018




Managing Board

Thomas Früh, intracosmed, President*

Marco Baumann, Rausch*

Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok

Ralf Brüngger, Diversey

Tommaso Bruno, Henkel

Ralf T. Gehlen, Procter & Gamble*

Marc-André Heller, L'Oréal Suisse

Maike Kiessling, Estée Lauder

Christian Koch, Steinfels Swiss

Thierry Mousseigne, Unilever

Markus Reinhard, GABA

Ingo Tanger, Beiersdorf

Goetz Winter, Louis Widmer

Tim Wirtz, Coty (Schweiz)


Administrative Office

Bernard Cloëtta,

Dr. iur., Director

Marina Donabauer,

Finances and Secretariat

Stephanie Geiser,


SKW Stakeholder Council

Andri Bryner, eawag – aquatic research

Dr. chem. Roland Charrière, Federal Office of

Public Health FOPH

Kaspar Engeli, Handel Schweiz

Petra Huber, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte


Dr. med. Martin Kägi, HautZentrum Zürich

Caroline Kiener, SFK Schweizer Fachverband für Kosmetik

Armin Müller, oda hauswirtschaft schweiz

Babette Sigg Frank, kf Konsumentenforum

Control Authority

BDO AG, Zurich

Committee / Working Group Members

SKW Conference of Managing Directors

Coralie Albalat, Yves Rocher

Dr. Philippe Ch. Auderset, Soglio-Produkte

Lucas Baumann, Rausch

Donat Baur, WALA

Dr. Alain Béguin, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel

Peter Bernauer, ASM Aerosol-Service

Sophie Berrest, L'Oréal Suisse

Lucie Bidault, Leaders Cosmetics

Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok

Ralf Brüngger, Diversey

Mark Brunner, Kao

Tommaso Bruno, Henkel

Marie Dejean, Weckerle Cosmetics

Kay-Lütje Deter-Lüken, Tanner

Bruna Dodic, ARVAL

Oliver Fahr, intracosmed

Stephan Frei, Cocooning Nature

Jürg Frommlet, Melisana

Dr. Helga Gaden, La Prairie Group

Werner Gäng, Laboratoires Hauser

Ralf T. Gehlen, Procter & Gamble

Dr. Kurt Geiger, Pramol-Chemie

Fredy Götti, MUSK

Uwe Holland, Ecolab

Dr. Anke Hollnagel, Doetsch Grether

Ruedi Iten, Blidor

Dr. Jacqueline Jüstrich, Jüstrich Cosmetics

Alexandrina Kammann, United Cosmeceutical

André Keller, Frike

Maike Kiessling, Estée Lauder

Armand Kilchherr, Phytomed

Christian Koch, Steinfels Swiss

Philippe Koller, Dicopar

Bernhard Koopsingraven, Schwarzkopf Professional

Roland Landolf, Gerda Spillmann

Michael Laun, JUST International

Sergio Laverde, Pierre Fabre

Adrian Lehmann, Wessling

Rolf Manhart, Walco Lin

Dr. Sergio Mantelli, Verfora

Silvan Meier, Dobi-Inter

Doris Merz Nardone, PM Care Systems

Stéphanie Meyer, Arise Care

Marcel Meyer, Blue Box Distribution

Véronique Morillas, Mizensir

Page 28: Annual Report 2018 - SKW · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal

Claudio Scalon, Pramol-Chemie

Nadia Schlittler, Diversey

Pierre Schönbett, vanBaerle

Beat Schwarz, Steinfels Swiss

Karl Steiner, Kärcher

Linda Traber, Diversey

Irene von Büren, Wetrok

Marion Zwingenberger, Ecolab

Working Group Swissness and Export

Samira Altin, Temmentec

Christophe Archeray, Lalique Beauty

Aude Ballandras, CVL COSMETICS

Lucas Baumann, Rausch

Marco Baumann, Rausch

Dr. Bülend Bayraktar, intracosmed

Dr. Alain Béguin, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel

Britta Ben Gouta, JUST International

Anaïs Bezacier, BTC Laboratoire

Lucie Bidault, Leaders Cosmetics

Alexander Bippes, Doetsch Grether

Michel Bolliger, Temmentec

Alexandra Buhl-Weller, Welda

Shiping Cen, La Prairie Group

Sabrina Claude, BTC Laboratoire

Sébastien David, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel

Bruna Dodic, ARVAL

Oliver Fahr, intracosmed

Stephan Frei, Cocooning Nature

Jürg Frommlet, Melisana

Thomas Früh, intracosmed

Janine Fuchs, MUSK

Janik Fuhrer, Temmentec

Gian Furrer, Farfalla Essentials

Lucca Gaffuri, Frike Pharma

Werner Gäng, Laboratoires Hauser

Valerie Giot Murer, Johnson & Johnson

Jean-Louis Glardon, BTC Laboratoire

Fredy Götti, MUSK

Fanny Haguenauer, BTC Laboratoire

Cornelia Heimberg, Temmentec

Martin Holzer, Temmentec

Heidi Hübscher, Dobi-Inter

Susanna Ingold, Temmentec

Alexandrina Kammann, United Cosmeceuticals

Iris Kesselring, Rausch

Armand Kilchherr, Phytomed AG

Eloïse Lecoultre, BTC Laboratoire

Alexandre Lejeune, Bulgari

Nolwenn Lucas, Naturalps

Christoph Lüscher, Doetsch Grether

Adelin Mani, Johnson & Johnson

Remo Manz, Steinfels Swiss

Doris Maute Bobillier, Mavala

Thomas May, Doetsch Grether

François Mazza, BTC Laboratoire

Thierry Mousseigne, Unilever

Matthias Oswald, Galderma

Eloi Pardal, Chanel

Dr. Béatrice Perrenot, Mavala

Gianluigi Pezzoli, CRB

Ghislain Pfersdorff, La Colline

Roland C. Pfister, BTC

Markus Reinhard, GABA

Gerhard Ressl, Kanebo

Alexander Ripper, Wella Suisse

Dr. Rolf Schärer, Chemische Fabrik S & S

Christian F. Scherer, Alcina

Bernhard Schober, Reckitt Benckiser

Margit Schobert, Farfalla Essentials

Pierre Schönbett, vanBaerle Hygiene

Annina Schubiger, Sorein-Fabrik

Markus Schumacher, Hair Haus

Balz Schürmann, skin689

Dr. Christof Selden, Filabé

Ludovic Simon, Naturalps

Marc-René Steffen, Cosmétique SA Worben

Karl Steiner, Kärcher

Ingo Tanger, Beiersdorf

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Michel Toth, L'Oréal Suisse Coiffure

Dr. Karl Troll, Juvena Marlies Möller

Sophie Vann Guillon, CVL

Stephan Vautravers, Piniol

Valentina Villani Macri, Bulgari

Roger von der Weid, Lalique Beauty

Susanne von Rohr, Bayer (Schweiz)

Elisabeth Werléus, Isadora

Daniel Wermelinger, Similasan

Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda

Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec

Goetz Winter, Louis Widmer

Tim Wirtz, Coty (Schweiz)

Dr. Karin Zeller, delta pronatura

Ulrike Zillner, Johnson & Johnson

Rudolf Zimmerli, Proderma

Alexander Zurkinden, The Powder Company

Working Group Professional Cleaning

Carole Baumgartner, Diversey

Oliver Beetz, Wetrok

Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok

Ralf Brüngger, Diversey

Dr. Kurt Geiger, Pramol-Chemie

Roland Herzog, Wetrok

Uwe Holland, Ecolab

Christian Koch, Steinfels Swiss

Sebastian Kuhn, vanBaerle

Frank-René Lang, Wetrok

Rolf Manhart, Walco Lin

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Roger Nessensohn, Steinfels Swiss


Annual Report 2018



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Annual Report 2018



Alexandra Buhl-Weller, Weleda

Daniel Bünter, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Daniel Bürki, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Stefan Bürki, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Salome Casutt, Bayer

Sabrina Claude, BTC Laboratoire

Monica Coco, Frike

Cora Crabbe, JUST

Sébastien David, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel

Raniero De Stasio, Estée Lauder

Dr. Jürgen Delhey, Frike

Kay-Lütje Deter-Lüken, Tanner

Elsa Devillechabrolle, L'Oréal Suisse

Christoph Dombrowsky, Galderma

Iris Eschenbacher, La Prairie Group

Oliver Fahr, intracosmed

Dr. David Faivre, Cosmétique SA Worben

Christoph Fleischli, Bayer

Stephan Frei, Cocooning Nature

Jürg Frommlet, Melisana

Thomas Früh, intracosmed

Janik Fuhrer, Temmentec

Gian Furrer, Farfalla Essentials

Bettina Gafner, Louis Widmer

Ana Gaspar, GABA Schweiz

Patrick Gehrig, WALA

Sophie Geiger, intracosmed

Aurélie Gilloz, CRB

Valerie Giot Murer, Johnson & Johnson

Jean-Louis Glardon, BTC Laboratoire

Renate Görner, Louis Widmer

Natalie Graf, Galderma

Imke Grassau-Zetzsche, Unilever

Stefanie Grütter, Isadora

Florent Guillet-Caillot, Estée Lauder

Mathilde Guyader, Bulgari

Dr. Holger Häckl, Frike

Fanny Haguenauer, BTC

Dr. Christiane Hanay, Similasan

Dr. Roman Hedinger, JUST

Cornelia Heimberg, Temmentec

Stephan Hess, Estée Lauder

Dr. Anke Hollnagel, Doetsch Grether

Martin Holzer, Temmentec

Petra Hüsler, LUZI

Peter Inderbitzin, Piniol

Susanna Ingold, Temmentec

Heide Irmler, Doetsch Grether

Ruedi Iten, Blidor

Dr. Robert Jakob, United Cosmeceuticals

Ives Jaun, Frike Cosmetic

Marie-Laure Joly, Lalique Beauty

Michael Jufer, Frike

Céline Jurt Kuster, Galderma

Dr. Jacqueline Jüstrich, Jüstrich

Alexandrina Kammann, United Cosmeceuticals

Dr. Hans-Joachim Kätker, Coty

Yvonne Keituri, intracosmed

André Keller, Frike

Caroline Ménard, CVL COSMETICS

Stéphanie Meyer, Arise Care

Monika Mönks, Temmentec

Véronique Morillas, Mizensir

Roger Nessensohn, Steinfels Swiss

Birgit Peterhans, Farfalla Essentials

Gianluigi Pezzoli, CRB

Richard Pitteloud, FCC

Dr. Axel Ritter, intracosmed

Thomas Ritter, Temmentec

Diana Roos, Temmentec

Christelle Roth, Doetsch Grether

Michael Rottstock, JUST International

Elise Rubi-Brunier, Temmentec

Clotilde Ruppin, ARVAL

Dr. Brigitte Schulthess, Phytomed

Balz Schürmann, skin689

Ludovic Simon, Naturalps

Marc-René Steffen, Cosmétique SA Worben

Sara Tahadjodi, Temmentec

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Aurélie Tulot, Naturalps

Stephanie Van de Velde, Doetsch Grether

Sophie Vann Guillon, CVL

Valentina Villani Macri, Bulgari

Adeline von Euw, FCC

Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda

Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec

Andrea Winzenried, Doetsch Grether

Ceynur Yilmaz, Louis Widmer

Rudolf Zimmerli, Proderma

Nicole Zimmermann, Temmentec

Guillaume Zwygart, Mizensir

Technical Committee Cosmetics

Rosemarie Abels, Lalique Beauty

Daniela Acconcia, Kanebo Cosmetics

Coralie Albalat, Yves Rocher

Dr. Katharina Alder, Rausch

Samira Altin, Temmentec

Dr. Philippe Ch. Auderset, Soglio-Produkte

Claudia Bach, Reckitt Benckiser

Aude Ballandras, CVL

Lucas Baumann, Rausch

Marco Baumann, Rausch

Donat Baur, WALA

Corinne Bayer, Melisana

Dr. Bülend Bayraktar, intracosmed

Dr. Nathalie Berclaz, L'Oréal Suisse

Guido Bertelli, CRB

Anaïs Bezacier, BTC

Lucie Bidault, Leaders Cosmetics

Cornelia Blum, Jüstrich

Michel Bolliger, Temmentec

Uwe Brasecke, Estée Lauder

Nicole Brun, Coty

Danielle Bryner, L'Oréal Suisse

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Elise Rubi-Brunier, Temmentec

Clotilde Ruppin, ARVAL

Steffen Schäfer, delta pronatura

Dr. Philipp Schäfer, Reckitt Benckiser

Thorsten Schapmann, Beiersdorf

Monika Schmidt, Reckitt Benckiser

Nicole Schmucki, Melisana

Margit Schobert, Farfalla

Jürg Schreier, Estée Lauder

Uta Schubbert, GABA

Annina Schubiger, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Brigitte Schulthess, Phytomed

Balz Schürmann, skin689

Christian Schütz, ASM

Gabriele Seidl, Unilever

Dr. Christof Selden, Filabé

Ludovic Simon, Naturalps

Dr. Marita Skarpeli-Liati, Pierre Fabre

Hanspeter Steidle, Ebnat-Kappel

Prof. Dr. Christian Surber, USZ

Dr. Petra Suter, Weleda

Shiva Taghipourian, intracosmed

Sara Tahadjodi, Temmentec

Ingo Tanger, Beiersdorf

Markus Tarkoey, Proderma

David Thöny, Frike

Chaimae Tichtiben, Procter & Gamble

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Agnieska Trzesicka, Estée Lauder

Aurélie Tulot, Naturalps

Sophie Vacheron, Bulgari

Sophie Vann Guillon, CVL

Stephan Vautravers, Piniol

Valentina Villani Macri, Bulgari

Monika von Brandenstein, Johnson & Johnson

Adeline von Euw, FCC

Susanne von Rohr, Bayer

Monika Weiss, Beiersdorf

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Weissgraeber, Juvena

Anna Werder, Dobi-Inter

Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda

Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec

Margit Ziegler, Yves Rocher

Ulrike Zillner, Johnson & Johnson

Rudolf Zimmerli, Proderma

Nicole Zimmermann, Temmentec

Dr. Stefan Züger, Piniol

Alexander Zurkinden, The Powder Company

Guillaume Zwygart, Mizensir

Technical Committee Detergents and Cleaning Agents

Samira Altin, Temmentec

Carole Baumgartner, Diversey

Oliver Beetz, Wetrok

Michel Bolliger, Temmentec

Michel Brülisauer, Wetrok

Armand Kilchherr, Phytomed

Sabrina Kissel, Melisana

Philippe Koller, Dicopar

Peter Koller, Soglio-Produkte

Johanna Krausz, Farfalla

Dr. Joachim Kremer, Henkel

Isabel Läderach, Beiersdorf

Roland Landolf, Gerda Spillmann

Dr. Marcel Langenauer, Louis Widmer

Michael Laun, JUST

Eloïse Lecoultre, BTC

Adrian Lehmann, Wessling

Alexandre Lejeune, Bulgari

Bénédicte Lemoine, La Colline

Michael Locher, Phytomed

Elena Loser, The Powder Company

Nolwenn Lucas, Naturalps

Christoph Lüscher, Doetsch Grether

Adelin Mani, Johnson & Johnson

Françoise Marchesse, Chanel

Marina Markovic, Similasan

Dr. Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble

Katharina Marquardt, Procter & Gamble

Julianne Maurin, La Colline

Doris Maute Bobillier, Mavala

François Mazza, BTC Laboratoire

Claudia Messerli, JUST

Stéphanie Meyer, Arise

Marcel Meyer, Blue Box

Monika Mönks, Temmentec

Véronique Morillas, Mizensir

Isabelle Müller, Bayer

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Lukas Mundwiler, ASM

Dr. Alexandra Muth, Kao

Ulrike Nebrich, Frike

Roger Nessensohn, Steinfels Swiss

Dr. Ludger Neumann, L'Oréal

Matthias Oswald, Galderma

Dr. Bianca Pauli Pedrazzini, GABA

Dr. Béatrice Perrenot, Mavala

Gianluigi Pezzoli, CRB

Sabine Pfefferkorn, Jüstrich

Ghislain Pfersdorff, La Colline

Roger Picano, Louis Widmer

Richard Pitteloud, FCC

Emilie Prevel, BTC

Dr. Beate Quasdorff, The Powder Company

Sandra Rechsteiner, GABA

Markus Reichlin, Estée Lauder

Andreas Reschek, Unilever

Dr. Axel Ritter, intracosmed

Thomas Ritter, Temmentec

Marc Roesti, Lalique Beauty

Diana Roos, Temmentec

Hans-Jörg Rösch, WALA

Martin Rosenberg, Frike

Michael Rottstock, JUST

Bertrand Rousse, Galderma


Annual Report 2018



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Annual Report 2018



Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec

Remo Wild, Wetrok

Rudolf Zimmerli, Proderma

Nicole Zimmermann, Temmentec

Marion Zwingenberger, Ecolab

Working Group Professional Hair Care

Mark Brunner, Kao Switzerland

Philippe Koller, Dicopar

Bernhard Koopsingraven, Schwarzkopf Professional

Silvan Meier, Dobi-Inter

Doris Merz Nardone, PM Care Systems

Marcel Meyer, Blue Box Distribution

Alexander Ripper, P&G Wella Suisse

Christian F. Scherer, Alcina

Markus Schumacher, Hair Haus

Michel Toth, L'Oréal Coiffure

Working Group Natural and Organic Cosmetics

Alexandra Buhl-Weller, Weleda

Kay-Lütje Deter-Lüken, Tanner

Stephan Frei, Cocooning Nature

Jürg Frommlet, Melisana

Thomas Früh, intracosmed

Patrick Gehrig, WALA

Mathilde Guyader, Bulgari

Dr. Robert Jakob, United Cosmeceuticals

Sabrina Kissel, Melisana

Michael Laun, JUST

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Richard Pitteloud, FCC

Hans-Jörg Rösch, WALA

Ludovic Simon, Naturalps

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Valentina Villani Macri, Bulgari

Adeline von Euw, FCC

Pierre-Alain Widmer, Weleda

Working Group Communication Cosmetics

Daniela Acconcia, Kanebo

Coralie Albalat, Yves Rocher

Claudia Bach, Reckitt Benckiser

Aude Ballandras, CVL

Konstantin Bark, Unilever

Jennifer Baudenbacher, Estée Lauder

Lucas Baumann, Rausch

Donat Baur, WALA

Dr. Alain Béguin, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel

Sonja Bellhäuser, delta pronatura

Dr. Nathalie Berclaz, L'Oréal Suisse

Dr. Judith Braun, Melisana

Daniel Bünter, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Daniel Bürki, Sorein-Fabrik

Dr. Stefan Bürki, Sorein-Fabrik

Monica Coco, Frike

Cora Crabbe, JUST

Dr. Jürgen Delhey, Frike

Alexandre Dubié, vanBaerle

Dr. David Faivre, Cosmétique SA Worben

Janik Fuhrer, Temmentec

Ana Gaspar, GABA

Imke Grassau-Zetzsche, Unilever

Dr. Holger Häckl, Frike

René Hasler, Ecolab

Cornelia Heimberg, Temmentec

Martin Holzer, Temmentec

Petra Hüsler, LUZI

Susanna Ingold, Temmentec

Ruedi Iten, Blidor

Lena Jashari, vanBaerle

Ives Jaun, Frike

Michael Jufer, Frike

André Keller, Frike

Dr. Sebastian Kuhn, vanBaerle

Anja Kurch, GABA

Dr. Frank-René Lang, Wetrok

Adrian Lehmann, Wessling

Rolf Manhart, Walco Lin

Remo Manz, Steinfels Swiss

Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble

Katharina Marquardt, Procter & Gamble

Artur Menarski, Henkel

Monika Mönks, Temmentec

Helge Müller, Diversey

Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Ulrike Nebrich, Frike

Roger Nessensohn, Steinfels Swiss

Stefan Nobel, Ecolab

Andreas Reschek, Unilever

Thomas Ritter, Temmentec

Diana Roos, Temmentec

Elise Rubi-Brunier, Temmentec

Claudio Scalon, Pramol-Chemie

Steffen Schäfer, delta pronatura

Dr. Philipp Schäfer, Reckitt Benckiser

Nadia Schlittler, Diversey

Monika Schmidt, Reckitt Benckiser

Margit Schobert, Farfalla

Pierre Schönbett, vanBaerle

Uta Schubbert, GABA

Annina Schubiger, Sorein-Fabrik GmbH

Gabriele Seidl, Unilever

Birgit Skodell, Ecolab

Dr. Horst-Dieter Speckmann, Henkel

Dr. Rudolf Stauber, Chemische Fabrik S & S

Karl Steiner, Kärcher

Sara Tahadjodi, Temmentec AG

David Thöny, Frike

Chaimae Tichtiben, Procter & Gamble

Irene von Büren, Wetrok AG

Page 32: Annual Report 2018 - SKW · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal

Working Group Communication Detergents and Cleaning Agents

Claudia Bach, Reckitt Benckiser

Konstantin Bark, Unilever

Carole Baumgartner, Diversey

Sonja Bellhäuser, delta pronatura

Manuel Blunier, Chemische Fabrik S & S

Ralf Brüngger, Diversey

Dr. Stefan Bürki, Sorein-Fabrik

Marco Buschmeier, delta pronatura

Andreas Chmela, delta pronatura

Manuela Glanzmann, Wetrok

Dr. Roman Hedinger, JUST

Dr. Joachim Kremer, Henkel

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Claudio Scalon, Pramol-Chemie

Marion Schwenker, Henkel

Patrick Zwyer, Chemische Fabrik S & S

Expert Team Packaging and Environment

Dr. Katharina Alder, Rausch

Dr. Nathalie Berclaz, L'Oréal Suisse

Dr. Judith Braun, Melisana

S. Csiszar, Procter & Gamble

Dr. Jürgen Delhey, Frike

Kay-Lütje Deter-Lüken, Tanner

Valerie Giot Murer, Johnson & Johnson

Mathilde Guyader, Bulgari

Dr. Roman Hedinger, JUST

Dr. Joachim Kremer, Henkel

Sebastian Kuhn, vanBaerle

Bernhard Kurzbach, The Powder Company

Dr. Marcel Langenauer, Louis Widmer

Adelin Mani, Johnson & Johnson

Dr. Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble

Katharina Marquardt, Procter & Gamble

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Richard Pitteloud, FCC

Dr. Beate Quasdorff, The Powder Company

Dr. Axel Ritter, intracosmed

Clotilde Ruppin, ARVAL

Christine Schellenberg, Louis Widmer

Uta Schubbert, GABA

Sarah Schüddekopf, Unilever

Dr. Brigitte Schulthess, Phytomed

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Monika von Brandenstein, Johnson & Johnson

Adeline von Euw, FCC

Ulrike Zillner, Johnson & Johnson

Mark Brunner, Kao

Danielle Bryner, L'Oréal Suisse

Alexandra Buhl-Weller, Weleda

Andreas Chmela, delta pronatura

Kay-Lütje Deter-Lüken, Tanner

Alix Diat, Farfalla

Bruna Dodic, ARVAL

Oliver Fahr, intracosmed

Francesca Fedi, GABA

Stephan Frei, Cocooning Nature

Thomas Früh, intracosmed

Valerie Giot Murer, Johnson & Johnson

Dr. Christiane Hanay, Similasan

Dr. Roman Hedinger, JUST

Helene Himmelspach, Mavala

Marie-Laure Joly, Lalique Beauty

Dr. Jacqueline Jüstrich, Jüstrich Cosmetics

Philipp Kämpf, Johnson & Johnson

Philippe Koller, Dicopar

Peter Koller, Soglio-Produkte

Dr. Joachim Kremer, Henkel

Isabel Läderach, Beiersdorf

Roland Landolf, Gerda Spillmann

Dr. Marcel Langenauer, Louis Widmer

Marthe Leppin, Johnson & Johnson

Adelin Mani, Johnson & Johnson

Doris Maute Bobillier, Mavala

Doris Merz Nardone, PM Care Systems

Stéphanie Meyer, Arise Care

Marcel Meyer, Blue Box

Véronique Morillas, Mizensir

Thomas Moser, Johnson & Johnson

Dr. Beat Müller, Steinfels Swiss

Christine Ottomann, Similasan

Richard Pitteloud, FCC

Alexander Ripper, Wella Suisse

Sandra Ruckstuhl, Johnson & Johnson

Thorsten Schapmann, Beiersdorf

Christian F. Scherer, Alcina

Margit Schobert, Farfalla

Marion Schwenker, Henkel

Dr. Christof Selden, Filabé

Dr. Marita Skarpeli-Liati, Pierre Fabre

Marc-René Steffen, Cosmétique SA Worben

Carsten Thiele, Dobi-Inter

Fortunato Torre, FCC

Stephanie Van de Velde, Doetsch Grether

Valentina Villani Macri, Bulgari

Monika von Brandenstein, Johnson & Johnson

Adeline von Euw, FCC

Susanne von Rohr, Bayer

Elisabeth Werléus, Isadora

Peter Wiedmer, Temmentec

Tim Wirtz, Coty

Ulrike Zillner, Johnson & Johnson

Alexander Zurkinden, The Powder Company


Annual Report 2018



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Annual Report 2018



GINETEX Switzerland

Managing Board

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery

and Detergent Association (IKW)

Expert Committee Beauty Care

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Expert Committee Detergents

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Expert Committee Cleaning Agents and Care Products

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

International Associations

Collaboration Committee (IAC)


Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Swiss Associations Managers (SAM)

Managing Board

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Expert Team VOC

Nicole Di Mauro, Beiersdorf

Johannes Iten, Steinfels Swiss

Robin Jud, Frike

Dr. Alfred Markowetz, Procter & Gamble

René Michel, Henkel

Markus Reichlin, Estée Lauder


International Association for Soaps, Detergents

and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.)

National Associations Committee

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Federal Office for the Environment

Functional commission for the VOC incentive fee

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Cosmetics Europe The Personal Care Association

Active Association Members

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Comité Suisse des Dérivés Tensio-Actifs

Managing Board

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta



Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Member of the Alliance against Barriers to Trade

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Member of the Competition Commission

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Member of the Consumer Questions Commission

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Member of the Working Group for Free Trade

Agreement China/India

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

Look Good Feel Better

Board of Trustees

Dr. iur. Bernard Cloëtta

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Annual Report 2018



Organisation Chart

Detergents and Cleaning Agents


Control AuthorityBDO AG, Zürich

Stakeholder Council

General Assembly

Managing Board

Administrative Office

Technical Committee Detergents and Cleaning


Working Group Communication Detergents

and Cleaning Agents

Working Group Professional Cleaning

SKW Conference of Managing Directors

Working Group Swissness and Export

Expert Team Packaging and Environment

Expert Team VOC

Technical Committee Cosmetics

Working Group Communication Cosmetics

Working Group Professional Hair Care

Working Group Natural and Organic Cosmetics

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Exchange of experience

Industry-related information

Market information



National and international networks




Solid foundations

Member of European umbrella organisations

Voice of the industry

Member of economiesuisse




Consumer information

The Swiss Cosmetic and Detergent Association SKW is the only Swiss association representing the cosmetics, detergent and cleaning products industry.

The Swiss Cosmetic and Detergent Association

MissionWe provide our members with legal and professional support and represent their interests when dealing with all relevant stakeholders at a national and international level.

Tasks and objectivesWe are a knowledge-exchange platform, inform about current issues, engage in media activities and furnish members, media and consumers with statistics and information.



Publication Details


Swiss Cosmetic and

Detergent Association SKW


Swiss Cosmetic and

Detergent Association SKW

in cooperation with

bluish GmbH


Vision Translations AG

Page 36: Annual Report 2018 - SKW · 2019. 5. 20. · sold, particularly in schools • Introduction of the requirement to report the use of nanomaterials Revision of the Ordinance on Biocidal

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