annual report-2013 of the ukrainian catholic education foundation

UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION Educating Leaders for Church & Society Annual Report • CANADA • 2013

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Page 1: Annual Report-2013 of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation

Ukrainian CatholiC EdUCation FoUndation

Educating Leaders for Church & Society

Annual Report

• C A N A D A •


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The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation teaches Canadians about the academic and financial needs of Ukrainian Catholic

educational institutions in Ukraine. In a sincere commitment to personal involvement and high standards, UCEF works with these institutions hands-on to meet present needs and develop resources for the future. Through grant and endowment programs, distribution of books and teaching materials, and collaborative volunteer projects emphasizing foreign exchange of students and faculty, we foster the communion of Ukrainian Canadians with the Ukrainian nation and of Roman Catholics in the West with the largest Eastern Catholic Church.

The Ukrainian Catholic University is an open academic community living the Eastern Christian tradition and forming leaders to serve

with professional excellence in Ukraine and internationally - for the glory of God, the common good, and the dignity of the human person

Patrons/ПатрониHis Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk/Блаженніший Святослав Шевчук

Head of the UGCC/Глава УГКЦHis Beatitude Lubomyr Cardinal Husar/ Блаженніший Любомир Гузар

Board of Directors 2013 Рада ДиректорівRev. Michael Kwiatkowski/ о. Михайло Квятковський

Chair/ГоловаIhor P. Komarnicky/Ігор Комарницький

Treasurer/СкарбникMarta Lewycky/Марта Левицька

Secretary/СекретарGuy Camarata/Ґай КамаратаJurij Darewych/Юрій ДаревичRev. Roman Galadza/о. Роман ҐаладзаBp. Borys Gudziak/вл. Борис ҐудзякWalter Kudryk/Влодко КудрикYury Monczak/Юрій Мончак

Advisory Committees 2013 Дорадчі Ради Calgary Friends of UCU/ Приятелі УКУ – КалґаріAndrew Ilnycky/Андрій Ільницький

Chair/ГоловаMontreal Friends of UCU/ Приятелі УКУ – МонтреальYury Monczak/Юрій Мончак

Chair/ГоловаToronto Friends of UCU/ Приятелі УКУ – ТоронтоOleh Vodoviz/Олег Водовіз


Management & Staff 2013 Управління і Працівники Lada Darewych/Лада Даревич

Administrative and Compliance Manager/Адміністративний Керівник

Oksana Kulynych/Оксана КулиничCoordinator, Administration and Development/ Координатор Адміністрації і Розвитку

Alexander Kuzma/Олександр КузьмаChief Development Officer/ Головний Директор Розвитку

Christine Kuzyk/Христина КузикDevelopment Associate/Керівник Розвитку

Olena Petryn/Олена ПетринCoordinator, Donor Relations/ Координатор зв’язків з жертводавцями

Joseph Solimini/Йосиф СолімініChief Operating Officer/ Головний Операційний Директор

Oleg Vodoviz/Олег ВодовізDevelopment Manager/Керівник Розвитку

UCEF is a registered Canadian charity #82224 5098 RR0001

For the Year Ended December 31, 2013

ALLOCATIONS and EXPENSESEndowed funds received ................................................................... $765,000General donations received .............................................................. $360,000Awards and programs sponsored ...................................................... $289,000Endowed funds at the end of the year ........................................... $2,958,000Fundraising and administration expenses ........................................... $97,000

Mission of UCEF in Canada

2013 Financial Highlights

UCU’s Mission

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Dear Friends in Christ:

Without a doubt, the year 2013 became the most

important turning point for Ukraine since the nation achieved its independence in 1991. The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) was at the cen-ter of monumental and awe-in-

spiring events that won the world’s respect and captured our imagination.

Students of the university were the first to take to the streets of Lviv to protest the Yanukovych regime. The next day, they joined millions of freedom-loving Ukrainians on Kyiv’s Independence Square in a non-violent movement that UCU’s President, Bishop Borys Gudziak, aptly called “a Revolution of Dignity.” Our faculty and staff and clergy were there as well.

On December 11 the UCU administration called on citizens to engage in nationwide civil disobedience against the grossly corrupt presidency. In 2014, the university shared in the country’s tragedies, as unarmed UCU lecturer Bohdan Solchanyk was among those slain by government snipers on February 20.

UCU remains a stronghold of Catholic moral teaching, business ethics and social responsibility. With a new govern-ment in Kyiv, the university has committed itself to an inten-sive campaign to rebuild the country with sweeping reforms that can embody the highest moral and democratic values.

The university was honored to host Western ambas-sadors, among them Canada’s own Troy Lulashnyk. The Calgary Friends of UCU were also among UCU’s visitors.

Here in North America, university staff and faculty at-tended charity events in Toronto, Montreal, New York and beyond.

We want to thank all of you for enabling the University to mature and flourish, even in these turbulent times. And we invite you to visit UCU and to consider the vital role that you and your family can play in helping the University to inaugurate a bright new chapter in the history of Ukraine and the world.

May God bless you!

Alexander B. Kuzma, Chief Development Officer

Дорогі Друзі у Христі!

Без сумніву, 2013-ий рік став найважливішим переломним моментом в історії України від

часу проголошення її незалежності в 1991-му році. Український Католицький Університет був у самому центрі цих монументальних і дивовижно надихаючих подій, котрі завоювали повагу цілого світу і захопили нашу уяву.

Студенти УКУ одні з перших вийшли на вулиці Львова на протест проти режиму Януковича. Пізніше вони приєдналися до мільйонів волелюбних українців на головній площі Києва – Майдані Незалежності у мирному протесті, який Президент УКУ Владика Борис Гудзяк влучно назвав «Революцією Гідності». Викладачі, працівники і священики брали участь у ній також.

11-го грудня провід університету закликав усіх громадян до загальнонаціонального виявлення громадської непокори супроти жахливо корумпованого президента. На початку 2014 року спільнота УКУ зазнала непоправної втрати внаслідок трагічних подій в українській столиці, коли 20-го лютого від кулі снайпера загинув неозброєний викладач Богдан Сольчаник.

Український Католицький Університет залишається твердинею католицької моралі, бізнесової етики і

соціальної відповідальності. З приходом нової влади, університет зобов’язався долучитися до інтенсивної кампанії відбудови держави через проведення кардинальних реформ за найвищими моральними і демократичними цінностями.

Університет мав честь гостити у себе багатьох західних дипломатів, серед яких був амбасадор Канади Трой Лулашник. Також УКУ відвідали представники Комітету приятелів університету з Калґарі.

Тут, у Північній Америці, представники ректорату та працівники Українського Католицького Університету брали участь у благодійних бенкетах в Торонто, Монтреалі, Нью-Йорку та інших містах.

Ми хочемо подякувати Вам за те, що допомагаєте нашому університетові розвиватися і процвітати навіть у ці складні часи. Ласкаво запрошуємо Вас відвідати УКУ у Львові, а також подумати над тим, у який дієвий спосіб Ви і Ваша родина могли б підтримати університет, щоб спільно творити нову яскраву сторінку в історії України та світу.

Нехай Господь благословить Вас!

Олександр Кузьма, Головний директор розвитку

From the Chief Development Officer

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Your Donation Dollars at WorkAcademic Exchange Program

By developing a humanistic ap-proach to medicine, and fostering respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, this program aims to train special-ists in the field of bioethics on the basis of Christian moral principles. With courses in theology, philosophy, bioethics and jurisprudence, the pro-gram is intended for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, clinical pharmacists,

biologists, priests working in medi-cal institutions, workers of palliative departments, and lawyers. In 2013, these funds were used to develop and print teaching materials and hand-books, pay professors’ salaries, and allowed the University to co-host an international conference with the As-sociation of Gynecologists of Poland on the topic of “Medical and bioethi-cal questions of human procreation.”

Course Projects

Icon Painting Summer SchoolSupported in part by the Calgary Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University

Certificate Programme in Bioethics Supported by gifts from Yury Monczak and by the Monczak Family Endowment

An intensive three-week practice of icon-painting in the western Ukrainian tradition, the program provides an opportunity for first-hand study of ancient masterpieces, analysis of their technique and its creative imitation, the study of Christian art through courses in the theory and theology of art,

studio practice, and field-lectures in museums and monuments of sacred art. Participants are able to create their own icons under the supervision of professional icon-painters. It is one of the very few icon painting programs taking place in a traditionally Eastern Christian country but offered in English.

Students of St. Mary’s University – Linda Jenson and Pattie Quinn – attended the Ukrainian Catholic University and completed practica at the English Secondary School in Lviv as student teachers in the spring of 2013. They were also involved in assisting students of UCU in English language and presentation skills, and made presentations on

the Canadian secondary school system for students of UCU’s Social Pedagogy Department. In the fall of 2013, two of UCU’s best Social Pedagogy students –Uliana Bezpalyuk and Ivanka Diman (pictured here with their hosts in Calgary) - were chosen for the exchange to Canada, focusing their work on language skills,

UCU/St. Mary’s University Student ExchangeSupported by the Calgary Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University

community service, and cultural activities. They took courses at St. Mary’s University in English, French, drama, sociology

and psychology and completed internships at the local school and nursing home, led by Sisters Servants.

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Your Donation Dollars at WorkEndowed Chairs/Professorships

Prof. Myroslav Marynovych, Judeo-Christian Dialogue and Interfaith Relations2013 Activities included: • Running a Summer Program,“The Social Thought of

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky: The Place of Christian Values in Building a Just Order” (Lviv, June 23-30)

• Co-organizing and lecturing at 8th annual international, interfaith Polish-Jewish-Ukrainian seminar “The Ark” (Bilshivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk obl., June 30- July 7)

• Overseeing the work and projects of UCU’s Institute of Religion and Society

Prof. Yaroslav Hrycak, History of Ukrainian Jews and Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in the Broader Context of Central and East European History2013 Activities included: • Supervising three Doctoral students working on their dissertations in

Ukrainian-Jewish studies• Supervising two Masters students in Ukrainian-Jewish studies• Establishing a permanent lecture series for visiting lecturers in

Ukrainian-Jewish studies• Co-organizing and participating in international conference

“German-language Jewish Culture in Halychyna: Influence, Spread, Transformation” at UCU (June 12-13)

• Keynote lecture at conference “Ivan Franko and Jewish Connections” at the University of Vienna

• Organization of two conferences to be hosted by UCU in 2014

Rev. Dr. Yuriy Shchurko, Old Testament Studies2013 Activities included: • Running a weekly Bible study group at the UCU Collegium/

Residential College• Teaching courses: “The Jewish Context of the New

Testament”• Organizing international Biblical conference at UCU

“Biblical Studies, West and East: Trends, Challenges and Prospects” (Sept 19-20)

• Continued work on monograph “The New Testament: Environment, History, Main Message”

• Running Sunday “Bible Hour” at UCU’s Chapel – weekly lectures by UCU scholars for the general public

• Translation work on “Methodology of the New Testament” by Prof. Yoanikiy Cherskyi

Three Professorships in Ukrainian-Jewish Studies Supported by the Temerty Family Endowment

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Your Donation Dollars at Work

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To the Light of Resurrection through the Thorns of Catacombs. The Underground Activity and Reemergence of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic ChurchSupported by the Wolodymyr and Stefania Lech Endowment

Translation and printing costs of the catalogue from the 2012 exhibit organized by UCU’s Institute of Church History on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of UGGC’s legalization. Presenting a number of archive documents, oral history materials, and photographs related to the liquidation, underground activities, and eventual legalization of UGGC in 1989. It is the plan of the Institute to tour the exhibit in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Publication Projects

Rev. Basil Galarnyk Endowment FundSince 2004 UCEF held an Endowment for UCU, from a $100,000 gift from the Estate of Rev. Basil Galarnyk, which funded an annual visiting professorship at UCU from 2006 until 2012. With the building of the new campus at UCU underway, and with plans to expand its programs, it was agreed that the Endowment should be transferred and best put to use by the University directly. The first installment of these funds was sent to UCU in 2013.

Other Projects

Institute of Church History ArchiveSupported by a gift from Yury Monczak

Organization and cataloguing of the archive of Fr. Ihor Monczak donated to the Institute of Church History, in order to provide as many students and researchers as possible with access to the materials, as well as preparation for eventual publication. The archives contain many articles and lectures given by Fr. Monczak at UCU in Montreal

and at St. Paul University in Ottwa, on topics such as: the Ukrainian church, the idea of a patriarchate, church self-rule, and the development of the UGCC in the times of the unions of Florence and Brest. The archive also contains correspondence with Patriarch Josyf Slipyj and documents about the development of the UGCC after his release.

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Your Donation Dollars at Work

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Yearly tuition scholarship+Full Tuition Scholarship including room & board

Bequest of Lydia Kaluzhna:» Olga Kolesnyk

6th yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Natalya Tsymbalista

2nd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty» Oksana Zhadvizak*

5th yr., History, Humanities Faculty * ongoing sponsorship

Yearly tuition scholarshipFull Tuition Scholarship

Bohdan & Alexandra Bulchak Endowment Fund:» Bohdana Kondzyolko

3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

In memory of Mary Theresa Darewych:» Ivanna Diman

4th yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

» Khrystyna Konopada 2nd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

Dr. & Mrs. George & Marta Jaciw:» Ulyana Bezpalyuk

4th yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

Bequest of Lydia Kaluzhna:» Andriy Bilyak

1st yr., UCU’s Lviv Business School» Bohdan Demkovych

3rd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty» Oleksandr Hordiychuk

3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Volodymyr Kira

3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Nadiya Kuzmych

1st yr., UCU’s Lviv Business School» Andriy Maksymiv

4th yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty» Nelia Martsinkiv

4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Khrystyna Nyzhnyk

3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Yaryna Paramushchak

5th yr., History, Humanities Faculty» Oksana Puzhakovska

1st yr., UCU’s Lviv Business School» Sofia Sholomiy

2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty

» Yulia Svyripa 1st yr., UCU’s Lviv Business School

» Svitlana Vynnyk 3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty

Mykhailo Kowalsky and Daria Mucak Kowalsky Endowment Fund:» Ihor Feshchenko

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty» Kateryna Gladka

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty

In memory of Nestor Oleksandr Severyn Lewycky:» Ihor Kuts

3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty

Roman Melnyk Memorial Scholarship Fund:» Anastasiya Gavrishova

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty» Pavlo Ostrovskyy

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty» Yuliya Sabadyshyna

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty

Russell Plawiuk and Olzhych Foundation in memory of Mykola Plawiuk:» Oleksiy Kotsinskyy

2ndyr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty» Markiyan Prokhasko

6th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty» Mariya Robak

2nd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty

Dr. Walter Silecky:» Viktoriya Shymko

3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

Ms. Oksana Veryha in memory of Dr. Wasyl Veryha:» Tetyana Banakh

2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty

Semester tuition scholarshipTuition Scholarship for one semester

Carling Energy Inc.:» Solomia Hrebenyak

2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty

Patricia Kreklewets:» Oleh Kryshtal

1st yr., Holy Spirit Seminary, LvivUCWLC (St. Josaphat’s Parish, Toronto) & Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada:» Bohdana Rushchak

5th yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty

Quarterly tuition scholarshipTuition Scholarship for one quarter

Dr. Yury Monczak:» Olexandra Mandriychyk

UCU’s School of Bioethics

UCWLC (St. Volodymyr Parish, Thornhill):Oleh Mokryk 2nd year, Holy Spirit Seminary, Lviv

Dr. Wolodymyr Bolubash Initiative BursariesCash stipend, awarded annually

» Hanna Burko 3rd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty

» Nadiya Drabyk 2nd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

» Myroslava Hyryak 3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

» Maryana Kostetska 4th yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

» Marta Kovalchuk 3rd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty

» Maryana Levchuk 2nd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty

» Anastasiya Malysheva 2nd yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty

» Khrystyna Mashkarynets 3rd yr., Social Pedagogy Department, Humanities Faculty

» Nadiya Staryk 4th yr., Social Pedagogy Department, Humanities Faculty

» Volodymyr Volotsyuha 4th yr., Theology-Philosophy Faculty

2013 Scholarship Recipients

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Canada and the Ukrainian Catholic University

• Fr. Dr. Myroslaw Tataryn (St. Je-rome’s University, Waterloo, Canada) gave a series of lectures to theology students and professors of UCU.

• Ambassador Troy Lulashnyk spoke about UCU’s role in developing education in Ukraine.

• Representatives of the University of New Brunswick, University of Winnipeg, Grant MacEwan University, McMaster University, University of Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Bureau for

International Education visited UCU.

• Jason Kenney, then Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism for Canada, addressed a philosophy symposium at UCU.

• Dr. Yury Monczak of McGill University spoke about “designer medicines” to students of UCU’s Bioethics School.

• As part of the ongoing exchange agreement between UCU and St. Mary’s University College (Calgary), Canadian students traveled to Ukraine in the spring.

• Representatives of the University of Winnipeg and UCU signed an agreement on cooperation between the two institutions.

• The Calgary Friends of UCU toured the university.

• Karol Pidzamecky honoured the memory of his late wife and son by dedicating a plaque in their name at UCU.

• The family of the late Roman Melnyk traveled to Lviv to personally present scholarships in his memory to three students of UCU’s Journalism School.

Canadians at UCU

Summer programSonya BodnarchukSteven BreseLev DaschkoLesia KinachStephan Bohdan KinachAndrew Polischuk

Fr. Michael SmolinskiHalyna Tepylo

Spring program Jean Elizabeth AntoniukTeresa CherneckiElena LadwigMichael Lahoda

UCEF Events and UCU Activity in Canada

The following students from Canada took part in UCU’s 2013 School of Ukrainian Language and Culture:

• The Calgary Friends of UCU hosted a concert of Christmas carols and also a golf outing.

• UCEF co-organized a conference in Toronto, “Stronger Communities through Stronger Organizations.”

• UCEF’s Chief Development Officer Alexander Kuzma visited Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Friends of UCU Committee renewed its activities in 2013.

• Julia Hnativ of UCU’s Development Department traveled to Canada to help out in the Toronto office and at events.

• Fr. Taras Barshchevskyi, a biblical scholar from UCU, and Prof. Pavlo Khobzey, the university’s vice-

rector for educational work, spoke in Toronto in November.

• Calgary, Montreal and Toronto hosted fundraisers in the fall. And the Toronto event concluded the

10th anniversary celebrations of UCEF in Canada.

• UCEF took part in the Ukrainian Festivals in Montreal, Toronto, and Calgary.

GET invOLvED! Join or start a

Friends of UCU Committee in your

community! Contact UCEF for more


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UCEF Funds and Endowments

The Ukrainian Catholic University in the news

Prof. W. Bolubash Initiative Bursary Fund – cash stipends for UCU students

Bohdan and Alexandra Bulchak Endowment – annual scholarships for students and seminarians at UCU

Roman Melnyk Memorial Scholarship Fund – scholarships for students of UCU’s Master of Journalism program

Daria Mucak Kowalsky Endowment – research, travel and publication grants, and/or scholarships at UCU

Mykhailo Kowalsky and Daria Mucak Kowalsky Endowment –establishing new academic programmes and/or encouraging enrollment in UCU’s core programs

Wolodymyr and Stefania Lech Endowment – publication projects or scholarships

Light of Justice Endowment – Award and Scholarship at UCU for Moral Leadership

Monczak Family Endowment – the Monczak, Hawryluk, Kohutiak and Kokotska Chair in Bioethics at UCU

Temerty Family Endowment – three professorships in Christian-Jewish and/or Ukrainian-Jewish studies at UCU

UCEF Founding Donor’s Endowment – support the goals of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation

UCEF Scholarship Fund – scholarships for UCU students

UCEF Seminary Scholarship Fund – scholarships for seminarians

new Rector installed and new Building Consecrated

2014 Events: The Revolution

Photo by Andriy Polikovsky

After the departure of President Viktor Yanukovych, UCU co-organized visits of students from eastern Ukraine to Lviv in an effort to preserve the spirit of unity. And the new government asked UCU’s Lviv Business School to start a “good governance” program to train and re-train civil servants to operate in a corruption free environment.

Students and staff of UCU were active on Kyiv’s Independence Square (Maidan) from the very beginning. Priests celebrated Liturgy, heard confessions and offered spiritual counsel. Students joined their peers in peaceful protest. In February 2014, UCU lecturer Bohdan Solchanyk was killed by a sniper on the square.

Fr. Bohdan Prach, PhD, was announced as UCU’s new rector on September 3, at the ceremony in which the university’s new academic building was blessed. The photo shows him at UCU’s charitable folk ball “Perelaz.”

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Donor Generosity

Patriarch’s Circle ($100,000 and over)

Dr. Anastasia Shkilnyk-Kingham +

Cardinal’s Club ($25,000 - $99,999)

Mr. & Mrs. John & Olga DozorskyMr. Karl Pidzamecky

President’s Cabinet ($10,000 - $24,999)

Rev. Marian & Dr. Roman Curkowskyj FoundationDr. & Mrs. George & Anya HarasymowyczIan Ihnatowycz Family FoundationMrs. Bohdanna MonczakDr. Yury MonczakMr. & Mrs. George & Jean Ochrym

Foundation Club ($5,000 - $9,999)

Mr. Josyf BilaniukDr. Marie Therese BilaniukMrs. Lidia BobownykMrs. Alexandra BulchakMr. & Mrs. Ihor & Bohdanna ChumaMr. John IhnatowychMr. Oleh IlnytzkyjMr. & Mrs. Ihor & Oksana KomarnickyDr. & Mrs. Robert and Iryna PattenMrs. Kathryna Swerhun

Bishop’s Club ($1,500 - $4,999)

Mrs. Maria BaranBuduchnist Credit UnionCalgary Friends of UCUProf. & Dr. Jurij and Daria DarewychDr. & Mrs. George & Marta JaciwProf. & Mrs. Basil & Olia KalymonDr. & Mrs. Zenon & Zorianna KohutMr. & Mrs. Bohdan & Chrystyna KolosMr. Oleh LuciwMrs. Tania MelnykMrs. Olga NahirnyjMrs. Neonila Pashkovsky

Mr. Kirk Robinson & Ms. Sandra CarmodyMr. & Mrs. Eugene & Renata RomanMs. Halyna RudavskaMr. Walter Silecky and Mrs. Slava IwasykiwUkrainian Credit Union Ltd.

Millennium Circle ($1,000 - $1,499)

AnonymousMr. Peter Boryslav BulkowskiMr. & Mrs. Eugene and Ola CholkanCUIAS, Immigrant ServicesDr. & Mrs. Steve & Marichka DuncanMr. & Mrs. Orest & Tetiana DzulynskyMrs. Olha HankevychRev. Brian HubkaMr. Dmytro HuleyMr. Michael KaliminMrs. Patricia KreklewetzMrs. Helen KudlaMrs. Maria LewyckyMrs. Oksana McIntyreMr. Alex Pochmursky & Ms. Nancy LeverPrestige Troyanda CateringDr. & Mrs. George & Oksana RewaShevchenko FoundationMrs. Ulana SteckMr. John Stetic & Mrs. Melanie MelnykMr. Clayton & Mrs. Linda WoitasDr. Maria Wolfs

Acolyte’s Circle ($500 - $999)

Mr. Ernie O. AntoniwDr. & Mrs. George & Joan BabiyLa Caisse Populaire Ukrainienne de MontrealMr. Andrey CybulskyMr. Walter DashkoMr. Chrysant L. DmytrukMr. & Mrs. Phil & Mary DowhaniukMr. Andrey Genyk-BerezowskyMr. & Mrs. Orest & Irene HarasMrs. Marika HoholMr. Roman HoholMr. Orest Humennyj & Ms. Daria TomasztczukMs. Olga Kizluk-Scarpari

Knights of Columbus - Bishop Savaryn Council 9559Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Christina KudrykRev. & Dobr. Roman & Lubomyra LaholaMrs. Marta LewyckyDr. & Mrs. Walter & Svitlana MedwidskyMs. Clara MoskalykMrs. Natalie ObalMr. Alex OchrymMrs. Nadia OstapchukMrs. Marta C. ReplanskyMr. Orest H. T. RudzikMrs. Alexandra SchurMr. Ihor StechMr. Eugene S. StruminskyUkrainian Canadian Research & Documentation CentreUkrainian Catholic Eparchy of SaskatoonMs. Tanya WanioMr. Daniel ZadoroznyMr. Ireneus Zuk

In-Kind DonationsMr. Andrij BabytschMr. Volodymyr ChornomazMs. Marika DubykMs. Elaine JohnsonMs. Volodymyra LuczkiwMs. Halyna NowakiwskyMr. & Mrs. Eugene and Renata RomanMs. Halyna RudavskaMs. Irene SirkoMr. Eugene S. StruminskyMr. Oleg Vodoviz

2013 Event Sponsors:Mr. Josyf Bilaniuk Buduchnist Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Ihor & Bohdanna Chuma CUIAS Immigrant ServiceRev. Marian & Dr. Roman Curkowskyj Foundation Prof. & Dr. Jurij and Daria Darewych Ian Ihnatowycz Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ihor & Oksana Komarnicky Mrs. Tania Melnyk Mrs. Olga Nahirnyj Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Iryna Patten Members of PLAST Toronto Branch Prestige Troyanda Catering Mr. & Mrs. Eugene & Renata RomanMs. Halyna Rudavska Shevchenko Foundation Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd.

We thank all of our donors for helping rebuild the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine. In 2013, some 500 people contributed to programs

benefiting seminarians, students, and the faithful through projects at UCU. If anyone was inadvertently omitted from the list below, please notify us so that we may update our records.

Page 11: Annual Report-2013 of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation

ukRAiniAn CAtholiC eduCAtion FoundAtion | AnnuAl RepoRt 2013 | 11

Sheptytsky Society

Over $1,000,000The Temerty Family Foundation

Over $500,000Dr. Anastasia Shkilnyk-Kingham +

$100,000 to $499.999Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan + & Alexandra BulchakDopomoha Ukraini Foundation and the

Wrzesnewskyj FamilyEstate of Dr. Teodor Bohdan Dziubanowsky Estate of Rev. Basil Galarnyk

Estate of Ms. Lydia KaluzhnaMrs. Daria Mucak KowalskyEstate of Mr. Wolodymyr Lech Mr. Vasil MikolyskyjMrs. Bohdanna MonczakDr. Yury Monczak

$50,000 to $99,999Rev. Marian & Dr. Roman Curkowskyj

FoundationMr. & Mrs. John & Olga DozorskyDr. & Mrs. George & Anya Harasymowycz

Mrs. Maria Malecka CzajkiwskaEstate of Mr. Wasyl Petriw

$25,000 to 49,999AnonymousMr. & Mrs. Teodor and Anna Besz +Mr. Josyf BilaniukMr. Myron Monczak +Mr. Karl PidzameckyMr. & Mrs. Hryhoryij + & Kathryna

SwerhunMrs. Oksana Veryha

$10,000 to $24,999Mr. Ihor Walter BardynMr. Joseph J. BarnickeDr. Marie Therese BilaniukMrs. Lidia BobownykEstate of Mr. Teodor Butrej Mr. Erast Huculak + & Mrs. Yarmila Buka-

HuculakIan Ihnatowycz Family FoundationDr. & Mrs. George & Marta JaciwMr. Michael KaliminKatedra Foundation

Knights of Columbus - Bishop Budka Council

Mr. & Mrs. Ihor & Oksana KomarnickyEstate of Mr. Bohdan Kowch Mrs. Tania MelnykMr. & Mrs. George & Jean OchrymRt. Rev. Mitrat Gregory OucharykDr. & Mrs. Robert & Iryna PattenRoman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of

Calgary, Mission CouncilMr. & Mrs. Eugene & Renata RomanEstate of Ms. Maria SawchynMrs. Maria SembratEstate of Ms. Nadia ShypkaSt. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church,

TorontoSt. Stephen’s Byzantine Ukrainian Catholic

Church, CalgaryMr. Eugene S. StruminskyMrs. Olga TomkiwMrs. Sofia WojtynaMrs. Mary Yacyshyn +

We recognize donors who have made major lifetime contributions to assure the glorious future of the Church in Ukraine foreseen by

Metropolitan andrey SheptytSky

A will is an expression of your commitment to the people and groups that you cherish here on earth. As a supporter of the Ukrainian Catholic University, a bequest in your will ensures that the training of young leaders in Ukraine will continue into the future.

n Suggested wording for a bequest:

“ I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, of Toronto, ON, _______% of the residue of my estate [or: the sum of $___________] for its charitable, educational and religious purposes.”

Please contact Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (UCEF) in Canada. Call us today at (416) 239-2495

Have you considered including UCEF in your will?

We graciously acknowledge the gifts received in loving memory of the following peopleMrs. Vera Anne BociurkiwMs. Neonila Eva ChumaMs. Irene ChumaMrs. Maria Figol Mr. Steve HarhaiMr. Erast Huculak Mr. Mildred HutzalMr. Bohdan JaciwMs. Christine KmetykM. KohutMr. Michael Kowal Ms. Eugenia Kowalsky Mr. Lysko MichaelRev. Bohdan OstapowychMs. Maria PaschynMrs. Mary Pidzamecky

Mr. Michael William Barry Pidzamecky Ms. Stephania Puziak Dr. Yurij Rudenskyj Mrs. Anna Shkilnyk Galuga Ms. Halyna Tytla Mr. Nestor Wasylyn Mrs. Irena Wrzesnewska Ms. Stepha YakiwczukMr. Wolodymyr Zakaluzny

We graciously acknowledge the gifts received in honor of the following peopleMr. Mykhaylo Hohol25th anniversary of ordination, Fr. Don

BodnarMs. Irene PawyczRev. Roman Lobay

Thanks to our Organizational Supporters

Thanks to Alexandra Khraplyvyj Schur and her late husband Orest Schur for including a living bequest to UCEF in their estate plan.

The Advocates’ Society, TorontoCalgary Friends of UCU CUIAS Immigrant Services, Toronto Knights of Columbus Sheptytsky

Council, Toronto Montreal Friends of UCU PLAST Toronto Branch Shevchenko Foundation Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate,

Calgary St. Mary’s University College, Calgary Toronto Friends of UCU

UCBC St. Nicholas Church, Toronto UCEF USA Ukrainian Canadian Congress, National


Page 12: Annual Report-2013 of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation

Ukrainian CatholiC EdUCation FoUndation

263 Bering Ave. Toronto, ON M8Z 3A5, Canada phone: (416) 239-2495 | toll free: 1 (866) 871-8007fax: (416) 239-2496 | e-mail: [email protected]

2247 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622, USAphone: (773) 235-8462 | fax: (773) 235-8464 e-mail: [email protected] | website:

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