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December 2013

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Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment

Corporate Services Directorate 1

Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit 3

Tourism Directorate 8

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Annual Report 2012 ~ Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment

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________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Report 2012 Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment

The Corporate Services Directorate within the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment covers the support function for the entire ministry and the various entities that fall within the remit of the Ministry. The Corporate Services Directorate within the Ministry is made up of a team of 8 people who are in charge of Finance, Budgeting, Travel, Human Resources, Registry and other Administrative functions of the ministry. The Corporate Services Directorate works in close collaboration with other Units such as the IT Section, Secretariat, and the representatives of the various entities that fall under the remit of the MTCE.


The corporate service directorate has been given the ongoing task of monitoring the progress of the restoration and upgrading of the works at Casa Scaglia in Valletta which is the place where the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment will be using as its official premises later on in 2013. The first phase of the project is nearing completion and the second phase of the project is at an advanced stage in the procurement process. The contract for the preparatory works including the laying of cables, finishings etc. for the new ministry offices is well under way, whereas the tender for the provision of furniture and refurbishment of existing doors and windows/new doors and windows has recently been awarded with the contractor commencing preparations for the execution of the contract.


The Finance Unit is primarily responsible for the management and administration of the Ministry’s budget, procurement, income and expenditure and also releasing of tranche payments to the various entities. The finance section is led by the Director Corporate Services who is directly supported by an Assistant Director, one principal officer and two clerks (who are responsible for the controlling of fuel for those officers who are entitled to receive these allowances, are in charge of making travel arrangements for all ministry representatives, liaising with other officers on financial matters etc). There is also a casual-substitute clerk who, along with the more senior officers, is responsible for the issuing of Purchase orders, and also has the function to seek procure items necessary after having obtained the necessary approvals. The approved budget allocated to MTCE for the first four months of 2013 amounts to €18 million.


The upkeep of the human resources management system (HRMS) is managed directly by the Director Corporate Services with the assistance of a casual-substitute clerk who is fully focused on the daily administration of the ministry’s HR systems. The HR function is responsible for the maintaining of attendance sheets, issuing of payrolls, monitoring and reporting of sick-leave and also keeping hands-on records of the status of personnel who are engaged on a contractual basis.


The ICT role for the MTCE is currently being handled by the Chief Information Officer who has recently been appointed, and he is responsible for the maintenance and development of various IT systems. This is an ongoing task for the CIO whereby his office is not only responsible for the IT systems of the Ministry itself, but is also responsible for liaising and assisting the various entities falling under the remit of the

Corporate Services Directorate

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MTCE, as well as ensuring that the new premises where the ministry intends to move will have the necessary IT setup to ensure that the latest technology is in place to enhance the MTCE’s IT capacity.


The Corporate Services Directorate is also responsible for the procurement of all items required for the day to day running of the ministry, as well as for the enforcement of procurement regulations for any supplies, works or services procured departmentally by the Ministry. Apart from this, the Director Corporate Services also acts as Chairperson on the Departmental Contracts Committee for the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment where there have already been 17 meetings since the commencement of the DCC of the MTCE from August 2012 (previously this function was carried out by the Office of the Prime Minister).

BERNARD BARTOLO Director (Corporate Services)

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The Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit (TSDU) is responsible for EU affairs and policy development in the field of tourism. It carries out the tasks and responsibilities falling under both the Ministry responsible for tourism and the Malta Tourism Authority in relation to European matters and policy. The Unit is composed of personnel employed either directly by the Public Service or by the MTA. or by MEPA. The TSDU applied for and implemented a number of EU co-financed projects including the Grant Scheme for Sustainable Tourism Projects by Enterprises and a number of other projects co-financed through EU direct funding programmes.



Tourism Policy for the Maltese Islands (2012-2016)

In 2012, the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment launched the Tourism Policy for the Maltese Islands (2012-2016) which was drafted by the TSDU. The Tourism Policy for the Maltese Islands (2012-2016) reflects a consolidated policy framework which stems from an extensive consultation process with the public and key tourism stakeholders and following an intensive research-based process on Malta’s accessibility, our accommodation offering, Malta’s gateway and international transport, international trends, social, economic and environmental impacts amongst others. The policy document projects a proactive framework which builds on the achievements of previous policies, it keeps constant pace with the changing trends in tourism while safeguarding the viability of the tourism sector from an economic, ecological, ethical, innovative and social dimension. The document lays out a strategic framework which enables the Maltese Islands to reach better performance, higher-value added and excellence in tourism.

Sustainable Rural Tourism Policy in Malta and Gozo

In 2012, TSDU formulated, following discussions with MTA, MEPA and MRRA, a Rural Tourism Policy. The next step in the process of the formulation of the policy is to issue it for public consultation, following approval by cabinet. The draft rural tourism policy seeks to tap the opportunities presented by the country’s rural areas for tourism whilst ensuring conservation and sustainable development principles.

It presents a complementary strategy of tourism activities with existing rural activities. It aims to enrich the diversification strategy for rural areas by proposing sources of income and employment for rural communities. Tourism is not being proposed as the saviour of rural communities but nonetheless, the document recognises that through sustainable practices the future prospects of tourism in Malta can be seen as a potential instrument to support a socio-economic transition process in local rural communities. The concept of sustainability is firmly embedded in this policy document. The policy document focuses on five main aspects which include governance structure, product development, marketing, training and employment and Gozo’s potential for rural tourism. The document sets the framework for better collaboration amongst private and public stakeholders aiming at the implementation of sustainable development practices, safeguarding authenticity in rural tourism and at exceeding visitors’ expectations.

Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit

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Legislative and Non-legislative proposals

During 2012, various legislative and non-legislative proposals were discussed in various council formations. TSDU provided inputs to or formulated Malta positions in relation to these legislative and non-legislative proposals. These proposals included, amongst others, the airport package dealing with slots, noise and ground handling, the programme for the competitiveness of enterprise and SMEs (2014-2020) (COSME), the communication on the implementation and development of the common visa policy.

Tourism Advisory Committee

Malta is a member of the Tourism Advisory Committee which is attended by representatives from TSDU. Several topics were discussed during these committee meetings, including updates on the implementation of the Communication on Tourism COM (2010)352, measures to promote the diversification of tourism products and services, to stimulate the competitiveness of the tourism sector, to encourage an extension of the tourist season, to enhance the visibility of Europe and to promote the development of sustainable tourism. Other important discussions took place on the revision of the Package Travel Directive, the Commission’s Communication on VISA Policy and on a Best practices exchange project. TSDU prepared Malta positions and participated actively in such discussions.

European Tourism Policy Framework actions - Europe, the world’s No. 1 Tourist Destination – A new Political Framework for Tourism in Europe, 2010 - EU COM(2010) 352

The European Commission initiated a number of initiatives and actions under the European tourism policy framework. TSDU, on behalf of Malta, seeks to participate fully in such initiatives and actions. The TSDU monitors actions undertaken by the Commission to implement this action plan and is active in a number of these initiatives, including:

• the social tourism initiative through the Calypso projects, • the initiative relating to senior citizens, • the 50,000 initiative aimed at strengthening cooperation with South American source markets, • a strategy for coastal and maritime tourism, • the virtual tourism observatory, • indicators for the sustainable management of destinations.

During 2012, TSDU also dealt with EU pilot communications relating to tourism. These communications arose as a result of the European Commission’s assessment of Maltese legislation vis-à-vis EU directives.

EU Financed projects

TSDU applied for and obtained funding for a number of projects in 2012 and implemented a series of these projects. These included the Grant Scheme for Sustainable Tourism Projects by Enterprises, the Calypso project and the EDEN projects.

Grant Scheme for Sustainable Tourism Projects by Enterprises

The TSDU implements the EU co-financed grant scheme for sustainable tourism projects by enterprises, which is a €10 million scheme. The Scheme provides, following a call for projects and a thorough evaluation process, co-financing for sustainable tourism projects by enterprises.

104 projects were awarded co-financing through the first three calls for projects. The projects under Call 1 have been fully implemented and reimbursed, whilst the TSDU is currently monitoring the implementation

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of the projects under Call 2 and 3. Preparations were made for the possibility of issuing a fourth call, following savings made from projects.

A control unit within the ministry is responsible for checking processes and documentation, for performing financial controls and ex-ante checks on implementation and payments. Furthermore, the Control Unit carried out on-the-spot checks together with the IB following submission of payments by the beneficiaries.

Calypso - Facilitating Transnational Low Season Exchanges in Europe through the development of Social Tourism

TSDU applied for EU co-financing under the Calypso call and was awarded funding. In 2012, the project started being implemented. The project, in line with the Calypso call, supports the public authorities in setting up (and developing) the CALYPSO office infrastructures and providing networking opportunities to enhance collaboration between public authorities. Best practices and the identification of accessible mechanisms were shared between the partners of the project. An assessment of the current tourism product in terms of accessibility was also commenced in 2012, following a public procurement process. A number of meetings and information seminars on the topic of accessible tourism were also organised.

European Destinations of Excellence Project (EDEN)

TSDU also applied for and obtained funding under the EDEN call. In 2012, the 6th edition of the EDEN project aimed at promoting the EDEN destinations and enhancing awareness of the EDEN rationale. This was done after a decision taken by the European Commission together with the Member States in response to the need of more awareness. As part of this project, a number of activities were carried out targeting the national general public, online users, the international market, and a special focus on the UK and German markets. A mixture of printed and online media was used in order to target a wider market. In the UK, a half page advertorial was issued on the Daily Telegraph newspaper. To complement it, an online performance network campaign was launched on the Telegraph website ( In Germany a mix of media was also used in the promotional campaign. A 1/6 page advert was issued in the Geo Saison magazine, which is the first national consumer travel magazine in German and German speaking countries, promoting sustainable and sensitive tourism. To enhance the effectiveness of the campaign, an online campaign on the sister website of Geo Saison – was implemented. A two-page advertorial was issued on the online version of Zeit newspaper ( This online advertorial was supported by online banners, a medium rectangle on various popular websites and a wallpaper on Zeit Online. On an international level, an advertorial was produced on Lonely Planet magazine together with an online performance campaign on the Lonely Planet website.

Locally, a photographic competition and exhibition were organised to raise awareness about the winning EDEN destinations. These activities were supported by an advertorial and advert on VIDA magazine, a Facebook page and Facebook adverts, adverts on Times of Malta online and a press release.

Activities also included the production of a brochure in Maltese and in English promoting the Award and the EDEN destinations. These were mostly distributed at European tourism fairs which the MTA participates in. This participation was also another activity of the project.

In 2012, TSDU also worked on the application for the new EDEN project which was approved. The theme in 2012 was ‘Accessible Tourism’.

TSDU assisted other organisations to tap EU funding opportunities and implement projects:

Grand Master’s Palace Regeneration Project

The Palace Regeneration Project will effectively lead to the rehabilitation of, and provide greater access to, a primary cultural anchor within the city. The regeneration of The Palace will follow the transfer of

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Parliament to its new premises close to City Gate, giving this primary historic site the opportunity to renew itself through an integrated and sustainable adaptation of the building, its halls, its furnishings and its collections in keeping with conservation best practice. Once completed, the Palace will offer a new visitor experience, based on its unique historic and contemporary significance.

Fort St Angelo Heritage Experience

The Fort St. Angelo Heritage Experience is a cultural infrastructure project funded from the European Regional Development Fund (Programming Period 2007-2013). This investment amounts to € 13,390,000 (85% co-financed through EU Funds and 15% funded through National Funds) and will cover the restoration and rehabilitation of the part of the Fort which is entrusted to the Government of Malta. The project is being implemented by Heritage Malta and will be completed by June 2015.

The prevailing use and the efforts behind the works undertaken will revolve around and focus on the provision of an eclectic, distinctive and renowned visitor experience for tourists and visitors alike. The interpretation techniques shall focus on the significance of Fort St. Angelo throughout the various historical epics of the Maltese Islands.

European Maritime Day 2013

On 21 and 22 May 2013, Malta will be hosting the annual European Maritime Day Conference, a conference which attracts some 1500 delegates and which is organised and led directly by the European Commission, specifically by DG Mare. High level persons including Commissioner Damanaki and Commissioner Tajani are expected to attend. TSDU on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Environment, worked with the Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications and with the European Commission to formulate the theme and the programme of the conference. The title of the conference is ‘Coastal development and sustainable maritime tourism: an investment for blue growth’.

Tourism Legal Notices

The following Legal Notice relating to Tourism were published during 2012, following review and coordination by TSDU:

• Tourism Accommodation Establishments Regulations • Recreational Diving Services Regulations (published in January 2013) • Fees Tourism Amendments Regulations (relating to Language Schools holding the necessary licence to

operate as a general travel and travel agency incoming and as an excursion organiser).



National Environment Policy

In February 2012, the TSDU launched the National Environment Policy (NEP), which was prepared following a thorough consultation process. During 2012, policy measures started being implemented, whilst the monitoring of the implementation of the policy took place.


Legislative Proposals and reporting obligations

Throughout 2012, a series of environmental legislative proposals were being discussed at EU working parties and council ministers’ meetings. Preparations for these negotiations took place in 2012, whereby

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Malta positions were formulated. Various reports were reviewed and submitted to the Commission in line with reporting obligations.


A number of environment infringements cases were dealt with during 2012. By the end of 2012, Malta had only five open environmental infringements.


One of the roles within the Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit is to act as the LIFE+ National Contact Point promoting the EU funding programme which is specifically designed for environmental projects. The LIFE+ contact point, in 2012, organised information seminars for particular audiences ranging from the private sector, the industry, NGOs and government bodies. Complementary to this is collaboration with MEUSAC, through their newsletters, mail shots and assistance in organising the information events. Furthermore, one to one meetings with potential applicants were organised to provide guidance on the specific LIFE+ applications. The contact point represented Malta in the LIFE+ Committee meetings, participated in the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee on EU Infrastructure and Productive Funding Programmes set up by PPCD, and takes actions as a partner in EU LIFE+ projects. The focal point also assessed the proposal for the upcoming LIFE programme.

Legal Notices

A number of legal notices were published in 2012 following review and co-ordination by TSDU. These legal notices were mainly due to transposition requirements and regulatory legislation.


The main three deliverables on sustainable development related to the enactment of the sustainable development act, the setting up of the related structures and the preparations and follow-up for Rio+ 20 summit.

The Sustainable Development Act (Chapter 521 of the Laws of Malta) was enacted in July 2012. The Guardian of Future Generations and the Sustainable Development Network were set up in December 2012.

TSDU coordinated preparations for the work relating to the Rio+20 summit which came to an end on Friday 22 June 2012 with the adoption of a declaration entitled ‘The future we want’. The summit was attended by representative from 193 countries being member states of the United Nations and brought together over fifty thousand delegates from all around the world to reaffirm political commitment towards sustainable development. The Maltese delegation was led by Minister Mario de Marco. After June, discussions were underway with respect to the follow-up of the outcome of the Rio+20 discussions.

DR MARIE-LOUISE MANGION Head of Unit (Tourism & Sutainable Development)

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The Tourism Directorate within the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and The Environment has a very specific role, and this is to provide support and assistance to enhance the coordination and communication between the Malta Tourism Authority and the Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment as well as to drive the strategy and policy for tourism. This role was implemented through a number of initiatives that have been undertaken over the past three years, including: • The drafting of local tourism plans, particularly, the consideration of Mellieha as the pilot area for this

process. A draft report will be prepared, in the near future, for public consultation before the implementation process.

• The proposal of innovative and new products and services that will enhance the tourist experience in Malta and Gozo. These proposals were discussed with Local Councils and other stakeholders related to the tourism industry so that the most feasible method of progression could be established. During 2012, four local council itineraries were launched for Tarxien, Bormla, Santa Venera and Zebbug (Gozo). These itineraries are intended for the independent traveller or visitor or those groups of visitors who have a particular interest in the relational and cultural aspects of the host community. The itineraries have already been promoted on a number of websites including the Malta Tourism Authority web site as well as through a number of hotels and tour organizers. The process will continue throughout 2013 to develop further itineraries with other local councils and also to monitor and manage a coordinated approach to the implementation of these initiatives.

• Active participation on the Tourism Sustainability Group (TSG) within the EU Commission, particularly, through the role of Deputy Rapporteur to the Working Group that is drafting the EU Charter on ‘Responsible and Sustainable Tourism’. This document will be launched, after a period of public consultation in the second quarter of 2012

• By managing the loan of props to NGOs, Local Councils and other organisations to assist in the coordination of events organised by these entities, the Secretariat or the Malta Tourism Authority ensuring that these are in line with tourism policy

• Attended conferences and meetings organised during international tourism events and for Pan European Networks to establish a broader coordination in developing strategies and policies related to tourism. To maintain an efficient and effective communications process with the Malta Tourism Authority to ensure better implementation of the National Tourism Policy and to create an effective flow of feedback that could improve strategy and policy development.

• Developing and maintaining an effective tool for communicating strategies and policies both to internal and external stakeholders in the tourism industry.

• Direct participation in the ESCO project that was launched, through the ESCO Secretariat within the DG Employment, during the last quarter of 2011. As Chairperson of the Hospitality Reference Group the project will include five critical stages to develop a relevant, reliable and interactive database of skills matched to competencies and qualifications within the hospitality sector of the tourism industry across Europe. By developing this database it should improve the aspect of job satisfaction and career advancement within this important employment sector and create a better sense of vocation and professionalism within this service.

JULIAN ZARB Director (Tourism)

Tourism Directorate