annual report 2010

ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS Charting our course for the future ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010 Charting our course for the future

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ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010


Charting our course for the futureANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010

Charting our course for the future

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Page 2 2009 - 2010

Charting our course for the future

ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010

The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians andTechnologists (OACETT) is the certifying body for more than 23,000engineering technology professionals in Ontario.

OACETT is dedicated to excellence in the engineering and appliedscience technology profession in a manner that serves and protectsthe public interest.

OACETT is a self-governing professional association that functionsunder the OACETT Act for the purpose of protecting public safety,governing its members and providing a wide range of memberbenefits and services.

Certified members of OACETT may use the following titles anddesignations:

• Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.)• Applied Science Technologist (A.Sc.T.)• Certified Technician (C.Tech.)

Members may also use these designations after qualifying:• Road construction contract administrator (rcca)• Road construction senior inspector (rcsi)• Road construction junior inspector (rcji)

ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – 2010

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David SaundersB.E.S., C.E.T.

First, we continue to show solidgrowth in total membership and

a continuing increase in the numberof certified members who nowrepresent 65 per cent of ou r totalmembership, up from just 60 percent five years ago. Your Councilbelieves this represents strength inthe value proposition of bothmembership in OACETT andcertification in the marketplace. Weare cognizant of the need toimprove the value proposition andever mindful of the encroachingdemographic bulge, as many of ourmembers look to retirement. Weare working hard to attractstudents, young professionals andthe internationally trained, and aretaking the necessary steps toadvance them to certification.

Second, our fiscal situationcontinues to strengthen by allaccounts through the strongstewardship of both volunteers and


staff. On the staff front, we arefortunate to have a loyal,committed group of professionalswho provide good service, goodadvice, implement the policies ofCouncil and who have madesacrifices without complaint duringrecent difficult economic times.

Third, your volunteerleadership has shown a capacity toexercise responsible risk-taking bymaking tough, contentiousdecisions to advance the interestsof the membership and the public.As noted in Martine Band’s report,we challenged our members toconsider universal professionalliability insurance. We haverationalized our designations bygrandfathering the A.Sc.T., and nolonger granting it, in part, torespond to employer needs and toimprove the brand of our C.Tech.and C.E.T. designations. Finally,after major investments to improvethe Federation, which did not comeabout, OACETT along with four ofour sister organizations have madethe difficult but necessary decisionto withdraw from the CanadianCouncil of Technicians andTechnologists. We supportmembership in a national federationbut one that is more efficient,equitable and fair with a mandate toundertake what’s important to do,not what is nice to do!

Fourth, we continue our effortsto work with other stakeholders for


As I complete the first ofmy two-year term as yourPresident, I would like tooffer our membership andstakeholders a briefsummary of what I believeto be importantmilestones for theAssociation over the pastyear.


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For those who are curious, I am paid staff. Likewise, a few members askabout the salaries of the volunteers who sit on Council—they are not

paid but their OACETT-related expenses are covered. Since this AnnualReport covers in detail the Association’s activities, accomplishments andfinancial performance, which the staff are instrumental in, I thought Iwould provide our members with a brief overview of the staff supportingthe leadership and membership of OACETT.

OACETT has a complementary governance structure with electedvolunteers making policy, setting budgets and establishing performancetargets with staff assigned the responsibility of providing advice,recommendations and implementing the directions established by Council.Staff routinely report to your elected Council and its various committees onoperational issues. This helps us avoid the major failings of manyorganizations since responding to whether we are achieving what we saidwe would and within budget keeps us accountable. However part of thestaff culture is to “under promise and over deliver”.

The staff of OACETT represents a healthy variety of ages andbackgrounds with our average age reflecting the demographics of themembership. Succession planning is important to us but we are challengedby a relatively small organization with limited opportunities to promotefrom within. To continually challenge and keep staff interested whileretaining the best and the brightest, our management team provides


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David Thomson

mutual benefit and in the service ofthe public interest. For example,Professional Engineers Ontario willbe including the LicensedEngineering Technologist (L.E.T.)with a Certificate of Authorization,in a new Omnibus Bill which shouldbe tabled shortly in the provinciallegislature. Although the appeal ofthis instrument is limited amongstthe membership and has been awork in progress for close to adecade, it does provide pathwaysfor our membership and willenhance the competitiveness of theeconomy, as well as, improvinginter-provincial labour mobility.

You are encouraged to readother highlights in this AnnualReport. You are also encouraged toquestion, probe and challenge yourvolunteer leadership.


After five years in my position as ExecutiveDirector, I am still askedby interested membersduring chapter eventswhether I am paid staff ora volunteer....


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While this statement mightseem a bit “out there”, it

ended up being our “modusoperandi” as we embarked on whatwould become one of the mostaggressive agendas the PASB hasundertaken.

Our largest and most dauntingtask this year was the governancereview of the PASB and chapterrules. We spent a great deal of timeanalyzing, investigating, anddiscussing best practices. Weneeded to ensure that the activitiesof the chapters and PASB were inconcurrence with our by-laws andpolicies. We also needed to ensurethat the chapters were providedthe tools to manage their affairseffectively and efficiently. Thisprocess could not have beencompleted without the strongteamwork exhibited by the PASBcouncillors, board members,chapter volunteers and dedicatedstaff. I must also thank you, ourdedicated OACETT members, forthe ideas and solutions youcommunicated to us. They assistedgreatly in preparing the documents

Bob van den Berg, C.E.T.

latitude for employee risk-takingand the delegation of authority andaccountability. Our pay iscompetitive based on recentindependent analysis with salaryand benefits set at the median forsimilar organizations.

A big plus for us is thatemployees generally like the varietyof the work and enjoy serving themembership. On that note, themembership is always generouswith feedback and praise whichhelp staff to improve efficienciesand service to the members andgeneral public.

Our staff is an enterprisinggroup who sometimes respectfullychallenge the volunteer leadership,as well as their management team.We spend money (not enough Ithink) on professional developmentand team building. Our staffcollectively engage in charity work,plan social functions, work hard toreduce our office environmentalfootprint, and are increasinglyactive in health and wellnessprograms to make ourselves andthe volunteer leadership morehealthy and productive.

Overall, they are a great groupto work with!

“Sit down, strap in andhang on!” was how Istarted our firstProfessional Affairs andServices Board Meeting ofthe year.



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Rules and Women in TechnologyCommittee plans that have beendeveloped. In addition your boardwill be developing a “Chapter ToolBox” that will have the forms,appendices and definitions toassist you in running yourchapters. We’re also reviewingour member benefits programs.Plans are underway to expand ourofferings and increase the value ofyour membership.

It’s been an honour to havehad the opportunity to lead thePASB through this aggressiveagenda. I have appreciated thesupport from my fellow Councilmembers and staff. We still needto “Sit Down, Strap in and HangOn” as the ride is not over yet!

that were presented during yourregional meetings.

Another area this year whereteamwork played an important rolewas our Women in TechnologyCommittee planning sessions.Women are an under representedgroup in our Association and as ourpopulation ages we need to tapinto this resource to fill theupcoming labour shortage. Thecommittee of 15 female membersand partners had their first strategysession recently. The committee isin the process of developing itsdeliverables along with a businessplan to achieve them. I look forwardto the implementation of this planlater this year. Stay tuned forupcoming articles and reports onthis important initiative!

Teamwork is everywhere in ourAssociation. I have been fortunateto visit with many of the chaptersand regions to experience this firsthand. I have also had theopportunity to participate in yourevents to introduce youth to theidea of technology as a professionalcareer as well as networkingseminars, plant tours, and socialgatherings where members get toknow each other and their familiesbetter. Without strong teamworkthese events would not besuccessful.

Moving forward into our 2010-2011 term we will be working toimplement the PASB, Chapter


Certification, standardsand national accreditationare a few of the majorissues IETO has focusedon this past year. Asalways, our commitmentto certification withoutcompromising OACETT’sstandard is forefront in ourefforts.

Stephen Morley, C.E.T.


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Colleges with two visits to FlemingCollege in mid-April 2010. Anadditional 11 are scheduled for thefall at Centennial, Humber,Algonquin and Sheridan Colleges. Iam pleased to report that Ontariocurrently tops the country with 49nationally accredited programs.

IETO’s overall performancefinished strong for 2009.• We certified 940 new members,79 more than in 2008, surpassingthe target of 724 set for the year. Fulltime applications also increased to1,088; 89 more than 2008. • 271 members reinstated theirmembership in OACETT. Thisindicates the value of certification asprior members are returning.• 168 members reclassified theirmembership category.• 117 new or existing membersapplied for the road constructiondesignations bringing the total to1,043.• 296 technology proposals and185 reports were processed.

IETO has introduced an onlineProfessional Practice Seminar tocomplement the online exam. Thisalternative to the in-personweekend seminar allows applicantsto register, complete the seminar,and take a practice exam onlineconveniently from their home oroffice. The online seminar benefitsthose members who are unable totravel to the in-person seminar orprefer a self-directed approach. We

Highlighted below are some ofour exciting developments.

We are currently working with ourfellow organizations across Canadato develop a common certificationand registration model based onthe National TechnologyBenchmarks (NTB). The final resultof this collaboration will be anonline registration system on theTechnology Registrations Canada(TRC) website. The NTB are alreadysuccessfully utilized in assessingcollege engineering technology andapplied science programs fornational accreditation. The TRCwebsite will allow trainedtechnology professionals to self-assess education and workexperience against the NTB andsubmit an application fromanywhere in the world to aprovincial association of theirchoice. TRC will also help introduceprior learning assessmentrecognition (PLAR) to applicantswho do not possess a traditionaleducation. IETO is currently testingthe TRC self-assessmentapplication process with newmember volunteers.

National Accreditation ofOntario college programs andtriennial reviews using OACETTcertified members continue to bepriorities for IETO. In 2009 a total ofeight accreditation visits occurredat Niagara, Algonquin,Confederation, and Mohawk

will continue to deliver the two-dayin-person seminar for thoseindividuals preferring an instructor-led learning experience. In additionto the four regularly scheduledweekend seminars, IETO deliveredseminars at La Cité collégiale,Niagara College and in Thunder Bay.

As of January 1, 2010 all newapplicants for certification (exceptthose in road construction) arerecorded as Associate Membersonly. The sub categories of TechnicalSpecialist, Graduate Technician andGraduate Technologist were retired.This will streamline our Associatecategory and reduce confusion assome constituents felt the retiredtitles were certified titles.

OACETT’s on-boardinginitiatives continue to focus onreaching members who only requirethe PPE to complete theircertification, strategies to encouragestudent retention, and further onlineinitiatives for both applications andprofessional references.

IETO saw many membersachieve certification. All of thissuccess could not be achievedwithout the hard work and diligenceof staff.

We are striving to furtherenhance the certification processand hope our initiatives encourageothers to “Get Certified” and takeadvantage of their profession andprofessional association.

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The audit report and our 2009Annual Report for the OFC areposted on OACETT’s website.

OACETT’s Complaints andDiscipline process is critical infulfilling an obligation to protectpublic safety and ensure highethical standards for the profession.In 2009, a complaint referred to theDiscipline Committee resulted inthe suspension of the member’sC.Tech. title and his roadconstruction designation.

OACETT continues tosafeguard your titles anddesignations which are the visiblemarks of your certified status andprofessionalism. Members and thepublic can verify membership andcertification on our website andreport misuse of title to theRegistrar. A total of ten letters weresent last year to individuals askingthem to desist using the titleimmediately. All members shouldtake an active role in protectingtheir professional titles.

Recognizing our unique,important relationship with Ontariocolleges, IETO has developed andnurtured college partnershipagreements with seven Ontariocolleges and continues to fosterrelationships with others. TheProfessional Practice Exam (PPE) isembedded in the curriculum at fivecolleges and the ProfessionalPractice Seminar and exam areoffered to students at two

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In fact, as I write this we have justcompleted an update of our IETOrules which govern the registrationand certification of our members.

We continue to provideprofessional member service, andtimely certification whilemaintaining and upholding theprofessional standard of our titles. Iam particularly proud of oursuccessful compliance audit whichcorroborated the fair and unbiasedstewardship of OACETT’sregistration practices.

All regulatory and certifyingbodies must undergo anindependent compliance auditmandated by the Office of theFairness Commissioner (OFC).OACETT’s audit was conducted inaccordance with the Fair Access toRegulated Professions Act, 2006(FARPA).

Overall the audit shows ourregistration and certificationprocesses provide timely decisionsand responses, internalreviews/appeals, information onappeal rights, documentation ofqualifications, assessment ofqualifications, training and accessto records and meet the highstandards required under FARPA. Itis satisfying to have an independentthird party confirm that ourassessment and certificationprocesses are transparent,objective, timely, consistent,impartial and fair.

Sam DiGiandomenico, BA

The past year has beenindustrious andsuccessful for the officeof the Registrar. Mystaff and I arecommitted to thecontinual improvementof registrationprocesses.



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additional colleges. The Fast Track to Technology

Occupations (FTTO) projectspearheaded by Sheridan andCentennial colleges and of whichOACETT was an active partner,concluded in December 2009 witha wrap-up celebration hosted bythe two colleges. The eventhighlighted the achievements ofgraduates and students whoparticipated in the project andthanked partners such as OACETT.

We continue to advance therecognition of internationallytrained professionals byparticipating in Skills for Changeand Settlement, and IntegrationServices Organization activities.

In 2009 I completed my tenureas Chair of the Council of Registrars(COR), and became the CORrepresentative on the CanadianTechnology Accreditation Boardwhich conducts nationalaccreditation of engineering andapplied science programs atCanadian colleges. The CORmeetings have been focused oncompleting revisions to theNational Technology Benchmarks,and with the development of a newwebsite and self-assessmentapplication process.

Looking back at the year weare proud of our accomplishmentsand are looking forward to anotheryear of excellence in certification.

OACETT has not beenalone in weathering thestorm of the economicdownturn, but we haveremained focused indelivering top service toour members.


We contained costs bystreamlining processes,

eliminating inefficiencies andfocusing on outreach to membersand potential members.

The Professional Affairs andServices Board had a very clearmandate in 2009 which was toprovide leadership training to ourmany volunteers, outreach toemployers, increase membership,align chapter activities withcorporate strategy, enhancecommunications, reduce costs andincrease alternative revenuestreams. I am very pleased toreport that we have made progressin all of these areas.

The Ontario Technologistmagazine continues to be a topnotch publication where ourmembers are profiled, industrynews is published, chapter eventshighlighted and it is used as amarketing tool for outreachactivities. The OACETT websitecontinues to be enhanced throughan internal task force and we werefront and centre in promotingNational Engineering Week inOntario with our colleagues theProfessional Engineers of Ontario,Consulting Engineers of Ontario,the Ontario Science Centre and theOntario Society of ProfessionalEngineers. Communication througha variety of mediums buildsawareness of OACETT and thecredentials of our members.

Sharon Leonard





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In October 2009 we hosted theOACETT Provincial Awards Galawhere 29 award recipients werehonored. We had over 200 peoplein attendance with representationfrom government, industry andacademia. The feedback from thisevent was excellent and theAwards Committee is to becommended for their hard workand dedication.

Services such as the CanadianTechnical Employment Network(CTEN), Technology Report WritingSeminar, rings and stamps continueto be beneficial for OACETTmembers. Whether members arelooking for employment oremployers are recruiting, CTEN is aconduit for accessing top talent andcareer opportunities. The two-dayTechnology Report Writing Seminarreceives excellent ratings from bothmembers and non-members asthey know that writing effectivetechnical reports gives them acompetitive advantage in theworkplace. Certified members areusing the ring and stamp as asymbol of their accomplishmentsand the collective use of thesesymbols contributes to theawareness of certification and yourcredentials.

The hard work, dedication andcreativity of our 27 chapterscontinue to astonish us. These 300plus volunteers continue topromote OACETT at the local level

by holding various events formembers and non-members. It isthrough these events that ourmembers learn first hand thebenefits of certification and thepower of networking.

Membership continues to growbut we can’t rest on our laurels. Aswe bring in new members we haveother members retiring and thistrend will continue. The strength ofour membership is in numbers asthis is what gives us credibility withgovernment, industry and thecolleges. This year we continued tofocus on outreach to companieswho employ our members. Ourvisits are always well received andcertification is highly recognized.These companies slowed downtheir hiring in recent years but theycontinued to look for the “best andthe brightest” and I am happy toreport that OACETT certifiedmembers fit into this category. Withthe projected labour shortagethese credentials are what will setour members apart within theworkplace.

This has been a fast paced yearwith much progress taking place. Iwant to thank the ProfessionalAffairs and Services Board,chapters and staff for their vision,hard work and dedication to themembers of OACETT. It has been apleasure working with everyone.


If you were to search theOACETT Act for areference to the “publicinterest”, or even to itsmore modest offspring“public safety”, your effortswould be in vain. YetOACETT has assumed foritself a mission of ensuringthat the engineering andapplied science professionis one that serves andprotects the publicinterest.

Martine Band



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It’s an ambitious vision to be sure,but we should neither strive for noraccept less.

I cannot offer you a definitionof the “public interest” but I, likeyou, know it when I see it. There isalways a danger in citing oneexample at the expense of another,nevertheless, I would like tohighlight a few initiatives that areparticularly meaningful for me:� The debate on mandatoryprofessional liability insurance.Serving the public interestsometimes involves raisingcontentious issues and makingunpopular choices. This debate wasone that needed to be had, and isone that deserves to be revisitedfrom time to time. � The governance review, borneof a recognition that anorganization must examine itsgovernance structure anddocuments from time to time toensure that they are consistentwith best practice, that theyfacilitate rather than hinderefficient management and, aboveall, that they continue to effectivelyserve the organization, itsmembers and all those to whom itis accountable.� Encouraging professionaldevelopment through training andthe online tracking of professionaldevelopment activities. Membersand the public can be well servedby the promotion of continuous

learning and by placing a high valueon the acquisition of new skills andthe honing of old ones.� Government relations.Promoting certified members as“qualified persons” allows greaterchoice for employers, providesopportunities for both domesticallyand internationally trainedprofessionals and contributes tothe economy as a whole, all at norisk to public safety. � Strategic appointments toCouncil. The credibility of theAssociation in the eyes of the publicdemands that the affairs of theorganization be under the oversightof a governing body where differentperspectives have a voice and avote.� Emergency planning anddisaster recovery. This may seemrather pedestrian as an exercise,but the Association cannot meetthe needs of its members or thepublic if it is not in a position torebound quickly from acatastrophic event. The initiativeitself demonstrates a healthyrespect for the adage that thosewho do not engage in riskmanagement are doomed topractice crisis management.

Is there more work to be done?Definitely. In the context of avolunteer-driven association,perhaps greater emphasis isneeded on succession planning. Itmay be that the time has come for

mandatory professionaldevelopment to be on the agenda.The public interest is a demandingtask master, and what serves thepublic interest today may no longerdo so tomorrow. But I am pleasedto say that, over the years as amember of Council, I have seen theAssociation mature and grow intoan organization that is increasinglyresponsible and responsive, that isas proactive as it is reactive andthat acts strategically and withdeliberation and foresight. Andthat, I think you will agree, is in thepublic interest.

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In 2009, the Association’s long-term investments recoveredalmost all of the market value lossincurred in late 2007 and 2008,ending the year with a gain of$247,285. The market value of theinvestment portfolio at the end ofMarch 2010 was over $2.4 million.

In an on-going effort to reducethe pension liability, employeecontributions to the pension fundwere increased again in 2010 andOACETT made additionalcontributions in 2009 over andabove government required funding.Pension fund investments showedsteady improvement in 2009 and inthe first quarter of 2010.

Senior management is currentlylooking at ways to minimize future

pension liabilities while striving toensure OACETT’s employeecompensation package remainscompetitive to attract and retaintalent given the looming skillshortage. Competition for key talentis a concern for all industries.

Membership increased to over23,500 as of December 31, 2009.There was an increase of 1,088regular members and 1,034 studentmembers joining OACETT in 2009.This increase demonstrates therecognition that OACETTcertification has in the marketplace,especially in tough times.

Ongoing technologyenhancements and streamlinedprocesses implemented across theAssociation have resulted in

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OACETT’s finances are inexcellent shape.Responsible decisions,conservative budgets andcautious spending on thepart of Council and staffgenerated a year-endsurplus of $555,703.

Hillary Tedoldi, CAE

Comparison of Revenue from 2000 to 20095.0










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20090

(millions $)

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increased member retention andassociate members moving towardcertification.

A survey to members whocertified over the past two yearsrevealed that the top two reasonsfor moving to certification wasprofessional recognition and careerenhancement. Over sixty per centsaid that being able to access andtrack their certification via theonline exam program helped themcomplete the requirements forcertification.

In keeping with the Govern-ment of Ontario’s requirement toimplement the Harmonized SalesTax (HST), the Association is in theprocess of making technologychanges and developing proceduresto implement HST on July 1, 2010.

A working group chaired byPresident-Elect, Rod MacLeod,B.Sc., C.E.T. completed thedevelopment of a PandemicInfluenza Preparedness andResponse Plan for OACETT inDecember 2009. The DisasterRecovery Plan is expected to becompleted by June 2010.

OACETT has weathered theeconomic downturn and emergedstronger than ever. Strongleadership and fiscal managementand the ability to change with agilitywhen necessary are paying off.

The OACETT team is to becommended for their operatingefficiency and strategic direction.







12.52005 2006 2007 2008 2009

(000s)Comparison of Certified Members from 2000 to 2009














2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009(0.2)

(millions $) Comparison of Members Equity and Net Assets from 2000 to 2009

Members Equity Net Assets

Members Equity is net assets less funds invested in capital assets.

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Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2009

Auditors’ Report

To the Members of Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians andTechnologists

We have audited the statement of financial position of Ontario Association of CertifiedEngineering Technicians and Technologists as at December 31, 2009 and the statementsof operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended. Thesefinancial statements are the responsibility of the Association's management. Ourresponsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditingstandards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtainreasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of materialmisstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting theamounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessingthe accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as wellas evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, thefinancial position of the Association as at December 31, 2009 and the results of itsoperations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadiangenerally accepted accounting principles.

Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public AccountantsMississauga, OntarioFebruary 5, 2010

Tel: 905 270 7700Fax: 905 270 7915Toll-free: 866 248

BDO Canada LLP1 City Centre Drive, Suite 1700Mississauga ON L5B 1M2Canada

Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2009

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Statement of Financial Position

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December 31 2009 2008


Cash and short term investments $ 288,485 $ 322,242Accounts receivable 62,376 91,511Inventory 11,405 16,848Prepaid expenses 257,782 282,129

620,048 712,730

Capital assets (Note 1) 293,592 285,693Investments (Note 2) 2,218,904 1,872,281Pension asset (Note 3) 506,800 77,500

$3,639,344 $2,948,204

Liabilities and Net AssetsCurrent

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 359,206 $ 336,985Fees received in advance 1,729,995 1,591,104Leasehold inducement current portion (Note 4) 23,700 23,700

2,112,901 1,951,789Leasehold inducement (Note 4) 47,400 73,075

2,160,301 2,024,864

Net assetsNet assets represented by:

Internally restricted for specific purposes:Building fund 194,892 175,350Legal fund 45,000 30,000

Unrestricted operating fund 945,559 432,297Invested in capital assets 293,592 285,693

1,479,043 923,340

$3,639,344 $2,948,204

On behalf of the Board:

David Saunders, B.E.S., C.E.T., President

Rod MacLeod, B.Sc., C.E.T., President-Elect

Statement of Financial Position

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For the year ended December 312009 2009 2008

Budget Actual Actual(Unaudited)

RevenueAnnual membership fees $3,440,504 $3,503,344 $ 3,405,866Examination fees 187,000 186,030 198,452Application and registration fees 223,600 235,201 193,801Advertising 60,000 60,939 76,664Investment income (loss) 7,368 227,743 (234,539)Building fund investment income (loss) 632 19,542 (28,685)Reclassification acceptance fee 24,720 27,304 22,570Other 81,030 69,160 53,742PPE manual 80,000 132,107 76,053Seminar 71,000 65,903 62,865Rent 42,585 41,896 42,288CTEN 165,000 98,624 149,315Sponsorship 260,000 267,404 296,931

4,643,439 4,935,197 4,315,323

Operating expenditures (Schedule 1) 741,500 728,833 744,239

Program and other expenditures (Schedule 2)Program 996,590 940,557 871,120Staff 2,196,927 2,133,428 1,974,972Office 338,500 286,853 316,801Services purchased 219,500 175,806 91,097

3,751,517 3,536,644 3,253,990

4,493,017 4,265,477 3,998,229

Excess of revenue over expenditures before amortization 150,422 669,720 317,094Amortization (135,000) (114,017) (125,615)

Excess of revenue over expenditures for the year $ 15,422 $ 555,703 $ 191,479

Statement of OperationsStatement of Operations

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For the year ended December 31 2009 2008Invested in Legal Building Operating

Capital assets Fund Fund Fund Total Total

Fund balances, beginning of year $ 285,693 $ 30,000 $ 175,350 $432,297 $923,340 $ 731,861Capital assets purchased 121,916 - - (121,916) - - Transfer to legal fund - 15,000 - (15,000) - - Excess (deficiency) of

revenue over expenditures (114,017) - 19,542 650,178 555,703 191,479

Fund balances, end of year $ 293,592 $ 45,000 $ 194,892 $945,559 $1,479,043 $ 923,340

Statement of Changes in Net Assets

Statement of Cash FlowsFor the year ended December 31 2009 2008Cash provided by (used in)Operating activities

Excess of revenue over expenses for the year $ 555,703 $ 191,479Adjustments to reconcile excess of revenueover expenses for the year to net cash provided by operating activities

Amortization 114,017 125,615Leasehold inducement (25,675) (33,725)Unrealized (gain) loss on investments (246,623) 271,434Changes in non cash working capital balances

Accounts receivable 29,135 22,584Inventory of jewellery and novelties 5,443 5,869Prepaid expenses 24,347 (36,207)Pension asset (429,300) (25,000)Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 22,221 551Fees and grants received in advance 138,891 (12,482)Lease inducements - 118,500

188,159 628,618Investing activities

Purchase of investments (100,000) (500,000)Purchase of capital assets (121,916) (103,736)

(221,916) (603,736)(Decrease) increase in cash and short term

investments during the year (33,757) 24,882Cash and short term investments, beginning of year 322,242 297,360Cash and short term investments, end of year $ 288,485 $ 322,242

Represented byCash $ 283,585 $ 317,358Short term investments 4,900 4,884

$ 288,485 $ 322,242

Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of Changes in Net Assets

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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2009

Nature of OrganizationThe Association is constituted by the Ontario Association of Certified EngineeringTechnicians and Technologists Act, 1998, of the Province of Ontario. As theprofessional association for engineering technicians and technologists, itestablishes standards for its members and provides training, professionaldevelopment and various member services. The Association is a not for profitorganization and is exempt from income tax.

Cash and Short Term InvestmentsCash and short term investments consist of cash and money market mutual fundinvestments. These are classified as held for trading and are reported at marketvalue.

Inventory of Jewellery and NoveltiesInventory of jewellery and novelties is stated at the lower of cost and replacementcost which is not in excess of net realizable value. Cost is generally determined onthe first in, first out basis.

Capital AssetsCapital assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization isprovided on the straight line basis over the expected useful lives of the assets asfollows:

Computer equipment and software 3 yearsFurniture and equipment 10 years Leasehold improvements over the term of the leaseMembership database 5 years

InvestmentsInvestments are classified as held for trading and reported at fair market value.

Fees Received in AdvanceFees received in advance consist of membership fees, examination fees, andmiscellaneous deposits which relate to the subsequent fiscal year.

Leasehold InducementsLeasehold inducements are amortized over the term of the lease.

Revenue RecognitionMembership Fees

The Association follows the deferral method of accounting for membership fees.Membership fees are recognized as revenue proportionately over the membershipperiod to which they relate. Membership fees are recognized when amount can bereasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.

Examination, Application, and Registration FeesFees are recognized in the year in which the services are provided.

Investment IncomeInvestment income includes dividends, interest income and realized and unrealizedinvestment gains and losses.

Unrealized gains and losses on held for trading financial assets are included ininvestment income and recognized as revenue in the statement of operations orreported directly in net assets, depending on the nature of any external restrictionsimposed on the investment income.

Restricted investment income is recognized as revenue in the year in which therelated expenses are incurred.

InventoryRevenue earned from sale of inventory is recognized in the period in which thegoods are shipped.

Sponsorship RevenueSponsorship revenue is recognized in the period in which the amounts are received.

All other revenue items are recognized when received or receivable if the amountto be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.

Use of EstimatesThe preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally acceptedaccounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptionsthat affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financialstatements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during thereporting period. Actual results could differ from management's best estimates asadditional information becomes available in the future.

Internally Restricted FundsAs noted below, part of the Association's fund balances have been internallyrestricted as approved by the Association's Council. Transfers among funds arerecorded as approved by the Council.

Building FundThe Building Fund was established for the future acquisition of a building for theAssociation. This fund can only be utilized by approval from Council.

Legal FundThe Legal Fund was established to be utilized to fund unexpected legal expenses ofthe Association.

Donated Capital Assets, Materials and ServicesDonated capital assets are recorded at fair value when fair value can be reasonablyestimated. Because of the difficulty in determining their fair value, donatedmaterials and services are not recognized in the financial statements.

Financial InstrumentsThe Association classifies its financial instruments into one of the followingcategories based on the purpose for which the asset was acquired. TheAssociation's accounting policy for each category is as follows:

Accounts ReceivablesAccounts receivable, comprised primarily of fees receivable are classified as loansand receivables and are recognized at amortized cost. Transaction costs related toaccounts receivables are expensed as incurred.

InvestmentsThe Association classifies its investments as held for trading which consists ofcertain investments in equity and debt instruments. These instruments arerecognized initially at fair value and transaction costs are taken directly to thestatement of operations. They are subsequently measured at fair value and gainsand losses arising from changes in fair value of these instruments are recorded inthe statement of operations.

Other Financial LiabilitiesOther financial liabilities include all financial liabilities other than those classified asheld for trading and are comprised of accounts payable and accrued liabilities.These liabilities are initially recognized at fair value. Transaction costs related toother financial liabilities are expensed as incurred.

Capital ManagementThe Association's capital consists of its net assets. The Association's primaryobjective of capital management is to ensure that it has sufficient resources tocontinue to provide services to its members. The Association is not subject to anyexternally imposed capital requirements.

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Page 19: Annual Report 2010

Notes to Financial Statements

Page 192009 – 2010

December 31, 2009

1. Capital Assets2009 2008

Accumulated AccumulatedCost Amortization Cost Amortization

Computer equipment $ 375,979 $ 341,982 $ 347,132 $ 317,858Computer software 291,074 285,597 287,077 281,785Furniture and equipment 490,387 388,533 472,009 367,862Leasehold improvements 306,473 306,473 306,473 296,705Membership database 373,093 220,829 302,399 165,187

1,837,006 1,543,414 1,715,090 1,429,397Cost less accumulated

amortization $ 293,592 $ 285,693

2. Investments2009 2008

Cash and short term money market $ 7 $ 11,017Portfolio shares 839,146 682,709Fixed income 1,379,751 1,178,555

$ 2,218,904 $ 1,872,281

3. Pension PlanThe Association has a contributory defined benefit pension plan which covers substantially all its employees hired beforeDecember 31, 2007. The pension plan provides pension benefits based on length of service and final average earnings. The mostrecent actuarial valuation was performed as at January 1, 2008 and was updated to project the financial position as at December31, 2009.A pension expense of $224,200 (2008 $238,400) was recognized during the year. The cumulative excess between contributionsand the amount expensed, being $506,800 (2008 $77,500), has been recorded as a pension asset on the balance sheet.Pension fund assets at market related values at December 31, 2009 were $3,197,900 (2008 $2,086,700). Projected accruedbenefit obligation at December 31, 2009 was $3,207,300 (2008 $2,937,400).The following details significant components and assumptions of the Association's pension plan:

2009 2008Cash Flows

Employer contributions $ 653,500 $ 263,422Employee contributions 74,375 55,959Benefit payments (88,747) (88,747)

Actuarial AssumptionsDiscount rate 6.25% 5.25%Interest rate of return on assets 6.50% 7.00%Inflation rate 2.50% 3.50%Salary projection rate 3.00% 4.50%

The Association maintains a defined contribution pension plan for employees hired beginning January 1, 2008, matching theemployee contributions up to a maximum of 5% of gross earnings. The pension expense for the year relating to this was $13,573(2008 $10,342).

Notes to Financial Statements

Page 20: Annual Report 2010

Page 20 2009 - 2010

4. Leasehold Inducement2009 2008

Original inducement $ 202,500 $ 202,500Accumulated amortization (131,400) (105,725)

71,100 96,775Less: Current portion (23,700) (23,700)

$ 47,400 $ 73,075

5. Lease CommitmentsThe Association leases its premises and certain office equipment under long term operating leases with annual basecommitments over the next four years and thereafter as follows:

OfficePremises Equipment Total

2010 $ 297,237 $ 13,284 $ 310,5212011 309,581 13,284 322,8652012 309,581 9,584 319,1652013 - 4,889 4,889Thereafter - 5,244 5,244

6. Investment in Ontario Association For Applied Architectural Sciences (OAAAS)OACETT exercises significant influence over OAAAS by virtue of its ability to appoint some of OAAAS' Board of Directors. TheAssociation was established to recognize and advance applied architectural sciences through regulation and governing of itsmembers. OAAAS is incorporated as a corporation without share capital under the laws of the province of Ontario, is a not forprofit organization and is exempt from income tax. As a Founder of OAAAS, OACETT is responsible for funding 50% of anydeficit generated by OAAAS. During the current year, OACETT has provided for approximately $49,118 and recorded this as anAdministration Council and committees' expense. Recovery of amounts provided for, if any, in the future will be recorded whenthe funds are received.

7. Financial InstrumentsThe Association may be exposed to a variety of financial risks including interest rate risk and market value risk. The Associationmanages its risk by forecasting cash flows from operations and anticipating any investing and financing activities. A summary ofthe various risks which the Association is exposed to as a result of their operations is summarized below.Fair valueIn management's opinion, the carrying amount of the Association's financial instruments approximate fair value unlessotherwise noted.Interest rate riskInterest rate risk is the potential for financial loss caused by fluctuations in fair value or future cash flows of financial instrumentsbecause of changes in market interest rates. The Association is exposed to this risk through its investments.Market value riskMarket value risk is the risk of potential loss caused by the fluctuations in fair value or future cash flows of financial instrumentsby changes in their underlying market value. The Association is exposed to this risk through its investments.

8. Budgeted FiguresThe budgeted figures presented for comparison purposes are unaudited and are those approved by Council, reclassified toconform with the financial statement presentation. The approval of the balanced budget took place November 24, 2008.

9. Comparative FiguresComparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current financial statement presentation.

Notes to Financial StatementsNotes to Financial Statements

Page 21: Annual Report 2010

Page 212009 – 2010

For the year ended December 31, 2009

2009 2009 2008Budget Actual Actual


Accommodation $ 307,000 $ 288,888 $ 291,846CCTT study 22,500 35,087 27,000Equipment leases and rentals 18,000 16,166 29,094Insurance 11,000 9,330 10,089National Association dues 306,000 303,310 305,744Telephone and communications 53,000 49,947 56,730Office 14,000 16,359 16,843Public Relations/Marketing 10,000 9,746 6,893

$ 741,500 $ 728,833 $ 744,239

For the year ended December 31, 2009

Budget FTTO & Admini- 2009 2008(Unaudited) SISO IETO PASB stration Total Total

Communications $ 279,500 $- $1,644 $ 227,323 $ - $ 228,967 $ 223,774Council and

committees 539,000 - - 276,557 255,848 532,405 529,416Registration 178,090 - 179,185 - - 179,185 117,930

Total program expenses 996,590 - 180,829 503,880 255,848 940,557 871,120

Staff 2,196,927 - 627,167 489,300 1,016,961 2,133,428 1,974,972Office 338,500 - 43,906 22,409 220,538 286,853 316,801Services purchased 219,500 - 87,385 8,605 79,816 175,806 91,097

$ 3,751,517 $ $ 939,287 $1,024,194 $ 1,573,163 $3,536,644 $3,253,990

Schedule 1 - Operating Expenditures

Schedule 2 - Program and Other ExpendituresSchedule 2 - Program and Other Expenditures

Schedule 1 - Operating Expenditures

Page 22: Annual Report 2010

OACETT ADMINISTRATION BOARD(OAB)Chair: Rod MacLeod, B.Sc., C.E.T.President: David Saunders, B.E.S., C.E.T.David Tsang, A.Sc.T. Stephen Morley, C.E.T.Bob van den Berg, C.E.T.David ThomsonHillary Tedoldi, CAESharon LeonardSam DiGiandomenico

GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Chair: Gene Stodolak, C.E.T.Arjun Rana, C.E.T.Kimberley Pickett, C.E.T.Ronald Walker, C.E.T.Steve Barnes, C.E.T.David Thomson

NOMINATING COMMITTEEChair: David Tsang, A.Sc.T.Gene Stodolak, C.E.T.Arjun Rana, C.E.T.Dan Wolframe, C.E.T.David Sloan, C.E.T.Hillary Tedoldi, CAE

INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGY OF ONTARIO (IETO)Vice-President: Stephen Morley, C.E.T.Vice-Chair: Stewart Baxter, C.E.T.André Tardif, C.E.T.Eduardo Prillo, C.E.T.Jelbert Real, P. Eng., C.E.T. Greg Miller, C.E.T.Leo Cusumano, C.E.T. Ron Walker, C.E.T.Shawn Bonneville, C.E.T., P.Geo.Vincent LeFaive, C.E.T.Phil Maka, P.Eng.Sam DiGiandomenicoBarbara Chappell

PROFESSIONAL AFFAIRS ANDSERVICES BOARD (PASB)Vice-President: Bob van den Berg, C.E.T.Vice-Chair: Dennis Martin, A.Sc.T.Christopher van Dop, C.E.T.Ken Browne, C.E.T.Kimberly Pickett, C.E.T.Steve Barnes, C.E.T.Sharon Reid, C.Tech.William Dryland, C.E.T.Sharon Leonard

PROVINCIAL HONOURS AWARDSCOMMITTEE Chair: Ken Browne, C.E.T.Arjun Rana, C.E.T.Bob van den Berg, C.E.T.David Holmes, C.E.T.Sharon Leonard

WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGYCOMMITTEEChair: Sharon Reid, C.Tech.Amy Chigede, C.E.T.Bernice Green, C.E.T.Cylma Foxton, C.E.T.Dawn Coulson, A.Sc.T.Diane O’Heron, C. Tech.Kimberly Pickett, C.E.T.Meagan McConnell Michelle Stobbart-Cornell, C.Tech.Susan Siopis, C.E.T.Heather Phillips Peggy van Mierlo-WestElaine DanielsMelissa Thurlow

FLETCHER FOUNDATION TRUSTEESChair: Walter Spence, C.E.T.President: David ThomsonTreasurer: Hillary Tedoldi, CAE Mazin Audeh, C.E.T.Floyd Moore, C.E.T.Alex Lunycz, C.E.T.Arjun Rana, C.E.T.Alla Bondarenko

IETO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEChair: Stephen Morley, C.E.T.Vice-Chair: Stewart Baxter, C.E.T.André Tardif, C.E.T.Jelbert Real, P.Eng., C.E.T., Vince LeFaive, C.E.T.Sam DiGiandomenico

IETO FINANCE COMMITTEEChair: Stewart Baxter, C.E.T.Stephen Morley, C.E.T.Eduardo Prillo, C.E.T.Hillary Tedoldi, CAESam DiGiandomenicoBarbara Chappell

COMPLAINTS COMMITTEEChair: Ron Walker, C.E.T.Shawn Bonneville, C.E.T., P.Geo. Dennis Martin, A.Sc.T.William Climie, C.E.T.Sam DiGiandomenico

ADMISSIONS COMMITTEEChair: Stewart Baxter, C.E.T.Cameron Johnston, C.E.T.Mazin Audeh, C.E.T.Eduardo Prillo, C.E.T.Cedric Smith, C.E.T.David Sloan, C.E.T.Timothy Foltz, C.E.T.Trevor Onken, C.E.T.Ram Puri, P.Eng., C.E.T.Dave Kumar, C.E.T.Bin Zhang, P.Eng., C.E.T.Terry Davidson, C.E.T.Kishore Hemmadi, P.Eng., C.E.T.Iurie Dmitrenco, C.E.T.George Fletcher, C.E.T. Frank De Santis, A.Sc.T.Tim Willett, C.Tech.Yancy Ambing, C.E.T.J. David Holmes, C.E.T. Arjun Rana, C.E.T. Barbara ChappellCamilla Poliah

Page 22 2009 - 2010


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Page 232009 – 2010

WESTERN REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: Christopher van Dop, C.E.T.IETO Councillor: Vincent Le Faive, C.E.T.Regional Treasurer: Joe Raffoul, C.E.T.

Chatham-Kent:Chair: Jerry Corso, A.Sc.T.Matthew Link, A.Sc.T.Essex:Chair: David McBeth, C.E.T.Bill Van Loon, C.E.T. Grand Valley:Chair: Michael Laurie, A.Sc.T.Paul Douglas, C.E.T.Grey-Bruce:Chair: Colin Saunders, C.Tech.Amy Harrison, A.Sc.T.Lambton:Chair: David Lyon, C.E.T.Aime Guindon, C.E.T.London:Chair: Daryl Keys, C.E.T.Peter Nicholas, C.E.T.

EASTERN REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: Sharon Reid, C.Tech.IETO Councillor: Ron Walker, C.E.T.Regional Treasurer: Tara Welbourn, C.E.T.

Cornwall:Chair: Lloyd Chaput, C.E.T.Robert Raymond, C.E.T.Kingston:Chair: Tanya Fleming, A.Sc.T.Lincoln McIntyre, C.E.T.Leeds & Grenville:Chair: Vanessa Bligdon-Bernicky, A.Sc.T.Lorry Emslie, C.E.T.Ottawa:Chair: Brian Morgan, C.E.T.Stephen Coghlan

York:Chair: Patrick Ng, C.E.T.Giovanni (John) Di Marco, C.E.T.

TORONTO REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: Steve Barnes, C.E.T.IETO Councillor: Eduardo Prillo, C.E.T.Regional Treasurer: David Crowder, C.E.T.

Toronto Central:Chair: David Chow, C.E.T.Mark Le FlecheToronto East:Chair: Pasha Mohammed, C.Tech.Len Canzius, C.E.T.Toronto West:Chair: Roy Sue-Wah-Sing, C.E.T.Reginald Grieco, C.E.T.

HORSESHOE REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: Ken Browne, C.E.T.IETO Councillor: Jelbert Real, P.Eng., C.E.T.Regional Treasurer: Erin Coholan, C.E.T.

Hamilton:Chair: Nicola Mozzoni, C.E.T.Paul Wardell, C.Tech.Niagara:Chair: Shawn Chickowksi, A.Sc.T.Michael KowalczykPeel:Chair: Satish Sharma, C.E.T.Johannes Van Den Hoek, C.E.T.

Pembroke:Chair: Elizabeth Reid, C.Tech.Michael BehmPeterborough:Chair: Robert Jameson, C.E.T.Peter Struwing, A.Sc.T.Quinte:Chair: Michelle Stobbart-Cornell, C.Tech.David Scarlett, C.E.T.

NORTHERN REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: William Dryland, C.E.T.IETO Councillor: André Tardif, C.E.T.Regional Treasurer: Alex Szczebonski,C.E.T.

Near North:Chair: Leslie Collins, C.E.T.Weldon Flynn, C.E.T.Sault Ste. Marie:Chair: Christopher Etchells, C.E.T.Dan OlianaSudbury:Chair: Paul Beaulieu, C.E.T.Norman Doucet, C.E.T.Thunder Bay:Chair: Cory Halvorsen, C.E.T.Richard Tapak, C.E.T.Timiskaming:Chair: James McLaren, C.E.T.William McLaren, C.E.T. Timmins:Chair: Shane Dubroy, C.E.T.Jeffrey Hautanen, C.E.T.

CENTRAL REGIONPASB Regional Councillor: Kimberley Pickett, C.E.T.IETO Councillor: Greg Miller, C.E.T.

Durham:Chair: Ronald Montgomery-Wilson, C.E.T.Randolph Edmead, C.E.T.Georgian Bay:Chair: Brian Emery, C.E.T.John van Muyen, C.E.T.


Page 24: Annual Report 2010



EXECUTIVEPresident – David Saunders, B.E.S., C.E.T.

President-Elect – Rod MacLeod, B.Sc., C.E.T.

Past-President – David C.M. Tsang, A.Sc.T.

Vice-President, IETO – Stephen Morley, C.E.T.

Vice-President, PASB – Bob van den Berg, C.E.T.

Secretary-Treasurer – Hillary Tedoldi, CAE

Registrar – Sam DiGiandomenico, BA


Ken Browne, C.E.T.

Kimberley Pickett, C.E.T.

Steve Barnes, C.E.T.

Sharon Reid, C.E.T.

William Dryland, C.E.T.


David Thomson

Chief Administrative Officer

Hillary Tedoldi, CAE

Director, Institute of Engineering Technology


Sam DiGiandomenico, BA

Director, Professional Affairs and Services

Sharon Leonard

COORDINATES10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 404

Toronto, ON M9B 6H7

Tel: 416.621.9621

Fax: 416.621.8694

E-mail: [email protected]



Eduardo Prillo, C.E.T.

Greg Miller, C.E.T.

Jelbert Real, P. Eng., C.E.T.

Ronald Walker, C.E.T.

Vince Le Faive, C.E.T.


Laurel Schollen

Phil Maka, P.Eng.

Sean O’Reilly, Architect, B.E.S., B.Arch., OAA