annual ec meeting - neurological society of india minutes...

10 Annual EC Meeting - Neurological Society of India Minutes of the Annual EC Meeting (18 th December 2012 Director's Committee Room, AIIMS, Delhi) Meeting attended by: Keki E Turel, Chandrashekhar Deopujari, R C Mishra, Deepu Banerji, V P Singh, P Sarat Chandra, Manas Panigrahi, M D Nair, V Rajshekhar, Suresh Sankhla, Vani Santosh, S Sampath, J M K Murthy Past President : Prof A K Banerji. The President welcomed the members present in the meeting and the meeting was called to order. 2012/December/AEC/01 - Congratulations The secretary read the felicitations received by the members during the last year : Dr B K Misra, Chairman, Neurosurgery Dept. of Neurosurgery, P D Hinduja Mumbai has taken over as President Elect for World Federation of Skull Base Surgery only to take over as President after 4 years for 4 years term. He was also Invited as the Asian Australian Fellow and Guest Speaker to the 2012 Neurosurgical Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting from 4 6 October 2012 Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia and gave 2 invited talks. He was also an Honored Guest Speaker at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society in Osaka, Japan from 17 -19 October 2012. He was also invited as Visiting Professor at Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey The members congratulated Dr. Misra on his achievements Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta, Director- Professor of Neurology, # 502, Academic Block, Department of Neurology, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi-110002 India who was unanimously elected President of Asian Oceanian Association of Neurology (AOAN) for a period of four years 2012-2016 during the 13th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN) along with Australian and New Zealand Association (ANZAN) congress held at Melbourne June 4-8, 2012. Dr. Kalyan B Bhattacharya has been nominated as FRCP (Edin). He has been appointed as Visiting Professor, King's College & Hospital, London and Invited Lecturer, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He has also been appointed as Co-editor in Chief of the journal, Parkinson's Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome. He has been appointed as Board Member, WFN, Movement Disorders Group. Dr K Sridhar has been felicitated with the "Best Doctor Award" from the Dr M G R Medical University, Chennai. Professors A K Mahapatra AIIMS Delhi & Rajkumar SGPGI Lucknow for being selected as Director AIIMS Bhuvaneshwar & Rishikesh respectively. RESOLVED to publish in the next newsletter of NSI

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Page 1: Annual EC Meeting - Neurological Society of India Minutes Minutes/2012 Dec EC-I minutes.pdfNSI Academic Forum - Already functional


Annual EC Meeting - Neurological Society of India

Minutes of the Annual EC Meeting

(18th December 2012 Director's Committee Room, AIIMS, Delhi)

Meeting attended by:

Keki E Turel, Chandrashekhar Deopujari, R C Mishra, Deepu Banerji, V P Singh, P Sarat Chandra, Manas

Panigrahi, M D Nair, V Rajshekhar, Suresh Sankhla, Vani Santosh, S Sampath, J M K Murthy

Past President : Prof A K Banerji.

The President welcomed the members present in the meeting and the meeting was called to order.

2012/December/AEC/01 - Congratulations

The secretary read the felicitations received by the members during the last year :

Dr B K Misra, Chairman, Neurosurgery Dept. of Neurosurgery, P D Hinduja Mumbai has taken over as

President Elect for World Federation of Skull Base Surgery only to take over as President after 4 years for 4

years term.

He was also Invited as the Asian Australian Fellow and Guest Speaker to the 2012 Neurosurgical Society of

Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting from 4 – 6 October 2012 Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia and gave

2 invited talks.

He was also an Honored Guest Speaker at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society in

Osaka, Japan from 17 -19 October 2012.

He was also invited as Visiting Professor at Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey

The members congratulated Dr. Misra on his achievements

Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta, Director- Professor of Neurology, # 502, Academic Block, Department of

Neurology, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi-110002 India who was unanimously elected President of Asian

Oceanian Association of Neurology (AOAN) for a period of four years 2012-2016 during the 13th Asian

Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN) along with Australian and New Zealand Association (ANZAN)

congress held at Melbourne June 4-8, 2012.

Dr. Kalyan B Bhattacharya has been nominated as FRCP (Edin). He has been appointed as Visiting

Professor, King's College & Hospital, London and Invited Lecturer, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He has

also been appointed as Co-editor in Chief of the journal, Parkinson's Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome. He

has been appointed as Board Member, WFN, Movement Disorders Group.

Dr K Sridhar has been felicitated with the "Best Doctor Award" from the Dr M G R Medical University,


Professors A K Mahapatra AIIMS Delhi & Rajkumar SGPGI Lucknow for being selected as Director AIIMS

Bhuvaneshwar & Rishikesh respectively.

RESOLVED to publish in the next newsletter of NSI

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2012/December/AEC/02 - Minutes of midterm EC Meeting April 2012

The council discussed and finalized the minutes of the last midterm EC Meeting held at Hotel Trident in

Mumbai on 21st & 22nd April 2012. The President & Secretary signed the minute book to confirm the same.

The minutes have already been circulated in the newsletter.

2012/December/AEC/03 - Secretary’s Report

The secretary informed the house about the activities done so far. He expressed his gratitude to all the

members and office bearers for their co-operation for yearlong support, guidance, co-operation and

counseling to manage the sometimes easy and sometimes vexed problems of society administration. He

informed the council that e-communication, arbitration committee and blog for academic forum has now

been fully established during this period and have quite satisfactorily achieved significant success, but there

are several other things viz. updation of the database, purchase of central office, etc. still needs appraisal and

urgent action on short term and long term basis.

2012/December/AEC/04 - Report on online polling

The Secretary then informed the EC about the various aspects of online voting. He also informed that he had

been asked to take up a legal opinion about online voting which have been duly taken. He confirmed that

there is no case regarding online voting in any court of law in the country to the best of his investigation and

online is already acceptable in the bye-laws of NSI. He also informed about the advantage of having online

voting where the number of people voting can be increased. He briefed the members that an online test poll

was conducted during the first week of December, with an encouraging response. 42 members voted and the

results are displayed. Online polling module worked satisfactorily. It was also discussed that one paper mail

has to be sent to all members about a notice to send their email addresses.

It was then decided by the EC that Email address, should be mandatory for all the members.

RESOLVED that the Secretary will have at least 10 more dummy online polls conducted every month before

the final implementation. The council unanimously agreed to execute online polling and it can be put up and

passed in the GBM.

2012/December/AEC/05 - Life Time Achievement Award

The Secretary briefed the council about the life achievement awards to be given to Prof. Anupam Das Gupta

and Prof. B S Das during the inauguration function of the annual conference. The details of the recipients of

the awards were briefed to the council. Resolved unanimously by the council.

It was also decided that plaques be prepared for the President and the Orators from now onwards.

2012/December/AEC/06 - Orations for NSICON 2013, Mumbai

The Secretary informed the EC about previous orators for Dr B Ramamurthy Oration (once in 2 years) and Dr P

N Tandon Oration (once in 3 years) which are due in 2013:

The orators will be decided by the President as per byelaws and will be informed before the midterm EC

meeting decision to be held in Coimbatore in May 2013.

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2012/December/AEC/07 - Symposia Bids for 2014

The Secretary informed about the bids for symposia for the annual conference 2014 at Mumbai. There were

one bid for the neurology and 3 bids for neurosurgery symposia. All were in order. Discussions took place at

length and decision was taken as following.

Neurology Symposium: Multiple Sclerosis and demyelinating disorders in the Indian context.

Convener: Dr Arul Selvan from Coimbatore

Neurosurgery Symposium: Surgery for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases.

Convener: Dr Paritosh Pandey

Successful bidders will be informed about the same along with some suggestions by EC & guidelines existing as

per bye laws.

The EC was seized with the topic “Curriculum Standardization for neurosurgical training” given by Dr V G

Ramesh and opined that it is too big a chapter to be demeaned for a small symposium and suo motto

direction was formulated to name him as a convener of a group which he will organize for deliberations and

inputs to make a constructive positive and practical policy paper for at length discussion during midterm EC at

Coimbatore on 4th May 2013.

2012/December/AEC/08 - NSICON 2014 Update

Dr Mishra read the letters received from Dr V Rajesh Babu regarding the tentative dates of NSICON 2014

meeting. He suggested the days Wednesday through Saturday for the meeting. Deliberations were made and

the council unanimously decided that the conference will be held from 12th to 15th December 2014 at

Coimbatore. The annual council meeting will be held on 11th December .

The dates for the Mid-term EC Meeting were discussed. It was then decided for 4th – 5th May 2013.

2012/December/AEC/09 - Bids for NSICON 2015

Dr Mishra informed the EC that only one bid for NSICON 2015 was received. It was from the Hyderabad

Neurological Society which was accepted.

Resolved that 2015 annual meeting will be held in Hyderabad with Dr Manas Panigrahi as organizing

secretary. All formalities will be completed by mid-term EC meeting, May 2013 in Coimbatore.

2012/December/AEC/10 - New Forums

Dr R C Mishra expressed the need to rope in young neurosurgeons and make them active in the society and

involve them by increasing their participation in the acitivities related to the society. He further informed the

members that 3 forums have already been launched on the society website. The academic forum is already


NSI Academic Forum - Already functional Interactive blog managed by Dr

Sanjay Behari with Case under spotlight, Question collage, Management dilemma, Resident’s niche, Opinion-

O-metre, Feedback forum has found its place on the website for the benefit of the society members.

RESOLVED that it will be advertised in bulk mail to all the members regularly and every response goes to all

the members. The best three cases will have a session in the National NSI Meeting.

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Young Neurosurgeons Forum is conceived on the principles of inclusive growth of society where I propose to

ensure one young neuroscientist to be part of the decision making body along with giving thrust to maximum

involvement of this population in day to day activities. An arbitrary classification is being put forth as 10 years

after attaining the basic qualification or below 45 years of age which so ever is earlier. At least one EC member

of Neurology & Neurosurgery can be from this group.

RESOLVED to make a forum which has one EC Member – Dr Manas Panigrahi with a group of young

neurosurgeons to involve them in the society and can present their views in the national meeting.

Practicing Neuroscientists Forum is another stratum to provide a platform for those clinicians who have

moved out of rigorous curriculum based activities and a secure umbrella of seniors into remote corners

without significant resources and protection. Sometimes a crucial decision making needs interactive platform.

Their problems certainly are different and needs to be addressed by the society as they form very significant

chunk of members. It can be assimilated with openings into scientific forum by designating specified scientific

programme during annual conferences or whole time digital based platform on website for discussion and


RESOLVED to make a forum which has one EC Member – Dr V P Singh who can present their views in the

national conference.

Deliberations were made and the council was unanimous on the idea to involve the young and practicing

neuroscientists into the stream.

RESOLVED to have a social evening to interact for both Young Neurosurgeons & Practicing Neuroscientists

during annual meeting. Dr V P Singh was entrusted with the programme.

2012/December/AEC/11 – Website update

Deliberations were made regarding problems with the website. A need for an Interactive website was felt by

all. Discussions were made to link the Scientific Programme page of NSICON Website to the main NSI Page.

The issues involved with vendor were also discussed.

Renewal of Website contract: Discussions were made regarding the renewal of website contract.

RESOLVED that the position of Web Master is redundant and hence the post of webmaster is withdrawn with

immediate effect. The Secretary NSI can also look into the day to day activities of the website.

2012/December/AEC/12 – WFNS Course & NSI Involvement

Deliberations were made regarding NSI involvement in this year’s WFNS Course wherein objections were

raised regarding the same.

RESOLVED that it is customary for WFNS to involve any NSI in any international educational course by WFNS in

India be channelized through NSI. It was also resolved to write a letter to WFNS President, Education

Committee and Dr Sahu the Organizing Secretary for this year WFNS Course just concluded at Bhubaneshwar.

NSI feels very strongly about the non-involvement and would like to emphasize that any future courses should

be under the aegis of NSI.

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2012/December/AEC/13 – Proposed constitutional Amendments & Bye Laws – Notice of Dr A K Banerji

Dr RC Mishra informed the EC about the proposed amendment to constitution regarding the change of the

tagline “oldest and largest body of neurosurgeons in India” to the name of the society. A discussion regarding

the need to add the tagline was made. Dr Mishra then read a letter by Dr NH Wadia regarding the same. He

had suggested the tagline “NSI, oldest Society of Neurosurgeons, Neurologists and Neuroscientists of India”.

RESOLVED that EC is of the view that the suggestion of Dr NH Wadia - “The oldest Society of Neurosurgeons,

Neurologists and Neuroscientists of India” is appropriate and should be accepted. Dr Banerji also approved

the same.

2012/December/AEC/14 - Letters to be discussed / read

The Secretary informed the EC about the application of regional Neuro clubs of Kolkata and Vizag to affiliate

them with NSI. A discussion regarding affiliation of regional clubs was made. It was also discussed that an

addition can be made on the homepage of NSI Website wherein a list of registered clubs can be put along with

the activities of them.

Resolved that the authenticity of the regional club of Kolkata be checked as no details were provided in the


The application of the Vizag Club was approved by the council. Resolved to ask the club for a complete list of


The Secretary then read a letter from Publishers of World Neurosurgery. They have offered special rates of

subscription to the members. The publishers were requesting a linkup with the society’s website so that all

members can access the journal. It was resolved to inform the publishers about the different categories of

members of NSI. Also resolved to pursue the matter with the publishers regarding the cost of the journal.

The Secretary informed about another letter by Dr Vivek Tandon. He was of the view that the dates of the NSI

Meeting should be held in the last week of November or the first week of December. It was deliberated that it

was not possible to do the same due to many institutional exams.

The next letter was from WFNS regarding call for abstracts for Young Neurosurgeons Award. The last date for

the application of the same will be 8th March 2013. Resolved to communicate to all the members by sending a

mass mail.

2012/December/AEC/15 - Updation of member’s data - Renewal of memberships & Duplicity

Dr RC Mishra raised an issue that the data of members of the society has gross errors and need to be rectified

at the top priority. Dr Rajshekhar expressed that 100% data cannot be sanitized as members keep changing

their communication details and do not inform even after repeated reminders. Deliberations were made on

the issue.

RESOLVED that Data sanitization related to duplicity and accuracy of the members data needs to be done and

Secretary was entrusted the responsibility regarding the accuracy and expenditure involved. Also resolved that

reminders will be sent to the associate members whose membership has expired and appropriate follow-up

would be done.

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2012/December/AEC/16 - Increasing the corpus & sponsorships of NSI

Need was expressed to increase the corpus and raise more sponsorships for the society. The secretary

informed that the last directory was published in 2002 and every year a print version of the directory was

proposed to be released. It was also deliberated to publish one paper newsletter along with the Directory

preferably one month prior to the NSI Meeting so that members can update their addresses in the meeting.

The council also agreed unanimously that funds will be generated for the NSI in the form of advertisements in

the website and in the directory.

The council was also of the opinion that to buy a property for central office, increasing the corpus is important

and additional sponsorships will be used to meet the expenses of the central office as well as providing more

scholarships to the young neurosurgeons.

RESOLVED to print one newsletter in the month of November and mailed to all the members. It was also

resolved to seek sponsorships for the newsletter.

2012/December/AEC/17 - Finalizing NSI Central office / e-office

The Secretary stressed the need for the setting up the central office of NSI. Dr Deopujari informed the house

that NSI never had a central office and now it was time for NSI to have the same. Dr RC Mishra put up a

proposal from Event Architects from Agra regarding handling the secretariat. Deliberations were made on the

matter. It was discussed to accept the proposal and review the same for one year.

RESOLVED to accept the proposal for one year and put under scrutiny with a mid term review report in May

2013 and final review report in annual EC Mumbai on 11th December 2013.

2012/December/AEC/18 - Education Cell Report – C E Deopujari

Dr C E Deopujari presented the education cell report. The NSI Education cell conducted the 1st instructional

course under the guidance of Dr. Deopujari for the post graduate students in Mumbai from 3rd to 5th February

2012 at the Bombay Hospital. A faculty of 12 Local and 6 teachers from other centers conducted some lectures

followed by examination of 33 students. The program received a very positive feedback. The second

instructional course was carried out under the guidance Prof. V Rajshekhar at CMC, Vellore and was attended

by 25 Students. The format included more detailed radiological and clinical and case based training followed

by examination.

The next instructional course is planned at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, to be

conducted by Dr. B S Sharma on 12 & 13th February 2013. There has been interest shown to conduct similar

courses by Dr. Sandip Chatterjee in Kolkata, Prof. Mathuriya in Chandigarh, Prof. Ajay Sharma in GB Pant Delhi,

Dr Suresh Nair in Trivandrum and Prof. B C M Prasad from Tirupathi. Discussions were made to give the next

course to Kolkata so that the courses can be distributed to all the zones.

A practical course for micro vascular training at the ETHICON lab was conducted in Mumbai followed by

cadaver dissection course at the JJ Hospital for endoscopic and microscopic skull base approaches on 20th and

21st April, 2012 by NSI faculty for 10 Students

A micro vascular course was also conducted at Chennai on 19th October, 2012 for 8 students. Next 2

workshops will be held at Delhi and Chennai and post graduate students as well as young neurosurgeons can


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NSI travel fellowships have been awarded to 5 candidates namely: 1) Anand Dank, 2) Parthsarthi Dutta, 3)

Arun Oomen, 4) Harmit Singh Sodhi and 5) J Srinivas. Arrangements to post them are being made. They should

commence the fellowship at the end of the year. Scholarship of Rs 50,000/- will be awarded by the NSI for the

same. Ten such fellowships will be available for the next year.

Deliberations were made and concern was raised on the duration for which the scholarships were provided.

The convener informed that as of now the time duration is 1 month to 3 months but the amount provided is

fixed. It was resolved that attendance of the candidate and appraisal from the head of the visiting department

would be mandatory before releasing the scholarship amount. A brief writeup of the visit by the candidate

shall form the records of NSI.

2012/December/AEC/19 - Returning Officer Report & election results– C E Deopujari

The returning officer Dr CE Deopujari informed the members that this year elections were only for the post of

President Elect. He duly explained the procedure and proper actions taken on the cut-off dates for

nominations and balloting. Over 1700 ballots were dispatched from the office of the returning officer by

courier and post out of which 219 ballots returned due to improper addresses. Around 60 duplicate ballots

were resent on the basis of emails and telephone calls out of which 34 were received. Total ballots received

after casting was 328 and 4 ballots were found to be invalid. These ballots were counted in the presence of Dr

M D Nair and Dr Suresh Sankhla and Dr V Rajshekhar was declared winner.

Dr Deopujari also read a letter received from Dr VS Mehta regarding the process of polling which contained

suggestions and ideas to improve the process. Deliberations were made and it was discussed that with online

polling in future all this manual process would automatically be redundant.

2012/December/AEC/20 - Proposals by – C E Deopujari

Permanent Courier service

Dr Deopujari proposed having a single courier service for all activities of the society. It was deliberated that

Speed Post can be used.

Procedure for proposing constitutional amendment

o Constitutional amendment/s may be proposed by a Life Member who have been Life member of good standing in the NSI for at least 7 years.

o This should be supported by 2 other life members of good standing (for at least 7 years) with their signatures before sending it to the secretary.

o The proposed amendment should be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting but the EC can only suggest changes to the amendment if it feels so but the proposers are not required to incorporate the changes suggested by the EC. It is obligatory to present the amendment to the general Body (after EC consideration and adding their suggestions but not incorporating them) for its approval.

o The proposed amendment should be communicated to all members with at least 4 month notice. o The proposed amendment should be voted upon by means of postal/electronic ballot of all the Life

Members. The ballot may be sent out with the ballot for the elections of EC members in November of that year or by the electronic poll if and when it becomes functional.

o The amendment should be considered passed of at least 2/3 rds of the votes polled are in favour of the amendment

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o The amendment will be announced in the General Body meeting held during the Annual Conference for the information of the members

Resolved that all these proposals will be circulated to all the members and put in the next GBM in

December 2013.

2012/December/AEC/21 - Treasurer’s Report – Deepu Banerji

Dr Deepu Banerji presented the treasurers report.

*New Members after December 15, 2011 upto December 14, 2012) :-

Total New Members = 179 NSI Life Members = 56

NS = 49 (Neurosurgeons) , NP = 4 (Neurophysician), Others = 3

NSI Associate Members = 123

*Major Expenditure

1) Payment made for CME book Rs 5,26,473 (Byword Books).

2) Subscription fees WFNS World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies – Membership fees for 1109 NSI


(1109 X USD 8 = USD 8872 + bank charges ) = INR 4, 39, 138 /-)

3) Subscription fees annual membership 2011 and 2012 of International Society of Neuropathology.

(31 X CHF 945 + Bank Charges) = INR 53481/-

4) Money paid for orations (Bangalore Conference 2011):

Prof. Broggi Rs 33509 (EURO 500) Italy Oration

Prof. Servadei Rs 33509 (EURO 500) Italy Oration

Total Rs 67018 Inclusive Bank charges

It was raised to 1000 EUROs from this year onwards

5) Travelling Fellowship Paid To Residents And Young Neurosurgeons (After Bangalore conference 2011) :


1 Dr Rajkumar Gandhi Rs 4230 Dept. of Neurosurgery,

Govt. Stanley Medical

College, Chennai



2 Dr K Sivakumar Rs 4540 Dept. of Neurosurgery,

Madurai Medical

College, Madurai



3 Dr HM Baba Dhoulath Khan Rs 4540 Dept. of Neurosurgery,

Madurai Medical

College, Madurai



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4 Dr N. Arun Kumar Rs. 4540 Dept. of Neurosurgery,

Madurai Medical

College, Madurai



5 Dr N Saravanan Rs 2500 Department of

Neurosurgery, Madras

Institute of Neurology,

Madras Medical College,

Chennai - 3



6 Dr s. Jothikumar Rs 2500 Department of

Neurosurgery, Madras

Institute of Neurology,

Madras Medical College,

Chennai - 3



7 Dr A Sendil Kumar Rs. 2500 Department of

Neurosurgery, Madras

Institute of Neurology,

Madras Medical College,

Chennai - 3



8 Dr. Manoranjitha Kumari Rs 2500

Department of

Neurosurgery, Madras

Institute of Neurology,

Madras Medical College,

Chennai - 3



Total Rs


6) Nurses travelling fellowships (After Bangalore conference 2011) :

1 Neuro-nurse Mrs J Revathy Rs. 3000



2 Neuro-nurse

Mrs Angela

Gnanadurai Rs. 5200 Kerala



Total Rs 8200/-

1 Dr Kumbhar Kartik Rs 5000 Travel Grant

2 Dr Shejoy P. Joshua Rs 5000 Travel Grant

3 Dr S.S. Dhandapani Rs 5000 Travel Grant

4 Dr Mazda Turel Rs 5000 Travel Grant

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7) Awards at Bangalore NSICON 2011 :

8) Sponsorship received from SUN PHARMA Rs 1, 50, 000/- & receivable Rs 35, 628/- for 1st NSI – Education

Cell, Mumbai. (Traveling expenses paid for PG students = Rs 1, 03, 900 /- , Traveling expenses paid for

National Faculty = Rs 79, 127 /-, *Miscellaneous = Rs 2000/- )

9) Payment sent to Editor, Neurology India Rs 5, 00, 000/-

10) Payment towards Election of President Elect. Rs 75, 000/-

11) Book keeping and other matters related to Finance :

*Bank A/C :

1) HDFC (opened mainly for payment gateway) Current Balance: Rs 1, 13, 094 /- (till 31/12/2012)

2) IOB (BH Extn Marine lines) Current Balance: Rs 1580392/- (10/12/2012)

3) Secretary A/C in Agra

4) Neurology India A/C in Hyderabad


1. FD in HDFC Bank Rs 10,00,000/- (Rs Ten Lakhs) - expires on 18/04/2013 (DOC :- 2/4/2011)

2. Deposit Investment in HDFC ( 15 lacs, reinvested as Rs 16,94,753/- + Rs 20,00000 /- Deposited this

year Expires on 14/12/2014)

3. RBI Bonds and remaining amount and FD’S (C/o Mr O P Mishra, Delhi)

Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs Ten Lakhs), expired on 05/01/2012 (tfr with intt in NSI a/c, Mumbai IOB)

Rs, 10,00,000/- (Rs Ten Lakhs), expires on 17/12/2013, Rs. 5,00,000/- expires on 04/09/2014

Total =1500000/ in RBI bonds

4. FD’s:- in Indian Overseas Bank (IOB, Mumbai ) from RBI Bonds.

Rs 50, 00, 000/- (Rs Fifty Lakhs) expires on 10/11/2012 (DOC:- 28/2/2011). Extended for 2yrs of the

maturity value of Rs.6028434/ till 22.12 2014

Rs 10, 00, 000/- (Rs Ten Lakhs) expired on 10/11/2012 (DOC:- 28/02/2011) Maturity value Rs 1205688/

extended as fixed deposit for 2 yrs

Rs 25,00,000/- (Rs Twenty Lakhs expires on 28/08/2013 (DOC:- 28/08/2012).

12) Received share of income of Rs 15,00,000/- from NSICON 2011 at Bangalore in December, 2011 and Rs 12,

83, 825 /- in March 3, 2012, and Rs 14, 57, 291/ - in August 2012. {Total Rs 39,41,116/-}. The council

thanked NSICON 2011 for their contribution and applauded the same. It is the largest contribution till now.

13) The audited accounts were put up for the council’s perusal.

The council discussed the need for a permanent office where all the records and data can be managed.

5 Dr Aliasgar V. Moiyadil Rs 2500 Travel Grant

6 Dr Anirudh Kulkarni Rs 2500 Travel Grant

7 Dr Deepak Kumar Singh Rs 5000 Travel Grant

8 Dr N. Arunkumar Rs 5000 Travel Grant

9 Dr M Ganesh Kumar Rs 2500 Travel Grant

10 Dr Deepak Agarwal Rs 2500 Travel Grant

Total Rs. 40000/- Travel Grant

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14) Support for International Fellowship / seminar/ Conference: There has been request from young

neurosurgeons for partial support. The treasurer was of the view that sponsorship up to Rs 50000/ every

year for 2 to 3 candidates – who are life members can be given. There can be a committee comprising –

President / President Elect and Hon. Secretary to recommend after looking into the details like income /

authenticity of conference / workshop / fellowship and recommendation by HOD or President of regional

Society Neurosciences.

14) Increase in amount of Expenditure of Treasurer’s and Secretary’s office as per actual expenses incurred.

15) Increase in Salary of Accountant to Rs 30000

16) Buying an exclusive Laptop for Treasurer to keep all the data and information in one place and updating by

CA. This will be carried forwards to next treasurer.

The report was acknowledged and unanimously approved.

2012/December/AEC/22 – NSICON 2012 Update

Dr Sarat Chandra briefed on final stages planning and execution on the preparations of NSICON 2012. He

informed the council that the stage is set for the final action. The total registrations received as on date are

1170 out of which 800-850 are neurosurgeons, 90-100 neurologists, 45-50 international delegates, 180-200

accompanying persons including children and 90-100 Neuro-Nurses. Out of these 91 speakers have still not

registered and 150 people from Delhi are also expected to register on spot. He further informed that the

Public Awareness Lecture was setup up in the main auditorium at 4 pm and the members shall immediately

proceed to the hall after the council meeting. Dr Sarat informed the members that he had almost taken all the

sponsorships from the trade fraternity prior to the conference barring one company and the financial status

was comfortable.

The council expressed concern on the people who have still not registered and deliberations were made to

solve this issue on priority.

The concerns regarding the finances were raised and discussed.

2012/December/AEC/23 - Editor’s Report – J M K Murthy

Dr J M K Murthy presented the editors report before the council on the performance and finances of the

journal in the past one year.

He brought to the attention of the members that the impact factor of Neurology India for the year 2011 is

0.956 based on the number of citations of the articles published in 2010 and is a significant improvement over

the impact factor for the year 2010.

Till date 12.12.2012 the total number of submission is 1042. Their performance indices are quite impressive.

The mean number of days until paper is under review: 18.48 days. The mean number of days from first

submission to acceptance: 56.85 days (range 0.223) and the mean number of days from acceptance to

publication: 41.10 days (range 10.161). As on 12.12.2012, of the 1024 articles have been submitted, 178 (17%)

articles have been accepted, 775 (76%) articles have been rejected, and 71 (7%) are under review or revision.

The ratio between original article and case reports published in the year 2012 volume is 3.2:1. All the issues

have been placed on the website well in time. The November-December will be on the website in the third

week of December.

The financial position of the journal has been sound like last year. In the year 2012 the total amount that we

had paid to the publisher till date is Rs 15,60,459 out of which we could raise Rs 11,31,838. Till date got Rs

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5,00,000 from the Treasurer, NSI. We will have to pay for two issues Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec issues. After all the

payments the present bank balance is Rs 1,29,189. I am also happy to say that the auditor has not charged for

auditing the accounts since I took over as Editor, 2009.

The report was acknowledged and unanimously approved.

2012/December/AEC/24 - CME Convenor Report – Dr V P Singh, Dr M D Nair

Dr V P Singh and Dr M D Nair presented the council with the updated CME report. Dr Singh informed that a

new team of CME convenors has taken over and aim to revamp the CME and give it a new perspective. He also

informed that the format of feedback forms has been introduced to get the thoughts of the attendants.


Continue with the format of one common session and three concurrent sessions.

Introduce a lunch symposium to cover a specific topic in detail.

Abolish afternoon tea break to save time.

Choice of topics

Focus more on common topics rather than esoteric topics so that knowledge gained in the CME is relevant in

the day to day clinical practice of neurologists & neurosurgeons.

Presentation should be scientific – reviewing the current status – should have a take home message.

Section on Advances – showcasing newer knowledge or current state of art management.

Section on Evidence Based – giving the evidence for commonly used treatment modality or newer modalities.

Section on Controversies – a debate on controversial topics – between two treatment approaches.

Choice of speakers

Should be the neuro leaders of tomorrow.

Should be good speakers so that they can communicate well.

Should be working in the field personally so that present with authority and not present bookish knowledge.

Speakers of this 3 yrs slot should not have presented in the last 3 yrs slot as far as possible.

Introduce evaluation forms

The issue of getting advertisement for the CME Books was discussed.

2012/December/AEC/25 – NSICON 2013 Update

Dr Sankhla made a presentation regarding the arrangements and the proposed registration fees for the 2013

conference. The venue is located centrally in the heart of the city and accessible to Marine drive and nearby

Credit Notes adjusted Previous Balance Balance receivable

Other than Advt Advt TDS on Advt

189,954 159,610 3,192 Nov 76/ Dec 92/ Jan 184/ Jan 98 85,804

215,736 129,618 2,212 'Feb 97/ Mar 93/ Mar 237/ Mar 238 85,804 127,825

82,251 86,239 16,849 Royalty 127,825 250,521

42,855 68,219 11,107 Royalty 250,521 396,729

15,274 396,729 412,003

89,137 68,219 15,736 Royalty 412,003 492,991

Credit Note amt/Royalty

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starred hotels. Various halls are also available for the presentations, all conference services available along

with huge exhibition area and food court. The facilities available at this site were found appropriate for the

conference. On the spot suggestions and interaction came up with the organizers and due alterations were

accepted by them for smooth conduct of the conference. The scientific programme was also discussed and


2012/December/AEC/26 – Change in Election Process

Deliberations regarding change in the election process were made. Dr Deopujari presented a few proposals for


Dr Deopujari proposed a change in the election process. A Maximum of 15 members to be elected for the EC.

Elections will be conducted every 3 years as per the present norms but no yearly election for the president.

Legibility will be the same as of now for EC members and we may continue with the quota for different

specialties and/ or incorporate regional representation as per the current practices.

They will nominate- President, President elect, Vice President (to suit the 3 yr term )

The idea of adding a post of vice president is to have a third tier which will avoid the yearly election and the

vice president will get elevated to president elect in the second year and eventually becoming president in the

third year.

The top 5 posts (the officers of the society) should have served at least 1 previous term in EC. This will

necessarily mean that there will a 2 tier EC election, For top 5 posts existing or past EC members can contest

while other posts will continue to have the present criteria for eligibility.

Chairmen of various Committees:

Education committee,

Liaison committee: domestic and international,

Residents and Young Member's committee,

Research committee,

Web and Publication committee,

Journal Editor,

Arbitration and Legal,


Sub specialities,


All these may be assigned a role by the officers of the society including editor or nomination may be possible

for Editor and Sub-Editor.

Each Chairmen can chose 3 members each for their committee from GB who will not have other privileges of


The matter was thoroughly discussed in the council. Though it seems to be good in principle, further thought

and finer points for execution need further deliberations: A committee of Prof. JMK Murthy, V. Rajshekhar, RC

Mishra, VP Singh and Deopujari should go through and give their suggestions to Mid term EC.

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The following may be included in the Byelaws:

Dr Deopujari also proposed to develop a" theme" for every annual conference in future

The council agreed on this proposal and resolved that it may be incorporated in scientific program in future.

Chairman, Scientific Committee to work out the modalities and incorporate or give recommendations

He further proposed that Award papers should be preferably published in Neurology India. Other

presentations may be given preference for publishing as well.

The council agreed to encourage presenters but subject to peer reveiw

Dr Deopujari also proposed that the president should be allowed at least 1 more talk in the conference.

The council unanimously agreed and advised the scientific Chairman to consider and incorporate accordingly.

Dr Deopujari further proposed to encourage non- medical talks ( at least 1 ), research and career

development talk for residents and young neuroscientists as well as a Practice management talk for others

The council agreed and advised the scientific committee to incorporate accordingly.

Dr. V.P.Singh will co-ordinate the practitioners forum with the secretary and scientific chairman and will have

a 60-90 minute late afternoon or evening session for practice management forum followed by a High Tea


Dr. Manas Panigrahi will co-ordinate with secretary and Scientific Committee chairman and will have a 60-90

minute session for young neurosurgeons forum in a late afternoon or evening slot ( High Tea Session )

Prof. JMK Murthy felt he could help out with development or co-ordination of research activities

Dr Deopujari also proposed that a Neurology scientific program may be condensed to 1 day Or one and half

day including CME and may consist of common interest topics emphasizing neurosurgery for neurologists and

vice versa.

The council agreed on this proposal and resolved that the Scientific Chairman will work with Dr. M.D. Nair for

CME and others for having the neurology program on CME afternoon and try to cover all neurology session on

the next day so that the Neurology members can leave after GB meeting

In absence of the President who had left for the public awareness programme, President-Elect Dr C E

Deopujari acknowledged all the Council Members for their active participation, support and co-operation. The

Council also thanked the warm hospitality and the arrangements made by Dr Sarat Chandra who despite

being so busy with the conference preparations took time and measures to smoothen the meeting. The

meeting ended on a positive note.