anna mcneil

ANNA MCNEIL i am in awe of the continual flux in which we live. A consideration of time passing and the constant and inevitable transition from one moment to the next informs my practice. it is my intention that my work should communicate the intensity of the fleeting moment and the instability of its momentary existence. i work to explore a dialogue through the act of painting and drawing, that serves as an elaboration (rather than the transcription) of my thought. In my process i investigate the expressive qualities of mark making to translate my response to rhythms and velocities that i experience. Through using extreme light and shadow in my painting to create contrasts, i hope to reflect an insecurity in the moment and provoke perceptual questions on interpretation. I am inspired by my experience of images i encounter around me, that seem to embody a coherence between my interior and exterior environments in that moment. i find that my subjects, often emerging from the unconscious selection process and varied in their visual themes, reveal metaphors of movement, transition and action. my dialogue explores these concepts through techniques that include the direct recording of movement, adding and erasing actions, inviting spontaneous developments or the adoption of a series format. anna mcneil Em sobta el canvi constant en que vivim. el degoteix incessant de clepsidra, la transició constant i inevitable d'un moment al pròxim influeix a la meva pràctica. Vull que la meva feina comuniqui la intensitat del moment fugisser i la inestabilitat de la seva breu existència. La meva tasca es propiciar un diàleg a travers de l'acte de pintar i dibuixar, que ajudi a elaborar el meu pensament. En el meu procés investigo les qualitats expressives de la taca de pintura a fi de traduir la meva resposta als ritmes i velocitats que experimento. Emprant el contrast entre les ombres i la llum extrema, en la meva pintura intento reflectir la inseguretat del moment fugisser i provocar preguntes sobre l'interpretacio del que es veu. Trobo inspiracio amb imatges del meu entorn personal, que semblen donar coherencia entre el meu interior i l'entorn exterior, en un moment precls. Els meus temes sorgeixen de l'inconscient a travers d'un proces variat de seleccio visual, que revela metàfores de moviment, transició i acció. El meu diàleg explora aquests conceptes a travers de tècniques que inclouen l'enregistrament directe de moviment, afegint i esborrant accions, provocant desenvolupaments espontanis o potser l'adopció d'un format de sèrie. CONTACT [email protected] 0034 620648576

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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A catalogue of selected recent work


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i am in awe of the continual flux in which we live. A consideration of time passing and the constant and inevitable transition from one moment to the next informs my practice.

it is my intention that my work should communicate the intensity of the fleeting moment and the instability of its momentary existence.

i work to explore a dialogue through the act of painting and drawing, that serves as an elaboration (rather than the transcription) of my thought.

In my process i investigate the expressive qualities of mark making to translate my response to rhythms and velocities that i experience.

Through using extreme light and shadow in my painting to create contrasts, i hope to reflect an insecurity in the moment and provoke perceptual questions on interpretation.

I am inspired by my experience of images i encounter around me, that seem to embody a coherence between my interior and exterior environments in that moment. i find that my subjects, often emerging from the unconscious

selection process and varied in their visual themes, reveal metaphors of movement, transition and action.

my dialogue explores these concepts through techniques that include the direct recording of movement, adding and erasing actions, inviting spontaneous developments or the adoption of a series format.

anna mcneil

Em sobta el canvi constant en que vivim. el degoteix incessant de clepsidra, la transició constant i inevitable d'un moment al pròxim influeix a la meva pràctica.

Vull que la meva feina comuniqui la intensitat del moment fugisser i la inestabilitat de la seva breu existència.

La meva tasca es propiciar un diàleg a travers de l'acte de pintar i dibuixar, que ajudi a elaborar el meu pensament.

En el meu procés investigo les qualitats expressives de la taca de pintura a fi de traduir la meva resposta als ritmes i velocitats que experimento.

Emprant el contrast entre les ombres i la llum extrema, en la meva pintura intento reflectir la inseguretat del moment fugisser i provocar preguntes sobre l'interpretacio del que es veu.

Trobo inspiracio amb imatges del meu entorn personal, que semblen donar coherencia entre el meu interior i l'entorn exterior, en un moment precls. Els meus temes sorgeixen de l'inconscient a travers d'un proces variat de seleccio visual, que revela metàfores de moviment, transició i acció. El meu diàleg explora aquests conceptes a travers de tècniques que inclouen l'enregistrament directe de moviment, afegint i esborrant accions, provocant desenvolupaments espontanis o potser l'adopció d'un format de sèrie.

CONTACT [email protected] 0034 620648576

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bosque blanco 001

17.5 x 29 cm2010ink bleach and watercolour on paper

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el columpio invisibleoil on canvas130 x 60 cm

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