ankle sprain slideshow

Ankle Sprain SlideShow

Upload: tivixadam

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Ankle Sprain


• Ankle Sprains may range from mild to severe.

• Individuals, who are physically active, have the highest risk of Sprained Ankles

• Individuals, who participate in high-impact sports, such as running, are also at an increased risk

• Ankle Sprains can be caused by an awkward landing on the foot, or a sudden directional change

• X-rays are one of the tests physicians can use to help diagnose an Ankle Sprain

• Osteoarthritis is a complication of an Sprain Ankle

• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug medications can help reduce mild to moderate pain in the ankle.

• Surgery may be required if an individual continues to have persistent pain.

• To help prevent an Ankle Sprain, children must be provided a safe environment to work, study or play.

• When properly treated and rehabilitated, a high percentage of individuals regain their full strength and range of motion in the injured ankle.