animals asia's initiatives in the campaign against dog and cat eating in asia

Founding and team members of Animals Asia have been working in Asia for nearly 25 years. Over this time we have seen change for the better for animals especially in China - as more people embrace the concept of animal protection and call for measures to end abuse and suffering. Our work is accelerating empathy for wild and domestic animals across the country. - Investigations Animals Asia investigators continue to monitor animal markets across Asia, researching the changing dynamics of the horrendous trade in dogs and cats for food. Regular trips enable us to catalogue abuse and target areas where action is desperately needed, whilst increasing our understanding and progressing solutions to the sensitive issue of dog and cat eating. - Changing Legislation We have been calling for the implementation and enforcement of comprehensive legislation to protect all animals from cruelty for many years. We are working with Chinese law professors that are currently drafting this legislation, including measures to ban the immensely cruel raising, transporting and slaughtering of dogs and cats for food. - Building Chinese welfare groups One of our key achievements is empowering over 40 local animal-welfare groups to bring about change for cats and dogs by providing funds, practical advice and a network of thousands of like-minded individuals. We provide grants to allow smaller groups to print their own posters and leaflets, and to hold their own promotions in their local communities. Through our Animals Asia Friendship Alliance, we co-ordinate country-wide events such as World Animal Day, helping smaller groups to hold their own activities in their local communities. We hold an annual anti-dog-and-cat-eating campaign, which involves groups around the country running their own events, including street demonstrations and displays, roadshows and protest bike rides with participants wearing T-shirts emblazoned with slogans. In 2010, we distributed more than 32,000 leaflets, 3,500 posters, and 700 DVDs to these groups to help them spread the message far and wide. Our Companion Animal Teams based in Guangzhou and Chengdu organize regular educational events with volunteers to raise awareness of the immense cruelty involved within the dog and cat meat trade and provide advice and resources for welfare organisations across the country to carry out similar events. Click here for details of our 2009/10 anti-dog eating campaign

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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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An outline of the programs undertaken by Animals Asia to raise awareness, educate and lobby against the consumption of dogs and cats


Page 1: Animals Asia's initiatives in the campaign against dog and cat eating in Asia

Founding and team members of Animals Asia have been working in Asia for nearly 25 years.

Over this time we have seen change for the better for animals – especially in China - as more

people embrace the concept of animal protection and call for measures to end abuse and

suffering. Our work is accelerating empathy for wild and domestic animals across the


- Investigations Animals Asia investigators continue to monitor animal markets across Asia, researching the

changing dynamics of the horrendous trade in dogs and cats for food. Regular trips enable us

to catalogue abuse and target areas where action is desperately needed, whilst increasing our

understanding and progressing solutions to the sensitive issue of dog and cat eating.

- Changing Legislation We have been calling for the implementation and enforcement of comprehensive legislation

to protect all animals from cruelty for many years. We are working with Chinese law

professors that are currently drafting this legislation, including measures to ban the

immensely cruel raising, transporting and slaughtering of dogs and cats for food.

- Building Chinese welfare groups

One of our key achievements is empowering over 40 local animal-welfare groups to bring

about change for cats and dogs by providing funds, practical advice and a network of

thousands of like-minded individuals. We provide grants to allow smaller groups to print

their own posters and leaflets, and to hold their own promotions in their local communities.

Through our Animals Asia Friendship Alliance, we co-ordinate country-wide events such as

World Animal Day, helping smaller groups to hold their own activities in their local


We hold an annual anti-dog-and-cat-eating campaign, which involves groups around the

country running their own events, including street demonstrations and displays, roadshows

and protest bike rides with participants wearing T-shirts emblazoned with slogans. In 2010,

we distributed more than 32,000 leaflets, 3,500 posters, and 700 DVDs to these groups to

help them spread the message far and wide.

Our Companion Animal Teams based in Guangzhou and Chengdu organize regular

educational events with volunteers to raise awareness of the immense cruelty involved within

the dog and cat meat trade and provide advice and resources for welfare organisations across

the country to carry out similar events. Click here for details of our 2009/10 anti-dog eating


Page 2: Animals Asia's initiatives in the campaign against dog and cat eating in Asia

- Rescues

In early 2009 we provided emergency veterinary care and support to Qiming Dog Rescue

Centre in Chengdu following the rescue of 149 dogs destined for a live animal market. Click

here for more information

There are also many groups across China that are rescuing cats headed to markets from

warehouses and trucks. Animals Asia has helped to fund such rescues. Cats are confiscated

into foster homes until they are well enough to be adopted into the community. Read more


Animals Asia also lobbies the Chinese government directly when we are made aware of

government organized cat-slaughter campaigns.

- Companion Animal Symposiums

In 2006 we proudly created and hosted the first ever China Companion Animal Symposium.

This ground-breaking event saw 32 animal welfare groups from across China share the

problems they face and call for new solutions to help dogs and cats in China.

In 2009 we held the 3rd symposium, which saw 130 delegates representing 63 animal-welfare

groups and veterinary clinics from across the country coming together to speak as one voice

for animals in China. At the end of the symposium all representatives agreed to call on the

Chinese government to ban the consumption of cats and dogs countrywide. After years of

patient, persistent work, this message is coming from within China. Details are here

- Doctor Dog and Professor Paws

On a grass roots level we run two innovative Animal Therapy programmes with the aim

of showing people first hand the true value of dogs so they build an appreciation for them

and stop seeing them as food. Run with the help of local volunteer dogs and their

guardians, are spreading the message around Asia that companion animals are our friends,

not food. Around 250 registered therapy dogs are bringing their unique blend of canine

comfort, love and laughter to people in need and also changing young minds forever.

Our Dr. Dog programme sees over 300 professional dog "doctors" in 6 countries

throughout Asia visiting hospitals, homes for the young and elderly, disabled centres,

schools, orphanages and detention centres, spreading our mission of love and respect for

animals. This programme now reaches thousands of people across China.

In 2004 we launched our Dr Dog programme in Chengdu. In March 2006 we launched

Dr. Dog in Guangzhou – the dog-eating capital of China. This was soon followed by Dr

Dog Shenzhen.

In 2008 Animals Asia's Dr. Dogs took on a brand new role in China as 'Professor Paws' to

teach Chinese primary children about the importance of companion animals; compassion

for all living creatures; safety around dogs and responsible pet care. Click here for more

Page 3: Animals Asia's initiatives in the campaign against dog and cat eating in Asia

details. Http://

- Dr Eddie: Friend or Food

Our 16-minute educational video entitled "Dr Eddie: Friend or Food?" tells the story of

“Eddie” one of our mixed-breed Dr. Dogs who was originally rescued by Jill from a

Chinese live animal market where he was waiting to be slaughtered and eaten. Eddie

poignantly narrates the film (through the voice of Chinese superstar and dog lover Richie

Jen) and gives a message of hope that even a mixed-breed market dog can make a

wonderful Dr. Dog, while compelling people to reconsider their views on dog-eating and

to embrace all companion animals as friends, not food.

DVD's of the film are being distributed free of charge in a special pack, together with a

basic pet care leaflet, Dr. Dog leaflet and an introductory letter from Jill explaining why

dogs and cats deserve better. Over 135,000 packs have been distributed across China,

mainly distributed through pet clubs and student support groups.

Animals Asia recognizes that Cats are undoubtedly valuable companion animals bringing

much benefit, health and happiness to their owners.

We still have a long way to go before we see a complete end to the barbaric slaughter of dogs

and cats but progress is being made and we believe that working in this way and providing

vital support for welfare groups in China we are seeing improvements in animal welfare for

animals across China.

How you can help

Become a champion for change:

Donate towards our Friends of Food campaign:

Sign our Friends of Food petition to encourage the Chinese government to legislate

against the killing of dogs and cats for food:

Animals Asia never underestimates the power of the written word, and while a single

letter or email may not seem like much, the collective expression of many people's

opinions can help bring about real change. We urge you to do all that you can to

encourage the Chinese Government to ban the consumption of dogs and cats

nationwide. Please write a polite letter to the Chinese Ambassador and send it to the

main embassy address in your country. Embassy addresses can be found here.


Working together and with your support we can bring about change for the better for all

animals across China.